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Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......

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Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2023, 07:20:28 AM »
    "Uhhhhh-Ooooohhh-Noooooo" Thunk.
     Long sexy legs, spread apart, kicked wildly; Victoria and Loni screamed as the two struggling beauties rolled to one side, fell off the table...
    "Ungggghhh," Loni gasped as Victoria somehow landed ontop.....She grabbed blonde hair, hissed and snarled.
     The two lovelies rolled around, legs entwined, talons clawing, grabbing for most sensitive female targets......
     "Get her; scratch her eyes out; pull her hair, grab he boobs, twist her titties," the shouts came as rapid fire as the angry moves.
     "Yeah....that's it,.....twist her nipples."
      Victoria had latched onto Loni's thick rock hard nips; twisted and pulled them viciously.
      "Amazing....Didn't know she had it in her," one entranced observer mused.....
      Bonk....A head butt...hard.....Victoria's lovely face contorted in a most pained grimace; her lovely eyes rolled....She released her double handful of luscious tit.
     "Now bitch---you're mine"....


Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2023, 10:39:15 PM »
          "Uhhhhhh...Oooooh....Umpphh," Victoria's moans sounded most erotic as the angry blonde took control.....a brief struggle, punches to ribs, abs and those luscious breasts brought Victoria pain; Loni sat ontop of her; treated her to head smacking slaps; forehand and back hand....she swatted at the evening soap actresses breasts causing whimpering yelps from those luscious sexy quivering lips.....
           "This is really fun," Loni snickered pausing her boob swats just enough to latch onto Victoria's "pride and joys", give them a slow squeeze.
           "Now that's a real dirty catfight," one observer noted.....
           "You gettin' horny Miss Victoria?" Loni asked with a sly, wicked smile.
           Everyone noted that both women sported fully erect rock hard nipples, and facial expressions with a mix of anger, rage, embarrasment, and that "lustful horny catfight" look.
           A flying fist out of nowhere; total surprise; Loni winced as feminine knuckles smacked her in the chin; She grunted, more in surprised annoyance than in pain. Rage; The blondes face registered sheer instant anger....She blushed.
           POW......Instant surprise punch PAYBACK. Victoria let out one last erotic gasp as her eyes fluttered shut....Her body gave an involuntary "I surrender."
          "Stupid were too easy, " Loni snipped as she gave her defeated rivals stiff nipples a good final twist....
           No response....."Yep you lose, I win," she said as she stood up and smiled.....Victory was sweet....


Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Big Bang Bang-Bang Catfight
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2023, 05:52:39 AM »
         The sultry brunette banged the lovely busty blondes head on the floor; sitting on blondies stomach, she pulled her hair and continued the painful head-banging....she was totally unaware of the blondes two friends approaching
up the staircase; they both gasped in surprise at the scene.
         "Stupid blonde bitch, do you like this, huh?" Prya snickered as she continued pulling the whimpering blondes lovely silky tresses. She pulled her head from side to side.....Every move seemed to further expose the dazed blondes full breasts, bulging out of her skimpy top.....
          "Oh my bestie......I should be on her side, routing for her, .......but I'm not.....Get her Prya...."

To be continued IF interest.....


Offline IRISH

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2023, 05:33:41 AM »
I for one am interested in the continuation of your story line,,,, Especially if it makes its way back to a certain hot brunette,  ;D


Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2023, 09:34:17 PM »
    "Oh my, she's attacking her boobs."
    "Uhhhhh, stop it, please, owwwuccchie!" the blond Penny bawled, pleaded.
    "This is sooooo hot," Amiee said, feeling flushed.....She wished her bestie would resist and fight, but it seemed incredibly hot....
    "Get her, Prya," Bernadette said enthusiastically.
    "Oh, SHUT UP, Short Stack," Amiee snarled...
     "Know why I called you short stack? Because youre short and you're stacked!"
     "Stop,....Let go of my boobs.....Ouchie...You're hurting my tits....."


Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2023, 12:49:35 AM »
       "Silly blonde bitch Penny, you don't fight very well huh?" Priya snickered as she squeezed, twisted, pulled the whimpering blondes breasts; she licked her lips as she tore the skimpy top in two....took an angry double hold onto those big beautiful full breasts....
       "Aieeeeeee," the blonde screeched as long strong sexy fingers dug into her breasts, then latched onto her stiffening pink nipples.
       "Wowwww -this is So HOT!"
       "YESSSSS....Almost Sexy hot!"
        "Come on....fight.....bestie....fight"......a half enthusiastic cheer escaped Amiess lips; she was indeed surprised that she wasn't cheering for her bestie......
        "Hey....whacha' doin?: Take it easy on my boobs," the short "stacked" blonde said as she swatted at the extra friendly warm hands carressing her up close and personal.
        Whack...whack.....Two fast stinging to each breast....
       "Owwww....Owwwww".  Penny yelped with each swat....She grabbed frantically----
       "Uhhhhhh. Argggggh.:.....