Well my soul searching is over
So let’s start with the deepest and perhaps hardest question to answer; well at least it was for me. Am I a successful catfighter? I’ve won more fights than I’ve lost; but does this alone make me successful? Honestly I’m not sure; perhaps I’m overthinking things and it’s ultimately all about the W’s and the L’s? Or does the definition of success in catfighting extend beyond a simple win - loss record? Thoughts anyone?
Anyway onto the fun part: What is the secret to being successful at catfighting? What qualities and or experiences do the most successful catfighter’s have?
1. As I’ve said before control of emotions such as anger and aggression is top of my list. Uncontrolled anger and aggression is imo a hindrance; but if you’re the kind of person who can control these powerful emotions. That’s a really useful character trait for any kind of fighter.
2. A high tolerance for pain / mental strength: as previously said I once saw a bitch crumble after a measly three slaps to the face. A good tolerance for pain / mental strength definitely is number 2 in my book.
3. Physical fitness: I’ve seen some very out of shape bitches beat up some very fit bitches. However physical fitness still is my number three and it’s for me the most important physical quality a Catfighter can have.
4. Awareness: Just because you’re in a catfight; doesn’t mean you should not be aware of what’s going on around you. A successful Catfighter can focus on both her opponent and her surroundings. This is especially important if her friends are about. Awareness also means you’re constantly looking for weaknesses or injuries you can exploit.
5. The ability to throw a proper punch! Punching is the most essential skill. Oh and top tip take your rings off! Yes they will hurt who you just punched; but is it really worth the risk of fucking up your right hand in the middle of a Catfight?
6. No matter who you’re facing; never ever underestimate them. There is a fine line between confidence and being cocky.
7. Psychological attacks work; get into the bitches head and make her doubt herself and make her scared of you. I believe a successful Catfighter understands how Important psychology is.
8. Fight smart - standing toe to toe with a bitch while you both wildly pull on each other’s hair is I grant you satisfying but definitely not smart.
9. Commit yourself! The fight has started; there is no turning back. Do what needs to done.
10. Be cool; control the encounter if possible. So for example you bump into that bitch from high school; you both want to fight. Control the encounter and arrange an appropriate place and time. Spontaneous encounters are full of avoidable risks.
11.Dress to fight; not to impress. You may look stunning in that black minidress; but a pair of jeans, T-shirt and trainers or leather boots with a good solid heel will serve you way better. *Raises hand: I break this one all the time*
12. Be Lucky.
Ok, here is my list and while I’m not 100% happy with it; I think it’s a good start for a discussion. And in case anyone is wondering; I think that hand on heart 7 out of 12 of my list apply to me. As for which ones…that’s for me to know.
Anyway let’s discuss