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Can we expand the Cyber Fight Section like the story section?

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Offline catfightlover40

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Can we expand the Cyber Fight Section like the story section?
« on: February 04, 2020, 03:47:40 PM »

I've welcomed the decision to compartmentalize the story section to better reflect the various tastes members have on this site, yet, after having started a momfight group on Trillian that by now has more than 2 dozens of members, fortunately, I realized that potentially there's interest in compartmentalizing the cyber fight section as well to reflect the fact, that both writers and readers share similar interests. Such streamlining could lead to members not needing to solely rely on the search engine to find topics or to avoid duplicates (the latter of which lightens the workload on mods) and find each other quicker.

I humbly await for your decision.
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