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2018 Angelfist Invitational

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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2018, 08:27:37 AM »
.  Janet Stacey - USA



Jane King - USA


USA One Piece Swimsuit

Bell rings*

Announcer: The following contest

is a first round match in the Angelfist Invitational  tournament! introducing first  from Raleigh, North Carolina JANET STACYII!

Diamond Dave: Last tournament, Janet Stacy defeated a few fighters to advance in the quarterfinals but had to step down due to family leave.. So Janet has a pretty good advantage heading into this match!

Lee Marshall: : But the real question is, can she do it again?

Diamond Dave: That is the real question. I 'm sure her opponent, Jane King   has done a lot of training to thwart her comeback..

Janet enters the ring, and waits for her  opponent.

To a rally of cheers, out comes Jane King.

Announcer: And her opponent, from New York, New York weighing in at 134 lbs pounds, JANE KING!!!

Lee Marshall: A year before, Jane King was unsuccessful in gaining a win in her match  against Janet Stacy hopefully this time, she can turn that around.

Diamond Dave: Easier said than done when it's Jane King, that woman is always 12 steps ahead!

Lee Marshall: You'll never know. King  is a former New York lightweight champion, I 'm sure she's gonna use the inner strength she used to win the title, and get one over Janet Stacy.

Jane King  hops over the top rope, and into the ring.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Janet  and Jane  lock up in the center of the ring, Jane  takes her  down with an Arm Drag, and applies an Arm Submission of sorts.

Janet  then gets up, reverses into an Arm Wringer, but Janet  flips out of it, and takes her down with another Arm Drag.

Lee Marshall : So far, Jane is doing a good job!

Diamond Dave: Two arm drags, both taking Jane  down with ease!

Janet  then goes up to Jane and goes for a hook punch.

Jane  caught it, and does another Arm Drag,!

Lee Marshall : Third times the charm! !

Diamond Dave : 3 arm drags, and Janet  is already in trouble!

Janet  gets up, runs at her, Jane  drops down, and Janet umps over her.

Jane  gets up, side steps Janet , and hits Janet with a sidekick!

Janet  rolls to the side, but Jane measures her , and connects with a windmill kick to her face!

Lee Marshall  And look at Jane!

Diamond Dave: ,BOOYA!

She waits for Janet to get up,Jane goes for a head kick, Janet  ducks, and hits a Bicycle High Knee  to the side of her head!

Jane  goes down to one knee, then Janet  puts her in a front face lock, and hits two knees followed by an uppercut to the face!

Lee Marshall: To WHOM THE BELL TOLLS!!!!

Diamond Dave: Jane is in trouble now!

Lee Marshall : But did she hit it too early?

Janet slowly gets up 

Diamond Dave:  You're right, Lee, I believe Janet went for it too early, that's how Janet was able to get up!

Janet  now sees Jane slowly  getting to her  feet, Janet  goes for a sidekick , but Jane  knocked  her out of the air with a front kick‘ to Janet's  chest!

Lee Marshall : OHMYGOD!!!

Diamond Dave: Jane  absolutely out of NOWHERE with that kick!

Jane picks her  up, and hits an uppercut r!

Lee Marshall : And a uppercut  to seal the deal!

Janet slowly gets up t!

Diamond Dave: WHAT! ?

Lee Marshall : Janet Stacy  was able to Withstand that onslaught!

DIamond Dave : Man Janet  is something else, guys!

Janet  gets up,and receives  a double underhook to her side  followed by a right hook to the face!

Jane  then puts her  in position,and then  goes for a uppercut  but Janet  bounced out of the way!

Lee Marshall : oh no!

Diamond Dave: Nobody home!

Janet quickly recovers, and nails a Jinx Knee from behind to Jane  !

Lee Marshall : Oho, Janet  sending a message to the rest of the Angelfist competitors!

Janet  then hits  thunderous side kick on the staggering Jane as she drops down to the mat with authority as Janet stands over Jane.

fur the cover, not taking his eyes

Bell rings!‘

Announcer: The winner of this match,JANET STACY!!!!

Lee Marshall: UNBELIEVABLE! Despite the setbacks, Janet  was able to pick up a win against Jane King!

Diamond Dave l: But did you see the way Janet went for the win? She never took her  eyes off Jane!

Lee Marshall : This rivalry gets hotter by the minute but in the meantime it is Janet who once again remains victorious!

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Vic: And there you see the updated bracket right there,Janet  advances, and will face the winner of Akousa Kwasi or Jessica Cunningham in the second round!

The referee raises Janet's hand


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2018, 08:24:02 AM »
 Akosua Kwasi -Ghana



Jessica Cunningham - United Kingdom


United Kingdom One Piece Swimsuit

Ghana One Piece Swimsuit

Out comes Jessica Cunningham. *Bell rings*

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled

for one fall, introducing first from London, England, JESSICA CUNNINGHAMIIII!

Lee Marshall : I hope you guys are ready for high speed, high octane action, because Jessica is gonna speed things up!

Diamond Dave: Oh man, things are for sure gonna go fast paced!

Lee Marshall: And her opponent, Jessie, oh boy, I don't know  how she'll be able to keep up with the action!

Jessica walks up to the ring, and she awaits her opponent.

Out comes Akousa, and the crowd cheers.
Announcer : And her opponent, from The Land Of Fire, she is AKOUSA KWASI!!!!!

Diamond Dave: This gonna be hard to keep up!

Lee Marshall: These two are equal in speed, if not, exactly similar!

Diamond Dave: Expect this match to go from 0 to 1 00 right from the starting bell!

Akousa  walks up to the ring, and she takes off her blue jacket.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Both Akousa and Jessie went for sidekicks  at the same time, both get up, Akousa  goes for a spin kick  but Jessie quickly gets back up, and hits a spinning side kick of her  own on Akousa, who also gets back up quickly.

Akousa charges after her with a side kick, Jessica leapfrogged over her, and then she drops down, Akousa jumps over, goes for a Springboard Forearm Smash but Jessica  nails her with a Dropkick out of mid air!

Lee Marshall : And Jessica   catching Akousa out of the air with that sidekick!

Diamond Dvve: Akousa went for the big moves too early, and that of course cost her!

Lee Marshall: But how much damage has been done?

Akousa  begins to hold her midsection, and Jessica continues her offense, targeting the midsection.

Jessica  kicks her in the gut, then she grabs her from behind, takes her down, and locks on a figue four.

Diamond Dave: And what a unique submission here we 're seeing from Jessica!

Lee Marshall: Not only is Jessica working on the midsection of Akousa , she 's also making another target in the neck!

Diamond Dave: This is an interesting plan Jessica has made, will this pull off though?

Akousa  struggles, Jessica releases, gets up, and backs away. Akousa  gets up as well, Jessica  advances, and Akousa  caught her with a shot to her gut  leaving Jessica out to dry in the middle of the ring!

Lee Marhsall : Akousa now! She has Jessica  where she wants her!

Akousa  then hits a jumping front kick  to her head!

Diamond Dave: And theres a shot to the kisser, DRIVING Jessica down to her knee!

Akousa  picks her up, sets her  up for an upper cut finisher,  but Jessica escapes before Akousa could even go for it, and hits a Step up Enzuigiri!

Lee Marshall: And Jessica had that scouted!

But then Akousa spun around, and clocks Jessica with an Overhead Kick!

Diamond: OH MAN! Well Jessica didn't Scout that!

Both Akousa and Jessica were down, and the referee begins to count.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

Both Akousa and Jessica  crawl slowly back up, 
Jessica springs with a right hook to Akousa, Akousa back tracks to her  feet, she goes for an attack, a back elbow to be exact, but Akousa  got caught, and Jessica planted her  with a stern front kick to her chin with authority for the win

Lee Marshall : What a chain of events in this match as Jessica Cunningham grabs the win!


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2018, 09:11:25 AM »
 Alexandra Molander - Sweeden



 Wani-Ratana-Kanya Chalor - Thailand


Thailand One Piece

Sweden One Piece

Wani , she skips to the ring holding her  arms up  up high.

“Bell rings*

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for

the First round Angelfist Invitiational !! Introducing first from Manila, Phillipines, she is WANI-RATANA-KANYA CHALORllll

Lee Marshall: Ladies and gentlemen, the Angelfist Tournament hangs in the balance

Diamond Dave: Well this IS Wani  we're talking about here. She 's pretty well equipped to win..

Lee Marshall: That's true.

Wani enters the ring, the Announcer hands  the mic to her, and Wani  stands in the middle of the ring.
Wani: Y'know, I 'm like  getting bored. There’s nobody worthy to challenge me. Bring out that pretty girl for I got something special to show her!

Wani drops her mic, and waits to see who shows up.

Diamond Dave: See the thing with open challenges, you don't know who will show up, you don't know how to prepare, it’s just unpredictable.

Out comes Alexandra

Announcer : And her opponent,ALEXANDRA MOLANDER!!!!! 2

Lee Marshall: Alexandra is gonna have a shot! ? Well! This is a moment for her to shine!

Diamond Dave: It sure is, Lee! Just imagine the emotions going through her  right now!

Lee Marshall  Also earlier, Melissa Moore was eyeing the Peach Pit Championship,

so Alexandra ain't the only one who is looking for gold.

Alexandra  walks  into the ring and she  and Wani go to their respective corners.

The bell rings and the match is underway.

Wani  and  Alexandra lock up in the center of the ring, Alexandra being the stronger one, gets Wani in a simple Headlock.

Wani  slides out of it, goes for a back side kick, but Alexandra stopped her mid move, and slams her down with a right hook!

Lee Marshall : What a feat of strength displayed by Alexandra!

Wani  sits up, but Alexandra  just smacks  her, in the head  and stomps her in the belly.

Wani  gets up in a corner, but Alexandra  clocks her with a right hook, Alexandra then positions her, and flattens her with a sidekick to the gut!

Diamond Dave; There's the athleticism from Alexandra

Lee Marshall : If this keeps up, we could have another upset into the second round!

Alexandra  continues to wear her down with lefts and rights to the body as Wani stands up dazed.

Alexandra  stuns Wani with a Stiff right hand, sends a front kick to her face , slams her down, with a heel kick to her back!

Diamond Dave: Wow!

Lee Marshall :  I stand corrected, Alexandra stands as the definition of a machine!

Alexandra waits for Wani to go up and throws a right hook, Wani ducks and  ends up hitting Alexandra  instead!

Diamond Dave : Oh no“:

Lee Marshall: Miscommunication there!

DIamond Dave: Nothing Alexandra  could do to prevent Wani  from hitting her.

Wani then grabs her from behind, and nails  Alexandra hard in the back

Wani throws a front fist, Alexandra ducks, and  and clocks Wani with an European Uppercut!

Wani answers back with a rebound knee to her gut , and now both  Alexandra and Wani  are down!

Diamond Dave : What a match! Alexandra slowly sits Up--

Wani gets up before Alexandra  and throws a couple of fists to her face followed by a spin kick planting her to the ground

 *Bell rings’“

Announcer: : The winner of this match WANI-RATANA-KANYA CHALORllll

Diamond Dave: : She really stuck it Alexandra with a sweet surprise at the end!

Lee Marshall:  This feud is gonna be violent sooner or later in the future , we will be right back!

Bracket Update:


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2018, 09:43:40 AM »
 Areva Panyarachun - Thailand


 Cristiane Bastos Guerra - Brazil

Thailand One Piece Swimsuit

Brazil One Piece Swimsuit

out comes Cristiane  and receives a negative reaction tom the crowd.

Bell rings"

Announcer : The following contest i s scheduled for one fall! Introducing first  from Rio De Janiro , CRISTIANE BASTOS GUERRA!!!!!

Lee Marshall : Here we go folks! It's fight  time!

Diamond Dave : Now just year  ago, Cristiane held the Brazilian championship, so it could be possible that she is seeking redemption in this year's tournament

Lee Marshall : She is full on focused on her match, which she should be.

Diamond Dave: But Areva could come back with an intent of payback...

Cristiane enters the ring, and warms up in a corner.

Out  comes Areva Panyarachum , and she looks focused as ever.

Announcer : And her opponent, AREVA PANYAARACHUM!!!

Lee Marshall: Now here's a woman, who has  a lot to prove here tonight! Not only will this be a big win for Arava  here,  but it also proves she us worthy of a shot at the Angelfist title..

Diamond Dave  Easier said than done, Cristiane is a hell rounded athlete. The minute you think you have her, she can turn the tables in a blink of an eye!

Areva enters the ring, and  she‘s a bit nervous.

Lee Marshall: Areva  cleary has the speed and stamina , but will it be enough to topple Cristiane?

The bell rings and the match is underway.

Cristiane  and Areva lock up in the center of the ring, Areva gets the upper hand, and gets her in a headlock.

Cristiane  countered into a back elbow to her gut , Areva bends over , went for a back kick that , connects .

Areva  gets up, Cristiane goes for a right hook, but Areva  counters it with a kick to her belly  but Cristiane whips back up on  Impact by hitting a jumping back kick!

Diamond Dave: Wow!

Lee Marshall : Areva just took that back kick  like it was nothing

Areva  rolls to the side to regain himself, Cristiane  however was gonna make sure she is denied of any rest.

But when she did, Areva  had it well scouted, and clocked her on the ear with a right hook!

Diamond Dave: Good GOD!!!!

Lee Marshall: Stopping  Cristiane dead in her tracks!

Areva  was now going in for the kill, and goes for a sidekick

Cristtiane slaps her  hand off, and hits a High Knee to her belly!

Diamond Dave: WHOA!!!

Lee Marshall: High Knee out of nowhere!

Cristiane  then hits a front kick to the face

Diamond Dave: This could be it right here!

Cristiane  then sizes her  up for another High Knee, but when she went for it, Areva  caught her, and countered into a left jab and left hook to her belly. 

Cristiane  rolls to the side and tries to revover   but Areva had other plans. She performs a sidekick  taking out Cristiane!

Lee Marshall: WOW!!!

Diamond Dave:  Areva  takes it to the limit, and lands right on the target!

Cristiane slowly gets up!

'Areva gloating and playing with the crowd,  turns around  and  Cristiane throws a shiner to her face.

She takes a couple more before Cristiane leaps and connects with a front kick to the face putting her down.

! *Bell rings“

Announcer: The winner of this match , CRISTIANE BASTOS GUERRA!!!!!

Lee Marshall : Gotta give Credit to Cristiane for this one!

Diamond Dave  Are you kidding me? She won  only after Areva turned her back on her.



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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2018, 06:43:13 AM »
 Constanza Molly Congson Desiderio - Phillipines



 Lacey Williams - USA

Phillipines One Piece Swimsit

USA One Piece Swimsuit

The crowd cheers as out comes Lacey Williams, donning a black leather jacket and rocking aviator shades.

*Bell rings*

Announcer:  This next bout is set for one fall, introducing first from Chicago, Illinois , Ms. Lighting herself,


Lee Marshall: Ms. Lightning  looking to impress in her first ever Angelfist Invitational .

Diamond Dave: Thus gal  has a strong martial arts background, and hopefully she uses that to impress the fans here, and those viewing worldwide!

Lee Marshall:  I ’m sure her opponent will do the same.

Lacey enters the ring, and takes off her  shades and jacket.

Out comes Constanza Molly Congson Desiderio 

Announcer: And her opponent from Quezon City,  Constanza Molly Congson Desiderio !!

Lee Marshall: Now this will surely be interesting!

Diamond Dave: Strong Karate background, she's pretty much on par with Lacey in terms of skill!

Diamond Dave: These two are gonna put on a clinic!

Constanza walks into the ring, and takes off her  red hoodie.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Constanaza  and Lacey  lock up in the center of the ring, Constanza tries to go for an arm bar, but Lacey  countered into a front fist jab!

Lee Marshall: What a front jab. 

Diamond Dave: Going for the early knockout here!

Constanaza rolls to the side and then gets up and takes a front kick to  the face knocking her down on the side.
Lee Marshall: Whoah!

Diamond Dave: That could change the game

Lacey  then kicks Constantza  on the side
With Constanza  on the ground, Lacey  starts working on the leg.

Lee Marshall: Lacey Williams now, softening the leg for a Kneebar.

Lacey  lets go, and kicks Costanza  in the face With a big boot.

Costanza  slowly gets to her  feet, and Lacey Williams slams her  down with a sidekick to the face.
Lacey immediately transitions into an Anaconda Vice!

Lee Marshall: Lacey  with an Anaconda Vice locked on!

Diamond Dave: Costanza is gonna tap!
Bell Rings


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2018, 06:54:06 AM »
 Ma Jia - China


Vaneeta Gill UK


UK One Piece Swimsuit

China One Piece Swimsuit

Announcer: This next bout is set for one fall, introducing first from Shanghai, China  weighing in at  135 lbs pounds, she is a former China Kickboxing Champion, she is the modern day Asian Sensation......MIA JIN!
Lee Marshall: Yes, the Asian Sensation Mia Jin, walking only the way she can.
Mia enters the ring, and takes off her  red  leather jacket.
Out comes Vanetta Gil, game face on.
Announcer : And her  opponent, from London, England , weighing in at 123 lbs pounds, VANETTA GIL!
Lee Marshall: Vanetta Gil of course has arrived, different personalities, same skill level, a battle of epic proportions.
Diamond Dave : You said it, Lee!
Vanetta enters the ring, and stares daggers at Mia.
The bell rings, and the match is underway.
Vaneta  and Mia lock up in the center, Mia  gets Vaneta in an arm wringer, Vaneta easily counters into an arm drag, Mia  gets up, goes for a step up Enzuigiri, Vaneta  catches her, and applies an ankle lock!
Mia escapes and  gets up, only to take a leaping Enzuigiri from Vanetta Gil.

Mia  is stunned, Vaneta goes for a knee strke, and connects.

She  puts Mia in a corner, and delivers a one, two punch to her face!

Lee Marshall : Oh man! That looked AND Sounded like it hurt!

Vita  then delivers another punch.

Diamond Dave : And another one!

Vita then goes for one more punch, Mia  this time moves out of the way, Vaneta misses, and Mia connects with a front kick to her gut .
Mia slowly crawls back and gets up   and  then  gets Vaneta with a perfect leaping side kick across the chin
Diamond Dave : Whoa!

Lee Marshall : Perfectly placed kick, Potentially knocking Vanetta Gil's lights out!

Diamond Dave: Caught her  flush on the ear!

Vaneta Gil falls to the floor, , Mia Gin  then presses her foot down on her throat
Lee Marshall : And now Mia Jin , choking the life out of Vaneta Gil...

The referee pushes her  off, but gets Vaneta Gil again, takes her down With a punch down across her skull followed by a left cross her face.

Diamond Dave: Typical Mia Jin on the attack.

But instead of going down, Vaneta Gil looks at her with extreme rage!

Lee Marshall : Yeah and I think Vanetta Gil is gonna regret that!

Diamond DaveOh yeah! she’s in trouble now! BIG trouble!

Mia Jin goes for another cross , but  Vanetta blocked it, and delivered a big right jab!

Lee Marshall: Good grief what a right!

Mia stands there stunned, Vanetta goes for a side kick to the face

Diamond Dave:   This time she hits it!

Lee Marshall: This Could be it!

Mia crawls back up
Vanetta picks up Mia  and both connect with left and right shots. 

Mia then dazed, then clocks Vanetta with a right hook!

Vanetta shakes her  head to recover from the effects of the punches, and manages to get an effective side kick to Mia's get in time.

Diamodn Dave: Vanetta  got all ofthat one!
Mia Jin crawls back up!

Lee Marshall : Mia Jin is still in this!

Diamond Dave : What does Vanetta Gil do Lee?

Lee Marshall : She's gotta dig deep Don't let frustration take over!
Mia jin was HOW Up on one knee, and Vanetta Gil wasted no time hitting the tornado spinkick .

Vaneetta Gil then drags Mia  into  position

Lee Marshall Oh man...

Diamond Dave : She's ready to hit one out of the park !

Lee Marshall ; High risk, high reward...

Vanetta then goes for a right hook, Mia dodges out of the way and applies sleeper hold which she later transitions into a cobra clutch submission move that has Vanetta baling like a school girl as the bell rings!


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2018, 07:02:17 AM »
Catchada Chaipoowapat - Thailand



Erin Austin - USA


Thailand One Piece Swimsuit

USA One Piece Swimsit

Announcer: The following contest scheduled for one fall! Introducing first Catchada Chaipoowapat!!

Catchada enters the ring.

Erin Austin as she casuallyl walks to the ring.

Announcer:  And her opponent, from Miami, Florida  weighing in at 125 lbs ERIN AUSTIN!!!!!

VIike Tenay: And there is one of the :hree men that took Hanazuki out of the :ournament, the one that orchestrated The beat down, MayMihem Branxxxxn.

Lee Marsal : Erin Austin is a rare bree, she can take beating, and come crawling back for more.

Diamond Dave : That Lee, might be her key to beating Catchada tonight.

Ering  enters the ring, and the two competetitors stare daggers into one another.

The bell rings, and the two just traded blows from the get go!

Lee Marshall  And look at this! Not even gonna start with a collar and elbow tie up!

Diamond Dave  That's how heated this tournament Is, Lee! !

Catchada  sweeps her  leg to take her  down, then crushes Erin  with a standing double foot stomp.

Lee Marshall  And there's a stomp, crushing Erin!

Catchada  picks up Erin , then kicks her in the gut, and then connects

a Switchblade Kick, Mayhem lifts her head up, favoring the back of her  head, then Catchada clocks her with a forearm.

Despite all that, Erin Austin didn't go down! She  grabs her in a Muay Thai Clinch, and knees her in the face!

Diamond Dave : There’s that toughness of Erin Austin  and Erin answers back with a series of knees to the face!

Lee Marshall :Erin  is just giving it her  all!

She then sets her up for a spinning side kick and connects!

Erin  then sizes her up, goes for a side kick to the face but Catchada goes for a front kick that is blocked but Erin counters with a right hook.

Catchada  gets up, Only to take a big knee from Erin !

Diamon Dave: OH MAN!

Lee Marshall : That nearly took her head off!

She then sets her up for a front fist  but Catchada  pushes her  off, and sends a right hook in Erin's lower right side!

Catchada then rises up  then goes to the corner diagonally across from Erin , charges full speed, then hits a hesitation dropkick.

Diamond Dave: Hesitation Dropkick...

She then sets Mayhem up for a Fisherman Driver.

Then Catchada sweeps her down

Catchada , seeing that Erin  is in perfect position as she appears dazed.

Lee Marshall  Uh Oh! Don: Could it be!?
Diamond Dave: she's feeling it right now./

Lee Marshall: She's looking to check out

DIamond Dave : If I were Erin , I would wanna act soon

Catchada  goes for a right hook,  Erin  sidesteps  and rains down on her with repeated elbow strikes!


Diamond Dave: That’s a JUJITSU  Style submission!

Suddenly, only seconds after she applied the Hold, Catchada was out cold, and the referee called for the bell!

Lee Marshall  That's it! She’s out!

Erin Austin  releases her, and gets up

Announcer : The Winner of this match as a result of submission, ERIN AUSTIN!.

Lee Marshall : That was a move she Calls, the Rapture, That is an MMA submission hold, and that can knock your lights out in an instant and has knocked her into the Field of 32 as she is one win away from knock, knock, knocking on sweet 16's door.  Final match of the first round coming up next.  Stay tuned.!


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2018, 07:13:37 AM »
. Fujiyama Tamiyo (from left to right) - Japan



Yagovkina Agrafena Stepanovna - Russia


Russia One Piece Swimsuit

Japan One Piece Swimsuit

Out comes Fujiyama Tamiyo .

*Bell rings"

Announcer : This bout is set for one fall, introducing first from Kyoto, Japan weighing in at 113  pounds,Fujiyama Tamiyo  !!!!

Suddenly  Yagovkina   springs on Fujiyama with quick jabs taking her by surprise .

Lee Marshall: The intensity of this Russian is starting to boil over as she is all business.!

Yagokiva grabs her arm and pulls her in for a couple of knee strikes to the gut and hits an uppercut to put down the Japanese fighter

Diamond Dave: Oh my god!

Lee Marshall  That, is what they call, the Royal Execution.

Bell Rings


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2019, 06:41:33 AM »
Jasmine Ocampo- Philippines



Oluwakemi Titilope- Nigeria


Nigeria One Piece Swimsuit -

Philippines One Piece Swimsuit -

Announcer: This next bout in the second round of the Peach Pit Invitational ! Introducing first, from Manila, Philippines , Jasmine Ocampo!!!”

Lee Marshall: Yes ladies and gentlemen, Jasmine  is
going to impress!

Diamond Dave: This gal took the Philippines by storm! A 2010 Asian Cup winner, a 6‘ time Philippine Heavyweight Champion,  and a former Pacific IslesChampion!

Lee Marshall: Then this gal  surely knows how to hold the gold!

Jasmine  enters the ring, and stretches out in a corner.

Out comes Oluwakemi doing a strut and holding her arms in the air

Announcer: And her  opponent, from Abuja, Nigeria she is the The African Queen Oluwakemi Titilope

Diamond Dave : Lets not forget about hertoo! A former African  Champion

Lee Marshall: She has done it all

Oluwakemi enters the ring, and removes her team jacket to reveal her team one piece swimsuit

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Ocampo and Oluwakemi lock up in the center, Oluwakemi gets Ocampoin a Headlock, Ocampo shoves her off, goes for a spinning kick of sorts, but Oluwakemi dodges to the side  and Ocampo  luckily lands on her feet.

Diamond Dave: Oluwakemi now trying to catch a breather early in the match...

Jasmine wasn't gonna give her  one however , Oluwakemi begins to regain her composue.

Lee Marshall  But keep your eyes on Jasmine Ocampo!!!

Then Ocampo  then takes out Oluwakemi  with a fake left front kick to a right knee strike to her gut!

Diamond Dave:  Holy crap! She's a fast one that Ocampo!

Jasmine Ocampo  then shoves Oluwakemi forward  and goes for a windmill kick, Oluwakemi ducks , and drops with a double sidekick combo to her face!

Lee Marshall : perfectly  executed by The Beautiful One!

Ocampo crawls up to her feet

Oluwakemi then keeps her offense going by applying a lying headlock on Ocampo  keeping her down and out of the field of trouble.

Diamond Dave: Oluwakemi now... keeping Ocampo on the ground...

Lee Marshall :She  knows too well on making sure that she doesn't get the chance to fly!

Jasmine Ocampo was now getting energy from the fans cheering for her, and she breaks free from the hold!

Diamond Dave:  Ocampo's free!

She  then connects a spinning wheel kick, then she grabs her  arm, and drops Oluwakemi with a springboard corkscrew arm drag.

Oluwakemi gets up, but Ocampo was now making a comeback! Olacmpo was knocking her down frontkick  after sidekick , then she waits for her to get up and connects with a right hook sending Oluwakemi down.

Oluwakemi crawls back up!

Lee Marshall : And Ocampo  was so close!

Jasmine Ocampo then waits for her to get  up again but Oluwakemi hits a Handspring Enzuigiri!

Diamond Dave: WHOA!!!

Lee Marshall : Oluwakemi with a picture perfect t kick, taking out Jasmine Ocampo!

Bell rings*

Diamond Dave: And Oluwakemi  got it!

Announcer:: Here is your winner, The Beautiful One, "Oluwakemi Titilope!!!!!!


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2019, 06:50:42 AM »
Sureeporn Noppachorn- Thailand


Amanda Nakata Cardoso - Brazil


Thailand One Piece Swimsuit -

Brazil One Piece Swimsuit -

Out comes Sureeporn

Lee Marshall: Oh great.

Diamond Dave: She has moves that can make you cringe

Lee Marshall: Wanna kill the vibe in a place? Bring her in!

Sureeporn enters the ring, and snatches a mic from the announcer.

Sureeporn: If you promise that some one is leaving with the Angelfist title you might as well give it to me now because there is not a DAMN person who can top me!

Diamond Dave: Be mindful of what you say Sureeporn,  I 'm sure there are a lot of people back there including your opponent who are on your level, most likely higher. If you want a shot
at this title, you have to go through your opponent first.

Sureeporn doesn‘t look pleased.

Sureeporn turns around slowly as out comes Amanda!

Lee Marshall: Oh boy!

Diamond Dave: This does not look good for Sureeporn

Amanda enters the ring.

Lee Marshall: I think Sureeporn said a mouthful because  who knows what's going on inside Amanda's head now?

The bell rings, and Amanda  bull rushed him into a corner!

Diamond Dave: 00000HHHH!!!!!

Lee Marshall: Amanda  right out of the gate with left, and right's to the upper and lower body

Amanda  wasted no time at all  with side kicks to her belly again and again and she hits a front kick to Sureeporn's face and a heel kick knocking her down .

Diamond Dave: Good god!

Lee Marshall : A  Righteous Kill...

Bell rings!*

Diamond Dave: WOW!!!!!!

Lee Marshall: JUST LIKE THAT! ! ! !

Announcer: Here is your winner, AMANDA NAKATA CORDOSOIIIIII

Diamond Dave: That has to be a record!

Lee Marshall  13 seconds!!!!


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2019, 07:13:50 AM »
Nya Mallory Uytengsu Manlangit



Khaslik Galka Timofeyevna


Russian and Philippines One Piece Swimsuits

Khaslik Galka Timofeyevna hops into the ring, hands her team ring jacket to the ring crew, and the ring crew takes it to the timekeeper's area.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Khaslik and Nya  lock up in the center of the ring, Nya  manages to lift up Khaslik and plops her into a corner, and thrusts her shoulder into her midsection.

Lee Marshall : And Nya, using his her strength and skills to her advantage...

Diamond Dave: That’s a good start. If you know you're the smarter gal, use that advantage straight away, and that's what Nya  is doing now.

Lee Marshall: Khaslik  needs to use that agility of her own If she wants to get one over Nya

Nya releases Khaslik, Khaslik gets up, but gets taken down with a Shoulder block.

Lee Marshall  So far, it's been all Nya!

Nya bounces around the ring , Khaslik  rebounds, Nya pops her with a front fist , but caught Nya with a right hook  on her way down!

Diamond Dave: WOW!!!!
Lee Marshall: What a counter!

Diamond Dave: The opportunity is here! Khaslik  needs to use that opportunity now!

Khaslik  now stalks Mya , Mya gets to her feet, and Khaslik  throws a big forearm.

Mya  was not falling however. So Khaslik delivered another forearm, and Mya  STILL wouldn't go down!

Khaslik  then decided to add a running start, but when she charged, Mya  flattened her with a right hook!

Lee Marshall : Good god!

Diamond Dave: Khaslik  has to got to be in a world of hurt right now!

Lee Marshall  Just the got the wind knocked out of her!
Mya  then signals the end by sliding her thumb across her  throat.

Diamond Dave : Looks like Khaslik  is deep trouble now!
Lee Marshall : This could be the end!

Mya then sets her up for her spinning side kick finisher r, and hits it!
Lee Marshall :   It’s More Slam In The Philippines!

Diamond Dave:  Dropping Khaslik with authority!

*Bell rings‘"

Lee Marshall: That's it!

Announcer:  Here is your winner,NYA!!!
Lee Marshall: : What a win for Nya!

Diamondl: That win will put her in serious consideration for a  title Shot!


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Re: 2018 Angelfist Invitational
« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2019, 07:24:40 AM »
Cat Sassoon





Gao Zhelan


USA One Piece Swimsuit

China One Piece Swimsuit

with China marked on front

Out comes Gao Zhelan and flipping off every single fan in the crowd.

*Bell rings*

Announcer: This next contest, is  a PEACH PIT INVITATIONAL SECOND ROUND MATCH! Introducing first, from Hong Kong she is "The Walking Death", GAO ZHELANL!!!!!

Lee Marshall: : It's time, ladies and gentlemen! Another Peach Pit Match  is about to take place!

Diamond Dave: : Man I ’m tellin’ ya. This is just getting real heated with the various countries striving to make it to the top.

Lee Marshall : Despite all that, this could be easy picking for Gao Zhelan in the tournament  if she can defeat America's favorite Cat Sassoon here tonight.

Gao Zhelan then stands on the apron, takes her countrie's ring jacket  off, and enters the  open ring.

And in a bring red, white, and blue jacket with her name written all over in the back, out comes Cat Sassoon
Announcer: And her opponent, she is a THREE TIME UNITED STATES CHAMPION , CAT SASSOON!!!!

Diamond Dave: Cat Sassoon, of course she has her past accomplishments , is not just gonna be in a match, but a fight.

Lee Marshall: You said It, Dave. Who knows what kind of brutality Gao  is gonna bring! ?

Gao didn't even wait. She went straight for her, gave her an arm flip into the ring, beats her with her fists , and the bell rings.

Diamond Dave:  There's the bell, let the violence begin.

Gao keeps on hitting Cat   with punches to her face and across her back. 

She  then sets her up for a sidekick , but Cat  had it well scouted, and countered into a headscissor takedown mid move.

Lee Marshall: There 's a headscissor by Cat  and now looking to gain Some momentum...

Cat  gets up, connects with a falling knee on Gao,  then she rolls across the  ring, and looks out of it. 

But once she stood up, Gao  was already waiting for her performing cartwheels , and Gao  flattens with a side kick to the face.

Diamond Dave:  And Gao  nails her  target with a devastating kick. 

Once Gao  turned around, Cat start  whipping her with a right hook!

Lee Marshall : And now Cat , Cat  is eviscerating Gao  with her fists!

She then curls her fists , sizes Gao  up, and knocks her  down With a straight jab to the face.

Cat  then picks her  up, but then she throws her face first onto her knee!

Lee Marshall: Oh my god! What impact!

Diamond Dave: Right onto those knee, she could be badly hurt!

Lee Marshall  Ya think?

Cat Sasson mounts on the back of Gao and grabs her neck and begins to twist it 

Diamond Dave:  There it is!

Lee Marshall; Submission locked in...

The referee sees that Gao  was out cold, and calls for the bell.

*Bell rings*

Diamond Dave: That's it!

Announcer: : The winner of this match, CAT SASSOON!!!!

Lee Marshall: : And that's a solid Win for Cat Sassoon

Diamond Dave: You said it, Dave. when Cat  came out, Gao  didn't stand a chance.
Lee Marshall: It's one small step for Cat but a giant leap as she inches closer for repeating as Angelfist champion.