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WAY TO GO JOE story by cromin

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Offline crominhismnt

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WAY TO GO JOE story by cromin
« on: July 05, 2019, 04:15:17 AM »
so i made a new friend who inspired me to write and even loaned me his name for the following story, thanks again Joe Jerrell
the story is titled
its a little different from what i normally write but if it gets enough interest i will continue and maybe even add some illustrations.

Joe Jerrell stepped out of the old, rusted yellow taxi that was probably older than he was. Stepping into the warm night air he stretched his arms and wished he had worn shorts for this little excursion instead of jeans. The pits in his salmon colored shirt were already stained with sweat. It was his third day in Cabo and he still had another week on the company's dime. He was here on business but that business was nearly complete and he now had time to treat his sweet tooth, so to speak.
He had learned on his many stays in hotels around the world that asking the right question in the right way was the difference between finding your particular indulgence and getting kicked out of the hotel or even arrested.
Palo, the hotels concierge was very helpful and following his instructions Joe now found himself in a seedy part of the city, standing in front of an old abandoned factory building in the dead of night, exactly where he wanted to be. He looked up and down the deserted street. Deserted except for an obvious look out leaned against the brick wall of the building, his face obscured by an Angels baseball hat.
The lookout glanced up and made eye contact with Joe and cocked his head sharply to the left, motioning him around the corner into the alley way. Joe was definitely aware of where he was and what he was doing and he was no stranger to being a stranger in a foreign land. He knew how to handle himself and showing no fear and confidence was key. He spotted a door halfway down the alley and he could now hear the telltale sounds of his target and knew he had found what he was looking for.
As he approached the wooden door it opened and he was instantly enveloped by the sights and sounds of the spectacle inside. All around people stood, yelling and cheering thru smoke and dust as two plus size women stumbled in a tight clinch in the center of a make shift boxing ring. Both ladies where about equal size and height but he could tell there was a definite age difference. The younger of the two couldn’t have been any older than 18 and still had that chubby baby face that looked adorable even as she was being repeatedly punched in it by her older opponent. The older woman was definitely dominating this fight. Joe studied her stern face contorted in effort as she threw another short hook to the younger fighters ribs. He could tell she was a natural beauty. Her jet black hair was bound up in a tight bun and her mocha brown skin glistened with perspiration that sprayed from their bodies with every blow that landed.
Both women were dressed in grey tank tops and daisy duke cutoff jeans that hugged their ample asses tightly. They had their hair up and wore matching red 20 ounce boxing gloves that were too heavy and normally used for training or sparing. As the two fighters struggled, the older of the two pushed her opponent back and let loose with a quick combo that the younger girl managed to evade. As Joe got a clearer view of the combatants he would swear that the two bared a strong resemblance to each other. Siblings possibly or maybe even… mother and daughter!
Joe stared, stunned and wondered how he could find out if indeed the combatants were blood related!
Over to his right Joe spotted a man waving at him to come over. Joe weaved his way thru the crowd and when he got close “Marcos?” Joe asked.
“Hey gringo!, You got here just in time.” Marcos, a dark skinned Mexican looking every bit the weasel character you would expect to find in a place like this waved his hands at the fighters “Lupe and Concha are the only two women fighting tonight so if this is what you wanted to see.” He smiled his weasel smile at Joe and he returned the smile and hoped it looked every bit as insincere as he meant it to be.
“So gringo, it’s going to be six hundred for each girl minus my forty percent” again with that fucking smile. Joe thought if he had to look at that seedy smile any longer he was going to have to break forty percent of his face. This useless pimp was ripping these girls off but Joe would see to it that they would be very well compensated for their time, blood, sweat and tears.
Joe reached into his pocket and passed him an envelope, Marcos reached for it but when he tried to pull it away joe held onto it and said “Half now. The other half when the evening is concluded”
Marcos grinned and nodded “That’s fine, Jefe, but the six hundred is just for the show, you want any more than that you gonna have to work it out with the ladies”
The crowd roared and Joe turned to see the older woman working over the younger one with little resistance.
As joe turned his attention back to the fight he let go of the envelope and he had to ask.“ Marcos, are these two fighters… related?” Once more that fucking weasel smile spread across his face. “Yes. Concha is the mother. Lupe is her daughter!”
He cackled a weasel laugh and slinked back into the crowd leaving Joe to enjoy the fight. Concha, the mom had her daughter pinned against the ropes. Her skill and experience was obvious as she cut her daughter off from the rest of the ring and kept her pinned in the corner with a barrage of lefts and rights. Lupe was obviously flustered but did her best to cover up. It looked like the fight was pretty much over. It would now just be a matter of time till Concha wore down Lupe’s defenses and went in for the knockout blow. Suddenly, out of nowhere Lupe let loose with a right upper cut that landed solid with her mother’s jaw. She barely ducked her mom’s wild left but Lupe connected with a lightning quick left cross to moms temple. It spun Concha around and left her unsteady to say the least. It was obvious that her mother was ready to be finished off but Lupe hesitated.
This seemed to enrage her mother and she threw a wild punch that Lupe easily ducked and countered with a blow to her mother’s midsection. She followed it with a left to the ribs and finished with a wicked right hook to the jaw. Though her eyes were wide open as she fell to the mat, it was clear that the lights were out for Concha. She landed with a thud on the canvas and a quasi ref entered the ring and declared Lupe the winner even as she knelt to care for her mother’s unconscious form.
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Re: WAY TO GO JOE story by cromin
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2019, 04:50:33 AM »
Chapter 2

Joe waited patiently outside the old building as the crowd cleared out. A few spectators hung around in the parking lot smoking and drinking and it wasn’t long before they were approached by some of the ladies of the night peddling their wares.
He looked at his cell phone and noted it was well past midnight and was starting to get restless waiting to speak to Concha and her daughter. He looked at his phone for the umpteenth time when he heard a commotion over in the parking lot. Curiosity getting the better of him he started walking to the other side of the building and looked around. What he saw was a group of men standing in a semi-circle while three prostitutes attempted to jump a fourth. Two of the three hookers where Hispanic girls between eighteen and twenty years of age dressed like slutty school girls right down to the traditional plaid miniskirts, they were both small, petite and flat chested compared to the third who was a statuesque black woman with massive breast and flat chiseled abs.
The black hooker yelled something in Spanish to the two smaller ones and her deep voice and mannish stature led Joe to suspect she was probably a man in drag but soon changed his mind when he saw a very pronounced camel toe thru the skin tight black yoga pants she had on. She also wore a yellow blouse with white polka dots that her rock hard nipples strained against and showed off her square cut shoulders and well defined arms.
Their intended victim was a hefty blonde that reminded Joe strongly of Anna Nicole Smith, with the same baby blue eyes and pouty lip. She wore a short black skirt and matching kimono blouse with fishnet sleeves that was tied off in the front to no doubt show off her sizable chest.  Despite being outnumbered she seemed to be doing pretty well so he decided to let this play out.
The two smaller women charged the blonde but she held her ground and flattened one of them with a hard right knocking her out cold.  The second girl managed to grab hold of her hair and strike wildly at the blonds face. Seeing her opening the black whore rushed in swinging. But the blonde was ready and grabbed hold of the smaller girl by her hair and shoved her in between her and the charging black woman. With an over hand left she reached over the smaller girls right shoulder and tagged the black woman right on the nose bringing a cry of pain from her and a sympathetic ouch from the crowd.
The smaller Hispanic girl, still locked up with the blonde in a mutual hair pull started screaming as she tried to strike the hefty girl. While the Hispanic girls punches bounced harmlessly off the white girls shoulders the blondes counter was much more effective. Holding her by the back of the head and forcing it down the blonde gave her a series of devastating upper cuts to the face, each time those heavy punches connected solidly the crowd oohed for the poor girl. By the fifth one she went limp at the knees just in time to give her black friend space to move in. With her hands up in a boxing stance she circled slowly around her downed companion to engage the blonde.
Joe heard the black girl curse the white girl out in Spanish. Understanding a little, he caught that the white girl was a rival hooker encroaching on their territory and had been warned. The Blonde answered her in English “Puta bitch! You tell your limp dicked pimp that Cherry goes wherever the fuck she wants to go bitch. You tell that mother fucker to suck my dick!!”
Someone from the crowd yells out “Get her Monica, get that pinche grina”
Monica moved in with the encouragement of the crowd, she feinted left and threw a couple of jabs that didn’t get thru Cherry’s defense. Cherry stayed cool and calm with her hands up and slightly bobbing her head. Trading a few jabs they slowly circled each other before they lunged forward and  let their hands go. Monica was already gushing blood from her nose and joe knew first-hand how much her eyes must be watering from the pain but Monica still had numbers on her side and the first girl that Cherry had knocked out earlier in the fight had come too and was now grabbing onto Cherry’s ankles keeping her from moving around.
This gave Monica a much needed edge. While she was strong and fast most of her punches where not hitting their mark as she was having a hard time seeing thru the tears. But now that Cherry was stationary more of her punches connected.
Cherry had no choice but to stand and go toe to toe with the larger woman and at this point she was seeing red and didn’t give a shit anyway. Her punches and combos where much more devastating than the wild ones the black girl was throwing and it wasn’t long before a hard combo of a left cross and a right upper cut to Monica’s jaw sent the black girl to the dirt.
There was a mixture of cheering and groaning in the crowd as most had obviously bet against Cherry. Standing legs apart, fist still raised she looked down at the Hispanic girl still grasping at her ankles. She yanked free one of her shapely plump legs and kicked the downed girl in the face until she let go of her other leg.
The crowd began to disperse and Joe approached cherry clapping loudly and deliberately.
“that was a hell of a fight lady, where did you train?” he asked
Cherry looked him up and down with a smirk on her face and a small trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth. Joe held out a handkerchief, something he had learned to carry at all times as it proved to be a classy move that when offered, all women appreciated.
Cherry looked at the fancy handkerchief and her smirk turned to a genuine smile of appreciation as she accepted the offering, wiping at the blood at the corner of her mouth. “I had brothers that were boxers and I was always tagging along when they trained, picked up a few things”
She proceeded to wipe the sweat from her brow with his handkerchief and finished with blowing her nose before offering it back to him which he politely declined.
Looking at her thoughtfully he asked “Cherry I have some business to attend to but if your available in about an hour I might have some business for you, where can I find you later?”
She smirked again but nodded “there’s a taco truck around the corner, whipping ass always makes me hungry” she tucked away his handkerchief down the front of her kimono style blouse and down between her ample breast. She smiled at him and turned to walk away with an exaggerated swing in her hips.
Joe watched admiring her plump ass till she rounded the corner and then turned to see Concha and her daughter leaving the building and crossing the street. He approached them as Lupe eyed him wearily.
“Concha, Lupe? My name is Joe Jerrell, I was wondering if I could talk with you about a business opportunity”
“Im sorry mister Jerrell but I don’t think my mother is in any condition to fight again, not for a while” Lupe held her mother upright as she started to object but Lupe silenced her with a sharp phrase in Spanish.
She was right, Joe could see that Concha was still feeling the fight and should probably see a doctor.
“I’m sure I can find a replacement but it might take a few days, there aren’t many women in Cabo that will fight me or my mother, we have a bit of  a reputation” she said this with pride and didn’t try to hide it. “ which is why the only ones we can find to fight right now is each other.”
“That’s fine Lupe, get your mother situated but I think I might already have a replacement for you”
Lupe smiled and they continued walking and talking. Joe found out that she and her mother had family in the states that they were trying to get back to and were trying to raise money for the trip and get a fresh start.
He gave her a card to the hotel he was staying at with a time and his hotel room number written on the back.
Heading back the way he came he found the taco truck around the corner from the building the fight was at. Looking around it he didn’t see Cherry anywhere till he spied movement in the alley behind the truck. Walking around the vehicle he spotted Cherry with a john, hisk pants down around his ankles and his back to the wall as Cherry gave him a vigorous hand job, probably to pay for her food.
“Cherry, uh when you’re done” He waved at her but tried not to make eye contact with her or the guy with his pants down.
“Oh hey joe, what can I do for you baby?” her voice shaking with the force of her hand jerking.
“Well I might have some work for you that won’t require you to give hand jobs for tacos”
The john turned to him obviously irritated at being interrupted “ hey pendejo, can’t you see the bitch is busy, fuck off?!”
Joe calmly walked up to them and kicked the john to the ground.
“Get up, wash your hands and get back to fuckin work” 
The john looked up at Joe with fear in his eyes and he pulled his pants back up and fumbled to tie his apron around his waist as he tried to work the door handle to the taco truck.
“hey!” Joe yelled at the john “make her whatever she wants”
He tossed him a twenty dollar bill and invited Cherry to sit with him while they talked business.
He learned she was from Minnesota, the only daughter of a failed professional boxer who was also a mean drunk. When she was just a few months shy of her eighteenth birthday, her mother abandoned her and her family and  she ran away from home soon after that, living on her own ever since.
“how did you end up here in cabo?” he asked
“she took a long drag off her cigarette and exhaled “followed the wrong asshole down here”
“So why are you still here?”
She looked at him and smiled looking even more like Anna Nichole Smith then before.
“Waiting for the right asshole to take me back”
Joe sighed and reached into his back pocket and gave her a card to his hotel with the same info on it that he had given Lupe.
“Meet me there this week end and not only will you make some good money but possibly a ride home in style”
Cherry took the card and eyed both the front and back before tucking it away between her cleavage. He said his goodbyes as her food arrived and caught a taxi back to the hotel.
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Re: WAY TO GO JOE story by cromin
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2019, 01:18:11 AM »
Chapter 3

The week had moved at an agonizing pace for Joe, even his job which he normally found distracting enough, failed to keep his mind occupied till the weekend arrived.
When the day finally came he appeared cool and collected but the truth was he stressed as his excitement grew, everything had to be perfect; he had booked a room that was large enough to accommodate the evening’s event and stocked necessary supplies and first aid kit for just in case.
Cherry was the first to arrive, he greeted her at the door as if she was an old friend and invited her in. He offered her a glass of wine that she downed in one gulp and picked up the bottle to serve herself another.
“you might want to take it easy on that, you don’t want lose your focus for tonight.” Joe advised.
She gave him her patented smirk and downed the remainder of the wine in her glass before she set it down on glass coffee table.
She approached Joe as he sat on the couch and stood in front of him, she had worn a sexy short skirt and tight tank top that caused her cleavage to spill out over the top of it.
“What exactly are we doing this evening, Mr. Jerrell” she asked coyly as she pushed her legs in between his and slowly parted them with hers.
“Something that you’re going to need a clear head for, and I will explain further once our other guest arrives” he smiled patiently at her “I don’t want to have to repeat myself”
She pouted then smiled in resignation and he turned to his left and retrieved a large white box from the side of the couch with a red ribbon tied around it. He held it out to Cherry whose smile only broadened as she took the box.
“what is this now” she cooed as she untied the ribbon.
“just something for you to wear tonight, and keep for after” he took another sip from his glass.
She opened the box and looked at the contents inside. She looked up at him and beamed with excitement. She laid the box down on the coffee table and proceeded to strip off her clothes before he stopped her and directed her to the bedroom where she could change. She looked at him with hungry eyes and bit her lower lip then turned and disappeared into the bedroom.
While Cherry changed in the next room Joe heard a knock at the door. He opened it and standing there in the hallway was Lupe dressed in sweat pants and a white tank top, her hair already up in a bun.
He extended his hand to her inviting her in and similarly offered her a drink of wine to help calm any nerves she might have about tonight.
Unlike Cherry she politely only took a sip and laid the glass down on the table. She looked around at the hotel room impressed and then turned to Joe who was now holding another white box with a black ribbon tied around it. When she opened it she looked up at him in confusion.
“I thought I was here to ..”
“Yes but I want you to do it while wearing this” he interrupted her. She looked at him skeptically as he led her to the spare bedroom so she could change.
No sooner had he closed the door for Lupe when Cherry burst from her room in the dress he had selected for her. He had always had a natural talent for guessing a woman’s measurements and picking out women’s clothing, his taste rarely disappointed. Hands on her hip Cherry happily modeled her new slinky blood red satin dress. It went all the way down to her ankles and had a sexy thigh high slit along the side. It fit her perfectly hugging her curves and complementing her hour glass figure.
“do you like it?” he asked her and she gave him a silent nod with a smile that went from ear to ear. Another night like this and Joe would be having her fetching his slippers and calling him daddy. This chick was ready to day anything he asked and he knew it.
Joe marveled at the dramatic change a fancy dress can do for a woman. Only moments ago a common street walker stood before him and now Cherry looked elegant enough for any high society event he choose to take her to.
Then he heard Lupe cough behind him and when he turned, his jaw hit the floor.
No longer the tough as nails street rat he met a week ago but a beautiful voluptuous young woman in the sexiest little black dress he had ever seen. Her hair was still up in a tight bun and she was still nervous maybe even more so now that she was out of her comfort zone but this only made her even more attractive.
Cherry could tell she was no longer the center of Joe’s attention and didn’t like being upstaged one bit. Joe walked past the blonde like she wasn’t even there and approached Lupe with quite amazement “ you, look, stunning my dear” he started to reach up but then hesitated. “may I?” he asked.
Lupe looked down and nodded.
Joe slowly reached behind her head and with surprisingly nimble fingers he unfastened and pulled out her hair pin. A tidal wave of raven black hair tumbles down from her head almost as if in slow motion.
Cascading in waves it fell past her shoulders almost down to her waist. Long, thick and silky it framed her young face and really brought out the beauty of her dark almond shaped, brown eyes.
From his left Joe heard Cherry in a very irritated tone “So hey, are we going to get this show on the road or what?!”
Breaking the spell he was under Joe sighed and nodded “yes indeed, it is time to get this show on the road.”
He moved to the center of the room and picked up a roll of tape off the table.
“You both know more or less why you’re here, but it’s time for you to hear the fine details.”
Cherry glanced over at Lupe with obvious disdain. She seethed with dislike for this girl and didn’t even realize why. She tried to remember the last time she felt like this and realized to her horror it had been more or less 9 years ago.
While her father was a mean drunk who beat her brothers at the slightest provocation he never once laid a hand on her except with love and tenderness. She was his little girl. But it was less than a few months after her bitch of a mother had left them that her father brought another woman into the house.
Carla, a dark haired Puerto Rican slut with an insufferable attitude. She was only 8 years older than Cherry but thought she was just going to come in and start bossing her around. After a week or so of blow ups and screaming matches things finally came to a head when Cherry left school early one day and returned home unexpected.
Her father and two older brothers were supposed to still be at work that day but instead she found Carla riding her youngest brother on their living room couch. She stood horrified at first as she watched this fat bitch ride up and down on her brother’s stiff pole, growling with every pump of her meaty thighs. Her tight blue skirt was hiked up around her waist while her brother pulled her red panties to the side with one hand as she rode his pole. His other hand he had up the front of shirt and groping her massive left tit.
Instinctively she screamed at her to get off her brother and while they were shocked and surprised at having been caught it did little to throw off Carla’s rhythm. Her brother at east tried to push her off but Carla was not a small bitch and wasn’t getting off until she did.
It’s possible that it was the shock of being caught by his sister or the sudden increase of Carla’s pumping hips but the moment for her brother to blow his load couldn’t have been timed any better. With increasing horror she watched as her brother thrust himself as deep as he could into their father’s girlfriend with every spasm of his orgasm.
Her hands balled up into fist and only the pain of her nails digging into the palm of her hands cleared Cherry’s head enough to realize that this was all she needed to get rid of this upstart bitch. Carla locked eyes with Cherry reveling in the distress her tryst with her brother was causing this thorn in her side but when Cherry threatened to tell her father Carla decided she was going to shut Cherry’s mouth the old fashion way.
She climbed off of Cherry’s brother whose cock was still rock hard and just kept pointing to the ceiling. She stood toe to toe with the young blonde bumping her tits into Cherry’s slightly larger ones. Cherry pushed back and Carla was two seconds from slapping the smirk off of Cherry’s face when the blonde beat her to it by one second.
With a lighting fast jab Cherry struck Carla in the mouth with a closed fist and in an instant the two hefty hellcats were in a hands in hair,  furious, all drag out  screeching catfight right in the middle of their living room floor.
They pulled each other around the room kicking and swinging wildly and though Carla had the weight advantage by about twenty pounds, thanks to her fathers training Cherry’s boxing skills were on point. She drove her fist into Carla’s fat gut knocking the wind out of her. Carla in turn tried to scratch at Cherry face but instead the young blonde ducked and moved to the right where she set the puerto rican tramp up for a lighting fast combo that left her with a split lip and one hell of a shiner come morning.
But Cherry wasn’t done yet, after months of arguing and catpats she was ready to take it all out on this bitch. In a rage Carla grabbed Cherry by the front of her shirt and pulled it down exposing her teen tits. Hoping the young girl would be embarrassed enough to drop her defense and try to cover up, but she had underestimated the young girls resolve as Cherry didn’t give two shits whether her tits were exposed or not, all she cared about was whipping this bitch’s ass.
While she tried to rip Cherry’s top off the the dark skinned girl had left herself open. The young blond caught the puerto rican in the jaw with two hooks from her left and right. The remnants of her shirt hung in tatters from her neck and with each punch she threw her large young tits would swinging wildly. As Carla back peddled from her onslaught Cherry saw an opening and decided to return the favor by grabbing Carla by the tits thru her hoochi blouse. Using them for leverage she gave her a head butt that sent her dark skinned opponent to the carpeted floor sprawling on her ass, minus the blouse as it ripped away in Cherry’s strong hands!
Lying flat on her back Carla’s massive natural tits spread out into her arm pits. Her giant orbs heaved with every ragged breath and her exposed nipples hardened into points. Cherry threw herself at her father’s girlfriend landing on her in a school girl pin, their tits flattening out as they pressed together. Carla wheezed as she tried to regain her breath and was no longer able to defend herself but Cherry was now in a full berserker rage and began to pummel the already semi unconscious puerto rican, girl turning her face into a bloody mess and when she was satisfied with that she proceeded to wreck her breast with repeated lefts and rights until she couldn’t lift her arms anymore.

Her father came home to find her straddling a bloody mess that was once his new girlfriend and even after she had told him what she had seen, that Carla had betrayed him he still took her side and when Cherry wouldn’t let it go, screaming at her father he slapped her for the first and last time in her life.
Like her mother she left and never looked back and for that she hated her father. She bounced around fighting and fucking, sometimes for money. When she found out that the well deserved ass whipping she had handed Carla earned her a warrant for attempted murder that’s when Cherry decided a vacation down south sounded like a good idea.
But she was tired of the night life in Cabo and working on her back. She didn’t mind the fighting hell she would do that for free but she felt it was time to change, she couldn’t expect to live like this forever and she wasn’t getting any younger. It was time to get her life into some semblance of order. It was time to go home.
“Cherry?!” She was startled from her remembrance and realized she hadn’t heard a word Joe had said until he had called out her name.
“You still with us darling?” he asked teasing.
“yeah, yeah sorry about that. Prefight jitters and all” she faked a laugh.
“Like I was saying, this is basically a bareknuckle boxing fight, no time limit, tape around the hands only to help minimize the damage to your knuckles. The fight will go on until one of you is incapacitated, that means no tap outs and no time outs unless I call them. That means you can only win by knock out. The winner is not only walking away with the amount that we have already discussed but also as a bonus, im offering passage to the us as well as any leverage I can lend with any legal matters you may have to deal with to get across.
He looked at Cherry and she could swear she saw him wink, was it meant for her?!
Both women started, eyes blinking unbelievably. For Cherry it meant going home for Lupe and her mother, a reunion with their family. If they ever needed incentive to win this fight Joe just gave it to them.
After moving the furniture around to give them plenty of room Joe lit a few candles and dimed the lights. He sat on the couch with a glass of wine filled to the rim and smiled at the two women as they moved to the center of the room.

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Re: WAY TO GO JOE story by cromin
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2019, 08:13:28 AM »
just a heads up, the story has been revised a few times since my last post so there might be some minor inconsistencies in the following chapter. I will be posting a revised and complete version with all completed chapters at a later time on this same post but for now, try to enjoy my minor storytelling abilities.


Lupe finished taping her hands and tested the feel by punching her fist into her opened hand making sure it wasn’t too tight or too loose. She looked across the room at her opponent. As far as she knew this was the first time she had ever met or laid eyes on Cherry but she could tell that the blonde did not like her. Lupe was no stranger to confrontation. It seemed she had been fighting all her life and even though she was not a violent person she was really good at fighting. She had been taught by her mother at a very young age. Her mother never told her where she herself had learned to fight but from an early age Lupe had shown real pugilistic aptitude rarely losing a fight to boys or girls.
As far as she was concerned there was only one fight she had ever lost.
It happened the same day her mother had been picked up by I.C.E and deported. It came at the hands of the daughter of Evelyn Parker, the woman who was directly responsible for her mother’s exile. It was also the only time she had ever seen her mother lose a fight as well, rage swelled in her chest as she saw in her mind’s eye the faces of Evelyn Parker and her cheating spawn Emma.
Both mother and daughter had the same stupid curly red hair and brown eyes. Although just a few inches shorter, Emma had a similar body type as her mother, curvy and big chested except Emma had already surpassed her mother’s double DDs. They were even bigger than Lupe’s at the time. But it had been a year since their last encounter and she was at least one size bigger now. 
Going against everything she had ever been taught about not interfering between two warring women, when she had seen her mother and Evelyn Parker locked up throwing haymaker punches at each other with one hand while they had ahold of each other’s hair with the other, she couldn’t help but try and break them up. She had Known Mrs. Parker since she was a little girl and had even been living in her house for the last year while her mother went thru her pregnancy.
But things quickly changed after her brother had been born. Lupe had come to learn that her mother and Mr. Parker had been having an affair for several years with Mr. Parker professing to love her mother and promising to leave his wife which he never did.
But Mrs. Parker was no fool and had found out about the affair. In retaliation for trying to steal her husband Mrs. Parker used her influence and money to have her mother deported but also to take her son.
Feigning ignorance about the affair Mrs. Parker moved Lupe and her mother into their home until her mother had given birth. A week later Lupe overheard Evelyn speaking with someone on the phone about having her mother deported.
After warning her mother they tried to leave but when Concha tried to get her newborn son Evelyn barred her way.
She stood with her hands on her hips and a snarl on her lip. Her curly red hair was tied back in a bouncy bun and she wore a light blue colored designer dress that probably cost more that Concha’s yearly salary. Concha in contrast was wearing a traditional black and white maid’s uniform that Mrs. Parker had insisted she wear probably to demean Concha.
She demanded that Mrs. Parker move out of her way and when Mrs. Parker didn’t, opting instead to stare at her with a bitchy look on her face Concha hit her with Evelyn hitting her right back with no hesitation. Like women possessed they screeched and grabbed each other by the hair and started to swing away punching each other in the face.

Though she knew it was all an act now at the time she had been conflicted, she liked Mrs. Parker she had always been nice to her which is what she suspected was the reason her daughter Emma had so much animosity towards Lupe. Evelyn lavished Lupe with gifts and attention so instead of helping her mother knock the shit out of the woman who was trying to steal her baby brother she had tried to separate them.

That’s when Emma had jumped her from behind. She grabbed Lupe by the hair with her left hand as she struck her in the ribs with her right.
Pain exploded in Lupe’s side but she instinctively rammed her elbow back into Emma’s stomach gaining herself a few seconds to recover.
Both girls recuperated quickly and took a fighters stance facing each other. Lupe had suffered many indignations from Emma ever since they were little girls due to Emma’s jealousy and insecurities. So now she relished at the thought of finally putting the little bitch in her place. There was no longer any reason to hold back, not Mrs. Parkers disapproval or the fear of losing her mothers job.
As Emma circled with her fist raised she had similar thoughts. To her the bitch and her slut daughter that were the cause of all the discourse between her mother and father were finally about to get what they deserved.
It wasn’t enough that Lupe stole her mother’s love and attention or that Concha stole her fathers but when her mother used her considerable influence to get Lupe into the same ivy league school her daughter was attending, the same iv league school where she, in an attempt to win her mother’s approval had joined the boxing team just like her mother had when she had attended was to much.
And in that same tradition she had become the number one ranking amateur boxer in her division. At least she had been number one until Lupe began to attend. When the school coach saw a video of one of Lupe’s many street fights he recruited her and she soon became his favorite pupil. Oh as far as Emma was concerned she had more than her share of hate for Lupe and the time had come to settle up.
Both girls still wore their school girl uniforms with Lupe’s hair up in a ponytail and Emma’s curly red locks tied up into twin tails.
They moved in close and with lightning quick reflexes they exchanged blows moved back and circled again. Once more a quick flurry of punches as they battled back and forth. So great was their shared hatred neither tried to protect themselves, each satisfied for now to freely exchange hard punches and mutually destroy each other.
It’s unclear who turned the fight dirty first but it seemed that they both welcomed it when they started to blast each other in their colossal tits.
Emma screamed when Lupe’s left upper cut knocked her right tit right out of her uniform. The buttons flew in all directions and Lupe couldn’t resist but to try and follow back thru on the same juicy target but Emma blocked her right hook when she tucked in her breast in with her left forearm and countered with a straight right to Lupe’s face stunning her, Emma drops low and moves in to do some tit punishing of her own.
The hard left and right from Emma’s tiny but rock hard fist knock both of Lupe’s giant young knockers free to bounce and giggle back and forth from the red heads solid blows.
Lupe cried out as her firm dark colored breast exploded with pain Emma’s strikes where precise as her punches struck her dead center of her tits the white girl using her dark brown nipple and tea cup sized areolas as a target. but Lupe retaliated with two breast shots of her own to Emma’s giggling tatas.
Behind Lupe her mother and Evelyn exchanged low blows of their own. Back and forth they struck each other’s each sex mounds until Evelyn used a knee to the Hispanics groin to up the ante.
Falling to her knees, Evelyn grabbed Concha by the hair and yanked her head back as she cocked her fist but Concha was no stranger to dirty fighting. As Evelyn yanked her by the hair Concha upper cutted her in her Milfs groin.
It was Evelyn’s turn to sink to the floor and both women know found themselves face to face on their knees. Both cupped their womanhood and leaned forward, forehead to forehead into each other. When they opened their eyes the hate spilled forth like lava from a volcano, first with a rumbling hiss then a massive violent explosion that seared everything in their path. They traded blow after blow to undefended faces and breast. Breast that were now both exposed and starting to bruise and redden as they tried to destroy each other’s massive tit meat. The vicious exchange soon caused Concha’s breast to erupt with milk from her engorged chocolate brown nipple and a punishing and powerful right cross caused the other to also explode with a twin gyser of creamy tit milk.
Concha tried to back away but Evelyn pressed her attack which is what Concha had hoped, she waited for Evelyn’s double jab knowing it would be followed with a right cross to the body, Concha blocked it with her elbow and answered with a right cross of her own followed with a stiff, straight left to Evelyn’s already stinging and tender tit.
She screamed and flew back from the blow as her breast erupted with a spray of milk.
Both women stared at each other, hair disheveled, breast exposed, faces bruised and eyes nearly swollen shut. The violent commotion had finally woken Concha’s son and he cried for his evening feeding. The sound of a crying child caused the mothers instinct in both women to go into over drive and they both began to lactate freely from both swollen tits. Evelyn spit a mouth full of blood towards Concha, landing on the latter’s bruised and carpet burned knees and Concha did likewise, her bloody spit hitting the uppity rich bitch between the tits.
Concha cursed thru clenched teeth “He will always love me puta, nothing you do will ever change that”
“And he will always love my money more you pathetic whore” Evelyn swore back. Both knew that the end was near and one of them would soon be standing over her bloodied and defeated rival.
They lunged forward colliding breast first sending a spray of titty juice in all directions. Locking up they pressed into each other till they blended together, breast, bellies and groin smashed so tightly together that only the contrast in their skin color could tell where one began and the other ended.
They grabbed each other by the hair and again spit into each other’s already bloodied faces. Concurrently they exchanged blows to the head and face with their free hand as they held each other in place by their hair.
After what seemed like an eternity of blow after blow the two women began to slow. Their faces were wrecked, bloody and swollen yet slowly and methodically they kept striking with every ounce of energy they had left until finally, Evelyn went limp. Lupe screamed and struck Evelyn’s nearly unrecognizable face two more time before releasing her hair and letting her fall back on her fat ass.
 Exhausted Concha fell on all fours as she struggled to breath but the sound of her son’s cries gave her the strength to rise back up on her knees and heave herself to her feet. She took less than two steps to her sons crib before Evelyn struck her from behind driving her fist into her kidneys and grabbing two handfuls of raven black hair and ramming Concha’s head into the side rail of her baby’s crib nearly half a dozen times before smashing her knee into her tender tits and sore ribs.
Lupe screamed her mother’s name when she saw Evelyn slam her head into the rails of the crib. She had Emma pinned into one of the corners of the room and was working her over, moving from body shots to head blows with lighting speed Emma unable to block all her punches was being worn down. Her defenses failing she got desperate. When Lupe was distracted she reached for a picture frame hanging on the wall to the right of her head.
The photo was of her and her mother and father at one of her first amateur bouts. The wooden frame splintered and the glass shattered against the side of Lupe’s face as a piece of glass cut her forehead.
Blood flowed freely from the small thin cut down her face and into her eyes obscuring her vision. So it was no surprise when she didn’t see Emma’s balled up fist coming or the one after that or the one that finally knocked her lights out.
The last thing she remembered that day was watching from the floor on her back as I.C.E. agents pulled Evelyn off of her mother’s still form.
Lupe couldn’t let her mother go alone and when they had sent her back to Mexico she had followed. They had ended up in Cabo after Concha’s Cousin Marcos; her only Living relative promised to set them up and help them find lucrative work. It turned out his idea for lucrative work was to turn both mother and daughter out but when Concha convinced him with her fist that this was not going to happen Marcos decided to promote them on the underground fight circuit instead.
Though Marcos gouged them for every penny they had managed to save a sizable amount and if she won here tonight not only would they have enough money to go home but to hire an attorney to help fix her mother’s papers and get her baby bother back.
If nothing else Lupe was dead set on evening the score with Emma Parker. And the only thing now standing in her way to her family, going home and her vengeance was this bitch faced blonde that looked at her very much the same way Emma had when her mother would dote on her. The anger welled in her chest again as she breathed in deep and stoked those fires to a white hot intensity and she put her hands up and moved forward to kick some blonde ass.
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Re: WAY TO GO JOE story by cromin
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2019, 05:37:55 AM »
Thanks Autumn, hope your all enjoying the story.


Joe wasn’t sure what to expect. He watched them as they moved to the center of the room, Lupe, already with her guard up moved with the natural grace of a fighter, despite her size she seemed to float on her feet. The long black silky dress that Joe had gifted to her felt amazing against her skin but the other items that she had found in the box under the black dress were less than comfortable.
The dress she had on was similar to what Cherry was wearing except Lupe’s hanged off her shoulders while Cherry’s tied around the back of her neck. She was braless and her massive tattas could barely be contained in her dress. If that didn’t make her self conscious enough she was acutely aware that her nipples where rock hard and she knew that Joe could see them poking thru the thin material of the dress as well. This excited her in a way she would never admit to anyone but herself but the thought of fighting in front of Joe was making her wet beyond belief.
And though she was fighting for the chance for her and her mother to go home and be reunited with her baby brother, she found she also wanted to win…for him.
There was no denying she was attracted to him, he was nice to her and spoke very intelligently which she found very attractive and the way he looked at her was different than the way that most men did.
He saw her, not just her body but her as well so to say she wanted to win for him wasn’t quite right. For some reason that only a biologist would truly be able to understand what she wanted was to win him. 
Her eyes were fierce and focused and she held Cherry’s gaze right up to the moment the first punch was thrown.
Cherry approached with a much looser attitude picking up the still full glass that her opponent had left on the table. She raised it with a smirk on her face as if she was making a toast then flung the contents of the glass into Lupe’s face! She followed with a right cross to blind girl’s jaw trying to put her down quickly.
The blonde followed up with a left cross but Lupe already had her guard up while she blinked the wine out of her eyes. When she felt Cherry’s punches glancing off her arms and head she let loose, without looking up two short uppercuts to Cherry’s soft gut.
Cherry grunted and back peddled away from what she thought was an easy target.
Joe sighed with relief that the fight had not ended prematurely. He had almost called for a time out but had hesitated, after all he did say there were no rules other than keep it a fist fight.
Lupe wiped at her eyes to get rid of the stinging wine and then looked at Cherry who seemed pretty proud of herself as she rubbed her belly. Cherry flipped Lupe the bird and Lupe just smiled and motioned for her to come at her.
They sprang forward and traded a series of combtions, Cherry’s teeth rattled from right cross while she tagged Lupe square in the mouth. Breaking apart they eyed each other, each now having taken in the others measure. Both were already breathing hard and Cherry took a moment to adjust her breast. Lupe could see that Cherry’s nipples were standing erect as well as her own and she moved in for a strike.
Feinting left and then right she ducked under Cherry’s right cross and delivered a powerful blow to her giant tit. The force of it knocked her colossal, creamy colored breast, capped with cute fat nipple straight out of her dress.
The blonde screeched and pulled back cradling herself giving Lupe the signal to press her attack. She released a flurry of punches trying to hit Cherry’s already injured breast but the blonde’s defense was strong, covering up and managing to protect her wounded breast. The girls broke apart to regroup and then circled around the room eyeing each other.
“Ready to kiss my ass little puta bitch, cause that’s what’s going to happen after I knock you the fuck out, I’m going to sit on your face!” the blonde laughed with a sneer.
Lupe smiled back, she looked over at Joe then back at Cherry “You want the gringo don’t you pendeja?, well guess what? after I beat your fat ass I’m going to fuck his brains out, maybe let you watch eh?.”
Cherry scowled and rushed in throwing a round house haymaker. Lupe ducked and side stepped to the left, bringing her left fist in a perfect arc, connecting with Cherry’s jaw, snapping her head to her left and sending a spray of blood and spit from her mouth.
Lucky for Cherry and Joe the blonde had a strong jaw. While dazed she shook it off just in time to cover up from Lupe’s lighting fast triple combo. One of her punches found its target and sank into the soft flesh of her injured breast.
Cherry screamed and returned a combo of her own to Lupe’s face and finally aiming for her real targets, Lupe’s jumbo tits.
Her first upper cut barley grazed the dark skinned girl’s breast, managing to glance off her nipple. Still the pain made her wince. But when Cherry followed up with one to her other massive orb she nearly passed out from the agony as the blonde’s fist sunk in almost to her wrist.
Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in a silent cry of pain. Cherry had no choice but to put her fist into it.
Lupe’s head snapped back with blood flowing from her mouth and Cherry nearly shouted with glee at having drawn first blood. She started to move in for what she hoped was a killing blow when Joe yelled out.
Cherry frowned and looked over at Joe. “back away Cherry, it’s the end of the first round” he gestured to them” please step back and remove your dresses”
Cherry did so without hesitation. Reaching back and pulling the halter up over her head and letting the dress slide off her body.
Her skin was as creamy white as her breast. Both twin mountains heaved as she tried to catch her breath. Her face was flushed and her body was covered in a film of sweat. There was already some swelling in her breast making them now even larger than when the fight started.
She stood there now wearing only the lacey, see thru black panties and matching stockings that Joe had selected for her. The lacey waist band of the thong rode high on her thighs and curved perfectly around her big ass disappearing deep into her crack.
Lupe was grateful for the break but unsure about removing the dress. It’s not like she had never fought topless before, shit she had even fought naked in front of a crowd but she couldn’t shake this feeling of awkwardness that Joe elicited in her. She was very aware of herself whenever she saw him looking at her.
Joe walked up to Cherry holding a jar in his hand. He dipped his hands into the jar and swirled his finger around in it in a slow almost sensual manner.
He reached out and began to rub a clear oily substance to Cherry’s creamy shoulders. It felt warm on her skin and had a pleasant odor that she couldn’t quite place, it had an added effervescent effect that was clearing her sinuses and was helping her breath better. 
He moved his massaging hands down over her shoulders and around her arms. As he looked her in her big beautiful blue eyes he moved his large calloused hands to her breast. Though they were rough, a working man’s hands his touch was soft and gentle, mindful of the abuse the blonde’s huge rack had been subjected to. But when he cupped them around her nipples she blushed and couldn’t help but gasp with pleasure.
The oil indeed was warming and made her skin tingle, Joe moved around to Cherry’s big round ass and finished applying the massage oil to her exposed butt cheeks leaving them glowing and shiny.
He turned and walked to Lupe who still hadn’t removed her dress.
“You have no reason to be embarrassed with me Lupe” he assured in a gentle and soothing voice.
Cherry audibly snickered and said under her breath “yeah you do”
Joe ignored this and asked “may I?”
Lupe nodded her consent and Joe pushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders. It slid like silk off her magnificent brown orbs and past her round belly and thighs. She was standing now, topless with only a pair of lacy thong panties identical to Cherry’s, right down to the stockings except in white.
Joe began to apply the oil and Lupe couldn’t help but shudder in pleasure at his initial touch. He ended his attention on her with her breast lingering around her dark chocolate brown nipples and cupping them softly. He felt her nipples pucker and hardened as they poked into the palm of his hands like spears. Cherry seethed with jealously and started to pace like a caged jungle cat waiting for the fight to resume.
Joe backed away and took his place in his seat once again as he screwed the lid back on to the jar of oil.
He set it down on the table next to him and patted the jar.
Lupe and Cherry stared at each other. Lupe observed her handy work as she looked over Cherry’s body. Her breasts were already starting to swell from the punishment she had given them but so were her own. She wondered if she would be able to inflict more pain and punishment to Cherry’s breast before the blonde could destroy hers.
She managed to slow her breathing and refocus; it was time to put everything out of her mind. Her desperation to win, to not let her mother down and to get back to her brother, all this she cleared from her mind. Everything except for the Raging hard on that Joe had in his pants. A boner that looked impressive even hidden by the loose slacks he had on and if Lupe noticed it so had Cherry.
The blonde was chomping at the bit as she paced back and forth never breaking eye contact with Lupe. The sooner she stomped this bitch the sooner she could throw her out of the room and fuck Joe’s brains out. Her bitch hormones were raging and her pussy was sopping wet and nothing, especially not some baby faced beaner slut was going to clam jam her tonight.
“Cum guzzling gutter slut” Cherry cursed thru clenched teeth.
Lupe said nothing but only smiled looking from Cherry to Joe then back to Cherry. She motioned her fisted hand back and forth to her mouth while she pushed her tongue against her inner cheek making it seem she was sucking an invisible cock. She knew this would enrage her, make her sloppy like before only this time she would make it her last.
Joe paused a moment longer enjoying the seething tension in the room between these two fighting hellcats.
 “BEGIN” Joe commanded and with a savage war cry from Cherry and a cold steel eyed look from Lupe they charged into each other for another epic round.
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Re: WAY TO GO JOE story by cromin
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2019, 12:17:03 PM »
Great story telling - i very much enjoyed the reading and the description of the full figured bodies of the girls :)