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Feast of St John's 2023 bout

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Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« on: October 08, 2023, 04:46:37 PM »
Many of you, of all generations, have been caught up this fall in the excitement of The Golden Bachelor, where women aged 60 to 75 are proving they've still got it.

In the spirit of keeping up with the Cultural Zeitgeist, our school is proud to announce that December 27's annual fundraising catfight will feature two Class of 1978 alum's, Vicki and Laura, currently 63 years old each.

As an added bonus:  many of you will recall that the Mothers of these two distinguished graduates engaged in an epic FSJ brawl in 1976.

We can only hope:  Like Mother Like Daughter.

Interviews with the two combatants to follow in the coming weeks.

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2023, 11:41:44 PM »
Columbus Day weekend video release, Suzi Kolber podcast interview with Vicki '78, a 2023 Feast of St John catfighter.

SK:  Good afternoon, fight fans, and welcome, Vicki.  Might I say, you look spectacular.

V:  Oh, stop!  But thank you for having me, and in all seriousness, so sorry for all the ESPN drama this summer, but I'm glad to see you landed on your feet with a gig for Our School.  In all seriousness, this .... ummm, unique event .... every December 27 our most important annual fundraiser, and propels so many women into a successful adulthood .... and has for years ... well, we appreciate you covering the event for us.

SK:  Yes, I've been briefed by your Board on the rich history and tradition of this event .... and its role in your schools history .. . but more importantly ....  I'VE WATCHED SOME OF THE DAMN VIDEO from the catfights in recent years, and wow .... you ladies don't screw around, do you?  Hairpulling, fists, elbows, knees ... little bit of blood .... dang, is that what we can expect from you and Laura on December 27.

V:  So, I'll certainly agree .... Laura and I have a rich history to uphold .... and while I can't speak for her .... I can assure our alumni ... and hopefully pay-per-view subscribers .... that I've been training hard for a few weeks already, and will continue to do so right up to the 27th.  Despite ....

SK:  .... Yes, good segue..... despite your 63 years of life experience.  And, Vicki, while you certainly LOOK 63-going-on-41....

V: ...[blushing] .... oh, thank you....

SK:  .....There's some concessions Father Time just doesn't make.  Vicki .... and concerns about your ability to take the punishment of an all-out catfight?

V:  So, take on that topic is this..... first, my opponent, Laura is 63 as well .... so we're on a level playing field there ....

SK:  True.

V:  But, more importantly .... Suzi, I look at it this way..... in 2024, I'll be 64 ... in 2025, I'll be 65 .... et cetera .... Suzi, I need to pounce now.  The window is open now.  I'm doing THIS now.  Fighting Laura.  Before I'm another year older.

SK:  So true, and so wise.  As befitting your resume.  Vicki, why don't you fill everyone in on your many successes since graduating in 1978.

V:  Ok, well .... since you ask ... after graduating in 1978, I went to Hamilton College, and majored in French Literature.  I did a little bit of teaching .... at this school, and then at Catholic High Schools in the Northeast .... did some writing .... my published novels are on the website to this podcast .... I got in under the window before Amazon ruined independent publishing for authors .... I married a lawyer, who I've since divorced, but who let me piece together a living .... a frugal one, but a living nevertheless.... I learned the real estate game, and found my niche in a wealthy community in Maine .... always learning and growing, as per the ethos of Our School.  That's me in a nutshell, Suzi.

SK:  Well summarized, but....

V:  .....but??.....

SK:.... Well.... and catfights along the way, tigress?

V:  Ah, yes ... the catfights.... well, in school ... and at Hamilton .... I was athletic my entire youth ... track and field mostly ..  but, well, I 'discovered' powder puff football in high school.  And, well, Suzi, you hosted Monday Night Football, you must know this.... powder puff football is foreplay to a series of catfights.  The blocking in the tits, the the tripping, the slapping.  I loved the football ... and I loved the post-game catfights even more.  The adrenaline rush from catfighting .... I caught the bug at 18, and 45 years later, I've still got it.

SK ... Ah, yes, catfight foreplay.  More with Vicki after this commercial break.

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2023, 02:44:06 AM »
SK:  Ok, brass tacks, Vicki.  The inspiration for this year's FSJ fight, you versus Laura, is ABC's 'Golden Bachelor'.  Have you been watching the show?

V:  I have, and I have thoughts on both the man .... and the women.

SK:  Excellent!  Spill.

V:  Ok, first .... the bachelor .... Gary.  When I first saw the promo's for the season, he seemed kinda ...  I dunno ... boring .... beta-male-ish .... but I must say ...... he's growing on me .... smart .... successful .... authentic .... loyal to the wife, Toni, he lost, without pining for her. 

SK:  Worth fighting for?

V:  'Zactly where I was headed .... Yes, worth fighting for .... figuratively ...  AND literally.  He's won me over as the show has progressed.

SK:  Great .... p.s. I share your i
opinion of Gary .... and now .... drum-roll .... the women.

V:  Ok, now the women.  Not QUITE as catty as a younger cast .... as least not yet .... but one of the women .... Joan, the blonde ... I'll let you in on a secret, Suzi .... Joan's outfit, ... in the talent show episode....

SK:  We're showing it on the screen now....

V:  Ah, yes .... blue jeans, red sleeveless top.... Laura and I will be fighting in those clothes on December 27th.

SK:  Cute!  Jeans .... will you be able to ...  move .... sufficiently in those?

V: Well, we're gonna hafta, right? .... [nervous laughter] .... and ....  all kidding aside .... I wanted .... We BOTH wanted .... clothes that are tight fitting .... so we're not grabbing clothes ... so we're just ...  hitting each other.

SK: So you and Laura have been discusding this fight for some time?

V:  Since 1976 .... when our Mom's fought.

SK:  More between the unique Vicki-Laura rivalry .... 47 years in the making.... when we return.

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2023, 11:12:35 PM »
SK:  Suzi Kolber, back here with St John's '23 catfighter #1, the lovely Vicki, class of '78.  So, as we've alluded to a couple times this evening, your fight with Laura has been almost a half-century in the making.  What are some of the unresolved issues you two have with each other.

V:  That's right, Suzi, back to the beginning.  Laura and I were both recruited to the school in 1975 .... the dawn, the Stone Age .... of women's athletics .... we were both multi-sport athletes .....

SK:  The same sports as each other?

V:  No!!!  That's the thing, ... that's what bitches she and her Mom were ... Laura's sport was basketball .... she's tall like me, 5'10" .... and my winter sport was volleyball .... so there was NO REASON for her and me to be butting head .... all the plays on the basketball court were going thru her, ok? ... But Laura's petty mom gets it into her head that the school only has room for ONE superstar girl athlete .... so she's filling Laura's head with all these ideas ...
Don't let that Vicki think she's better than you.
Don't let that Vicki think she's more popular rhan you.
Don't let Vicki spend more time with the football captains.
By the way ..... the old-timers like me will already know this, but for those, say, 40 or younger:  Boys Football used to be HUGE at this school....qe were a feeder school for Notre Dame, Boston College, Miami of Ohio .... ya know, basically every Catholic college with a men's football team .... well, there were all these dances and pep rallies with the football team, and there was a tight end here who (later) was a 1977 Cotton Bowl winner at Notre Dame .... not to name names, but you can figure out who he was .... well, he kissed ME, in front of a thousand people, at an event Laura was expecting a kiss (and more, apparently, at), and Laura and her Mom were sad .... then mad ... then pissed.  Well, long story short, it was St John's nomination week, where school Mom's would challenge each other to catfights, then the alumni would vote for 3 fight ....

SK: .....a tradition which continued all the way until Covid in 2020....

V:..... that's right .... and Laura's Mom challenged MY Mom to a catfight.  Which was voted as one of the three 1976 fights, and won Fight of the Night.

SK:  Now .... what was it like with Laura knowing that your Moms were going to catfight ..... then that the DID fight.

V:  Well, so ok, part of the reason for the longetivity of the St John tradition is that the fights, in a controlled environment, were intended to DEFUSE the awkwardness between the two coed girls with a beef, or a bullying situation, or a love triangle, or whatever.  And I must say .... both pre-our Mom's fight and post- ..... it served that purpose remarkably well.  Laura and I were so MORTIFIED that our Mom's were GOING TO catfight .... then DID catfight .... that we avoided each other LIKE THE PLAGUE for years ... both at, and then adter, school.  It just seemed so .... unladylike.  Which was EXACTLY the feeling the organizers of the catfights wanted to coed's to feel. 

SK:  But then what happened.

V:  But then .... LIFE happened.  I moved away, got married, got a career.  Laura moved away, got married, got a career.  And our Mom's got old, got sick, and died.

SK:  I'm so sorry.

V:  Thank you .... and not to worry ... long time ago.

SK:  How old, may I ask?

V:  My mom, 70 .... Laura's 72.  No regrets.  But .... well, there was this, I dunno, .... , this ... loose end.  That .... it should have been Laura and me fighting .... not my Mom.

SK: Thoughts? ..... or acts?

V:  Thoughts, first.  3am musings.  Then daytime internet stalking.  Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn.  I found Laura on the 'net.

SK:  And?

V:  And ..... I WANTED TO FIGHT HER!. .... Like, what the fuck have we been talking about here, Suzy.

SK:  [Laughing] .... Ok, ok .... this is an interview ...  we need to here what you're thinking, Vick.  Did you ACT on these impulses.

V : Ha!  Does picking up the phone and dialling her first 9 digits count?

SK:  Not really.  Why do you think you didn't finish the call?

V:  Fair question.  Fear. 

SK:  Thst she would say 'No'?  Or 'Yes'.

V:  Both.

SK:  Why both.

V:  Well, if she say No, then that's it.  We're never gonna fight.

SK:  And if she says Yes?

V:  And if she says Yes, then one .... or both ... of us .... is getting hurt.

SK:  Do you think one of you is going to get hurt December 27?

V:  I guarantee it.

SK:  Laura will watch this, I'm sure.  What would you like to say to her?

V:  [Turns to camera] Laura, .... you're a bitch.  Imma fuck you up on Ddcember 27th.  Count on it.

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2023, 12:18:23 PM »
SK:  Suzi Kolber back here with St John's '23 catfighter number two, Laura, whose looking quite dashing as you can see.  Laura and I just finished watching my interview with Laura's December 27th opponent, Vicki, and we're gonna switch up the order of things here .... we'll get to Laura's bio and C.V. later, but first......Laura, you had something you wanted to say about Vicki.

L:  That's right, Suzi ..... and thank you for having me ..... I miss you on Monday Night Football, by the way .... Vicki, I want everyone to know ... has been nothing but a wart of my ass for forty-seven years ..... she tried way to hard being my friend ... frenemy, really, if I'm honest about it in school .... she specifically picked Hamilton College in the mistaken belief that I was going to Clarkson College, also in upstate New York .....

SK:  You actually ended up going to Providence College.

L: .... That's right .... But even that shit I can let go of ..... write it off as  youthful awkwardness .... Suzi, Vicki talks about internet-stalking me .... this was as soon as AOL came out in the early 1990s .... she and I wwre still in our, I don't know, late 20s, early 30s ..... whatever is was .... well, maybe 1997, let's say .... so maybe our mid 30s .... the point is, Vicki's at a point in her life where she .... all of us who are [air-quotes] 'normal' women should be neck-deep in relationships .... married, even, ..... kids, career, hobbies, chores, house cleaning, errands .... ok, already then the internet stalking was CRAZY.....

SK:  And how did you know it was Vicki doing this to you?

L:  Fair question ..... for awhile, Suzi, ....  I DIDN'T!!!!! ..... I was like, who is this stalker .... friend-requesting me, following me into chat rooms ..... is it an ex boyfriend?  a secret admirer? someone from work? .... well, long story short, as Facebook came along, and you could, especially with LinkedIn, buy premium membership and see who was viewing your profile, I eventually busted her stalking me .... one day, I was, Shit, it's Vicki from high school.  What a bitch.

SK:  And you thought her intentions were, what?  Romantic?  Envy?  Something more sinister?

L:  Honestly?  I thought romatic at first.  The bi-curious thing we all get when our first husband lets us down, and we realize how deeply flawed most men are.  She and I coincidentally got divorced around the same time.

SK:  And you knew this how?  There was some mutual cyber stalking going on, then?

L:  There was .... TO PROTECT MYSELF .... I started connecting with her under an alias .... pretending to be different women .... to find out why SHE was following ME.  In my defense, I was watching a lot of Lifetime then.

SK:  Would you have been agreeable to pursuing something romantic with Vicki at the time?

L:  A relationship?  No way.  Too much baggage between her and me.  But .... was I lonely at that point in my life? .... Sure, there were times I was.  A woman has needs, right?

SK:  Interesting.  Let's explore more what got Laura to that place in her life, when we return.

To be continued.....


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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2023, 03:15:14 AM »
SK:  Suzy Kolber, back here with one of our St John's 2023 catfighters, Laura.  Now, Laura .... both now and since the late 1970s .... by any objective standard .... you're smart .... athletic ..... attractive .... connected, right? ....

L:  I'll admit graduates of our school are connected .... elitist, even.

SK:  .... thank you for using the 'e' word first .... so, Laura .... how does someone like you get to the point of binge-watching Lifetime movies and counter-stalking Vicki?

L:  Ok ..... so ... and I'll answer the question, but.... for the record .... 'binge-watching' and 'counter-stalking' are your words .... not mine ....

SK:  But fair?

L: ..... i'm answering .... please ..... I'll answer .... but, yeah .... so .... the late 1970s was kinda the last gasp .... I guess you'd call it .... of the Catholic Guilt heyday of sexuality .... meaning .... no sex before marriage .... no 'near occasion of sin', it was actually called .... if you can believe it ..... no experimenting .... no exploring.  No learning as you go.  Just .... hop in the marriage bed on your Wedding Night .... and hope for the best.  Well, surprise surprise .... I did that .... with a perfectly fine, red-blooded male .... and I sucked at it.  I couldn't relax enough to fuck.  I couldn't suck cock without gagging .... without biting the tip .... couldn't even give a hand job..... Suzy, it was horrible.  He waited for me to get better at it ....  well, THAT might have eventually happened .... but think of all the negative reinforcement which was building up in his head about me.  Nothing enjoyable about being around with me.  I was clueless about guys. 

SK: I'm sorry.

L:  Yeah .... so .... it was bad.  So .... we got divorced ..... and divorce that soon after marriage is pretty mortifying.  So .... my bad habits .... well, what do you expect?

SK:  So..... were you mortified that VICKI knew all this was happening.

L:  Oh, hell yeah .... that was the worst .... the absolute worst ..... her thinking I wasn't straight ... that I was repulsive in bed .... that I had a disease.... venereal of otherwise.  I knew she was dying to hear the real deal.  It's like ... mind your own business, bitch.

SK:  How much of her behavior during this time was real, though? .... and how much was you projecting it on her?

L:  Little bit of projecting, sure .... But she was laughing her ass off.  I don't need a videotape to prove it.  I just know.  Women's intuition.

SK:  And you want payback December 27th.

L:  Yep.  Sure do.

SK:  Folks.... siya on December 27th.


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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2023, 03:28:31 AM »
December 8, 2023
Suzy Kolber-Miesha Tate interview

SK:  Happy Friday, fight fans.  It's December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, and Miesha Tate is here to handicap the upcoming Vicky-Laura St John's catfight.  Miesha, you saw the ladies' October interviews with me, you've been at the gym training with each.  Your impressions, please, Ms Tate.

MT:  So hello, Suzy, and yeah ..... great interview with rhe fighters in October .... you helped us get to know each of them a bit.  Maybe not as much as the Golden Bachelor ladies .... [chuckles] ..... but, ummm, can we take a second.l?  Ya know, on Immaculate Conception?  So it's 17 days till Christmas, right?  Everyone always asks ..... how did the Conception of Jesus happen 17 days before His birth.

SK:  And .... of course .... it didn't .... because ....

MT:  That's right .... because the Immaculate Conception was the conceiving of MARY .....

SK:  ..... Jesus's mother, by HER parents....

MT:  ....That's right .... Mary was conceived, miraculously without Original Sin .... by HER parents, Joachim and St Anne ..... on this day .... I just thought it was important we acknowledge the Queen of All Saints on this solemn day.

SK:  And you have.  Well done, Miesha.  Now .... speaking of Queens.  Who will emerge as the Queen of Catfights on December 27?  The Vivacious Vicky?  Or the Laid-Back-Laura?

MT:  So I know Laura came off in the video interview as ... low-energy ... shall we say?  Laura's an introvert, Vicky's an extrovert.  HAS NO IMPACT on fighting potential ....  I assure you.

SK:  Really?  Is that actually true.

MT:  It's actually true.  Laura isn't damaged .... she's not harboring some latent bagfage .... I know she has a broken relationship in her past ...  but who doesn't at our age, right Suzy?

SK:  Fair.  Hell, I got laid off from ESPN this summer.

MT:  So ...anyways .... people are making a mistake if the just assume that Vicky's higher energy on the mike, as we say, will translate in the ring.  It may .... it may not .....

SK:  Ok, so what WILL happen in the ring??  Keping in mind these ladies are 63.

MK:  So, they're both a YOUNG 63.  They're gonna each bring it.  They each have a mean streak.  And zhey do .... not .... like .... one another AT ALL, Suzy.  They're out for blood.

SK: I definitely sensed that in October.  I'm anxious to see them in the same ring ... at the same time.

To be continued.....


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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2023, 03:56:41 PM »
Suzy Kolber interview with Jesse Palmer.

SK:  Given that the Vicky-Laura St. Johns's fight in 17 days is inspired by tge ladies of this season's Golden Bachelor, we thought we'd get the perspective of a man who knows a bit those women--Golden Bachelor host Jesse Palmer.  Jesse, you've watched the interviews with both women .... as well as Miesha Tate's take on their fight training .... what should we know about women in their seventh decade?

JP:  Thank you for having me, Suzy.  Well, viewers of this season are fully aware, if they weren't already, that women of that age group certainly get the same urges as women of any age .... the desire for companionship, approval, and, yes, as illustrated by Lesley, for example, .... a desire for sex.  The drive is still there, and the skill and the confidence is perhaps greater than ever.  And certainly Vicky and Laura, having been athletes, and taken care of their bodies for years, .... are aware of their strengths and vulnerabilities.  So, yeah .... this will be a fight .... an actual chick fight.

SK:  So, let's cut to the chase .... who wins on December 27th?

JP:  So, I know the internet says Vicky in a rout .... but I gotta say .... I'll take the underdog, Laura.  She has this brooding, seething thing going on underneath ... I think she's harboring a grudge that neither lady has opened up about.  Keep in mind ... the Golden Bachelor ladies didn't know one another before the show.  The gloves never really had time to come off.  Laura-Vicky has been a half century, almost, in the making.  Go, Laura!

To be continued....


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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2023, 12:46:07 AM »
Dec 13, Suzy Kolber interview with Vicky

SK:  Vicky, thank you for joining us tonight.  It's 14 days zo go before your St John's fight with Laura .... how are ya feelin'?

V:  Suzy, I'll get to that shortly.... but first .... a shout out to YOU....

SK:  Moi?

V:  Yes, that's right, to YOU, Suzy .... and to this year's Fight Committee .... Suzy, I think it's WONDERFUL that you and Miesha Tate gave a shout out to Immaculate Conception last Friday .... our school's main mission, after all, IS the evangelization of Catholicism.... Suzy, today, December 13th, is the Feast of St Lucy.  A third century Roman martyr.  Suzy, St Lucy, as she was killed, had her eyes gouged out.  So, in my book, that makes her the patron saint of catfighting.

SK: Ooooo, Vicky .... eye gouging .... are you telling me you and Laura will be engaging in that 2 weeks from tonight.

V:  Well .... eye GOUGING ..... maybe that going too far .... [laughter] .... but eye scratching?  Watch out, Laura.

SK:  Tomorrow night, I interview Laura.  I'll show her this clip.

V:  Please do.  Hi, Laura.

SK:  Who wins on December 27th?

V:  Team Vicky.  Not even close.

To be continued.....


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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2023, 03:54:42 PM »
Suzy Kolber interview with Laura, December 14

SK:  Good evening, St John fight fans.  We're down to less than two weeks to go for the epic showdown between Vicky and Laura.  Laura, we scheduled this interview for the Feast of St John of the Cross, who is, of course, a completely different person than Saint John the Discipile, on whose feast day you'll be fighting's saint lived 15 centuries after his name sake, and is known as the Mystical .... or contemplative .... Doctor of the Church.  Laura, you've come to be known as their more contemplative of the 2 fighters this year, while Vicky is the Woman of Action, if you will.  Have you seen her comments about St Lucy and eye scratching?

L:  I have .... and that's typical Vicky, in the 47 years I've known her....

SK: How so?

L: .... well, if you'd let me finish for once .... Suzy, you always let Vicky ramble on and on .... Vicky always makes everything about her.  She always has.  I want a piece of Vicky just as much as she wants a piece of me.... and I always have.  But, Suzy, this night is supposed to be about the school .... at its heart, it's a fundraiser .... as well as a tradition ....

SK: But, let me stop you there .... real quick, I promise .... isn't she generating excitement and interest in this fight with her provocative comments?

L:  She's doing it for herself, ok?  She's not even doing it to get a rise out of me.  Like SOME of the Golden Bachelor women .... the charismatic ones .... she's trying to parlay December 27th into a career, ok?  A reality TV career is possible, or as an add-on to her career as a writer and real estate agent, ok?  Cuz the real estate career ain't cutting it anymore--no existing houses are moving .... because of mortgage rates, ok? .... and the 6% real estate commission is toast.  Ok?  And she hasn't save enough at 63 to retire, ok?  This is all about Vicky making money for Vicky.

SK:  Some bold accusations from Laura.  And some BALLS from Laura, I might add.  Slapped me right down to my face, honey.  I like it.  Feisty.  Anything to say to Vicky?

L:  Vicky .... let's do it .... in 2 weeks ... let's eye gouge .... let's choke .... let's nipple twist.  No rules, ok?  You and me, sweetie.  No.... rules.

To be continued.....


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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2023, 03:20:18 PM »
Suzy Kolber/Miesha Tate discussion, minutes after the Vicky/Laura St John's fight on 12/27/2023.

SK:  Welcome fight fans.  Welcome, Miesha.  I don't even know where to begin, except by saying .... WOW!

MT:  Really, Suzy, right?  You guys brought me in for my MMA expertise .... striking, grappling, footwork, cardio even .... but we didn't see much of that in the ring tonight, now did we?

SK:  Spot on, Miesha ... we saw none of that.  From the opening bell .... that was just two .... ahem, ladies ... trying to scratch each others' faces off.

MT:  Faces, eyes, teeth .... well, hey, here's something I can contribute maybe .... there's an old-school dirty MMA move ..... long since banned .... called a "fish hook" .... exactly what it sounds like .... where you get two fingers inside your opponent's mouth, sink them inside of her cheeks ... and just start pulling.  Totally painful, totally dangerous.  And not even 2 minutes into the fight, these 2 women are fish hooking each other.  I knew right there we were in for a treat.

SK:  i did notice that.  But, Miesha, talk to me about the eye scratching.  Have you ever been tempted to do that to another woman?  IN or OUT of the ring?

MT:  Tempted?  I don't know, maybe at the worst of my feud with Rhonda Rousey .... before Holly Holm taught her some manners and took her off her high horse.  But the way both women ... Vicky AND Laura .... just went for it and DID IT .... just, no hesitation .... well, that my MY adrenaline going .... and pretty much ever woman who sees this fight in the fight.

SK:  I'm glad you brought that up.... the social media buzz about this fight just seems destined to go viral .... will people pay money to watch this?

MT:  You're crazy of you don't, I mean, right?  No rules?  Where else are you gonna find that.

SK:  Miesha,.... care to speculate what the women will go thru tonight?  Any regrets on their part, do you suspect?

MT:  Well, tonight .... and tomorrow .... they'll be in a fog of painkillers and other medical treatment ... but that wears off eventually.  Yeah, their bodies will be aching.  And their faces.  They eon't wanna look in the mirror for awhile.

SK:  On New Year's Day, next Monday, I'll be speaking to each fighter.  If they're able.  Be sure to join me.

To be continued.....


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Re: Feast of St John's 2023 bout
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2024, 05:56:59 PM »
Suzy Kolber New Year's Day interview with Laura.

SK: Happy New Years Day 2024, fight fan.  And welcome to 2024, Laura.  Our 2023 Feast of St John fight champion!  Laura, it's not without a little trepidationthat I ask this, .... given those scratches and scrapes on your face and forehead .... but here goes:  How are you feeling?

L:  Happy New Year, Suzy.  And, well, like any fight.... certainly the glow of victory makes a wounds .... visible and invisible, I might add ..... more bearable.  As well as being able to say, 'You should see the other girl.'

SK:  Yes, we'll have Vicky on later today.  Laura, I think everyone who watched the fight last Wednesday are thinking just about the same thing:  what WAS  the feud between you and Vicky all about, that you would go sfter each others' FACES so viciously?  Right ftom the opening bell?

L:  Well, first .... with the long slacks and coats they had us wearing .... I guess because they assume a 63 year old woman's flesh and figure isn't sexy .... our faces WERE the only exposed parts of our bodies.

SK:  But Laura, Laura .... you two weren't SLAPPING each others' faces ...  you were GOUGING ....

L:  Well, slow down ... please let me finish for one, Suzy .... I think I've earned THAT .... I thought it came across in the pre-fight interviews .... Vicky has had a ddcsdes long sick obsession with me .... stalking me, catfishing me ..... and then out of no where ANNOUNCES that she's going to scratch my eyes out in the fight .... She wanted a war .... She got one, didn't she?

SK:  And, ok .... I partly get it .... but set aside the December fight build-up.... Laura, cutting to the chase .... was there ever an actual RELATIONSHIP .... an, actual, ummm, liaison between you and Vicky? 

L:  During school?  When she was stalking me?

SK:  Well, I meant when you two were in your 40s.  But YOU tell ME, Laura.... when you two were students, did you two, like, kiss?

L:  There were spin the bottle sessions....three minute in heaven games .... yes any chance she got, she's plant one on me, grope me.  Technically concensual .... but all intended, on HER part, to lead to more.

SK:  So Vicky was bi back then?  And you were straight? .... cutting to the chase.

L:  I'd describe it more as.... it was 1978, and I was a practicing Catholic.... '"condemn the sin, not the sinner".... while Vicky was, experimenting, exploring.

SK:  i think I see.So she feels REJECTED by you, basically?

L:  That's how I see it.  A jilted lover.

SK:  Fascinating.  We'll be back with more from Laura after a short break.

To be continued.....