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My wife fights-how it started

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My wife fights-how it started
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:02:49 PM »
My wife's interest in fighting and wrestling started almost 20 years ago in what I would consider an unsual way.  My wife had never been in a fight in high school or college and really the topic never came up during the first few years we were together.  Dianne, my wife, was not the type to argue or complain about almost anything and she still to this day is easy to get along with.  But back when we were first married, our neighbors who lived directly behind us made life in our small starter home difficult.  Loud music, a dog that barked all the time and yelling came from the one story brick house only 30 feet from our back door.  A row of shrubs divided our properties, but it didn't block out any the noise we heard from the couple that lived there.  Beverly and her husband, who's name I can seem to remember, were better than cable TV and Dianne and I would routinely sit in our kitchen with the windows open to listen to the white trash couple argue and fight. 

On weekend morning, my wife was picking up some trash and litter that had accumulated along the shrubs in the back yard.  According to Dianne, Beverly was watching her clean up the mess that had blown over from our messy neighbors yard.  While Dainne was gathering the debris, Beverly came up to her and let her know that that garbage stuck in the bushes wasn't from her yard and that my wife seemed well suited for picking up garbage.  Dianne did not respond, but the dislike between the two woman started from there. 

Over the next several months there were a number of ugly comments made by our neighbor Bev and eventually Dainne held her ground and threw some insults Beverly's way.  It went from insults to the woman flipping each other off during the following weeks.  One afternoon I was in the den when I heard the back door slam.  I looked out the window and saw Dianne making her way towards the shrubry in the back.  I could see Bev in her back yard, but couldn't see what she was doing.  Dianne walked through the bushes and right up to Bev.  The two were yelling and I opened the window to hear what they were saying.  Before I could hear what was being said, Beverly grabbed Dianne and pushed her to the ground.  I was shocked and my first instinct was to run out there and stop it, but it was pretty obvious that neither my wife or Beverly knew how to fight and no one was going to get hurt.

Bev and Dianne rolled on the ground in and out of the bushes.  There was lots of hair being pulled,but very few punches or slaps.  No words were spoke between the woman, but they struggeled for some sort of control.  I was amazed at how sensual all of this was and I watched intently.  After almost two minutes of wrestling in the grass Beverly ended up on top of my wife.  Bev straddled Dianne's midsection and pinned her arms to the ground. Dianne wouldn't stop struggling to get up from under Bev. Beverly released her grip from one of Dianne's wrists and slapped Dianne across the face.  I could hear the sound of slap it was followed by two more.  Bev again pinned Dianne's hands to the ground and I watched as my wife gave up. 

Beverly got off of Dianne and stood up. Dianne was still on her back on the ground and Bev told her that next time she wanted to fight she had better be able to back it up.  Dianne got up and headed directly to our back door.  Dianne went directly to the bathroom and in the shower she went.  I tried talking to her, but all she did was cry.  After what seemed to be the entire afternoon my beautiful wife came out of the bathroom with a bruised cheek and a fat lip.  Dianne told me that she would never let that happen again and that she wanted to learn how to dedend herself.  I told her how I had watched her and Beverly and how turned on I was by her fighting another woman.  She liked the idea of me watching her and she admitted that even in losing that there was something very sexual for her in fighting another woman.

From that point foward Dianne started working out at one of the large chain gyms.  Dianne took a few martial arts classes, but didn't like it.  Running and working out became a way of life and eventaully Dianne found a much smaller gym that had many more woman than men.  It was at this gym that she met Ilene.  Ilene was in her late 30's and Dianne was in her early 20's.  The two woman qucikly became work out partners and good friends.  I remember the first time I met Ilene and I though she was stunning.  Long dark hair, big tits, and a super sexy smile.  Dianne used to tell me how hard they worked out together and I believed her.  My wife was always very attractive, but the change in her body was amazing.  She became very toned and her boobs were incredible now that she had dropped some weight.

Dianne and I met Ilene and her husband for dinner one night and after a few glasses of wine my wife explained her motivation for working out so hard.  She described how it felt to be humiliated by Beverly on the ground and how she wanted to fight her again.  I noticed a certain sparkle in Ilene's eye as she listened to Dianne's story.  I didn't know what it was, but I remember it clearly.  After a few more glasses of wine Ilene told us how she had fought a number of women over the years and how it became soemthing special for her and her husband.  Doug, Ilene's husband, began telling "war" stories about some of the matches Ilene had and some that he had as well.  The conversation became extremely sexy and I thought we were going to burst into a foursome at any time.   We didn't, at least on that night. 

Dianne and I left the restaurant that night years ago never to be the same again.



Offline bigmack

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Re: My wife fights-how it started
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 04:13:53 PM »
A great start I would love to here more.


Offline Ready5

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Re: My wife fights-how it started
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 12:25:06 AM »
Good stuff.  Hope there was a rematch with Bev.



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Re: My wife fights-how it started
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 08:22:14 AM »
Dianne and Ilene began working out not only at the gym, but at our home and at Ilene's as well.  Ilene act almost as a mentor as she taught Dianne about wrestling and catfighting.  Dianne and Ilene wrestled on a regular basis, however I never seemed to be around to watch.  I noticed a bit of muscel definition in Dianne's arms and her legs were quite well shaped even before all the training.  Dianne would come home sore from wrestling and many times she'd try various moves and holds on me.

Ilene introduced Dianne to some friend of hers who got together to wrestle and for the occassional catfight.  I heard all the stories from Dianne about the match ups and just how tough some of the catfights got.  After several months of this Dianne told be that Ilene had arranged a friendly wrestling match with one of her friends that Dianne hadn't met.  Dianne wanted me to come and for the first time watch her has she pitted herself against another woman since her humilitating loss.  How could I say no. 

Ilene took care of everything and one weekend night Dianne and I showed up at Ilene's home for Dianne's first real match.  We were suprised to find that Dianne's opponent, Camilla, or Camy as her husband called her, was already there and busy stretching out on a large mat in the basement.  Camilla was a dark skinned woman in her late twenties with short dark hair and dark eyes.  Camilla's husband, Hector, looked like a personal trainer with a good tan.  Everything was very friendly and we either shook hands or hugged.  Ilene was a great host and she explained that she would officiate the match and that the match would be divided into three minute time frames.  Hector, Doug, and I sat on bar stools in a corner of the room while Dianne and Camy nervously chatted.  Ilene further explained that Camilla was relatively new to the world of real combat, however she had wrestled and fought several times before.

The nervous chatter ended and the women slipped out of thier street clothes.  Both Dianne and Camy were wearing Lycra body suits under thier clothes.  We, the men, quickly noticed the wonerful curves beautifully outlined by the tight fitting stretchy material.  Camy's tits were big and round and her nipples jutted into the fabric.  Dianne's tits were slightly larger, however her nipples poked out just like Camy's.  Ilene set what appeared to be an egg timer on the ground and she invited both women into the center of the room.  "Fight! was all Ielen said and with that the women attacked one another.  They immediately hit the ground and rolled over and over.  There was no hair pulling or punching.  In fact, they wrestled like highschool wrestlers appling various holds around the neck and torso. 

I was amazed at how fast my wife was and quickly she was able to entangle her legs around Camy's.  Dianne got behind her opponent with her legs wrapped around Camy's and for a moment it looked like Dianne was humping her "doggie" style.  Dianne's arms went under Cammy's and she lifted up forcing Camilla's face into the mat.  Dianne thrust her crotch into Camy's ass as she locked her in a full nelson.  The more I watched the more I became aware that Dianne was humping her.  Camy cried out in pain and I thougth she was about to give in when the egg timer went off.  Dianne release her hold and both women got to their feet.

The rest was short and as soon as Ilene set the timer they were off at it again.  They stood and struggled and ended up in a bear hug for a bit.  Dianne's pwerful legs wrapped around Cammy's and the short haired woman fell back.  She landed with a thud and Dainne never let go.  Dianne quickly pinned Camilla's arms to the mat and then moved into a position where she was sitting on top of Camy with her knees now into the middle of Camy's arms.  There was no face slapping, no name calling, only a tap on the shoulder from Ielen to let Dianne no it was over.  Dianne got off of Camy and even helped her up.  They hugged and laughed and were proud of themselves.  Camy even hugged me while Dianne gave Hector a hug he'd remember.

Wine was poured as if we were at a party celebrating something and it all seemed a bit odd.  The woman talked about the moves they used, what they could have done better and how they wanted to do it again.  I watched as my wife seemed to soak in what had just happened.  It was obvious that she liked to win, but more interesting to me was that Dianne seemed to really enjoy fighting.  While I was busy watching Camy's tits bounce in her body suit, Ilene announced that Doug and Hector were going to wrestle a few rounds.  It turns out that Hector and Doug had wrestled each other a number of times before.  It was Hector's interest in wrestling and catfighting that eventually lead to Camilla trying it. 

Doug and Hector moved to the other side of the room while I sat with the women drinking beer and watching.  Doug and hector seemed to know the routine quite well as they both pulled off their shirts and unbuttoned thier pants.  There were no "tighty whities" with these guys, it was strictly speedo type under garments.  Ilene made no attmept to set the timer and after a quick handshake they went at it.  I assumed these guys were friends by the way they had acted while the women fought, but out on the mat there was only going to be one winner.  It was a straight up, bare chested restling match and these guys were ten times faster than Dianne and Camy.  They were covered in sweat almost immediately and they grunted and groaned like wild animals. 

I was definetly the odd man out, but I was sitting with the women and drinking a beer.  The women seemed to enjoy watching the men more than we had enoyed watching them.  Ilene was on the edge of her bar stool and her nipples had stiffend so much I thought they'd tear through her shirt.  Dianne was glued to the action as well and I really started feeling like I needed to get in on this. 

After what must have been ten minutes of hard wrestling on the ground the two men separated.  Doug was slow to get to his feet and I though for sure Hector was going to tackle him.  But he didn't.  Now I could see what the women were staring at.  Both Hector and Doug had incredible hard on bulging in their tiny speedos.  The men took their time to catch their breath and smiles returned to thier faces.  "Let's settle this" Doug said and with that he slid his tiny piece of his underwear off.  Hector did the same and I wondered what I was about to see.  They returned to the center of the room, cocks fully erected, and then they dropped to their knees.  Facing one another they moved closer and interlocked fingers.  I had heard about "cockfighting" but had never actually seen it happen before.

The men were only inches apartment and their dicks almost touched.  Kneeling and facing one another they moved closer and began to batter each other with their cocks.  Due to their position on the mat, the women quickly left me and got close to Hector and Dough as they pounded thier dicks together.  Ilene cheered on Doug just as Camy did for Hector.  I finally had to move to see what was going on between the two men.  Hector and Dough swung their hips side to side and back and fourth slamming cocks together and then cocks to balls.  This went on for minutes until Doug moved like lightining to the side and somehow seemed to trap Hectors dick against his stomach.  Doug began to pump slowly and methodically.  "Take him honey, make him cum..." came softly from Ilene.  Camilla spoke to her husband and tried to encourage him to hang on.

I didn't know much about cockfighting,  but I know when a guy is going to cum and Hector was defintely going to cum.  I moved a bit more to get a better view and there I could see Doug's cock slowly sliding up and down Hectors.  Hector began to growl and Camy called to him..."not yet baby, not yet!"   Doug pumped a bit harder and slower and Hector let loose.  He shot his load onto Dougs stomach and it ran down to the mat.  Doug unlocked his fingers from Hector and Hector fell flat on the mat. 

The ending of the cockfight was much different than the woman's wrestling match, but by the way I saw Dianne fight I was sure it was to happen again.  Many more times again.  That's how it started and that's how we got to where we are today.   


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Re: My wife fights-how it started
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2011, 06:47:10 AM »
That story was great . Can't wait to read more.


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Re: My wife fights-how it started
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2011, 05:43:22 AM »
good one...loved it.


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Re: My wife fights-how it started
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2011, 06:42:26 AM »
Wonderful stories. Would love to hear more about your couple's matches.
Love mature women (50+) in intense action, even matched, grudge between them. My pics tend to show what I like. No extreme violence, death or humiliation - that's just not me.


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Re: My wife fights-how it started
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2013, 09:20:27 PM »
Great story.  Can't wait to read more.  I really want to read more about the girls.  I am not gay but the guy fight was also good. 


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Re: My wife fights-how it started
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2013, 08:44:59 AM »
Gotta love ridiculous thread necromancy and asking for more from a user that hasn't logged in for over a year.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: My wife fights-how it started
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2013, 06:57:09 PM »
Seriously?  The author hasn't logged in for over a year.  What part of that is difficult to understand?

RIP the account of Sophie Cees.