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Katie vs Asa in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)

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Sultry, gorgeous Katie has it out with stacked vixen Asa in an electronic sabatoge episode

Prelude:  Glamourous brunette Katie and more vivacious Asa are friends who sometimes try to work together when they can get gigs where both of them fit in.  Katie gets a guest DJ type job and Asa comes along as her girl Friday and helps with logistics, electronics, and more mundane tasks that need to be done.  As the night approaches for the job that might lead to something bigger, in Asa's opinion which may or may not be right, Katie treats her like not like a partner on the job but more like a subserviant helper.  The night Katie continues to piss Asa as in her mind she ends up being little more than a go-fer girl who Katie takes out any frustrations on.  Anyway, Katie is about to go to work and the fireworks almost literally begin.  The microphone squeals...the microphone doesn't work....the microphone does work and then stops working...the lights go on and off...smoke rises from a console, etc, etc, etc.  Katie does not come out looking good because the person who is going to get blamed is the one in plain sight.  The audience doesn't care whose fault it is...they see Katie up there and think she should have made sure everything was working.  The deal is....Katie did check everything out and everything was working.  Katie suspects Gremlins and not the 80's Zack Galligan and Phoebe Cates movie.  She believes her gremlin is blonde with a big bust and is wearing a silly dark hat tonight.  Katie has no reason to be on stage anymore and suffer verbal crowd abuse so she heads backstage to confront her little devil and try to find out why she apparently sabotaged the DJ deal.

Katie:  "Ok Asa, what's the deal?  I know that this gig isn't in the Bermuda Triangle, so my only other theory is you caused all this...why would you do that?"
Asa:  "Your arrogance...your treating me like I didn't being your gopher (go-fer) showed me no respect, so I just showed you the exact same amount.  You came this close {putting her fingers only a little apart} from suffering a Carrie moment."
Katie:  "C'mon Asa, grow up.  I was getting were getting paid.  Only one of us can be out there, and let's face it, they wanted the hotter woman doing it."
Asa:  "Ooooohhhhh realllliiieee...{in almost a delivery Meg Ryan would be proud of}....I for one don't think you are that hot!  No, not for one hour, one minute, one second!  I am hotter than you and certainly the brains of the outfit to boot!"
Katie:  "Says  Get serious.  Not only am I hotter than you, but I could wipe your short little form all over this place.  I'm hotter...and I'm there!!!  Oh, and like I said, you are short!"
Asa:  "You said that twice....well, one of us is so flat chested that when seen from a profile view with her tongue out, she looks like a zipper!  Who do you think that is, huh,.......zipper girl?  Oh, and besides zipper girl, I have another name for you....Halloween bra."
Katie:  "Halloween bra, what does that mean?"
Asa:  "It means if you ever run out of bras, just use a Halloween mask as a all the support your tits would need."
Katie:  "Your nickname to me is Frumpy.  You may do something with your hair alright, but the rest of your attire and overall appearance seems straight out of Bride of Frankenstein monthly.   There, I've said're frumpy!"
Asa:  "Why you bitch!  I'm not frumpy.  And by the way, do you even have legs.  I have never seen you with legs exposed.  My guess is your hips go down to your feet directly! So there!"
Katie:  "That's it!!  You and me, tonight, out there in a beauty contest and then a catfight.  I bet we can get our money back by giving them another type of show and might as well get paid for something we are going to do anyway.  By the way, my guess is the more I take my clothes off, the more we get paid.  The more you take off your clothes, the less we get paid."
Asa:  "I don't think so, no legs whore!  My guess is that the crowd out there wants a treasure chest that looks like twin peaks in the Swiss Alps, not a boring drive through the Great Plains."
Katie:  "So, now you are saying my chest is flat again.  You are so going to pay for that, frumpy.  I can't wait to kick your blonde ass!"
Asa:  "If the topographical map says so, then drive it." {knowing that didn't make a lot of sense but still glad she said it}

Katie begins the DJ show which doesn't get off the ground with all of Asa's Gremlins tricks behind the mishaps

Beauty Contest:  The women talk to the club manager, and they can legally have nudity in the place which would be required for the beauty contest and the later catfight.  So, if the crowd agrees to judge two hot, ultimately nude women and their assets (are you kidding me?), the deal is on!  Shockingly, they agree to do just that with the catfight to follow that will be no holds barred and submission only with the customers only watching that event.  The 8 anatomical areas to be judged are facial beauty, tits, midsection, pussy, legs, arms/armpits, back, and butt. Whoever wins more of these areas will be declared the beauty contest winner.  The normally good friends have their competitive juices going not only due to the DJ fiasco but also the claims made during the challenges for these contests.  So, the assets comparsions begin with their faces.  This is a rout because quite frankly on a beauty scale of 1 to 10, Katie's is probably like a 12.  Clearly her best feature and Asa probably got a few sympathy votes for having to compete against Katie's face.  Katie 1-0 as they move on to the tits competition which means they have to strip off their tops.  Needless to say, the audience reaction is rowdy to say the least and makes one think this music crowd frequents strips clubs on ladies nights or something.  Anyway, this boobs battle is closer than the facial one, but not that much with Asa getting an easy win with her larger and firmer orbs.  It is tied 1-1 as they move on to the midsection.  Neither woman has an hourglass figure with anolexic tendencies, so this one is the most competitive area so far.  In a close judgment as determined by the clientelle here, Asa edges out Katie to take her first lead at 2-1.  The next area of judgment will be which woman has the better pussy.  And if stripping off their tops was popular, the reaction to the stripping off of their pants and panties is downright riotous.  The hot brunette and blonde are now nude with their pussies the next area to be decided.  Fortunately, this club has screen coverage of the stage, etc so their most private area can be displayed that way for better judgment by the people in the back.  In another narrow victory, this one goes Katie's way to give her a tie of 2-2 halfway through the contest.  The next region to be judged will be their legs, and Asa surprises with very nicely tapered ones to take this area and regain the lead 3-2.  The last frontside area to be judged will be their arms/armpits.  Both women have sexy arms but Beth wins mainly for her more concave armpits which she has never found that attractive or important.  This win by Katie ties up the overall contest at 3-3 with the backside areas of back and butt left to be decided.  The nude women turn around and have their backs compared first.  Both have nice ones but Katie's is a little thinner with better delineation so she wins this judgment to take a 4-3 lead with the butt battle left.  Neither has a model's compact, tight buttcheeks area here but still well above average a close one that ensures the overall victory, Katie takes the win and the beauty contest 5-3.  Normally, the winner might celebrate or rub the triumph in, but Katie is very quiet in victory, perhaps feeling bad for the argument that she and Frumpy, er, uh, Asa had earlier.  But hope springs eternal that as the hotties face off in the catfight, they again will want to tear the other's hair out by the roots....the color origin of Asa's by the way being under high suspicion. 


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Re: Katie vs Asa in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 2 of 3)
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2010, 03:19:45 AM »
Catfight:  The women are given the choice of whether to put back on some clothing or to remain nude to start the fight.  As they think about it, gym style mats are laid over a large area so that when the women hit the floor, they will be protected.  They are fighting in front of a bunch of strangers which normally might point to clothes but they have playfully wrestled before nude in a non-sexual way so they remain nude.  Oh, and a couple of things learned from those other short escapades....yes, the blue toilet bowl cleaners will stain your teeth blue as Asa found out when Katie put it to the test and Asa's face in the bowl, and no, not a good idea to question the durability of permanent markers as Katie found out when Asa wrote "I Love Lucy" on the buttocks of Katie while she was asleep.  Now, if Katie can only find a guy to love named Lucy, she will be fine.  In the meantime, cosmetics....lots and lots of cosmetics!  These little rascals are just so lovable!  Anyway, the fight begins with each woman circling the other.  As so often happens, good friend and bad enemies start with emotional first moves.  So no test of arm strength or anything like that here....a loud smack occurs as Asa delivers a hard right, openhanded slap to the gorgeous left cheek of Katie.  Her beauty contest winning friend is ready to strike back as Asa sets up to try to keep that from happening.  But while Asa is defensing high, Katie is offensing low as she delivers a fist into Katie's midsection, perhaps a little payback for losing an area in the previous contest she thought she deserved to win.  Asa doubles over due to the unexpected, harsh blow, and her situation isn't helped any by Katie's next aggressive move against her blonde friend.

Asa has long luscious, blonde hair, at least that color for this week, and Katie grabs hold of it and wraps the long strands around Asa's neck in a great chokehold using her opponent's own tresses as the weapon of punishment.  Asa coughs immediately as her breathing is restricted as she moves her hands to either engage her own hair or Katie's hands that are holding it.  Asa can't separate Katie's hands from her hair as they are too entertwined so she fights fire with fire by grabbing some of Katie's very long brunette locks.  Asa doesn't wrap the tresses around Katie's neck but even just the yanking of them is enough to caused plenty of pain so that Katie has to release Asa's hair in almost a prisonal exchange type deal except hair is being given back and not soldiers.  The women try to straighten out their hair as they straighten out their bodies, and sure enough, that goodwill at the end of the beauty contest ended in the flurry of hits and hairpulling, two very emotional actions.  The women stand very close together and most of the crowd probably can guess what is coming up next...some sort of a tit battle whether juggs just get pressed together in isolotion or whether they have a mutual bearhug in conjunction with it to make sure the boobs not only collide hard but stay in contact for a while.

The option chosen is obvious when arms are wrapped around each other's midsection to begin a mutual bearhug compeition which will obviously include a tit battle as their forms are compressed together.  Grunts get emitted from these sexy womens' mouths and grimaces overtake their faces as both accompany the pain endured and the energy expended on their own holds.  The bearhugs looks as dead even as they can get with each woman having reasonably fit arms but not gymrat ones while up top in the tit battle, Asa is clearly  proving once again why the beauty contest judges knew what they were doing by calling her tits far superior.  Katie's boobs are fine, but Asa's are divine as her twin peaks as she likes to call them crush and spread the smaller, but still formidable, globes of her brunette rival.  Katie can't take her tits being dominated for very long and looks for an escape route.  Katie finds one in an inventive way by releasing her own bearhug of Asa's midsection and moving her arms and hands up to the blonde bombshell's head.  Katie pulls her foe's face down and into her own tits that also battling Asa's at the same time.  That maneuver essentially pushes Asa's tits away and at the same time gives her a nice titsmohter of Asa for the first smothering of this fight and one that already can claim sweat and body odor and restriction of breathing advantages by Katie as she tortures Asa with these factors.

Asa is surprised by the standing titsmother implemented by Katie but does remove her own bearhug to counter the move.  She moves her now free hands up to Katie's hair and starts to pull it but with more intent in mind.  She uses it as leverage and whips the taller and bigger woman down to those gym mats by those grabbed tresses.  Katie lands on her beauty contest winning ass but doesn't matter much since Asa comes sliding in like a baseball player on those mats and rams her two feet into Katie's back which sends her tumbling forward on her sexy frontside.  Asa can't resist an easy target and as she moves to cover the beauty contest winning hottie, Asa takes a few seconds to spank her friend's butt as if disciplining a child for some naughty act.  Katie reacts of course with squeals with each hit as her gorgeous face is contorted with grimaces of both pain and obvious humiliation.  Asa makes her way up Katie's body so she throws in a few scratches on to her back just to give her some pain and embarassment to think about.  Asa finally makes her way up to Katie's full body and lies her frontside on top of Katie's body in a full body cover of the beauty contest winning brunette.

Asa rubs and grinds her own form across and forward and back on Katie's form which of course presses her rival's frontside deep into the vinyl gym mats.  Asa even raises her body up sometimes to drop down hard on to Katie's trapped form, especially hoping to drive and compress Katie's huge hooters into the padded floor.  And Asa hasn't forgotten about Katie's beautiful face that she is so proud of.  Asa reaches around Katie's head with her two hands and implements a lying down chinlock as she painfully pulls back on her nemesis' chin to hurt her neck and also give her more reason to wrinkle up her forehead and to scream in pain and sport a grimace on her face.  Katie moves her hands up to engage Asa's as she tries to unclasp her punisher's hands or to slip both hands out from under her chin.  Neither of those tactics work so she instead goes after individual fingers which does work as Asa is afraid that if separated from the others for even a few seconds, Katie might harm them.  Asa has to give up the chinlock but does get a parting shot on Katie's gorgeous nose by pulling back on it also with the bent fingers of one hand like you might see in a 3 Stooges movie or a cartoon, but this is real pain for Katie.  Finally, Katie moves that hand off her face and twists and bucks her body to remove Asa from it completely.

Katie and Asa get to sitting positions, and Katie is the one pissed now as Asa has been having her way by hurting her physcially and also by humiliating her.  Asa and Katie probe from sitting positions on doubled up legs with their arms flailing in front of them.  Katie is able to turn Asa a bit, enough to establish a headlock as her sexy, beauty contest winning arms wrap around her friend's neck.  Now, it is Asa who is trying to unclasp hands, albeit from a different hold.  She is able to do that for a time but when Katie pulls her hair to gain control back, Asa is back where she started from.  Katie eventually uncouples her hands herself as she move her hands separately into a primal choke of Asa's throat.  Asa gasps for air and pulls on Katie's hands and is able to pull them off of her neck.  Asa delivers a headbutt to Katie's chest to stun her into falling backwards a bit.  At that time, Asa lunges forward on her friend and they lay with Asa on top of Katie, but that doesn't last for long.
The women begin to roll around the large area set aside for this catfight with first one woman on top only to be displaced by the other as the one on the bottom pulls hair or another anatomical area to switch positions with her tormentor.

When Katie is on top, she does a titsmother to some degree but better utilizes her concave armpits which contact well over Asa's face, and she doesn't mind at all giving her maximum effort in transfering sweat, body odor, and a restriction of breathing to Asa during this process.  Katie even gets in a pussy smother when she pulls Asa's face hard into her sweaty, beauty contest winning most private orifice.  But that is cut short when Asa is able to buck her bigger rival off and then ends up covering her foe to give a little revenge payback.  Asa counters with armpit smothers but spends more time with her beauty contest winning tits as her massive mams are formidable as the tit flesh meshes hard and over a large are of Katie's face.  Perhaps, the most humiliating event of the entire sequence is when Asa asks for the microphone in question to be thrown to here and she inserts it hard into Katie's pussy for a unique dildo type deal to say the least.  But it might be marketed soon as it does its job and has Katie cumming on to the sound amplifying device....might look for this to be auctioned on EBay in the future.  Finally, Katie gets rid of Asa by shoving her off.  At that point, The women both tumble on to their backs as they separate with neither having the advantage at this point.  The microphone rolls away from them a few feet, as apparently they are ready to get back to action that may not involve smothers.


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Re: Katie vs Asa in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 3 of 3)
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2010, 03:22:25 AM »
The women get up to standing positions for the first time in a long, long while.  Asa raises her hands in front of her body as an obvious challenge for Katie to match opposite hands with her.  The women start to push on each other and have their bodies anchored by their sturdy legs.  Each woman gains an advantage at one time or another as they force their opponent's arms past vertical only to find her rival has pushed back and gotten arms either neutral or even to gain an advantage by going past vertical with the arms.  But in the end, the last advantage goes to Asa who ends up putting Katie on her knees in front of her and then down to the matted floor in a supine position.  As soon as Katie's back hits the floor, Asa is on her with footstomps to areas like her midsection, her tits, and that beauty contest winning pussy that still has traces of that whitish liquid around it where she climaxed literally to the tune of the microphone.  Asa drops an elbow into the midsection of her friend which takes some more energy from that sexy, fit bod of hers.  Asa moves to sit on top of Katie's tits as she doubles up her legs on each side of her foe's breasts.  Asa wants payback for that embarassing pussy smother she had to endure so she pulls that drop dead gorgeous face of Katie hard and flush into her own very sweaty, very smelling, and breathing restricting crotch area to rub and grind her pussy on to that face.  Katie bucks and twists her body until she knocks Asa off and thus escapes. 

The women get up to standing positions and look magnificent with their bodies all sweaty which gives them that oil wrestling type look.  Only their hair looks bad with the perspiration having taken a heavy toll on the conditioning of their luscious tresses.  The women move their arms forward in almost random motion trying to prove for an opening.  Each woman ends up grabbing the other's wrists and forearms as their full bodies twist and turn both their own and the other's body to try to get that edge.  Finally, Katie is able to turn Asa's body so that she is actually behind her rival's form .  Katie moves her hands up in to a full nelson type position by locking her hands behind Asa's neck.  Asa of course tries to pull her hands and arms down across Katie's arms to try to pull apart those clasped hands.  Katie has her hands clasped together well and begins to move her arms around to pull Asa's head with them and put even more strain on that neck area of the blonde hottie.  Katie finally pushes Asa down on to her frontside with of course the full nelson still in effect and her body weight on top of the smaller Asa. 

Asa is under duress as her frontside is being grinded into the gym mats including her humongous hooters for the first time.  Katie makes it even more punishing by rubbing and grinding her body on top of Asa's back which makes those beauty contest winning gigantic gazongas rub across the vinyl mats with the movement of the rest of her body.  And still the full nelson is in effect with little way for the smaller Asa to break the hold.  Katie recognizes this could be the end of the line for her good friend Asa and asks her for a concession.

Katie:  "Give it up, aren't going to get out of this hold or get out from under my beauty contest winning bod!"
Asa:  "Ooooohhhh....zipper girl.....I have to admit you have me dead to rights.  I give....I give...let me go, Katie!"

Postmatch:   Katie doesn't keep the hold any longer on her friend and not only lets go of the full nelson but also quickly gets off Asa's body.  Asa has really not been physically punished that much but simply got into a hold she couldn't break.  Katie remembers the spanks that Asa gave her during the fight and gives Asa a few taps but nothing extreme.  Katie does a little fingernail raking of Asa's back before finally turning her foe's form over to a supine position.  Katie sits on top of Asa's midsection and immediately goes for those awesome orbs that are Asa's tits.  Katie mauls them by grabbing as much boob as possible given the size of her hands and the enormity of Asa's globes.  Asa reacts with screams that may be due to a combination of ecstasy and pain with Katie clearly knowing how to excite and yet punish her friend at the same time.  As she ends the boob mauling, Katie bends down her head and gives Asa a passionate kiss which may be more to signify dominance more than anything else.  She ends that and drops down her own imposing chest and does a nice titsmother before moving on to doing one armpit smother followed by simply laying the inside of her knee on top of Asa's face...any smother to transfer sweat and foul body odor to Asa's face.  Katie ends that and turns her attention to the lower body of Asa and everyone knows what that means...her pussy.

For a little poetic justice, Katie grabs the microphone which has played a significant part of this entire deal from the initally problem with the sound to when Asa used it as a dildo in Katie's most precious asset.  Katie is now returning the favor and doesn't even bother wiping it off as it continues to have some of Katie's own cum from it as she shoves it hard and deep now into the busty blonde's pussy.  And just like Asa was able to do with her, Katie easily gets her friend Asa to climax with this new cum mixing on the microphone with Katie's oldeer discharge.  Katie removes the microphone and fortunately without saying "testing", she rolls the object across Asa's face to let most of the whitish fluid residing on the microphone transfer to Asa's face. Ater doing that, Katie tosses the microphone away for probably the last time and moves her beauty contest winning ass on top of Asa's face and facesits her defeated friend, moving her sweet ass with a combination of slow squirming and more violent wiggling.  Katie puts her hands on the top of her head to strike the classic winner's pose which shows off her fit arms and sexy armpits.  Add to that the licking of her full lips, and she still is turning everyone in the room on even as sweaty and tired and with her hair now matted due to the perspiration.  Katie gets off of her fallen foe reasonably quickly and does nothing else to her which makes this a fairly mild humiliation.  Katie has some water thrown to her and even gives Asa some of it and not by pouring the bottle of water over her head either. 

Katie:  "How are you doing, Asa....we will be getting out of here after I collect our money for all of this.  We will come out better for doing this than for our other jobs that we won't get paid for."
Asa:  "Thanks, I'm sorry I took out my frustrations on you.  Glad we came out Ok on the money side, and I did have fun when I was kicking your butt." {laughing}
Katie:  "Yeah, me too, and the really good news is I feel a swirly coming on for you know they switched out that blue raspberry toilet cleaner and now it's green!" {laughing}
Asa:  "Oh goodie.....lime!  Can't wait!  Oh, and just like last time as a retaliation, you want Ricky's name or maybe Fred or Ethel Mertz this time?  {laughing}
Katie:  "You do that and we will be doing this at home all over again!"
Asa:  "Gotcha!"