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Old Story - Gladiatrix

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Old Story - Gladiatrix
« on: May 01, 2010, 02:46:20 PM »
Again, not mine...all credit to: johnsmith2007

By: johnsmith2007

The villa of Sartus Sextimus lay a few miles outside Rome. Far enough for it to be out of harm’s way when another spate of mad imperial anger was cutting down senators left and right. However the reason for its semi seclusion lay on its owner’s hobby. He loved to train and match female gladiators or gladiatrices as some would have it. The fat senator was a connoisseur of the female form and sent his buyers across half the known world for beautiful athletic women and of as many colures and skin tones as there was in the empire. He even had three women from far Cathay and had also bought husband s for them so that his breeding stock could be maintained. This was all strictly illegal but as many other senators also had his fancy for athletic beautiful women and kept their own lanisters and training schools there was no real chance of him being prosecuted. The cover they all used was that they were being trained as animal fighters, and this also allowed them not to be governed by the strict dress code enforced on the official female gladiators who wore the same armor and heavy helmets as the men. What was the good of having a beautiful women fighting for you if half her body was encased in armor and she was wearing a large helm.
Once a month the ‘Amazon Coliseum’ would be set up in whichever rich merchant or senator had bid enough to hold the games in his villa. Holding the games allowed you to choose your own preferences for the fights but as the powerful men behind the games were in deadly pursuit of victory unlike in the real games death was nearly always the result of each fight. Certain adjustments were made to the weapons to insure a long fight. Without any extensive armor the blades and points were blunted the main protection being studded gauntlets and arm guard, a buckled high belt (hugging the women’s shape from above the belly button to under the women’s large hanging naked tits like a fetish basque) and a studded choker. The women were naked otherwise except for light toeless strap sandals whose leather thongs bound sinuously around their calves.

full story @