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3 Sexfight Stories - The Porn Addicts, The Battle for Clara, Zuzka and Zdenka

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The Porn Addicts

Chapter 1
Valerie stood in the section of the porno video store with the “Sexfighting” videos, watching the woman browsing videos in the section with the “Titfighting” videos.

Valerie could only see the woman’s back. The woman was dressed in a lose baggy shirt and a lose jeans. It was hard to guess the woman’s body shape because she wore such lose clothes.

Valerie thought the woman must be in her early thirties. She had never seen the woman before at the porno video store. Valerie was the only woman who visited the video store. Until today of course.

The woman picked up a video. Valerie saw the video cover from where she stood. It was “Body to Body”, an early DWW Galaxy video where nubile young Eastern European fought with their nude bodies and their tits. The woman in the baggy clothes had good taste, thought Valerie.

The woman walked out of the section with “Body to Body” in her hand, towards the check-out counter at the front of the store and Valerie lost sight of her.

Valerie wondered whether she should follow the woman. And do what? Introduce herself to the woman? What if the woman ignored her? And thought she was some creep?

Valerie went back to browsing through the videos in the “Sexfighting” section.

She had rented most of these videos over and over again. She knew most of them by heart.

Then her eyes locked over an early Academy Wrestling video in which Jade Imohara, the Japanese wrestler took on a young Amy Lewinsky. It had Jade and Amy locked up together on a blue mat on its cover. Damn!  She had always wanted to watch this video ever since she had seen the trailer on the Academy Wrestling website.

Just as she placed her hand on the video to grab it off the shelf, another hand from behind her, locked over the video.

Valerie turned around and it was the woman. The one who had been browsing the “Titfighting” videos. The one she had been watching. The one who wore the loose baggy clothes.

Valerie had not heard the woman sneak up behind her back. Both of them now had their hands on the Academy Wrestling video.

“I was about to rent that”, said the woman, holding onto the video.

“Er ….. I saw it first and I was about to rent it too”, said Valerie.

The woman had red pimples across her face. But she was pretty. Despite the dark circles around her eyes.

Valerie remembered for a moment that she herself had dark circles around her eyes, from watching too many porn videos. Like the woman, she had a few red pimples too.

“What do you mean you saw it first? I laid hands on the video first”, said the woman in an irritated voice. Her face was dead serious.

“No, I placed my hand on it first”, said Valerie, not willing to give up.

They were standing close to each other.

The woman suddenly pulled at the video and Valerie lost her grip over it. Valerie immediately clutched at the video that was now in the woman’s hands.

Valerie grabbed it back from the woman. Now it was the woman’s turn to clutch at the video.

Valerie and the woman began to pull at the video, both women not letting go of it.

“Would you let go please?”, the woman almost requested as she pulled at the video.

“No way. I am renting this video today”, said Valerie.

It was a stalemate as both women held onto the video. Neither of them could pull the video off the other woman’s hands.

“I think we should take this to the front counter. I will tell the owner that you tried to grab this video off my hand”, said the woman.

“OK fine. Let’s go to the counter at the front. Let the owner decide”, said Valerie defiantly.

Valerie knew the owner of the store and felt like she might have some clout with her.

Neither woman let go of the video. Their faces were red with anger and consternation.

They began to walk to the counter with both women holding onto the video. The sides of their bodies rubbed, breasts met and neither woman made a move to break away, both women eager to hold on to the video.

As if the video was a boyfriend or lover they were fighting over.

Chapter 2

Jennifer McCluskey, the owner of the porno video store was sipping on a coffee laced with brandy at 11 am in the morning, when the two women charged out of one of the video aisles, with both women holding on to what looked like a video.

Jennifer knew both women. They were regular customers. 

“My name is Vera Vincent. I had my hand and eye on this video here which I wanted to rent today until this woman grabbed it from me”, said the pimply woman on the right in the baggy clothes.

“My name is Valerie Vickers. The truth is that I saw and had my hand on this video which I was planning on renting until this woman grabbed it from me”, said the other woman, who also had pimples on her face and was dressed in baggy clothes.

“Oh”, said Jennifer, surprised at the complaint.

Jennifer wondered whether their faces were filled with pimples because they watched too much porn and masturbated too much. She had read somewhere that older women who masturbated too much got pimples. Both these women looked like they were in their early thirties.

Both of them stood there, holding onto the video, the sides of their breasts poking into each other. Jennifer thought Vera Vincent and Valerie Vickers looked sexy together. Did they know they looked sexy together? Did they know the sides of their breasts were poking into each other as they stood holding onto the video? Jennifer wondered as she watched the two women. 

Jennifer saw that the video was an old and rare Academy Wrestling production featuring Jade Imohara and Amy Lewinsky. Jennifer had watched the video a couple of days ago when it had arrived in the mail, and she was not surprised that the two women were fighting to rent it.

“Let me understand the situation clearly, Miss Vera and Miss Valerie. Both of you want to rent the same video, is that it?”, asked Jennifer. She addressed them both as miss because she didn’t think either of them were married. No married woman would be at her porno video store at 11 am on a Monday morning.

“Yes. I saw it first. Also, I had requested this video to an employee of this store last week”, said Vera.

“No. I saw it first. I had also requested for this video last week”, said Valerie.

Both women held on to the video, the sides of their breasts poking into each other as they stood close to each other. 

Jennifer laughed.

The two women looked like twins. Jennifer felt her nipples harden seeing them like this in a hostile situation ,fighting over a lesbian porn video.

“So, both your efforts were instrumental in my porno video store acquiring this video to rent out. May I suggest Miss Vera be allowed to rent the video today and she return the video by not later than tomorrow afternoon so that Miss Valerie could rent it tomorrow?”, asked Jennifer.

“No way! I saw the video first and I laid my hand on it before this woman barged in. I need to rent it today”, said Valerie.

“There’s no way you’re renting this video today. I am going home with it”, said Vera.

The sides of their breasts poked harder into each other and both women seemed to gasp. They both looked sexually excited, and Jennifer felt a bit jealous watching the two women locked together like this over a video.

“May I suggest something to you both? Since you both so desperately want to watch this video, I suggest that you both decide on going to one of your houses and watching the video together?”, said Jennifer knowing as the words left her mouth that this was one naughty suggestion.

“No way. What if I want to watch the video by myself in the privacy of my room?”, asked Valerie haughtily.

“What if I also want to watch the video by myself in the privacy of my room?”, asked Vera, angrily.

Though the two women looked outwardly scandalized, Jennifer felt that both women were trying hard not to sound excited by her suggestion.

“It is not such a bad deal. You both can watch the video today itself. You just need to decide whose house you’re both going to watch the video in”, said Jennifer, adopting a motherly tone.

The women looked at each other. They exchanged glares. Jennifer could sense both women mellowing a little. Their breasts were still poking sideways into each other.

“Since you both want to watch this Academy Wrestling video featuring Jade Imohara and Amy Lewinsky, it means you are both interested in the lesbian wrestling fetish. You could discuss various aspects of the lesbian wrestling fetish with each other and maybe even become friends”, said Jennifer, like a teacher trying to negotiate a truce between two catfighting schoolgirls.

Except, these two were grown up women.

Neither woman spoke. They continued to glare at each other, as if they were trying to fathom the other’s motivations by looking deep into the other woman’s eyes.

“OK then. It is not a bad idea”, said Valerie, relenting a little. 

“I don’t think it is a bad idea. My house is close by. Just five bus stops away”, said Vera.

The warring women seemed to be calming down.

“My house is just three stops away”, said Valerie in an insistent tone.

“Let’s check the video out first before anyone else rents it. We can decide on your place or mine once we are outside the store”, said Vera impatiently.

“OK. Let’s check it out then”, said Vera.

“I’m glad you handled this like a couple of ladies”, said Jennifer. She really meant it.

The two women walked towards the counter.

Once again, Jennifer noticed how the sides of their breasts were poking into each other.

Jennifer gulped. Did the two women know that the breasts were poking into each other?

Were the two women so desperate to rent the video that they had not noticed that their breasts were heaving against each other like they were lovers?

“You can check it out against my name”, said Valerie.

“Uh wait ….. check it out against my name. What if I want to go home with the video?”, asked Vera.

Jennifer sensed more acrimony about to break out between the women.

“I’m going to check it out in both your names. Something tells me, by the time you both finish watching this video together, it won’t really matter who gets to keep the video”, said Jennifer, sensing the intense chemistry between the two pimple faced women.

Vera and Valerie handed the video over to Jennifer and she handed it back to them after writing down its serial number in the record book.

The two women walked out of the Lezzie porno video store, clutching the video together, as if they still did not trust each other.

Jennifer was sorry to see them go. She wished they had a catfight right in front of her. She once again wondered how much the two women looked like twins.
Jennifer poured some more whiskey into her coffee and took a sip.
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The Battle for Clara

Chapter 1
Agustina pulled Clara’s naked body violently towards her own. The sweat on their breasts mingled as their breasts collided with each other. There was nothing like her breasts rubbing against Clara’s. Agustina simply could not get enough of Clara’s breasts. The smell of them. The taste of them. And just the sight of them. The sweat coming off Clara’s breasts tasted sweet.

The two women wrapped their legs around each other’s buttocks. Hands feverishly rubbed each other’s sweaty backs. They women sat like that for some time, breasts heaving together, washboard stomachs plastered together, both of them savoring the primitive joy of their naked flesh rubbing against another woman’s naked flesh.

They were tightly locked together, surrounded by the oppressive heat of the small room.

Then Agustina lifted Clara and their cxnts bumped against each other. Their wet cxnts rubbed easily against each other, and Clara let out a long amorous moan.
Agustina’s mouth was on Clara’s before she could complete the moan. She tasted the salty sweat on her upper lips. Clara responded by digging her fingers into Agustina’s hair even  as their tongues licked wildly against each other. They kissed deeply as Clara ran her fingers affectionately through Agustina’s hair.

The two women had achieved a nice mutually agreed rhythm with their cxnt bumping and Agustina rested her head against Clara’s milky white breasts, once again licking the sweet sweat of her breasts.

Their cxnt bumping gained in intensity. Agustina started to suck on Clara’s large pink nipples. They tasted of fresh milk.

Later, after they had finished, their naked bodies lay entwined on the single bed. Clara’s fleshy milky white body against Agustina’s muscular light brown body.

The sheets were drenched with the fluids that their bodies had excreted during coitus.

The two women slipped into a pleasant sleep with their naked bodies twined together.

In the morning, Agustina woke up early and did a hundred push-ups beside their bed.

Then she stood up and looked at Clara. Her fleshy buttocks. Her long fleshy legs. Her ample back. Maybe it was the sexual intensity of Agustina’s gaze, because Clara woke up and looked around. She saw Agustina hovering above her like a hungry bitch.

They looked at each other’s nakedness. Clara propped herself up against the pillow and opened her arms inviting her back into bed. Agustina lowered her sweaty body onto Clara’s supple early morning body. They kissed for some time. Clara’s entwined her fleshy calves with Agustina’s muscular calves.

Agustina mounted Clara. They moaned like two wild animals as they bumped cxnts. Clara pleasured Agustina’s well-worked calves with her fleshy lower limbs.

The two women exploded into each other’s cxnts in a matter of minutes.

Clara was good in bed. She was like a sexual samurai. She knew how to make Agustina ‘s vagina explode in just a matter of minutes.

Agustina showered and dressed in a tight shirt and jeans.

Then she sat on the only chair in the small room and watched Clara walk into the bathroom. Once again, she admired Clara’s bovine and feminine body. The fleshy hips which complemented the round milky white breasts which almost burst out of her tight shirt but were held back by her brassiere whose straps were visible. The fat neck and large shoulders and bovine upper arms with the scar of an old polio shot.

Clara was hers. Clara’s body belonged to her. And nobody else.

Clara came out of the bathroom after a shower, with just a white towel around her ample figure. She let the towel fall down onto the floor and began to dress. She put on a low top that showed off a lot of her ample breasts and tight denim shorts.

Agustina sat in her chair in the small room, savoring the sight of Clara dressing for work.

She and Clara lived in a small flat at the New Orleans Sports Hostel. Agustina, who was a wrestler, had been given a two-room flat at the sports hostel after she won a bronze medal for America in the 2008 Olympics.
Clara had represented America in the shot-put category. She was also a sex therapist in training.

They had met at the games village and had been physically attracted to each other almost immediately. Agustina had been attracted by Clara’s fleshiness. Clara on the other hand was taken in by Agustina’s muscular body. And at six feet two inches Agustina was taller than Clara’s five feet eleven. Clara had always wanted a woman who was taller than her. They had gotten married after a torrid one-month affair.

They had created quite a scandal in the Olympics village. Housekeeping staff complained that sheets in Clara’s room were covered with stains and always smelled of cum. Such was the intensity of their affair.

Chapter 2

The New Orleans summer was terrible. As Agustina and Clara stepped out of their flat, they could feel the sun beat down heavily upon not just them, but everything on the earth.

Agustina usually walked Clara to the railway station where she caught a train to work. Clara now worked as a full-time sex therapist and her earnings helped support Agustina’s ambitions as a wrestler.

Agustina would go back to the hostel gym to train after she walked Clara to the station. She was preparing for the 2012 Olympics.

As they left the hostel and walked towards the train station, Agustina could feel the eyes watching them. Men and women gazing longingly at Clara. Her Clara. She put her arm around Clara’s waist and pulled her towards her own body. Clara giggled at Agustina’s touch.

Through the corner of her eye, Agustina spotted a woman walking towards them. Agustina felt Clara stiffen.

Agustina recognized the woman as she came closer. It was Bernardina. Clara’s ex-wife. Bernardina had been a famous wrestling star in the early 2000’s but had since fallen from grace due to her excessive drinking and womanizing.

Agustina had heard talk that Bernardina was back to training to make it to the 2012 Olympics team. Bernardina was a tall, muscular woman.

Something about Bernadina’s demeanor as she walked towards them made Agustina tighten her grip around Clara’s body.

Bernardina gestured at Clara and stopped in front of them. She glared at Agustina. Agustina glared back. She still had her arm around Clara. Then, Bernardina turned her face towards Clara and the glare became a smile.

“It’s been such a long time since I have laid my eyes on you, Clara. You really are a sight for sore eyes”, said Bernardina in a yearning voice.

“It’s so nice to see you, Bernardina. How have you been?”, asked Clara in a kind but uncertain voice.

Clara felt Agustina’s grip around her body tighten as she uttered these words.

“Terrible. Terrible and lonesome. I’ve been lonesome without you, Clara”, said Bernardina.

Bernardina looked back towards Augustina and the eyes of the two muscular women locked and they resumed their glare.

Clara laughed uneasily. Agustina tightened her grip around Clara’s hips. She looked from Augustina to Bernadina. They both looked so alike, her current wife and her ex-wife.

She could smell both their aromas as she stood watching them glare at each other.

The hot New Orleans summer air was rife with sexual tension and sexual longing.

“Won’t you give me a hug?”, asked Bernardina in a tender voice, opening her arms.

Clara could contain herself no longer. She removed Agustina’s arm from around her hip and walked into Bernardina’s arms.

The women threw their arms around each other. Almost like long lost lovers, Agustina thought to herself.

They embraced wantonly.

Bernardina rubbed Clara’s back with her sinewy arms and callused hands. She closed her eyes and sensually moved her hands up and down Clara’s fleshy back. She had the fingers of a rough wrestler. This was a woman who had been in a few fights and lifted a few heavy dumbbells.

Clara seemed to be enamored by Bernardina. Their bodies were glued together as they embraced. Clara’s soft breasts jostling against Bernardina’s tough breasts.

Agustina gulped as she watched them. She felt her nipples turn hard.

She noticed that Bernardina was almost as tall as she was. It would be a tough fight between them if it came to that.

Then, Bernardina and Clara disentangled. Bernardina took Clara’s face in her hands. Agustina noticed the rough callused hands once again. Bernardina proceeded to plant a full kiss on Clara’s lips.

Agustina felt something stir inside her as Bernardina’s lips pressed against Clara’s.

Clara looked shocked.

Agustina moved forward, ready to act.

She caught Bernardina by the throat. And before she knew it, Bernardina had her by the throat.

The women tightened their grip on each other’s throats. Both women trying to loosen the other’s grip with their free hand.

There was pushing and jostling between the two wrestlers. And then Clara came between them. She had placed a hand on Agustina’s breast and the other on Bernardina’s breast. Trying to pacify them.

“Stop it you two”, Clara cried out.

The two female wrestlers yelled threats at each other. Other residents of the hostel who heard the lusty cries of the two fighting women came running and separated them with much effort.

Clara ushered Agustina towards the train station while the other residents took Bernardina away.

“How could you let that bitch kiss you?”, Agustina was hurt and angry.

“She is my ex-wife. It didn’t mean anything, Agustina. You know I am yours”, said Clara placing a hand across Agustina’s shoulder, trying to pacify her.

Agustina didn’t say anything. She was raging. She had wanted to snap Bernardina in two. How dare that bitch lay a finger on Clara.

“Do you still have feelings for her?”, asked Agustina.

Clara looked away from her. She pulled Clara towards her and kissed her on the mouth.

Clara resisted at first, but then she felt her tongue enter her mouth. Their tongues were all over each other. They exchanged spittle, right then and there on the gleaming New Orleans foot path.

“You are mine, Clara. You do not belong to anyone else”, said Agustina, in a voice full of sex and lust.

“I used to belong to Bernardina too”, said Clara. Her eyes were pleading with Agustina.

Agustina let Clara go and she walked by herself to the railway station.

As Agustina watched her go, she realized that she had kissed the mouth that had been kissed by Bernardina only a few moments ago.

The realization made her nipples hard again.
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Zuzka and Zdenka's Sex Fantasy

Chapter 1

It was a rainy Saturday afternoon. Zuzka was masturbating to two women wrestling naked on the computer screen in front of her. It was a classic DWW Galaxy video – Luzia vs Antonia.

Zuzka had been at it for some time now, fingering her pussy that was engorged and leaking fluids. She was completely naked as she sat on the chair in front of her computer.   

It was cloudy outside, and the room was dark. She had not switched the light on.

Perhaps it was the sound of rain or the sexual frenzy that she was in that she barely heard the knock on her door.

There was another knock.

Zuzka stopped fingering herself and listened. Another knock. Zuzka cursed under her breath and wondered whether she should open the door or not. If she did not open the door, maybe the person outside would think she was asleep and go away. Zuzka waited and then slowly began to masturbate again.

But after a few seconds, there was another knock.

Zuzka shut the window playing the video in which Luzia and Antonia were hopelessly tangled together on the floor, wearing only thin red thongs.

She got up from the chair and wiped her cum-laced fingers on her pantie that was lying on the floor. Then she picked up the round black neck t-shirt and denim shorts that were on the bed and slipped them on.

She waited a few seconds for her erect nipples to subside.
The person outside knocked one more time. Who the fuck was this, Zuzka wondered to herself?

Zuzka opened the door.

There was a tall woman outside. She wore a red t-shirt over her hefty upper body on which the large breasts were prominent. Her skimpy cotton shorts barely covered her fleshy thighs and calves. The woman was barefoot.

Zuzka had seen her somewhere and then realized suddenly that she had seen her around the property. The woman occupied one of the cottages on the property.

A serious expression adorned the woman’s large face.

“I live in the cottage down the hill. I have seen you around. I walked up here to meet you.”, said the woman.

“OK”, said Zuzka. She was in no mood to meet anyone on this rainy and lazy Saturday afternoon. “LET ME GET BACK TO MY MASTURBATION”, Zuzka wanted to shout into this bitches’ face, but she maintained her composure. 

The two women stood there. Staring at each other. The rain got heavier behind them.

“Can I come in?”, asked the woman. Her tone was insistent.

Zuzka could not help but stare at the woman’s large boobs. 

The rain grew heavier.

“OK. Come in”, said Zuzka, barely hiding a gulp.

Zuzka was not sure what this woman wanted. She was not very pleased about being disturbed during her masturbation.

Zuzka wondered whether her vagina would turn dry.

But she could not tell this woman to go away when it was raining so heavily.

Zuzka opened the door a little more and the woman stepped in and looked around like she was the landlord checking in on a rent dodging tenant.

“My name is Zdenka”, said the woman as she looked around. 

“I am Zuzka”, Zuzka responded.

“Do you live here alone?”, asked Zdenka, placing her hands on her hips. The posture made her breasts hang down like a couple of ripe mangoes and Zuzka could not help but stare.   

“Yes”, said Zuzka. 

“Family?”, asked Zdenka.

This was one nosy woman. 

“I don’t have one”, said Zuzka in an almost defiant tone.

Zuzka liked Zdenka’s protruding breasts but did not like her questions.

“Oh! Are you married?”, asked Zdenka.

“Divorced”, said Zuzka, continuing in her defiant tone.

A smile broke out on Zdenka’s face and her large breasts heaved as if she was excited.

“Me too”, said Zdenka in an excited voice.

Zuzka did not return the smile and simply stared at Zdenka, irritation writ large on her face.

“There is a strange smell in this room”, said Zdenka, sniffing slightly in the air.

Zuzka gulped. The strange smell was the smell of her vaginal juices. The smell of her cum that was dripping out of her pussy.

“Why don’t we sit at the dining table?”, said Zuzka, ushering Zdenka out of her room and towards the dining room.

Zdenka looked surprised but followed Zuzka into the dining room.

They pulled chairs and sat side by side at the dining table, facing each other, both women in round neck t-shirts and shorts and both barefoot. 

Their feet brushed briefly as they settled down on their chairs and both women whispered terse “sorrys”. They pushed their feet back under the chairs as if they were sexual organs.

Zdenka glanced briefly down at Zuzka’s breasts. Zuzka remembered she was not wearing a brassiere. 

“What do you do?”, asked Zdenka. 

“ I am a writer”, said Zuzka, tersely.

“Interesting. In fact, what a coincidence. I moved here last year to write a novel myself”, said Zdenka.

Zuzka looked at Zdenka, utterly surprised.

“How old are you?”, asked Zdenka. She was one curious woman.

“ I’m 39. You?”, asked Zuzka.

“Oh! I’m the same age as you”, said Zdenka. 

“OK”, said Zuzka.

Their eyes met and neither woman looked away. 

They were silent for a few seconds. Zuzka knew they were feeling each other out.

Zuzka thought Zdenka was bored living on the property by herself and needed some company.

“I hope I did not disturb you”, said Zdenka. 

“Not at all”, said Zuzka in an even tone. 

“It’s just that I get bored sometimes. I hope you don’t mind me dropping in like this”, said Zdenka.

Zuzka appreciated her candidness. 

“I understand”, said Zuzka.

They continued to stare into each other’s eyes. Neither woman looked away.

“I wanted to invite you to my cottage for some drinks in the evening. I hope you can accept my invitation”, said Zdenka in a dead serious tone.
Zuzka paused for a moment. Her eyes went down to Zdenka’s breasts once again. Zdenka saw her staring and smiled. Zuzka looked away quickly. 

“I will be there. What time?”, asked Zuzka quickly.

“ 7 pm? My cottage is the one by the bent over palm tree”, said Zdenka.

“OK. I will be there”, said Zuzka.

They stared at each other for a few more seconds. 

Then Zdenka got up to leave. Zuzka also stood up and their feet brushed against each other again. This time neither woman said sorry.

Zuzka followed Zdenka to the door. She really was a big woman. Her rather skimpy cotton shorts revealed fleshy and waxed legs.

When they reached the front door, Zdenka turned towards Zuzka to shake her hand.

Zuzka was reluctant, wondering whether there were traces of cum left on her hand. But Zdenka grabbed her hand.

The two women exchanged a firm handshake.

The rain had reduced in intensity, but it was still drizzling.

Zuzka noticed that Zdenka had brought an umbrella which was leaning against the pillar of the verandah.

Zuzka stood on the verandah and watched Zdenka climb down the hill to her cottage. Zuzka watched her large ass jiggle. Zuzka admired the fleshiness of Zdenka’s calves.

When Zdenka disappeared from her sight, Zuzka shut the cottage door, opened the Luzia vs Antonia video again and went back to her masturbation.

Chapter 2
As she walked down the hill, Zdenka felt glad that Zuzka had accepted the invitation for drinks.

Zdenka knew the smell inside Zuzka’s room were of vaginal juices. Zdenka figured Zuzka had been masturbating.

Zdenka had been lonely ever since she had moved into this gated community, often pining for some human company.

She walked alongside the coconut trees and the wet lawns which were a deep green due to the rains.

The walk downhill was a lot easier than going uphill to Zdenka’s cottage. But she was careful not to slip up. She was barefoot and her large breasts flopped around as she descended the hill. 

When she reached her cottage, she washed her large feet under the tap outside her cottage.

Zdenka realized that she was sweating a bit despite the rain.

She went into the kitchen, took the vodka off the kitchen shelf, took it to the living room and placed it on the table in front of the fireplace. Then she placed a couple of glasses in front of it. She would get the ice out of the fridge later. She had some 7 up in the fridge.

They could lace their vodkas with 7 ups later in the evening. Zdenka hoped that Zuzka liked vodka and 7 up. She felt like he had to impress Zuzka.

She had not fancied meeting another single woman out here in this gated community in Central Florida. Let alone a writer. She thought that the cottages would be occupied by holidaying families who would simply ignore her. Not that she liked socializing with families. They made her uncomfortable.

But she had seen Zuzka around the property over the last month. There didn’t seem to be anyone with her.

She had often kept her eye out for Zuzka’s tall figure, walking around barefoot in her t-shirt and denim shorts. She had noticed Zuzka’s shapely legs and large breasts. She thought they looked alike.

She lit the fireplace in the living room, not a big fire, just a small one. Just to get the room warm.

She brought the two chairs where she and Zuzka would sit and placed them close to each other. She placed a teapoy in between the two chairs.

She placed the vodka bottle and the glasses on the teapoy.

There was nothing else to do now except wait for Zuzka. It was only a quarter past three now. Lots of time left.

Zdenka was excited by the prospect of Zuzka arriving for drinks.

She decided to go into her room and masturbate to pass the time. Her current favorite sexual fantasy was of her and another naked woman the same size as her wrestling naked in a forest with rain falling down on their naked grappling bodies.

She went into her room, undressed, and quickly crept under the blankets completely naked. She began to finger herself.

There was a lot of time left till Zuzka would arrive for drinks.

Zdenka felt like she could go on masturbating for at least an hour.

She would finger herself real slow.

Today, the other naked woman she was wrestling in the forest could be Zuzka.
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If you liked the first two chapters of these short stories, do consider buying the whole book on Amazon:

The Porn Addicts and Other Stories

A collection of three Kama Fight short stories about sexually hungry and competitive lesbian women.

The Porn Addicts - Vera and Valerie, two women browsing through titles in a porno video store have an argument over who gets to rent a rare lesbian wrestling video. Things escalate between the two porn addicted women and together they embark on an intense relationship laced with barely concealed sex and lust.

The Battle for Clara - Agustina and Bernardina, two muscular and sexually aggressive female wrestlers tangle over the fleshy and feminine Clara, who is wife to them both. Agustina is Clara's current wife while Bernardina is her ex-wife. This is a furious tale of triangulated lesbian lust and jealousy.

Zuzka and Zdenka's Sex Fantasy - Zuzka and Zdenka, two lone women living in a gated community, discover that they might share the same sex fantasy. The women play a strange game of cat and mouse and run circles around each other as they submit to each other's lusty lesbian urges.
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