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The Match of a Lifetime

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The Match of a Lifetime
« on: October 29, 2023, 08:10:50 PM »
Author’s note: For those of you who just want to get to the wrestling. This story is marked in sections. I highly recommend that you read it all to fully understand what’s happening, but both the build up and the match sections have fighting.


The soft white hands lightly hooked under his chin as they pulled back in tandem. The light groans from the stretch almost sounded bored when combined with the absolute silence of the room. The move was lightly painful but it was easy to tell that the beautiful hands wrapped around his chin were holding back. The ass on his was unsteady and clearly amateur at best. The silence was really starting to get to him. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine something… anything… to take away this sheer boredom.  “Just like this, right?” came the soft voice of his wife, Alexis, cutting through the silence. It dragged him, kicking and screaming, from his daydream. It was quiet for a minute before a soft sigh could be heard breaking the silence like a baseball breaking a houses window. “Just like that hun.. You’re doing great.” It was hard to sell a lie like that. It was like scamming an old lady or… lying to your wife. Finally, once the hint of an erection was gone, he tapped out on his wife’s leg “Okay babe, you got me!” It was unenthusiastic and borderline sarcastic. She cautiously pushed his face down into the bedspread, rubbing it back and forth which irritated him more than anything. “Yeah… you like that.. you.. Loser?” It was almost like she was asking, not telling, which made whatever magic that was there go out like a blown out candle. Finally she hopped off him, her shimmering white hair lightly bouncing round her shoulders as she sat there with a smile. Daniel rolled onto his back begrudgingly but of course smiled right on back at his wife. Even if the wrestling wasn’t exactly what he wanted, he loved her and her spirit all the same. Hell, the fact she even did this crazy little fetish for him at all was way more than he could ever hope for in life. “Soo… did you want me to sit on your face now? Loser.” She lightly stuck out her tongue, so playful and cute that it could make one’s heart melt just from looking at her. Facesitting was his biggest piece of this fetish but again he wished she’d just do and not ask. “No.. I think I’m good for tonight. Thanks for offering though sweetheart.” Alexis’s face transformed from that cute and sexy smile to just the slightest tinge of a frown. “Was there something in there that I did wrong?” “Of course not honey. Everything was perfect. You’re perfect… Down to your last beautiful curve.” Again her smile protruded but he could still see the lightest amount of worry on her face. They had this conversation almost every time. Sometimes Daniel would try to align the pieces in such a way that was more enjoyable and sometimes it would work but most times it just felt too… scripted. “Anyways, I’m exhausted. You really put me through the ringer this time- ” A quick interruption from his wife broke his sentence in two. “Oh! I hope I didn’t actually hurt you. I’d hate to do that.” All Daniel could follow up with was a light laugh. “Gosh no hun, you didn’t hurt me. Though sometimes I wish you would. Can we go on ahead and get some sleep though? I’m exhausted.” Alexis’s frown deepened as her brow furrowed. Her fingers lightly wrapped around a small string of hair. “You know I’ll do anything for you.. but I just don’t know if I could ever really hurt you like they do on TV.” He smiled at her and leaned in, pressing his lips lightly against hers. He really did love every inch of her. The cherry tasting lip gloss rubbed off lightly on his tongue as he savored the kiss. “I know you wouldn’t sweetheart. As I said earlier. Everything was perfect.” With that the two laid in bed, pillows strewn around the base with sheets unset from the corners all waiting to be fixed in the morning. The two warm bodies wrapped around each other like thread, inseparable as they used each other for warmth.

Daniel awoke to the slight chattering of his teeth as the lovely smell of bacon, eggs and other breakfast delights filled his senses. He groaned, sitting up and lightly rubbing his neck as he popped out of bed, running his fingers through his eyes. His feet slowly trudged towards the kitchen, dragging with every single step as he walked into the kitchen putting his hand on the wall to keep himself up. Sitting in front of him was the most beautiful thing one could expect to see in the morning. A freshly brewed pot of coffee with a cup poured for him. He smiled and greedily grabbed the drink, sipping on it when finally his eyes centered on his beautiful wife. She was still in those damn wrestling shorts from last night that would make any man’s eyes pop out of his head. Tight, white and spandex all combined into one titillating combination. The seam up her crack could easily be replaced with his nose and the nearly see through material gave hints and suggestions that would make any persons mind crawl through the possibilities. Her butt filled out every inch in a beautiful way that had made Daniel’s mouth water. On top a soft sweatshirt hung over her breasts which had slightly started to sag yet were still perky, nipples lightly tenting up the top. Her curves covered yet she pulled off the outfit in such a way that it was homely and safe. It made Daniel just want to go in for a hug since she looked so soft. A smile lightly covered his features as he came in behind her, lightly wrapping his arms around her supple stomach as he pulled her close. A kiss from his lips lightly tickled her neck as she giggled “Stop! I need to finish this.. You’re getting grease everywhere!” He lightly laughed before pulling back. “Need any help?” “Help? You mean you want to eat burned bacon and ruined eggs?” Another laugh erupted from the two. “Well I can always do the dishes.” She smirked. “You mean you will do the dishes. Loser.” She stuck out her tongue again before turning back, brow furrowing, concentrating on flipping the bacon in such a way as to not get burned.

Daniel finally ended up at the table, feet up as he scrolled through his phone, looking at the local news. His eyes glanced from topic to topic. National, statewide and then finally he ended on the local events. He scrolled and scrolled but just as his finger was about to skip to the next (boring) topic it stopped dead in it’s tracks. “Old sightfield gym looking for extra revenue streams has opted to renting out it’s wrestling ring to aspiring wrestlers.” His eyes sparkled, it was like some type of dream, something he’d only read about in those fictional stories he was addicted to online. The price was steep but he could definitely afford it, especially with that raise he had just earned last year. He could rent it out, find his wife an opponent, watch from the side lines- Wait… what the hell was he thinking? The world slowed. His eyes glanced to his wife again who had just finished up breakfast and was walking to him. It was like he was in a daydream, if just for a moment. He loved the idea. He’d fantasized about it on multiple occasions. His wife bending over the ropes of a wrestling ring was one of his biggest fantasies… but did he really want her to get into a ring with some random woman and run the risk of getting hurt?

“Whatcha looking at? Oooh a wrestling ring. That would amp up our little matches to the next level, wouldn’t it?” His wife was suddenly behind him, looking down on his phone with a small smirk playing on her features as she set down his plate in front of him. She was obviously joking but the redness that lightly flushed over her husband’s cheeks gave off quickly erased that tone from her voice. “Uh… You’re not actually thinking about renting that out are you? I mean… lets be real.. we have everything we need here sweetie. Besides, matches on a nice big bed are much more comfortable than some cold hard ring.” Daniel’s voice stuttered. He really didn’t know what to say here. I mean how do you even really broach this subject? “Well…. I-I-I mean I don’t know. It could be kind of interesting.” Alexis’s kind eyes looked him over, she seemed at least open to the subject as she sat defensively in the chair across from him. “Interesting in what way?” Daniel sighed. He just had to come out and say it if he wanted this to move forward. Besides, the worst she could say was no and then he could move on. “I was actually stuck on the idea of you… maybe wrestling another woman…” The room was silent, Alexis’s face instantly got a bit red as her cheeks flushed. She was having trouble starting a sentence. Her voice was like a car, it just kept turning over. “Well I-… Hmm… Uh.. Well I-. I mean… Why do we need to bring another woman into this? Am I...- Am I not enough?” Daniel’s face was flush red at this point as his fingers drummed on the table, he regretted even bringing this up and tried to renegade on his decision. “No! No, nothing like that. If we ever agreed to do this it would be some random girl on the internet but you know.. It’s okay, me and my big mouth right? Let’s just forget I said anything.” Her hand reached across the table, it slowly wound itself over his, fingers intertwining as she looked at him with light tears in her eyes. “You know. I’ve noticed you haven’t enjoyed our bouts nearly as much lately. If this is something you really want… maybe I can make it work.” Her lips upturned as she ended on a joke. “Besides, I get to kick some trashy bitch’s ass and you get some beautiful shots of me being sexy… I think it’s a pretty fair trade off.” Daniel’s mouth dropped. Was this real? He wasn’t still dreaming right? I mean, his wife had always been sweet and accepting but this felt too good to be true. His voice stuttered, the flush redness disappearing to make room for clear and unconstrained excitement. The changing emotions more than enough to give anyone whiplash. “Uh.. Uhmm… Of course! Of course! I guess we should start looking for someone you can take on then. Let’s look together. I have plenty of places we can check.” He grabbed her hand, he wasn’t wasting a second, even pulling up the wrestling ring on his phone in preparation to rent it. Alexis and Daniel walked to his office, hand in hand. Up next was the planning stage, couldn’t have a match without an opponent.

The Build Up
The next few days stretched into weeks as the amount of work piled up. “Ugh.. Guess we can say goodbye to that vacation to the grand canyon.” Came Daniel’s slightly defeated voice as he clicked on the big red ‘RENT’ button right in the center of his screen, slumping back in his office chair. Alexis laughed “Less hiking is always a plus for me, besides I’ll be doing my exercise quota for the week in the ring.” Every time she even said the word ‘ring’ Daniel’s face got just a tad bit red and he swore he could feel his shorts tenting up just the slightest. It was almost like when they were talking about getting married, except in that regard the word ‘ring’ made him sick. Daniel’s mouse clicked around on the screen for a few moments before pulling a single tab from the mess of 20 – 30 tabs he had in the background. A whole host of ladies popped up on the screen. Most of them seemed as serious as they came. They wore the complete ensemble, the boots, the leotards and hell, some even had masks on. The biggest problem here was that most of them looked like they could snap Alexis in half like a toothpick.  “So.. did you end up having a chance to look at any of these ladies?” “Mmmhmm” “Did you find one you could take?” “Actually…. no. They’re all way too big and strong. However, and please be open to this, my friend Mira peeked over my shoulder and saw one of our text messages talking about an opponent. She then told me she’d actually like to be.. said opponent.” Daniel’s mouth just about dropped again. He had met Mira on multiple occasions and she was actually pretty friendly. She definitely didn’t seem to be the wrestling type. His mind lightly went over the possibilities and Alexis looked down to see his shorts tenting once again. “Wow! She turn you on that much? Jeez and I thought I’d be the main attraction!” Her voice teasing and joking, she lightly giggled as Daniel’s face lit up red like a Christmas tree. “She’s perfect though! Same height as me, roughly the same weight as me and she has the exact same experience level as me, at least I think so.” Daniel was more than okay with this however the main reason he wanted a stranger was so that way the match was.. a bit more brutal. Rivals were way more likely to integrate trash talk, harsher moves and more humiliation into their matches than friends. He needed assurance that this wouldn’t just be some friendly and cute match. Just as he opened his mouth Alexis cut him off in a mocking tone. “Before you say ‘Oh your just friends, you’ll go easy on eachother.’-” Her Daniel impression was actually quite good. “Mira actually wanted to have… sort of a meetup here to build a sort of rivalry for the ring!” Daniel sat up in his chair, mouth lightly open as he tripped over his words for a soft second. “Uhmm.. Uh.. Well! Perfect!” He was really starting to wonder how all these pieces seemed to line up perfectly. There really must be some type of guardian angle looking out for him.

The night was filled with nightmares.. or were they wet dreams? Only the morning would tell. Sights and scenes of stretches and screams filled the ring that was sitting there in the dark void. His wife’s face on full display as her teeth gritted together before erupting in a scream that could wake the dead. Torture racks, Boston crabs.. the list went on and on, all happening to his poor wife. He was trying to wake up, to leave this nightmare but in the deepest holes of his brain, he secretly wanted more. The scene finally began to fade and Daniel’s body moved without him even telling it to. Sweat beads fell off his head as he sat up in bed with a start, his shorts wet and sticky. The patch of bed next to him began to lightly tumble as Alexis turned to face him just as Daniel was lifting the sheets. Her eyes lightly fluttered as she groggily let out a cute giggle. “Wow… Looks like someone was having a good dream? Imagining me winning?” “Yeah!… That’s it, you caught me.” She smirked not noticing her Husband’s shameful look as he hopped out of bed and stretched, they only had a few hours to get things ready for Mira’s arrival.

The living room was done up like some sort of amateur shoot for a wrestling match. Daniel had spent days preparing for this and he’d be damned if he didn’t get it just right on the first go. Red puzzle piece mats sat as the center piece of the room. Some haphazardly hung lights sat above the mats giving plenty of light to the arena down below. The couches had been moved in a bit to give the appearance of a ring. Daniel’s eyes surveyed his work as he stood right next to the makeshift ring, his arm hanging over one of the sides. It was quite a lot of setup just for build up but in all honesty it looked just as perfect as he had imagined it. Right here in his living room, two beautiful ladies would be facing off on the mats. To make this build up perfect and to give the girls an actual reason to wrestle, they had agreed that each girl would have the opportunity to do three things to her opponent. The moves couldn’t be too brutal. Instead the moves would be more centered around that humiliating element that wrestling always gave off. By the end of this, Daniel’s hope was that the girls had some type of friendly rivalry running between them that could make their ring fun a bit more ‘real’. Even though he had asked many times, Alexis still refused to tell him what she had chosen to do to Mira, which just made Daniel more curious and excited. Footsteps in the hallway made Daniel look out as he was greeted by two of the most sexy women he had ever seen. His eyes inched over his lovely wife first. Knee high rainbow socks lightly trailed up her feet and stopped dead right at her thighs, making them thicker from the tight elastic material. Those signature red shorts that he loved so much covered her front side. They would almost seem painted on to any outside observer but a closer look (like face to ass type closer) would instantly spill the secret that they were just a few sizes too small. Her soft stomach lightly puffed out around the edges of the shorts like a light fluffy cloud that sometimes Daniel laid his head on. Her full breasts filled out the entirety of a red sports bra which seemed to keep everything in place quite nicely. Her face gave a bit more away though. She looked slightly nervous, her teeth sometimes disappearing over her lips to bite at them. Her finger nails also looking a tad bit ravished as she almost pulled up her hand for another bite before realizing where she is, her hand going right back down. Her feet lightly tapped at the hardwood floors which just made her thighs jiggle even more in the tight attire. Then her eyes settled on Daniel and like magic her nerves quickly cleared while she put on a much more confident look and smile. Daniel’s eyes lightly drifted to Mira. His eyes glanced to her feet, then right on up to her head, then to her feet again, then head again. Over and over his eyes played this game as if he still couldn’t believe that one of Alexis’s friends would actually play into his little fetish. Her feet were also adorned in knee high socks however hers were red with three white stripes outlining the top. She was so similar to his wife that the differences were almost hard to find the further down you looked. Their thighs nearly the same size, getting puffed up by the socks. Their shorts nearly the same just in different colors (Mira’s being white) and their breasts were also just about the same size in sports bras but again.. different colors (again Mira’s being white). Mira had focused her outfit more around white where as Alexis had went red. The more Daniel looked though, the more the subtle differences came through. Mira’s legs were muscular when she stood the correct way, showing off powerful thighs and coursing leg muscles. Her tummy was way more toned and flat and you could tell that with just the hint of flexing a six pack could be seen hiding just from view. Her arms, twigs like his wife’s, showed plenty of muscle when she changed poses. The more prominent differences all laid in the facial features. Alexis was much more pale than Mira. Mira’s face was also dotted with cute little freckles and last but not least, Mira had rich brown hair like that of a coffee with light creme. Unlike Alexis, Mira came out and was instantly looking at Daniel, a small playful smirk tugging on the edges of her lips. She looked confident, much more confident that either Daniel or his wife.

“Dan! It’s so nice to see you again. It’s been a minute hasn’t it?” Mira’s voice nearly sounded fake, like she didn’t mean a single thing she ever said even though her facial features gave off the opposite affect.   Her light foot falls could be heard throughout the whole living room as she strutted forward. Alexis nearly seemed caught off guard and hurriedly rushed to keep up, almost tripping over herself. “Yeah! It has been a minute… Sorry about that” Daniel looked down towards the ground, his face going a tad bit red once again. “Anyways, thanks again for agreeing to do this, especially on such short notice.” Daniel said. “No need to thank me. Wrestling has always just seemed so interesting to me. I’ve been dying to try it at some point in my life. I was so lucky to look over Alexis’s shoulder and see your text about an opponent! Lucky for her I think I match her needs quite well.” She winked. “Besides, who wouldn’t want to be the center of attention for a bit.. especially for one so cute!” Her finger lightly reached out and booped Daniel on the nose. He swore he couldn’t feel himself breathing and he could instantly see Alexis’s face reddening. Alexis instantly jutted in. “Anyways! Maybe we should go on ahead and get started. I think Daniel has been pretttyyyy excited to see what I have in store for you.” “Oh? You think so? Alright… well lets hop into this ring and get things started. Can’t wait to make a rival out of you.” Both girls slowly hopped the couches and stood in the center of the ‘ring’. Daniel booted up the camera and began to capture these crucial moments, he didn’t want to miss a thing. Both women lightly circled each other before meeting closer in the middle. Daniel’s mouth was watering at this point, he really didn’t even know how to start things off but it seemed like Mira had a pretty good grasp on the situation, she giggled a bit and looked Alexis up and down. “So.. Guess we should probably get started then huh? Gonna be so much fun watching you choke in one of my famous headscissors.” Mira’s demeanor had changed slightly. That nice girl everyone had seen just moments ago had been replaced with the battle ready warrior standing in the ring. “Tell you what. Since I’m so nice.. I’ll let you go first Alexis. Hit me with your best shot.” Alexis seemed a bit stunned and still seemed to be rolling over on the first statement before she finally caught up. “Oh! Uhmm.. Okay! Well let-let’s just start off here.” The lack of confidence seemed to be fueling Mira as she nearly started to laugh, her eyes lightly rolling. Alexis walked up and lightly put her fingers on Mira’s shoulders, pushing her down. Although it didn’t really seem to be pushing, more along the lines of helping. Mira got to her knees then slowly laid onto her stomach, all at her own pace. Alexis then sat right on her opponents back, her big creamy butt formed up on her opponents shoulder blades, lightly pushing Mira’s face down into the mats. The overall look of it was perfect and Daniel could feel his hand slowly maneuvering down his pants. Mira let out a little puff of air followed by an “Ouf!” as Alexis sat down, clearly having the air pushed out of her which prompted something a little less rivalry like from Alexis. “Oh.. Shit sor-sorry. You okay?” Mira giggled and nearly started to laugh. “Hun.. Feel free to be rough. I’m quite hard to hurt.” Daniel’s heart nearly fell through his chest, his stomach lightly sunk and he could already feel his erection starting to fail. His wife was being… just a tad too nice to this woman who had clearly just came in and upset their home. His hope was she’d gain her confidence as this went on though.

Alexis’s fingers lightly wrapped around her opponents tan legs and began to slowly but steadily wrench them back. A C shape quickly started to form as Alexis pulled the legs back as far as she could which admittedly really wasn’t all that far. Her fingers lightly dug into the thighs as she focused on her work, brow again furrowing almost like she was making breakfast. She kept pulling, letting out little grunts with every single pull until finally she could hear the light whines from Mira. Mira at first lightly struggled under the paler girl but slowly that struggling turned into something a bit more intense. It was clearly starting to hurt as she whined and lightly squealed. “Mmm.. Ugh… Uh… Uh.. Ah.. Ah..” A little groan stepping out of her lips with every subsequent pull. It was quite the move and Daniel actually had a bit of drool dripping from his lips as he zoomed the camera in on Mira’s features. A tiny bit of spit drained off Mira’s bottom lip, smacking onto the mats. It’s clear she wasn’t used to getting pulled like this and the pain must have been quite intense like a burning stretch. A bit of sweat formed on Alexis’s brow, and whether it was from focus or the effort of pulling her friends legs was unknown. The second Mira looked up and saw the camera on her face she began to actually play into the role she had been given. “Ugh.. Oh.. Ah it hurts so bad. Please Alexis stop. Oh please.. You’re just too good at this.. I’ll tap, I’ll tap. I give I give.” Mira’s hand smacked the mats a few times in tandem as Alexis kept pulling back, a nice big smile blooming over her features as if she had just won the real thing. She slowly set her opponents legs, in an almost sweet and endearing sort of way, onto the mats before slowly standing up. “My first tap out! Hope you’re ready for more of that when we get into the ring… Bitch.” The word bitch almost sounded wrong, like Alexis didn’t even really want to say it, she was obviously just playing the role she had been given. Alexis was smitten with herself, a smug grin settling on her features as she even put a foot on Mira’s back to keep her down. Mira was appalled at the sudden change in confidence but it seemed she was enjoying this none the less. Finally, Alexis pulled off her foot and lightly stretched her hands over her head as Mira put her hands onto the mats and pushed up easily. Her hand lightly reached to her back, rubbing up and down as she lightly groaned.

What happened next scared and amazed Daniel. SNAP. Mira’s thin little hands worked their way into every inch of Alexis’s hair without even a second thought. The long white hair was getting pulled at an extreme angle as Mira’s lips upturned into a look of pure satisfaction. Alexis on the other hand looked to be in shock for just a second before her lips quickly took a dive. “Ow! Ow! Ow! Get off. Get off!” “Now Mira.. maybe you should go just a bit eas-” “Shut it. I know you like watching this.” It was true, Daniel was really enjoying this and in a light voice he said, “It’s okay Alexis, just be harder on her on your next move.” The look on Alexis’s face almost gave off the appearance of getting stabbed in the back. She couldn’t believe it, and if she wasn’t in so much pain she probably would have laid into him. Currently though, her hair getting yanked was on the top of her mind. Mira lightly shoved Alexis down onto her hands and knees right there in the center of the mats, clearly Mira was going easier on Alexis than she could as evident by the fact that none of Alexis’s hair had been pulled out yet. “Come on. Let’s go to the corner.” Mira snickered, in love with this. “Hehe… you actually look like a bitch. Little doggy right here. Come on, get in your corner.” A look of pure shock spread across Alexis’s face. Her hands and knees already getting red like little cherries as the harsh puzzle mats bit into the skin that was presented to them. It was a slow trudge, Alexis tripping over her hands and feet as Mira used her hair to keep her steady. Alexis kept looking at Daniel, a bit of concern behind her eyes but Daniel couldn’t hide his arousal. He kept glancing away from his wife’s eyes. Finally, after what felt like much too long they arrived at a spot where two couches met and made a sort of corner as Mira slowly turned her target around and forced her into a sitting position. Alexis had her back pressed into the corner. Mira was clearly enjoying setting this up, taking extra time just to make it sexy, making sure she was being playfully rough with Alexis. She pushed her opponent’s head back and then lightly reached down, grabbing poor Alexis’s arms. Again with very little warning Mira brought her foot up and flopped it right onto Alexis’s face. Now Daniel’s wife had never been humiliated in any circumstance, in fact this would probably be her first time even being properly humiliated and this was the last thing she expected to happen to her today. A squeal erupted from under the foot. “Eww! Eww Oh my god fucking eww. Get your foot.. OFF MY FACE!” All Mira could do was laugh. She didn’t care, she knew exactly what she was doing. Her perfectly pedicured foot splayed out over the other girls features. Daniel could hardly even recognize his wife anymore. The foot was covering so much of her face that she was practically a ragdoll, a faceless wrestler, a newbie, a jobber. Every thought in his head was for all intents and purposes fucked at that point. He couldn’t think, couldn’t speak. He could hardly work the camera. His wife at this point was struggling. She was moving back and forth. Trying to turn her head, anything to get out from under Mira’s smelly foot but nothing worked. The worst (or best depending on who you were rooting for) part was, that wasn’t even the end of it. Mira’s muscles began to show as she began to pull Alexis’s arms back. In a way it looked like a surfboard maneuver but done in reverse. Mira’s foot sat splayed on her opponent’s face holding it in place along the corner of the couch. Her arms pulled her opponent’s arms which made Alexis’s body want to move forward however the foot on her face just wasn’t allowing it. This all created a very ugly stretch, one where it was almost like Mira was trying to stretch out Alexis’s arms and neck. The light screams were echoing round the room. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Was all that could be heard, echoing over and over again in tandem. One pull, then another, then another. Alexis’s face was stained red, almost like a wine stain that was appearing on the couch. The heat from her face was almost like a foot warmer to Mira and the hot breath was just tickling her toes. Mira did the smallest of movements, her toes lightly collapsing around Alexis’s nose to cut off her supply of air “MMMphhhmmmh.” Uncovering her mouth but keeping that nose covered, making Alexis sound higher pitched and nasally. “Ughh! Please… Please I’m begging you.” Was all that could come out of her lips. Then Mira began to put the final nail in this coffin. “You like that? Huh? Bitch!? You want some more of this? Hope you want some more of this because in the ring this Saturday, this is all you’re gonna get. You like my feet bitch? Come on lick them fucking clean. Ugh. So fucking pathetic.” “I’m done! I’m done! Please let me go. You’re gonna break my fucking arms!” Mira tossed the arms to the side almost violently. The worst part? She looked like she wanted to go in for more. The only thing holding her back were those pesky rules. She kept her foot on Alexis’s face. “Tap out.” Alexis quickly smacked her opponents legs, over and over and over again and only when Mira felt like it did she peel that dirty foot off her opponents face and take a step back. Walking to the center she played her part well. Raising her arms above her head and lightly shaking her tush. “And your next Champion of the ring….. MIRA!” She giggled, jumping up and down a few times.

Daniel could hardly take his eyes off Mira but he finally looked at his wife who had just the hint of tears in her eyes. She finally got her feet under her. Looked at her husband and with little emotion and said “Bathroom.” She hopped over the couch and away she went. It was bad but all Daniel could hope on was that this little hiccup didn’t end this bout. Within a minute Alexis came back. A bit of her mascara was still runny but it was hardly noticeable. She didn’t even say a word just hopped back into the arena and stared daggers at Mira. “Awwh. You mad?” Said Mira, throwing an L shape above her head. This just seemed to anger Alexis even more who looked like she was about to just throw down with Mira right here. “I’m not holding back anymore. It’s your fucking turn. I’m going to make you regret stepping on these mats.” Alexis had let Mira get under her skin and Mira was clearly loving it. Alexis almost charged her opponent, lunging at her and quickly wrapping her arm around Mira’s head, pulling the girls head down in to her side and smashing those features into her fleshy hip in a headlock. “Mmmph!” Was all that could be heard as a slight crazed look took over Alexis’s eyes. She looked over her shoulder, right at Daniel and gave him a little wink. He nearly melted. He had never seen his wife this mad or determined to hurt someone else. Her pale fingers lightly went onto her opponents back and slowly pushed Mira down to her knees, this time she wasn’t suggesting with her movements, she was telling. Mira’s hands lightly gripped at Alexis’s sexy body. First on her side and arms, then down to her legs when she was forced to kneel. Suddenly Alexis ran her fingers through Mira’s creamy brown locks until a tight grip could be heard, she forced the girls head forward between her thighs until finally Mira’s neck was right in between two crushing contraptions. The thick flesh lightly circled her neck and her eyes lit up like Christmas lights as she knew exactly what was about to happen. Still playing her role oh so well she began to beg “Please.. Oh no. Please don-” She couldn’t finish, Alexis wasn’t listening. She twisted her feet together and began her first ever standing headscissor. It was a bit sloppy, every so often Alexis would throw up her arms to catch her balance to make sure she didn’t fall over or she’d put her hands on Mira’s back. She was also still struggling with the trash talk. “Yeah you like that? You… bitch! I fucking hate you. I can’t believe I ever called you my friend.” It all felt so much more personal which made Daniel even more interested. “I’m gonna… I’m gonna crush you! Yeah, that’s it. My legs are going to crush your head.” The trash talk coming out of Alexis’s mouth was almost funny but what was a tad more sexy was what she was doing with her legs. It was almost brutish. She crossed her feet and kept pulsating her thighs right on Mira’s neck and lower head. Mira’s head popped out behind Alexis and her hands were on Alexis’s thighs. She almost looked like a prisoner grabbing onto the rungs of a jail cell. Mira’s mouth was lightly agape and when Alexis finally found her balance she reached back with one of her hands and dug her fingers into Mira’s hair, finally messing up the perfect brown locks. She pulled Mira’s head up slightly so that the back of Mira’s head pressed against her bulbous butt. Mira’s eyes lightly rolled back into her head and a little line of drool stuck to her lips and stretched all the way down to the mats. It was truly a sight to behold and Daniel was nearly panting while he stood there, holding the camera. Alexis’s butt formed up behind Mira’s head, puffing out from the back of the head pushing into her crack. It had the appearance of a sea monster prepping up to consume a meal, though that’s as far as it ever got. The force from Mira’s head also caused the cheeks of the shorts to become see-through, showing off the pale bubbly butt that Daniel so craved. Mira’s light groans and moans were like music to Alexis’s ears though it was clear the girl had ran out of things to say as she just kept repeating the same phrase, “Yeah.. you like that?” After quite a bit of pulling Mira finally tapped out, she couldn’t scream, couldn’t talk and could hardly move, it was a wonder she stayed in it for that long. Daniel could only wonder why she didn’t tap out sooner. Alexis finally released her thighs, uncrossing her feet and Mira dropped like a sack of potatoes. Her chest pressed to the mats as her face lightly sat in her own drool. Her eyes lightly bounced up to the camera just for a second before she slowly started to push herself up. Alexis lightly bounced around the mats, her smile again glowing. It was clear she enjoyed being on top way more than she liked Mira’s foot in her face. She stepped past Mira, her feet making a light squeak on the mats as she got in close to the camera, as if talking directly to future Daniel. “And your next champion of the ring….. A-.”

Cut off. It happened so quick that if you blinked you wouldn’t have seen it. Mira went straight to standing, popping up almost like she was hardly even hurt. The light redness in her face from the scissor slowly fading to show that fair tan skin again. Once again Mira’s hand had found it’s way into that long white hair pulling on it much harder than last time which had Alexis skipping over words. “A-A..AHHHHHHHH!” She screamed as Mira pulled her right on back and slowly forced Alexis down to the floor, right on down to the mats. Mira took a seat on Alexis’s back. “My turn.. bitch.” Mira’s demanding voice was nearly enough to send a shiver of pleasure down Daniel’s back. She then did something… a tad more symbolic than Daniel would have thought capable in such a brutish wrestling match. She brought a foot up and put it on a specific spot on the mats. Daniel watched quizically all the while Mira rubbed her foot all over that spot of the mats. Then with very little warning she smooshed Alexis’s face right on down into that spot. Her opponent lightly screamed and kicked her feet up and down. “Mmmph! Stop it! Stop with the fucking feet!” Mira laughed and Daniel almost felt the hint of a laugh coming up through his throat. His wife hated anything dirty. He quickly slammed that laugh right on back down his throat. Mira then got to work with her move, rubbing her opponents face back and forth over the little spot. The mats made an ear piecing squeak as the sound of flesh on rubber erupted around the room. Instead of disgust Alexis’s voice changed to that of pain. She screamed, kicked her feet, her fingers dug into the mats. Mira wasn’t saying anything just yet, she seemed so focused on what was happening, Daniel could tell she was probably enjoying this more than he was. The rub back and forth was brutal and the white makeup made quite the smear on the mats. Finally Mira ended by turning Alexis’s face, putting a hand on her cheek and once again smooshing her down into the mats. This time however Alexis was allowed to look up at her aggressor which made for quite a hot pose. Daniel could already see a light tear welling up in Alexis’s eye but Mira wasn’t completely done. She looked at Daniel and lightly put a finger to her lips. “Daniel would it be okay if I use my last action here as well?” “I don’t see a problem with that.” Daniel’s voice softly came out. He was so close at this point that whatever she asked for very well might finish him off. “I want you to climb in here and kiss me on the lips.” The room went silent. Alexis’s face turned to one of pure shock. “You bitch!” She came out muffled as her lips were still lightly pressed to the mats. She began kicking like mad and moving her arms like she was making a snow angel. “I uh.. That’s not within the rules Mira. Sorry but I’m married. You know I-” “Do you want this match to happen?” “Yes, of course.” “Then you will do as I ask. Else you and your wife are going to have to do this all over again.” Daniel looked at Alexis, her eyes said it all, do it if you really have to. His eyes then glanced to Mira as she sat there smiling in that dominant pose. His wife had pretty much stopped the struggling, she was defeated. He finally lightly hopped the couch and slowly walked over, going to his knees. The ground felt slightly warm, and a bit wet from spit and tears. The heat was actually from his wife’s breath. He was… a bit mortified. Mira wrapped her free arm round his head. He looked up and then suddenly it was lips on lips. Her breath was hot as it lightly heated his throat. Her fingers lightly gripped his hair, pulling it just enough to show who the boss was. Then she decided to almost use him like a weapon. She pulled him closer which put him nearly on his wife’s face. His hard package lightly pressed on her forehead and just the lightest bit of his eyes which… unfortunately made him harder. Mira just kept kissing, a bit of tongue here and there. Some sweet nothings on his ear and once she had finally had her fill of the girl under her, she pushed him away. “Now tap.” Said Mira, ordering Alexis around. The smacks were immediate and quick, there was no waiting for this one as Mira again slowly got up. She even threw in a bit more, putting a foot on Alexis’s side to roll her over onto her back. She then once again played this win up for the camera, for Daniel. “Once again Mira has defended her title against the pitiful Alexis. Please put your hands together for your two time champion…… MIRA!” Mira then lightly leaned over the defeated wrestler and looked down on her with that nasty look in her eyes. “See that? Your husband loves watching you lose. When I win on Saturday, maybe he’ll fuck me in the ring.” Alexis’s face got beet red, as did Daniel’s while he stepped out of the ring, picking up the camera to capture his wife’s final hurrah.

Alexis was slightly slow getting to her feet. It was clear that all the struggling and movement was having some type of effect on her. That redness on her face didn’t clear even when she did stand but Daniel could see a few tears trickling down and when she did finally get up he could see that she was crying out of pure irritation. THUD THUD THUD. Rang around the room as Alexis jumped up and down over and over and over like a child throwing a tantrum. “THAT’S NOT FUCKING FAIR. IT’S NOT, IT’S NOT, IT’S NOT!” The tears were really coming full stream as she looked at Mira with pure rage behind those normally sweet eyes. Mascara streamed down onto the mats and gave them a slightly darker look. Then in almost a low growl “You… Fucking… bitch.. This Saturday, you are done. You hear me? But… since that’s a few days away, let me give you something to fucking chew on.” Daniel wasn’t used to this, Alexis normally was so reserved that this was the first time he had ever really seen her mad. Mira just laughed. “Fine bitch, give it to me. What are you going to do? Anothe-” SMACK. Alexis shut the sweet voice of Mira up quite quick, a red hand print appearing over her features before Alexis grabbed the girls hair and sort of tossed her right up alongside one of the couches. The toss was savage, much more akin to a catfight rather than a wrestling match. Even though this sort of counted more like two moves, Daniel was perfectly fine with his wife getting some (probably necessary) revenge. Mira’s body lightly smacked the couch, moving it just a tad backwards as she gave a little grunt and fell to her butt. It was all just a bit… too perfect. Really Mira probably should have went right over the couch but instead she landed in the perfect position for Alexis to hit her with something quite humiliating. Daniel could see Mira’s face as she leaned it back on the top couch cushion, the red mark from the smack still there but slowly fading. “Uh,,,Uhmm..” Was all that was draining from her lips as her eyes ever so slightly looked at the camera, the glint of a smile just behind her eyes almost as if saying “getting the perfect shot?”. The thuds of Alexis’s feet moving across the mats could wake the dead. She came right up to Mira’s face and slowly turned around. It was sexily savage. The way Alexis reached back and grabbed her own cheeks. The way she pulled them apart like one would pull apart two pieces of bread and the way she slammed it right on down onto Mira’s features. Daniel could instantly see Mira turn her face to the side to have her nose escape that… humiliating position but Alexis was having none of it. She reached back, grabbed her ‘friend’s’ hair and turned her face right back in. Mascara dripped from her breasts down to Mira’s. Mira’s legs lightly kicked up and down, clearly not liking this. Her hands pushed on the big butt, sinking into all that squishy goodness as Daniel got an up close and personal shot of Mira’s face disappearing from view. Mira’s face ballooned up Alexis’s butt, making it look way bigger than it normally did and the small hands pushing on both cheeks were doing a better job separating them rather than getting them off. The light smacks of Mira’s hands and kicks of Mira’s feet were erupting all around the room as Alexis just kept her big butt on her face. With every little smack Alexis’s butt jiggled in the tight shorts which quickly became a see through sweaty mess. The effect was hot and humiliating. Daniel noticed his wife gorilla gripping the hair covered head under her. She began to do something very similar to how one would wipe their butt. Mira’s nose dragging up and down the full length of that crack, getting every inch of sweat off it. For the first time Daniel could also see (and record) Mira’s eyes which nearly looked shell shocked. “Mmmmph! Mmppphhh!” Was all that could be heard out of Mira. She was up there good, almost too good. Daniel could feel himself so close, he was lightly moaning which just made his wife go harder at it. “Yeah? You like that you fucking bitch? Kiss this! Fucking kiss it! How’s it fucking smell? You stupid fucking bitch! I can’t fucking believe you!” The more she talked, the louder her voice became. She pulled Mira’s face up and down the full length of her sweaty crack. At this point Daniel could tell the hair pulling and excessive sniffing might be actually starting to effect Mira as he got another good shot of her eyes which clearly had tears in them. She wasn’t tapping just yet though. It was probably pride keeping her from just giving in so easily and it was clearly starting to hurt Alexis’s ego. Was it possible that the most humiliating move she had wasn’t good enough to make Mira tap? Daniel watched his wife carefully. She looked pissed but the way she looked at him, biting her bottom lip while he lightly stroked his cock, really got him going. She lightly spread her feet a bit more and went into an almost squat like position. Everyone got to watch as Mira’s nose went right up Alexis’s butt in probably the worst way possible. A bit of sweat fell from Alexis’s head. This wasn’t an easy position to pull. She put her hands on her knees. Mira began to freak out, her hands slammed on the big ass in front of her. This position was thoroughly humiliating and disgusting. Her feet smashed into the mats under her. She couldn’t take it (obviously) and her fingers began to smack at the big bum on her face in the light form of a tap out. This was music to Alexis’s ears. For the first time though she didn’t move. Instead she lightly said. “Sniff my ass and I’ll get off.” It was demanding, nasty, catty, everything Daniel had ever hoped to hear from his wife. He was nearly on his knees at this point, hardly able to keep the camera afloat. “Mmmmmm… Ugh…” Daniel’s moans were loud and fulfilling. His wife clearly enjoyed this, peaking over her shoulder. She had changed ever so slightly from the innocent woman that had stepped on the mats to begin with. Mira’s screams were fear inducing. They were pure rage, pure irritation. She clearly didn’t want the final move to go down like this. She liked having the final say and this, this pissed her off. She wanted to play her role well though. So, like a good little jobber, she fulfilled Alexis’s request. One long exaggerated sniff (and gag) occurred and then she gave Alexis a hard shove, getting that disgusting booty off her. The loud over eager breaths erupted from Mira as she got to her hands and knees, breathing in clean air instead of the “air” provided by those thick cheeks. Daniel swore he could see a face imprint slowly disappearing from Alexis’s butt as she stepped off and to the side, grabbing the side of the couch.

Alexis herself was breathing heavy. There was no celebration. The light mascara still fell onto the mats. The room was eerily silent except for the light breathing of the contenders. Some coughing could also be heard from Mira as Daniel finally got a good look of that face. It’s clear she was pissed. Pissed really wasn’t even the right word. It was more like a vengeful look. She looked up at Alexis who had her hands on her knees, sweat lightly falling. Daniel could almost smell Mira about to lunge at his wife so he lightly stepped into the ‘ring’ and became a barrier between the two ladies. Mira’s look instantly changed to one of that sweet girl who had stepped onto the mats to begin with. “So… I think that concludes our little rivalry here…. Do both of you think you’re ready for Saturday now?” Alexis just nodded, spit lightly falling from her lips as sweat from her brow pooled on the mats. Mira spit onto the canvas, wiping her face to get all of the “butt sweat” off her features as she slowly got to her feet, running her fingers through her hair. “That was it? That was really what you’re gonna end with? That was a piss poor attempt at a facesit. Awwh, it looks like it took a lot out of you didn’t it?” Mira’s disgusting smile came back in a flash, almost like nothing happened. Alexis lunged, Daniel grabbed and all stayed silent for a moment except for the light grunts of the married couple. “Now hold on sweetie… Not here. You can prove it in the ring.” “Ugh.. Oof.. Let… me… fucking… at… her…” Came the low growl of his wife. After just a few moments though the emotions reigned in. Mira obviously took all of this like it was a win and stepped off the mats. “Soooo… we done here? I need to go think up what I’m going to do to your wife this Saturday. I mean if you want, I can definitely put your pathetic bitch of a wife in more moves.” The language was masked by Mira’s sweet sounding voice but one look in her eyes instantly gave way that she wanted to do more. Before Daniel could even say a word,”GET OUT!” came the piercing squeal of Alexis as she again hopped up and down, her feet breaking the puzzle piece mats apart. The room shook, like a mini earthquake. Leaving chaos in her wake Mira hopped the couch and was out of there in just a few moments. The room was once again silent, the fun completely over. Save for the few breaths coming out of both Daniel and his wife. A competitive aura filled the air, one that mixed with the vengeance that had filled every drop of sweat on the mats.

Alexis slowly stepped over the couch, hardly even speaking to her husband as tears lightly dropped from her features on the carpeted floor. It had all taken a toll, not just physically but mentally as well. “Do you still want to do-?” Came the slight sound of her husband’s voice. His caring and loving demeanor had came back in an instant but he was cut short by the look in his wife’s eyes. It said everything he needed to know. It was vengeful, ready and completely different from the innocent woman who had stepped onto the mats. Trial by fire didn’t even explain it, this was a trial by humiliation. “Well….. I guess we should probably clean this up.” “You mean you.” “Me?” “Don’t you dare… unless you wanna be target practice for what I’m going to do to Mira.” Daniel’s cock stood at attention. “Hmm… Guess that’s an “Oh yes, please Alexis, sit on my face”.” Within seconds Daniel’s hair was in his wife’s hands and he was getting led to the mats, her energy somehow restored and Daniel’s cock ready for a round two.

The Match
”If Mira starts to win will you hop into the ring and save me?” “Save you? You mean you want me to wrestle with Mira? I mean….. sureeeee- OUCH!” Alexis’s fist rang off Daniel’s arm but for the first time in the last few days she had a smile sitting on her features. “You know what I mean asshole. She seems pretty fucking intense. I don’t want to be licking her feet or anything like that.” “Oh. Don’t worry about that. I think she was just putting on a show at the house.” “I dunno…. But I’ll take your word for it. Besides. I’m going to win anyways. Don’t do the same for her. When she’s licking my feet, just sit out there and enjoy.” A small pop up happened in Daniel’s shorts which Alexis side eyed with a smile, clearly enjoying the sexual tension. The car was quiet, except for the light tapping of Alexis’s fingers on the door, her teeth lightly biting into her lip, her fingers playing with the zipper on her bag. It filled the car with a light unease that slowly dissolved the hard on that had popped up like a game of whack a mole. The stores and building flicked by as they slowly rolled into the bad part of town. It was later in the evening with the sun slowly setting behind the high rise buildings in the distance and settling the town in long eerie shadows. “On the left up here.” Alexis’s voice rang out as Daniel made the turn into the parking lot. A massive old building sat before them. Stones cracking and almost slipping from the wall. It looked like a failed construction project but in reality this building had been here from the start. Really it should be classified as a historical monument but here they were, renting it out to average everyday people like Daniel and Alexis. A single car sat in the parking lot with them, definitely belonging to Mira. The side door to the building was propped open for them as well, meaning Daniel didn’t have to fish for the keys, what a polite girl.

Unfortunately, this was one of the few books that you could judge by the cover as the inside of the building looked quite similar to it’s outside. Cracking concrete looked like it would give way any second, a centipede lightly slipped between cracks in the walls and half of the lockers were bent way out of shape. Alexis struggled to put on the sports bra, dropping it a few times onto the wooden bench before picking it up and trying again. She was shaking like she was in an earthquake but rescue was swift as Daniel’s hands lightly caressed her shoulders. “You’ve got this.” “I know.” “You’re gonna need to sound more believable than that.” “What if she actually fucks you.” Daniel stifled a laugh but his wife turned and her face said it all, she was dead serious. “Do I look like the cheating type?” “No.. but-” “You already have your answer. Besides, you’re gonna win right?” She nodded but it was clear she still hardly believed it herself. Mira did quite the job of getting in Alexis’s head. She then put on a fake smile, lightly bent over, poking out her perky little butt as she slapped it, letting it jiggle and ripple in the tight spandex shorts like an ocean filled with waves. “That loser is going down.” Daniel smirked, enjoying this competitive side to his wife. It was finally time to head to the ring.

This wasn’t some big pro match so there weren’t fabulous and fantastic entrances paved with golden steps and fireworks. Instead there was cracked concrete, dirty mats and an old ring in a dimly lit gym. A single massive overhead light lit up the ring but kept most of the surrounding area dim. There was no crowd. It would just be a private show for Daniel and the bugs crawling around in the walls. Daniel had luckily gotten here earlier and had setup a few cameras that would capture just about every angle of the action he also had his lucky camera in his hand to catch up close and personal shots of some of his favorite moves. As they stepped in Daniel could instantly see Alexis shiver, probably from the cold concrete on her bare feet, then he saw her mouth lightly drop and when he looked into the ring his mouth dropped as well. Mira had beaten them there and was already in the ring. Well… maybe in wasn’t exactly the right word. ON the ring was a better term. She was straddling the top rope closest to Daniel and Alexis, riding it like it was some type of horse. Her hips lightly moved back and forth like a belly dancer as she looked at Daniel with a light amount of lust in her eye. “Mmm… Oh… Hey..” She said in an almost uncaring voice, barely inaudible through the moans leaving her lips. All was silent save for the light creaks from the ropes bending and weaving up and down. Alexis was disgusted, it was clear as day on her face yet she just couldn’t turn away. Finally, when it seemed she had enough she let the ropes descend down just enough for her barefoot to grace the canvas, stepping off and through the ropes like a queen descending from her throne. She was standing outside the ring, holding onto the top rope to keep herself from falling off. “Sorry.. Was just consecrating the ring. Oh. I see loser face came with you. Thought she’d just forfeit.” Her voice almost sounded bored. Her fingers lightly twisted some of her hair in a light circle as she looked at Alexis. Alexis could hardly even keep her stare, her face was as red as a cherry. Somehow Mira had humiliated Alexis with this odd little act. Alexis looked away and then Mira smirked before finally sliding back into the ring and slowly walking towards her corner. Her fingers lightly zipped behind her and slowly pulled a wedgie out from between her cheeks, letting the tight material snap back with a small SNAP. Alexis’s face again turned red. Days of building confidence, taken away in a matter of seconds by the sheer audacity of Mira and her disgusting tricks. Daniel couldn’t take his eyes off it though, every little movement, every little action, it all excited him more than he could ever describe. His shorts were already tenting like mad and he turned to his wife gave her a small “You got this” and then went to her corner, bringing his camera with him.

Alexis slowly made her way towards the ring, her fingers reaching up and grabbing onto the bottom rope. She brought up a foot onto the canvas like she was about to pull herself into the ring but they bent and jiggled as she grabbed them and her eyes lightly widened. She nearly fell off the canvas and to the floor as a little gasp left her lips “Ah..” Everyone at this point was watching and Mira had a massive smile on her face, a small giggle could be heard reverberating all over the ring and Alexis could just feel her face getting hotter and hotter. She finally got up onto the canvas, pulling herself up. Her hands white knuckled the top rope, holding on for dear life as she pulled it down a bit and slid one of her long pale legs over the top. She straddled the top rope for a second but just as she was about to lift her other leg up to cross, her sweaty hands slipped off the ropes. The top rope snapped up. Alexis’s eyes widened. “Uhhh…….OWWWWWWW!” The shock of the pain taking a few seconds to register. The harsh red rope had smashed between Alexis’s thighs and the surprise on her face was obvious. She had thought the ropes would feel… a bit softer than that. She slipped off the ropes and into the ring, tripping over herself a few steps as she quite literally fell into the corner, grabbing onto the ropes again for dear life. The color drained from her face as the uncertainty of her current situation hit her like a pound of bricks. There was a chance she could lose this. There was a chance Mira would fuck her husband. There was a chance she would get humiliated and all of it would be caught on camera for her husband’s pleasure. The intensity of the revenge that had fueled her for those last few days had been all but extinguished by a lack of confidence. The ring felt alien to her, almost unreal. The ropes wobbled in her hands. The turnbuckles hard on her back. The metal of the ring post sometimes tickling the back of her neck. She almost cried, she felt small, insignificant, a jobber in a heels outfit. The worst part was the girl across from her. Someone who had always been so nice to her, was hooked onto the ropes perfectly. Her smile, perfect. Her stance, perfect. Her outfit, perfect. Everything about her said ‘I belong here, and I’m going to show you why.’She could still feel the pain between her legs but she slowly straightened herself out, standing up straight, hooking her arms over the top ropes and finally putting on a glare that could melt… well it probably wouldn’t melt anything, maybe lightly warm it. Finally her hearing came back as her husband shook her arm, his voice slamming in like a train arriving to the station. “Hey, sweetheart, need a minute? You okay?” “Ye-Yeah.. I’m good, just slipped is all.” “Alright well I’m going to go ding the bell, if you want Mira wants to meet in the center for some trash talk.” Alexis turned her eyes towards him. She didn’t want to leave the safety of her corner but she could see the light hope in his eyes that she’d take the offer. She put on her bravest face and pushed out walking towards the center which Mira reciprocated.

The two girls stood in the center. They were in the same things that they had worn last time, both illuminated under the single ring light. Mira started the idle chatter. “You sure you wanna do this hun?” Her voice sounded sincere. Almost sweet just like the friend Alexis used to know. “Uh.. Well-” “Oh? You don’t? Tell you what, you tap out right now, and I’ll let you leave. I mean just get down on your knees and tap out. Then tell me who the better woman is.” Alexis was stunned. Was her entire facade just a switch that she could turn off and on like a light? Mira’s voice had changed, her stance had changed and the look on her face had changed. Alexis muttered out, “Bi-Bitch” “What was that?” “I said Bitch! You’re a fucking bitch!” Mira giggled, her confident voice returning “Mmm.. I’m so glad you have some fight in you, I can’t wait to give you some payback for that facesit in our little debut.” “Don’t worry bitch, there’s more where that came from!” “Stop trying to act so tough. I can see you shaking. How about you just go sit in your corner right now and your husband can get a nice view of my ass enveloping your face. I bet he’d really enjoy that.” Alexis stumbled over her words again, trying to figure out what to say, her face turning redder and redder “Well.. I… You...Bi-Bitch!” Mira smiled, she had won here. With that, Mira turned and slowly made her way back to her corner, leaving Alexis to stare at her ass as she slowly walked across the ring to her corner. When Alexis finally got back to her corner she looked even more nervous and red in the face. Her pussy hurt from earlier. Her legs felt like jello. Her face felt as hot as the sun. It all made her want to throw up. The worst part about it all though? When she looked at Mira, she actually felt a bit fearful. Her fingers lightly picked at the ropes as she looked across at the confident vixen in front of her. She just couldn’t seem to grab her confidence, it was like it was just out of reach. She knew she had a chance… but she couldn’t figure out when that chance would present itself. Finally Daniel began to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight we have a grudge match between two very beautiful ladies.” Alexis was confused. Why was he announcing everything? Her eyes went to Mira who was eating up this fake announcer spiel. “To my left-” he said pointing to Alexis “Is Alexis! The current reigning champ of this ring.” Daniel held a fake little belt above his head emblazoned with gold and other fake little gems that said ‘Women’s lightweight champ’ on it. He slowly walked over and handed Alexis the belt which she graciously accepted, hanging the piece of cloth over her corner. There it was… her confidence. It was returning! She was the champ! She was going to show Mira why that was. With all this newfound energy she lightly bounced in her corner, and looked at Mira with a light smirk of her own which just seemed to egg Mira on. “To my right… A new comer to the ring yet just as experienced…. MIRA!” Mira smiled and waved, walking forward a few feet. “That’s right everyone! I might be new but Alexis here is going to learn very quickly that I am, without a doubt, better than her!” Alexis stepped out of her corner. “Bring it bitch!” With that out of the way Daniel hopped out of the ring and rung the bell. Let the fighting commence!

Silence. Daniel could hear the light sandy noise of feet gliding across dirty canvas which made this unending tension really start to eat at him. Alexis’s hands came up in the same position she had seen on TV whereas Mira on the other hands put her hands behind her back and slowly walked to the center, circling with her opponent for what seemed like an eternity. A thin layer of dust clouds had came up from the light moving of the two furious vixens. “Ya know.. my feet are pretty clean right now, if you lick them it might not be so nasty.” A voice pierced the silence and for just the hint of a second Daniel witnessed his wife stop dead in her tracks. Mira had a sick little smile playing on her features, it was clear she was enjoying this a tad more than even he was. “It’s gonna be delightful when your husband is blowing my back out all while you’re sucking… hmm.. probably my big toe.” Again silence and a small stop in movements. Alexis’s face getting more and more crimson. Then the ring jumped and rattled to life. It was like a bull was charging. “AHHHHHH” Alexis rushed straight for where Mira was standing. Her arms opened wide like a bear coming in to maul some prey. She really didn’t even know what she would do when she grabbed Mira. Her arms came together, like some type of big hug… except she wasn’t hugging anything except for air. It was like a trick at a magic show. There Mira was, there Mira goes. A look of surprise blooming across Alexis’s face as she quickly figured out she may have made a mistake rushing in. “Wow… really?” Came that annoying, princess like voice that always seemed to drone out. Suddenly and with no warning Alexis’s hair was in quite the precarious situation, wrapped in Mira’s fingers. Alexis was already close to bent over so it took just about nothing to force her fully hunched over, butt on display. Mira looked powerful, her catty eyes looking over her new found toy as her muscles lightly strained, pushing Alexis to a more bent over position. Once the initial surprise faded, Alexis’s hands instantly grabbed onto Mira’s wrist, trying to shake the snake off to no avail. “GET OFF!” her scream pierced the room as suddenly a relatively quiet match felt nearly too loud to be around. Mira’s other hand lightly grabbed her opponent’s butt, lightly squeezing the squishy flesh which instantly brought a light crimson color to Alexis’s face. The whole thing lasted maybe a second before loud thumping could be heard. It sounded gross, fleshy, almost like some type of sexy thwack that Daniel couldn’t seem to get a good eye on. He lightly re-positioned and then his mouth nearly dropped. He could feel his erection growing by the second. The darkness lifted and he got to bear witness to the most brutal form of wrestling action he had ever seen. Mira’s knee continuously rose and then bounced back down, almost like a game of pinball. Her knee smashing into his wife’s pudgy stomach over and over again with seemingly no end. It sounded like a slow firing machine gun. “Ugh..Uh..Ugh..Uh..Ugh..Uh.” It was like a tape recorder on repeat. His wife’s stomach was being brutalized by a continuous flow of knees from Mira. With every knee either a light spit spray erupted or another drop of drool lightly dripped to the canvas. His wife wasn’t even screaming, just moaning. Her arms went to cross around her stomach, giving her some type of protection but with seemingly no remorse Mira positioned just a few inches to the right and performed the exact same ritual, though this time the target shifted to his wife’s breasts. The same chant of “Ugh” and “Uh” lightly erupted round the ring and Daniel couldn’t control his hand and is glided across his shorts, he maneuvered to Mira’s side of the ring, trying to get a better look at his wife’s face. It wasn’t twisted in pain, maybe it had started that way, but by this point… ten knees in… the pain was so constant she had turned more into a zombie than a wrestler. With every knee Mira gave light taunting that seemed to be seasoning for the (quite basic) move. “You like that? Huh? Still think you hold a candle to me? Huh, Champ?” Mira lightly shook her opponent’s head, which made Alexis look like a bobble head for a moment. A thin line of spit and drool went from canvas to mouth like a constant stream as his wife’s mouth hung open.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity though was only roughly thirty seconds, Mira stopped on a dime, putting one hand on Alexis’s face and another on her side. Like a bulldozer she shoved, Almost like she was trying to get the disgusting mess of an opponent off her. “Fucking amateur.” This sent Alexis drunkenly tripping over herself to the side before landing on the ropes in much the same state she started in. One arm haphazardly hanging over the top rope as her other hand lightly grasped for the middle. “Uh..Uh…” Light breathing and moaning came from her for just a second as the pain, which had taken a back seat for just a moment, came roaring back into her like a dragon’s flame. “ah..AHH….AHHHHHHHHHH...UGHHH..” Her light squeals and screams where almost too much for Daniel to bear… yet he just couldn’t put a stop to the match. It was like he was possessed. The ever so light bruising on his wife’s tummy already becoming apparent as she struggled on the ropes. Trying to get up although only seeming to get herself more caught in them like some type of spiders web. The light thudding of Mira’s feet were like nightmare fuel as Alexis looked up and for the first time, Daniel saw genuine, unbridled fear in his wife’s eyes. Alexis looked to Daniel, deep behind his eyes she could clearly see him… enjoying this. Even though the pain in her was probably the worst amount of pain she had ever felt she knew that she couldn’t just roll over and let Mira have an easy win. Alexis gave a small deep breath as she pulled herself together. Mira’s feet treaded closer followed by just the hint of a giggle. Alexis’s eyes glanced to Daniel once more but it was almost like he was looking through her at this point. Her feet backpedaled on the ropes, forcing them to move backwards before a nice rubbery THWANG erupted round the ring. She launched herself off of them like a rock from a slingshot carrying just as much dangerous potential.

Since the two wrestlers were so close, Alexis didn’t get all that far before she was nearly face to face with the other sexy combatant again but this time there was a different air around her, something calm and almost… tranquil. She once again bent over and opened her arms. Like a linebacker defending their position, her shoulder smashed into the open Mira’s stomach. “Ouf!” A single shot of air erupted from the pretty girl’s mouth and a light spit spray tainted the air and made Alexis’s back sparkle. Mira’s stomach bent in as she folded over her opponent’s shoulder, hanging down around Alexis’s lower back. “Bi-Bi...-Bitch!” Mira’s air had all been smashed out of her and the light purple hue on her cheeks showed that beautifully. She huffed and puffed as her hands feebly smacked at her opponents back. Alexis carried Mira for a few more feet and then it seemed she suddenly realized that she was carrying quite a lot of weight and was still in quite a lot of pain. Her feet slowed, her knees buckled and the girl on her shoulder began to slowly struggle. “Let go of me you fucking witch!” Mira screamed. Alexis almost fell forward, clearly already tired from the unrelenting amount of knees she had taken to her purple covered stomach. She tried to think but.. all she wanted to do was lay down… that’s when it hit her. Why didn’t she just lean back and lay down? Her body began to lean back, Mira was instantly aware of her predicament as she lightly smacked her fists against Alexis’s back, she was now really struggling. “Don’t you fucking D-” THUD! Then silence. The ring shook back and forth for a few seconds as Daniel’s eyes widened, his hand eagerly stroking under his shorts. “Uh..Uh...You’ve got this honey… No way is she recovering from that!” Mira hardly moved as her legs flopped to the canvas off Alexis, her nose and face pressed into Alexis’s spine. It hadn’t made for the softest landing but just by listening Daniel could hear Alexis’s light breathing. With Daniel’s little compliments she slowly started to stir, sitting up and scooting back just a bit to settle on Mira’s stomach. Her eyes had switched from that tired almost zombie like state to one of pure rage, pure hatred. She breathed heavy ragged breaths as her large ass deflated her opponents stomach. Mira’s face on the other hand told a slightly different story. A light single tear ran down her cheek as one of her free arms reached under her (as well as it could) to lightly rub the absolute throbbing pain that was her upper back. There wasn’t any words, just pure unrelenting pain, followed by some light groaning. “Ahhh….Uh….Ugh...You...You fucking...You could’ve broke my...Your husband’s not gonna fucking recognize you after I’m-” Her words cut off as Alexis dug her fingers into Mira’s hair for once. “Shut up.”

She pulled and pulled, peeling Mira’s head off the canvas just enough for her to lock in her legs round the little bitch’s neck. Already Mira’s feet began to pound the canvas as she could feel the pressure. “Off...Off..” Was all she could choke out as she looked into the eyes of the new, mean, Alexis. She saw no mercy. Her feet bounced up and down, thudding over and over again as Alexis brought her feet closer and closer together, finishing by crossing them at an angle and tightening that cross slowly. “Wanna see this babe? Come on up into the ring and get a nice long look at this FRAUDS face.” She lightly smirked, bringing up a hand as she lightly rubbed it on Mira’s face as if to cover it up slightly. Mira’s head slowly began getting pink and then it slowly began to change to a light shade of purple. By this point Daniel was looking down at her too which only really increased the embarrassment, especially after the charade she had pulled earlier. Another light tear went down her cheek. “Crying? How about you tap if it’s too much? Crown me champ loser.” Alexis’s words cut deep right into Mira’s pride. Mira’s feet slowly stopped kicking as her face turned an even darker shade of purple. She could feel the pressure on her stomach. The pulsating pain round her head wasn’t knocking her out, just restricting air flow and forcing her to have the worst migraine that she had ever experienced. Alexis on the other hand… was beaming. She felt like she had already one, lightly leaning back, hands on the canvas, almost like she was getting ready to sunbathe. This was easy. She didn’t even have to look at Mira. “Kiss me Daniel.” She said lightly and just like that her husband’s lips where on hers in a deeply sexual kiss. The constant pounding stopped. The pulling at her thighs stopped. She looked down, lightly pushing her husband away and then suddenly she felt something slithering along her midsection.

What followed was more surprising than painful as quite suddenly she was unseated from that powerful position, her legs releasing the caged girls head. “Ahh...Ahh..Ahh…” Deep breaths flooded into Mira’s purple lips as she had successfully caught Alexis just off guard enough to put her in a body scissor. To start she used what little leverage she had to unseat the ‘queen’ and then once Alexis was off and to the side she quickly rolled over on top. Unlike Alexis Mira quickly got right into it as she began to squeeze like a python preparing it’s food. Alexis stomach quickly cinched and got roughly 6 inches smaller as Mira’s thick thighs got to work. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…..AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Thick destructive screams filled the ring as Alexis was forced to endure torment unlike any other. Her feet lightly kicked the canvas. Her nails bit into the ring floor as she began to scratch back and forth, kicking up a tad bit of dirt under her finger nails. “Get off Get off Get off!” Alexis screamed as Mira just kept eating up air, trying to suck down as much as she could greedily. Finally once the color was back she began to focus on the task at hand, squeezing. Daniel began to make his way to the side of the ring to once again watch from outside but Mira turned and snappily said “No.. stay. I want you to fucking see this.” Mira’s thighs clamped down even harder and suddenly Alexis’s screams came out even more grotesquely, it was nearly chilling. “Yeah? Come on bitch, cry louder.” Mira wiped one final tear from her eye before grabbing both of the long legs directly in front of her. “Were you a cheerleader in college, ‘champ’?” Mira’s voice grated on Alexis’s ears. Slowly Mira began to pry those beautiful, pale thighs apart. It almost kind of looked like Alexis was making a snow angel but what was really happening was Mira was putting Alexis through some of the most excruciating pain possible. Alexis legs began to split, and at first it was quite manageable but soon the angles began to add up. 90 degrees, 120 degrees, 150 degrees and suddenly, Alexis was laying there doing the splits. Alexis at this point was manic, racked with light sobs, loud screams, a lightly red face and plenty of air for more. This was a move that could go on forever and Mira seemed quite content to continue. Mira’s fingers drummed on Alexis’s thighs, her smirk turned in a villainous manner as she kept squeezing with her thighs. At this point Alexis had went past manic and nearly into begging. “AHHHHHH! Please.. Please Please Please stop. I’m sorry… So so so sorry.” Mira just giggled. “How’s my thighs feel Alexis? Huh? This feel good? Want me to squeeze harder? I can.. I could fucking crush you like the little bug you are. Tell me you’re ugly and I’ll release you.” “I’M UGLY I’M UGLY IMUGLY IMUGLYIMUGLY.” Suddenly Mira’s hands came up and Alexis’s thighs slammed shut, her thighs untangling and freeing the trapped prey as Mira got her hands and knees under her and stood up, surveying the damage she had wrought.

A thin layer of tears enveloped Alexis’s face as she laid there, hardly able to move. Her stomach hadn’t even fully bent back to a normal shape, still staying slightly indented. Her light breathing was all that could be heard. That and the sound of Daniel’s light moaning as he stroked himself while watching this disgusting affair. She began to groan, spit lightly coming out of her mouth as she racked out a cough from her pretty cherry lips. “You done?” Came Mira’s light voice. Funnily enough, Alexis lightly nodded. “Kiss my foot then.” Mira’s beautiful foot sat right in front of Alexis’s face and to Daniel’s delight she lightly shook her head. “N-No…” “Then you’re not done.” Mira slowly walked around the sad opponent as Alexis’s arms shook, all she was trying to do was get up, to offer some type of resistance. “Stay down.” Said Mira as her foot smashed into Alexis’s ribs. “ugh..” She fell like a domino, rolling over and looking up at the lights. Mira stood over Alexis, one foot on either side of the downed girl’s body. She lifted a foot and lightly smooshed it right on down onto Alexis’s face. Her arms went up in a light victory pose, looking over at Daniel who at this point looked like he was in heaven. He knew it was wrong but this was… by far everything he had ever wanted and more. “Do you like my foot? Huh Alexis? Does it taste fucking good?” Mira then reached down and lightly folded her fingers in with Alexis’s. Then she lifted and pulled Alexis’s arms up and Daniel got to bear witness to a beautiful modified reverse surfboard. Mira’s foot crushed down on Alexis’s face, bending her neck and head back at an obtuse angle, all the while Mira’s muscles lightly shimmered as she pulled and tugged on Alexis’s arms. It was a brilliant tug of war, in which Mira was playing against herself. Her arms tried to pull Alexis upwards, but her foot continually pushed Alexis down towards the canvas. For Alexis, the effect was excruciating and humiliating. Her upper body was stretched to her limit, her arms pulled and yanked so hard that she had a light fear in the back of her head of them being unseated from their sockets. Again she screamed a blood curdling scream as her feet moved back and forth on the canvas, trying anything to escape. She turned left and right, just trying to get her nose out of her opponents sole as her lips pressed onto the heel of Mira’s foot. “Yeah? Come on. Scream for momma.” Mira’s mouth sat in the form of a sick smile, straight down at Alexis, holding her gaze as the girl just screamed and screamed and screamed. Mira held this move for what seemed like an eternity. Her toes lightly tapping against Alexis’s face as she lightly rubbed her heel into the screaming mouth. “Enjoy it you fucking bitch. Didn’t wanna kiss my foot, so now you’re gonna eat it.” Mira’s words were so venomous. So evil. Yet so...fucking sexy. Daniel nearly fell back into a corner as he lightly jerked up and down, one arm lightly swinging over the top rope. Mira giggled as she glanced over before giving Alexis back her full attention. “You want out? Huh?” Alexis couldn’t even nod through the pain. She couldn’t do anything other than scream. “Call yourself stupid.. Do it and I’ll let you go.” Alexis voice was again reaching that whiny manic stage. All of that confidence and trust in her own abilities was completely gone. She’d do anything to get this horrid pain in her arms and neck to go away. “I’m stupid! I’m such a dumb fucking bitch. I have a zero IQ!” Her words seemed to excite Mira. “Yeah.. you are fucking dumb.” Mira released Alexis’s hands and a nice little splat was heard across the canvas. Mira may have released Alexis’s hands but she kept up the pressure with her foot which equaled out to a nice brutal curb stomp.. right here in the center of the ring. Alexis laid there. Her cheek was smooshed under Mira’s foot. Drool lightly dripped from her open mouth onto the canvas. Her eyes lightly crossed. To the patient observer… it almost looked like Alexis was KO’d. However after a small light stirring, she went right back to moaning and groaning. Mira slowly removed her foot and the ‘powerful’ Alexis slowly curled up into a ball, just trying to get any semblance of a recovery.

“Come on bitch, get up.. I said get up. Come on.” Mira’s footfalls echoed on the walls as she slowly waltzed around Alexis’s downed form. She knew she had won, now it was just time to claim her prize and make the loser on the ground pay. “I SAID….-” Mira’s hands reached down, her fingers slithering through her opponents hair. “GET… UP!” She pulled and pulled and pulled. Like a crane lifting a box as Alexis was forced from that curled up position to fully standing. She wobbled back and forth on her feet almost like she was drunk. Sweat coated every inch of her beautiful face as it slowly dribbled down the base of her pale neck. Bruises had already begun appearing on her chest and stomach as she stumbled around. Her hands lightly grabbed onto Alexis to steady herself in an absolutely pathetic way. Daniel was nearly giggling at this point as he sat in the corner. His hand was moving up and down at a speed that couldn’t even be imagined. He had lost all semblance of care at this point. All he cared about was watching this sexy display of disgusting humiliation. Mira smirked in Alexis’s face as she bent down a bit and guided Alexis over her shoulders. Then… in a powerful display, Mira began to lift. She grunted and groaned all the while Alexis did her best to flail. Then she stood there, tall and strong like a goddess with Alexis splayed across her back lightly flailing and smacking at her back. “put.. put me… put.. down.. please.” Her words lightly slurred. Her fingers drumming Mira’s back. She was hardly even awake but Mira had a fantastic plan to awaken the ragdoll across her shoulders. One arm round the neck, the other round the legs. Then Mira slowly but surely began to pull down on both and Alexis’s back got the stretching of a lifetime. At first a small groan escaped Alexis’s mouth, hardly visible. As Mira deepened the torture rack though, Alexis’s groan turned to a squeal then to a shout followed by a cuss and finally it ended on a pure nasty scream. Alexis’s mouth was perpetually open just to let out some sound of pain. Mira’s arms pulled down on Alexis’s legs and neck and turned Mira’s body into a ‘C’. The whole display was barbaric, but seeing Alexis get put on display like this was so… sexy to Daniel. The sweat dripping from her body to the canvas. The way her breasts sagged to the sides off her chest. The opened mouth that was spraying drool and screams into the air. The eyes that were so close to letting loose the flood gates and crying. All of it culminated into a beautiful, pure, wrestling display. “Ugh… So fucking annoying. Someone outta shut you up.” Mira cussed as she quickly transitioned the girl. She worked Alexis down off her shoulders and instead held Alexis upside down in front of her. Alexis nose lightly pressed into Mira’s pussy as she gave a light little purr. Mira’s arms wrapped around Alexis’s legs. It was clear what this was. A tombstone pile driver. Daniel’s second favorite move. He could hear Alexis begging. “Please… Please no. I’m done. I give.” “You give huh?” “yes.. Yes I give.” “I want you to make me orgasm.” All was quiet save for Daniel’s moaning. Then Alexis’s voice broke the silence. “What?.. No.. No I’m not..-” “Put that little fucking nose to work.” “No, I’m not doing that.” “Then prepare to meet the canvas bitch. By the way… You hear that? He’s fucking loving this. He loves watching you lose.” Alexis once again went right on back to begging and right before Mira’s knees dropped you could hear one last little scream that got cut off by the thudding of the canvas. Alexis’s head smacked into the hard unforgiving floor as Mira dropped the legs and the body came crashing down. It was done. Over. Finished. It was a complete KO. Daniel on the other hand was so close, all he wished was that there was a facesit, too bad Mira had finished her off so early.

The light rise and fall of Alexis’s sports bra covered chest was oddly calming as Mira’s hot breath washed over Alexis’s belly button. She sat there for just another moment, really enjoying the feeling of the little losers nose in her sex but finally she sat up and turned around, sitting on Alexis’s stomach. She was looking at the hot hunk of a husband standing not even a few meters away, pleasuring himself to the sight of her dominating his wife. She loved the attention and in all honesty.. she didn’t want it to stop. This entire match she had been trying to remember what exactly it was he liked and just as she was getting off Alexis she remembered.. A facesit. She could work that in. She slowly sat on Alexis’s stomach and made a little cough before spitting a nice big saliva droplet right on Alexis’s face. She could see Daniel nearly fall over. Then she lightly smacked Alexis cross the face a few times. “Wakey wakey little loser. I still need to get a tap out of you.” Alexis’s eyes fluttered open and for a few seconds she had no idea where she was. She looked confused and dazed. It took the feeling of the slimey substance on her face to remember that she was wrestling. “Ewww… what the fuck..” Came her dazed voice until her eyes centered on the champion sitting above her. “Fuck.. Fuck fuck fuck… No No no. We’re done! I was out!” “Mmm.. No.. I think you need a little payback for our last match.” Mira slowly turned around. Her large ass deflated Alexis’s chest as she reached back and lightly smacked the big heart shaped buns that were crushing the air out of Alexis. “No.. No please.. Please Mira. I can’t please.” Mira was unmerciful as one hand reached back, a massive smack ringing out as she grabbed her own left cheek, pulling it open a bit and showing off just how stretchy those spandex shorts really were. “Please.. Please Mira no.” Another big smack erupted throughout the ring. Her other hand grabbing her right cheek and pulling it open as well, just like one would pull apart two pieces of bread. The look on Alexis’s face was one of pure fear. Her eyes completely wide and her voice trembling with every single word. Her hands reached up and grabbed onto the cheeks, pushing and lightly smacking at them. With every single smack Mira nearly moaned. It was all futile though as Mira just kept shuffling back a few inches at a time. The soft, supple flesh wobbled with every movement. Softly Alexis’s nose lightly tickled the spandex, lightly rubbing along the soft material. She wasn’t being sat on… yet. She was just being teased. “GET OFF! GET OFF!” Alexis’s voice was loud and shrill as she got her first whiff of Mira’s ass. Her feet kicked the canvas desperately almost like a child throwing a tantrum. Her fingernails scratched into the canvas (probably completely ruining a small portion of it). Her eyes nearly bloodshot as she tried to back away, to phase through the canvas, anything to get out of this humiliating predicament. Then her eyes lightly shot upwards to her husband who’s hand was lightly on his shaft as he sat in the corner looking down on her, lust coating his eyes. A single tear went down Alexis’s cheek just as the big butt eclipsed her vision and pushed her into the most humiliating position she had ever been in.

Mira could feel Alexis’s nose press up against her cheeks, tickling her as she gave a little giggle and slowly dragged her fingers up and off her own butt. Her cheeks slowly rocked back into place, forming around the head that was laying under her. She had never felt anything like it. Facesitting definitely wasn’t something she had done before this. Her butt looked like a misshapen heart with Alexis’s face lightly separating her cheeks. The pale white shorts being offset by a face that had completely disappeared. Mira could feel everything, the hot breath from Alexis’s mouth as she lightly breathed in pure ass, the feeling of a nose lightly pushing up into her butt and fingertips lightly grabbing and pulling at cheeks and waistband just to get Mira to lightly shift and give Alexis more air. Mira’s breathing was hot and heavy as she tried to compose herself. The feeling of dominance was almost too much to bear as she watched Alexis’s feet thud against the canvas. The continuous bridging was also funny as Alexis could hardly even lift her body up an inch which did essentially nothing to the facesit. Mira calmed down just enough to start taunting the loser under her. Her voice soft and taunting. “How’s it smell down there champ? Huh? You enjoying your new place as my seat? How about you give me a nice little tap out right there on this superior butt. Your face looks so fucking good up there, the camera’s are going to get some fantastic shots of this.” “Mmmph...MMMPH! Mmm...mmm..MMPH!” Alexis tried to respond, to throw out some sort of haughty comment but it was all lost as Mira’s massive cheeks muffled all the noise. Her screaming however did add some heat down there which forced a small muffled moan out of Mira’s lipstick covered mouth. “Uh..” She once again heard Daniel grab onto the ropes for support which just made her giggle harder. Mira lightly jiggled her cheeks on Alexis’s face, doing her best to twerk although it looked more along the lines of light humping or bouncing. Alexis’s face would be visible for a microsecond and then gone like a magic trick. Finally Mira gave one more nice jiggle as could feel Alexis’s nose enter it’s final resting place, pushed right up against that hardly covered pucker. Mira could stop her heavy breathing at this point. She was like a woman possessed. One hand on the canvas to keep her up. Her other hand pressing on Alexis’s stomach as her hot breath escaped her lips. “There...right where you’ve been wanting all fucking match.” She reached back, giving a few hot smacks to her big ass for the man who was watching all of this from behind her.

Alexis throughout all of this was having one of the worst times of her life. When her nose lightly tickled the spandex bottoms Mira was wearing she could just get a hint of the musty smell that instantly invaded her nostrils. It made her gag and it very quickly got some begging out of her mouth. Then Mira slowly sat down and her vision went completely black. One sense gone, the other two heightened. The soft material of the shorts instantly formed like a vacuum sealed mask across her face. The material was synthetic and stretchy like a trampoline. Her nose bounced up and down on the material with Mira’s every little move as Alexis’s face just kept pushing further and further like an invader. Every time she did get just the hint of some light whether it be from Mira lightly shifting her legs or bouncing she could see Mira’s pale cheeks through the shorts mixed with the pale white stretchy material. She could even see the outline of a pink little ‘tunnel’ in-between those soft supple cheeks. Alexis’s feet instantly began to work on their own, kicking the canvas and pushing up on it as she tried to bridge out but every single movement was completely futile, there was absolutely no way she could even dream of getting out of this. Her face began to glow like the center of a star as her cheeks began to get hot. She tried to scream but all it did was force her own hot air to come back at her. It was like a sauna in between those cheeks. The light ass sweat causing a small amount of humidity as the cheeks slid across her face like a slip and slide. The heat down there was intense too as it nearly made her sweat which just mixed with everything else going on. None of this compared to the smell though. The mix of cheap purfume and just pure ass combined into this nasty combination. It was like eating half a burger, taking a bite of ice cream and then eating the rest of the burger. None of it combined well and all it did was assult her nostrils. She gagged, begged and tried to breath through her mouth. Nothing worked. She was always getting light whiffs of that pure ass smell every few seconds. It was grossing her out more than she had ever been grossed out. The worst part was, she knew that Mira could make it worse by just shifting her weight or moving around more. The hot musky smell sat on her face as it began to coat every inch of her features. She was getting coated in pure scent from Mira, getting marked. She gagged a few more times before her cheeks lit up even worse. She couldn’t believe it… she was literally sniffing another girls ass, up close and personal. She felt embarrassed. She shouldn’t be in this position! She was the champ! Right?…. right? She surely didn’t feel like anything anymore. She tried turning her face, but all it did was force her nose to rub up against the right cheek and then the left as she turned her head left and right the few inches it would go. She tried pleading but every word was muffled and at this point she was sure Mira was ignoring her. Finally her fingers lightly sunk into the cheeks, but pushing on them only spread them and forced her nose in further into the mess of stretchy material. She coughed, gagged and then finally… she cried. It was one of those ugly cries that you see on TV from time to time. Tears dripped down her puffy red cheeks as she began to get frustrated. Her palms smacked the ass on her, hard. “JUST GET OFF!” Is what she would’ve said if her voice wasn’t utterly muffled. Her feet once again kicked the canvas as she washed Mira’s ass with her tears. “please..”. Then she felt it, a small shift and rearrangement. Just what she feared. She sunk further into the depths of the sea of ass and she could feel her nose almost getting sucked on. Ew.. oh god.. She knew exactly where she was pressed up in. The scent was double.. no triple as bad here. It made her gag and try everything to not breath through her nose but she was still getting punched with the smell over and over and over again like she was stuck in a perpetual boxing match. Her feet began to kick harder tenfold. Her fingers smashed the canvas and her nails began to claw at the canvas and at her opponents ass from time to time. Nothing did anything though, she was stuck until Mira decided she was done.

Mira was finishing up, she had felt all she wanted to feel and she could hear Daniel behind her prepping for the largest orgasm he had ever had. Feeling Alexis’s nose press up in her like a butt plug was eye opening. This had quickly became her favorite move by far.  Mira finally lifted her ass and sat forward a bit, giving Alexis just a foot of breathing room. Alexis greedily gulped down air as quickly as she could before pathetically saying. “please.. please Mira, no more…” “Hmmm.. am I feeling merciful… I dunno.” She looked over her shoulder at Daniel and mouthed ‘Watch closely.’ Her fingers lightly drummed down her cheeks before her index finger lightly pressed right on over her sexy little pucker. “You know what.. this whole match you’ve ignored my orders… I want you to take a nice big whiff of.. right here. If you do. I’ll let you up.” Alexis laid there for a moment. She knew this might be her last chance. If she didn’t do this she might get sat on for the rest of the day. Her eyes looked uncertain. Her cheeks lightly flushed. Her lip quivered. Her eyes soaked, red and puffy as another small tear dripped down to the canvas. “Time’s running out…” Mira said in a taunty tone as she slowly started to shift her ass down, threatening another disgusting facesit. Alexis slammed her face forward. She stopped thinking and just did as she was told. Her face willfully smashed into the soft warm ass as her nose once again sank between those cheeks like a worn out ship sinking in the ocean. She then took a nice long exaggerated sniff, breathing in every single inch. Another small moan escaped Mira’s lips. Instantly her nostrils were flooded with pure ass scent as her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head. It would’ve been a pure knock out if she hadn’t already gotten whiffs of this for the last 10 minutes. Her mind was instantly ravaged. Tears were instantly flooding down her face. The stench was fucking awful. It smelled of sweat, perfume and butt. She tried finishing off the sniff, her fist smacking into the canvas a few times in pure frustration as she got the worst whiff of something she had ever gotten. It was like a skunk, or the garbage dump. Finally she had breathed in her fill and she fell back to the canvas, still crying as her sobs, Mira’s light breathing and the sound of Daniel having the largest orgasm of his life, echoed off the stone walls.  Mira finally got up, placing a foot on Alexis’s face, squishing her into the floor like one would squish a bug. “I think.. I deserve that belt now.” She gestured to Daniel who stumbled over to her with the belt in hand. He looked like a drunk as he could hardly walk straight. “Strap it around me.” Daniel straggled wit it for a few seconds, barely able to even see through his lustful eyes as he finally got it around her. The belt lightly reflected the lights, and was a fine addition to Mira’s costume. Mira looked down on Alexis. “Who’s the better woman.” “you are..” “What was that?” Mira’s foot ground down on Alexis’s features. “You are.” “Louder!” Another bit of grinding from the foot. “YOU ARE YOU ARE YOU ARE YOUARE!” Alexis’s words slurred together as she erupted into more tears, completely and utterly beaten. “Now get the fuck out of my ring. You’re not the star of the show tonight.” Mira put a foot on Alexis’s side and gave her a nice little shove, rolling her over to the ropes and sending Alexis tumbling out of the ring with a little thud. Mira smirked, it was the end of the match. Alexis’s crying slowly sounded off the walls as Mira claimed her real prize, the husband that had been watching her this whole time. Her fingers bounced off his chest. “Let’s get out of here.” It was like a master leading their pet, she grabbed onto his collar and he followed, not even looking over his shoulder at the heap his wife was left in as he stumbled over his own feet a few times.

The lights shut off and Alexis laid there as she slowly tried to get to her feet, breathing slightly with a small sob every now and again. “I can’t… I can’t fucking..believe this.” She stumbled a few feet, using the ropes to help her along. She didn’t know what she was going to do next but all she knew is that one day she was going to get back at that bitch.


Offline Brandiprowstls

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Re: The Match of a Lifetime
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2023, 12:42:14 PM »
A lovely piece of writing. Beautifully crafted.  Mountains of kudos to you!
Love all, trust few, do wrong to none......except in the ring.

Re: The Match of a Lifetime
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2023, 06:25:11 PM »
this was really really well written.
trillian: fitzy_j
Discord: fitzy_j#7501