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Fantasy of being the better woman!!

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Offline snw

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Fantasy of being the better woman!!
« on: February 20, 2021, 05:00:04 AM »
I’ve asked and written about this particular interest here a few times. I for some reason never thought about it as something that maybe some of the ladies here may have a fantasy about. That being do any of the ladies ever have a fantasy where you see a guy with his girl and think I bet I could take him from her?

       Maybe it’s a guy you have just seen and think is hot and you measure yourself against his girl and say, “Yeah I’m definitely hotter than her!” I’d just bet he’d love to see me kick her ass and show him?”

         Or maybe you see an old bf or ex husband and he’s entertaining a new lady. You already know he’s into you because you had him before. You know what he likes and you use that knowledge to compare yourself to his new girl. Maybe he’s a boob guy and you see you have her beat easy in that category. You think about showing him first with a little show as you flirt with him right in front of her. Maybe even push some buttons trying to get her riled up enough and make it seem she’s the one causing a problem. Little by little you push her till the two of you start a competition of sorts in which you easily steal his attention as she’s out gunned compared to you. It gets physical and you proceed to best this new girl and leave with your old flame at the expense of the new, just because you can.

        Being a competitive girl does doing something similar to this turn you on where you fantasize about it? Or maybe you’ve done for real and it was a turn on? Just curious if any ladies are turned on at the thought of besting another girl and leaving with the guy she lost to you?


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Fantasy of being the better woman!!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2021, 01:13:26 PM »
There's more subtle ways than the one's you've described:

> You cold call him (just to ask him a quick question) on his cell, or even better, Zoom, at his home, when his woman is home.  And he accepts the call.

> He likes to walk or bike at lunchtime, or Saturday mornings.  And so do you.

> (Pre-pandemic)  His woman is on a business trip, and he has the kids for a few days.  You ask if he needs help feeding them/picking them up at school/sports.  He says, "That'd be great."

> You ask him for financial/investment/tax advice.  He offers to help by going through your shoebox of statements/receipts.  Alone.  Over wine.

> You invite both of them over to your place to check out a new piece of furniture you bought.  You tell her to dress casual.  But then you do yourself up in your nicest clothes and your best haircut.  He notices the contrast.

> You pay him better compliments than she does.

> You tell him, nonchalantly, that you would kick her ass in a fight.   


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Fantasy of being the better woman!!
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2021, 01:24:40 PM »
And more:

<> You remember his birthday.  And send him a card.

<> When he has his car serviced, you drive him home from his car drop-off, and drive him to the car pick-up.  Be sure his she sees him getting out of and into your car.

<> (Pre-pandemic)  If you and him are guests as the same wedding, ask him to dance.  The slow dance.

<> Tell him you have THE WORST kink in your shoulder, and you wish someone would rub it out.

<> Set up a 3-way text between you, him, and his woman.  As the weeks and months go by, occasionally "forget" that she's on the text as well.

<> Set up occassional 1on1 dates and outings between just yourself and her.  Cancel every one of them at the last minute.

<> Ask him who his woman doesn't get along with.  Befriend them.  Get info.

<> When you have a tiff with someone at work, tell him about a "major catfight in progress."

<> When he propositions you, ask him what took him so long.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Fantasy of being the better woman!!
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2021, 01:16:19 PM »
Tips for when it's time to "close the deal" with him (the sex) and her (the fight):

<> When the sexual tension with him is palpable, have a place to do it (your own bedroom if convenient; a hotel or your parents' / sister's / friend's place if not) in mind and ready for when he's ready to stray.  Do NOT let the moment pass with him changing his mind.

<> Let him do all the things to you in bed that she doesn't let him do to her.  This might be a particular position, or name calling, or accessories.  But you should know what applies by now--let him get it out of his system.

<> After he's had his release, ask him if it was better than it is with her.

<> Tell him you hate her.

<> Tell him you've wanted to kick her ass for awhile.

<> Tell him you don't mind fighting when necessary.

<> Tell him you hope this wasn't a one-time thing.

<> Afterwards, when she's suspicious something happened, be aloof with her if she is with you, and confrontational if she is with you.

<> Be seen with former and current frenemies of hers.

<> Comment obtusely on her Instagram or Facebook or Pinterest pages, if she has those.

<> If she confronts you directly, don't do the Gen-Z "do sum'/thin 'bout it thing."  Just call her a bitch.  And take off your earrings.


Offline daz

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Re: Fantasy of being the better woman!!
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2021, 10:21:56 PM »
Interestingly, my late wifes entire fantasy was actually the total opposite.   She was the inferior woman.  Her opponent for example would have far bigger breasts (The one lady who did ask her to fight did actually have huge breasts)   My wife totally got off on being forced to submit and loved the idea of being forced to admit her opponent was the better woman in every way.   Fine so I ought to feel bad that I get off on the idea my wife would have ubdergone a very severe beating but i cant.  My wife loved the idea of being on her knees and telling her opponent exactly why she was superior to her.


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Re: Fantasy of being the better woman!!
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2021, 10:37:00 PM »
PS I have in the past been judged quite badly for enjoying the fantasy of my wife losing.   She actually offered to do the first fight but her opponent wanted stakes (the winner ie the opponent got me for the night) so I said no ( my wife then she was my fiance rather liked the idea).  I especially now cant help but wonder if I was right or wrong to keep things in the realm of fantasy  Our joint fantasy was based on the fact that my wife would have lost a match to a matchstick but damn she would have looked good doing it.   I rather enjoy the stories that snw writes because I think there is no way the woman who wins could be so damn sexy if her victim was not actually twice as hot.



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Re: Fantasy of being the better woman!!
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2021, 11:57:50 PM »
PS I have in the past been judged quite badly for enjoying the fantasy of my wife losing.   She actually offered to do the first fight but her opponent wanted stakes (the winner ie the opponent got me for the night) so I said no ( my wife then she was my fiance rather liked the idea).  I especially now cant help but wonder if I was right or wrong to keep things in the realm of fantasy  Our joint fantasy was based on the fact that my wife would have lost a match to a matchstick but damn she would have looked good doing it.   I rather enjoy the stories that snw writes because I think there is no way the woman who wins could be so damn sexy if her victim was not actually twice as hot.

I wouldn’t second guess any decision you made. From what I just read, I think you handled it well