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Help finding a story with a predatory woman seeking victims (other women)

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Offline CarlFan

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I'm looking for a story that involved a predatory woman, who sought out men with women to provoke them into fighting. The story begins in a hotel bar and then the woman goes to the room where the couple was and destroys the woman in a fight.
If anyone has any idea what the story is I appreciate the help.


Offline Edududu

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I think I know the story you're' talking about. It's called "I stalk my prey", written by KulanGarth here on the forum.

Unfortunetly, I'm pretty sure they deleted their account, and thus, the story is completly unacessible. 


Offline CarlFan

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Thanks for your help. I searched the story for so long everywhere I could remember, were, Rival's page, Kindle, and other places, but I should have started by asking people...