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REMATCH! NORTH vs. SOUTH: City Cousin vs. Country Cousin

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Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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REMATCH! NORTH vs. SOUTH: City Cousin vs. Country Cousin
« on: March 18, 2011, 10:20:52 AM »
                    REMATCH! NORTH vs. SOUTH: Country Cousin vs. City Cousin
                                                                        By: Supporturgoddess

        Two beautiful bodies pressed together, locked in a battle for supremacy. At the end of a long, grueling contest, every breath came in gasps. Each woman’s breasts and belly heaved, pounding against the others. Pressed tightly cheek-to-cheek, whenever they turned their heads, their petal-soft lips rubbed together. A tan, black-haired beauty whispered.
       “I’m taking you down! You’re mine!”
       A slightly paler blonde gasped. “No! I won’t go down for you!”
       Even as she spoke, she let out a deep exhalation. The brunette took the blonde down slowly, laying her on her back. The brunette in blue kept the blonde in red beneath her, stretching the blonde’s arms out over her head and pinning her wrists. The brunette’s soft feet pinned the blonde’s feet, forcing her legs open and controlling them, thighs to thighs. Commanding the blonde head-to-toe, the brunette stared down into her rival’s huge, blue eyes. The blonde couldn’t hold out another second. She belonged to the winner.
       Blonde beauty Becky Jean Smooter sat straight up in bed. Cold sweat poured down the twenty-three-year-old girl’s creased forehead. The Southern Belle locked her ankles and pressed her knees tightly together, swallowing hard. She had dreamed of her cousin from the North…again. Pure as a mountain stream, Becky couldn’t understand why such dreams tormented her. Brought up in a conservative, traditional family, she could not, or would not, consider the most obvious possibilities. She searched for answers elsewhere. Why did she keep dreaming of her cousin from the big city?
       Becky and her cousin, New York City girl Lacey Rae Hudson, grew up as best friends…and bitter rivals. They had competed for everything from beauty pageant crowns to boys. With the exception of a few minor scrapes, Becky Jean had usually won. That changed a few months earlier, when Lacey invited her southern cousin to visit her in New York. Sweeter-than-sugar Southern Belle Becky eagerly accepted. Becky arrived in New York and walked straight into an ambush. The city girl had never forgiven her country cousin for all the times she had beaten her. The New Yorker wanted a small measure of revenge. She got it, not only beating the blonde, but by embarrassing her. Why, Becky wondered, did her recurring dreams of her humiliating loss excite her so? She privately acknowledged Lacey had been magnificent. The way Lacey entwined her legs with Becky’s own and dominated them, the way Lacey’s body out powered Becky’s own, mounting her and pinning her….
       Becky’s eyes widened. She shook her head. She refused to harbor such thoughts. Besides, she decided, Lacey wasn’t THAT magnificent. Becky firmly believed that she should have won. She had her cousin Lacey all but beaten, when Lacey’s boyfriends held her back. Becky had shown her cousin mercy, backing off a bit. Her good will cost her, as Lacey went on to turn the tables and win the fight. Surely she only dreamed of Lacey because she couldn’t get over the memory of her first true defeat. Surely it only felt so good to feel Lacey’s body pressed on top her own because that signified the fight was still on, and she still had a chance to win.
       Becky Jean’s brow wrinkled. No. That couldn’t be right. She had always been taught to forgive. How could she be obsessed with the idea of getting even with her cousin, when she was supposed to turn the other cheek? Suddenly, an excited grin spread over Becky’s face. Of course! Maybe she kept dreaming of the wrestling match because she subconsciously felt guilty about holding a grudge! Perhaps if she could reconcile with her cousin, the dreams would end. Becky fluffed her pillow and began making plans.
       On a hot, rainy, summer night in New York, Becky’s cousin, brunette bombshell Lacey Rae Hudson, lie spread out on her bed, staring restlessly at the ceiling. She too dreamed of the battle she had fought with her cousin, only her eyes were wide open, in more ways than one. She remembered lying helplessly as Becky’s thighs squeezed around her face. She recalled how her own boyfriends had declared Becky’s legs even hotter than her own, and how she secretly agreed. She recalled pulling Becky’s petal-soft foot up and biting the bottom of it to escape. She shivered as she recalled the taste of Becky’s flesh. The sophisticated city girl had no illusions about her fantasies. Even so, she rejected them. She chose to believe she only dreamed of Becky because her victory had been tainted, unclear. Though the thought of pitting her own body against her luscious cousin’s body filled Lacey with ecstasy, she convinced herself that she only wanted the chance to utterly, completely, finally humble Becky, without excuses. She wanted more, much more. Surely her hunger for her cousin’s delectable body was only due to her desire to leave her lying at her feet.
       A ring tone interrupted her thoughts. Lacey’s heart pounded, as she heard a melodic, southern voice.
       “Hello, Lacey. This is your cousin, Becky Jean. I know it’s late, but…I’ve been thinking about you.”
       After a long silence, Lacey whispered, “Hi. I’m glad you called.”
       After a long, guarded conversation, Lacey said the words both longed to hear. “I’d like to see you again.”
       Becky leapt at the chance. “That would be great, only…I don’t think I’d feel comfortable in New York, after what happened last time. Maybe we could meet on neutral ground, or--”
       “I…wouldn’t mind heading down south. I haven’t seen that little town you live in since I was in high school. I’d love to pay you a visit.”
       “Great,” Becky chirped. “I’ll call you tomorrow, so we can work out the details. Bye-bye.”
       “Bye,” Lacey said, putting down her phone. A wicked smile spread across her lips.
        Each cousin fell asleep thinking of two very different plans. Becky wanted to be the perfect host. She knew Lacey would surely gloat over winning their recent battle, but she would take any abuse. She would reconcile with Lacey at any cost. After two days, Lacey would be gone, and the dreams would end. Lacey had other plans. She would find a way to prove she was the better woman, once-and-for-all. She would prove herself the superior woman, and then surely she would stop obsessing over her lovely, blonde cousin.
       The first week in July, Lacey arrived for her visit. She pulled up to a tiny, one-bedroom house. Becky came out, to help Lacey bring in her things.
       Lacey looked over the tiny house. “You actually live here?”
       Stiffening at the unintended insult, Becky replied, “My home is as big as your apartment. At least I have a yard.”
       Lacey shot back, “I have an indoor, heated pool.”
       Becky shrugged. “We have a lake.”
       Lacey grumbled. “Yeah, about a two mile walk from here!”
       Becky refused to let Lacey goad her into an argument. She wanted to reconcile. During the rest of the afternoon, Lacey kept on tossing barbs at her cousin, hoping to provoke her. Becky refused to take the bait. Lacey grew frustrated. She knew Becky Jean was a sweet girl, but this was ridiculous! Feeling there was no point in working over a girl who refused to fight back, Lacey eased up. By supper, the girls were engaged in friendly conversation. They had a few drinks, and then they had a few too many. Soon the little house was filled with riotous laughter, as the cousins relived old times.
       Everything went smoothly until they prepared to turn in.
       Becky told Lacey, “The couch folds out into a bed. It’s low, but comfortable.” A mischievous grin spread over her face. A way to get back at her cousin for all her little digs popped into her mind. Becky said, “If you hear something scratching, ignore it. It’s only a mouse. It won’t bother you…much.”
       Lacey’s eyes grew huge. “Oh, you have GOT to be joking!”
       Becky smiled. “What’s wrong, city girl? Are you afraid of a little mouse?”
       Lacey’s eyes narrowed. “The rats we have in the city would eat your little country mice for breakfast!”
       “I’m glad you’re okay with it,” Becky said. “Oh, and if you hear anything hissing, it could be a ‘possum. Be careful. They bite! ‘Course, it could be a rattle snake….”
       Lacey shrieked, jumping up on a chair. Becky laughed.
       Lacey shook her head. “I’m going to a hotel.”
       Becky replied, “The nearest hotel is twenty miles from here. There’s a little motel on the edge of town, but it’ll be full up for the holiday. Come on, I was only joking.”
       “I am NOT sleeping in here!”
       Becky swallowed, hard. “We used to share the same room, when we were kids. We’re cousins. Surely we can…share the same bed, for just one night, can’t we?”
       Lacey’s heart pounded, but she nodded.
       The cousins took turns changing in a tiny bedroom. Being a particularly hot night, Lacey chose to wear a light-blue T-shirt cut off at the ribs to leave her midsection bare and tiny but comfortable black panties. Becky wore an almost identical T-shirt which left her belly bare, though hers was pink. She also wore small, white panties.
       Lacey lay back in bed, watching her cousin. Becky moved around on the bed on her hands and knees, finally stopping and searching for something on a stand by the bed. Unable to find it, she turned and crawled directly over Lacey, to search through a cabinet on her side of the bed. Lacey felt a powerful tingle, as Becky’s bare stomach slid across her own. Still on her hands and knees, Becky spun on top Lacey and then crawled to the foot of the bed, to search a table there. Lacey sat up a little. Becky’s actions put her perfect hips inches from Lacey’s face. Lacey stared at them, in awe.
       Becky crawled farther down. Breaking free of her trance, Lacey put her foot on Becky’s hips and gave them a gently push.
      “Get your butt out of my face.”
       Becky looked back over her shoulder. “I’m just looking for my hairbrush.”
       Becky Jean found her brush. Aware of the way Lacey admired her, Becky sat up at the foot of the bed, rising as straight and tall as possible, showing off her fabulous body. All the while, the southern sweetheart brushed her long, golden hair, pretending she wasn’t aware that her city cousin watched her every move.
       Lacey whispered, “You have such beautiful hair. I wish I had your hair.”
       Flattered, Becky smiled, broadly. “It’s my best feature.”
       Lacey whispered, softly, “You’re whole body’s your best feature, from head to toe.”
       Becky trembled. She lay down beside her cousin. Lacey’s heart raced, as Becky pressed her foot softly against Lacey’s upper thigh and then slowly slid it down her leg to her ankle.
       Becky whispered, “I wish I had your legs.” Their feet rubbed together. “Your feet are cute, too.”
       Both beauties breathed deeply, overcome by strange and unfamiliar sensations. They spent the next hour comparing their bodies. They concluded Becky had prettier hair, a better belly, better shoulders and better hips, while Lacey had better legs, hands, and feet. They agreed their legs were equally lovely. They even practiced kissing, comparing their styles. They decided that Becky had softer lips, but Lacey had a better technique. At first their kissing was playful, filled with giggles and grins. Their smiles slowly faded, as their teasing was replaced by a desperate hunger. Lacey slid on top Becky, pinning her to the bed. Becky’s toes curled. Lacey was equally enthralled, but something wasn’t right. She slid down, rolling Becky on top of her. Yes, Lacey thought, Becky should be on top, where she belonged. She looked up at the gorgeous Southern blonde, caressing Becky’s firm, round belly. She pulled Becky down, kissing her, hard.
       Both girls’ eyes flashed open. She squirmed. They sat up, gasping.
       Becky turned her back sharply to her cousin. Lacey lay down facing the opposite wall. Each refused to say another word. They were drunk. Yes, surely that explained what happened!
       Becky whispered, “Tomorrow’s the 4th. We have a big day ahead of us. Let’s forget all this…nonsense…and get some sleep.”
       Lacey agreed.
       The cousins didn’t really want each other in the most direct sense. Each secretly believed the other was the superior woman. Each craved the other’s approval and respect, but each thought the other refused to see her as an equal. This led to jealousy and rivalry. The cousins might have realized the source of their feud, if only they were willing to admit to their deep admiration for each other. Neither would do that. Their resentment grew.
       The next morning, their awkward silence turned to hostility. Becky believed Lacey had only been teasing her, to mock her conservative values. Lacey felt rejected, even dismissed. Neither woman had much to say to the other.
       Halfway through breakfast, Lacey said, “I think I’ll take a walk around town. I haven’t been here in years….”
       Becky broke in. “I have to help out at the town pageant. I’ll be gone long before you get back.”
       Lacey nodded. “We’ll catch up later.”
       Becky dressed and headed for the town square. Her mood lightened. A fair was underway in the park across from the courthouse. Most of the town had gathered on the square, to enjoy various holiday-related activities and events. Becky had won the local beauty pagent three years in a row, even taking third in the state competition. She was a local legend. The local officials talked her into crowning this year’s beauty queen.
        Becky arrived at the pageant. Seeing her half-open eyes and disheveled apearance, a woman asked, “What’s wrong with you?”
       “I’ve got kinfolk visitin’”, Becky said. “You know how it is.”
       The woman nodded. She knew. Eveyone knows. Family can be wonderful, but they can also be…trying.
       Shortly before noon, Becky Jean crowned a new beauty queen. With her duties fulfilled, Becky wiggled out of her lavish gown and into attire far more in tune with her true personality. She wore tiny, fading, cut-off “Daisy Duke” shorts, a red, sleevelss shirt, and went barefoot. She searched for her cousin. Shortly after noon, she found her. Lacey walked around a corner. She wore a blue bikini top, tight, white shorts, and flip flops. Three local boys stood to her left, with three more to her right.
       “Hey,” one of the boys called out, greeting Becky. “How come you didn’t tell us Lacey was coming to town this Fourth of July!”
       Lacey gave her cousin a challenging grin. “I haven’t seen these guys since I lived here! Gee, it’s lucky I just happened to run into them all, isn’t it?”
       Becky’s eyes narrowed. “Oh sure, you’re real lucky.”
       Lacey once spent a year living with Becky Jean. During that time, she learned which boys Becky was interested in. That list had not changed much. Most of those boys were now among Lacey’s new entourage. Lacey flirted shamelessly with the boys, wanting to see her country cousin seethe with jealousy. Lacey cooed and giggled and made all the right moves to twist the good ol’ boys around her little finger. Becky seethed, but she was determined to grin and bear it. She was still convinced that if the cousins parted as friends, the troubling dreams would end. She decided to play the good girl no matter what Lacey did to provoke her, sure she could take anything Lacey could dish out.
       One of the boys said, “You look tired.”
       Becky tilted her head toward her cousin, shrugged, and said, “I’ve got kinfolk visiting. You know how it is.”
       All the boys nodded. They knew, indeed.
       At lunch, Lacey worked Becky over. There were two boys Becky had a particular fondness for, Bobby and Nate. Lacey paid them special attention. Becky’s eyes burned! Lacey sat with Becky and the boys at a long picnic table. The brunette played with her food in the most suggestive ways. Watching Lacey eat a hot dog was almost more than two of the boys could withstand! Bobby had to excuse himself! Becky looked on, helplessly. Lacey then went to work on Nate. She sat on his lap facing him, her legs wrapping around him, as she fed him a muffin.
       Becky shook with jealous rage, but she refused to start a fight with her cousin. She sat sipping a small cup of unpleasant-tasting lemonade.
       Just as the group rose to leave, Bobby returned.
       Becky said, “Blech! This stuff’s terrible. I’m still thirsty. ‘Tell you what. They have the best iced Cokes in the county, down at Kaderka’s Grill.”
       Nate scratched his head. “That’s all the way over past the fair, on the far end of Main Street.”
       Becky said, “I’m goin’. Who’s with me?”
       Bobby shrugged. “I’ll go. I still haven’t eaten anything!”
       Becky shrugged. “If I knew you were comin’ back, I would’ve saved you a bite of my pie.”
       Lacey rubbed against Bobby. “Come with me. You can share MY pie. My pie is way better than hers, anyway. EVERYONE says so.”
       Fearing their hometown sweetheart’s wrath, the boys tried not to laugh at the audacious taunt, but they snickered, unable to hide their amusement.
       Becky was ready to explode!
       Lacey started to lead Bobby away, but he pulled free and sat beside Becky. “How ‘bout that Coke?”
       Becky’s big blue eyes silently thanked Bobby for his loyalty. Lacey was stunned by his choice.
       As the day wore on, Lacey continued her shameless flirtation with Becky’s boyfriends. Unwilling to take anymore, Becky flirted back with all the formidable southern charm at her disposal. Little by little, Becky won back the boys. Now Lacey burned with jealousy and frustration!
       One of the boys, Andy, said, “I see you two are still competing over everything.”
       Big Roy laughed. “You two used to come up with some crazy contests!”
       A mischievous glint flashed in Lacey’s eyes. “I never back down. Hell, I’d take Becky Jean on here and now, if she wasn’t such a coward.”
       “Ooh”s came from the boys.
       Becky’s blue eyes narrowed. “I AIN’T chicken!” She glanced at the bustling crowd around them. “I ain’t going all out in front of half the town, either! So unless you can--”
       Lacey took a wide stance, hands on hips. “I challenge you to take me on! Let our boys here decide what we compete at!”
       Becky couldn’t back down.
       Given that it was past noon on a warm, summer day, no less than The Fourth of July holiday, the chances that any group of good ol’ southern boys would be entirely sober were slim. In this case, the chances were none. Fueled by desire and uninhibited from drinking, they came up with three events. Though none were completely outrageous, all three went much farther than Becky would have liked.
       The first event was what Big Roy called “a pony ride rodeo”. Each petite beauty balanced on the end of one of his knees, facing him. Each held one hand behind her back and held the other bent up at the elbow, for balance. Big Roy would then bounce the girls on his knees until one fell off, or until time ran out. If both made their rides, the boys would choose whose ride was better.
       The event began. The girls instantly wrapped their lower legs around Big Roy’s wide legs, trying to hang on. The former football player bounced the girls on his knees. Their heads nodded dramatically with each bounce, their chins jutting out, as their faces thrust forward toward Roy and then pulled back and then repeated, in rapid fashion. The more excited he grew, the faster he bounced the girls. The faster he bounced them, the more intense their lurching, thrusting movement’s becme, each in turn coming to within inches of his face, then rocking away. His pulse increased even faster than their movements.
       The instant time ran out, the small group of good ol’ boys snickered, as good ol’ Roy ran to the good ol’ john (restroom), where he would spend a portion of that good ol’ summer day!
       The boys voted. Becky Jean won the first contest by a four to one vote.
       Becky Jean grinned at her cousin from the North. “You should’a known better than to try to outride a Southern girl!”
       Froggy, so named due to a lifelong love of the creatures, devised the next event. It was to be a variation of the famous game, “Blind Man’s Bluff”. He took some holiday decorations and made them into blindfolds, red for Becky, and blue for Lacey. He blindfolded the girls and told them they would have to find a few pieces of hard candy he would hide. Whoever found the most would win. He then added a few details. The girls would have to keep their hands behind their backs, retrieving the candy with their mouths. The boys would hide the candy on their bodies!
       Both girls blushed, but agreed! A small crowd gathered to watch, as the boys lay on the grass and the girls sank over them on their knees.
       The event began! The girls sank low, nuzzling the boys in search of the candy. Both were methodical. They began down at the boy’s ankles, running probing noses and mouths over them along the way. The girls’ hungry mouths searched, planting tiny, gentle kisses all over the boys in their search for hidden treasure. The boys began to breathe rapidly, sweating far more than the girls in the competition! Lacey found the first piece, and the second. Becky found the third. They then went back and forth, one finding a piece, then the other. Only one young man remained. Froggy sat back on a lawn chair. City cousin and country cousin reached him at the same moment. Lacey nibbled up his left leg, Becky his right. Desperate to win, each girl strained, letting out little tones.
       “Mmm! Ugh! Nnn!”
       Simultaneouly, the two blindfolded beauties plopped their chins up over Froggy’s thighs. They began rubbing their noses back and forth in his lap and midsection, searching for their goal.
As you might imagine, a grown man named “Froggy” wasn’t used to such stimulation. He almost exploded into a ball of Budweiser and Skoal.
       Lacey cried out, finding the final piece of candy and handily winning the event. She tore off her blindfold. “I win!”
       “We’re tied,” Becky insisted, pulling off her blindfold.
       “How do we decide it?”
       Andy went into a convenience store and returned with several cartons of eggs.
       Becky blushed bright pink. “Do I even want to know what you have planned for us?”
       Andy blushed a bit too, but winked, playfully. He explained, “The boys will lay side-by-side on the ground. You two will wait at a table a distance away, with cartons of eggs beside you. You’ll have to carry one egg to each of us, using only your mouths. You can’t put them inside your mouths or use your teeth. You have to use…suction.
       The cousins smirked, as the boys howled.
       “You’ll have to balance an egg over our closed eyes, Lacey on the left eye, Becky on the right. If it falls off, you have to go back for another egg. Once all the eggs are balanced…you have to squat down over us, picking up one egg at a time, and carrying them between your legs back to the table, where you’ll drop them into a basket! When time’s up, whoever has the most eggs in her basket wins.
       A substantial crowd gathered around the boys, to watch! The boys lay down, and the ladies took their positions.
       Andy shouted, “Go!”
       He crowd roared! The cousins pressed their lips to the eggs, sucking them up. Each raced to the nearest boy, and struggled to get her egg to balance. Andy felt Lacey’s tongue rolling on his face. She adroitly balanced the egg, and ran back to the table. Becky’s tongue struggled along Andy’s face, but within seconds, she had balanced her first egg. They repeated their efforts on boy after boy, usng rolling, undulating tongues to balance the eggs, bringing wild cheers and groans of approval to the males in the crowd watching them. Lacey finished balancing her final egg. She squatted low over Froggy, struggling to use her thighs to lift the egg without breaking it. Becky’s shoulders dropped, still struggling to balance her last egg, while her cousin gingerly carried an egg between her legs and dropped it into her basket. By the time Becky finally balanced her last egg, Lacey was working to carry back her second. Becky squatted over Nate. He looked up in awe, as Becky’s thighs opened and spread apart over his face. She bent low, seizing the egg and waddling back to drop it in her basket. Becky gave it her all, but Lacey remained one egg ahead. She lifted another egg between her thighs. Suddenly, gold and white goo oozed down on Big Roy’s face.
        Lacey’s egg broke. She had to race back for another one.
        “She squeezes too hard,” someone in the crowd observed. “Becky Jean has a better…touch.”
       Becky seized her chance. The two ended up in a dead heat, racing for the final two eggs. Both happened to rest on Bobby. Reaching him at the same moment, each tried to knock the other off using only shoulders, for their hands had to remain behind their backs. Suddenly Lacey planted her foot up on Becky Jean’s breasts and kicked her over. Becky’s feet flew up, as she crashed to her back. Lacey seized the egg between her legs and turned.
       Lacey broke another egg. She raced back to replace it.
       Becky smiled, carefully carrying her last egg and dropping it into her basket.
       “Time’s up!”
      The crowd roared. Lacey bowed her head in defeat. Becky Jean grinned, ear-to-ear. The country cousin won.
       “That was the last event,” Becky said, so proud she was about to burst. “I won, Lacey! I--”
       Gold and white goo spattered across Becky’s chest. Lacey had taken the egg from between her legs and hurled it against her cousin. The crowd laughed.
       “Oh! Oh!” Becky grabbed an egg and hurtled it, but it missed.
       Lacey ran up, grabbed an entire carton of eggs, and shoved it into Becky Jean’s face, grinding it in. Becky wiped the egg from her face with a flick of her wrist, and confronted the city girl.
       Southern accent rapidly becoming accute, Becky shouted, “Yore just mad ’cause everybody saw me beat you!”
       Furious, Lacey brought out the big guns. She told everyone all about the battle they had in New York.
       Becky’s fists tightened until her fingernails dug into her palms. “I had you down and helpless in that fight, but I backed off, to keep from hurtin’ you! I only lost ’cause I’m too nice!”
       “Oh, sure,” Lacey scoffed. “I’m sure we all believe you!”
       Lacey’s mouth dropped open. She saw it in the eyes of everyone around her. They DID believe Becky! Lacey couldn’t stand it! “I have proof!”
       Lacey showed the crowd pics of her posing over the helpless Southern Belle, taken just after the fight.
       Tears raced into Becky’s huge, blue eyes, until suddenly, Nate spoke.
       “Give up, Lacey. What did you do? Did you get Becky drunk, and then pose with her for those pics?”
       Lacey threw up her arms. “I beat her up!” She spun to her cousin. “Tell them what happened! Tell them how I kicked you fat, southern-fried butt!”
      Becky simply folded her arms, refusing to say a word. She was the little town’s little hero. No one would believe Lacey had beaten their little Southern Belle.
       Becky said, “What’s wrong with you, anyway? Why do you always want to fight me?”
       Lacey shouted, “Why do you always have to win? Damn you, Becky Jean! I hate you! I hate your stupid, cornpone accent! I hate you big, Southern hair! I hate how even when you lose, you somehow end up on top! You’re such a bitch!”
       Becky shouted, “Oh! Oh! I’ve never been nothing’ but nice to you! I always end up apologizing, even when you’re the one who should! I came to New York in good faith, tryin’ to be your friend. All the while, you planned an ambush! Now I invite you to MY home, and how do you act? You try to steal my guys and show me up, just to prove you can! Maybe I’m more popular ‘cause you spend all your time being nasty and mean, while I try to be nice to folks!”
       Lacey’s mouth dropped open. “Don’t you even think you’re more popular than me! I’m the Queen of New York! You only rule in a backwoods dump nobody has ever heard of! I’m popular with the kind of people who matter! Face it, Becky Jean! You’re just a country bumpkin from a hillbilly town! While I travel the globe, you’re stuck here, with your piggy friends!”
       Becky shouted, “Oh! We were good enough to take both you and yore maw in and take care of you, when you went bankrupt! Ya’ll couldn’t have made it through that year without us! I gave up half my bedroom, half my clothes, and half my life, just to make you feel at home. Is this how you repay me? If you don’t like it here, then GET OUT!”
       Lacey fumed. “Gladly! I can’t wait to get away from this dump, and all the toothless, uneducated, unwashed trash you associate with!”
       Becky shouted, “That’s enough, cousin! I would’ve let you trash talk about me all day long, but when you go and insult my town, my friends, and my family, well, you’ve crossed the line!”
       Lacey growled. “What are you going to do about it, “Cuz“?
       “What I should’ve done all along. If you want a fight, Lacey, I’ll fight you! I’m warnin’ you, though. This time, I ain’t holdin’ nothing back!”
       Lacey said, “Good! That’s how I want it!”
       Lacey spat in her hand and offered it, to seal the agreement. Becky spat in her own hand, clasping it with Lacey’s. The instant their hands clasped, Lacey pulled Becky in and sucker punched her in the jaw! Becky spun, and fell. The crowd roared! The fight was on!
        Lacey’s flip flops went flying. The cousins rolled through the grass, fighting and shouting. They fought to their feet, hand-in-hand, straining for advantage.
        Becky slowly pushed Lacey back onto blazing hot pavement. Becky winced, feeling the hot pavement beneath her bare feet. Lacey yelped, over and over.
       Becky teased, “Can’t take the heat, can you, tenderfoot?”
       The Southern Belle tackled the New York knockout, lying ontop of her, forcing Lacey’s body down against the scorching pavement. Lacey let out a little whine, but she rolled Becky over onto a metal plate! If the pavement was hot, the metal grid was almost on fire! Becky shrieked wildly!
       Lacey gloated, “Looks like you’re the tenderfoot now, huh?”
       Becky rolled them into the grass. Though the girls were briefly all over each other, Lacey came out on top. Fighting from their knees, Lacey drummed fists into Becky’s bare belly until she fell flat on her face. The city girl sat on the country girl and rubbed her face in the dirt! As Becky’s feet flopped around comically behind her, the crowd tried to cheer their local girl on. Fully in control, Lacey pulled Becky’s arm back, twisting it mercilessly.
       Becky cried out, “Oh! O-h-h-h-h-!”
       Lacey pulled back one of Becky Jean’s fingers. She taunted the crowd. “Let’s see how long it takes me to make a country girl beg for mercy!”
       Lacey pulled Becky’s finger back…back…until it popped, loudly. Becky cried out, but she refused Lacey’s call for surrender. Lacey casually moved to Becky’s next finger, and then the next. Frustrated, Lacey spun, pulling Becky’s toes back until they popped, and then twisting them.
Becky gasped for breath in high pitched, agonized whines. The fight seemed over almost before it began.
       Desperate, Becky reached back, took as much of Lacey’s flesh as she could between forefinger and thumb, and gave her cousin a tremendous pinch to her hip. Lacey wailed, leaping off and rubbing her butt. The crowd loved it.
       Both girls’ tempers blazed. They leapt together. What followed was what goog ol’ J.R. might describe as a “slobber knocker”. There was no technique, no style, and certainly no holds barred. The two girls rolled like wildcats, scratching, biting, and pulling hair, kicking up a cloud of dust and dirt. Both girls’ tops tore off, exposing Becky’s red bra and Lacey’s blue one. A wide, toothy grin covered Becky’s face, as she felt Lacey rapidly weakening.
       “You’ve got her now,” someone shouted.
       Lacey managed to kick Becky off her, but the Northern Knockout lay on her back, breasts and belly heaving, hands up, begging for a moment to catch her breath. Becky hesitated.
       “Don’t trust her,” Bobby advised.
       Becky stood, one foot on Lacey’s belly. Lacey shoved it off. Lacey got to her knees as if to beg, but then she curled her fingers over the top of Becky’s “Daisy Duke” shorts and rammed her head into the country girl’s belly.
       Lacey delivered a tremendous punch under Becky’s chin. The blonde flew back and lie sprawled out on the grass. Lacey slapped her thighs around Becky’s head and squeezed. The leg scissors quickly turned Becky’s face from peach to pink to red to purple. Blacking out from the pressure, Becky grabbed Lacey’s toes and yanked them apart. Lacey howled, releasing the hold. Furious, she slapped Becky down. Lacey sat on Becky’s back and seized the blonde’s most prized feature with both hands.
       Becky Jean cried, “Oh no! No! Not my h-a-i-r-!”
        Lacey took fistfuls of the southern belle’s “big” hair, yanking it with all her might. Becky Jean screamed at the top of her lungs, feet kicking helplessly in a blur behind her. Her cousin from the North tore out strands of hair, dangling them in front of the horrified pageant queen’s eyes. Becky’s tears rolled.
       “Please don’t! Don’t! Don’t tear out my h-a-i-r-!”
       Nate shook his head. “She’s found her Achilles heel.”
       “Yeah,” Bobby said. “Lacey’s got her.”
        Lacey demanded, “Give up, Becky! Beg or pay!”
        Becky looked up at her boyfriends, fighting tears. She whined, “My hair….” She looked around at the crowd who had cheered her on. Becky fought back her tears, set her jaw, and shrieked, “I ain’t no quitter!” She wouldn’t beg Lacey for mercy, no matter what it cost her.
       Lacey sneered. “You asked for it!”
       The blue-state beauty reached up onto a craft table used for the fair and found a pair of scissors! To gasps from the crowd, Lacey started to cut off Becky Jean’s beautiful, blond hair!
      Becky Jean screamed madly, as tufts of her hair fluttered down around her. Showing fantastic flexibility, Becky finally kicked the tops of her feet back under Lacey’s chin and slammed her over backward, hard.
      Southern Belle Becky sat on her lower legs. Sniffing, sobbing, and making little “peeping” sounds, Becky sadly gathered up the tufts of her hair, cradling them in her hands. Tears rolling from her huge, blue eyes, she felt up at the now uneven, jagged edges of her hair, cut several inches shorter than it had been moments earlier.
       Becky let out a maniacal scream of pure rage. “That’s it, cousin! This…is…war!”
       The blonde charged like a runaway train, tackling the brunette down. The girls rose, exchanged punches, fell, rolled, and repeated the process, over and over again. A steadily growing crowd followed them, as they fought their way down the street. Lacey found herself drowning in kicks and punches. Everywhere she turned, something struck her. She dropped to hands and knees and looked up, just in time to see the bottom of Becky’s bare foot coming straight at her face. Lacey flew down. The hometown crowd cheered.
       Lacey tried to crawl away. Becky chased her down on, grabbing her by her ankle. She then sank her teeth into the bottom of Lacey’s foot. Lacey yelled madly, hands tearing at grass and dirt. A kick back into Becky’s chin broke it up.
       The cousins rose, circled, and then slammed together. Both girls planted their feet, pumping their legs as they tried to push each other back. Losing ground, Becky looked back over her shoulder and saw that Lacey was backing her into a barbed wire fence!
       “Oh! Oh no you don’t!”
       Becky slammed on the brakes. The two engaged in a titanic struggle, fighting for every inch, as the crowd cheered hometown hero Becky on. Becky’s eyebrows tilted up, feeling her feet sliding back, as Lacey forced her back, step-by-step. A few feet away from the fence, Lacey dropped down, hugged her cousin’s thighs, lifted the southern girl off her feet, and sat Becky’s hips down over the barbs on the top of the fence! Becky Jean howled like a coyote! Even her boyfriends laughed, as Lacey bounced her up and down on the fence. Flailing madly, Becky fell off.
       Sobbing, Southern Belle Becky tried to retreat. The New York City knockout sent a fist flying into Becky’s chin, sending her stumbling back down the street. A crowd of almost two hundred people followed along. They cheered their girl on, but Becky was in trouble. A second punch sent her rolling. She staggered up and threw up her fists, but a third punch from Lacey sent her to the dirt. Desperate to catch her breath, Becky felt up on a sidewalk stand, pulled a beer bottle from an ice-filled cooler, and hurled it at her cousin. Lacey shrieked, as the beer bottle exploded against the wall behind her. Becky threw every beer she could get her hands on.
       A young clerk asked, “Who’s going to pay for this?”
       The owner replied, “Are you kidding? This is worth it! Get her, Becky!”
       The crowd cheered.
       Lacey charged, tackling Becky. Becky spun her, forcing her to sit down in a large bucket full of ice water. Lacey shrieked, splashing most of the water and ice out. The crowd laughed. Lacey slid out, gasping and shivering. Becky Jean grinned, picked up the bucket, and dumped the remaining ice water over her cousin’s head.
        The country girl yanked the city girl up by her hair and flung her off her feet, sending Lacey crashing through a display of cans stacked in a pyramid. Cans flew everywhere. Letting out high-pitched squeals, Lacey tried to crawl out from under the pile. Seconds later, she went flying into another stack of cans.
       Becky marched up and seized her cousin. She punched and slapped Lacey down the main street, with cheering crowd in tow. Becky suddenly stopped in front of a particular house. A wicked grin appeared. Everyone in town knew that Old Man Kruess had an especially ill-tempered dog. Annoyed by kids cutting through his yard, he had built a wood fence around it. Hearing people on the sidewalk on the other side of the fence, the dog had broken a small hole in the fence, just big enough to poke his snout through. Becky started shoving her cousin back toward the fence.
       Lacey’s brown eyes bulged. “Oh no! No Becky, please? Please?”
       Lacey dropped to her knees, straining to stop her backward movement, but Becky kept pushing her back, and back…
      The dog snapped and growled.
      Lacey whined, “Please don’t! Oh please! Please!”
       Becky growled, “Ain’t that about how I sounded, when I was beggin’ you not to cut my hair off?”
       Lacey’s hips came within inches of the snapping dog. “You wouldn’t! You shouldn’t! You couldn’t!”
       She did. Becky shoved her cousin’s rear end against the hole in the fence. Instantly, the dog’s teeth snapped shut on Lacey’s hips. Some say the scream Northern girl Lacey Rae Hudson let out could be heard across the South, from Florida to Texas.
       Lacey ran, but she wasn’t going anywhere very fast. Lacey stumbled and fell, backing up against a sidewalk stand. As Becky towered over her, Lacey reached behind her, pulling something from the stand. Lacey spun, shoved the handle-end of a sparkler through Becky’s open fly down deep into her “Daisy Duke” shorts, and lit the other end! Sparks flew wildly from the tip. Becky went wild, spinning in circles, hands flailing, shrieking and shouting. The crowd went wild! Unable to pull the sparkler out by the blazing end, she didn’t know what to do! Even her boyfriends roared with laughter, watching the Southern Belle dancing around in circles up on her toes, flailing hands held up in front, like a poodle dancing on its hind legs.
        Becky Jean finally knocked the sparkler out, bending over and letting out a sigh of relief. Becky looked up at her boyfriends. Her blue eyes widened, as she felt something being slid into the back of her shorts. Lacey smiled viciously, and lit the long strand of Black-Cat popping fireworks she had just shoved into Becky’s shorts. They began exploding one at a time, starting at the bottom, inching their way up toward Becky’s luscious hips! Becky ran around in circles in the street, squawking like a frightened chicken, with fireworks exploding out of her shorts! She finally tore them off, leaving only tiny, red panties. Becky leapt down, sitting down in a mud puddle to soothe her hips. Lacey stood triumphantly over her, laughing her head off.
       “Ha, ha! Look at little Miss Piggy, wallowing in the mud, where she belongs!”
       The city cousin from the North had fought the country cousin from down South all the way down Main Street, until they stood in the shadow of Becky’s original destination, Kaderka’s Grill.
        Lacey pulled Becky up by her hair and shoved her down over a table set up for the 4th of July celebration. The Northern girl in blue lay flat over the Southern girl in red, pinning her. Hands fumbling for weapons, Lacey seized a bottle of steak sauce and poured it all over Becky’s sexy breasts and legs.
       A man mumbled, “I’ve never been so hungry in all my life!”
       Laughter spread.
       Becky grabbed a fistful of mashed potatoes, smashing it up into Lacey’s face. Furious, Lacey pinned Becky’s wrists, took a mouthful of the potatoes, and spit them into Becky’s face. Lacey then took a handful of diced onions and rubbed them in Becky’s eyes. Becky howled and kicked. She broke one hand free, scooped up a handful of diced Jalapeno peppers, and rubbed them in Lacey’s eyes. Lacey cried out. She set up, rubbing her eyes.
       Becky gasped. “You never could handle things when they got really hot!”
       Becky’s kicking foot dipped into a bowl of gravy. She kicked it up, smearing the gravy across Lacey’s lips. Lacey fell back. The cousin’s sat up facing each other, breasts and bellies heaving. They gasped for breath.
       In the shadow of Kaderka’s Grill, the Northern Knockout and the Southern Belle sent brutal, desperate punches deep into each others exposed bellies. When they could no longer stand, they fell and rolled in a tight ball in the middle of the street. Lacey rolled on top, pressing her hands down on Becky’s magnificent breasts, spreading them until it seemed she would tear them off! Becky Jean screamed in pain, but she refused to quit.
       Lacey growled. “Give up, dammit! I mean it, Becky Jean! I won’t quit!”
       Becky sobbed, “Neither…will…I!”
       Becky powered free and twisted Lacey’s arm until it seemed certain to break.
       “Give up, Lacey! I don’t want to hurt you…”
       The girls rolled and wrestled, hit, kicked, bit, scratched, choked, pulled hair…and more. The better girl slowly emerged. Becky never got the knockout blow she had wanted. Instead, hold for hold and blow for blow, she simply proved her body had a little more than Lacey’s. Soon where Becky shouted, Lacey screamed. Becky whined, but Lacey cried.
       Becky ended up on Lacey’s back. She snaked one of her legs around one of Lacey’s legs, using leg-on-leg to pull Lacey’s leg back over her body, twisting it at a nearly impossible angle. Lacey was helpless. Her leg looked ready to break! Lacey’s fists pounded in the dirt. First she yelled, then she screamed, and then she started to cry.
       A few people shouted, “Get up, Blue! Don’t quit yet! This is too much fun! You might still beat her!”
       Looking up in tears and sobbing so hard she could barely breathe, Lacey sadly shook her head.
       “I beat you,” Becky said. “Give! I mean it!”
       In a tiny, raspy voice, Lacey whined, “I quit. You win. I give.”
       Becky shook her head. “Louder!”
       Lacey screamed at the top of her lungs. “M-e-r-c-i-e-e-e-e! I give u-u-u-p-p-p-p! I quit! You win, Becky Jean! You w-i-i-i-i-n!!!”
       Becky folded her arms. “Say the rest of it.”
       Lacey looked around at the crowd. Her feet flopped around behind her, and she sobbed hard in shame. “B-Becky Jean Smooter is a better woman than m-e-e-e-! I admit it! I d-o-o-o!”
       Becky rolled Lacey to her back, standing proudly over her, one foot on Lacey’s stomach. The crowd applauded and cheered.
       “Now,” Becky trumpeted, “get out of MY town!”
       Utterly exhausted but grinning ear-to-ear, Becky turned to embrace the crowd. Lacey rose. Burning with humiliation, Lacey clenched her fists and charged. Becky spun, dodging her attack.
       Becky sneered. “I expected as much from you. Backstabber! I figured you’d try something like that!”
       Lacey kicked Becky between her legs! The crowd gasped. Becky held herself and slowly sank to her knees.
       Pride on the ropes, Lacey hissed, “Did you ‘figure’ I’d do THAT?”
       Lacey pulled Becky up, but her punch only sent the blonde back on her heels. Becky fired a punch in return. Both exhausted, weakened beauties trembled violently, having pushed each other to and beyond their limits. They seized each other’s hair, fighting until they toppled together over an old-style log fence. They splashed down into a large puddle of mud! They gave each other every drop they had left. Their impromptu mud wrestling match had the crowd roaring. Baecky was on top, then Lacey. Soon it became almost impossible to know who was winning, as each girl was completely covered with mud, from head to toe. Eventually, one girl went down and stayed down, pummeled by the other. Her muddy feet kicked a few times, but then her legs slid out and apart, lying motionless in the mud. Beautiful breasts rose and sank. A beautiful body heaved. The victor lay down over the loser, wrapping her arms around her rival’s head. Whether a sleeper hold or a simple choke hold, it worked. One girl lay motionless, beaten and helpless. The winner crawled off on hands and knees, gasping for breath. Someone took a bucket of water and tossed it on the loser, just to learn who had won. Lacey lie helpless on her back, eyes closed, out cold. Becky Jean had won…again. A few claps grew into a deafening ovation. Weak as a kitten, Becky looked up. Though covered with thick mud, her pearly white smile and adorable blue eyes shone brightly.
       Awoken by the cold water, Lacey moaned. Becky put Lacey over her bended knee and gave the humbled city girl the spanking she thought she deserved. Absolutely mortified, Lacey made a pitiful attempt to pull Becky off. Becky picked her up and slammed a fist to her chin. Lacey spun around off her feet, flew back, and fell face-first into what is known in Southern parlance as a “cowpie”…in other words, cow dung. The crowd exploded into laughter.
       Humiliated beyond words, Lacey tried to push up to hands and knees. Her weak arms shook. Becky put her toes on the back of Lacey’s head, forcing Lacey’s face back down into the dung before grinding it in. Soon Lacey was out for good. Becky threw up her arms in victory.
      “Wait!” Becky said. “I…need to get something.”
       Becky went to her humiliated cousin, covered her body with a picnic tablecloth, and then reached under, pulling off Lacey’s shorts and panties. She held them high over head, to a roar!
       “I needed my trophy.”
       The framed panties would hang in a place of honor in Becky’s favorite tavern, along with numerous pictures taken of her victory over her Northern cousin. Becky Jean’s legend grew.
       Becky looked back at Lacey. “I better not hear that any of ya’ll did anything to my cousin! I mean it! Tell her to use the tablecloth to stay covered up. Tell her she has until sundown to get outta’ town.” She rubbed her bruised chin. “Tell Lacey she ain’t got nothing’ to be ashamed of. She gave me the toughest fight of my life! Tell her…she did good.”
       As Becky staggered from the mud, Bobby asked, “Do you want to go home, or to a hospital, or--”
      Becky folded her arms. “That city-slicker couldn’t put me in a hospital on the best day she ever had! Before this started, I was on my way to get a Coke. Ain’t nobody gonna’ stop me!”
       Weak as a newborn kitten and barely able to stand, the proud little warrior refused to let anyone help her.
       “I was goin’ to get a Coke, so that’s what I’m gonna’ do! I ain‘t lettin’ Lacey stop me!”
       Becky’s eyes bulged. Taking only a few steps almost made her faint. She locked her knees, walking stiff-legged, one step at a time. She would not be denied. In her mind, she had something to prove. Chin out and shoulders back, she hobbled up the steps and threw open the doors to Kaderka’s Grill. Still only shortly after lunch, the eatery was full of patrons. Everyone in the restaurant turned to stare at her. The mud-covered, disheveled beauty queen took tiny steps past booths filled with gawking citizens, leaving her little, muddy footprints behind. She stood at the counter and ordered a Coke. Kaderka gave her a tall glass, free of charge.
       She glugged it down, but suddenly, she stopped. She looked out and saw a sea of faces staring at her in absolute silence. There stood Becky Jean Smooter, beauty pageant queen and southern belle, her hair cut and ripped out, clothes torn off, beaten, bruised, and covered from head to toe with very thick mud.
       Becky Jean turned to the customers and shrugged. “I’ve got kinfolk visiting. You know how it is.”
       A cacophony rose, as everyone turned and went back to their meals. They knew. They knew, indeed! Becky Jean grinned ear-to-ear, and finished her Coke.


Offline Rik3D

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Re: REMATCH! NORTH vs. SOUTH: City Cousin vs. Country Cousin
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2011, 04:16:22 PM »
Yes! Great story. The rematch was even better than the first.


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Re: REMATCH! NORTH vs. SOUTH: City Cousin vs. Country Cousin
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2011, 09:59:11 PM »
well written again, I definitely like your writing style!
but darn it, I simply liked it better when the other girl won.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 10:04:52 PM by harpua13 »
Free your mind.
And your ass will follow.


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Re: REMATCH! NORTH vs. SOUTH: City Cousin vs. Country Cousin
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2011, 03:26:08 PM »
Amazing! Loved it. It's all the little details and the characterization that make this story great. Thanks so much.


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Re: REMATCH! NORTH vs. SOUTH: City Cousin vs. Country Cousin
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 04:31:46 AM »
       I'll likely go on to tell other stories about other battles for now, but if, at some point in the future, I decide to write a deciding third fight between the two, who would you want to win, New York Knockout Lacey or Southern Belle Becky Jean? It seems Lacey has the edge so far. Any comments?


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Re: REMATCH! NORTH vs. SOUTH: City Cousin vs. Country Cousin
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2011, 02:44:42 PM »
I'm always a sucker for the good girl.  I hope the Southern girl wins if there is a rematch.


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Re: REMATCH! NORTH vs. SOUTH: City Cousin vs. Country Cousin
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2011, 09:06:40 PM »
obviously pulling for Lacey here.  :D
Free your mind.
And your ass will follow.