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Heavy Metal Discord Debut -- Sweet Misty vs The Red Enforcer (part two)

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Offline RedEnforcer

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Part One can be found here:

And here is the second part of this incredible match. Twists and turns galore. I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to leave a comment.

Sweet Misty vs The Red Enforcer (part two)

Sweet Misty:

I'm happy as can be just laying there mainly horizontal compared to where I was not too many moments before.  Bend...  flexed....  angled...  a good example to all the kids at home.

"See there kids?  If Misty's back is at a 90 degree angle what is the length from her head to her feet.  Remember that is a right triangle!  Please show your work!"

I just need a quick moment to let the twinges in my back to settle down.  My ears are listening...  listening for any sound of a chain being undone or the soft click of a lock that signals your escape.. but it never comes.  Instead my hair is pulled away from me until it is taut enough to lift my head.  To say you peel me off the mat is probably an understatement.

My hands grab up at the wrist abusing my poor bloodied locks and I complain, "Hair!  Hey my hair!!" forgetting what kind of match we are in at that moment.  Slowly I get my feet under me as I go from being horizontal to vertical.  Twisting around until I can see you in front of me with my hair held up as we see eye to eye for what feels like the first time in a while.  That camel clutch felt like torture that should have been classified as illegal by the MI5... and you know how shady they can be!

"Uuuuhhhhh....  guh!", I hiss out at the end when I try to move a bit and the grip on my hair keeps me in place.  I slap my hand against your wrist and try to dig my fingers in to weed them out of my mane.

"Let.. me...  go!!"

Red Enforcer:

I don’t remember the last time I felt like this. The Indy ring of PWL. Old school cage. Hot bright incandescent light bulbs that hiss and pop with age. Sweat all over my freckled flesh. And blood. The scent of an injured opponent.

“Yeah it’s your hair. It’s also a pretty good handle.”

You uncurl to your full 5’10 height. Nearly equal height. Your emerald green eyes flash pain and anger and contempt. I’m sure my deep brown eyes look almost black. It happens when I get excited over a big clash. The fact that you’re able to stand after my unlicensed chiropractic adjustments is a testament to your ruggedness. Holding you up like this. I just can’t get Jenny outta my head. Your fingers dig into my wrist and you struggle. *Let.. me… go!!*

A cruel smile splits the front of my face like an angry crack in the universe.

“As you wish…”

And I cock back my right arm and step forward, aiming a harsh LARIATOOOO at your exposed neck and upper chest.


That fiery feeling in my scalp continues unabated and I smack a fist against your wrist once... and then again.  I can't get this brute's iron grip off of me as he just stubbornly holds on.  It's his eyes that scare me the most...  they aren't just studying me to see what the next part of the plan is.  He's taking it in... all of it in.  Drinking in the pain and agony that he can see coming through as it seeps out of my body.  Every twinge, gasp, cry, shudder and quiver that happens seems to be noted, cataloged and stored alphabetically or whatever dewey diabolical system you use.

"Do you know...  NNnnngg...  how hard it is to keep...  AAHHHH!  ...keep this straight and looking GOOOO-SSSSHHHHIIITTTT!!!!"

I shouldn't have tries to pull that way!  A particularly searing stab of pain runs from the roots of my hair down into my body to tell it "Stop moving you BITCH!!"  I do as I am told.  I'm a good girl after all.  Right and proper...

However that is when I see your intentions... and know what you are about to do when your trunk of an arm comes up and clicks into place behind you.  My hands beat on your hand holding me in place and you do let go...  but without any sort of time to get out of the what feels like a steel cable crashes against my upper chest and neck!  The only sound made is a **TTTTHHHUUUUDDDD-Thhhuuuddd-Thuddy-thud...** as you rocket me down onto the canvas and my whole body bounces off the floor like some kind of jumping bean before settling there.  Whilst my body is laid out in a nearly perfect X my chest bounces and jiggles a few more times in the tight form hugging leotard I am wearing as I stare up at the blinding and somewhat dysfunctional (those aren't going to cause an electric fire right) ring lights that feel hot as well right now.  Fuck me...  my eyes blink heavily... and my body is throwing up all the red flags which states...  She can't take much more of this Captain.


Wrestling in Japan teaches you really quickly that you toughen up or they’ll beat the hell out of you. Especially if you’re a scrawny gaijin sent over to learn by Akihisa Mera to “toughen up.”

But the thing with coming back to the States and wrestling, especially in high profile big leagues, is you have to dial that shit back. Working “stiff” gets you sidelined. But that’s what I love about PWL. I can bust out some old school violence.


No thigh slap here. Just the sickening thump of flesh on flesh. Gawd this is intoxicating. Watching your tall, attractive, athletic body fall back and crash to the mat. I hear Punky’s yelling and a wistful smile comes to my lips briefly. I wonder how Lindsey is doing. Man I miss FTW.

But now I have Misty Brinkley lying at my feet, sweaty and bloody, although that cut seems to have clotted. Suit clinging so tightly to her body that I can make out her curves and her muscles. Looking at those ab muscles gives me an idea.

“You know another red head I wrestled before taught me a lot about nerve holds and claws. I think you would’ve liked Brenda Rua. See she taught me how to do this.”

My palm goes flat, lined up over your belly button. Fingertips pressing against your suit.

“Step one. Line up your hand just right.”


I'm pretty sure there are only supposed to be 3 lights working up there... why are there 6?  Oh... oh ok...  they're kind of melding together.  I shake my head left to right and then back again and that seems to help... sort of.  Things are...  the wires are uncrossing a bit but the ache in my back is more acute than ever!  I want to roll on to my side and just dig my knuckles into my back to try and get a little bit of relief but there's no time for that!

You come into view blocking out one of the lights making you look like some damn silhouette haloed by heaven's light or something!

"Brenda... who?"  I don't get the name... but I do get the reference to nerve holds as your hand comes down lining up with my stomach.  I know what you want... and I'm not going to give it to you this time!  My eyes blaze a moment thinking, "How dare you!?  Play with me?  Do you know who the hell I am!?"  With that my left hand shots under to meet your grasping claw before you can press those fingers in.  My fingers slide in between yours and I just grab it as tight as I can before giving your arm a yank to attempt to bring you down close so I can hiss into your face.

"Step two.  Eat shit motherfucker!!!!"

And with that my right hand thrusts up and tries to lock inside your mouth as you are still talking... before you know what is going on.  My thumb and forefinger press out as I look to slip that middle and ring finger under that tongue...  looking for the soft membrane under there...  looking to lock in a Mandible Claw and shut you up for a little while.

"My turn to teach...  Step one....  scream for me!"


One problem I have in my regular life and my wrestling is that my mind tends to work constantly. To the point where I need stimulation like background noise to keep me level.

But when I saw you lying on the mat and that well, luscious form of yours wrapped tightly in your suit. My mind kind of wandered. So I took my time and monologued. Something Megan’s always getting on me about. I never expected you to have the sense to slide a hand under mine. (Should have pressed fingertips faster). Never thought you would grab my arm and pull (Should have factored in your toughness). Never thought I’d hear the English Rose, Sweet Misty, cuss like a Marine in a bar before shit goes down.

I’m caught flat footed or flat kneed as it were. A different green flame in your eyes as you get your anger up. And before I know it. You have your hand in my mouth. Thumb and forefinger holding steady outside, two fingers hitting that juicy spot under ny tongue and pressing in.

Remember that brain that fires constantly? Right now it is screaming like it’s on fire as neurons process the sudden paralyzing pain of the Mandible Claw. My eyes roll back a bit. Body tightens as muscles fire. Leaning onto your hand to hold myself up.

As for your demand. I have no mouth opening and I Must Scream….


With the claw locked in and holding your hand tight I use both to kind of help myself up to a sitting position.  It's classic Mick Foley... lock in the claw and get to higher ground to really put the pressure on that nerve under the tongue.  That's my thought... at least at first.  At first...  You see... I'm not Mick Foley... and I don't do things the way they usually ought to be.

Its not the most comfortable... trying to rise up and maintain that hold.  How the hell does that legend do it so often I'll never know...  but slowly I shamble and move to get my legs under me and start to rise up so we are now nearly standing at equal height.  Pressing that palm in and pushing the back of the knuckles up to keep the hand rigid... and the back of the hand keeping your jaw locked open.  I look right into your eyes so you can see the green fire flash.

"You know what Mick Foley could never do?"

With that I push in to get you looking up more toward the heavens.  I finally let your hand go and slide it up to grasp at your shoulder.  Next I try to leap up and cinch those long legs around your waist and get those ankles crosses behind your back... all while keeping the claw hold in place.  Blood starts to spill down the front of my face again as I jolt the weak clot that settled there and I look like some kind of fucking demon ready to swallow your soul.

"Pain?", I simply ask...  before trying to tighten the body scissors around you to join the nerve being pinched in the bottom of your mouth.  I look over Red's shoulder...  looking a little seductively at the Purple Vixen as though this is exactly where I want to be...  I give the side of Red's neck a little lick as though to claim the man right here and right now.


I’m a big fan of ventriloquists and puppeteers. Creating awesome characters by just manipulating inanimate objects. Well right know I feel like a damn puppet being played by a master. I can’t move. Not on my own. I can move at Misty’s whim. Misty. Like a magician’s assistant who’s decided to take the spotlight and take control of this match.

“Gufrfrd “

Gurgling, drooling and looking at you. No fear. Just pain. And maybe a bit of a smile as I see just how violent Sweet Misty is prepared to be.

I feel the atmosphere shift. It’s like you are sizing me up much like I sized you up earlier. My fingers twitch but that’s all I can do no matter how badly I want to escape. But then you…

“Mmfmsnnsn “

Long legs wrap around me and cinch me in tightly. My brain finally registers something other than pain. I feel you snap against me and if I could, I would moan like only few have ever heard. Sudden blood flow out of my brain doesn’t help matters. And it just gets warm where our bodies contact.

But it’s when you look over my shoulder and give my neck a little lick that my legs quake and I fear I may fall.


A wobble is enough to get me to hold on a bit tighter and draw my legs up just a bit more.  Are you going to go over... and which way!?  That's pretty damn important as well!  Seems like you are... steadying and...  so...  I can't stay up here forever.  I need to keep in mind the kind of match we are in here and what that means.  Eventually...  I have to escape from here.

I move my hips a bit and climb up on your hips a bit more... before looking into your face with a bit more of a softer look.  Something definitely has definitely flipped inside the Sweet One's head.  Almost at though the flip side of her coin has come out.  She's enjoying this... that is evident by the curve of her lips and the stare she is giving old Red there.

She gives her legs a pulse with a little "Uhhh!" to accent it... more for your consideration than anything else.  That smile widens to a grin and I lean in to bump my nose against yours...  right before pressing my forefinger more to see if I can get a different sound out of you... before adding the middle finger back in as well.

"Oh Red... I could really do this all night but I don't think anyone would really appreciate that.  Don't you think?  Let me just...  here let me kiss it and make it all better.

My legs slide off you and once again my boots have the reassurance of solid ground.  That claw slips out and and my fingers spider out to slide around your head into your hair...  and draw you in to a full throated no shame snog.


My fingers grip in and I wrap those red locks around them.  I try to let that sink in before pulling back and leaping up into the air and draw my knees up aiming to have them right on your chin or as close as I can get them.  My weight should be sufficient I hope to pull you back... wanting to drop myself down onto the hard mat of the ring and jolt my knees into the bottom of your chin in the process!


Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down. Right now though I’m not a weeble and Misty has me all wobbly. I don’t know where this side of her came from but it has me off balance in more ways than one. I mean, I’m no prude and I’m experienced in more erotic flair but having gears shift in the middle of a match is jarring.

When you clamber up and look at my face, I get a good look at your face and I don’t recognize it. It’s like a different, more mature, more sultry side has come out and she can see the effect it has on me.


That pulse of your legs and that accented little “Uhhh!” It just..fuck..I feel my hips shift forward against her and there’s a definite throb going on. I know between your leotard and my trunks you know exactly the effect you’re having on me. I don’t even know if you’re into that or just messing with me. Either way, Misty has used Smokeshow. It is Highly Effective.


More drool exits my mouth as your claw dries it out. But when you press harder my eyes water and the sound is more a whimper.


You’re playing me like a piano, notes plinking on the ivory in just the right sequence. But then you uncurl from me and let the claw release. The pain is gone replaced with a deep, breathy need. And your fingers go in my hair and pull me in for a deep kiss. Again my mind is overwhelmed. This sexy Sweet one is making me putty in her hands. When she leaps up, I have no sense of self preservation and just move with it, knees in my chin and


I fall down then bounce up and off and crash flat to the mat. Lying there dazed with everyone able to see just what Misty has done to me.


For that brief moment after the impact I lay there smiling up at the brightness above us.  Praise the sun... or at least the equivalent that we have in this place.  My gaze turns to the side to see you lying there on the mat... chest heaving and trunks throbbing after what I did.  I learned a long time ago that a little pain mixed with a little pleasure can really screw up the wiring inside a person.  It doesn't matter if they are man or woman...  it seems to do the trick.

Right now I bet you are trying to redo all the connections inside your brain that tripped every fuse in there.  You might be at that for a little while Big Guy.  Part of me is a little sympathetic...  but then again the other side of me found it exhilarating...  fun...  and god damn do we need to have more of that in the ring right?

I start to climb back up and don't think that its an easy thing.  My body complains the entire way and the blood seeps a bit more out of my wound to put a fresh coat of colour over the left side of my face.  My back doesn't want to straighten completely and I hold it a bit as I look down at you... assessing the damage so to speak and thinking...  its enough.  With a half smile sent your way I turn and make my way top the corner of the ring... you know the one... with the door.

"Open it up!" I bark out as the referee grabs the key and the lock clicks with a turn of his wrist.  We don't hire referee's for their dexterity and this guy is just making things worse as he pulls the chain this way and that to try and get it away from the door.

"Come on!  Get the door open!"  Frustration is creeping into my voice...  but I should be ok.  Plenty of time...  after what I did to him his next wake up call will be a bell.  And it won't be his normal alarm clock...


I lie there and look up. There are four lights. Even if some people want me to believe there are three. Shit. I’m loopy if I’m thinking of Sci fi right now.  This cage match. She brought it to a new level. One I wasn’t ready for. Because I’m losing a step. Getting long in the tooth. Way past my prime. Maybe they’re right and I should just stick to training the next generation.

*Come on! Get the door open!*

It sounds like her voice is far away. But somewhere in my haze I hear this Portland accented whisky tinged voice “You better get your Corn Fed Ass up and beat this British Bitch or I’m gonna hurt you myself!”

We both pushed each other in training to never just roll over and lay down. In fact we both have high levels of piss and vinegar and it’s remembering that I owe that thorny rose some payback for trying to mindfuck me that gets me to sit up.

Metal is clanging and rattling as I get to the ropes and haul my tired ass up to my feet and turn and see Misty impatiently waiting for the door to open. These refs are trying their best but the lock is a mess to hold in one hand as it’s the size of my fist. But these zebras are on the tiny side.

I stalk my way to the corner and think about what I want to do to Misty. I settle on a language lesson.

While you are fussing over the door I come up behind you and go to slap my arms around your waist. And if I can, I’ll try to settle in deep, ignoring as best I can how your bottom scrapes against me and pop my hips and see if I can surprise you with a release German suplex.


With my hands on my hips I watch the incompetence of the finest in PWL can't seem to get their act together.  Fingers are pointed and there seems to be a little argument on the best way to open the way.  I place my hands on my hips and look very much the object of frustration.

"You got the lock off just get the chain off and get out of my-!!!"

Suddenly a pair of arms clamp around my waist with the hands clamping around the front before pressing into my tummy.  Oh shit!  How the hell did Red just shake off all that?!  More impressive to me is the way he seemed to tore through the mental fog I laid heavily on his ass.  How did he cut through all that!?

"Fuck!  FUCK!  Red!!!  Whhhooooaaaa!!!"

My boots are no longer touching the mat as the stale air whistles in my ears.  My eyes widen and my arms go out wide as I'm not sure what the hell is going on.  Right at the apex of my journey I realize you let me go and I'm sailing through the air unassisted.  My lips open and I scream out!


The impact cuts off the rather girlish scream that escapes from my lungs and that was enough to get the quarrelling referees to look up.  The argument to open the door ceased and a new one starts on how to relock the door.

The back of my head and back take the hit before I roll over onto my stomach.  I lay there a moment and the have to move to work out some of the pain that hits my already injured back.  I want to get up...  but all I can manage is to raise my hips up a moment before they fall back to the mat...  then repeating the action but just slightly lower... and again... and again... before I settle on the mat with a loud moan.


People talk about sweet release, well that release right there was pretty fucking sweet. I’m rocking up onto my butt as I feel the screaming and the boards shaking. I grab the ropes in front of me and see the refs staring at me. I stare them down like I’m Ghost Rider for just a second.

“**LOCK IT**”

Growling as I pull up to my feet and turn. Jaw aching and that stitch in my side burning a bit with each breath. Watching you finish your tumble as I close the distance. Every step I take reducing the amount of time you have to avoid my wrath.

“Nice trick darlin. But I’ve been mindfucked by the best. Just took me a second to adjust.” Blushing under my mask as I remember what you did to me.

Then moving my big right paw down to snatch the back of your leotard. Gripping and getting a handful of your suit, as best I can, I look to just *YANK* your body up in the air towards me. Then I’d move my right leg so that I could position my thick, muscular right thigh under your falling body so that your belly just lands hard on that thigh.


I lay there working through all the hurt and aches that have been visited upon my body and wonder how the hell I am still moving.  I lift my head just a bit with my mouth agape...  a red net over all of my face at this point as the excess drip drip drips to the canvas below me.  I feel like I am in a fairy tale as I look around... and the steps of a giant are getting closer and closer.  I have to get out of here...  there's supposed to be a beanstalk or something right?  That's what we are doing?

The back of my suit crumples in the tight grip as though a crane has come down to clamp down on the material.  I'm lifted up and at first...  all my limbs just dangle as my fingers scratch the canvas and the tips of my boots do the same.

"Huuuuhhh!  W-Wha!?", I just call out into the air not able to see but wondering if my suit is going to hold up under the strain!  It was made to hug me but there wasn't a lot more room for anything else!

My hands claw out into the air as though I am trying to swim away until you just position that thigh under me and drop me stomach first onto that appendage as thick as a medium sized tree trunk!  My stomach just compresses and the air forcibly blows out from between my lips puffing my cheeks out comically.  My lithe form just hangs over your thigh like a towel on thrown over the side of a shower stall.  The only difference is a towel doesn't groan out... nor try to weakly push off from it to get away (and failing to do so).


Sitting there with you lying across my thigh, I just have to laugh. I’ve slammed many women onto it before but no one gushed like that…from their mouth. Air blasting out told me that the hit landed just like I wanted.

“Wanna try to scramble my brain by teasing me? That’s a spanking.” And I pull my hand back and slam it hard on your cheeks.

“But that’s just the start.”

I grab you by that hair again to peel you up and try and turn you over on my thigh. If I can, I will press my hand on your chin and your inner thigh and start bending that back again.


"NNNNGGGG!", I groan as my hands paw at the leg underneath me a bit more.  My fingers run along the muscles there and grip here and there to try and push myself off...  but when you are winded like I am right now even the simplest of actions seem quite impossible.  I perk up a bit when you tell me what the punishment is for my shennaxxxxns.

"Don't you dare-!!!"  **SSSSMMMMAACCCCKKKK!!**

That hand as big as a ham just slaps into my tush and everyone in the arena lets out an "OOOOOOOOooooooohhhhh!"  The impact causes me to go rigid...  my legs kick out and my arms wave in the air.  My head flies back and my hair whips in the air so harshly that I would make Indiana Jones jealous.


Hair now covers my face.  I look like a mess with the strands stuck to the blood there.  I lower myself back down to drape over your leg slowly...  lips wet and open and a little bit of drool just slips out... but before I can hang completely your hand snatches up my strawberry blonde hair roughly!


I struckle against you as you pull my hair around and down...  forcing me to twist with it.  Where the head goes so does the body they say and truer words were never spoken.  Ok so there are truer words than that but it does work!  Once my face twists around people can see my mouth open raggedly and my face pinched in pain.  The twist isn't smooth either...  my face comes around and with another buck of my back and tug of my hair...  my hips comply.  My suit strains and the zipper at my neck has crept down a bit due to the strain on it.  My girls are so tight in that suit that it leaves very little to the imagination.

Your fingers unravel from my hair but the callouses catch a few strands and pull them out on the way causing me to bark out a short cry.  That hand slips to my chin and you start to push back... as the other finds my thigh and does the same.  Soon all the wrinkles in my suit are gone...  and I grit my teeth...

"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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