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Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......

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Offline kevan

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Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« on: April 28, 2023, 02:13:58 AM »
           Rumors are interesting....Who Knows If They are True or Ever REALLY Happened?
     There is usually at least a hint of reality in them.....sometimes they ARE real....and Really Happened.
     Who Knows? But they are interesting.....
     Scuffles, Hair Pulling, Slapping, Ripping of attire....and MORE....
     Here are some upcoming "Rumors" .....Including details.....Did they Happen....For Real.?
     Who Knows? Rumor had it........
         Penny vs Prya  (Big Bang...or so they say_
         Loni Anderson vs Victoria Principal
         Joans Revenge....(Joan Collins, Sophia Loren, Linda......So pretty, prissy Linda.....)
         Etc.....Hang on for "Rumors, Ltd" .....The CATFIGHT Edition.....
         Side Note: Feel Free to Contribute, Add On.....Comment.....After all they are Rumors........


Offline IRISH

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2023, 03:03:24 AM »
Karen McDougal does not like Pam Anderson... Is there a behind the scene reason?


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2023, 03:28:43 AM »
Deborah Norville vs Jane Pauley
Kirstie Alley vs Shelley Long
Chelsea Clinton vs Ivanka Trump
Nicole Kidman vs Katie Holmes
Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle


Offline VAKris

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2023, 04:40:16 AM »
Deborah Norville vs Jane Pauley
Kirstie Alley vs Shelley Long
Chelsea Clinton vs Ivanka Trump
Nicole Kidman vs Katie Holmes
Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle

Nancy O'Dell vs Melania Trump
Christie Brinkley vs Cheryl Tiegs
Karen McDougal vs Jenny McCarthy
Suzanne Somers vs Joyce Dewitt
Deborah Shelton vs Donna Dixon
Lynda Carter vs Jayne Kennedy


Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor--"Battle Times"
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2023, 11:52:18 PM »
              "Perhaps you'd prefer swords? Huh, bitch?" the busty blonde said with a sneer; she buried her fingers in the silky tresses of her rival; yanked hard, pulling the lovely head backwards; her free hand slipped around, latched onto a luscious firm partially exposed breast. A hard painful squeeze....she felt the nipple stiffen....She smirked....
              "Auggggghhh....let me go," Karen shouted....She couldn't believe how strong the blonde bimbo Pam was....."Perhaps I should have used a sword," Karen mused, thinking of her fights in the movie "The Arena." Seemed like a dream along time ago. She had wrestled a couple of blondes just for on off screen during the filming.....Mostly for fun and the entertainment of the tv crew.
              "How 'bout we show them a bit more of you girl?" Pam hissed.....She tore open the flimsy top, completely exposing Karen's left breast....She giggled when she saw her rivals nipple stiffen even more...A quick painful pinch...
              "Uhhhhhh," Karen groaned as Pam tightened her legs, shifted, turned, rolled Karen onto her back.
              Quick moves and the blonde was straddling her, sitting on her stomach. Stinging slaps brought Karen more pain, more embarrasment, more frustration.
              "C'mon fight.....fight CAN win...." Karen told herself this and she believed it.....
              Whunk......The flying fist connected....Pamela's lovely eyes rolled; the second blow from the other side was equally painful....The open handed slap landed squarely on the blonde's ear.....Instant dizziness.....and as Pamela would describe later..."Such funny weird sounds"......
               Karen bucked, summoning all those lovely muscles....Pam, poor Pammie went flying....Karen was on her feet in an instant.....She fired a kick to the stunned blondes belly, then her ribs; she reached down and with a
wicked smile she grabbed the overstuffed bikini halter top....
              "Let's see 'em, blondie" Karen hissed as she yanked the busty blondes' top up, then clean off.
              Whistles, catcalls and the shout of "CATFIGHT!" This was to be the really fun "ARENA."


Offline IRISH

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2023, 02:38:01 AM »
Outstanding my friend! I would love to see more of my girl roughing it up!



Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......Karen vs-part 2
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2023, 03:51:39 AM »
           "I'm gonna take her-Okay....Now!"
           The busty blonde charged the gorgeous Karen; she had seen Karen work over and strip Pamela Anderson; she actually got quite turned on watching Karen torture Pam's big titties; now she wanted to avenge her assumed blonde friend....she considered Karen a quite attractive sexy beauty and was kind of jealous. Jenny snarled as she leaped at Karen...
            "Gottcha you, lady, I'm gonna enjoy every minute of this."
             "Aieeeeeee" Rip....Thump...Punch....Slap......Ripppppppp-


Offline IRISH

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2023, 07:05:47 AM »
Another great installment my Brother! After your last post I started writing my own first encounter between Pam and Karen. But being Irish I am incapable of making a long story short.  I hope to post it soon, time permitting, to the celebrity story section. Now I have to see how things pan out between Karen and Jenny… Karen doesn’t like her either! Looking forward to your thoughts on the two…



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           "What the hell-" Uhhhh...Ummphhhhh ....Nuhh-Uhhhh'" Karens moans, groans sounded erotic as she tried to recover and fight back; she was totally caught off guard; relaxing in a private outdoor place, wearing a tight lowcut flimsy top and short, really short cutoffs......she had no idea Jenny was sneaking up on her.....ready to pounce....
            "Gonna pay you back bitch....for my friend, Pammie.." Jenny screeched as she yanked hard against Karens now torn top.....
            "Uhhhh......not so fast blondie," Karen rasped; she caught a swinging arm, twisted it hard, used it for leverage and slipped behind the raging blonde bombshell' her jaw throbbed from a punch; the side of her lovely face throbbed from a blistering slap.
            "Ouch....Owiwiiieee....My arm....let me go!" Jenny screamed; totally surprised her rival would recover, fight back so hard; she struggled to break free; she reached up and back, grabbed for Karen's lovely hair.
            "NO....Not today, sweetie," Karen hissed as she twisted the arm harder; she grabbed the blondes offending hands; dug her nails into her attackers soft inner wrist....
            "Aieeeeee....Arggggghhh" Jenny wailed.
             Karen buried her fingers in Jenny's hair with her free hand; jerked her lovely head back.....Lifted her gorgeous leg and thumped her knee hard into her ass.....She yanked the busty blonde backwards forcing her to show her massive chest.
             "Such nice big tits-too bad no one's here to see this," Karen snickered as blondie moaned.
             "Gonna treat you even better than Pammie," Karen laughed.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2023, 10:42:35 PM by kevan »


Offline IRISH

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2023, 09:20:37 AM »
Hey Brother check out the celebrity fight section for my take on why Pam & Karen don't get along...


Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2023, 01:32:47 AM »
     "Whaaaa? Ohhhhh...Umpfhhh" Karen gasped, grunted, moaned as she found herself flying over the top of her cunning rival; Jenny had learned a bit of judo from a friend and sent her rival "floating" over her head quite unexpectedly. A quick punch to Karens ribs brought an exasperated gasp.
       "Nice tits," Jenny laughed as she latched onto a luscious full breast. Her reward was an elbow to her chest and a hissing snarl. Karen had recovered quickly from the surprise judo flip move.....She grabbed for lovely golden tresses with both hands....
       "Bitch! Whore! cxnt! Slut!" were some of the nicer names the two called each other as they pulled hair, punched, slapped, engaged in quite sexy erotic wrestling moves, grabbed, twisted, pinched, slapped lovely breasts and for a devastating attack on their "Southern Regions."


Offline IRISH

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2023, 03:53:15 PM »
I'm on the edge of my seat!




Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2023, 08:56:49 PM »
         Karen's pleas and yelps went unheeded as the busty blonde carried out and "dug in" to those sexy cutoffs. The brunette screamed....her anger and pain blurred as her face blushed from pain and a hint of pleasure.....She bit her lovely lip, made a tight fist and swung; the wild punch turned lucky and clocked the blonde square in the chin...Wildly thrown elbows; a miss, then a hit....
         A blaze of desperate movement, Karen did a hard twist.....She was free....
         "My turn," Karen snarled as she felt much needed adrenaline coursing through her lovely body....Two punches yielded a blonde "bobblehead" and lovely eyes rolled.
         Whumpp....The punch to the lower belly had the blonde sucking air.
         "Can't breathe, sweetie?" "Let's see if this will help..."
         Ripppppppp.... What was left of blondies top sailed through the air.
         "Uhhhhhhhh" Jenny groaned as her rival lunged, put her in a bearhug; Four beautiful breasts met together in a most erotic manner.
         "Hmmmmmm, you remind me of Pammie" Karen snickered as she felt her rock hard stiff nipples press into the blondes. Jenny gasped.
         Both lovelies struggled, moaned, groaned; Jenny's moans turned into the most sexy whimpering as Karen won the struggle, her sensitive "bullet" nips inverting Jennys.
         Thunk......Head butts hurt like heck and often are the forerunners of total victory.
         "Need a rest? Then take a rest." Karen said as she released her arms and watched the dazed blonde slowly crumple.
          "Not quite done here----YET" Karen laughed as she licked her lips, caressed her own breasts, tugged at her nipples and dropped down to straddle Jenny sitting on her belly.
          "Time to compare---big boobed blonde with big boobed blonde....both fun to beat up, work over," Karen said; her hands reached out; her fingers got a grip; a double grip....
          "Hmmmmmmm......Nice....Big....Firm.....More natural I think....." Chuckle....Giggle....Snicker......
          "Nooooo....Stop.....Please.....Ummmmm....Ooohh....Noooooo".....lovely blonde now in defeat, could only moan, groan as her rival made the comparison......Pammie. or Jenny....Pammie or Jenny"
          "After I'm done, you can go sweetie......"


Offline IRISH

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2023, 04:34:38 AM »


Offline kevan

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Re: Rumor Had It......Series....Hot HOt ....HOT.......Blonde/Principal
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2023, 06:34:45 PM »
         "I don't like you!"
         Whoosh......The cold drink splashed all over the stunned beautiful soap opera star's dress......
         "Why you BITCH!" Victoria Principal screamed as she slapped the busty blonde bombshell hard across her lovely face.
          Loni winced, dropped the empty drink glass and reached for her angry opponents hair. She buried her fingers in Victoria's hair, twisted the silky tresses and jerked her head back and forth. Struggling for control the two stumbled around as they cussed, promised to do nasty things to each other; the nearby, lucky private party goers all seemed more than thrilled to see this kind of unexpected action.
         "Noooooo....Uhhhhh..." Loni screamed as she felt the front of her low cut dress give way to Victoria's angry claws.
          Pow! A moment's blush turned into fury as Loni fired a well placed punch to Victoria's chin snapping her head back dazing her and sending her stumbling backwards.
         "You're going down bitch" could have been the audible words had Loni said them; she lunged at the staggering beauty, grabbed the front of her gown, punched her square in the luscious now exposed left breast. grabbed two handfuls of hair and wrestled Victoria down onto a nearby table. Two long sexy beautiful legs kicked furiously; One heel went flying......
          "Umpphhh...Unggghhh.....Uurggggh." Victoria gasped, groaned, grunted as Loni applied a face claw and held her head down.....Her bent arm crushed down on a beautiful breast; she hissed and snarled at her downed rival as he raised her leg, pressed her knee into her crotch and applied force....
           "Uhhhhhh, stop....Let me go," Victoria whimpered, her chest heaving.
           "What's gonna happen now?" a lucky observer asked with a smile on his face.