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Irish boxes Italian!

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Offline RJT45

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Irish boxes Italian!
« on: August 10, 2019, 06:20:52 PM »
My wife Peggy is a voluptuous red head, who loves physical altercations with other women!  It all started 25 years ago, right after our daughter Allie was born.  Having a few stubborn pregnancy pounds that were giving her a hard time, she joined a local gym, and started boxing classes to lose the weight.  She was good at it and enjoyed it, and the classes led to a couple of real fights with other women.  Along the way, she got into wrestling and catfighting too, and now is always looking for an opportunity to "mix it up" with another woman...young or old!

Peggy currently is 52 years old, stands five foot eight, has shoulder length red hair, green eyes, weighs in at 130 pounds, and has a fabulous 36D-24-34 figure!  Many times, younger women have been lulled into a false sense of security in fights because of her age.  In the end, they've all paid for that.  This then is one of her stories!

The words in between the ( ) are Peggy's words, the rest of mine.

This was a fight I was waiting for!   My voluptuous Irish Wife vrs the voluptuous Italian woman MJ.   We'd first seen MJ fight when she gave Marlo a really bad time at Cocktails and Catfights.  While Marlo ultimately won the fight, MJ gave the younger woman a very hard time during the catfight.  Peggy was taken by her ability and about the similarities between the two of them.  While Peggy was obviously Irish and MJ was obviously Italian, physically they were very well matched.  We'd seen her catfighting and knew she was good...we'd see how well she boxed in a couple of minutes.  I was excited and I think the rest of the audience was in the same way.  As I thought about the two women and their boxing match, I was brought back to reality as MJ climbed into the ring.  She looked great in a lavender bra and panty set and her corner was being worked by Diane.  Next up was Peggy in a pale green lace bra and panties...sorry I couldn't help but give her a wolf whistle as she bent between the ropes. (Thank you my love!) Jamie was working Peg's corner and they looked like they were ready for whatever MJ dished.

The mike came down and the ref started the introductions. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the next fight is a 5 round unlimited boxing match once again with 2 minute rounds and three minute rest periods.  The 5 foot 7, 132 pounds, with shoulder length brown hair with blond highlights, and measurements of 36D-24-35 from Westchester PA, fighting out of the lavender corner 47 year old MJ!  And her opponent in this fight,  at 5 foot 8, 130 pounds, with shoulder length red hair and a 36D-24-34 body from Ocean, NJ fighting out of the green corner, 52 year old Peggy!"  SO these two women were within 5 years in age, an inch in height, 3 pounds in weight, and their measurements were almost identical and as they were called to center  ring for instructions I could not help being taken by those similarities.  It looked to me like it was going to be a hell of a fight!! (I have to agree...we were like two peas in a pod!  I had no idea of MJ's boxing ability but I knew she could catfight.  Time would tell but at least on paper, we were a very even match)

Everyone in the room looked excited as they watched these two hell cats get instructions.  When they returned to their corners you could almost cut the tension in the room with a knife.  When the bell sounded starting round one, everyone in the room felt like they were in the ring with these two women!  They both moved out smartly and started dancing around the ring. Suddenly Peg threw the first punch and the dance was started.  They both traded several punches but each did a good job on defense so nothing got through.  Suddenly Peg jogged left and threw low when MJ expected a high punch and the first contact of the fight took place with Peg hitting MJ low on her right side with what looked like a good punch.  (Oh it was!  Right on target with lots behind it!) She followed that up with a right which went at MJ's head but that looked more like a glancing blow, but the fight had started!  MJ countered with a very hard right that caught Peg just above the panty line and really looked like it hurt but wasn't able to capitalize on it as my wife managed to dance away from her.  (Thank God I was able to dance away because it did hurt!) Now the combatants had both struck the first blow and the two of them seemed more wary of each other than ever.   Suddenly MJ moved quickly at Peg and unloaded a right left combo to her body and then took a big swing at her head.  While the body shots seemed right on target, the head shot missed but set Peg up for a really good punch to MJ's mid section and based on the look on her face, did some damage. (That's what I'm talking about!!!)  As the women danced just out of reach from each other the bell sounded and they both returned to their corners!

Both fighters returned to their corners but neither looked like they had taken any damage.  There was a lot of discussion between the fighters and their corner persons and I'm sure some strategy was being discussed, but both looked fresh as round two started.

Round two saw both women quickly come together center ring and basically stand in each others face.  Peggy threw a low right and MJ countered with a right of her own that tagged Peg's tit.  Now the women stood toe to toe and started exchanging blows.  I saw a couple of good body shots from Peg and then she was rocked by an upper cut delivered by MJ that lifted her off her feet. (Where the hell did that come from???  Never saw it coming!)  My wife hit the ropes and MJ was right on top of her!  A hard right flattened Peg's left tit before my wife was able to push the Italian beauty off of her.  Peg threw her own right which not as direct a hit did some damage to the Italian's chest and then followed that up with a left to MJ's head which spun her away.  Both women took a moment to re-group and then they met mid ring.  The rest of the round was rather uneventful as neither was able to hit and do any damage, but I hoped that we'd seen a preview of some of the action that was yet to come!

Round three started and Peggy and MJ met mid mat and started exchanging punches.  Neither was able to get through the others defenses till MJ threw and left at Peggy and was a direct hit to the side of her right tit. (yeow...that hurt!)  I could tell from the look on Peg's face that my wife had been hurt by that shot as she was by the right which MJ threw that hit Peggy's left tit in the same position.(SHit now she gotten threw my defenses and has slammed a very hard punch into both of my tits!!  Not Good!)   Peg was pissed (ya think???) that MJ had managed to get to her and wasted little time attacking her opponent's equally large breasts as she connected with an upper cut which managed to knock MJ's right boob out of her bra.  (Payback!) Then Peggy connected with a hard left jab to MJ's exposed breast and the tit fight was on!  MJ went after my wife's tits with several jabs that were right on target and with each shot was rewarded with a grunt from Peg.  But Peg was not just taking it she was giving too and had peppered MJ's exposed tit with enough punches to make it turn red.  MJ was pissed and turned up the steam on her attack and she savagely punched Peg's boobs till she had Peg on the ropes.  Then bent over the top rope, she delivered a devastating right/left double tit punch to my wife's chest as the bell sounded ending round three. (Thank God the bell sounded because I was in a lot of trouble.  She had me on the ropes and was continuing a savage attack on my tits and trust me, I felt every punch that she landed!!  My tits were on fire and she could have easily won at that moment had it come earlier in the round!  I was in a world of hurt!!!)

Peggy was hurting as she returned to her corner and she had Jamie activate two ice packs and stick one in each cup of her bra.  Then she took a long gulp of water and had Jamie dump water over her head trying to cool off!  In the opposite corner Diane was tucking MJ's tit back in her bra and also icing up her tits so both women had taken some punishment in this round.  They were both possessed deliciously over-sized jugs and they'd each taken the fight to them.  What would round 4 hold?  Would they continue to attack each others tits till one of them folded?  No idea but as the 30 second warning was issued, both women looked determined to make round 4 count! (the truth??  I was just about spent.  My tits were on fire and my legs felt like they were made of cement!  I had Jamie dump the water over my head because I needed something to wake myself up.  I was in a world of hurt and frankly very close to just throwing in the towel.  MJ had devastated me at the end of round three and it wasn't something I was going to be able to jump back from.  The opening seconds of this next round might be the end of the fight for me!)

Peggy literally ran out of her corner for round 4 and took the fight right to MJ.  Her first punch was a hard right that caught the Italian beauty unexpected and was right on target to the left jaw.  MJ spun into the ropes and Peggy was on her. (I needed to get this fight to her and hurt her ASAP or it was over)  I counted 3 rights and at least 2 lefts that Peggy hit MJ with and the brunette was in a lot of trouble. (finally)  Then Peg went to work on her tits!  As MJ was bent over the top ring rope, Peg slammed 2 very hard punches to her jugs and then one more to her jaw.    Then Peg managed to throw MJ to the mat and the two women commenced a real catfight but with boxing gloves on!!! (Now I was having fun!!) The crowd was on their feet so that they could follow the action as Peg sat on MJ's stomach and proceeded to attack her opponent with well placed punches to her D cups but a right on target right that MJ threw at Peg's jaw stopped Peg's assault and thew her off MJ. (This could go any way at this point)  Although hurt, MJ did get to her knees and then managed to straddle Peg and then the fun started.  She threw several punches at Peg's tits and now it looked like my red headed wife was the one on trouble. (Oh God...another tit bashing was something I didn't need!!  They were on fire and I was fading fast!!)  A couple of shots to Peg's already injured boobs and MJ suddenly had control of the round.  Mercively, the bell sounded but the ref had to lift MJ off Peggy and restrain her as all sense of rules had left the building!!!  (Thank God the ref was a big guy who did live by the clock.  A couple of more punches and I would have been a permanent resident of the mat!!  MJ Had hurt me again and again I was ending a round Saved By The BELL!!)

Both women were hurting as they returned to their corners and their handlers applied ice to there injured jugs.  Also, both women were now wearing undies that were almost transparent from the combination of sweat and water that had been used to cool them off during the fight.  Round 5 was all that was left in a very hard fight that had seen both MJ and my wife take and give hard shots.  (RJ is being nice.  I had gotten a few good shots at MJ but she had devastated me!  Only because time ran out twice will there be a round 5.  This could be the end!!!)

As the bell sounded for round 5 both women were exhausted as they entered the ring.  You could tell that their movements were not sharp and they both looked to be having trouble even staying on their feet.  (no shit Sherlock!) Peg started the action as she threw a right that a blind person could have seen coming.  MJ avoided contact with it but Peggy opened herself up and MJ plowed a solid right directly into Peggy belly button which caused her to drop her hands almost to her side and set MJ up for a perfect left right combo to Peg's head which sent her to the lower rope. ( comes the end was what I was thinking)  This looked like it could be the end as MJ moved at my fallen wife but Peggy was not ready to throw in the towel and as MJ moved at her she delivered what looked to be a right on target pussy punch at the Italian beauty!  MJ's hands went to her crotch as she fell to her knees in front of Peggy.  Peggy got to her feet and hit her foe with a right/left combo which sent the whimpering beauty to the mat where she stayed!  The ref leaned down and spoke to MJ and then turned to Peggy, lifted her right hand and said, " The winner at 1 minute 12 seconds into round 5 with a TKO, Peggy!!"  (well, not pretty but you gotta do what you gotta do to win.  Am I proud of how I won??  Not really, but I won.  MJ is a hell of a boxer and gave me a real beating and several times she could have won.  The bottom line is who out bitched the other, and this time it was me!  I fight to win, any way I can.  Would I do it again?  You bet your ass I would!!  Oh you can count on us meeting again!)


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2019, 06:25:16 PM »
Thanks Babe!


Offline mag

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2019, 11:05:12 PM »
Nice match up.   Great pussy punch at the end for the win Peggy.   


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2019, 08:14:50 PM » I said, I do what I have to do to win!  Am I a bitch?  If I have to be!  I don’t fight to not win!



Offline Allie22

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2019, 10:43:53 PM »
Winning us everything!


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2019, 03:38:43 PM »
Dying to see a rematch. MJ must be highly motivated as she out boxed Peggy and should have taken her out, only to lose via a low blow(legal but still). MJ will be out for blood in a rematch.


Offline Serena77

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2019, 10:57:59 AM »
Irish bitch was lucky!


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2019, 09:43:18 PM »
Bull Shit!


Offline Serena77

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2019, 11:24:15 PM »
Bull Shit!

Yes you were lucky! If you are not afraid of fighting against a real Italian woman, I'm ready anytime!


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2019, 06:08:59 PM »
Peggy needs to take Serena up on her challenge. It will be great prep for the MJ rematch! You need to give MJ a rematch!


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2020, 06:11:40 PM »
Serena....Italian Bitches all talk, no action.

You're on girl!


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2020, 07:08:50 PM »
Come on ladies, we would love to see you two throw down. You clearly do not like each other!


Offline Serena77

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2020, 12:03:18 AM »
Serena....Italian Bitches all talk, no action.

You're on girl!

I'm going to kick your ass, bitch! Anytime!


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2020, 03:46:23 PM »
Talk is cheap bitch!

5 rounds of unlimited boxing.  2 minute rounds, 3 minutes rest between. No Ref, no rules.


Offline Serena77

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Re: Irish boxes Italian!
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2020, 04:54:12 PM »
Talk is cheap bitch!

5 rounds of unlimited boxing.  2 minute rounds, 3 minutes rest between. No Ref, no rules.

I'm game, cheap whore! Let me know when and where! I'll beat your saggy tits like drums!