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Nancy vs Linda in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)

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35C-25-35 Nancy squares off against Linda after health club equipment claims are made

Prelude:  Two hot brunettes, Nancy and Linda, with obviously gym trained bodies happen to hit the same gym at the same time for the first instance ever, but do know about the other due to their developed bodies.  And as sometimes happens during busy periods on the machines, both happen to want the same one, and there is only one of that type vacant now.  They reach it at the same time and neither woman is exactly known for being patient.  Nancy and Linda are nice, hot women but unless you have a great dental and medical plan, you don't fool around with their workout schedule at the health club.

Nancy:  "Uh Linda, hate to tell you, baby, but I was here first.  First come, first serve, Linda dear."
Linda:  "Nancy, honey, I believe I beat you to the machine, doll.  So, it is mine now, but I won't be using it that know, like you would be because....well, you know, your body isn't nearly as firm and muscular as mine."
Nancy:  "Whoa there, ugly tramp!  You actually claiming that your body is as hot or as fit as mine.  Oh, and I don't give you credit for your heiroglyphics tattoos either.  Got a Rosetta stone on you for translation."
Linda:  "Yeah, and here's the short translation....'I can kick Nancy's overrated ass anytime, anywhere!'  And speaking of appearance, I will cut you some slack and assume you just stuck your finger in an electrical outlet and that is why your hair looks like that."
Nancy {finger pointed at Linda's face}:  "Tell you what, Miss Thailand Tattoo of 1999, there is one way to find out who the hotter and stronger woman is.  Let's compare assets and then have a no holds barred, submissions only catfight.  That is, if you don't mind getting proven nothing more than an 'all show but no go' fraud."
Linda {slapping that finger away and pointing her own now}:  "Oh yeah, I'm ready for that right here and right now.  I think this health club has an EMS department so when I hurt your sorry ass in the fight, you will at least be cared for."
Nancy {touching part of Linda's network of tattoos}:  "Big talk coming from a slut who apparently thinks a body should be used as a canvas for cartoons.  Got an Elmer Fudd on there somewhere?  I just love it when he says "wrascally wrabbit."
Linda {pushing Nancy's hands away but holding the right one with her own hand|:  "Just look for a skull and crossbones because that is going to be my attitude towards you...especially the crossbones."
Nancy {pulling her hand away as other customers step in between}:  "Bitch!"
Linda:  "cxnt!"

Beauty Contest:  The women decide on 8 anatomical areas to be judged with the winner of more of these being declared the overall winner here.  The areas are facial beauty, tits, midsection, pussy, legs, arms/armpits, back, and butt.  These will all be judged by the other clientele in the gym and of course the catfight will be submissions only so no judging required there and not even a referee of any sort.  The women start off in skimpy lingerie which will have to come off eventually as their more private areas are judged.  But not in the first competiton when their faces are compared.  This one is a tight one which both clerly above average but not model-like either.  In fact, score this one a rare facial beauty tie so neither wins this judgment.  The next one is their chests and no shocker that gym rats without implants would not have huge ones.  They in fact have to remove their tops at this time to have this region evaluated.   In this decision, Nancy edges out her health club colleague to take a 1-0-1 lead after two areas.  The third area of comparion is their midsection, and wow, both are them here are flat out hot.  Nancy has flat abs that proves she goes to the gym to work out but so does Linda.  Whether it is an age difference thing or whatever, Linda is judged to have the slightly better stomach with more of a washboard or six pack look to that area.  Score one for Linda here and now it is all even again at 1-1-1.  The next area is the pussy and this requires the final ingredient to nudity as they pull off their bottoms.  This one is a good one for each woman as you might expect with a firm crotch due to working out and probably quite a bit of running also.  Nancy edges out Linda here, perhaps due to her maturity actually helping her at this point.  Halfway through the contest, Nancy leads 2-1-1.  The next area to be judged are their legs.  Very tough one to judge since beauty and muscles both count here.  Linda's seems more sinewy muscular while Nancy's seem more obviously muscular.  Normally, Linda might grab the edge here, but Nancy has a home field advantage.  Where is this contest being judged?  Answer, a health club.  At a club for dancing, Linda wins probably.  At a club with weight machines, Nancy wins and this is where they are.  So score another win for Nancy and a 3-1-1 lead coming into the last frontside area to be judged....arms/'armpits.  Linda desperately needs a win, and she gets it.  Her arms are a little more beautiful, look stronger, and her armpits are more concave and well defined.  Linda easily takes this one to cut her deficit down to 3-2-1.  The women will now turn around and show off their backside areas of butt and back. First, the back is judged, and Linda's is great with Nancy's also good.  Some vote against her back due to not liking tattoos, especially large ones that take up a lot of her back, but her beauty there along with clear muscular advantage gives her the win to tie up the overall contest at 3-3-1 with the ass competition deciding the whole ball of wax.  This is one of those you would hate either woman to really lose this deal because both are so fit and sexy and have no real weaknesses on their bods.  But there does seem to be a big enough difference here to judge one of the women better....she is Linda which takes the overall beauty contest by winning the last 3 areas to finish   Linda 4  Nancy 3  Tie 1


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Re: Nancy vs Linda in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2010, 01:39:24 AM »
Catfight:   Linda really doesn't celebrate as she is just thankful for the win and respects Nancy's body just like Nancy gained respect for Linda's.  Their antagonism has been based upon a little jealousy and not knowing each other that well and the deal with the many customers and the few weight machines.  But each is approaching the fight more business-like than most, not that much emotion to be honest.  They are given the right to redress and they put back on their original two pieces....Nancy in black top and bottom while Linda has black bottoms but actually a white top....that rebel!  The women face each other and to no surprise whatever, they start with the classic test of arm strength. They raise their hands in front of their sexy, strong bodies and interlock fingers of the opposite hands of the opponent.  The push starts as legs strain to anchor their bodies while their arms and hands are trying to bend back the other's appendages and gain an advantage.  If the gym customers wanted a clash of the titans or maybe in this case Amazonian women, they are getting their wish.  It is sexy and hot to see strong arms vibrate and tremble due to resistance neither is hardly accustomed to.  Normally, they would be putting the opponent down in record time, but each woman is simply too strong for an easy win here.  In fact, each woman gains an advantage by pushing the other's arms past vertical, only to see her rival come back and either put their arms back to neutral or even gain the edge herself.  Finally though, the superior muscularity of Linda wins out and has Nancy heading down.  But Nancy has more catfighting experience than Linda and shows it right hert.  Nancy isn't going to let that happen as she brings up one of her beauty contest winning, muscle-laden legs and sticks her strong knee right into that beauty contest winning, washboard midsection of Linda in the battle of the irresistable force and the immovable object.

Nancy wins in this exchange and she even is able to double over the sexy, powerful Linda which probably doesn't happen much to the woman who prides herself on her rock hard midsection along with her ability to take any blow from any woman.  Nancy double axe handles Linda's strong back and sends her to her knees with yet another blow to that back.  With Linda on her knees, Nancy lifts up one of her powerful legs and drops its down on to the back of Linda's head as Nancy is taking this match pretty darn seriously by dishing out a lot of punishment.  That blow is more than enough to send Linda down to the mats...literally.  Linda is prone on the floor as Nancy does an elbow drop into the very muscular back of Linda.  And Nancy can't resist while being so near that beauty contest deciding ass to spank her foe's butt as as sign of current domination and humiliation.  Nancy brings her right arm underneath Linda's right arm and brings her left arm around Linda's left side of her head.  Nancy clasps together her left hand with her right hand underneath Linda's chin to immobilize her right arm and put pressure on the strong neck and head of Linda, or close to a D'Arce choke.  Linda has her legs free which is going to be no help really and her left arm and hand which might be.  Linda also has her right arm which is not free but she can put downward pressre on Nancy's arm and perhaps affect the clasped hands under her head.  The women struggle...Nancy to maintain her grip while Linda tries to break it by pulling down on her right arm and moving her left hand to pull on Nancy's left forearm.  Linda's superior arm strength works again as she separates those clasped hands and with that anchoring hold gone, Linda is able to buck and roll Nancy off her body.

Nancy rolls off to the side of Linda's body as she gets up to a sitting position just as Nancy does to face off against her.  They have another test of strength as they apply mutual bearhugs.  Most times, these are done by model-types looking more to match tits than to test out the other's midsection, but the hint for this one is that the women still have their tops on and don't have jumbo juggs to begin with.  Nancy and Linda are doing this for the old fashioned way....punish the other's stomach area.  As each set of pythons encircle the other, grunts and screams fill the air as the health club customers are getting horny just watching the action...and yes that includes the females also.  The women go at for a few minutes before Linda establishes dominance with both her stronger arms and firmer midsection, as hard as that can be imagined given that Nancy's is supposedly softer by comparison.  Regardless, Nancy knows she is losing and isn't going to let this go on much longer most are betting.  Nancy releases her own bearhug of Linda in order to throw a short right fist to Linda's face.  That stuns her punisher but requires a second one to actually force Linda to also release her own bearhug.  The women are getting a little more personal in this fight as they go for each other's throat in a mutual chokehold.  This time, Linda's stronger hands and arms don't really present themselves as this appears to be equal in the torture dispensed.  Both womens' eye grow wider and clearly are having more trouble breathing but they apparently think that unconscious state will happen to the other muscle woman first.  But as it continues, each begins to panic that the first woman to go out may in fact be herself.  So as it turns out neither woman wants to test their theory out and push each other away with both women subsequently holding her own neck gingerly to try to reestablish normal breathing.

Nancy and Linda sit on doubled up legs as a little frustration shows with Linda throwing a hard righthanded slap at Nancy's face which jerks her head hard to her right after the connection is made.  Nancy obviously isn't one to turn the other cheek as she launches her own slap against Linda's face which turns her foe's face in the opposite direction.  Both women rub their faces, and although neither is model gorgeous, the last thing they want is to have their faces marked up in some manner so they end this skirmish quickly.  Each goes for the other's hair as they try to gain an advantage using the tresses of the opponent to use as leverage.  Their heads move violently as their strong arms easily move their heads enough to send them down to lying down positions facing each other on their sides.  Nancy and Linda do such a good job pulling hair that they create momentum and begin to roll around the gym mats.  Any spectators in the way run for a better out of their way as they use up quite a bit of the matter area.  First, one woman remains on top and tries to torture the opponent on the bottom with moves like pins of her arms and armpit smothers...the latter transfering sweat and foul body odor in generous amounts to the face of the victim.  They really don't do much in the way of titsmothers given the size of their chests and the fact that their boobs are still under tops at this point and not accessable.  Just as one woman thinks she has the edge, the other woman pulls hair or another anatomical area on the one on top to make sure she gets her shot.

Eventually, the women end right back in the neutral position facing each other while still lying down and satisfied that at least they got it some humiliation on their opponent.  They push each other away and for the first time in a long while get up to standing positions.  Their fit, muscular bodies look magnificent as sweat glistens off their bodies as if they had been oil wrestling.  The only area suffering on each is their hair which has lost its fluffy look and conditioning.  The women approach each other and put their hands on the other's shoulders to try to maneuver her foe into some disadvantage.  Linda gets an advantage with the positioning of her arms and locks on a guillotine choke hold which basically is having her hands and forearms under Nancy's chin and around her throat.  So yet again, Nancy is being choked, albeit not the primal choke type that she and Linda participated in earlier.  Linda gets in some damage against her gym mate Nancy before Nancy is able to remove Linda's hands and the chokehold is broken.  In fact, Nancy is able to turn around the hold to some extent as she now is able to put Linda's head in a headlock to start doing a little torturing of her own.  Linda is the one now screaming a bit as Nancy's arms are strong enough to cause issues even with Linda's fitter than normal neck.  But Linda isn't a fighting novice by any stretch either and knows the escape routes from this hold.  She knows her arms are stronger so she takes the direct path...she simply overpowers Nancy's arms with her own and pulls them off her throat and above her head for a complete release.

Linda strikes quickly after freedom with an elbow thrown into Nancy's midsection.  Nancy can't tolerate the sharp elbow any better than Linda did Nancy's earlier knee.  Nancy gets doubled over at which point Linda grabs Linda's hair and slings her down hard to the matted floor using it as leverage to do so.  Nancy ends up sitting on her butt on the floor but that is not her problem.  Her issue is the knee that comes into her back as Linda bends down from behind her.  That knee is accompanied by a chinlock which has the normally strong woman Nancy in a lot of pain with her trunk being pushed forward as her head and neck are pulled up and back.  Nancy is the competitor now screaming as her arms flail in the air in the beginning due to a little panic on her part.  But she is too experienced to get rattled for long and moves towards Linda's hands to try to unclasp them or to loop them off her chin at least.  For Linda to do this combination she has to be very close to Nancy's head and since Nancy has trouble with Linda's clasped hands and very strong hands and arms, Nancy goes for a shortcut.  She pushes herself off the floor just a bit with enough sudden force to crack the top of her head against Linda's jaw, which sends the muscle girl stumbling backwards and landing on that beauty contest winning butt of hers.


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Re: Nancy vs Linda in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 3 of 3)
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2010, 01:49:20 AM »
Linda is stunned by the blow to her jaw and the subequent hard drop on her back.  Nancy is ready for some payback and starts with some powerful footstomps to several areas of Linda's hardbody including her legs, her midsection, and a shot to the old pussy, using her piston like legs to deliver devastating force to the rock hard Linda.  Nancy grabs one of Linda's ankles and lifts up that leg and bends the ankle area awkwardly in a painful ankle hold.  Linda slams the mats with her powerful arms which are helpless under this attack on perhaps one of most peoples' weakest area...the ankle.  Nancy continues to periodically foot stomp her rival to give her double barreled punishment.  Linda does have the other leg free and waits for one of Nancy's footstomps when obviously her tormentor only has one foot on the floor.  Linda whips around her free leg in an arc and clips Nancy on that one standing leg...probably proving that perhaps flamingos would not make the better fighters in nature.  Nancy hits the deck right near Linda's feet and each pops up quickly to standing positions, deathly afraid of the consequences of letting the other beat her up to that level.  The women probe each other with arms forward until Nancy lunges forward at Linda's body who can more pretty fast considering how big she is due to muscularity.  That quickness allows her to dodge that projectile and she gets behind Nancy's body with Nancy's left arm grabbed as she goes by Linda's sizzling bod.  Linda immediately pulls it behind Nancy's back in a hammerlock, soon to be changed over to the more painful chickenwing as she raises that crooked arm even higher on to her back. 

Linda has a maniacal look on her face as she is looking to perhaps put Nancy away.  A chickenwing is hardly going to be enough to put away the powerful Nancy but at least it might soften her up a bit.  Nancy gets thinking about how to get out of that hold which gives Linda to drop it voluntarily and move on to one better...a full nelson as she brings her arms underneath Nancy's only to clasp together her hands behind the sexy foe's neck.  Nancy screams as Linda immediately bends her neck forward with the hold and obviously strains that neck.   Again, Nancy's arms flail harmlessly as she tries to focus her attention on how to escape.  She of course tries to bring down her own arms across Linda's which is the classic means to escape but good luck on that since Linda's arms are stronger and the clasping of hands already accomplished.  So, Nancy switches to a more amateurish approach and waits for the right moment where her feet are close to Linda's.  She brings her left leg up and back slightly and drops her left foot on to Linda's bare left foot which isn't much fun for Linda when you have the mighty strength of Nancy's leg behind it.  That is followed up by a lift of that same leg back into Linda's crotch.  That ends the full nelson rather quickly and lets Nancy move forward and away from Linda's attack as she recovers from a couple of unique blows.

Nancy is the one moving forward on the attack now but Linda has some MMA experience.  As she approaches, Linda throws out a thrust kick which hits squarely into the frizzy brunette's midsection. That knocks her back stumbling away from Linda's still recovering form.  Linda comes forward finally and is met with an attack on her own midsection ...a Nancy fist which has the sexy, strong Linda doubling over due to the force of the blow.  Nancy grabs Linda by the hair and hurls her backward down to the matted floor.  Even the cushions of the padding doesn't keep that fall from being rather violent giving the force that Nancy put behind the toss down.  Nancy goes on to the supine Linda with a big splash which illicits a loud grunt and a scream as Nancy's weight hits with acceleration on top of Linda's bod.  Nancy rubs and grinds her own body across and up and down on Linda's to try to keep her opponent down and on the defensive.  Plus, she is getting a little sexual pleasure from having her own covered tits and her own covered pussy hit the concealed most private areas of her gymrat rival.  Nancy begins to lift her upper body up on her strong arms only to drop it down on to Linda's trapped form a few times, finally ending that cycle.  Nancy hopes she has Linda softened up a bit, especially her midsection area as she changes her cover position.

Nancy moves down Linda's athletic bod just a bit so that her legs are even with her midsection as she has them folded up.  Nancy wraps them around Linda's stomach area by putting her lower legs underneath Linda's midsection.  Nancy crosses them under Linda's fit form in a great legscissors using her awesome, gym trained legs.  Of course, Linda is going to raise her upper body up and use her muscular arms to get at either Nancy or her legs to get it released.  But Nancy has counterplans for that move.  Her hands and arms are not quite as strong as Linda's but she does have the advantage of gravity and her arms and hands coming down.  Plus, all Nancy has to do is to come close to a draw on the hands/arms fight because her finishing move here is to count on her incredibly strong legs to do in Linda.  Nancy pins Linda's arms only to have them raise of the mat, then pinned again, then off the mat, etc.  All the while, the real story is occuring as minute by minute as Nancy's legs continue to crush Linda's midsection and sap the strength and energy of resistance from the downed strong woman.  Nancy feels that proof elsewhere as she is becoming able to pin Linda's arms which are normally stronger than hers and keep them pinned.  And besides that visible evidence, there is also the obvious audible evidence which are the screams of Linda which become louder as time passes by in addition to the loud grunts.  Linda's grimace on her face tells the story.  Nancy's powerful legs have been the difference here and Linda couldn't get a submission with her stronger arms before Nancy appears to be heading with her stronger legs.

Nancy:  "Ready to give it up, Linda?  Otherwise, I will be squeezing your midsection so hard, you won't have to worry about getting those tattoos removed.  I will do this for you."
Linda:  "Oooooohhhhh....aaaaaiiiieeee.....I'll give this to.....ooooohhhhh.....Nancy, you have strong legs."
Nancy:  "Thanks Linda, I'm not going to call you names.  I just want you to admit I am the stronger woman!  Ready to do that or do I save you some tattoo removal fees in case you decide you don't like them anymore?"
Linda:  "Ooooohhhhh....yeah, yeah, I give up.  You won fair and.....uuuuggghhh.....square.  You are the stronger woman at least for this fight."  {pained laughter}
Nancy:  "Fair enough, you are a class act so I'm letting go now.  But, I might just have to embarass you a little more.  To be honest, I think if we met 10 times, I would win 6 or 7 of them." {releasing her legs scissors and the arms pin}
Linda:  "I would flip those numbers but you did win this day, baby!"

Postmatch:  The feeling in the room is that this might be "humiliation light" but we will have to see what happens.  Usually, the women are at each other's throats at the end, but ironically, both women actually increased their respect for the other, few low blows landed, and how many times do the women end up in G rated attire at the end of the catfight.  Neither woman lost anything during the match.  Anyway, Nancy does turn over Linda and gives her beauty contest winning ass a few smacks with a comment about how she should have won that area instead which would have switched around the winner.  Nancy is going for a few souvenir camera shots as she poses with the spanking and then doubles up Linda's legs to show how she could bend them back and keep then bent at this point.  Basically, she is on a public relations blitz to prove her victory over Linda in case anyone questions it.  Nancy turns over Linda and sits on that midsection but to be kind to Linda, it is clear she is putting much of her own body weight out to her legs which are doubled up to the side on the gym mats.  But Nancy can't let Linda completely off the sexual hook so she unhooks her top and massages her breasts and then takes off her own top and shows off her own 35C bust measurement.  She does lie down on top of Linda and rub her larger orbs against Linda's smaller globes which turns both of them on.  She finishes that and moves her tits up to Linda's face for a good old fashioned titsmother but with Nancy's medium sized boobs, really not a devastating attack there.  She does however transfer all the sweat to Linda and expose her to her foul body odor after such a long match, but then again, it isn't like Linda is smelling like a perfume counter herself to begin with.  Nancy does change over to a couple of armpit smothers (numerically accurate since she only has 2 of them to begin with) for perhaps her most humiliating smothers so far.   And with her working out, her arms and pits are more developed than normal and make great flush contacts with her defeated foe's face to give her exposure to even more sweat and even more body odor.

Nancy finishes those upper body smothers and moves her ass up to sit on the upper chest area of Linda.  Nancy removes her own bottoms and forces Linda to lick her pussy but doesn't do anything to make herself cum nor does she move to Linda's pussy after getting off of Linda's chest and end the licking session.  Rare to see the loser actually end up with more clothing than the winner but that is the way it is right now.  Nancy gets up to do the expected facesit...apparently, it is a cardinal rule in catfighting that there must be a facesit!  Nancy lowers that great ass of hers that she still thinks should have won her the beauty contest and squirms and wiggles it across Linda's face, but once again, most have seen much more violent facesits and seems to be a friendly one if you can actually have that.  But again, Nancy does want those pictures taken of the event as she puts her hands on the top of her head to show off her fit arms and great contoured armpits.  She finishes that up and appears to be it.  No rubbing of her feet across Linda's face, no asking for a spray paint can to make grafitti on Linda's midsection, etc.  In fact, she hands Linda a bottle of water and actually helps her back to her feet as they pick up their two pieces to reclothe.   

Nancy:  "We okay, Linda.  You just pissed me off for a bit {whispering the rest} but if the truth be known I trust you more than the dickheads here, not to mention the bitches!"
Linda:  "Nan, we're fine, and I copy that on a lot of the other health club members.  {whispering the rest} If you ever want to clean out this den of losers, let me know.  I will be right there with you, Nancy!"
Nancy:  {whispering} "You know, I'm liking you more and more all the time.  Want to start with the fittest and toughest ones to kick their asses?"
Linda:  {whispering and nodding to Nancy} "Yep, we'll start with the women."