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  • 7 Replies

Offline Ellis Kent

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  • Published Female Fight and Sexfight Author
    • Untamed Rivalry ebook
Below is an extract from an early chapter of....

UNTAMED RIVALRY: SCENES FROM A FEMALE FIGHT CLUB  a full length novel...written by a sexfighter and catfighter for studios and in private life and an experienced published writer.

You also get a taster of the spine of the narrative, the rivalry between Alexis my co-author and Karen another new club member. Warning this is very explicit…

Alexis and I would appreciate feedback!!!

The Challenge

The lights started to dim quickly in the arena. The spectacle was over, and the spectators started to leave for private events fueled by what they had just seen. Kneeling side by side in the box, the three naked women had watched Noëlle being drenched in hot sperm in total silence, but the emotional power of the aggressive sexual display had spoken strongly to all three. Birgit retook her place on the seat at the back of the box between Alexis and Karen who moved back to opposite sides of the box. They now faced Birgit, sitting between them, with one leg up on the center ledge running below the window.

“Well what did you think, isn’t Beatrice a fantastic mistress of ceremonies for a fight?” said Birgit, wondering how the two novices would respond to what they had seen. She also wondered how they would react to each other, given the barely suppressed hostility of their earlier exchanges.

Alexis turned her head to face her hostess and sponsor, “Birgit, it was a fantastic experience.”  Then, raising her arm with the green ribbon still attached, she turned to Karen.  “I just want to remind my neighbor that my bitch downed her bitch.”  Alexis, placing undue emphasis on the word bitch, was clearly aiming them at Karen.

Karen let the silence hang and then shifted. Mirroring Alexis’ pose she raised her right arm with the red ribbon attached, simultaneously moving her right leg on the ledge up tight against the viewing window. Alexis moved her left leg in the same direction. The two naked novices now faced each other, their cxnts fully on display to each other, the white pebble pendants swaying between their breasts. Both women clearly showed the effects of watching the battle and winner’s celebration, as juices glistened between their swollen labia. Karen then slowly reached up and undid her red ribbon, and let it fall to the floor on the box.

“Yes, your bitch did win, but this isn’t about them out there, it’s about us in here,” responded Karen coldly.

Alexis in turn undid her ribbon and let it fall. “Yes, it is about us two bitches, and if that is a challenge I accept it. Are you willing to do it naked and to a finish? cxnts only, if you think you are woman enough to take me.”  Alexis ran her index finger up her wet slit and elegantly put it into to her mouth, tasting herself with pleasure. She wanted to definitively rebut Karen’s earlier charge that she was a “schoolmarm.”

Karen countered, “I am ready to go now, any rules you like.”

The two women quickly stood up, arms opening, fingers splaying, ready and eager to come to grips with each other. However, Birgit urgently barked, “Ladies, remember you are guests here and you are not to brawl like common sluts. You can settle your differences in front of your sponsors and our hostess. When you are a member you can fight whenever you please at our meetings.” 
There was a sudden knock at the door of the box and the door opened to reveal Beatrice still in her cloak and thigh-boots, her right glove still wet from her expert milking of the stud.

“Birgit, I trust our novices enjoyed the entertainment, I was wondering if you would all care to join me in my suite,” said the elegant hostess.

Birgit responded coolly, “My dear, I think we need to put our two novices on the catwalk. Challenges have been made and accepted.”  Beatrice noticed Alexis’ torn panties on the floor. “I think these two need to fight each other really badly,” added Birgit.
Beatrice remained passive, masking her pleasure, “well JW, Karen’s sponsor, is already on her way to the fighting chamber, so I suggest we make our way there directly, while their fire is still hot. I will have someone collect your clothing, ladies, follow me.” 
Alexis exited the box first, followed by Birgit who held up her hand to stop Karen following directly behind her foe. It was unlikely that that they would tear at each other in the hallway but Birgit did not want a premature start of what promised to be a hard-fought confrontation, possibly topping what they had seen tonight. Beatrice walked across to an open elevator door, probably a goods’ elevator in previous days. 

The four women stood in silence as the elevator started the five-floor ascent to Beatrice’s private suite, moving very slowly. Alexis and Karen stood at opposite sides at the front of the car, eyes locked until Beatrice moved between them. She coldly and deliberately looked first Alexis and then Karen in the eyes. Her gloved hands glided between their legs.  Normally, neither would have submitted to such a probing but the sexy, powerful, mature Frenchwoman exuded an authority that allowed them to yield without losing dignity. Even Alexis’ and Karen’s hot rivalry abated and each let out low sighs as she gently probed their moist openings and felt the size and hardness of their clits, inflamed both by what they had seen in the arena and their own psychological sparring.

Reacting strongly to what she found, she turned authoritatively to Birgit. “Oh my dear, you are so right, they really need to settle things very badly indeed.” 

Admission Committee

The elevator stopped and opened into a good-sized rectangular room. Like the arena, this room was padded floor to ceiling in black leather. In the center was a walkway, the “catwalk,” about six meters long and half a meter wide. At the center of which was a circular area about the size of one and a half king sized beds. Clustered around the circular area and evenly spaced, two on either side of the walkway, were four black leather recliners, slightly above the level of the walkway to afford an excellent view.

Alexis and Karen entered naked, having discarded their high heels, stockings and suspenders outside the room at Birgit’s behest. For their admission fight, novices were supposed to be naked, except for their white pebbles. Already seated were Karen’s sponsor Jayne White and Suki, who descended towards the duo with a purposeful look on her face. She gestured to Alexis and Karen to stay where they were while Birgit and Beatrice took up position on the remaining two seats. Birgit was diagonally opposite to JW, who was now reclining in a short black silk dressing gown that seemed much favored by the members.

As Birgit approached, she smiled knowingly and raised a knee, and the black silk fell away from the thigh revealing a dark bush to her fellow sponsor. Beatrice sat next to her lover Birgit. Suki gestured to Alexis and Karen to go to opposite ends of the walkway. The lights dimmed a little and four screens descended from the ceiling. With an electronic whirring noise, the screens occupied the space between each chair, giving each of the reclining women the option of a direct view of the live action plus two views from the opposite direction. Half a dozen microphones on wires lowered, four over the circular area and one halfway along each side of the walkway.
Beatrice then asked Alexis and Karen to ascend the three steps and move along the walkway to the white silk ribbon two thirds of the way to the circular area.

“Ladies, please show us what you bring to this confrontation. Please move to the center of the combat circle,” requested the hostess.
Alexis felt an exhibitionist tendency threaten to takeover, as she was irritated to see the redhead gather her auburn hair behind her head with two hands, showing off the graceful line of her body, and the result of her rigorous exercise regime. Alexis confidently moved towards the center, sinking into the leather more than she would have liked. One hand on her hip she made little attempt to strike a formal pose, confident that the quality of her body would make an impression. Instinctively the two women walked around the circle in opposite directions.

The four spectators watched appreciatively as they paraded, shaven-pussied before them. Jayne was clearly infatuated with Alexis. She could hardly tear her eyes away from her delightful feminine behind. Karen’s green eyes flashed in irritation as she noted her sponsor’s obvious interest in her rival. She countered Alexis with a hands-on-hips curve of body and smoldering look directed at rival sponsor Birgit, whose mouth instinctively puckered in appreciation. There was one exception to the supposedly neutral interest shown in the combatants. Suki smiled warmly and discreetly blew a silent kiss at Alexis, but stared balefully at Karen, who in turn curled her lip and blew a false kiss. Having each completed a circuit of the fighting area, the two women turned to face each other.

Rules of Engagement

Beatrice stepped from her chair and onto the fighting area. She beckoned Alexis and Karen together. She spoke in an audible whisper. “Before today you did not know each other yet now you are ready to engage in combat. Please tell us how you are going to fight and how we will know a winner.”

After a slight pause, Karen staring daggers at Alexis, volunteered, “Alexis challenged me to fight cxnt-to-cxnt. I accepted on that basis. I propose, if Alexis accepts, that we fuck-fight until one of us can’t continue.”

Hands on hips, Alexis responded defiantly, “I accept, in fact, I insist on it!”

Beatrice repeated, “As I said, before today you did not know each other. I therefore think you ladies should acquaint yourselves.” Alexis and Karen pulled each other in tight as she guided them close together. Their hips locked together, they then kissed each other deeply, their tongues exploring each other’s mouth. Yet even in this seemingly lesbian embrace, there was no warmth or love. It was purely reconnaissance for the battle to come.

Beatrice continued, “Know your rival and understand what she brings to the fight.” As if on cue, first Alexis then Karen found the wet openings of their rival’s sex. Standing at the side of the two rivals, Beatrice heard the white pebble pendants dangling between the two women clicking gently against each other.

Placing a hand on the shoulder of each woman she said, “We all know the kind of questions you will be asking. We always ask them each time we put our cxnt into combat against another woman for the first time. How will it feel when I lock my clit up against hers for the first time? Is her clit as hard as mine is? Is she spilling more juice than I am? How much of that juice slewing between our pussies is hers?  Will she scream or groan when I drive her over the edge for the first time?  I think she is about come, how do I drive her over the edge?  How hard and fast do I use my clit to push her over the edge? What trash-talk or taunt will topple the bitch into orgasm?  Is her woman working her clit so frantically because she secretly loves watching me creaming her lover’s cxnt? Can I make her lover want me more?"

After a brief pause she asked, “Novices, do you now know your bitch-rival better?”
As if in response to the last question, and still staring at her opponent, Alexis took her hand from Karen’s wet pussy and raised it to her mouth. She ran her tongue along her fingers. Her face was vacant, lost in a primal reverie. Watching her, Karen shuddered with a deep lust and brought her own hand up to her nose. She inhaled deeply the muskiness of her rival, and with some bravado, she lowered the hand smeared with Alexis’ juice, to her own pussy. Karen then drew her fingers along her own seeping slit. Mixing her juices with Alexis’, she raised the hand to her face. She smelt then tasted the heady combination, all the while intently watching the sexy blonde.
The audience betrayed a silent admiration for the combination of the primal and the knowing sophistication shown by the two novices who were clearly already mature sexfighters. Beatrice articulated the strong emotions electrifying the room.

“Taste and smell are our oldest senses. You crave knowledge of your rival and for her to know you. How does she taste?  How do I taste to her? Maybe you will force her to know your taste and smell better if you defeat her. You know that in sexual combat your juices will spill and mix, creating a unique scent to inflame your own lust to fight and excite your audience. Ladies, I have a special request from one of our Middle Eastern members who is an admirer of Alexis, but whose work as a doctor detains her in Singapore. She has asked me to send her a silk handkerchief, soaked in the spending from Alexis’ first combat at The Club. Nadine has organized a courier to fly the hermetically sealed package to Indonesia at dawn. I assume there are no objections to this flattering request.”

From the description, Alexis immediately guessed who it was, and thrilled at the knowledge that her fan, Hana was a member. She nodded assent and smiled inwardly thinking of Hana, a dark-eyed, full-lipped beauty with a sexy wicked mind. She thought how she would like to make them both spill their juices next time they met. Alexis decided she would insist too on a juice-soaked, silk handkerchief as a souvenir of their much discussed but yet to be consummated fuck-fight. Karen too nodded her consent, certain that her juices alone would be worth the courier fee.

Beatrice continued, “Ladies, in addition to the prize of membership may the admissions committee know your wishes for yourself and your rival?’

Alexis' green eyes locked with Karen’s and she husked, “I have fought and fuckfought many women, but I have never wanted to put another woman down and finish her as much as I do this bitch. When her clit is limp and defeated, she is going to eat me until I have no more juice left to feed her. Then, once Karen has had a month to recover from tonight, I am going to ask her Jayne to film us in a naked catfight. I want the films of me creaming her physically and sexually to be the favorite double bill at The Club.”

Beatrice smiled thinly, “Alexis, you are normally so controlled. Karen has really brought out the queen bee in you.”  Glancing at her pubis, and her slightly protruding clitoris, she added, “It looks as if this queen bee is getting ready to sting.”

Turning to Karen she coolly remarked, “Karen, have you thought about your forfeit for Alexis should you win?”

Karen raised her head and walked in a wide circle around Alexis, who chose to look at Suki instead of giving the redhead the eye contact that she sought. Pausing behind her rival, Karen studied the buttocks that had caused so many admiring glances from the reclining sponsors, including her own. She was determined not to allow Alexis to be the only one offering JW a compliment. Inwardly she was furious to acknowledge her sponsor’s preference for Alexis’ delicious rear over her own highly desirable behind. She was also cross that Alexis had asked JW to film them fighting. After all, JW was her sponsor for membership!

Karen knew she was special too, and thought with some pride of the night a couple of months back when two dykes had fist fought for the right to eat her from behind. It brought a surge of adrenalin as she recalled how the sweating and bloodied victor had knelt behind her, groaning lust-filled compliments as she tongued and probed both her holes. She had given maximum access to the winner by kneeling on a low sofa, her left foot extended sideways. Each time Karen had come it seemed to further fuel the dyke's enthusiasm to tongue her deeper. Yes, she knew she sported a fabulous posterior, yet Alexis seemed to triumph with this audience in winning admiration.

Karen looked sideways at her sponsor, “When I send this fuck-fight-film bitch into a sexual coma, I will make a gift of her behind to my wonderful sponsor JW. I promise Alexis an expert double-fuck, me in her pussy and Jayne in her backside, here on this stage!  I want to watch her to lose control in front of the admissions committee, and I want my victory-fuck made available on The Club intranet, so the members can see her defeat. I intend to show Alexis that her reputation as a sexfighter means nothing to me. I want that silk handkerchief to be totally sodden with her juices.” Here Karen paused for effect, “and also a little bloody…”

Suki’s mouth went dry on hearing these sexually graphic threats, anticipating the ferocity of the fight to come. The atmosphere was tense as the women anticipated the clash. Beatrice held both hands high to indicate she was about to speak. “Our novices have chosen to sexfight but I think they want total war.” 

She guided Alexis so she stood squarely in front of Karen about two feet away. Then turning to Karen, she said in a low firm voice, “Show Alexis how much you want to hurt her.” 

After the slightest hesitation, Karen brought the flat of her right hand squarely into contact with Alexis’ left cheek. The blonde’s brain filled with pain. Years of catfighting and wrestling made her stoic and she was determined not to show her rival any weakness. Indeed, she was already thrilling at the prospect that she would be given right of reply.

Then turning to Alexis she slightly rephrased the request, “Alexis, let Karen know how much you want her to feel pain.”  Karen took the blow magnificently, wanting to show the audience that she was Alexis’ equal. Beneath the control, the rage fomented further.
The audience was impressed and aroused at these displays of aggression and was now waiting for Beatrice to tell the women to lock up pussy to pussy for the sexfight. She waited and then turned to Karen and, clearly struggling to contain the excitement said, “Karen, go again.” Karen’s eyes flashed with enthusiasm at the idea she would be able to strike Alexis a second time. She didn’t care about the response that she knew would come. The second blow was left hand to right cheek and again Alexis absorbed it, her lip curling slightly with the pain. She knew she didn’t need to be told she had right of replay and rapidly launched a stinging slap to Karen’s left cheek.
Beatrice backed away. “My dears, you have shown the true control of accomplished fighters. Let us see how restrained you can be when your cxnts lock-up!  You may start the fuck-fight on your own terms.”   She returned to the leather recliner to watch the fight start, shedding her cloak on the way. Mature and now clad only in black boots, she prepared to watch the fight, her dark nipples hardening.

Thoughts from a Sponsor

JW had watched enthralled as the pre-combat climax continued to mount. She had noticed how sensitive Karen was to her obvious fascination with the ravishing Alexis. However, she was not surprised. Karen was clever, perceptive and cruel. She had been delighted with Karen’s suggestion that she share a victory-fuck with her. She thought how perceptive and considerate Karen had been to offer her Alexis’ delicious bottom. JW, also perceptive, realized that part of Karen’s motivation was to be facing Alexis during the threatened double penetration. From her vantage point, she would be able to watch Alexis squirm in pleasure and in pain as they pumped her from orgasm to orgasm. JW could imagine the cruel redhead taunting Alexis as she spent helplessly, deeply impaled on the strap-ons that they were both so expert in using.

Karen’s sadistic edge revealed itself. JW thought back to the fistfight in a private lesbian club a few weeks previously.
JW had engineered the fight, advertising that Karen would be the prize for any woman who would fight for her that night. Karen had spent most of the evening so provocatively clad and seductive that fights threatened to break out throughout the evening. After she and JW had selected the two most promising contestants, everyone present with the stomach for it had watched them fight fiercely for Karen’s favors. Towards the end of the savage fight, Karen had stopped JW from breaking it up, even though the winner was violently beating the loser. Bright-eyed with the effects of the drugs of sex and violence, Karen said she only wanted a true winner to eat her. She had looked on lustfully as slap after slap rained down on the defeated woman, until the dominant woman was completely sated. Only then did the fight end and Karen allow the breathless winner to take her reward.

Dark Combat

The lights in the rest of the room dimmed. Alexis and Karen were now isolated in a warm light that illuminated them alone to the four expectant spectators. Karen and Alexis circled warily. Gradually, Karen moved herself into a crouching form and then, extending her right leg she dropped her left hand until it splayed out on the black leather. Her left leg and right hand followed the same trajectory and, legs splayed, she was suspended, her bottom a few inches above the leather. Karen’s pelvis swayed, vulnerable to attack from Alexis. The fighter in Alexis looked down at the taut figure. Her instinct was to leap onto the suspended form. She thrilled at the thought of the two of them rolling over naked. She loved the kinetic thrill of physical combat, the hitting and being hit, preferably urged on by a cheering crowd.

Then with an electric surge, Alexis acknowledged to herself that Karen’s pose that looked so vulnerable, in the context of a catfight was actually a show of strength in a sexfight. Karen was displaying her cxnt to her rival. It was a challenge, a gesture of defiance, a gauntlet thrown down. A second charge hit her as she felt her own sex respond. In the light, she could see the moisture of Karen’s pussy and simultaneously she felt the juices well up in her own crack. Alexis dropped to a similar position one leg between Karen’s and the other over her left leg. They lowered their bottoms to the floor, and almost immediately, they angled themselves and forced their crotches together.

Each woman let out a slight, low groan. First contact always had that effect on them. They pulled away from each other slightly, and fingers freed clitorises from their hoods. Then they pushed the stiff pink horns against each other. Hips locked and they ground slowly against each other. The contest looked sensual, only the words, slewing as hotly from their mouths as the liquid oozing between them, betrayed the intensity of the conflict. They rocked slowly back and forth, trading trash, slow and steamy…with steely determination they chose words with which to taunt each other.

Karen: can you feel me bitch? Am I making your juice run?
Alexis: I can feel your cxnt twitch, you’re going to lose it bitch…
Karen: Oh, I’m just waiting for that gush of come against my pussy…
Alexis:  Bitch, I can already feel your slut cream running over my clit…

Alexis let out another low groan of lust. She was entering the danger zone where, even though she was in control, the mechanics of the rhythmic grinding were turning her movements into robotic lovemaking. Looking at the sexy redhead matching her every thrust, the fight lust suddenly overrode the feeling of sensuality. Quickening the pace Alexis doubled, and then trebled her movements, slamming her pussy against her rival’s pussy. Karen then increased her speed to match her attacker, and endorphins flooded her brain as the mixture of pleasure and pain shot through her pussy.

Karen thrilled to the naked combat in which she was so lustily engaging. The exhibitionist in her loved the fact that she had an audience of connoisseurs, and though her focus was totally on Alexis, she knew the four spectators would be watching intently. She craved their admiration, partly because Alexis did.

The blonde looked deep into the redhead’s green eyes. She saw the fight rage strong and confident as Karen now increased the pace still further. The redhead’s elegant thigh muscles tensed and thrust harder. Both women had raised themselves from the floor and they now supported themselves on their hands and feet, both demonstrating their impressive fitness, the marathon runner versus hill runner. A thin sheen of sweat started to form across their backs and upper bodies. The blonde thrilled. She wanted a worthy competitor, someone who wanted a hard and uninhibited fuck-fight. If that was what this arrogant Californian bitch wanted, Alexis knew she was going to give it to her!

The view from the four recliners was breathtaking. The “novices” impressed all four spectators. Each had thought how the term novice, in a literal sense, clearly did not apply to these two. Many of the fight club members were somewhat passive and had gone through the admission process principally to be able to watch and to indulge in the private small-scale fights that were a part of The Club’s attraction. These two were clearly potential “main feature” stars, who embraced the spotlight. They both liked having admirers, and they would compete aggressively to win fans. After more than five minutes of violent, grinding tribadism had passed, Alexis succeeded in drawing a sharp moan from Karen.

Alexis half-hissed at Karen, “Give it to me bitch!  Let Jayne know how much you like being fucked by me!" Karen responded, trying to control the huskiness in her voice, “Don’t fight it! You know you want to come…”

Alexis knew that Karen was on the verge, the main sign was a general tensing of her posture. Alexis was relieved as her thighs were starting to ache from the pace of the thrusting motion and holding herself off the ground. She felt the telltale twitching in her rival’s pussy start in earnest. While Karen determinedly held her gaze on Alexis, her pupils started to dilate. Alexis husked at her rival, “Go on bitch! Spill it!”

Alexis then started to add a slight roll to her thrusts before moving from thrust to grind. As she had intended she caught Karen’s clitoris with her own once, twice and on the third flick her efforts were rewarded with a small powerful jet of juice from the redhead that audibly hit the black leather, some spraying against Alexis and running down across the inside of her left buttock. Thrusting up she caught and pinned the redhead’s clit and as Karen collapsed back clutching her breasts in unwanted ecstasy, their crotches swiftly untangled. Alexis was suddenly crouching over her, a hand rapidly finding the shaved pussy and working her clit, Karen’s stomach muscles contracting as she went into spasm. Alexis permitted herself a moment of satisfaction, and looking first at Birgit and then at Jayne in the dimness beyond the lit fighting area, she licked her fingers. She also admitted to herself that she too had been close to the edge.
Alexis’ gesture was perhaps self-indulgent as well as stylish. Karen’s response was rapid, demonstrating an impressive recovery. Raising herself up on her arms and moving back, she simultaneously retracted her right leg and effortlessly gently pushed Alexis backwards, her foot on the blonde’s lower abdomen. Karen sat up as the blonde managed to keep her balance by throwing her arms out behind her.

Karen’s next gesture was calm and controlled, and showed, if anyone doubted it, that this contest was going to be hard fought. She coolly raised a leg in the air. “Bring it bitch,” she said, looking icily at the blonde, as she indicated the wet pinkness. Karen showed with bravado that she was eager to re-engage. Alexis took hold of the extended leg and arched her lower back as she lowered herself down onto Karen’s open pussy at nearly right angles. She moved her pussy from side to side probing as the two women sought to bring their clitorises into contact. Immediately she felt Karen’s pink stiffness. Alexis started to thrust relentlessly back and forth, their wet labia gliding and tugging against each other. Karen stared up at Alexis who, returning her gaze, realized how close Karen was to pushing her over the edge as she fought to control herself from coming. Alexis remembered she was here to win.

The four spectators fully savored the spectacle, albeit in different ways. The fact that JW had become one of the pivots around which this Catherine Wheel of hate-filled lust revolved, excited her immensely. Birgit had loved the stylish way Alexis had looked towards her as she licked Karen’s come from her fingers, savoring the lust-filled libation. However, she felt a pang of jealousy towards JW. She knew Alexis was making up to JW as part of her psychological battle with Karen but she disliked the smirk with which JW had looked at her after she too had benefited from Alexis’ finger-licking salute. The thought shot through her head that she should challenge the pepper and salt sophisticate to a private match after this was over. For now, the struggle that was taking place in front of them distracted her from thoughts of any personal business.

As Beatrice watched Alexis ramming her pussy up against the redhead’s, she thought back to when she was Alexis’ age. She remembered how she too felt the same urgency to win, the hot desire to feel the other woman's fluids, seeping or jetting against her pussy. She recalled the sense of triumph at hearing a rival scream her orgasm, and the occasional urge to humiliate or to force a loser to eat her. Some did so willingly. Beatrice looked at Karen's eyes fixed and furious, daring and urging Alexis to give her more, showing her that she could take it. She knew how the blonde would be aroused by the challenge. If Karen wanted more Alexis would give her more!  That mutual stare between two women in a rutting frenzy was the ultimate aphrodisiac. It was possibly the closest one woman could be to another. Beatrice slipped her hand to her bush and started to seek some relief from her own arousal.

Suki smoldered with emotion. On the one hand, she freely admitted to herself that she had a huge crush on Alexis, whom she desired more with every hour they spent together. Equally strongly, she wanted to be fuck-fighting the Californian herself. Some women accept each other as immediate enemies, and she viscerally disliked the confident redhead. She fantasized about scoring a crushing victory over Karen, after which she and Alexis would celebrate with sensual lovemaking.

Alexis had surrendered to her elemental forces. She was rubbing her pussy across Karen’s as though she wanted to erase it. Indeed, she did want to beat her, but what kept her fire white hot was the way Karen was taking it. Locked in combat, a fundamental primal connection brought them closer than they could ever be, except as lovers. However, it was not love that drove them to grind their sexes together, quite the reverse.

Karen had totally recovered from her orgasm and matched every thrust, her teeth gritted, both women echoing each other’s groans of effort and lust. She moved to take control and slowly lowered her leg, losing Alexis’ purchase on her pussy and forcing her to dismount. To avoid being thrown off balance, Alexis stood. As she did so Karen threw her legs up and back over her shoulders, her feet on the floor behind her head, her hands supporting her hips with her pussy offered as brazenly and openly as it could be.  The invitation was clear. It was a challenge to straddle her. Alexis responded immediately, and standing either side of Karen’s open legs, she parted her labia with two fingers. Both women reacted with small groans of pleasure and their sexes reconnected.

Alexis had never had such access to another woman and she recognized both the bravura Karen showed in making herself so available and her athletic flexibility.  With half-bared teeth, Karen was matching Alexis’ gaze as the speed and friction between them increased.  As she looked down at Karen, the desire seized Alexis to place her right foot on her rival’s throat. They were queen bees fighting to a finish!  She pictured herself riding Karen to orgasm as she squeezed the life from her. Her own lust to fight together with the dark fantasy she was weaving in her head was now driving Alexis close to the edge. At the same time Karen increased her counter-rhythm as the women managed to keep their clits in almost permanent contact, both pussies leaking constantly now, turned on by each other and the proximity of the audience engrossed in their struggle.

Karen let out a groan of effort as she increased the counter-rhythm to Alexis, her clit protruded well outside its hood and caught against Alexis’ with a growing insistence. The two women slashed and stabbed with their clitorises, both thrilling at the contact and at the prospect of making the other bitch spill her juice. Karen felt the blonde’s body start to tense and with a groan of effort and joy she redoubled her thrusts. Her reward was a violent tremor in her rival’s pussy. A hot surge of stickiness followed immediately, together with the noise of liquid-drenched cavities rubbing against each other as Alexis spent over Karen’s upturned cxnt.

Karen lowered herself and moved backwards, legs still wide as Alexis demonstrated she could recover as quickly as Karen had done. The blonde dropped back onto her right arm, her legs splaying out to mirror Karen. Piqued by her orgasm her lips slightly peeled back over her teeth, animal unleashed she moved towards her rival. Alexis half-snarled and half-hissed “Meet me woman-to-woman now, bitch!” Karen, baring her teeth in automatic response, swung her pelvis to collide with Alexis’ dead center in the fighting area. The heady aroma of their own juices had grown in intensity since they had come, and the liquid sound of cxnt-on-cxnt fueled the fight frenzy in the pool of light.

In the relative darkness of the auditorium, fingers worked insistently between elegant legs. This was indeed an exciting match. JW longed for her power vibrator but knew it would be inappropriate to create any noise that could distract from the magnificent combat below them. Suki, entranced by the combat, chose to kneel on the edge of her recliner, one hand working a breast the other hand moving to a blur over her pussy. She too had seen the opportunity for the foot on the throat and she wondered how she would have been able stop herself from crushing the life from this woman she so disliked. She reproached herself this was a sexfight, not a fight. She then pictured herself fighting Karen wearing Asian cxnt-studs as favored by bull dykes when they fought over a woman, the type that enable the winner to bruise or crush a rival’s clitoris.  They had not been used at club events, and though many members were aware of them, few had used them. Suki owned a set.

As Alexis and Karen locked up pussy to pussy, the redhead grabbed the blonde by her hair with one hand while the other reached out behind, anchoring herself to the floor. Responding instantly, Alexis mimicked her pose. The two women were literally face-to-face, a high intensity bump and grind battle below was in full flow. Alexis and Karen slapped each other’s faces once before resuming the hold in each other’s hair. The bitter intensity of the rivalry now revealed itself in the stinging dialog, the verbal equivalent of a slapping contest, each comment rising in intensity.

Karen panted lustily as they ground, “You may be a hot trib  fighter, but a real woman uses her fingers, tongue and toys…” Alexis pounded harder adding, “I hear you study my videos to learn how to fight...”

Karen came back, “I’ve never seen you go sixty-nine, take a toy or do another bitch so she gushes over your hands. I want a rematch - nothing off bounds.”

Alexis gasped in response, “I accept that anything goes when we meet next time! I have creamed hornier bitches than you, in ways you wouldn’t know.”

Karen spat back, “when I first saw you, I wanted to treat myself to a real slut-on-slut, trash-talking, cxnt pounding fuck-fight…”

Alexis snarled, “I’ll fight you any way you want, toys, tongues, fingers…is that enough for you bitch!”
Karen slowed her movements and moving her hands around the back of Alexis’ head, she kissed her deeply. Alexis dropped her rhythm too and responded fiercely with her tongue. The audience all moved slightly further forward on their recliners. The two fighters now looked like lovers, flushed and sweating. Alexis held Karen’s cheeks in her hands and again they kissed for a second time. Then Karen cupped her rival’s face in the same way, and stared deep into Alexis’ limpid green eyes, as if the two women were trying to fathom each other’s souls.

Karen then half-whispered into her rival’s face as though she were confessing undying love, “No, it is not enough…” she swallowed at the thought of what she was going to say…”Alexis, I need to fight you to a real finish.”  Alexis her voice husky “I know you do, we have to, don’t we.”  Karen nodded and slowly responded her voice nearly cracking, “it’s the way we are, isn’t it?”  Alexis too nodded her assent, “We can fuck-fight each to a standstill and it still won’t be enough for either of us.”  Karen shook her head, “a limp clit and a drained pussy doesn’t satisfy the dark drive we share, does it?” Alexis slightly shook her head in response, “No, I need to destroy you down there, so there will be no doubt I am the better woman.”  Karen again kissed Alexis and quietly panted, “Oh, I so needed to hear you say that, what we share is so special, we are so lucky. We want a stud-fight to the finish.”

Suki noticed both women had resumed the slow grind, and sensed how they were both tensing. From her vantage point, she could see their stomach muscles tensing and hear the deep moans from both presaging a mutual orgasm. Their clitorises extended fully. Where earlier they had stabbed and thrust against each other in the heat of combat, they now ground insistently but sensuously, coaxing rather than forcing the twin torrent of juice that flowed steadily between them. As the drenched openings ground, the level of scent increased so that Beatrice inhaled deeply, savoring the muskiness. Panting they kissed again.

“Karen, we need an audience don’t we, a big audience,” whispered Alexis, “we want witnesses to the winner.”  Eyes still locked and caressing Alexis’ cheek with the back of her hand Karen responded, “Yes, darling we do, they will see us both put everything on the line.” She briefly kissed Alexis on the lips, and Alexis responded, “And they will see one of us triumph, and the loser leave only half a woman.”   Karen rejoined, “And the whole woman will take the half woman in front of the audience until she has fully satisfied herself.”
Alexis kissed her again, “Oh, one’s pain will be the other’s pleasure,” she returned Karen’s light kiss, continuing, “We want an arena, we need an arena…like here.”  “Bigger," said Karen, again kissing her rival, then adding, “and I want Beatrice and Birgit to design the cxnt-stud harnesses for us…” and again the redhead spent, her vaginal spasms pushing Alexis over the edge again. They kissed hungrily, breaking their deep eye contact for the first time, lost in each other’s embrace.

In their deep embrace, they had not noticed that the four spectators were now standing around the edge of the fighting area. Beatrice spoke as though she were a jeweler chosen to make an exquisite set of matching rings for two beautiful customers. “My darlings, I will be honored to design and fit your weapons. I look forward to discussing the use to which you intend to put them and the necessary specifications over the next few weeks.”  Birgit added, “We think you need time to consolidate and grow your rivalry. You will meet at the end of the year and we suggest you attend the intervening meetings as spectators. In the meantime, you will not fight each other. We want to preserve the rivalry. If you are both to make good all the threats you made to each other you will also need to train.”
Normally the idea of waiting six months for a fight she craved would have driven Alexis mad with frustration. However, in the dreamy haze of what she and Karen were contemplating, she was content, and warmth radiated through her brain. Alexis and Karen stood, still facing each other, and in unison hands slipped between each other’s legs. They raised wet fingers to their faces, and each savored the aroma, charged with pheromones; they licked the heady brew of their mixed juice, as both women drank in each other’s gaze.
Alexis let her finger tips lightly trace over the redhead’s cheek, “Goodnight Karen.”  They kissed, “Goodnight Alexis,” Karen responded and they kissed for a last time.

Suki went to Alexis and helped her up, gently kissing her. Looking for approbation from Birgit and Beatrice, Suki removed the white novice pebble and JW in turn removed Karen’s. Turning in a semi-dream state, JW and Suki respectively led Karen and Alexis away, leaving through different doors. Beatrice turned to Birgit and said sotto voce, “Welcome to the membership ladies.” 
In the background, Nadine was silently dabbing the silk handkerchief in the moisture staining the black leather around the center of the fighting area. Beatrice gestured to her and she handed the damp silk to her mistress. She then knowingly beckoned with her middle finger to Birgit to draw near. Holding the moist material up between them, they both inhaled deeply and then kissed. Lost in Birgit, Beatrice wordlessly held out the item to Nadine who, taking it between forefinger and thumb, left to package the silken memoire for its flight to Asia.   
Suki took Alexis back to her room and guided Alexis into bed. Still in a semi-trance, Alexis loved the comforting feeling of the soft, white duvet. She reached up and tugged gently on the Asian’s arm. Suki slowly slid herself in alongside Alexis, instead of returning to her own room and, placing her hand in the small of Alexis’ back, she brushed her lips with her own. This kiss was nothing like the fight-fueled kissing with Karen. This was a softer emotion. The kiss soothed rather than excited. Was she falling for Alexis?  The gentle caress and soft kiss Alexis placed on her mouth made Suki hope her that Alexis reciprocated her feelings.

Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


Offline Ellis Kent

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« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 05:57:03 AM »
Really, no comments? Wow...this book is doing well, except amongst fans of female fighting! Guidance appreciated...
Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


Offline Wink3319

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« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2013, 11:45:45 AM »
I am reading the book right now and it is awesome. I am "eating" the pages.


Offline PalomaJara

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« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2013, 02:51:11 PM »
I've read the whole novel and i can assure you it's excellent.
The rivalry between the two main characters evolves smoothly and hotly.

Are you writing another one?


Offline Ellis Kent

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« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2013, 03:58:26 AM »
Dear Paloma

Yes, book two is planned and about 20% complete. We thrive on encouragement and would like to know what you liked in more detail

The second book will move beyond the club but some of the old characters will feature or star.
Likely to be out mid-2014...I may post some tasters.

Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


Offline Ellis Kent

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« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2013, 04:36:54 AM »
This is autobiographical - based on real emotions, many real incidents, names changed...have you read it yet?
Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


Offline Wink3319

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« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2013, 10:07:49 PM »
What did I like about the book? Well, I thought the fighting scenes were really intense and should remain the main act. Personally, I like the erotic battles to the orgasm better than the rough bit that was thrown in there as well.  In particular, I liked the idea which was toyed around about 2 Alpha Females fucking through a row of 3 girls each in order to determine who could finish them off quicker...Something along these lines with more than 2 girls involved in a fight would be great.


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« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2019, 06:27:53 PM »
Béatrice a appelé Nadine pour envoyer les combattants à l'aréna pour leur équipement. Ellen et Claudia ont traversé les entrées de chaque côté des gradins. Ils étaient complètement nus, à l'exception des foulards en soie, des soutiens-gorge en cuir qui maintenais juste leur seins  et des gants de tigre. Celles-ci étaient respectivement en bleu pour Ellen et vert pour Claudia. Il y a eu des applaudissements et leurs partisans ont levé les rubans bleus ou verts qu'ils avaient attachés à leurs poignets en guise de reconnaissance. Beaucoup de spectateurs portaient les deux couleurs, en reconnaissance de leur respect et de leur amitié pour les deux anciens combattants. Chaque femme avait l'air sombre et évitait le contact visuel avec l'autre. Il y aurait du temps pour cela plus tard. Pour les femmes dans la cinquantaine, elles étaient toutes les deux fermes. Comme on pouvait s'y attendre, ils s'étaient entraînés et avaient travaillé de manière rigoureuse leur cuisse et leur bras au cours des semaines précédentes.Nadine entra ensuite avec un harnais sur chaque bras, un bleu et un vert. Elle portait un costume en cuir identique à celui d'Asoka, mais le cuir était blanc, contrastant avec sa peau impeccable et sombre. Beatrice se tourna vers Asoka et désigna le harnais bleu qui pendait au bras droit de Nadine. Asoka le ramassa et s'agenouilla devant Ellen, la grande  Danoise de 5pied 11 aux cheveux gris et chatte grise, et attacha expertement le premier de ses amants à son harnais. Elle n'avait pas vu le harnais auparavant et elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de toucher le goujon en forme de balle au nez retroussé. Le métal, enveloppé dans une gaine en caoutchouc bleu électrique, était suffisamment brillant pour se distinguer du harnais bleu cobalt. Comme il avait été convenu, Asoka caressa ensuite le gros clitos gonfler Ellen, puis parla a Ellen, en partie comme geste d'adieu possible et en partie pour attiser le dynamisme de chaque combattant. En fait, aucun encouragement n'était nécessaire et elle pouvait sentir le battement de préparation au combat dans le clitoris déjà gonfler. Claudia et Ellen se faisaient face maintenant. La fureur brillait dans leurs yeux. Toujours à genoux, Asoka se dirigea vers Claudia et Nadine lui tendit le harnais vert.Elle suivit les mêmes mouvements en tirant un son audible gémit de Claudia francaise de 5pied 8 a la chatte rousse quand sa langue effleura son clitoris gonfler et un sifflement d'envie d'Ellen se fit entendre. Beatrice se crispa et regarda Nadine, assise avec sa cravache, pour vérifier qu'elle était prête à arrêter le combat si cela commençait prématurément. Béatrice fit silencieusement signe à Asoka de venir à elle et elle lui murmura quelque chose à l'oreille. Regardant d'abord Ellen, puis Claudia, elle dit: «J'ai demandé à Asoka de parfumes vos gougeon avec son jus. Vous avez tous les deux envie de son corps. Vous la partagez actuellement. Il semble approprié que vous portiez tous les deux son parfum sur vos armes. Vos goujoun joutteront, recouverts de son jus, de la même manière que les chevaliers porteraient les mouchoirs de leurs dames sur leurs lances. »Il y eut un murmure d’approbation des membres. Beatrice a indiqué que Asoka devrait aller chez Claudia en premier. Ils s'embrassèrent et s'embrassèrent alors qu'Asoka se dirigeait vers le haras. Elle se frotta lentement les hanches et se retira, baissant les yeux pour voir l'étalon vert, brillant de son jus. Claudia respirait profondément, légèrement désorientée par l'impact érotique de l'action.Elle serra les poings en regardant Asoka répéter le processus avec Ellen, la Danoisse regardant Claudia depuis le début, semblant dire, c'est ma fille, emmène-la si tu peux. Béatrice indiqua le chemin de sa boîte, d'où Asoka devait regarder le combat. Ne se tournant pas pour regarder ses amants, elle s'en alla à une allure imposante, sachant que la prochaine fois qu'elle reviendrait, une seule femme serait son amant. Les amoureux rivaux descendaient maintenant dans les côtés opposés de la fosse et se faisaient face. Une caractéristique des harnais est devenue claire. Sur chaque hanche, il y avait une boucle de cuir avec une poignée. C'était clairement un dispositif permettant aux combattants de se serrer l'un contre l'autre.

Claudia et Ellen se préparaient maintenant, s'étirant et fléchissant. Au-dessus d’eux, Nadine se trouvait maintenant seule au bord de la fosse. Béatrice était revenue dans sa boîte centrale avec Asoka, Birgit et Jayne. Asoka se penchait hors de la boîte, regardant les deux combattants, le regard fixé l'un sur l'autre. Ellen posa sa main droite sur son étalon et frotta le frottis de jus qu'Asoka avait quitté. Elle le porta à sa bouche et se lécha. À son tour, Claudia passa son majeur autour de son étalon et inhala l'odeur de son amant avant d'insérer le doigt dans sa bouche. En savourant le goût de la femme disputée, Claudia a poussé son pubis en défi clitoris gonffle exposer. En réponse, Ellen posa sa main gauche sur sa chatte et sépara ses lèvres alors qu'elle repoussait exposant gros clitoris gonfler a sa rival. Chaque femme pouvait voir sa rivale bien en évidence, clitoris rose et brillante 2 force nature .Bien qu'ils aient les deux se battant fréquemment et avec acharnement depuis l'âge adulte, aucune femme ne s'était jamais sentie plus motivée à se battre. Ce soir était différent. Ce soir était pour une femme, ils ont tous deux réclamé. Ce soir était une dernière nuit en tant que membre du club pour l'un d'entre eux. Claudia a regardé Ellen et a poignardé Ellen et a sifflé: «Je vais me faire plaisir de te vaincre.» Ellen répondit gentiment: «Non, je vais aimer te briser lentement devant elle. Elle saura qui est le meilleur et qui veut Claudia rétorqua: "Tu ne me casseras jamais!"