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Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!

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Offline EllieClawz

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2020, 12:44:58 AM »
Well, I'll join and add another heel I suppose.
It will end in humiliation.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2020, 04:06:15 AM »
Ladies ..... 
Maybe one of the best ways to decide on things ...

Share which type of pro wrestling style your into ... What title?
Diamond Division Champ
Tag Team Champs
Cruiser Weight CHamp
Hard Core Champ ...

Adding some sparkle n shine to the place .. IZZYJEWEL has made her arrival known !!

Looking to put some wins in the column .. ELLIE CLAWZ just signed as well!!

I see some challenges being made .... Not having been part of any before. With the CFWA ..

Let me hear from these ladies ...  MAZIN MAGS .. VICTORIOUS NIKKI, IZZYJEWEL . ELLIE CLAWZ ...

R any of you interested or willing to do a poll?
Could do a 4 way fight .. For the Cruiser weight belt ...
OR R U just wanting one on one matches only?

Let me hear from you ladies.. so we can get something going ..

ANY other ladies, looking to be new to the Pro wrestling circuit here ..
Time to join in, and be part of things.

Also with a pair of Mean Girls in the arena ... Maybe they would want to team up for a shot at Tag belts??



Offline EllieClawz

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2020, 04:41:27 AM »
Izzy and I would for sure tag team
It will end in humiliation.


Offline MazinMags

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2020, 04:58:57 AM »
I'm usually a one on one kinda gal... but if there's a belt on the line, I'd be willing to open it up a bit. And my style probably lends itself to bein' a cruiserweight.

Gonna be honest: I've always been curious about bein' in a poll fight. I'm game! :P

Also wouldn't mind teamin' up with someone. I don't know Nikki yet, but we look like we might make a good team. Or should any other face come along who might want a partner, we can talk!


Offline pattypepp56

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2020, 07:09:57 AM »
I'm in

I want this Public TammyC vs pattypepp56 !! Cage Match No doors opening first one unconscious?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2020, 07:11:53 AM by pattypepp56 »


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2020, 03:13:04 PM »
OK ..... What about this for getting some action going ...



LADIES let me know what U think about these match ups!!


Offline The Canadian Cutie

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2020, 07:41:45 PM »
I'm totally in for this as a babyface :D


Offline MazinMags

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2020, 10:43:22 PM »
Works for me!

Good luck, Nikki. You're gonna need it! :P


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2020, 03:00:52 AM »
OK ...

Messages sent to all 6 ladies about these matches ... Hopefully we can get them set up and going soon!!
The contracts ready ... For the ladies to sign ...
Championship GOLD, will be on the line!!!


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2020, 04:01:16 PM »
This just in ...

Contracts have been signed .... The start of Feb.

For the vacant title ... MAZIN MAGS .. and VICTORIOUS NIKKI will compete.
Other CFWA lady wrestlers allowed outside the ring .. Pin Fall only counts inside the ring ...If the lady happens to try and leave the ring or is thrown out.
The other ladies can act.

At the same time ... They may NOT interfere with Mags or Nikki . While those ladies are in the ring.

ALSO we R very close to possibly having signed for next week .. A tag team Championship match ...
Between those sexy sinful senorita's .. your champs. Carmen and Evangelina
Challengers to be the Mean Machine members Izzy and Ellie
We will update you when made final!!


Offline MazinMags

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2020, 12:09:19 AM »
Awesomesauce! :P Can't wait to get in the ring with ya, Nikki! I'm sure you'll give me a good, clean fight, and as much as I can handle. Course, you might have to change that name after we're done! :P


Offline TinaFightsYou

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2020, 01:32:54 AM »
Best of luck to my sisters Evangelina and Carmen.  I can’t wait for them to bring some tag team gold home to the Daughters of Anarchy.



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2020, 03:58:57 AM »
Coming to you LIVE !!! Monday night ...

All 4 ladies have signed .... TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP will be on the line!!!

Champs Carmen and Eve .. Taking on challengers Izzy and Ellie !!
For the Tag team gold!!!

Hopefully we can get some comments here.. BY some of the ladies. Before they clash Monday !!

The Following week CruiserWeight belt up for grabs between Mags n Nikki ...

Ladies and gents .. In the coming week ...
The CFWA is going to LIGHT things up!!!


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #28 on: January 23, 2020, 04:02:53 AM »
Waiting confirmation ...

I think we recently may have signed ... A Little Blonde Wrestler to the roster !!

LADIES ...  Feel free to join the CFWA  Still plenty of room on the roster!!

Looking to the near future .. The Hardcore championship belt has been made ....
So maybe we need to hear, from some ladies with interest in that one.
AGAIN keep in mind .... Even if you R challenged by another lady here. If you do not want to accept it.
You do not have to .. BOTH ladies or Tag Teams have to agree. For a match to happen.

Re: Catfight Wrestling Association Pro Wrestling clique and arena!!
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2020, 06:32:10 PM »
Meant to sign up sooner but work got in the way.  So since I can't powerbomb all the paperwork, I'll just have to take it on someone else inside the ring instead.