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Offline unknownbeast

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« on: February 26, 2021, 11:53:20 AM »

Post the day when Avneet and Anikha had fought in the deserted house like their mothers Sonakshi and Nayanthara, and had given each other a challenging look, both avoided each other for the next 6 months fully and made aggressive body building and physical training a regular part of their daily routine. Because they also wanted to fight each other the way their mothers fought and defeat each other mercilessly.Both had reached class 11 and had selected same streams so they had to be classmates for the next two years atleast.

It was the beginning of the New session at the school. Avneet was preparing herself to rule the school as the best bitch. The beautiful brunette earned her the position as top hen at the all girl school. Her gorgeous looks gave her the edge over all the other girls. Her thick long dark hair shined brilliantly and was as soft as a bed of cotton. She had deep green eyes that would pierce the soul of any rival that challenged to lock eyes with her. She had a 36-24-36 figure on a 5' 7" frame with long lethal legs. Her most valued asset was a rock hard set of 36 DDD's, breasts that literally enabled her to bash her way to the top. Avneet was very aggressive. The only reason why any of the other girls at school liked her was out of fear. When Avneet walked the halls at school the other girls would quickly step aside. Not many girls would take the challenge of a head on collision with her.

The all girl school had a strict uniform code. White short sleeve blouse, a plaid pleated skirt that was red, green, and black in color. Most of the girls were constantly testing the system to see how high they could hem their skirts up. It was a little game they seemed to play with the faculty. Week after week the skirts would get shorter and shorter. Eventually there was a major crack down and the skirts would be lowered. Black or white knee-high socks were enforced and only a black pair of conservative shoes permitted.

The first day of school seemed the same as it always was. Avneet walked down the hallway 'strutting her stuff' as all her piers started to suck up to her magnetic beauty. As she was standing at her locker in between her first and second period class she overheard a conversation between two of her classmates. They were talking about Anikha. As she tilted her ear to eavesdrop she heard the words "Double D's, Triple D's and even Double F's. For the first time in her life she felt a little on the nervous side. Not knowing how to deal with her feelings she started to become frustrated and even angry. No matter what, she would take on this Anikha chick and put her right in her place as her battle with Anikha meant for her to be of family reputation.

She hadn't seen Anikha since her last battle with her in the deserted locality and that was around 1.5 years ago.

By the time her fourth class of the day came around, Avneet had not seen even a glimpse of Anikha. Half way through the class she ended up excusing herself to the ladies room to freshen up a bit. As she stood in front of the mirror she primped away at her hair and face. When finished, she tightened the tuck of her white blouse into the waistband of her skirt. She always made sure her white blouse was stretched tightly around her 36 DDD's. She knew it made them look larger, and if need be, deadlier. She made her way out of the ladies room and proceeded to make her way back to class.
Suddenly she spotted a black haired girl at the other end of the hallway walking in her direction. Avneet kept up her pace. The two girls grew closer. Avneet recognized her instantly and A sudden shock of reality set in on Avneet as she realized this was no other than Anikha. She quickly slipped her hands into the waistband of her skirt making sure that her blouse tuck was at its maximum. Looking ahead she noticed the girl approaching her doing the same thing. Avneet quickly filled her lungs with air and thrust her chest out to battle readiness. The two moved into the center of the hallway. She could now make out the other girl's chest. It looked larger than any she had ever competed with, yet was still convinced she had this girl beat.

Closer and closer the two girls made a beeline for each other, neither one slowing her pace. Avneet could now clearly see the approaching chest. A little bit of her confidence might have been shaken at this point, but she never would have admitted it. Now close enough that Avneet could see her deep brown eyes surrounded by the threatening look on the other girl's face. Avneet locked eyes with the girl and used her piercing blue eyes to warn the girl. As she held the look she felt the girl’s brown eyes piercing back at her with a warning of their own. Never before had she felt another girl’s eyes penetrate with so much intensity. It would definitely be a challenge to lock eyes with this girl for any great length of time.

Within twenty-five feet of each other things appeared to move in slow motion. Avneet’s eyes never parted from the girl's icy glare. Their hips swayed almost in tune with one another. Their full thick hair bounced from their shoulders with each step, arms slightly swinging as the clicking of their expensive black leather shoes echoed through the hallway. It was now apparent in Avneet's mind that the two of them were on a collision course.
Within two feet of each other they both started to fall forward, their rock hard breasts thrusting out to maximum battering size. They came together with a horrendous thud tit-to-tit. If it could have been seen in slow motion their white blouses looked like they were about to explode from the strain of the impact. Avneet was stunned when she felt herself bounce back a step. She still had most of her weight distributed in a forward motion and firmly landed another blow against the girl's tits. With the second blow, she came to a dead stop and seemed to be plastered firmly up against the girl while looking directly into her icy brown eyes. For a brief moment there was an extreme amount of pressure. For some reason the girl slipped past her making sure to drag her tits roughly across Avneet's and then continued to walk down the hall.

"Watch where you're going, Bitch!" yelled out Avneet. Suddenly she spotted Ms. Priya Bhavani (teacher) that had been walking up behind her.

Ms. Priya Bhavani didn't like Avneet from the beginning and was fond of Anikha.

"I heard it, Miss Avneet." The teacher shouted. "Come with me to the office so we can talk about your language." Avneet watched as Anikha glanced back with a snide look of victory on her face.

After getting a good talking to about her language in school, Avneet made her way off to her last class of the day. She was late walking into her English class. As she entered the classroom the teacher instructed her to sit in her assigned seat which was at the back of the room. As she took her seat she couldn't believe her eyes. Sitting directly across the aisle to the right of her was Anikha. The two locked eyes for a brief moment.

"How was the principles office?" asked Anikha in a snotty whisper.

Avneet just gave her a bitchy look and took her seat. As the teacher lectured the class Avneet and Anikha kept giving each other the evil eye. Avneet quickly grabbed a small piece of paper and wrote on it, "Tits Sore?" She passed it over to Anikha. After Anikha read the note she looked up to see Avneet jiggling her tits at her. The note was quickly returned to Avneet with "Not even, Bitch!" written below.

As Anikha looked up, Avneet was thrusting her chest in and out in a pumping motion. One thing led to another and soon the two girls were engaged in a battle of comparison. Chests were being thrust out, hair was being tossed and primped and hips squirmed back and forth in their seats.

As they grew closer together each girl tried to gain length by stretching her foot farther down the aisle. Avneet couldn't keep her eyes off the comparison. When they got to be side by side Avneet tried to set it in her mind that her legs were longer and firmer. Yet there was a side of her that was undecided. This side of her thinking even brought thoughts that possibly Anikha's legs were longer and firmer. Their knee-high stocking ankles and calves came into contact and just as she felt the smooth skin of Anikha's thigh touching her own the school bell rang and the class had ended. The teacher quickly announced a list of names that he wanted to see after class. Avneet's name just happened to be one of them. This threw a wrench into Avneet's plans to confront Anikha bitch after class.
After waiting around for what seemed like an hour, Avneet was the last one up to the teacher's desk. After finding out that the teacher only wanted to know why she was late for class, she was furious.The next morning as Avneet made her way to her locker she was stunned to see Anikha fumbling through her locker. She wasn't about to stand for this bitch snooping around in her personal things.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing, Bitch?" Shouted out Avneet as she came right up and used her chest to bump Anikha from behind.

Anikha turned around and bumped her chest into Avneet's. The two stepped face to face with their tits pressed firmly together, hands on their hips. "Meet your new locker partner, slut!" replied Anikha.

There was a moment of silence as the two locked eyes in a hateful glare. Each one could read the others anger growing by the second as they started to press more firmly together. A small crowd started to gather around them taking in the sight of the two most beautiful girls in school coming together in combat. Avneet sensed the crowd and her anger was taken to the next level when she heard someone yell out, "Get her Anikha."
Avneet was furious that this bitch could come into her school and life and gain so much popularity in only in few days. She brushed it off and concentrated on the task at hand. Soon she was hearing cheers urging both of them on. This boosted her determination to drive this bitch into the ground.

As the two were pressing firmly against each other their foreheads came together and their eyes pierced directly into one another. They started to move out away from the lockers and into the center of the hallway never once breaking tit or eye contact. The cheers around them continued.

"Get her Avneet!" one girl yelled out."Take her on Anikha!" another one shouted."Get right in her face!" screamed another.

The two girls pushed heavily into each other and found themselves turning in a small circle as the crowd egged them on. Never once had they broken contact. Anikha brought her hands up from her hips, which immediately triggered Avneet to do the same. Hands came up to shoulder level and they interlaced their fingers. There was some pushing and shoving going on and their hands came straight up above their heads. A few seconds later the circling stopped and their arms slowly came down extended outward, crucifix style. For a long moment the two stood this way, motionless. Their foreheads must have been glued together for they never once parted. Anyone watching this battle would never be able to detect the enormous amount of strength the two girls were applying against each other. Their tits were bulging up from being tightly smashed against each other. Both girls continued making a desperate attempt to overwhelm the others tits with her own.

Eventually the struggle moved to a new strategy. With their hands still locked together they bent their arms at the elbows keeping their hands at shoulder level. There was a grunt and a thrust from Anikha that forced Avneet to take a step back. The crowd of girls cheered. Avneet retaliated and quickly regained her ground and then pushed Anikha back a step. She was also awarded with a cheer from crowd. Back and forth the two girls went. Anikha would thrust forward pushing Avneet back then Avneet would thrust forward pushing Anikha back. Occasionally they lunged forward at the same time and both would stalemate for a short moment. Suddenly someone yelled out "Teacher, Teacher!" The crowd dispersed quickly while Anikha and Avneet started destroying each other's hairs by the roots while there foreheads still glued together.

"What's going on here?" The teacher shouted.This time the teacher was Ms. Sonarika whose favourite was Avneet and she dragged Anikha to the principal's office for fighting.Anikha watched as this time Avneet glanced back with a snide look of victory on her face.

Avneet was finding it difficult to accept the fact that she had a serious rival on her hands. One like she had never gone up against before. She also agreed that Anikha too had come fully prepared against her and that she too have had been doing excessive training post their previous battle.
Throughout the day Avneet was finding it hard to concentrate on her schoolwork. All she could think about was how her breasts felt as they were being tightly compressed with that of Anikha's. Trying to capture in her mind a possible moment when she might have had the advantage during their struggle. In between her next few classes Avneet found new reason to be annoyed. Anikha was hogging all the locker space. She would just miss Anikha each time on her trips to the locker, which made it even more frustrating.
5th period class finally came and as Avneet entered the room, sure enough, there was Anikha sitting at her desk. Avneet came back and took a seat at her own desk and almost immediately the two were exchanging some heated bitchy looks. The teacher quickly handed out an assignment. Avneet found it annoying that Anikha had crossed her legs and was swinging and twirling her right foot out in the aisle. Only a few minutes of this and it was all Avneet could take. She crossed her legs and let her left foot hang out in the aisle. She started swinging and twirling it around in circles in an attempt to annoy Anikha.
Looking out the corner of her eye as she pretended to be concentrating on her paper she could see that this only escalated Anikha’s annoying habit. Her twirling foot had made its way farther out into the aisle. Avneet had it set in her mind that she was going to beat this girl even with her own medicine. She too stretched her foot farther into the aisle, swinging and twirling her foot just inches from Anikha’s.
Suddenly Avneet received a hard kick to her foot. She returned the kick. Their feet moved in even closer together until the swinging and twirling caused their black leather shoes to collide over and over again. Anikha then pulled her foot back under her own desk. For a moment Avneet thought she had just won the battle until out of the corner of her eye she spotted Anikha's white knee-high stocking covered foot hanging in the aisle. This time her foot hung motionless.
Avneet looked at her rival’s foot and knew this was a blatant challenge to foot fight her. At the time, she figured this was the only way the two of them could continue their fight without being expelled from school. Besides, this was the kind of fighting that she loved to engage in. She pulled her foot back under her desk and removed her left shoe. Seconds later her perfect size seven foot that was covered in a black knee-high stocking was hanging out in the aisle just inches from Anikha’s white knee-high stockinged foot.

The two girls continued to work on their paper and acted as if nothing was going on. Yet their sock-covered feet were planning on making war with each other. Closer and closer they approached until both girls could feel the toe of the other touching her own. At the exact moment they touched, they both looked up out of the corner of their eyes to see their rival staring back. Blue and brown eyes locked once again. Slowly they increased the pressure between their toes until they were violently mashing them together. More and more of their feet came into play and soon they were twisting and twirling their feet together. Both were determined to beat the other with her foot fighting technique. Their eyes would separate briefly to watch their entwining sock-covered feet do battle.

After several minutes Avneet pulled her foot back and decided to take a new approach. She pulled her left foot up and rested the ankle on her right knee so that the sole of her perfect size seven foot faced out into the aisle. She then gave Anikha a challenging look. When she spotted Anikha glancing down at her foot, she wiggled it back and forth in challenge. It didn't take long for Anikha to figure it out. She raised her right foot and rested the ankle on her left knee so the sole faced out into the aisle.
Over the next couple of minutes the soles of their feet slowly approached one another. They found it difficult to completely close the distance because there was quite a reach between them. Finally, Avneet came up with a plan. She kicked off her right shoe and stretched her leg out into the aisle and gave motion with her eyes for Anikha to watch. When Anikha looked into the aisle she watched as Avneet swung her leg back in a hooking motion. Avneet again stretched her leg out into the aisle. Anikha was quick to catch on and kicked her other shoe off. She stretched her left leg out along side Avneet's. They quickly swung their legs around each other, hooking them together from their ankles to their knees. With their tightly locked legs the two girls used them as leverage to slowly pull their desks side by side into the aisle. This brought the soles of their feet within inches of each other. The two kept their heads down pretending to be working on their papers, but they were actually busy looking out the corner of their eyes, still locked together in a heated glare.

Occasionally they would glance down at the approaching soles of their feet and started to mentally compare size. Finally, the soles of their sock-covered feet came together. There was a slight adjustment as they lined them up toe-to-toe and heel-to-heel. At this point both girls’ eyes were focused on their connected soles. After a long comparison, Avneet fought the idea that the two of them had perfectly matched feet. But her eyes were telling her that they were identical. She was becoming quite frustrated with thought that this Anikha bitch could very well be her equal in every aspect, or even possibly beating her feminine status.
As the two girls pressed the bottoms of their feet together, Avneet could feel the hot moist heat of Anikha's foot penetrating her knee-high sock. The pressure increased between their feet as each one started pushing against the other. Harder and harder they pressed trying to force the other’s foot back. They used their tightly entwined legs to keep themselves together in sort of a pulling and pushing contest. After several minutes their foot battle seemed to be a complete stalemate. The bottom of Avneet's foot was burning hot from the pressure. Her foot started to squirm against Anikha's yet she kept the pressure tight between them. Anikha's foot responded in kind and soon the bottoms of two girls' feet were grinding and pushing away at each other.
Another battle between their tightly entwined legs erupted as they started slipping and sliding them up and down against each other. All the grinding and rubbing of their smooth socks was creating a whispering noise that came close to alerting the other students. This battle continued until the bell rang. Neither one had given in even an inch to the other. Once again Avneet had it in her mind to confront Anikha out in the hallway after class but there were too many teachers standing around, making it impossible. She quickly lost Anikha in the crowded hallways.

The next morning the two met up in front of their locker. This time there was not a lot of confrontation due to a few teachers hanging around the hallways. Only a brief argument over locker space and a few nasty looks were exchanged. Avneet decided to skip her first period class in order to do a little spying on Anikha. She knew Anikha's first period class was physical education from finding her class schedule in their locker. She sneaked her way into the shower room while the girls were out in the gym. She quickly started searching to find the answer to a question that had been haunting her since day one. There were no real lockers in the shower room just open stalls to hang their belongings. She found one of Anikha's school folders with her name on it. She also recognized her shoes sitting on a shelf in the locker stall. There before her hung the answer to the question she desperately needed to know. It was Anikha's bra.
She reached up and pulled down the white lacy garment searching for the tag, 36 DD was what she read. She quickly removed her own shirt and then proceeded to take her bra off. She then proceeded to swap bras with Anikha. After pressing her breast into the cups of her rival's bra she fastened the clasp. She started thrusting her chest in and out comparing the tightness to her own bra. She couldn't believe the fit. It was as if she were wearing one of her own bras. She sat down on the bench and leaned back against the wall. She closed her eyes and concentrated on feeling the cups of Anikha's bra with her tits feeling the size and shape, searching for contours that Anikha's breasts might have worn into the bra. She started to fantasize about Anikha and her fighting tit-to-tit while wearing each other's bras.

Avneet was quickly brought back to reality when she heard the shower room door open. She must have briefly fallen asleep in order for that much time to pass. She grabbed her blouse and hid around the corner. All the girls came in and started stripping their clothes off heading for the showers. Avneet waited until the coast was clear. She peaked inside the shower stall and got a full frontal view of Anikha's tits. She had her eyes closed and was washing her hair out. Avneet studied the blonde's hard nipples trying to measure them up against her own.
Other girls started to come out of the showers causing Avneet to make a break for it. During Avneet's second period class she started to hear a rumor that Anikha was spreading about her. Apparently the blonde had managed to make it deeper into the brunette's personal life and the two of them were now dating the same guy.

 His name was Sidharth. Anikha went out with him last night and apparently they ended up making out.

Anikha was spreading the rumor that Sidharth had said she was a much better kisser that Avneet.
Avneet was once again furious. No matter where she turned this bitch seemed to be right in her face. She took it upon herself to spread a rumor of her own. She passed on that she had talked to Sidharth after their date and he told her that kissing Anikha was like kissing a dirty dishrag. Avneet wasn't so much concerned about Sidharth as she was about this bitch trying to outdo her every time she turned around.
It didn't take long for the rumor to get back to Anikha. As Avneet stood in front of her locker exchanging books for her 3rd class, Anikha came up behind her and gave her a chest bump. Avneet quickly turned around and once again the two stood tit-to-tit.

"What's this rumor you've been spreading about me?" Anikha asked forcefully."Don't you mean the rumor you've been spreading about me?" shot back Avneet smirking with the idea that they were now wearing each other's bras.

"Its no rumor bitch, it's the truth!" Anikha shouted.
"Please don't try and bullshit me, slut. I wrote the book on French kissing!" Avneet stated.
"That's not what Sidharth tells me, he told me you don't swap enough spit for his taste." replied Anikha.
"Bitch my kiss is wetter and deeper than yours will ever be!" stated Avneet as she pressed in harder against Anikha.
"Then how about you and I settle this with a girl-to-girl kiss fight?" suggested Anikha and she, too, pressed in harder against Avneet.
At the moment of Anikha's challenge Avneet noticed Anikha had brought her hips in and was pressing her pubic bone firmly against her own. Avneet couldn't believe that this bitch had beaten her at taking their war to the next level.
"A kiss fight and pubic bone contact certainly out-does a secret bra swap." Avneet thought to herself, “But not enough to make her back down.” She slowly applied increasing pressure between their pubic bones and tits.
"I'll teach you what swapping spit is all about bitch." Avneet stated."You’d better have lots of it slut!" growled Anikha.

For a moment the two girls just stood there glaring into each other’s eyes, hands in each other's hairs, pressing together tit-to-tit and pubic bone to pubic bone breathing hot moist breath across each other's lips.
The bell rang indicating class was about to start. Anikha pulled back and said, "We’ll finish this later, bitch!"

During Avneet's next class she noticed that her panties had become moist after her pubic bone contact with Anikha. The more she thought about the tight connecting pressure between them, the wetter she got. Thinking about the two of them locked in a kissing fight wasn't helping any either. She noticed herself drooling out the corner of her mouth as she thought about it. This would be no ordinary kiss. It was going to be a fight.
Their paths did not cross again until it was time for English class. When Avneet entered the room she spotted Anikha already sitting at her desk. As she took her seat she noticed a note on her desk. She turned it over and read it. "Let's meet after school!" She looked over at Anikha who was licking her glossy lips while glaring back at her. A small amount of saliva was dripping from the corner of her mouth. Avneet glared back and licked her own lips leaving a thick trail of saliva across them.
As the teacher handed out their assignments Anikha and Avneet were giving it their best to intimidate each other. Their shoes immediately came off and their legs stretched their way out into the aisle and this time both were wearing white knee-high stockings. Once again, their feet locked together in a foot war. At one time they had turned completely into the aisle facing each other. They had both the soles of their feet pressing together but were unable to do any serious pushing because their desks would just slide across the floor.
Eventually the bell rang ending the class. All the students rustled out the door while Avneet and Anikha
remained seated. The teacher asked them what they were waiting for and they explained that they just wanted to catch up on some homework. The teacher only hung around for a few minutes then advised the girls not to stay too late.
Now alone, Avneet reached into her backpack and pulled out a stick of lip-gloss. She applied a thick satin finish across her lips. She looked over at Anikha who was coating her own lips to a deep lustrous shine.

"Are you ready to experience my kiss of death?" asked Avneet."It will be my kiss that kills yours, Bitch!" replied Anikha.

The two girls rose from their seats and stood facing one another in their stockinged feet. They came together pressing tit-to-tit. Their hips maneuvered into position until pubic bone contact was made. For a moment they just stood there staring wickedly into each other's eyes. Slowly their faces moved in until their glossy lips lightly touched and their sweet breath intermingled.

"My kiss is going to destroy your kiss, bitch!" whispered Avneet."It will be my kiss that destroys yours, slut!" replied Anikha.

Their words caused their lips to gently rub. They came together and kissed, massaging their lips together. The kiss only lasted a couple of seconds. They pulled back locking eyes. They kissed again but this time with more aggression, deeply massaging their glossy lips together. Ten seconds later they broke apart again, locking eyes. Avneet brought her hands up to shoulder height and spread her fingers apart.

"Let's tongue fight, Bitch!" She said and stuck her wet tongue out.
Avneet's hands came up and she tightly interlaced her fingers with Anikha's. Her tongue came out and she touched the tip to Anikha's tongue. The two started to flick them back and forth. More and more of their tongues came into play until they were wildly slashing and twirling them together. They stood nose to nose with their eyes wide open, locked together with the look of hate. Bodies pressed tightly together. Tongues reaching out as far a possible while corkscrewing together. At times the twirling would stop. Their tongues would get caught up in a position where one would be trying to force the other off to the side, while the other tongue would counter resist. These little episodes would last several seconds as they tested each other's tongue strength.

After several minutes of tongue battle Avneet finally pulled back.

"Alright let’s see how you are at swapping spit, Bitch!" she yelled and then plunged her wide-open mouth onto Anikha's.
Anikha met Avneet with her own wide-open mouth and the two girls rammed their tongues deep into each other. They pressed in harder, hands still locked and tits mashed together, pubic bones crushing into one another still glaring hatefully at each other from the corner of their eyes. Their mouths quickly filled with girl-girl spit. Anikha increased the already tight pressure between them causing Avneet's head to tilt back. This caused her to stumble back a bit. Anikha charged forward pushing Avneet back and the two started to stumble around the room.
At this point the two girls were putting every ounce of all their strength into the kiss fight. Yet there seemed to be no apparent winner. The strength of their kiss seemed to be equal. Their tongues were mixing so much of their spit together that it was dripping from their chins. For what seemed like hours the two girls remained locked together in a tongue kissing, spit swapping, duel. Neither one showed any signs of giving up.

Suddenly, the door to the classroom started to rattle. The two girls narrowly escaped their tight embrace as the teacher walked into the room. "What are you two still doing here?" he questioned with authority. "You two should be home doing your homework!" he stated.

The girls’ swollen mouths were covered in each other's spit. They quickly gathered their things and as they were walking out the door, the teacher called Avneet back into the room. He sat her down and gave her an hour-long lecture about her grades. He went on and on about a straight A student receiving C's. Avneet knew that Anikha would not have waited an hour for her to finish their fight.

Now that the weekend was here both decided to double their exercise routines. They used the vision of themselves and their opponent locked in a tight tit-to-tit embrace to give them the drive and determination for such vigorous workout sessions. They spent hours over the weekend running, biking, and lifting weights.

By the time Monday came around Avneet was feeling pretty good. Before heading off to school she packed a few extra pairs of panties. She was wetting them quite regularly with the thought of beating Anikha. By the time she got to school, she damn near needed to change them. It was like someone had opened up the floodgates on her.

Her tits were feeling extra hard as she met up with Anikha in front of their locker. They stood together and pressed tit-to-tit.
"Ready for a new week?" asked Anikha."Never been more ready!" stated Avneet.

They locked eyes for a moment. Avneet sensed a bit more energy coming from Anikha. Seconds later Anikha slid off Avneet and headed off for class. Avneet needed to change her panties right then and there. She looked around to make sure no one was watching. She pulled her soaking wet panties off and slipped on a dry pair. She tucked the wet panties into her backpack, closed the locker, and then headed off for class.

After third period Avneet stopped off at her locker to exchange books. It appeared someone had been rummaging through her backpack. After checking to see if anything was missing, she noticed that the white panties she was wearing earlier were missing. It was only obvious that it was Anikha. She started to search through Anikha's backpack. She came across a few pairs of panties stashed in the side pocket. One black pair in particular was soaking wet. After searching the entire locker she could only come up with one conclusion. Anikha was hiding them.

She took it upon herself to hide Anikha's panties in the same place she knew Anikha was hiding hers. She pulled down the panties she was wearing from her hips. She then took Anikha's wet black panties and stepped into them. She pulled them up into her crotch and just about came as she felt the wet panties press into her pussy. She was barely able to make it to her next class without the juices running down her legs.

By the time fifth period came around Avneet and Anikha had cum in each other's panties at least three times. The two gave each other a look that seemed to confirm their panty exchange. Avneet stretched out her black knee-high stockinged leg as Anikha stretched out her white knee-high stockinged legs. Just as they were about to engage in another leg war, Anikha raised her hand to be excused to the ladies room. Avneet took this opportunity, and in less than a minute, raised her hand to be excused to the ladies room.

When Avneet walked into the bathroom Anikha was waiting for her. Immediately the two charged each other and smacked together tit to tit. Both reached up and latched onto each other’s hair at the sides of their faces. Their mouths were snarling and dripping with saliva. Eyebrows twisted inward as the two became locked in a wicked glare. They reached out and bit each other's lips, neither one letting go. Their faces were angled slightly, causing Avneet's left eye and Anikha's right eye to peer directly into each other. In fact, so close that their eye lashes mingled. Their mascara caused them to stick together. They stumbled around the room out of control.Suddenly a teacher's voice yelled out. "What's going on in here?"

The two girls were busted for fighting and sent to the office. The two were separated and lectured. Next time they would get detention and they were then sent home for the rest of the day.

As the two stood together tit-to-tit in front of their locker the next day Anikha spit across Avneet's lips. Avneet spit back.

"You think those tits of yours are pretty hot shit don't you?" shouted Anikha.
"Hotter than yours, bitch." replied Avneet.
"You think they can hold up to mine, slut?" spat out Anikha.
"I think they would destroy yours!" stated Avneet.

Anikha then brought her arms up and wrapped them around Avneet. "What if we were to squeeze them together?" asked Anikha as she started applying a tight squeeze on Avneet.

Avneet simply wrapped her arms tightly around Anikha. "They would have no problem pressing yours flat!" stated Avneet as she squeezed back. The two stood briefly locked in each other's arms until an approaching teacher caused them to separated.

"There's no class during 4th period in the Music Room. This will give us a whole hour to find out who's got the best tits." stated Anikha.
"You’re on, bitch!" growled Avneet.
As Anikha turned to walk away she glanced back and said, "By the way, bras and panties."

After second period Avneet found herself needing a change of panties. She was surprised when she opened her locker door to see a pair of Anikha's white lacy panties on display. The panties were wet with Anikha's sex. It was becoming obvious this bitch enjoyed this kind of fighting as much as she did. She quickly pulled down her panties and slipped into Anikha's. She left her own panties on display inside the locker.

After her next class she made a return trip to her locker. The panties were gone. She quickly made her way to the Music Room to find Anikha waiting.
"For a minute I thought you were too scared to show up." stated Anikha.
"Don't make me laugh. Scared of you, huh?" replied Avneet.
"Just wait till I squeeze the life right out of those little titties of yours." stated Anikha as she started to remove her blouse.
"Little?" Avneet shouted. "My tits are going to burst those weak sacks of yours!"

The two had now stripped down to bras, panties, and knee-high stockings. Both had on white lacy bras. Avneet had on black knee-high stockings and Anikha's white panties. Anikha had on white knee-high stockings and Avneet's black panties. The two came together and stopped as their tits came into contact. They started brushing their tits back and forth across each other. Their lacey bras hissed in anger as they rubbed. Hard nipples were protruding through the silky material, brazing sharply as they passed back and forth. Arms came up and around each other, one arm under and one arm over, so they both had the same hold on each other.

They both looked down and started comparing cleavage. In their minds neither could tell which set was fuller or firmer. This test would hopefully answer the question for both of them. They looked up and locked eyes.

"Hope you enjoy wearing my underwear." Anikha said as she connected pubic bones with Avneet.
"Not as much as you enjoy wearing mine." stated Avneet as she increased the pressure.

Tighter and tighter they squeezed. Tits smashing tits, pubic bone crushing pubic bone. They held each other for what seemed like an eternity. Never once did their eyes part. Their 36 DDD's seemed to be a perfect match for one another, neither one being able to tell which set was more overpowering. On and on they continued to crush their bodies together. Sweat formed across their foreheads as their strength slowly weakened. For one hour they managed to squeeze their bodies together with neither one giving in.

When they heard the bell ring they released each other like a set of boxers in the ring. Quickly they jumped into their clothes, finishing just in time, as a herd of students entered the room. They would meet again during 5th period class. Fifth period class gave the two girls a chance to really feel the affects of their hour-long squeeze. Avneet felt like her tits had formed a new shape. Her pubic bone was throbbing and feeling like it was still being crushed against Anikha's. Yet that didn't stop her from battling Anikha with her feet and legs during 5th period class. Anikha was called off to the office just before class ended.
Avneet went in search of her after school, but came up empty handed. When Avneet opened the door to her locker the next morning, a black and white lacey wad of material was on display. It had a note attached to it; "Let’s fuckfight!".

After closer examination, Avneet could tell it was two pairs of entwined panties, one pair being hers, the other pair Anikha's. The crotches were stuck together from each others dried cum. In front of her know was definitely the ultimate womanly challenge.
It wasn't until history class that the two came into contact with each other. This time the two had removed their socks and went at it barefoot. Their soft soles were pressing and rubbing together. Perfect toes were mashing and interlocking. This barefoot fight seemed to represent the fight soon to come.

As class ended Anikha directed Avneet to the Music Room where she arranged the battleground. Wrestling mats had been brought in for the occasion. Soon the two stood in front of each other naked for the first time. Their eyes seemed to be fixated on each other's firm womanly body. They stepped together and locked eyes.
"This is where one woman proves herself to be better than the other woman and that woman is going to be me." stated Anikha.
"In your dreams, bitch, this is where I take you down." replied Avneet.

The two stepped together until they were nipple to nipple. Anikha glanced down and said, "I know you've been dying to test your nipples against mine. Go ahead. Just try and bend mine with yours" she stated.

"You are going to be extremely disappointed when your nipples yield to mine, bitch!" replied Avneet.
They brought their lengthy pink nips together and started flicking them across one another.

"Can you feel mine bending yours?" Anikha asked.
"That's mine you feel bending yours." stated Avneet.

They slowed the flicking down and set their nipples in side by side. To their amazement the two sets of nipples where identical in length and size. They turned off to the side, opposite one another, and let their nipples strike ever so slowly across one another. They watched them bend equally across each other until the very tips flicked apart. They momentarily locked eyes with a look of disgust. Focusing back on their nipples they lined them up tip to tip. Slowly they pushed forward causing them to disappear into a mountain of flesh. Arms came up and tightly wrapped around each other. Once again eyes locked.

"Can you feel my nipples pushing your nipples back, bitch?" growled Avneet.
"That's my nipples you feel pushing your nipples back, slut." replied Anikha.

With that the two girls brought their pubic bones together, light and dark pubic hair tangled for the first time. They started to scrape their hairs against each other causing a harsh abrasive sound to fill the room.

"Bitch, I'm going to grind the hairs right off your pussy!" shouted out Anikha.
"You're the one that's going to leave bald, slut!" replied Avneet.

They tightened their embrace. Legs started to entwine as their mouths came together in a deep kiss. Tighter and tighter they squeezed the full nakedness of their bodies together, tits crushing tits. Pussies parted and finally touched causing them to shudder. They lost their balance and went crashing to the ground, the impact causing them to fall apart. Sitting across from each other they stretched their legs out and connected the soles of their bare feet. They spread their legs wide.Avneet started massaging her pussy, spreading it open for Anikha to see.

"My cxnt is going to eat your cxnt alive, bitch!" she yelled.
"My cxnt is the one that will be swallowing your cxnt, slut!" replied Anikha as she held her pussy lips open.

They started pushing together and their legs spread out. Their feet came apart and they placed one leg over and one leg under their rival's. Inching forward they came together cxnt-to-cxnt. There was a wet smacking sound as they connected like a kiss. Their legs and arms wrapped around each other as the pressure increased. They glared hatefully into each other's eyes as they felt the insides of their pussies rubbing together.

"Let’s bring our clits out and make them fight each other!" yelled out Anikha.
"Let's entwine our clits and let them destroy one another!" shouted Avneet.

Suction started to form between their cxnts, pulling their lengthy clits out to tangle. More and more pressure was applied until their clits were laced together in a tight braid. Lips came together and sealed. Tongues gave each other spit baths as they rolled together deep inside each other's mouth. A mutual orgasm rocked their bodies. Girl cum was being mixed together while it was injected deep into each other cxnt. The fuckfight went on, orgasm after orgasm. The end was near when Avneet started to feel her cxnt being sucked into Anikha's.


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« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2021, 01:44:31 PM »
This boy just LOOVES his plagiarizing