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Best Freestyle match so far India vs Canada (Road to Semis)

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Offline Indian_Girlfighter

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Best Freestyle match so far India vs Canada (Road to Semis)
« on: August 14, 2022, 08:51:15 AM »
I think from YT5 in final 2nd round it became very hot

(Would be great if you push the like button & comment if you really liked, will encourage us)

1) 1 point on pushing the opponent out of the mat wrestling circle.
 2) 2 Points on holding the opponent from behind down on the mat on all four with own legs completely free.
 3) 2 points for each roll. If she rolls twice she gets 4 points, if rolls 3ce gets 6 points ...goes on.
4) 4 points  lifting the opponent in air & throwing/Slamming down on the mat.
5) If no one scores by end of 5 Yt, the passivity will fall on less aggressive fighter who has to score in next 5 Yt...if she couldn't, her opponent will get her first one point.
 6) If the gap of score is more than 10 points...then match ends in favour of superior as technical superiority.
 7) Irrespective of any score if one manages to pin the other on shoulders for 2 Yt's..the pinner wins by fall.
 8) The winner is decided by whose score is more after 2 games...or...who pins the other by fall.
candace_foster: I am currently ranked 9th in the Olympic and have been on the rise of late...just 2 months ago I was 16th so I feel like my wrestling is really improving...i have won 3 of my last 5 matches and now prepared to take on the 7th ranked gal in the Olympic..a win her should get me to the number 8 or maybe even 7 spot depending on results of other matches this week...i take a deep breath as I am wearing my tight red singlet with white stripes down the side...auburn hair is tucked back in a ponytail....LADIES AND GENTLEMEN...WELCOME TO THE 63 KG DIVISION...INTRODUCING FIRST...FROM CANADA...SHE IS CURRENTLY RANKED 9TH IN THE OLYMPIC GAMES...PLEASE WELCOME CANDACE FOSTER!.as i put up my arm to acknowledge the fairly partisan crowd that is mostly cheering for me today...i move to the middle as the referee checks me over...already feeling tense about this

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I m presently ranked seven in Olympic games in lots of Home Support for her....I dint fight her before.....also could not know her style before the match...because our staff could not get time to show & discuss her clips little tensed...its doesn't matter now a days whether you are ranked 7 or 9....Any turnaround can happen...& its only a matter of 2 ranks difference between us....Then came round when my name to be Announced.....I M in Tight Blue Singles....also with white Strips on goes the Announcement..."& HER OPPONNENT IN THE QUARETER FINAL MATCH BETWEEN INDIA & CANADA IS CURRENTLY RANKED 7TH …MONA DUTTA FROM INDIA" I MOVE CONFIDENTLY TOWARDS the mat from the entrance Arena....Put off my robes when came near to the mat arena...throw it aside...& jump on the stairs to get up on the mat....showing my solid shoulder muscles..& thighs..jumping & hopping on my side..for some warm up before we go...So the Wrestling is going to Start


candace_foster: The referee goes over the basic rules and asks as well that we are careful about the hair and making sure we dont do any choke holds or anything of that sort..i shake your hand to wish you well and the referee backs up a couple of steps..she is wearing black shorts and a black and white tight t-shirt with blonde hair and is from Sweden....she blows her whistle as i crouch down and just move a little to my left...getting my feet moving a bit and keeping a close eye on you..hands out at the ready and at chest height..keen to see how aggressive you will be..i sense this could be a low scoring contest as i am known for my defence and patience...i bring my hands out and just paw a bit at your hands and wrists..keeping my feet back and just getting a feel for how you move...a tight circle here as i keep moving...head weaving a bit from side to side as i keep pushing a little at your hands and looking for an opening....yt1

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            (very good move, very interesting, nice to meet)
candace_foster: great to meet you too :)...can't wait to see how this goes

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:           
We both crouch down…having a close look at each others….& you just move a little to your left….hands up at chest….having a close look at your moves…eyeing for an opening….you keeping your feets back….I move a bit more to my right in circle watching you, You try pushing my hands….I push them a bit ahead & carefully try to grip your armpits under your shoulder….keeping my legs behind…& try to jerk & pull you towards me if possible.…try to imbalance you….keeping my legs behind very carefully ..trying to gauge your strengths & grip of feet’s & balance on the mat…eyes very agile at your feets & leg moments ready to go.

candace_foster: We start with a few grabs at each other...and eventually you make the first grab and get a hold of my arms just below the keep your legs back smartly so I can't just go the low attack towards your legs and you have my arms tied up..i press in here but as i do you actually pull me towards you...and i feel my balance going some here as i stumble a little bit and having a hard time keeping my balance as you are pretty strong for your own hands come up and grip your arms as well just at the biceps...trying to just stay with you here..trying to replant my feet and keep my balance and then trying to move us a little in a circular fashion...trying to stay tied up with you as i glance down at your hips...trying to gauge how to attack you....YT2

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            We start with a grab with each others before i get a first grab behind your biceps & try to pull you towards me for an imbalance & good to see that i succeed....I thought my moment came when you dis-balance....but you too grip me by arms.....defending well at the moment.....It changed my thinking as both now grabbing each others arm tightly...I think you are good in defence....You try to replant your stay with me standing.....& try to move in a circular fashion.....forehead to forehead....but before you replant your feet well I jerk you again & this time more powerfully & try to pull you by arms towards me very powerfully & try to bring your hips more close...& move myself more close to you..leave my hands off your biceps & trying to get you close try to warp my both hands quickly around your lower hips & try to pick you up in my both hands in the air if I can after jerking my arms well.

candace_foster: A lot of grabbing and muscling around of each other here..early on you establish that with your extra size..i normally wrestle in the 58kg division so this is a class up for me...and then i get pulled again...not able to set my feet exactly how i would want...and its not long before i get pulled into you and you release my arms and hook your grips around my hips and pull me in close...knowing you can probably lift me here so I try and drop my hips as well and go low..trying to hook my arms as well around your hips and keep us tight...trying to pull us hard to the right..can't allow you to set your stance and lift me because if you do and turn you are going to score  take down..trying to stall you here and keep my balance and hoping we will spin around on our feet and stay tight to each other for now....YT3
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I wrap your hips from bottom in my both hands.....& try to lift you up....You try to go low....& try to grip back my hips back too in your wrap...but my hips were a bit behind for your hands as I might have kept them back a bit after my first grip… & your position was a bit occurred to get my hips....but you manage to keep your feets on the ground with pushing your hips down.....but manage to wrap my hips as well.....then you try to pull us hard on the right.... trying to keep your balance..i see this as chance...suddenly release my pressure for a decoy...& then suddenly push you behind with my full strength & put my right feet behind your feets & while pushing you back try to trip you hard on the mat on your try to move fast forward trying to trip & thud you down on the mat

candace_foster: You show early in the fight that you are the one being the aggressor as I have had to just fend you off in the early going...i do manage to keep my balance with a good grab around your hips...but just as i do that you release the grip and give me a shove and I dont see your out stretched foot behind me as i trip over it and fall to the mats...uhnn..landing on my ass and just able to break my fall...i do a fast spin move to my front..this does expose my back but not wanting to give you some kind of pin control as i try and scramble to my hands and feet but knowing you will be right in behind me so will have to play some defence now....YT4..
nice move by
(Will i get 2 points for the fall here/0
candace_foster: yes i believe so

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            (yes only 2 as not air lifted)
I push you back aggressively..your hip being still in my wrap....& in the momentum.. my right feet behind your feets.....& make you thud hard on the mats on your ass first...MUST BE MUCH DISAPPOINTING TO THE HOME CROWD...As due to this I grab first 2 points around half of the first bout.....MY COACH KEEPING ON SHOUTING & ADVISING ME...but i can't do now all what he is saying.....YOU LAND HARD ON YOUR ASS....But to avoid the Pin you try to spin & show me your back.....i leap on behind you & try to grab your both strong legs in my laps strongly...before i can try for a roll movement on you....but i have to grab your legs very powerful from your behind in my laps on chest first..your strong ass in front of me...the Crowd is trying to Cheer you LOUDDD YT

Referee puts up her hand and shows 2 fingers..signalling 2 points for you with the takedown as the score shows IND 2 CAN 0 right now...i feel you in behind me and going after my legs...the first thing I do is just spread my legs out fairly wide...this will make it much harder for you to roll forearms are on the mats and now spread out as well as i try and go heavy and get my hips and chest down to the mats and try to defend here...not happy to have to be in this position but need to show the referee that you can't advance further in your position..need to be patient here now as i feel you grabbing at my legs...uhnnn...need to be tight and heavy now as you work from behind effectively...YT5
(nice wrestling by you)

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            IINDIA 2 ..CANADA 0, I try to warp your legs...but you spread then strongly......I CAN FEEL YOUR MUSCLES ARE SO STRONG..., so Should I give up this chance..I Think......You spread your Arms as welll...the you went go down on the mat on your Chest to defend yourself....& tighten your body as hard as Possible..I COULD UNDERSTAND THAT I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO TWIST YOUR STRONG LEGS THOUGH I GAVE A TRY...I leave it..& LEAP ON YOU FROM BEHIND....getting my chest on your back...& MY PUBIC BONE ON YOUR HIPS....." I COULD TASTE THE FIRMNESS OF YOUR HIPS NOW.....It will fetch me another 2 points for riding from bEHIND...sCORE MOVES TO INDIA 4  CANADA 0.  M trying to DIG MY HANDS from under your Arm pits to hold you in Chicken wing so that i can turn you...BUT YOU ARE O FIRM...REFREE MAY SAY TO BREAK HERE. YT 5
candace_foster: really smart classy wrestling by you
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            (Thanks...I like this game..& its my hobby)

candace_foster: well deserved lead so far
You do finally give up on my legs however my back is fully exposed as you simply lean forwards from a kneeled position and ride my back and earn another 2 points for mat control...uhnn..feeling your weight on me as your hips press against my ass cheeks...i have my arms pretty wide here as you try and slip them in and under my armpits to be careful as i sense you trying to turn me over...i try to bring my arms back in here now..i spread my legs out a bit wider as you work the position..referee in close..she sees a bit of progress by you and allows the wrestling tocontinue...putting up her hand for 2 more points as its 4-0 now for India..a bit flustered with my slow start as you keep out wrestling me right now......YT6

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            The referee allowed me to go ahead...I tried my best to dig my fists from under your Arm pits.....but  you spread them ...& they are so tight.....I make another attempt move back.....& try to grab your right thigh & try to pull it UPPPPP in my hands...if possible on my Shouders...but your keeping them so much PRESSED  HARD ON THE MAT.....I TRY TO DIG MY HANDS BUT YOUR THIGHS ARE HARD TO BE PULLED ...I SIT ON MY KNEES & TRY AGAIN...BUT NO YOU ARE TOO HARD...THE REFEREE STOPS THE BOUT...& ASKS US TO GET ON OUR FEETS AGAIN

candace_foster: I defend well from the bottom and block your attempt at going after my right thigh and sensing from the referee that this is a bit of a stalemate she finally does blow her whistle and asks for the peel off me and i slowly sit up and work to my feet and adjust my singlet and wipe some sweat from my brow...a disappointing start here but i need to regroup and there is plenty of time to make this up i far you have been the whistle goes i move in..right hand to the back of your head as i try and push your head down...left hand searching now for the back of your right knee as i try and duck down and slip around behind your right leg..trying to grip it from behind while kneeling and use that to shove it up and forwards...trying for a quick takedown as i want to get you on your stomach here and see if i can get something going..hoping i am fast enough here....YT7

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            The referee sees it a stalemate & asks us to again re-group......Your right hand goes behind my neck & my right behind your neck....BOTH TRYING TO GAUGE EACH OTEHRS NECK STENGTHS As we try to Push each others head down & try to dis-balance each others.....& then you suddenly try to duck down....& try to get my leg with a sudden leg attack.....I quickly move them behind as we both get on your knees....You trying to serge ahead & get to my leg....& I pushing them behind & slapping my upper body on your back......& pressing you hard down with my upper body....trying to defend chin digging hard on your back as i press you down...& i surge ahead my right hand forward & try to grip your ass from behind between your ass cutt...try to grip your ass so hard...& press my chest so hard on your back...& trying to push your face down & down on the mat in defence....If possible i will try to swing my legs to my right in a circle..but before that i need to control you well first

candace_foster: I try that low shoot and around as i try and snare your right leg in my grip...but you watch me closely and show good defence and quickly slide out your legs behind you and slide your legs back and out of range here...and before I can reset your set your chest weight down on my backside..feeling your chin as well digging into my are facing my feet here as i try my best to hook a left arm around and between your legs but you have me lowered here as my face has to turn as it presses down on the mats as you control the wrestling then start to shift our your hips to your right....not able to hook your legs here as you have me pressed down here as your defence frustrates me and the Canadian crowd starts to get a little worried as the 7th ranked woman from India has the control right now in the match.....YT8
(great defence wrestler)

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I QUICKLY RELEASE MY LEGS...& once released i circle my legs & hips quickly to my right & try another attempt to get behind you ASS....As i free my legs & try to rotate myself to my right your lower abs still in my hand hand wrap as i try to move my ass behind your ass again ..The refree quickly goes on my right Side.....THE CANADIAN AUDIENCE QUITE DISRUPTED....As m trying to take Controls in the First game. YT8

candace_foster: You keep me pressed down pretty tight and also using that as a bit of a leverage point as you do that hard spin and with my arms not in range to hook your legs or hips you swing around and take my back again and hook my hips from behind...uhnn..feeling that as i get bumped a little forwards and slide down to my front yet again as my forearms come down and in front of me and spread...also having to spread my legs as i roll my eyes in some frustration here as you take control again and gain my backside...referee again puts up 2 fingers...2 points for India....6-0 India as the crowd gets quiet here...i spread out wide for now as you work me here...very frustrated with this first round....YT9

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            You Again Spread your Arms & LEgs...& I know you are strong...Your are on your All four position......But you do not put your Chest down this Ass was behind your Ass ...My hands were free to grab your lower abs in a wrap from behind in my arms.....I wrap it very tightly & try to lift & spin you in my hands on my right side if i do I will get another two points.....But its hard to pull...but still i grab it & my powerful Arms & shouders Try for This...My COTCH...SHOUTING...TURN TURN TURN....But do i have Such Power in My Hands Lets See...but may not be...but lets Try Againnnn.......Your Coach is quite mum now
(Thanks aCandace...As if M really in i would have like in my real life otherwise..thanks..your Kid is so sweet..congratulations..but enjoy the wrestling here first)

candace_foster: Uhnn...really feeling you pulling hard at me now as you go for that roll..i do my best here to just spread my hands now nice and wide to either side of me and as well I spread my legs and try to get my chest as low as i can..really feeling you tugging hard at my hips and trying to spin me here as the seconds tick down on the have been all over me here in the first round and now I am just trying to ride this out so you dont score any more as the deficit is already quite large...just pressing my hands and my feet hard on the mats and going wide and as low as I coach yelling now..stay tight CAndace !!...yt10

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I Try best ...but finally give up as the time ENDS . The referee tell us to release locks......The time was over...& also i dint want to get more tired for no more reasosn...the time was out....The refree blows the wistle....I start to get up on my feets.....SCORE READS INDIA 6, CANADA 0. After the first bout...wiping out the sweat from my Eye brows...& turned my Ass & started moving towards my team unite to get towel & massage assistant...GOOD MATCH FOR ME SO FAR

candace_foster: is it ok if we pause here? i only have an hour left and i know we wont finish round 2..can we try for tomorrow
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            Ohhh sure....I may be free tomorrow in the afternoon also around 3-4 pm my time.....we can discuss it offline also
I hope you enjoyed the Match same as me
candace_foster: it was a really fun match !

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            Thanks. Yes Pl begin Canada Vs India round 2

candace_foster: I get some instruction from my coach. She clarified a few things I need to do better and gives me some encouragement as well and not noting there is ample time to get back into this contest. I take a few sips of water and towel off my chest and arms and legs and then move out to the middle. Offering a handshake as the referee gives us a nod that she is ready to start. She blows her whistle as I crouch Down and hands at the ready.  Watching you closely.  Yt

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            My Coach starts to give me ample of Instructions...I try to hear...but the viewers must be thinking m not that attentive to there were good wear n tear I m not in a position to show my seriousness well...time for recovery also not very ample...mind is also tensed...& went through some very tensed moments only I & she may know that.....I dry my hands , back & legs with towel & throw it down....muscles tanned..Ready to go for the second round.....Take some sips from the energize bottle...fully fit...slap my strong thighs...& feel the hardness...& move towards the enter...Mtc
I accept your handshake as our palms brushed through....In freestyle we cannot lock our palms or fingers or get the only this much brush & feel about each others is enough...I bent low..take the Stance ..Eyes Very care full...looking at between your chest & abs.....the referee gives us nod.....I move to my right in a circle...trying to move you also in a circle.....& suddenly lurg ahead yo grab your both strongly shoulders with my strong both legs are stretched back carefully

candace_foster: I got to be a lot better this round than I was last time. The crowd a touch impatient here and I will need a decent start to get the score closer but also need to be careful. You do that quick grab of my shoulder and my hands return to your biceps and noting how you do keep your legs back here and out of range. I try pulling your arms down with a hard shove and also pulling back on your arms. Trying to unbalance you as I then release your arms and try a quick low shoot. Diving down and attacking your legs as I try and get them around the back of your knees.  Trying to work down low and see if I can maybe take you down early in round 2 and get the crowd back into this. Yt2

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            You try hard to shove my arms down....trying to imbalance me....I quickly try to go behind after your attempt to keep my legs out of your reach..seems you are a bit more desperate you the score status now. MTC
Then you release your arms....& try a quick low shoot.....& diving to attack my both legs....Try to stretch my both legs behind....dig my feets very hard on the mat & try to block you by grabbing your both shoulders hard & trying to block & control you hard stretching my body & weight forward at you....& slowly try to see if I can manage to circle my legs to my right if I get an opportunity to get on behind you...but head to head now.. I m trying to block & resist your both shoulders to come forward at me....Fore head to forehead...I tilt by head a bit to my right & try to dig it hard over your chest around shoulder wing & chest to block you well...

candace_foster: You manage to shoot your legs back just in time. I have gone pretty low here and feeling your body again working in on top of me here a bit. My arms are still extended so for now I just shoot my left arm up and between your legs and try to connect my lefthand to my right wrist just at your crotch. Just to block you from spinning around behind me. Feeling some weight on me here as my knees press down hard on the mats. Just need to try and hold this position for as long as I can. Might be able to get a whistle blown here to stop this as I need to stall you out. Not easy to hook your crotch and hold you here with some of your weight leaning on me.  Yt3

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I move my legs behind just in time....My head trying to keep your right shoulder at i block it totally with my head to lurge more forward at chin again digs on your upper back now as you still try to lurge ahead....I slide a bit backward with your that i can balance myself stretch your arms & try to grab your wrists around my crotch....I allow it as you were diving low....I grab your back very strongly in my hands & lock shackle my right wrist very tightly with my left it down very hard....& All a sudden try to swing my knees & myself to my right & try to put my All weight on you from my right to left & try to throw you on the back on the mat with my full force....for a fall if possible...using my more leverage on you..It should free your lock over my crotch as well..i try hard for it
YT 3

candace_foster: I hook my arms around and into your crotch. This allows me to try and ride this out. But I can’t really block you from advancing forwards and then your grip changes to allow you to go around my stomach.  I can feel you starting to try and twist my body around as you try and roll me. I decide to slide my left foot out hard and fast and I also am forced to release your crotch as my left hand also slides out wide as I try and go low and get my hips and chest down to the mats. This might allow you a go behind but I don’t want you rolling me to my backside which could set up a pin chance and even more control here.  YT4

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            Ohhhh on the last moment you turn & try go on your chest on the mat....I try my best...but could not do what i exactly tried to attempt....You were were strong for i couldnt turn you on your back as i you turned your back to me...on my chest.....I could not do what i intended are so strong...your Chest fall on on the Mat with  a big thud....We both & referee could clearly hear the sound....My crotch lands on your tight butts from behind..As i could test the firmness of your butts on my coutch...they are very hard..& a Very good Wrestlers butt.....Now m riding on your back....I lock your strong legs with me trying to control them that they will not do much on downwards...Now I try to lurge my both hands from below your arm pits & trying to get you in a Chicken wing then I will try to turn you down on your back.....The Canadian Audience are very much nervous as Candace is breaking their hearts with her bout against the Indian in the Quaterfinal round for which they had waited the whole night last
(They had a lots of hope on the home ground...& they knew her winning abilities...& knew she can Win Against the Indian)
candace_foster: What is the score now ???
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            (8-0)
Off sorry forgot that by mistake
(8- 0) YT4
candace_foster: Sweetie ? I am getting frustrated. It’s 8-0 now. Losing hope. Really trying hard but you are so good at this style !!!
8 - 0
Hard to be competitive here
Kind of getting out classed so far

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            (but hope i m not super here...I just try my best as any wrestler will do...but feel like giving some score...but then it will not be a real match..try to enjoy like a real match..whatever the score...& really m enjoying wrestling with u as real...& hard to get such opponents)
(its my hobby & most liking..I enjoy it..hope i could play in that level in my real life sometimes)

candace_foster: You gain my back again with the low position and I bite my lower lip as you work the top. Uhhhnn. My arms slide in as I try and clamp your hands under my armpits to stop the chicken wing roll over.  Ass bumping up and into your crotch. Trying to get some kind of a base here.  I need to get you off me but you are having a time here of riding my back and tiring me. Got to keep fighting as you control the wrestling right now. YT5
(Yes not complaining at all. You don’t super. You are good at finding openings. Let’s keep wrestling. It’s ok. We are both just doing our best here.  )
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            (Yes i know....thats why i m enjoying with you candace)
candace_foster: Hugs

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            You clamp my hands under your arm pits...m trying to find a place where i can clamp my head best on you....legs were totally locked & i could feel the leg of yours in me...You also could feel my legs in you having the taste of legs with our legs on each others..M breathing hard over your neck...i too could hear you breathing down...I can feel pumping of your hearbeats under my chest as i try to plant my chin at right place on your back side...finding where i can....You try to bump your Ass on my crotch....& i try to press my crotch hard down on it..using my leverage..the referee moving some steps to my right from our heads to the leg aside on my right trying to gauge our locks & attempt...I again try to dig my chin hard behind your neck...must be paining for you & try to release my arms from your struggling arms so that i can fix my chicken wing well..referee watching carefully...The whole audience are looking at it very carefully...a great bout going on..they know both are trying best & are very strong & matter what is score ..both trying best & best wrestletrs
YT 5
(off lit bit more..upsss...)
(Hugs back to u)

candace_foster: Nice control wrestler. Well done
You stay patient now. Digging that chin into my neck and just pressing the hips down. It’s clear you are happy to ride this out and as long as the referee is convinced you are trying to make progress she will allow the wrestling to continue. You yank your arms free eventually and I take my arms and spread them wide.  Trying to be really heavy and also wide. Hips on the mats. As I glance back and feel you press your body against me. I need a whistle soon here as fatigue gets setting in. Got to get you off me but that’s not easy to do. YT6

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            You spread your arms wide....& my wrists buckle & lock with each others over your chest riding on your butts from behind....But i find tiring i know I will not be able to turn & roll your body in my arms right now...I lay as it is ..a bit helpless...& as the Referee could notice its a stalemet ..she stops the fight..& asks us to get on our feets...M happy with what i did up to i try to come up on my feets..with my swollen legs
(I knew u also must be tired by no worries)

candace_foster: Whistle finally gets blown as you roll off me and I slide my knees under me and push my hands on the mats to work to all fours. Trailing by 8 now and it’s been a hard battle. Seems you are very skilled at this style. I adjust my singlet at the shoulders and around my thighs and get back up. Referee wanting the match to continue right away as she blows the whistle as I crouch in and try to hook my right hand to the back of your neck and control your right bicep with my left and lean my forehead against yours and just grind and try to recover a bit here.  YT7

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            (my crotch riding on your butts sorry...hope  u undersood that  typo mistake)
candace_foster: Yes I assumed your crotch was against my ass based on positioning

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            Both were a bit tired....The referee wanted to continue the match right away....You were quick to react....hook your right hand behind my back....I hook back my left hand behind your back....& now you try to control my left bicep...I too lean ahead & forehead to forehead.....we try to push each others back...A bit test of strengths....both not doing very agreesive move now...may be from the last hard attemps dont know...I slide my hand from your head to hold your right bicep tight ..almost like pinching it with hard agression..foreheads pushing each others back.....I try to push you back....holding your right bicep very tight with my hand..& suddenly as if we locked in a very tight test of strength battle...trying to push each others back with our full strengths...I keep the watch on your right bicep holding very tightly ..if you try something wrong...very agile to keep my legs back...& now apply with my all strength & try to push you back head on...the lesser in strength will go back

candace_foster: It’s now a hard grind. The Match is slowing down in pace and that’s to be expected given how hard we have been wrestling. You grab each of my arms now very firmly and start to press in and I can feel my feet sliding back here. Need to be careful as I can’t allow a force out point and maybe give you a par terre restart too. Got to take chances here as I am well behind. And lots of work to do. My hands grip your biceps and I just suddenly do a hard pull on your arms. Trying to make you stumble into me as I try and break your grip and step out to my right. Trying to secure your hips and get behind you. Need to keep working here as the second round gets close to the end here.  YT8

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I push you behind by some steps....the score lines are widely separated between us.....both tired a bit...Then suddenly you do a hard pulling of my arms towards you... using my momentum on me.....trying to make me stumble at you....I stumble on you...but using my defence & wrap my Arms very tight around your waist as i stumble on you & try to get you in a tight grip & protect myself from falling your bid to slide behind my back in standing position ...I try to halt by this grip.....& try to lock our bodies with each others firmly from front crotch to crotch...abs to abs....& try to hold you in a very tight grip....The referee moves back...both slowed down a bit...I also try if i can place my right feet behind your left feet...if i can trip you...but not much with aggression now...just holding around.

candace_foster: I try and get that slip and take your back but you Turn into me and we go chest to chest and hips to hips in a mutual lock.  Both of us showing fatigue here as the round winds down. Doing my best to hang on here and I slide my feet back as I feel your foot trying to get behind me. I do a hard twisting motion to my right. Trying to take some of your balance here and with not a lot of strength left here I grip around your ass cheek and bend down. Trying to lift you even a foot or so as I try and take you off your feet and turn and go for a takedown. Knowing a toss here completed could score big. Got to get back into this match as I still trail 8/0.  Yt9

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            We both were a bit tired....You try to twist hard on your right...I lost a bit of balance yes...try to hold in my bear hug....but you manage to move me on my left.....also you you bend down & grip around my ass cheek & try to lift me up...but I know its not ease for you as you were also left with not so much strength to pull it up that easily....I allow you to close in on me.....raise my bear hug from your abs to your head & wrap your head to tightly in a bear hug over my chest & try to push my hipps down hard...& try to mount my feets very hard on the mat ..knowing you will not be able to lift that easily....trying to control over upper body & head in my bear hug from you keep attempting trying to lift my ass..& m pushing you down in the lock...trying to control you down

candace_foster: I just can’t find the energy to get you up and turned. My arms are getting tired and it’s too late in the round to get a big move completed as you manage to hook around me as my head is sort of into your chest here but you keep your feet on the mats and finally after some time the referee decides to blow her whistle as she doesn’t see any progress and the round winds down to the final couple of seconds as you manage to keep your lead intact through round 2.  YT10

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            We wrestled there for some trying hard to pick my ass up...with not so mush strength left in you at such dying moment of the 2nd gruelling round....& i try to keep you down.....the referee stops the bout....the few dying moments left in the 2nd round....I just give my right palm to you to tap yours on it.....knowing the time is left only for this much tapping...but after the tap...I move ahead quickly & try to lift up by your hips on my hands...but wait wait..the referee stops the bout as time up...Score Reading 8-0 by end of the 2nd Round. yT10
(Ohh no 8 - 0)

END !!

candace_foster: Yeah mind does that too. I type 8-0 and I get that weird face. Lol
You have to put spaces in front and behind the -
8 - 0. Then it’s ok. Lol
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            lol
candace_foster: Can I ask something ?
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            Pl
candace_foster: I feel I am wrestling really hard. And yet no results. It’s 8-0. Am I making errors or are you just that much better ?
At least my second round was better. 2-0 instead of 6-0
Comments ?

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I think i might have more cyber experience & also a gold medalist types...lols....but i see you are having a tremendous experience & knowledge of the wrestling..which i never could find in others...& i really enjoyed it...& at the second round you really were able to wear down my brains & if in the real wrestling ..which i liked......really...also in the last grulling round you gave me only 2 points ..hard to belive...but i want to come with  an intense 3rd round as well0
candace_foster: I am ok if you are better than me. That’s not a problem. I am just doing my best and I just want to make sure that I am fun and challenging.
I get worried when it’s 8 to 0 that you might get bored ?
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            Not at all...i had to fight it so can't believe ..& that is fun
i think soon you will know me as well....& then it will be terrific i guess...lols
If you are so aggressive & defensive like me..dont know what will happen...& i look forward to it
It was only our first might never seen such aggressive ..& defense before....& techician
I think you will soon understand it...& i never have seen a wrestler like you,..yes one arabic lady i guess
candace_foster: No never faced anyone as good as you at this style.
There is a gal named Sahar who I face in this style. She is very good at it
We tend to have low scoring matches. Sometimes 3-2 over 3 rounds if you can believe it. Most are like 5-3 or 7-4. Scores like that
But you are technically very good at this style.
Hard to score against you
But I am having a lot of fun. It’s a very fun style to do with you and I like how you wrestle

Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I sometimes wished i give you some points...but i dint as i wanted to make us both feel in a real match
Really i dint want to do any super..& used always try word in my all attempts..or i myself would not enjoy it
I was also fearing a lot wrestling you..blv me..lols
Really you had that knowledge your style of writing
proves it
candace_foster: The match feels very real. It’s why I like it. Just frustrated because I haven’t scored a point. You understand ?
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I dont see any point we both enjoyed it....blv me...
candace_foster: Yes I loved the match so far.
It’s been incredibly fun
And also. I am finding it a bit erotic and sexy. I hope it’s ok to say that to you ?
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            Ohhh...see i blv...when we fight hard..its the most erotic world for me...& not what they say erotic is...I think i could make you understand..not sure
I dont get proper word to explain..let me think..dont know how to make you know what i think
candace_foster: I find the competition and the body contact. The struggle for control. It’s very sexy
I don’t think I want to have sex with you. But. I would consider wrestling you In this style and going topless or nude maybe
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            I find when we both trying to defeat each other on strength & managing to get our ass behind to our ass to get 2 points.....managing to push the other behind ...pressing our crotch on ones butts.....struggling not to get turned spreading Arms & Legs..what you did are the most erotic parts..dont know what people think.....
candace_foster: I am just sharing my thoughts. I hope it’s ok. I don’t want this to come across as too sexual. But I feel erotic when we fight
Do you feel I wrestle in a sexy way ?
Are you turned on by controlling me ?
Indian_girlfighter - Mona:            Ohhh i like to be more realistic...terrific sexy when you spread your arms ......spread your legs to block me from turning you.....the way you described the wrestling in real ways.....the way you tried to lock my crotch....& everything so sexy....

We discussed a lot after that & specially having a bed Wrestling after that.

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