As Elena brought me into Karen's parents' beautiful home, I felt regret for my own parents' divorced-broken home, and the loss of Thanksgiving dinners with each other, rather than noon dinner with my Dad and his too-young girlfriend and evening dinner with my Mom.
The smells of the food were enticing. The chatter of the guests, Karen's relatives, was heartwarming.
The sight of Lorraine across the room was .... infuriating. Our eyes met right away. We stared daggers at each other. We were both wearing boots which slipped and slid on the waxed tile floor. If not for that, I believe to this day that the mere sight of each other across the room would have been enough for us to leap at each others' throats and strangle each other until one or both of us were dead. I hated her THAT MUCH.
She was in MY HOUSE.
I saw Karen next. Karen is one cool cookie. If she was shocked at my unplanned appearance, she did a good job of hiding it. She coasted over to Elena and me and opened her arms to me.
> Lisa!!!! Welcome!!! How are you? [Karen was wearing panty hose and a short skirt that made me want to get in bed with her now. What were her and Lorraine's sleeping arrangements this weekend?? Same room? Same bed?

> Karen! Is it ok that I came?? I tried to catch you at the bar yesterday, but it was so crowded!
> Don't apologize! I'm glad you're here. I see you already met my Aunt Elena! Well, technically my Aunt--but we're more like cousins. She's WAY younger than my Mom!
> Yes, my parents were Good Catholics.
> I'm Catholic .... Lorraine's not. [That was an awkward thing for me to say.]
> [Or maybe not. Karen and Elena look at each other and address to elephant in the room. That either Lorraine or I are a third wheel.] Yes, we'll address the .... you and Lorraine .... situation .... after dinner. C'mere Lisa. Let's get you a champagne.
Elena leads me to the house bar and mini-fridge, a relic of the 1970s, when this house must have been built.
> Drink this [Elena encourages me], it will calm your nerves being around Lorraine.
> Thank you. How'd I do so far. I can't STAND being around her.
> You did fine. Didn't give any ground. Quite impressive.
> Thank you.
Elena and Karen keep Lorraine and me separated except for one slip-up during the coffee part of after-dinner. Lorraine and I are seated across the table, 8 feet apart, and have 30 seconds for private conversation.
> You were an asshole to come here, bitch. I'm going to fucking send you back to Miami in a bodybag.
> Bring it, bitch, you don't fucking scare me. I'm sticking one of those boots up your ass, and the other one down your fucking throat.
Twenty minutes later, Elena apoligizes for leaving me alone with Lorraine.
> Karen told me how bitter your first fight, last summer, was with her. You were scratching pussies?
> Umm, ya .... not very ladylike, huh?
> Au contraire. I find it very ... adult ... in a good way. And sexy.
> You wanna watch us do it again, Elena?
> More than anything.
> I think you'll get your chance tonight. Just get her and me alone.
> I will. Guaranteed.
To be continued ....