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Brutal Brenda

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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2010, 03:45:06 AM »
The Black Tie Affair consisted of a varied cross section of society.
Mark was there at the urging of his girlfriend, Debbie. They were a couple in contrast. Mark was a fighter in the underground mixed martial arts circuit. He stood 6'2" and racked an impressive 20 wins, sending all he faced to the hospital and no losses.
Debbie was a lawyer. She stood 5' 7". She was thin. Her pink dress with plunging neckline did little to enhance her 32A chest. She talked but Mark paid little attention. He would sip his vodka tonic from a rocks glass. He was anxious to leave. From his periphery he noticed a woman in a spaghetti strapped, deep purple form fitting dress.
Brenda couldn't take her eyes off Mark. He was handsome and big. He looked chiselled out of granite and across from him was some scrawny girl in pink. Brenda's two friends stood oneither side of her. Her two friends are Asian, about 5' tall and well built but appeared smaller like most females who stood next to Brenda. 5'5", 165 pounds of solid muscle, 44DDD chest and blond. Her friends coaxed her to approach Mark    
"Blow that stud's bitch out of the water," whispered the Asian on Brenda's right.
"It would be a crime if that bitch left with your man," said the other friend from her left.
"She'll never be the same after I'm done," said Brenda. Her eyes remained focus on Mark.
Brenda and her friends moved. Brenda strutted toward Mark and Debbie. Her back to the skinny brunette. She grabbed Mark's drink and shoved it against Debbie's chest. Debbie grasped the glass out of instinct.
"I'm Brenda," the blonde announced, "I saw you fight last month and am a member at the gym you own."
Mark smiled. He saw Brenda numerous times. She was a hard form to miss and difficult to forget.
"There's something I've been wanting to do," said the big busted blond
"Whats that?" responded Mark
Brenda grabbed the back of Mark's thick neck with one hand. She pressed her face to his. She drove her tongue in his mouth while massaging his groin with her other hand. Mark's dick swelled.
Debbie stepped back and pulled the straps of hef dress off allowing the upper portions of the purple dress to fall to waist level. "I want you to try this woman out" she said. Brenda lowered herself unzipping Mark's tuxedo pants.
The big man pressed his back to the wall. He felt the cool air on his dick as Brenda released it.
"Oh my," was her response at the sight of the muscular man's 9", super thick cock. She cradled the big shaft in her cleavage, pressed her big tits together and began stroking.
Mark let out a groan and gripped at the wall behind him
"Tiny Tits ever do this," she cooed
Mark observed his surroundings. Debbie was struggling in the grasp of Brenda's two Asian friends. The brunette protested yelling at Brenda to cease  
A crowd of people in formal attire began to gather. Brenda was never shy about receiving attention and Mark could destroy anyone in the room
Brenda was more vigorous with her stroking. She sucked the head of Mark's cock, stroked it, kissed it. She felt his cock throbbing.
Debbie's shouts grew louder.
"Get a load of this you Bitch," announced Brenda. Gripping the base of Mark's cock in one hand for support she leaned back. Her big, hard nipples capping 44DDDs supported by a chest that bench pressed 250 pounds pointed to the ceiling. She stroked the massive man meat with her other hand fast and hard.
Mark let out a roar. Hot cum streamed out of his shaft.
"Yes!"shouted the blond. She aimed the big cannon at her chest maximizing full coverage of it's pulsating cum. She coaxed every drop out as the powerful man leaned panting againt the wall.
Brenda stood and turned to face Debbie. The Asians held tight. Masscara streaked the lady in pink's face. Brenda gave her hips a shake then allowed gravity to pull her dress to the floor. She stepped out of the purple pile. Two steps forward and she was inches from Debbie.
Debbie's jaw dropped at the sight of the well built blond. Her struggling stopped. The Asians released their hold.
Brenda flexed her body. She donned thigh high leather boots and a black thong framing her large muscular ass. A patch of cloth covered her well groomed womanhood. Her narrow waist and flat tummy accentuated a V shaped back and massive chest. Her arms were well defined and 3 or 4 times bigger than Debbie's. Brenda heaved her immense breasts toward Debbie. Mark's cum dripped from her nipples and the underside of her breasts. Debbie was catatonic.
"This is the closest you'll ever get to him again you fucking stringbean," announced the blond. Brenda grabbed the sides of Debbie' head.
Debbie screached from the intensity of the grasp. She grabbed hold of Brenda's wrist to try and break the hold.
Brenda smiled. She knew she was stronger but it pleased her to experience the extent of how much more power she had than a rival. "Here's a closer look, Tiny Tits!"
"Oh no!" shrieked th brunette.
"Clean 'em!". Brenda slammed Debbies face into her cleavage. All the crow that gathered could see of Debbie's head was the brunette's long hair. Brenda's body flexed and twisted as she guided her rival's face over her massive mammaries. The blond grunted instructions to suck and how to suck. Debbie's face and hair were treated like a mop and her mouth like a vacuum.
The full figured women as well as men looked at Brenda with pride. The less endowed had mixed reactions ranging from horror to awe.
A few cheers erupted but Debbie's sucking, groans and cries of humiliation were the dominating sounds.
Brenda rammed one huge breast into Debbie's mouth. "Here's another reason to cry Tiny Tits". Brenda's breast swelled distending Debbie's mouth to the poit of dislocating her jaw.  Debbie's eyes bulged. Tears ran down her cheeks. She mved her eyes to the side trying to see something other than breast meat or darkness. The cheers were clear and it helped grind what was left ocher spirit to dust.
Brenda released her grip satisfied her chest was cleaned of cum.
Debbie stammered back a few steps. She gulped trying to inhale air. Her hair was matted and face covered in sweat as well as cum. Being able to keep erect felt like a small victory.
Brenda stepped forward. Big breasts bouncing and muscles flexing. "Damn are you pathetic. What are you. My guess is a 32A.". Brenda clapeed her hands on Debbie's bony shoulders and grasped clumps of pink dress material. "Leys see what this bitch is made of."
The crowd went wild.
Brenda gave a mighty tug ripping the garment off her slender rival. Brenda let out a loud laugh. "You sorry looking slut. "You look like a 13 year old boy compared to me.". Mostofthe crowd including Mark joined Brenda's laughter.
Brenda's huge breasts bounced with her laughter.
Debbie stood in contrast to the buxom blond:  Debbie wore white wedge shoes. Her legs were of a single thickness from ankles to hips with kneecaps serving as the divider between lower and upper legs. Brenda's legs looked like two tan pillars.  Mark once told Debbie he saw A woman annihilate an opponent with sole use of her legs. Debbie was right in thinking that victorious woman was Brenda. White bikini bottoms clung to Debbie's ass. When she put them on for the party memories of how sexy they looked a few hours ago came to her mind. The panties looked like a table cloth in comparison to the item Brenda used to adorn her big gluts and curvaceous hips. Debbie's waist was small and tummy flat but lacked the definition of her foe's abs. Debbie's arms were well defined but a 1/4 of what Brenda had to flex. A small back and chest was all her body needed to carry those 32A tits her rival mocked. Brenda's V shaped back and massive chest supported DDDs that defied gravity. Debbie quivered and crossed her skinny arms over pale dimed sized nipples and small breasts that managed to droop like limp flower petals. She was a confident, cocky woman up to the moment the blond powerhouse stood between Mark and her. The foreign feelings of inadequacy and self doubt overwhelmed her mind.
Brenda was excited to the point of orgasm. Her endorphenes rushedd through her. She had nothing but contempt for her rival. Debbie flass body disgusted her. Knowing the brunette experienced Mark angered her. "How dare you try and compete with me."
"P-p-p-p-please," begged the once arrogant Debbie. She raised her hands in a defensive stance.
"Fight me Tiny Tits," commanded the bustier woman. Brenda wound up and back handed Debbie. The brunette's head snapped back. The same hand swung in the opposite direction emitting a loud cracking sound when making contact jolting Debbie's face to her other shoulder. Another backhand and forehand sent Debbie stumbling. Brenda bitch slapped her flee across the room without challenge. The small of Debbie's back pressed against a table for support.  "You should callthe last whore I beat," announced Brenda, " she can give you the name of her plastic surgeon for when I'm through with you.". Brenda cocked back her right arm and released a powerful hook. "Right! Left! [spit flew from the skinny girl's mouth]Right! Left! [the crowd chanted along]Right! [a tooth flew across the room] Left! [blood spurted from Debbie's mouth] Right! Left! The powerful shots crushed the A cups and busted ribs]".  
Debbie was out on her feet. The table and sequence ofBrwnda's blows kept her standing.
"Go Baby!" shouted Mark
Brenda landed a right that flattened her foe to the floor. She grabbed a pitcher of ice water and tossed it on Debbie. "Nightmare's not over, Tiny Tits". Brenda lifted Debbie by the hair with one hand like a trophy bass fisherman does with his catch. Front jab would crumple Debbie to the floor. Brenda lfted and jabbed toward the room's grand entrance wit the crowd in step. Brenda stood the weaker woman to her feet. Debbie's back faced the door. The two Asians opened each door leaf wide to the night.
Before the first blows Debbie stood erect and three inches taller than Brenda. Debbie now slouched low, arms dangling, her small chest sunken. Brenda lifted Debbie's head up with a single finger. Brenda was happy to see the beaten foe slouching so deep she was now at e level with her massive chest. Clumps of hair were missing from the brunette. One eye was swollen shut the other black and bloodshot.  Tears flowed. Blood caked under her pulverized nose. Het face swelled and busted lips bled. Blood and spit strung from the corners of her mouth. Brenda saw her spit out at least five teeth. The scrawny body was covered in bruises and the tiny tits drooped further that moments earlier.
"I did this to you," announced Brenda. Brenda's body glistened with healthful sweat. It was like she finished an aerobics class rather than a fight. "What do you have to say to me, Wimp?"
It ached for Debbie to talk. Fear gave her enough strength for a few words. "This is so embarassing. You are too much woman for me [Brenda cocked back her right arm].  You are my conquered."
"That's right, Wimp. Say hi to the girls at the Itty Bitty Titty Club!"
 A massive right uppercut sent Debbie airborne. Brenda could feel her foe's jaw shatter. Debbie disappeared into the night. The Asians shut the door. Mark embraced his new woman. The event turned into a celebration of size and power.
great story



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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2010, 03:13:24 AM »
Wow great story, I would hate to go against that Brenda



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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2010, 03:16:02 AM »
I AM brenda  ;)


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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2010, 01:08:09 PM »
Nice story Thunder shame you couldnt do that IRL!!!


Offline Jade_Best Blonde

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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2010, 05:33:06 PM »
Was  as good hot fight  she really took care of   business  beating her the way she did


Offline ValerianXIII

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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2010, 07:26:05 AM »
This board needs more stories like this ;D



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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2011, 07:32:05 PM »
I love this story.


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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2011, 05:54:00 AM »
    Well written and to the point.  However, here is a twist that neither Brenda nor Mark anticipated as they spent the night in sexual bliss exhausting each other.   Debbie spent the month that her jaw was wired shut, preparing her lawsuit against Brenda for damages.  Debbie was awarded all of Brenda's assets, with additional penalty fees that would make Brenda her wage slave for years.  Being a lawyer, Debbie knew many others, including the prosecutor of the county.  After using all the attendees at the party as witnesses during her civil suit, the same witnesses testified at the criminal trial of Brenda who was sentenced to 15 years in prison.  As for Mark, Debbie identified several of the other underground fighters, who turned state's evidence.  The organizers and most prominent fighters such as Mark were all charge with multiple counts of gambling and many counts of assault in all its varieties.  All were convicted and sent to the State prison.  When Mark's gym was auctioned off for back taxes, Debbie became its owner.  She began a dedicated workout program and by the time Mark and Brenda had served two years of their sentences, she was a well toned, very fit woman with nice muscular curves.  Debbie completed her transformation by using a tiny portion of the settlement awarded to her in the civil suit against Brenda to have her breasts augmented.  She is now a perfect  35DD.  She married the DA.  When Brenda and Mark came up for parole, the parole board rejected it.  Also, both Mark and Brenda were charged with attacking other prisoners.  Each had an additional 10 years added to their sentence.
    Great story though for those who prefer one sided beat downs.   :D


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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2011, 12:04:10 PM »


Not a fan of one-sided fights, and the way the brunette went down is bullshit, and all blondes know it! But it was well-written and kept my attention throughout, and I wouldn't want to face Brenda, either. Mostly because I'd have to go to prison in order to do it, hehe.


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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2011, 08:45:39 PM »
Sierra, that is a wonderful twist!
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2012, 10:32:14 PM »
More Brutal Brenda! T


Offline ardz

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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2012, 08:04:29 AM »
it is good if the story included tickling and much less in a violent scene.


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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2013, 03:27:18 AM »
like OMG soooo totally hot!!!

poor poor Debbie :( i wonder if Mark is single now? ;D hehehe
I'm simply the object of desire, the reason for others to aspire...the star on tv, on the cover of every magazine...
I'm the girl you'll wanna be...or be with ;)

Don't hate, elevate! ;)


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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2013, 02:54:05 PM »
very violent scene but I have an alternative which is more entertaining . why done we suppose that brutal brenda after dealing with mark suddenly get hold of the slender woman in a bearhug then she lifted her up and then bang her on the wall then stripped her off her clothes and straddled her fat legs to the slender woman thin legs then get hold of her thin arms and put it over her head the tickling her armpits then then kneading her ribs and finally cupping her small boobs and tweaking her nipples.then the slender woman passed out


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Re: Brutal Brenda
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2013, 01:55:23 PM »
very violent scene but I have an alternative which is more entertaining . why done we suppose that brutal brenda after dealing with mark suddenly get hold of the slender woman in a bearhug then she lifted her up and then bang her on the wall then stripped her off her clothes and straddled her fat legs to the slender woman thin legs then get hold of her thin arms and put it over her head the tickling her armpits then then kneading her ribs and finally cupping her small boobs and tweaking her nipples.then the slender woman passed out

I second that.