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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2460 on: May 26, 2024, 01:52:56 AM »
Ariana Grande vs Sabrina Carpenter



The blonde's voice trilled sharply, betraying her agony as her opponent viciously pinched and twisted her nipples.  Both singers had been taking a cruel delight in making the other "sing" in agony during their fight, and Ariana was especially pleased at how many scales she made Sabrina wail through just now.  "Can't wait to hear your encore, sunshine," Grande taunted her adversary.

But the brunette would be denied that, if only for now, as Carpenter swung her arms up and slammed the heels of her palms into her tormentor's temples.  Ariana let out a gasping grunt and, releasing her hold on the blonde' aching nipples, she stumbled backward with a moan, instantly glassy-eyed.

Ignoring her own pain, Sabrina slipped behind her dazed rival and reached around with her hands, until they clutched Ariana's bikini thong.  The blonde then began to savagely yank the garment up, subjecting Grande to a brutal front wedgie, the fabric disappearing up into her womanhood.  The brunette's howl of anguish started low but rapidly rose in both pitch and volume, until she was hitting a piercing note well beyond her normal register.  Tears streaked down Ariana's face as she continued wailing in sheer agony, until finally she began to screech "I GIVE UP!  I GIVE UP!  IIIIII GIIIIIIVE UUUUUUP!!!"

Sabrina kept tugging for a few moments more before releasing her grasp, and Ariana collapsed to the floor in a sobbing, whimpering heap.  Placing a foot on the back of her beaten rival, Carpenter now gleefully sang, "And the winner is...MEEEEEEEEE!"
