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Sally vs. Mary ~Titfight

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Offline The Pain

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Sally vs. Mary ~Titfight
« on: April 21, 2011, 06:00:01 PM »

@ Sally vs. Mary

Hello, my name is Sally. I work as a dancer in a show bar in Florida. One day I was approached to participate in a nude catfight with another woman and I agreed. This is how that fight went down.

Well, I'm sure the first thing you guys want to know is what Mary and me look like so you can picture us tearing into each other. Well, I make a lot of money dancing because I look damn good. And I have to say, Mary looked pretty good to.

First me. Well I'm biracial, but my skin is just tan not real dark, I'm 5'8" tall and I weigh 133 lbs. My measurements are 36-24-36. My tits are nice and firm and I have nice pink nipples. My stomach is toned and I have a nice ass. I have long curly ash blonde hair down past my shoulders and hazel green eyes.

Now, as to Mary. After the fight we had we really don't like each other, but, like I said, she is a pretty girl. Of course, she's a bitch, and if we ever meet again we'll beat the shit out of each other. Anyway, she's Hispanic with mocha colored skin and long curly brown hair to her shoulders, about the same as me. She's also 5'8" and weighed in at 140 lbs. Her measurements were 36-25-37. Her ass is bigger than mine, but not real flabby. She kind of has that black girl booty going on like Jennifer Lopez. Our tits are about the same size, but her nipples point up a little while mine stick straight out. They're also brown and bigger than mine.

This fight went down about a week after I first talked to the guy who came to the bar. I had given him my number and he called to tell me he had found a girl for me to fight. He was offering pretty good money with a bonus for the winner. He told me about Mary and said he thought that since we were close to each other in height and weight it would be a good match. Mary had already agreed to it and so did I. Later on, we met and drove to a house. I went to meet Mary. I was expecting a little wrestling, maybe some slapping and hair pulling. Instead I got into the most mean, vicious catfight I've EVER had, and I've had a few!

As I approached the house, I started to get a little nervous about what was going to happen. When I got inside there were about 20 people there already. Most were men, but there were several women present also. They were there with their husbands and boyfriends. Mary was already there and we were introduced. It was a little awkward and we only shook hands briefly and mumbled "Hi".

Since everyone was there they were ready for the fight to start. Mary and I were taken to a large room that was thickly carpeted with only a few chairs by the walls for the women to sit in. We were directed to opposite sides of the room and asked to undress. There was no striptease or anything so we just stripped right there. We just stared at each other as we undressed, sizing each other up. I could tell we were about the same size overall, except she had more ass and I had a slightly larger chest. But we both had nice legs and well toned arms and stomachs. It looked like we both worked out and I figured she was about as strong as I was. I knew I wouldn't have any advantage if we got into it for real unless I could hurt her before she hurt me.

The signal was given to begin and we slowly approached each and started to circle. Unsure what to do I put my hands up like claws and so did she. I threw a slap at her stomach and she got me in the side. We circled and traded a lot of slaps to each other's bodies, mostly to our stomach and arms. We also got each other on our butt cheeks a lot. After a couple of minutes of this we were both covered in red marks and my stomach and ass were stinging. We kept going at it until she slapped the shit out my left tit, causing me to scream and back off. I looked down at my tit and it was as red as fire. She tried to pretend it was an accident, but I knew better. I got even with her: after we traded a few more slaps, I reached out and pinched the hell out of her left nipple. She started to yell, but I twisted it too, then gave it a good yank and backed off. "That was an accident too." I said. She didn't say anything and we went back to slapping each other for a few seconds. Then she got past me and nailed my left tit with a rabbit punch. I screamed and backed off, rubbing my poor titty. " Alright bitch, that's it!" I said and put up my fists. "Fine." She put up her fists and the fight was really on!

I led with a hard right to Mary's eye that made her scream and stagger away from me. I went after her, hoping to put her down with a shot to the stomach, but she got me first with a hard right across my mouth that split my lip. I staggered back and the bitch tried to grab my hair, but I busted her in the mouth. She went back and I went after her and got her by the hair. She hit me in the stomach, but I came up between her legs and punched her pussy. She gasped, but stayed up and grabbed my hair. We got both hands in each other's hair and started pulling. We were pulling each other's head back and staggering around the room, cursing, crying and screaming. Suddenly, Mary got hold of one of my tits (the right, I think) and started twisting my nipple. I tried not to scream and pulled even harder on her hair. She pulled on my tit then snatched down on it hard, making me scream and let go of her hair. I backed away, holding my tit. She stepped up and punched me in the stomach. I doubled over and she tried to force me down by grabbing my shoulders and digging her thumbs into the hollows. I got hold of both her nipples and twisted hard. She threw her head back and screamed. She tried to grab my wrists, but I snatched down hard on both tits, making sure my nails scored on her nipples. She backed away, clutching at her chest. I came at her and she hit me in the stomach. I tried to get her pussy, but just missed, right below her belly button. We were both bent over and gasping. I lunged at her and scratched the side of her face. She screeched and pulled away, checking for blood. She was pissed when she saw the blood from the scratches I put on her face.

We circled each other while we caught our breath and glared at each other. Neither one of us said a word, but it was clear that this wasn't going to end until one of us was on the floor unconscious or crying. I was angry, scared, and excited all at the same time. My nipples were rock hard and so were Mary's. That started as soon as she slapped my tit. Girls can fight without crossing a certain line, but when you go after a girl's tits, it's on for real, and unless someone stops it, you fight until one of you can't fight anymore. There's no "OK, you win." That's what I think, anyway.

After a minute or so we started back at it. Mary punched me in the stomach, but I saw it coming and tightened up. I hit Mary in the stomach, but she was ready too. We went at it, circling and trading hard stomach punches trying to see who take more, I guess. I think I could have taken her too, but she nailed me right in the pussy. I didn't see THAT coming! I doubled over and started cramping real hard and it was hard to breathe. I stayed on my feet and backed off as fast as I could. Luckily, she didn't come right after me, but took some time to catch her breath.

We circled each other again. Mary hit me with a right across my mouth, but I got her with a good punch to her eye that made her yelp. I went after her as she staggered back, hoping to put her down, but instead she punched me right square in the face. My head snapped back, things got kind of blurry, and I fell on my ass. I put my hands to my nose and they came away bloody. Mary got over me and started pulling me up by the hair. I got my feet under me and tried to pull her hands away, but I was still groggy. I was desperate, so I grabbed both her tits and squeezed as hard as I could. She threw her head back and screamed as I started pushing her toward a wall. She swung me around by my hair and started pushing ME towards the wall, so I tore my nails hard across both her tits. She screamed and covered her tits, and I grabbed her shoulders and shoved her back toward the middle of the room. She got hold of both my tits and squeezed. I screamed and tried to pull her hands away, but she scratched both my tits hard. I backed away covering my chest. She tried to grab my hair, but I punched her right in the pussy. We circled each other again, trying to fight, get at each other's tits, and protect them at the same time. The bitch managed to get a hold of my right one and twist it hard. She followed that up with a stomach punch. She grabbed my hair and scratched my face. I pulled away and hit her in the stomach. She bent forward, so I grabbed a handful of her hair. She got a hold of mine and we pulled each other around the room, screaming and cursing each other. After that didn't get us anywhere, we each grabbed a tit and started squeezing and clawing each other, without letting go of the hair. We traded some stomach punches then we moved down to each other's pussy. I got her with a punch and she reached down and started pulling pubes. I reached down and pulled hers.

We stumbled around the room screaming as we ripped out pubes, and then Mary scratched at my pussy and got my clit. That hurt like hell, so I slammed my fist into her crotch. She tried to pull away, but I tried to get her in a headlock. She threw her arm around my head and blocked me. I punched her in the stomach with my free hand and she got me back. We started just whaling on each other's head and face and both landed some hard uppercuts. We both fell to the floor all tangled up and refusing to let go of each other. We struggled up to our knees almost completely exhausted. We got face to face. Her face was pretty beat-up. Her mouth and nose were bloodied, there was a big welt on one cheek, and her eye was almost swollen shut. I didn't look any better.

We were both too exhausted to get up or even throw a punch, so we grabbed each other's tits and put everything we had into one last titfight. We squeezed and clawed at each other for what seemed like a long time until I FINALLY started to win. She started gasping and crying and trying to pull my hands away. Instead I said, "This is payback for my left tit." And ripped my nails across both her tits hard. She screamed and doubled over trying to cover her tits, but I shoved her and she fell flat on her back. I grabbed both arms and drove my knee into her pussy. Then I drew back and punched her twice across the jaw. I had knocked her out, but I didn't know that until after they pulled me away from her. And that's how I won (barely) my first arranged catfight.

The End
« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 06:03:55 PM by veks »


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Re: Sally vs. Mary ~Titfight
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 04:51:55 AM »
Hello Sally, love the story! I do have a question. Your opponent Mary sounds very similar to my ex girlfriend (she's in my profile). She just movied to Miami and is working as a stripper. The only difference is she's black/ white but for some reason she loves to speak spanish? Could this be the same girl?


Offline raker

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Re: Sally vs. Mary ~Titfight
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2011, 05:34:39 AM »


Offline yakut

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Re: Sally vs. Mary ~Titfight
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2012, 09:37:45 PM »
its gr8 .


Offline The Pain

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Re: Sally vs. Mary ~Titfight
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2013, 09:39:01 PM »
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 09:40:54 PM by The Pain »