how to screenshot on windowsEmma Watson promised she would die before allowing Miley Cyrus to make her quit again. Miley made the same promise and also swore up and down if Emma wanted more, she would leave her broken. Emma heard that and said if Miley ever wanted another fight, she would be left in a fetal position not even able to look up at the better woman Emma Watson
This was utter and complete mutual disdain, and they looked for reasons to do this battle again. Now Miley was telling people that Emma’s inability to move on stopped her friend from achieving what she deserved. Emma’s story was Miley was using her fame to bully Stacy Keibler into fighting someone after clearly stating she was done with this world
That’s what Stacy Keibler and Michele Merkin were; an excuse for two of the most famous women to fight. Now after the aftermath of their third fight they were sniping at each other more often. Having her face forced into Stacy’s pussy and Stacy having her face ridden by Miley a friendship was formed between Emma Watson and Stacy Keibler. So, to Emma she was defending Stacy’s legacy and for Miley she was standing up for a friend’s word.
When they had their third fight it was back and forth, they went at each other making it clear this was a true rivalry. Some said Miley went to far and Michele distracted Emma. To Miley that was ridiculous she would not have her victory questioned. Afterall Emma picked the last fight and lost. Emma never fought so hard in her life just to lose. She wanted to fight Miley again and again. Days later she realized this and so did Miley. They also wanted something fresh and never done for a fight, so they put the challenge out to the world
So, they couldn’t deny it and everyone knew it both Emma and Miley wanted to fight again. They knew how razor close the last fight was and both were making promises of going as far as possible to win and not quitting to the other. They had friends and family there to watch them battle. It was the first time they had family to watch this which motivated them more. Two opposites who for all the things that separated had one main thing in common. The need to prove the other was overrated. It was known Emma Watson had no respect for Miley Cyrus or her past antics. It was known Miley loved proving Emma Watson was a fake.
For two women so famous to have such an utter disdain for the other was almost unheard of. In fact, it was rare to reach their levels of fame. You would be hard pressed to find someone who never heard of either and to find out they hated each other and wanted to hurt. This was a once in a lifetime feud so much so that at this point, they never saw much point in challenging others
For so long other women were mentioned as nemesis but from the moment Emma cemented her reputation beating Nina Dobrev that all changed. Miley always felt Emma was a fake and took it upon herself to humiliate Emma. When they fought the first time Emma found out Miley wasn’t a pushover.
Miley lost their first fight, but it ate away at her, so she improved. She let Emma believe it was over, but she trained. She learned from how Emma got her biggest win that skill level was as important as viciousness. Then when she showed up back in Emma’s life, they both knew it was only a matter of time before they fought again and when they did Miley beat Emma at her own game. Miley was euphoric over that and then Emma blinked so she got to seat on her face in front of people which was even better. She knew she was in Emma’s head because now Emma had jumped her
Emma Watson should have realized the closeness of their first fight wasn’t a fluke and Miley brought something out in her. They ripped at each other, and she squeaked out a win but then she humiliated Miley. Maybe if she hadn’t done that this feud wouldn’t be happening then again it was likely more about the closeness of the battle. When she saw Miley re-enter her life, she got paranoid about being jumped like Miley did to get their first fight. Miley jumped her and humiliated her and that got answered. Then Miley showed up and was more famous and got that win back. Then she went looking for Miley and found her just to lose. So now was the time for another fight
Emma came out wearing a bath robe and waited by the small ring type pit they had. It was six feet down; the sides were like a bouncy castle and there was a mat with some give. Miley Cyrus came out and played to the crowd. She stopped and hugged Michele Merkin who even though then walked over to Emma Watson who walked away “Look she’s quitting already.”
Emma walked back in with Stacy Keibler
Nobody was happier than Michele because it meant she finally got to Stacy. Miley got in front of Michele “Look who finally found her spine. Stacy, I want you to watch what I do to prissy Emma because Michele will be doing even worst to you!” Miley put her arms out and Michele took off her robe and Miley was in her sheer red bra and panties.
Emma smiled the tension was great and Emma arms went out and Mileys eyes were on her. Merkin eyes still on Stacy and she felt Stacy rub her shoulders. Stacy whispered something in Emma’s ears then Stacy took off Emma’s. Emma Watson was in a similar bra and panties to Miley except blue. “Stacy here… Her spine has never been questioned she went through two wars with a woman the general public actually knows. Look around Miley you idiot. Look up we have family up there and no eyes are on Stacy who is retired and the never was behind you. I got friends down here to watch me do whatever the people say I need to win. This is about you vs me. Its about Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus and Miley you will not get me to quit again.”
“Yeah, it is… Yeah it is. I got my Aunt Dolly here and she is he reason I beat you the last two times. Emma you are the single fakest person I know. You have no loyalty and are so fake. So yeah, this is about Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson. I brought Michele for a head game, and you brought Stacy so ok I won’t make this about them because we don’t need them do we. This is us isn’t it and you won’t quit this time. Ok Emma fine and dandy but guess what you won’t quit well if you think I will lose in front of Aunt dolly you are kidding yourself but if you think Ill quit to you in front of her than you are as dumb as you are fake.”
“Well, I have the women who brought me up during Harry Potter and knew I had to be prepared for bitches like you…I shall not lose in front of them.”
They nodded and began to back away from each other. That was the most honest they ever were with each other and for that small moment they showed respect. Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson went to opposite sides turned around and climbed down the pit.
Keeping their backs turned they did one stretch, turned and then made eye contact and stopped stretching to meet in the middle. The crowd was going wild with equal supporters of both highly popular women. “You” Emma said pressing her body tightly into Mileys
“Me” Miley matched the pressure and smiled because she knew this was what Emma didn’t want normally. Emma smiled at this pressure “Oh you want this no matter”
“However, the fight goes it ends with you down and embarrassed. After you are good and embarrassed then I will get the win”
“I beat you at the game you think you’re best at. I’ve embarrassed you so many times and today will be the worst. I’m beating you in front of everyone and I want you to finally admit that I’m the better woman and role model”
“LADIES. Would you like to know the rules!” Whoever it was that was speaking neither Miley nor Emma bothered to look up
“Say them” Emma said
“Just say them and then the final.”
“Shut up and let whoever that is speak”
Miley closed her mouth then smiled “You speak and tell me how I beat this bitch…”
He was about to speak when Miley said “AGAIN!”
Miley backed away from Emma who was pissed off. The smile of Miley Cyrus cutting right through her veneer. She had to regain something because it was clear Miley was in her head “Yeah Miley you got a win on me but guess what… After he speaks that goes away.”
It wasn’t the best trash talk but from Emma it meant something, and she went backward and relaxed and fixed her bra
“You two are in this pit and to win you must climb out of that. You must have your opponent’s bra and your own. You must take their robe from their corner woman Michele for Miley and Stacy for Emma. When you have both bras and the other woman’s robe on you display the bras and shout out your victory.”
“Bra and panties or just the bras” Stacy Keibler asked
“Just the tops” The voice said, “Do you two agree?”
“Of course.” Emma said quickly.
That made Miley smile “Hold on because Emma the fake tried to get one past us… I beat you Emma not once but twice. Do you not remember why it is Stacy here with you?” Emma was pissed and Miley was euphoric. Emma’s friends could not believe how easily Miley pressed Emma’s buttons
“We played a game up there, but the reason Stacy is here with me and whatever her name is with you is to hold the robes. That’s it. After I take your dignity, your pride, your reputation then I take that bra and finally I take your robe and then…”
“Then nothing. Then nothing because that aint happening Emma”
Miley saw the change in Emma’s demeanour. The talking for Emma Watson was over and somewhere above them someone said begin and neither moved. “BEGIN” Now they heard it. Shortly after all other noise above them was gone. This wasn’t about the screaming people this was about two of the most famous women in the world having a intense dislike for the other and figuring it out
Not moving still, they both realized all the sound from above was gone. They took a glance up but all they seen was a blur. Eye contact made and they could see the other as clear as day. All they had was eyes for each other. They walked to the middle and put their hands behind their back. Emma could see it in Mileys eyes and Miley could see it in Emma’s
“All I see is you!” Emma said, “All I see wherever I go is you and now.”
“I hate you too. I hate you more than I ever loved anyone. When you’re around all I want is you… All I want is to hurt you and hear your shrieks.”
“I thought I knew what hate was… No, I never did you brought hatred into my life. Pure unadulterated hatred. I want to say this to you now because in my guts all I want to feel is your blood. I want to take your voice away from you. I used to think hating someone hurt you and made you vulnerable. All I see is you Miley and I hate you and that hate focuses me. You stand there all smug and confident when you should be scared of how far I will go to never lose to you again.”
“This calm is more than we ever had. I’ma keep my hands here because you said your truth, so I’ll say mine. Don’t roll your eyes at your better. This isn’t smugness you see but it is confidence. I used to have some fear of losing to you but now I know you can beat me. Don’t worry I do know you can beat me but because I know that, and I know I hate you. I hate you Emma, I just hate you. When I told my Aunt Dolly about our third fight and how far we went. She told me that she never had that level of hate is you need to make sure that is what drives you. So, it will our hate of each other drives me. Knowing that I won’t quit to you here and you won’t quit to me. One of us will be left beaten too much to continue and have to watch the other be adorn.”