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Does anyone want to play as Vainty Fox?

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Does anyone want to play as Vainty Fox?
« on: April 26, 2021, 06:05:06 AM »
First I want to say I'm thankful and grateful that some think I'm a good opponent/rivalry to have that some change their models/avatar to take me on and similar built women like me.

By no means do I mean to sound ungrateful or to disrespect them that some go through that trouble. Its a appreciated and I do notice your efforts.

I am seeing a influx of different people using the same models popping up after I came on fcf. Not to sound like I'm important or a big deal. Some have told me they changed their model/avatar to match up to me. Again thank you for putting in the effort. Getting the pics and gifs is time consuming, I know x)

I would like to ask.. if anyone wants to, to play as Vanity Fox. Shes never been used. I don't think many people know of her.

So this is a great way to get her more known out there and possibly find some willing to play as her. I would love to tangle with such a woman.

Again thats if anybody wants to. No one has to but if someone wants to go through the trouble and effort I'll put effort on my end to make it a hot match up x)