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Old Catfight Story - The Pub

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Offline bobf

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Old Catfight Story - The Pub
« on: June 04, 2024, 07:02:55 PM »
Figured I would try one last time. There was a great catfight story posted last February or so. It took place in a booth at a pub. There were two couples and the women baaically mauled each other's pussies. It was awesome but then the author deleted the story or account. Does anyone have it or can the author re-post if still around?


Offline martha

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Re: Old Catfight Story - The Pub
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2024, 05:05:12 AM »
you must using translate


Offline martha

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Re: Old Catfight Story - The Pub
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2024, 05:14:52 AM »
Boj v hospod?

Tento p?íb?h o dvou párech, které se setkaly v hospod? poté, co se manželky pohádaly, se mnou sdíleli p?átelé na Trillian. Lynn a miluji to, a možná n?kte?í lidé zde v?dí, kdo je autorem.

Tina 5'4” 145lbs 34D-24-34 Brunetter vlasy 60 let
Sherry 5'5”!150 36D 26-36 Blond vlasy 63 let

Sherry a Tina se p?ed n?kolika týdny krátce pohádaly na ve?írku, který se rychle rozešel, ale ne d?íve, než se ob? zatáhly za vlasy a dostaly pár facek. Tina a její manžel Tom te? sed?li v odlehlém zadním boxu v baru/restauraci a užívali si místa pro sebe. Stánek m?l vysoké op?radlo, které bránilo ostatním, aby je nevid?l, a dlouhou lavici. Tom se zmínil, že když byla odlou?ena od Sherry, ?ekla Sherry, že pokud ji ješt? n?kdy uvidí, oplešatí její kundu. "Vytrhala bych každý chlup ze špinavého rozkroku té mrchy," ?ekla manželovi. Sherry a její manžel Steve zamí?ili na domluvené klidné místo, aby si dali drink, než šli s Tinou a Tomem do hotelového pokoje.

Bar byl perfektním místem pro zvýšení nap?tí p?ed st?etem. Malý bar bez dalších lidí, tmavý s kabinou vzadu, která nabízela trochu soukromí. Sherry m?la na sob? halenku a krátkou sukni s holýma nohama. I ona si vzpomn?la na hrozbu ohledn? její kundi?ky. Sherry m?la bujný ke?, který byl zast?ižený tak akorát, aby jí chloupky nevykukovaly zpod bikin, a její manžel to miloval. Sherry ?ekla Stevovi, že kdyby m?la p?íležitost, ukázala by té d?vce, co je to opravdové maukování. "Oskalpoval bych její pahorek"!! Šli ke stánku, aby vid?li Tinu a jejího manžela, kte?í už tam byli.

Oba manželé, kte?í na sob? nem?li slipy, jak bylo d?íve dohodnuto, nekontrolovateln? tepali v kalhotách. Po n?kolika sekundách ticha Tina vstala a pozvala Sherry, aby se posadila vedle ní do kabiny. Tina, stejn? jako Sherry, m?la na sob? sukni, top a holé nohy. Ob? ženy m?ly krásné nohy a rády je p?edvád?ly. Tina vklouzla do budky a Sherry ji následovala. I když bylo místa dost, ob? ženy sed?ly blízko sebe. Muži sed?li naproti ženám a nemohli nevid?t ledový  pohled mezi ob?ma ženami.

Pod stolem svíral každý manžel své vlastní rostoucí maso. Tina a Sheirry mluvily tém?? šeptem a muži neslyšeli, o ?em se mluvilo. Když si povídali, ob? ženy použily loket, aby se nenápadn? píchly do prsou té druhé. Každý z muž? zvedl nápojový lístek, aby si ho p?e?etl, a když se podívali zp?t na ženy, všimli si, že Tina a Sherry už nejsou bok po boku, ale více pod úhlem a blíže k tvá?í v tvá?. Manželé také vid?li, že ženy spustily ruce pod st?l, ale nevid?li, co se d?je. Ženy se up?en? dívaly a zíraly na sebe. Nebylo slyšet žádné št?betání, jen zvuk zrychleného dýchání a hlubších nádech?. Paže se napínaly, ale nevykazovaly žádný pohyb. Ob?asný pohyb paží byl vše, co nazna?ovalo, že se n?co d?je.

Pak si všimli lehkého zak?u?ení od Tiny, lehkého zasténání od Sherry a v?tšího pohybu paží. Tinin manžel se podíval pod st?l, vd??ný, že ho nikdo nevid?l, a byl šokován tím, co vid?l. Chvíli fascinovan? pozoroval, než se posadil a ?ekl manželovi Sherry: „Je to boj. Každá žena používá jednu ruku k obran? své kundi?ky, zatímco druhou se snaží dostat do rozkroku své oponentky. Dokonce si kv?li boji zvedli sukn? až k bok?m!“

Tina a Sherry ob? šly po ostatních ko?i?kách a snažily se té druhé dostat ruku pod kalhotky. Jejich nehty se zarývaly do materiálu a snažily se kalhotky strhnout nebo se do nich alespo? dostat. Manželky za?aly vykazovat v?tší nap?tí, jak boj pokra?oval. Jejich paže manévrovaly a pohybovali boky a nohama, aby nepustili soupe?e do kalhotek. Po n?kolika minutách vyrovnaného boje za?ala Tinina paže vykazovat známky v?tšího pohybu než Sherryina.

Tentokrát to byl Sherryin manžel, kdo se podíval pod st?l. Sherry se snažila dostat k Tin? kundi?ce, ale Tin? se poda?ilo zabránit Sherry dostat se rukou pod kalhotky do rozkroku. Sherry tahala za ochlupení skrz materiál, ale nemohla po?ádn? uchopit kundi?ku, aniž by se dostala p?es kalhotky. Podíval se na manžel?in rozkrok práv? ve chvíli, kdy Tina vložila ruku pod nožní otvor Sherryiných kalhotek. Sherryin manžel p?išel a ?ekl Tininu manželovi, co se d?je. Když dokon?il sv?j popis, Sherryin manžel si všiml ustaraného výrazu na tvá?i své ženy a Tininy rty zvlnil lehký úsm?v. Tina se p?ibližovala blíž k Sherry a Sherry se snažila couvnout, ale nem?la kam jít.

Tinin manžel zašeptal: "Milá?ku, máš její kundi?ku?" Tina p?ikývla, že ano, a ?ekla: „Mám ji“ a její manžel ?ekl: „Drž její dít?!!“ Oba manželé se podívali pod st?l a vid?li, pro? má Sherry potíže. Tin? se poda?ilo dostat svou ruku hluboko do Sherryina rozkroku a mohli vid?t obrys Tininy ruky, jak pracovala p?es Sherryin cxnt. Tina stále držela Sherry od její vlastní kundi?ky a te? získala výhodu. Sherry vyjekla a kousla se do spodního rtu, aby se pokusila ignorovat bolest. Tina p?istoupila blíž ao pár vte?in pozd?ji Sherry vydala bolestné „Ach bože“ a oto?ila hlavu sm?rem k zadní ?ásti stánku. Tinina paže pumpovala ze strany na stranu, když manévrovala, aby se dostala tvá?í v tvá? Sherry. Její ruka zajížd?la do kundi?ky. Sherry se te? jen bránila a nedokázala uvolnit ruku z rozkroku. Tinina paže se jednou a dvakrát prudce zatáhla. Sherry se ozvalo hlasité sténání bolesti a najednou se Tinina ruka odtáhla od Sherry a nad stolem.

Sherryiny ?erné kalhotky spadly na st?l. Tin? se je poda?ilo úpln? odtrhnout a te? se snažila dostat p?ed Sherry, aby p?inutila útok, ale st?l ji brzdil. Sherry te? m?la svou p?íležitost a když Tina t?i roztrhané kalhotky na stole, Sherry drápala Tininu nebrán?nou manžetu. Tinin manžel se podíval na Sherryho a ?ekl: "Promi?, ?lov??e, ale musím to ud?lat," a p?itáhl st?l k nim, ?ímž ob?ma manželkám poskytl pot?ebný prostor k eskalaci tohoto boje. Tina toho okamžit? využila a poklekla na sedadlo kabiny ?elem k Sherry. Sherry si také klekla a stále se držela Tinina rozkroku. Sherry obkro?mo obkro?mo obkro?mo Tininu nohu a rychlým pohybem p?itáhla Tinu za vlasy na hlav? dop?edu a roztrhala z Tiny kalhotky a slavnostn? je shodila i s pár ochlupeními na st?l.

Tinina levá ruka z?stala mezi nohama Sherry. Muži útok nevid?li, protože jim Tina bránila ve výhledu, ale vid?li, jak Tinina paže prudce trhla, nejprve nahoru a dol? a pak ze strany na stranu. Tinin manžel byl ve stavu vzrušení. "Máš její dít?, p?epracuj ji" "Nenech ji dostat cestu." Tina zvedla ruku a ochlupení na ohanbí bylo znovu posypáno na st?l. Sherry odpov?d?la v naturáliích Znovu a znovu Ruce obou žen se zabo?ily hluboko mezi nohy její oponentky a pokaždé, když byly na podlahu nebo na st?l v kabin? vytaženy další vlasy a posypány je.

Najednou a rychle Tina vstala a oto?ila se na stranu, aby ustoupila ke zdi. Tinin rukáv odhaloval dv? lysiny. Na Tininých stehnech a podél linií kalhotek byly škrábance. Tinina levá noha z?stala na podlaze, zatímco zvedla pravé koleno na sedadlo kabiny. Naklonila se, popadla dv? hrsti vlas? na Sherryinu hlavu a hrub? ji stáhla na sedadlo kabinky.

Sherry byla umíst?na na zádech a Tina p?itáhla Sherry za vlasy k sob?. Tina položila pravé koleno na stranu Sherryiny hlavy a na Sherryinu paži. Sherry ležela na zádech a ruce m?la spoutané. Tina se mírn? pohnula, takže její vlastní kundi?ka byla p?es Sherryinu tvá?. Sklonila se a zaujala perfektní polohu obrácenou k obli?eji. Sherryin obli?ej zmizel pod Tininým zadkem a rozkrokem. Tina pak odstr?ila Sherryinu levou nohu z kabiny tak, aby visela p?es okraj sedadla. Pak zahákla Sherryinu pravou nohu za koleno a vytáhla nohu nahoru. Sherryina kundi?ka byla doko?án. Nyní mohli manželé vid?t Tininu práci. Tina dodržela slovo a oškubala Sherryho kundi?ku. Její hustý ke? byl pry?. Její pahorek byl pokrytý škrábanci, n?které hluboké a krvácející. Její vnit?ní stehna byla poškrábaná, ale Tina ud?lala víc než jen plešatou kundi?ku. Jeden z kundi?ích rt? Sherry byl p?íšern? natažený, t?žce pohmožd?ný a krvácel z hlubokého ?ezu zasazeného do nehtu.

Tina se podívala na svého manžela: „Zlato, vyhrávám boj a porážím tuhle d?vku. Posa? se tady, abys m?l úplný výhled, než ji dokon?ím. Dám jí cxnt mauling, na který nikdy nezapomene“! Jakmile byl p?ipraven, Tina ud?lala „há?ek“ se t?emi prost?ední?ky a zabodla je do masa t?sn? pod kundi?ku a zvedla je nahoru. Tininy nehty už m?ly pod nimi k?ži a krev, ale tohle byl hluboký škrábanec!! Nehty zanechaly cestu m?lkých ?ez? od t?sn? nad zadkem až po klitoris. Oba pysky byly vytaženy a poté poškrábány nehty. Kone?n? vypadala Tina spokojen?. Podívala se na Sherryina manžela a ?ekla: "Když tato ko?ka vyhraje boj, vždy zanechá svou stopu"! Tina nehtem na palci vyst?ihla ?áru svisle od klitorisu po horní ?ást linie kalhotek, a pak p?ekro?il tuto ?áru s jinou, aby vytvo?il „T“. "T pro Tinu," ?ekla mu.   

Tina odešla se svým mužem, Sherryin manžel v?d?l, že bude trvat dlouho, než se Sherry z tohoto boje vzpamatuje, jak fyzicky, tak emocionáln?. Oba manželé v?d?li, že budou bojovat také...až se p?íšt? setkají. Tina se zvedla ze Sherryiny tvá?e a s mužskou paží kolem ní vít?zn? vykro?ila k autu.


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Re: Old Catfight Story - The Pub
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2024, 02:20:20 PM »
Thank you so much!! I have been looking for that over a year. You are the best!


Offline Mike_Lynn

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Re: Old Catfight Story - The Pub
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2024, 04:12:12 PM »
This story about two couples meeting at a pub after the wives had a spat, was shared with me by friends on Trillian. Lynn and love it, and maybe some folks here know who the author is.

Tina  5’4”    145lbs   34D-24-34   Brunetter hair 60yo
Sherry 5’5”!150      36D 26-36 Blonde hair 63yo

Sherry and Tina had had a brief fight a few weeks ago at a party that was quickly broken up but not before both had pulled haiir and landed some face slaps.  Tina and her husband Tom were now sitting in a secluded back booth in a bar/restaurant enjoying having the place to themselves.  The booth had a high back that kept anyone else from seeing them and a long bench seat.   Tom mentioned that as she was being separated from Sherry, she told Sherry that if she ever saw her again she would bald her pussy.  “I would rip every hair from that bitch’s dirty crotch” she told her husband. Sherry and her husband Steve were headed to the arranged quiet place to have a drink before going to the hotel room with Tina and Tom.

The bar was the perfect place to increase the tension before the clash. A little bar with no other people in it, dark with a booth in the back that offered some privacy.  Sherry had on a blouse and a short skirt with her legs bare.  She too remembered the threat about her pussy.  Sherry had a lush bush that was trimmed just enough so the hair didn’t peek out from under her bikini, and her husband loved it.  Sherry told Steve that if she had the chance, she would show that bitch what a real pussy mauling is.  “I would scalp her mound”!! They walked over to the booth to see Tina and her husband already there. 

Both husbands, neither wearing briefs as previously agreed, throbbed uncontrollably in their trousers.  After a few seconds of silence Tina stood and invited Sherry to sit next to her in the booth.  Tina, like Sherry, was wearing a skirt, top and bare legs.  Both women had beautiful legs and enjoyed showing them off.  Tina slid into the booth and Sherry followed.  Even though there was plenty of room, the two women sat close to each other. The men sat across from the women and could not help but see the icy stare between the two women. 

Below the table each husband gripped his own growing meat. Tina and Sheirry were talking almost in a whisper and the men could not hear what was being discussed.  As they chatted both women used an elbow to discreetly jab the other’s breasts. The men each picked up a drink menu to read and when they looked back up at the women they noticed Tina and Sherry were no longer shoulder to shoulder but more at an angle and closer to being face to face.  The husbands also saw that the women had lowered their hands below the table, but could not see what was going on.  The women were locked in a stare, glaring at each other.  There was no chatter, just the sound of an increased rate of breathing and deeper breaths.  The arms were straining but not showing motion.  An occasional arm movement was all that indicated something was happening. 

Then they noticed a slight whimper from Tina, a slight moan from Sherry and more movement of the arms.  Tina’s husband looked under the table, grateful no one was there to see him, and he was shocked at what he saw.  He watched in fascination for a minute before sitting up and telling Sherry’s husband “It’s a fight.  Each woman is using one hand to defend her pussy while using the other to try to get at her opponent’s crotch. They even raised their skirts up to their hips for the fight!”

Tina and Sherry were both going after the others pussy and trying to get a hand under the other’s panties.  Their nails were digging into material, trying to tear away the panties or at least get into them. The wives began to show more strain as the fight continued.  Their arms were maneuvering and they were moving their hips and legs to avoid letting the rival get a hand into the panties.  After a few minutes of an even struggle, Tina’s arm began showing signs of more movement than Sherry’s. 

This time it was was Sherry’s husband that looked under the table.  Sherry was trying to get at Tina’s pussy but Tina was successful in preventing Sherry from getting her hand under the panties to her crotch.  Sherry was pulling at the pubes through the material but could not get a real good grip onthe pussy without getting her hand past the panties.  He glanced over at his wife’s crotch just as Tina got her hand under the leg opening of Sherry’s panties.    Sherry’s husband came up and told Tina’s husband what was happening.  As he finished his description, Sherry’s husband noticed the worried look on his wife’s face and a slight smile crease Tina’s lips. Tina was inching in closer to Sherry and Sherry was trying to back away but had no place to go.

Tina’s husband whispered “Baby do you have her pussy?”  Tina nodded yes, and said  “I have her”  and her husband said “Claw her baby!!”  Both husbands looked under the table and could see why Sherry was in trouble. Tina was successful in getting her hand deep into Sherry’s crotch and they could see the outline of Tina’s hand as it worked over Sherry’s cxnt. Tina was still keeping Sherry away from her own pussy and now had gained the advantage. Sherry squealed and bit her lower lip to try and ignore the pain.  Tina moved in closer and a few seconds later Sherry let out a pained “Oh God” and turned her head towards the back of the booth.  Tina’s arm was pumping side to side as she maneuvered to get around face to face with Sherry.  Her hand was driving in at the pussy. Sherry was now only defensive and unable to dislodge the hand from her crotch.  Tina’s arm pulled back hard once then twice.  There was loud moan of pain from Sherry and suddenly Tina’s hand pulled away from Sherry and above the table. 

Sherry’s black panties were dropped on the table.  Tina had succeeded in tearing them completely off and was now trying to get in front of Sherry to press home the attack, but the table was inhibiting her.  Sherry now had her chance and as Tina three the torn panties on The table, Sherry clawed at Tina’s Undefended muff. Tina’s husband looked at Sherry’s and said “Sorry man, but I have to do it”, and he pulled the table towards them, giving both wives the needed room to escalate this fight. Tina took immediate advantage and knelt on the booth seat facing Sherry.  Sherry knelt as well still grabbing at Tina’s crotch. Sherry straddled Tina’s leg and in a swift motion pulled Tina forward by the hair on her head and shredded the panties from Tina, and ceremoniously dropped it and some pubes on the table.

Tina’s left hand stayed down between Sherry’s legs.  The men could not see the attack because Tina blocked their view, but they could see Tina’s arm jerk violently, first up and down and then side to side. Tina’s husband was in a state of excitement.  “You have her baby, Work her over”  “Don’t let her get a way”.  Tina’s hand came up and pubic hair was sprinkled was again sprinkled on the table.  Sherry replied in kind Again and again Both women’s hands plunged deep between her opponent’s legs and each time more hair was pulled and sprinkled on the floor or booth table. 

Suddenly and quickly Tina stood and turned sideways to back up towards the wall.  Tina’s muff revealed two bald patches. There were scratches on Tina’s thighs and along her panty line.  Tina’s left leg remained on the floor while she brought her right knee up on the seat of the booth.  She leaned over and grabbed two handfuls of hair on Sherry’s head, and pulled her down roughly on the seat of the booth. 

Sherry was positioned on her back and Tina pulled Sherry by the hair towards her.  Tina placed her right knee on the side of Sherry’s head and on Sherry’s arm.  Sherry was on her back and her arms were pinned.  Tina moved slightly so her own pussy was over Sherry’s face. She lowered herself and assumed a perfect reverse face sit.  Sherry’s face disappeared under Tina’s ass and crotch. Tina then pushed Sherry’s left leg off the booth so it dangled over the edge of the seat.  She then hooked Sherry’s right leg behind the knee and pulled the leg up.  Sherry’s pussy was wide open.  Now the husbands could see Tina’s work.  Tina had kept her word and had plucked Sherry’s pussy bald.  Her thick bush was gone.  Her mound was covered in scratches, some of them deep and bleeding.  Her inner thighs were scratched but Tina had done more than just bald the pussy.  One of Sherry’s pussy lips was horribly stretched, badly bruised, and it was bleeding from a deep cut inflicted a nail. 

Tina looked at her husband “Honey, I am winning the fight and beating this bitch. Sit over here so you can have a full view while I finish her.  I am going to give her a cxnt mauling she will never forget”!  As soon as he was ready, Tina made a “hook” with the three middle fingers and jabbed them into the flesh just below the pussy and raked them upward.  Tina’s nails already had skin and blood under them but this was a deep scratch!! The nails left a path of shallow cuts from just above the ass to the clit.  Both pussy lips were pulled and then scratched  with finger nails.  Finally, Tina seemed satisfied. She looked at Sherry’s husband and said  “When this cat wins a fight she always leaves her mark”!   Tina used her thumb nail to cut a line vertically from the clit to the top of the panty line, and then crossed that line with another to form a “T”.  “T for Tina” she told him.   

Tina left with her man, Sherry’s husband knew it would be a long time before Sherry recovered from this fight, both physically and emotionally. Both husbands knew they would fight time they met. Tina rose from Sherry’s face and with her mans arm around her strode triumphantly to the car.