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Barnyard Antics

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Offline Jill_C

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Barnyard Antics
« on: December 27, 2021, 05:45:17 PM »
Things on the farm had been going smoothly for Sally and Phil.   As the seasons changed so did their work.  Phil spent more time on the  road now with his trucking, and Sally maintained the farm, planning for the season ahead.

Her Cat-pin activity had been pushed aside for the harvest which took all her attention.  She kept informed about what was going on via the website.  New names would pop on and a few retired.  As much as she hoped nothing new in her region showed up.  Yet again she was too busy to bother.

Her mother in law Betty wasn’t even looking.  She wasn’t retired but nothing caught her interest.  Even when they got together Cat pin was never brought up.

Sally’s own mother Sandra was back home after a somewhat lackluster summer of travel and just a couple of fights. 

One of the things Sally prided herself was making the farm a technological state of the art operation.  Everything about it was monitored.  So when a warming flashed on the screen she was on top of it.

As she was leaving the farm office she passed her daughter Gwen who was just coming home from school  As they passed each other Sally caught a flash of something pinned on Gwen’s jacket.  She froze in her tracks when she saw it.

“Stop right there young lady!” She pivoted to face Gwen when she said that.

“What mom?”

“What are you wearing?”  She noticed carefully that it was one of her warm up jackets,  and pinned to the front of it was a Cat-Pin.  Her memory returned and she realized that she didn’t remove it, which was a few months back.

“Just a jacket that was hanging in the closet, why?”

“Don’t you ever look at what you are putting on?”

“I was late…Sorry!”

“Did anyone say anything about that pin on it?”

“No, didn’t even notice it was on there until Barbara Altman pointed it out to me.”

“She ask anything about it?”

“Other than it looked cute, no.”


“She lives in Carlton, comes in on the regional bus.”

Carlton was about ten miles west of town, another crossroad just like their town, but even smaller.  At least the schools are here.

“Yeah that was it.  What’s so special about it?”

“Nothing really just give me the pin I don’t want to lose it.”

Gwen removed it and handed it to her mother who took and pinned it to the inside of her work jacket. She didn’t want to put it in any of her pockets and risk losing it while fixing the problem in one of the fields.

Hoping onto one of the farm quads she drove out to investigate the problem.  Sally was as good with a wrench as she was with her business skills. 

Fifteen minutes later she had located the issue fixed the problem and was just putting away her tools when she heard a car drive up on the roadway a few yards away.  She looked but paid no attention and continued to straighten up things before she left.

Looking back at the car she was wondering if the person was lost so she walked over.  Just as she got  to the passenger side the window lowered.

“Hi you need help” she asked before peaking in to see it was woman looking at her phone?

“Oh, hi! Yes, yes I do,” speaking as she got out of the car and walked over to where Sally was standing.

“Are you Sally?”

“Yes, I am how did you know my name?”

“Oh sorry, let me introduce myself, I’m Carol Altman, Barbara’s mom.  She is in your daughter’s Gwen’s class at school.”

Sally was curious, she gave Carol a quick glance and noticed she wasn’t much different than she was.  Maybe a few inches taller and a bit heavier, dressed in farmers work jeans and shirt like she was it didn’t reveal much to compare.

“Yes, interesting Gwen mentioned her when I saw her come home from school, never thought you would drive here to meet me.”

“Oh yes, and forgive me but I did stop at your house, Gwen told me you were out here.”

Sally was now very curious as to what was happening and played cool not wanting to suspect anything, just yet.

“So what’s the occasion you hurried over to see me?”

“Well, Barbara told me about something Gwen was wearing today on her jacket and I wanted to see for myself.”

Sally’s mind was clicking now and again looking over Carol, she thought ok let’s see what she really wants.

“So Gwen told me she gave it to you, I was curious to see if its anything like this,”  pulling her workshirtt back revealing a Cat-pin pinned to her halter top that was under it.

“You mean this pin,” Sally revealed her’s to Carol.

Carol froze when she saw it and after a brief pause, “Yes, that’s what I suspected.”

She now looked into Sally’s eyes. 

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to wear this in the presence of another member.  You know how tough it is out here in the boonies.”

“Yes, I do.  I have barely worn it in public ,there aren’t many around here that are members.”

“I know, thank god for the internet, it’s been the only way I was able to connect and eventually become a member.”

“I hear you, getting in wasn’t too bad for me I had some help.  I’ve only been in a few months and you know the farm work keeps me busy for now.”

“Yeah I hear you, I got in a year ago and have had just one arranged last fall.  When Barbara told me what she saw I wanted to verify it.”

“Does Barbara know anything about it?”

“No, although I do suspect she can figure out things.”

“Same with my Gwen, she suspects but that’s as far has it gotten.”

“I hear you, I’ve heard other members, moms like us in the remote areas, have sent their girls to school wearing pins.  Word gets back like it did with Barbara telling me about it.  Didn’t know if you were advertising about it through Gwen.”

“OH really, no never heard that but that’s interesting that others would use their daughters to lure out other members.  Heavens no, she just grabbed what she wore and I had no idea she did let alone the pin being on it.”

“For a moment I thought Gwen was looking for a fight when Barbara told me about it, but then I thought no she is not old enough.”

“Why, you think Barbara and her might?”

“Maybe, when it’s their time.”

Sally felt a twinge when she said and heard that, never thought about the possibility of her Gwen getting into a catfight with another girl, let alone one caused by her wearing a Cat-pin.  She had to admit, Gwen would need to decide for herself what road she was going to follow, and for now it wasn’t even on the horizon, that she thought.

“So, are you looking,” Carol looked at Sally.

Looking right into Carol’s eyes, “I wasn’t actually,  I just made Gwen give it to me so she wouldn’t lose it.  I was just finishing up some farm chores and that was it for the day.  Why were you?”

“Just meeting someone who was wearing one was what I was always wanted.  Now that we met and have seen each others pin I was hoping you would.”

Carol was now looking around the field as if to spot a good location to have a fight.

Sally saw her scout the area, “Not here, it’s too close to the road and heaven forbid someone were to see us.”

“Yeah I know that problem, had fights that got interrupted because of outsiders thinking it was their duty to stop it.”

“Only time that happened to me was in high school, yeah I know the feeling.”

Both women were now looking around and scuffing the ground as to what next. 

“Let’s go back to my place there are a few places out of sight.”

Carol looked at Sally with excitement.  “Ok great!”

“Give me a few minutes but wait for me at the barn doors.”

Carol ran around to her car, got in and was off in a flash down the road.

Sally wasn’t far behind.

Carol was already out of her car leaning against the trunk, texting something to someone when Sally pulled in next to her.

As she got out she walked over to Carol, “Give me a minute I want to make sure Gwen is busy so as not to get curious.”

Just as she turned to the house she saw Gwen coming out. 

“Where you off to honey?”

“Oh back into town, I got to meet up with a few friends and we are doing some stuff.”

“Ok don’t stay too late.”

“Oh, i won’t.  Hi Mrs. Altman, I see you found my mom.”

“Yes dear, thank you.”

Both mothers watched Gwen walk down the driveway and turn into town.  Soon she was out of sight.

“Follow me around back,” Sally instructed Carol.

As both rounded the back of the barn, Carol noticed there was a patch of grass neatly trimmed.  “Have you used this before?”

“No this would be a first for me, never used any spot on the farm as of yet but this would be ok right?”

Both women stopped on the patch and were looking around.  Carol reached for her phone and was figuring out a spot to place it.  She started to walk to the back barn door when Sally stopped her. 

“I have cameras all over the place,” pointing to one overhead.

Carol just put her phone back into her shirt pocket and proceeded to remove it.  Sally was doing the same, she removed the pin attached to her halter top and pinned it to her jacket, she noticed Carol doing the same.

When done Sally asked. “Want to remove our pants?”

“Im ok either way.”

Sally sat on the ground pulling off her work shoes, Carol did the same.  Carol removed her pants and Sally followed likewise.  Both women were now in panties and bras.  Neither one had anticipated fighting and didn’t dress for it, but this is what happens in the Sorority.  You do what you have to.

Once done both women stood up at opposite sides of the grass patch.

“How do you want to do this,” Sally asked?

“Catfight I guess, it’s the only thing I know, that ok with you?”

“Yeah, same thing.  Not really a wrestler so cat will be it.”

“By the way never had rules either.”

Sally looked at her, “Neither have I.”

Slowly Carol started to move around the patch, Sally moved as well.  Slowly their circling got closer. 

Sally made the mistake of turning her head when she heard a noise come from the barn, no sooner than she did Carol jumped on her grabbing two handfuls of hair when she did.  Sally was caught off guard and her head was now being forced to the ground by the pulling.  All she could do was reach out and hold onto Carol’s thighs to prevent her from eating dirt.

Carol’s pulling was hurting, lack of fights caused Sally to become lax about the prepping, but then again this was a fight that wasn’t anticipated, by either women.

Holding on as best she could she collected her thoughts and fortunately they reacted fast.  She pulled her arms back quickly from leaning on Carol’s thighs and wrapped them around her butt, and once she locked her hands behind it she pushed forward.  Carol was leaning too much forward and when Sally pushed her from that position she fell forward and in doing so let go of Sally’s hair to catch her falling. 

Sally felt the release of hair and pushed further, Carol fell on top of her doing so. Sally was face down, Carol stretched out full on top with her face between between Sallys legs.  Sally realized it fast and quickly put Carol’s head in a vice like scissor hold between her knees.  Awkward as it was Carol was feeling the pain and all she could do was retaliate by straddling Sally’s back and trying to scissor her and get out of Sally’s scissor hold as well. 

It was awkward and  a weak attempt she could not get a good hold, and was trying to push herself out of her predicament by trying to raise herself using her arms.  Sally  on the other hand was face to the ground and holding whatever scissor hold she could on Carol from this position.  She heard Carol moan from the pressure she was applying.

Carol did the only thing she could and that was roll to her side.  In doing so both ladies were now on their sides but their scissor holds on each other became loose and both broke out of them.  Sally scrambled trying to get away and Carol just kicked out of her predicament and started to stand up.

Both ladies were now on their feet looking at each other. Hair was disheveled from their holds and both were breathing hard from the exertion they applied.  Both were out of shape from lack of fighting.

Both were looking for that moment to attack and both jumped at the same time.  Grabbing each others hair again, they whirled around that green patch of grass.  Neither one getting the advantage of the other, the long anticipated slow dance began.  Grunts and shrieks as tugs and yanks were happening.  Slowly their dancing got their legs tangled and down they went.

Sally thought she had the advantage landing on top, but Carol was quick to roll it and both wound up on their sides still in their hair pulling grips. Now knees and feet kicked out and as much as they wanted to land that knee or kick it was hit or miss.  Knees deflected of the others knee, kicks landed feebly on shin, all one sided, since on their sides only one leg was usable.

Sally took a chance and when Carol sent her knee in again, she trapped in between her legs and scissored tight.  With legs tied up all they could do was keep pulling hair.

Carol had her thigh right up against Sally’s crotch, she knew what she had to do and started to flex her thigh.  The vibration was sure to distract Sally, which it did.  Sally did not have the same advantage on Carol so she did a risky roll to break the hold.

She muscled Carol and got her to  roll over on top of her, she knew if she didnt execute this right she was going to be on the bottom for a while.  Using the momentum from  effort she rolled Carol completely to the other side of her, but she kept the momentum and one quick shove managed to roll Carol under her. 

Carol wasn’t quick enough to figure out how to counter this and her delay in figuring out something cost her.  Sally was quick to spread her free leg out to prevent more rolling and doing so established her on top of Carol. During the roll one of Carol’s hands let go of Sally’s hair trying to grasp whatever piece of ground she could in the roll, she missed it.  Sally now on top trapped that one hand under Carol’s body which she was now on top of it and putting pressure from their weight on it.

Taking advantage of this Sally let go of one of her hair pulls and used that hand to slap  and punch Carol in the head and boob.  Carol absorbed the hits and was  violently bucking Sally  at the same time.  In the midst of one buck she managed to get her pinned arm free.  Before Sally knew what happened that arm sent a punch straight to the side of her head.  The hit caused her to let go of her hair pull and fall off her pin to the side and onto the ground.  She was stunned enough to allow Carol to roll out from under her, kicking out  and putting distance between the two of them.

Sally was shaking the punch off  trying to stand up but Carol was quick to jump on her while she was still down.  Grabbing whatever she could hair, boobs, body both wound up in a nasty catball.  Rolling one way then the other again kicking out and punching what they could.  Sally on top them Carol. Both ladies lost their tops in this exchange and when they rolled against the side of the barn Carol was trapped under Sally. 

Both ladies were breathing very hard this was a fight that took whatever energy they had to the limit.  Sally felt like she couldn’t go on, Carol was no different.  Both ladies felt the others hot breath on their faces, the panting, the catching their breaths.  Their naked breasts were plastered together, Sally could feel Carol’s erect nipples digging into her breasts, she knew Carol was feeling hers as well.

“You sound almost as bad as I feel,” Carol whispered.

Gulping air, “Yeah, I’m out of shape for this shit.”

Both women struggled a bit more seeing if they could either hold or break out.  During one of Sally’s struggle she left her crotch wide open, Carol just by sheer luck sent her knee right into it.  It did the damage Carol had hoped and while Sally let go of her hold on Carol, she was shoved off. 

While Sally  rolled a bit and was holding her crotch, Carol managed to get herself away from where she was trapped.  She started to catch her breath. She was in no condition to take advantage of Sally at the moment.  Both ladies were in deep recovery trying to get their breaths and whatever strength they could muster to do what they had to do.

Slowly Sally was getting over the kneeing and was attempting to stand again.  She noticed Carol was slumped over holding herself up with her hands on her thighs breathing heavy again.

“You’re one tough bitch Carol, I never expected this taking this much out of me.”

“You think? I’m just glad to find out how bad out of shape I’m in.  Good thing we didn’t seriously plan on this.”

“Yeah you’re telling me?”

Both ladies were now standing somewhat upright, and for once Sally took notice how Carol’s boobs were larger than  hers, and she was heavier by a few pounds.  Their work clothes hide their figures well.

Both ladies were sweating profusely, hair was matted and dirt was caked on them in spots, green grass rubs on skin too.

Carol started to move around again, and Sally pivoted keeping her in front of her at all times.  Not wanting to get dizzy turning with Carol she waited until she felt her second breath kick in, when it did she lurched forward grabbing at Carol’s hair again.  Carol countered by also grabbing.  In their grabs they both landed mutual head locks. 

Arms around each others necks trying to bulldog the other to the ground.  They staggered around the patch, they were feeling it now, both their second winds were exhusted and whatever strength they had going was fading fast. 

Carol’s knees buckled from the exhaustion and Sally drove her hard to the ground.  Scrambling on top of Carol’s back holding her in a choke hold with one arm around her neck, weight firmly on her back she started to bend Carol backwards.  Carol could not reach around to do anything, she was done.  Sally added her knee to the small of Carol’s back. 

It was immediate, “I GIVE!”

Sally asked again, “What was that I didn’t hear you?”


Sally let go and Carol just collapsed face down into the grass, crying and breathing hard. 

Sally got up and started  walking around hands on hips sucking in the air she needed. 

Both ladies were a mess, it was a fight, not nasty but none the less a fight and  they got banged up good.  There were few scratches but nothing major.  Bruises were visible on both ladies, they knew their girls would see them.

Sitting next to Carol, “How you going to explain them to Barbara?  I got to figure out something fast I know Gwen will ask.”

Carol was now sitting upright facing Sally, “Oh she has seen them before, I think she is being considerate by not questioning me about them, she is smart she can figure it out.”

“Gwen behaves the same way.”

“She’s going to see these you watch what she says and acts.”

Both ladies stood up waving to the camera and gave each other a hug.  Sally waved Carols halter so it would be seen.

As they had put their outer clothes back on and walked around back to Carol’s car, Sally noticed Gwen’s room from the outside, a light was on and that meant she was back home.

“Oh fuck” she thought.  Hoping to dodge her once she got inside. 

Both ladies hugged. 

“Got to cut this goodbye short, I think I’m going to be dealing with Gwen quicker than I planned.”

“Let’s keep in touch, please.”

“I will.”

As Carol drove off Sally hurried to the back door.  Entering quietly she saw that Gwen wasn’t downstairs.  Moving even faster she scrambled up the stairs and made it to her bedroom door and was just closing it behind her when she heard Gwen open up her door.


Hiding behind the door and just leaving a little opening, “Yes dear?”

“Everything ok?”

“Yes dear, need take a shower, will chat later ok?”

“Ok mom.”

Ten minutes in the shower revived most of her energy, bruises that showed could be hidden.  Walking into her bedroom, robe on and towel wrapped around her head, she didn’t notice Gwen was sitting on the bed.


“OH DEAR!” she was startled by her being in the room. 

“Why you jumpy?”

“What are you doing hanging in my bedroom?  Normally you would have waited, and knocked before entering.”

There was an eerie quiet between the two women.  Both women were looking into each others eyes.

With an almost dry horse voice, “I saw you fighting Mrs. Altman.”


Offline botgeek

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2021, 06:00:21 PM »
Another great story; keep up the good work!


Offline tommyfighter

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2021, 07:53:33 PM »
Maybe the daughters will be fighting sooner than expected.


Offline DavidG

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2021, 09:02:41 PM »
Loving this series Can’t wait for more chapters


Offline Miah Baker

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2021, 10:13:25 PM »
I really like this series, looking forward to seeing where it leads...really well written.  :)


Offline Keano2

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2021, 11:15:18 AM »
Really excellent!


Offline iluvcurves

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2021, 11:21:06 AM »
Loved the way Sally was not particularly looking for another fight but got one anyway.

Also the frequent acknowledgment of just what it is like to fight when, in the real world, you are not necessarily in perfect shape.

And after agonising over just how & when Gwen should become aware, it seems she may have known more than she let on ...

Jill, this all just seems to come SO easy to you - great stuff!


Offline marieclaws

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2021, 12:01:33 PM »
Fantastic and arousing series of stories loved this latest one


Offline Samandan

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2021, 12:24:59 AM »
Wow, never a disappointment! 

I'm not alone in speculating, if the daughters getting into the fray eventually?


Offline raker

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2021, 08:08:50 AM »
This need to be continued to its natural progression culminating in a four woman match-winner takes all.


Offline Donnafights

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2021, 11:30:04 AM »
This great series! I love how they can casually talk to each other before and after! I see another fight between Carol and Sally but also the daughters coming! Love to see more between these two families. As stated there not many in their area and a rivalry can ensue!
« Last Edit: December 29, 2021, 11:31:31 AM by Donnafights »


Offline marieclaws

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2021, 11:58:56 AM »
out and about wearing my cat pin :)


Offline catfightlover40

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2021, 07:15:45 PM »
A fight in a roar-al background between two shecats :) Love the balance of setup and action, and how the players never forget, who they are as if they're living people. Do keep it up :)
The  home of my multi-part work:


Offline Nataliefightsyou

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2021, 11:13:38 AM »
Wow great story I got to read the others but this seem so real! You think the daughters will fight? I need earn my cat pin! Keep up the good work!


Offline Tiberius J.C.

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Re: Barnyard Antics
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2021, 02:51:25 PM »
Tremendous. Really well-written!