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De mujer a mujer (Woman to woman, in Spanish)

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Offline Maura

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De mujer a mujer (Woman to woman, in Spanish)
« on: April 12, 2011, 10:19:24 AM »

This story in Spanish has been asked by one of my Spanish friends. She knows who she is. For her and others (unfortunately not too many)...


Julia y Rosa eran dos mujeres espectaculares. A sus treinta y pocos, tenían unos cuerpos de concurso, 1,75, 70 kilos más o menos, Julia 38D-28-38, Rosa 40C-30-40, aquella morena azabache, ésta pelirroja, ambas con largas melenas que se correspondían con sus peludas pelvis.

   Las dos trabajaban como ayudantes de doña Lola (“llamadme Lola a secas, chicas, que el doña me hace vieja”), una lesbiana cuarentona que regentaba un negocio de bares de alterne para lesbianas. Doña Lola, a sus cuarenta y cinco, tenía un cuerpo impresionante, producto de buenos cuidados, alimentación inteligente, gimnasio y buenos masajes. Ni un gramo de grasa, pechos mayores aún que los de ellas, olor a perfumes caros, vestidos elegantes y gusto por variar las mujeres en su cama.

   Julia y Rosa, aquélla con un master en administración de empresas, ésta con un master en marketing y comunicación, habían sido contratadas con altísimos sueldos para liberar a doña Lola del día a día administrativo, pues ella prefería recorrer sus locales, alternar y mantener al personal a raya.

   Las dos hembras actuaban en público como las mejores amigas, especialmente ante doña Lola. Pero las dos tenían un designio común: meterse en la cama de doña Lola y no para una efímera noche, o incluso unas semanas de placer, sino de forma más permanente, teniendo a la vista la gran fortuna de la bella cuarentona, además de sus favores sexuales en los que se decía que era la mejor.

   Cuando Julia y Rosa se veían a solas, sus sonrisas eran malévolas. Generalmente adoptaban posturas desafiantes, los pechos adelante, las manos en las caderas: “Imagino que estás tramando algo para meterte entre los muslos de la jefa”, decía una. “Eso serás tú, zorrita, que te sales sólo de pensar en su cuerpo”, decía la otra. “Claro, y a ti se te cae la baba cada vez que la jefa te habla”.
   Otras veces, el enfrentamiento era casi físico. Las dos casi nariz con nariz, los pezones rozándose, escupían las frases: “No hay duda de que eres hermosa, pero fría como un témpano”. “Más caliente que tú de aquí a Lima… y con más amantes”. “¿Sí, pirujas de bares sucios?”. “Esas son las tuyas, las mías son elegantes y de clase alta”. “Un día te demostraré que soy mucho más mujer que tú”. “Eso me encantará verlo, cielo, porque estás muy lejos en la clase”.

   Había un personaje que estaba al tanto de la rivalidad real de las dos mujeres. Era Laura, la secretaria personal de doña Lola, una mujer aparentemente poca cosa, morena, a menudo desgreñada, plana, vestida adustamente, con gafitas y olor a mustia. Ellas, despreciándola, hacían sus escenas delante de ella, como si no existiese. Y ella, Laura, terciaba en sus discusiones con humildad: “Vamos, chicas, unas mujeres tan maravillosas como vosotras, peleando así. Si doña Lola se enterase…”

   Doña Lola se enteró misteriosamente. Un día, temprano, se plantó en la oficina y llamó a ambas a su lujoso despacho. “Bueno, chicas, ha llegado a mi oídos que ambas mantenéis una rivalidad que no quisiera perjudique vuestro espléndido trabajo”. Levantó una mano para acallar las protestas de ambas. “También sé que yo soy en parte la causa de esa rivalidad”. Las dos la miraban en silencio, admirando su compostura y elegancia natural. Continuó: “Pues bien, para terminar con esa situación, deseo que peleéis entre vosotras. No a golpes, sino sexualmente. Para demostrarme a mí, pero también para demostraros a vosotras cuál es la mejor hembra. La que se impone a la otra en el campo más femenino, el del dominio sexual. Quiero veros ahora”.

   Julia y Rosa se miraron, algo obnubiladas por la proposición, pero excitadas ante lo que las dos habían deseado y temido al mismo tiempo. Vieron que doña Lola iba muy en serio. Las dos se dirigieron al centro de la espesa alfombra que cubría gran parte del despacho, miraron de nuevo a su jefa, se colocaron a pocos centímetros de distancia una de otra, de forma que podían inhalar los caros perfumes y el aroma de su excitación sexual, y comenzaron a desnudarse con movimientos provocativos y voluptuosos.

   Cuando se quitaron las blusas, los pechazos de ambas quedaron orgullosamente al aire sin sujetadores, firmes, erguidos, los pezones grandes y erectos. Doña Lola los evaluó mentalmente, admirándolos como buena experta. Ellas se los miraron también con admiración pero no envidia. Dado el espesor de la alfombra, las dos lanzaron los zapatos de tacón alto lejos y se quitaron las minifaldas meneando las caderas con gestos igual de voluptuosos que las blusas. Ambas llevaban ligueros y medias de costura, Julia liguero negro y bragas blancas transparentes que dejaban ver su selva negra y espesa debajo, Rosa liguero rojo, también con bragas transparentes que dejaban a la vista su bosque rojizo y tan espeso como el de su contrincante. “Precioso coño, cariño”, dijo Julia melosamente acariciando el de Rosa por encima de las braguitas. “Magnífico coño el tuyo, amor”, dijo Rosa igual de melosa acariciando el de Julia. Las dos notaron la ligera humedad de las bragas de la otra que demostraban su excitación, como empezaba a notarse el aroma de los jugos vaginales. Las aletas de las narices de ambas temblaban excitadas y una ligerísima capa de sudor se formó encima de los labios superiores de las dos hermosas hembras.

   Sin separar las manos de los coños, sus bocas se unieron en un sinuoso y experto beso de labios y lenguas, éstas pugnando por penetrar la boca de la otra, danzando y
Luchando en las bocas entre jadeos, la saliva pronto escapando a las barbillas y cuellos mientras las manos acariciaban febrilmente los peludos coños y las tetas se aplastaban duramente, los pezones encontrándose, los pechos moviéndose en círculos, de derecha a izquierda y de arriba abajo cada vez más fuerte, intentando establecer el dominio. Diez minutos largos de intensa lucha, que doña Lola contemplaba relamiéndose los labios y con sus piernas abiertas, su mano acariciando su prominente sexo también peludo pero totalmente desnudo.

   La intensidad les produjo el primer orgasmo conjunto, las piernas se les doblaron y tuvieron que sujetarse una a otra para no caer, mientras los jugos empapaban las bragas y escurrían a sus hermosos muslos. Las dos sudaban ya bastante y sus olores llenaban el despacho, a lo que contribuían también los cuantiosos jugos vaginales de doña Lola que se había contagiado del orgasmo y había tenido una deliciosa corrida.

   Las “gladiadoras” se repusieron, se miraron una a otra con admiración y algo más que lujuria, se desabrocharon los ligueros parsimoniosamente y se quitaron las bragas, arrojándoselas a doña Lola que las agarró al aire y las olió y lamió con gusto. Inmediatamente, Julia y Rosa se agarraron de los gloriosos culos y juntaron sus coños con fuerza, enredando sus selvas, pegando sus húmedas y gruesas rajas y uniendo sus excitados y largos clítoris en singular lucha. Las uñas se clavaban en las nalgas y los coños se restregaban casi violentamente, mientras las dos jadeaban y gruñían como animales en celo que en esos momentos era lo que eran. Sus pechos volvieron a unirse y restregarse, sus bocas se fundieron en un beso, más que de enemigas, de apasionadas mujeres en busca del placer mutuo, el sudor cubriendo ambos cuerpos libremente.

   El segundo orgasmo conjunto fue espectacular, las dos temblando como hojas, e doble grito apagado por el feroz beso, las uñas clavándose dolorosamente en los buenos traseros, ambas sujetándose una a otra mientras sus rodillas se doblaban y se clavaban en la alfombra. Los temblores de la enorme corrida les duraron largos minutos, las dos se miraron con ojos brillantes de lujuria y deseo animal y luego miraron a una doña Lola espatarrada en su sillón, con un manantial de espesos jugos saliendo a borbotones de su glorioso coño y sus caderas temblando casi fuera del sillón.

   Las luchadoras cuyas caras no reflejaban desprecio ni rabia, sino placer y lujuria, se hicieron un gesto y se sentaron en la mullida alfombra, cruzaron sus muslos, uno arriba el otro abajo y aplastaron sus coños uno contra otro, con un ruido de jugos, se agarraron de los muslos y empezaron a follarse ardientemente, enredando los pelos, cruzando y atacándose los clítoris, besándose los labios vaginales en restregones casi violentos, pero claramente sexuales, los olores de sexo y sudor llenando el despacho, los jadeos de ambas sólo superados por los de doña Lola, que se masturbaba con el puño entero en su profundo coño y los ojos abiertos inverosímilmente. Las luchadoras gemían de pasión, gruñían de lujuria y a las dos se les escaparon chorros de pis que se unieron al charco de jugos y sudor en los coños, vientres y muslos de ambas. “¡Joder, fóllame, cariño!”, “Toma coño amor”, “dame más, cielo”, “jódeme, quiero correrme”, “te deseo, Rosa”, “y yo a ti, Julia”. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH”, “ME CORROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”.

   La doble corrida fue la más espectacular de todas. Torrentes de jugos escaparon a borbotones de los calientes coños, espesos y olorosos, como geyseres ardientes, en tanto los cuerpos temblaban, sudaban, olían y las dos se abrazaban y besaban con gran ardor y pasión, las lenguas buscándose, las salivas manando y escurriendo hasta las tetas, las dos abrazadas, agarradas a los culos, mientras los coños seguían restregándose y soltando jugos y pis en un manantial inacabable. Pasaron largos minutos antes de que ambas se repusieran, se separaran y miraran a doña Lola, que sentada en la alfombra en un charco de jugos con ojos vidriosos, dijo algo balbuciente: “He asistido al más salvaje espectáculo sexual que recuerdo, con una sola excepción. Las dos habéis demostrado ser unas hembras calientes y sensuales, dignas de mi cama y de otras muchas camas, aunque pienso que desde hoy os aficionaréis una a otra. ¿Me equivoco?”. Las dos asintieron, y doña Lola continuó: “Sin embargo no os hagáis ilusiones, una cosa es acostaros conmigo y otra convivir conmigo. Estoy casada en secreto”. Se levantó, algo tambaleante, tocó un timbre en su mesa, y al poco se abrió la puerta y entró Laura.

   Las dos se quedaron boquiabiertas, pues tardaron en reconocerla. La Laura que entraba era una mujer bandera, voluptuosa, libre de sus severas ropas, su feo moño y sus cursis e innecesarias gafitas, su lustrosa cabellera negra suelta hasta media espalda, su cuerpo cimbreante de caderas altas y pechos firmes, una belleza serena y esplendorosa.

   “Os presento a mi amada esposa”, fueron las palabras de Lola antes de fundirse en un apasionado beso con ella. “La excepción de la que os hablé antes fue la primera noche que pasamos juntas. Eso fue sexo salvaje y maravilloso”.

   A modo de epílogo, Julia y Rosa pronto se casaron. Por supuesto, se acostaron con doña Lola y Laura, incluso en su noche de bodas, pero su amor apasionado no conoció límites.



Offline laia_marco

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Re: De mujer a mujer (Woman to woman, in Spanish)
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2011, 04:39:34 PM »
por fin una buena historia en español .....
besos cariño

6 now in trillian "laia1"

i love irl fights ..many open rules ... i love too fight witn my bf ....... and now i like know the cybers too

28/08/2020 lossoe whit babydoll26, she cum me hard


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Re: De mujer a mujer (Woman to woman, in Spanish)
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2011, 03:49:30 AM »
This is a rough translation, via Bablefish and some on-line dictionary work.  It's not perfect English, but I think you can see that apparently the thought of hot women in sexual combat excites more than just English-speaking folks.


Julia and Rosa were two spectacular women. In their thirties and single, they had a few bodies of contest, 1.75, 70 kilos more or less, Julia 38D-28-38, Rosa 40C-30-40, that Jet brown tan, this redhead, both with long, thick hair that corresponded to their hairy pelvis.

The two worked as assistants for Lady Lola ("call me Lola to dry, girls, the Lady getting me old"), a forty-something lesbian who ran a business of bars in alternate for lesbians. Lady Lola, at forty-five, had an impressive body, product of good care, smart food, fitness and good massages. Not a gram of fat, breasts larger even than the of them smell of perfume expensive, dressed elegant and taste for vary the women in her bed.

Julia and Rosa, one with a master's degree in business administration, with a master's degree in marketing and communication, had been contracted with very high salaries to liberate Lady Lola from the day-to-day administrative, as she preferred to walk its premises, socialize and maintain staff at Bay.

The two females acted in public as best friends, especially in light of Lady Lola. But the two had a common design: get in the bed of Lady Lola and not for one fleeting night, or even a few weeks of pleasure, but more permanently, having in view the good fortune to the beautiful forty, as well as their sexual favors those who said that it was the best.

When Julia and Rosa were alone, their smiles were malicious. Generally adopting defiant stances, the breasts forward, hands on hips: "Imagine that you are plotting something to get you between the thighs of the head," said one. "That be you, slut, that you only sales of thinking in her body," said another. "Of course, and you are you drool every time that the Chief speaks to you."
Other times, the confrontation was almost physical. The two almost nose to nose, brushing, nipples spat the phrases: "There is No doubt that you are beautiful, but cold as an iceberg". "Hotter than you from here to Santarén (a Port in Brazil) and with more lovers". "Do it, whore of dirty bars?". "These are yours, the mine are elegant and of high class". "One day demonstrate you that I am far more women than you". "This I love to see it, heaven, because you are very far in the class".

There was a character who was aware of the real rivalry of the two women. Laura, the personal Secretary of Lady Lola, a woman was seemingly little, Brown, often unkempt, flat, Austerely, dressed in glasses and smelling of sorrow.  They, despising her, did her scenes in front of her, as if it does not exist. And she, Laura, intervening in their discussions with humility: "Come on, girls, some as wonderful as you, women fighting as well." "If Lady Lola is to find out…"

Lady Lola found out mysteriously. A day earlier, she planted in the Office and called on both to her luxurious Office. "Good, girls, has come to my notice that both maintain a rivalry that would not want to harm your splendid work". she raised a hand to silence the protests of both. "I also know that I am partly the cause of this rivalry". The two looked at her in silence, admiring her composure and natural elegance. she continued: "because to end that situation, I must that you fight it out among you." Not beaten to death, but sexually. To show me to me, but also to show you the best female which is to you. Which is imposed on the other in the most women's field, in the sexual domain. "I see you now".

Julia and Rose looked, something bewildered by the proposition, but excited to what the two had hoped and feared at the same time. They saw that Lady Lola was very serious. The two went to the center of the thick carpet that covered much of the firm, looked back to her boss, were placed at a few inches away from each other, in such a way that could be inhaling expensive perfumes and fragrance of its sexual arousal, and they began to undress with voluptuous and provocative movements.

When you remove blouses, the breasts of both were proudly in the air without fasteners, firm, erect, large and erect nipples. Lady Lola assessed them mentally, admiring them as a good expert. Them looked them also with admiration but not envy. Because of the thickness of the rug, the two launched the high-heeled shoes away and removed the miniskirts swishing hips with gestures as voluptuous as blouses. Both wore garter belts and stockings Couture, black League Julia and transparent white panties that let see your black and thick forest below, pink red girdle, also with transparent panties that left to view its forest reddish and as thick as her opponent. "Beautiful pussy, affection", said Julia gently caressing of rose above the panties. "Magnificent pussy yours, love", said just as sexually Rosa caressing of Julia. The two noticed slight moisture of other Panties showing their excitement, as she began to notice the smell of vaginal juices. The fins of the noses of the two shaking excited and a flimsy layer of sweat formed on top of the upper lips of the two beautiful females.

Without separating the hands of the pussy, their mouths were joined in a sinuous and expert kiss of lips and tongues, they striving for penetrate the mouth of the other, dancing and Fighting in the openings between gasps, saliva soon escaping to the barbs and necks while the hands caressed feverishly the hairy pussies and tits crushing hard nipples being, breasts move in circles, from right to left and up down getting stronger trying to establish the domain. Ten long minutes of intense struggle, that Lady Lola provided licked it's lips and with their legs open, her hand caressing her prominent sex also hairy but totally naked.

The intensity produced them the first joint orgasm, legs are folded and had to hold one to another to avoid falling, while the juice soaked panties and dripping to their beautiful thighs. The two sweated already fairly and their smells filled the Office, which also contributed substantial vaginal juices of Lady Lola who had infected orgasm and had a delicious run.

The "sex gladiators" were replenished, they looked at one another with admiration, and more than it lust, is undid each others'  garter belts parsimoniously and removed the panties, throwing the Lady Lola who caught them in the air and smelled them and licked them happily. Immediately, Julia and Rosa are seized of the glorious ass and gathered their pussies with force, entangled their forests, hitting its moist and thick slices and uniting their excited and long clitoris in singular fight. Nail was nailed on the buttocks and the pussy is abrasion almost violently, while the two gasping and groaning as animals in heat who at the time was what they were. Her breasts returned to join and rub it, their mouths have merged into a kiss, rather than of enemy, of passionate women in search of mutual pleasure, sweat covering both bodies freely.

The second joint orgasm was spectacular, the two shaking like leaves, and double cry off by fierce Kiss, nails digging painfully in the good rear, both holding one another while your knees are bent and was nailed on the carpet. The tremors of the huge run lasted them long minutes, the two looked with shining eyes of lust and animal desire and then watched a Dona Lola with open legs in her armchair, with a spring of thick juice coming out to GLUGs of her glorious pussy and her hips shaking almost out of the Chair.

The wrestlers whose faces did not reflect contempt or anger, but pleasure and lust, made a gesture and sat on the soft carpet, crossed their thighs, one above the other down and crushed their pussies one against another, with a noise of juices.  They grabbed the thighs and started fucking ardently, entangled hairs, crossing and attacking the clitoris, kissing the labia and rubbing together almost violent, but clearly sexual, the smells of sex and sweat filling the Chambers, the gasps of both only surpassed by the Lady Lola that she masturbated with the whole fist in her pussy deep and the eyes open improbably. The wrestlers moans of passion, groans of lust and the two escaped jets from piss who joined the pool of juices and sweat in the pussy, bellies and legs of the two. "Fuck, fuck, love!", "Takes pussy love", "give me more, sky", "fuck me, I want to cum", "I wish you, pink", "and I you, Julia". "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH", "ME CORROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".

The double run was the most spectacular of all. Torrents of juices escaped to GLUGs of the hot pussy, thick and fragrant, as ardent geysers, as bodies were shaking, sweated, smelled, and the two are embraced and kissed with great ardor and passion languages looking for, the saliva two and draining to the tits, the two embraced, sticking to the ass, while the pussies were still rubbing is and releasing juices and pee in an endless spring. They spent long minutes before they both be replenishment, separated and look to Lady Lola, sitting on the carpet in a puddle of juices with glassy eyes, said something stumbling:
"I have attended the wildest sexual show I remember", with one exception. The two have proved to be a female hot and sensual, worthy of my bed and other many beds, although I think that from today you actually love one to another. Am I wrong? "."
The two disagreed, and Lady Lola continued:
"but do not you do illusions, one thing is you lie with me and another live with me". "I am married in secret".
Rose, something wobbly, rang a Bell at her table, and soon after opened the door and entered Laura.

The two were open-mouthed, because they were slow to recognize it. The Laura coming was a flag, voluptuous woman, free of their severe clothes, her ugly bow and their corny and unnecessary glasses, her shiny black hair drops to half back, their birthplaces body of high hips and firm breasts, a serene and magnificent beauty.

"I present my beloved wife", were the words of Lola before melt in a passionate kiss with her. "The exception of which I spoke earlier was the first night we spent together." "It was wild and wonderful sex."

As an epilogue, Julia and Rose soon were married. Of course, they often slept with Lady Lola and Laura, even on their wedding night, but her passionate love knew no limits.


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Re: De mujer a mujer (Woman to woman, in Spanish)
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2011, 09:46:59 AM »
por fin una buena historia en español .....
besos cariño


díselo a las demás y que escriban su comentario... Gracias... fue tu idea..


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Re: De mujer a mujer (Woman to woman, in Spanish)
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2011, 09:49:52 AM »
This is a rough translation, via Bablefish and some on-line dictionary work.  It's not perfect English, but I think you can see that apparently the thought of hot women in sexual combat excites more than just English-speaking folks.

The translation, as in most online translations is horrible, but you got the general atmosphere... Thanks


Julia and Rosa were two spectacular women. In their thirties and single, they had a few bodies of contest, 1.75, 70 kilos more or less, Julia 38D-28-38, Rosa 40C-30-40, that Jet brown tan, this redhead, both with long, thick hair that corresponded to their hairy pelvis.

The two worked as assistants for Lady Lola ("call me Lola to dry, girls, the Lady getting me old"), a forty-something lesbian who ran a business of bars in alternate for lesbians. Lady Lola, at forty-five, had an impressive body, product of good care, smart food, fitness and good massages. Not a gram of fat, breasts larger even than the of them smell of perfume expensive, dressed elegant and taste for vary the women in her bed.

Julia and Rosa, one with a master's degree in business administration, with a master's degree in marketing and communication, had been contracted with very high salaries to liberate Lady Lola from the day-to-day administrative, as she preferred to walk its premises, socialize and maintain staff at Bay.

The two females acted in public as best friends, especially in light of Lady Lola. But the two had a common design: get in the bed of Lady Lola and not for one fleeting night, or even a few weeks of pleasure, but more permanently, having in view the good fortune to the beautiful forty, as well as their sexual favors those who said that it was the best.

When Julia and Rosa were alone, their smiles were malicious. Generally adopting defiant stances, the breasts forward, hands on hips: "Imagine that you are plotting something to get you between the thighs of the head," said one. "That be you, slut, that you only sales of thinking in her body," said another. "Of course, and you are you drool every time that the Chief speaks to you."
Other times, the confrontation was almost physical. The two almost nose to nose, brushing, nipples spat the phrases: "There is No doubt that you are beautiful, but cold as an iceberg". "Hotter than you from here to Santarén (a Port in Brazil) and with more lovers". "Do it, whore of dirty bars?". "These are yours, the mine are elegant and of high class". "One day demonstrate you that I am far more women than you". "This I love to see it, heaven, because you are very far in the class".

There was a character who was aware of the real rivalry of the two women. Laura, the personal Secretary of Lady Lola, a woman was seemingly little, Brown, often unkempt, flat, Austerely, dressed in glasses and smelling of sorrow.  They, despising her, did her scenes in front of her, as if it does not exist. And she, Laura, intervening in their discussions with humility: "Come on, girls, some as wonderful as you, women fighting as well." "If Lady Lola is to find out…"

Lady Lola found out mysteriously. A day earlier, she planted in the Office and called on both to her luxurious Office. "Good, girls, has come to my notice that both maintain a rivalry that would not want to harm your splendid work". she raised a hand to silence the protests of both. "I also know that I am partly the cause of this rivalry". The two looked at her in silence, admiring her composure and natural elegance. she continued: "because to end that situation, I must that you fight it out among you." Not beaten to death, but sexually. To show me to me, but also to show you the best female which is to you. Which is imposed on the other in the most women's field, in the sexual domain. "I see you now".

Julia and Rose looked, something bewildered by the proposition, but excited to what the two had hoped and feared at the same time. They saw that Lady Lola was very serious. The two went to the center of the thick carpet that covered much of the firm, looked back to her boss, were placed at a few inches away from each other, in such a way that could be inhaling expensive perfumes and fragrance of its sexual arousal, and they began to undress with voluptuous and provocative movements.

When you remove blouses, the breasts of both were proudly in the air without fasteners, firm, erect, large and erect nipples. Lady Lola assessed them mentally, admiring them as a good expert. Them looked them also with admiration but not envy. Because of the thickness of the rug, the two launched the high-heeled shoes away and removed the miniskirts swishing hips with gestures as voluptuous as blouses. Both wore garter belts and stockings Couture, black League Julia and transparent white panties that let see your black and thick forest below, pink red girdle, also with transparent panties that left to view its forest reddish and as thick as her opponent. "Beautiful pussy, affection", said Julia gently caressing of rose above the panties. "Magnificent pussy yours, love", said just as sexually Rosa caressing of Julia. The two noticed slight moisture of other Panties showing their excitement, as she began to notice the smell of vaginal juices. The fins of the noses of the two shaking excited and a flimsy layer of sweat formed on top of the upper lips of the two beautiful females.

Without separating the hands of the pussy, their mouths were joined in a sinuous and expert kiss of lips and tongues, they striving for penetrate the mouth of the other, dancing and Fighting in the openings between gasps, saliva soon escaping to the barbs and necks while the hands caressed feverishly the hairy pussies and tits crushing hard nipples being, breasts move in circles, from right to left and up down getting stronger trying to establish the domain. Ten long minutes of intense struggle, that Lady Lola provided licked it's lips and with their legs open, her hand caressing her prominent sex also hairy but totally naked.

The intensity produced them the first joint orgasm, legs are folded and had to hold one to another to avoid falling, while the juice soaked panties and dripping to their beautiful thighs. The two sweated already fairly and their smells filled the Office, which also contributed substantial vaginal juices of Lady Lola who had infected orgasm and had a delicious run.

The "sex gladiators" were replenished, they looked at one another with admiration, and more than it lust, is undid each others'  garter belts parsimoniously and removed the panties, throwing the Lady Lola who caught them in the air and smelled them and licked them happily. Immediately, Julia and Rosa are seized of the glorious ass and gathered their pussies with force, entangled their forests, hitting its moist and thick slices and uniting their excited and long clitoris in singular fight. Nail was nailed on the buttocks and the pussy is abrasion almost violently, while the two gasping and groaning as animals in heat who at the time was what they were. Her breasts returned to join and rub it, their mouths have merged into a kiss, rather than of enemy, of passionate women in search of mutual pleasure, sweat covering both bodies freely.

The second joint orgasm was spectacular, the two shaking like leaves, and double cry off by fierce Kiss, nails digging painfully in the good rear, both holding one another while your knees are bent and was nailed on the carpet. The tremors of the huge run lasted them long minutes, the two looked with shining eyes of lust and animal desire and then watched a Dona Lola with open legs in her armchair, with a spring of thick juice coming out to GLUGs of her glorious pussy and her hips shaking almost out of the Chair.

The wrestlers whose faces did not reflect contempt or anger, but pleasure and lust, made a gesture and sat on the soft carpet, crossed their thighs, one above the other down and crushed their pussies one against another, with a noise of juices.  They grabbed the thighs and started fucking ardently, entangled hairs, crossing and attacking the clitoris, kissing the labia and rubbing together almost violent, but clearly sexual, the smells of sex and sweat filling the Chambers, the gasps of both only surpassed by the Lady Lola that she masturbated with the whole fist in her pussy deep and the eyes open improbably. The wrestlers moans of passion, groans of lust and the two escaped jets from piss who joined the pool of juices and sweat in the pussy, bellies and legs of the two. "Fuck, fuck, love!", "Takes pussy love", "give me more, sky", "fuck me, I want to cum", "I wish you, pink", "and I you, Julia". "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH", "ME CORROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".

The double run was the most spectacular of all. Torrents of juices escaped to GLUGs of the hot pussy, thick and fragrant, as ardent geysers, as bodies were shaking, sweated, smelled, and the two are embraced and kissed with great ardor and passion languages looking for, the saliva two and draining to the tits, the two embraced, sticking to the ass, while the pussies were still rubbing is and releasing juices and pee in an endless spring. They spent long minutes before they both be replenishment, separated and look to Lady Lola, sitting on the carpet in a puddle of juices with glassy eyes, said something stumbling:
"I have attended the wildest sexual show I remember", with one exception. The two have proved to be a female hot and sensual, worthy of my bed and other many beds, although I think that from today you actually love one to another. Am I wrong? "."
The two disagreed, and Lady Lola continued:
"but do not you do illusions, one thing is you lie with me and another live with me". "I am married in secret".
Rose, something wobbly, rang a Bell at her table, and soon after opened the door and entered Laura.

The two were open-mouthed, because they were slow to recognize it. The Laura coming was a flag, voluptuous woman, free of their severe clothes, her ugly bow and their corny and unnecessary glasses, her shiny black hair drops to half back, their birthplaces body of high hips and firm breasts, a serene and magnificent beauty.

"I present my beloved wife", were the words of Lola before melt in a passionate kiss with her. "The exception of which I spoke earlier was the first night we spent together." "It was wild and wonderful sex."

As an epilogue, Julia and Rose soon were married. Of course, they often slept with Lady Lola and Laura, even on their wedding night, but her passionate love knew no limits.


Offline laia_marco

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Re: De mujer a mujer (Woman to woman, in Spanish)
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2011, 10:54:03 PM »
excelente historia, una vez la lees engancha para una segunda lectura
6 now in trillian "laia1"

i love irl fights ..many open rules ... i love too fight witn my bf ....... and now i like know the cybers too

28/08/2020 lossoe whit babydoll26, she cum me hard


Offline Sebasexfighter

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Re: De mujer a mujer (Woman to woman, in Spanish)
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2014, 08:47:09 PM »
Hermoso relato!!! Muy intenso, amor!!!!
QUiero más!!!