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my wife vs actresses

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my wife vs actresses
« on: January 31, 2009, 08:55:45 AM »
hi, need a author to write a catfight story involving my wife (called nata,165cm 53kg, mi long brown hair), and any actresses (neve campbell, kristin davis,jenifer aniston,...and more), would like a lot of feet action and humiliations (this is virtual), thanks


Offline jamster

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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 08:20:13 PM »
i dont mind giving it a go how about cathrene zita jones who would you want to win . im thinking a nightclub toilet scene would work well tell me what you think . also check out my story ive written



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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2009, 12:20:22 PM »
hi, would like my wife be humiliated by many actresses, each her ways...thanks



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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2009, 01:03:20 AM »
you,re wife dress should be black satin pencil skirt and white tight blouse also pair of high heels. isn,t she sexy on this.


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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2009, 04:08:02 AM »
How Paris Hilton or Lucy Liu


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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2009, 08:59:39 PM »
here is just a taster for you let me know if you like it and what you want to happen next . from that i can give you the full story . if anyone else wants to add to it feel free to do so

                                          natas beatdown
                                       by jamster

nata had started work as a waitress at trendy new nightclub . the nightclub had something most other clubs didnt have a wrestling ring .
apparently wrestling or catgtfighting was the new craze with celebs who would sort out disputes in the ring . it had a whos who on its roster including
lucy liu,sharon stone,megan fox ,all of girls aloud and many others . the matches themselves were refereed but there wasnt many rules, sometimes matches had
a special gimic or stipulation . the club of course had its own titles and champions . currently the champs were
heavyweight champ : anjelina jolie
lingerie champ : carmen electra
hardcore champ : sarah harding
tag team champs : chery cole & kimberly ( of girls aloud )

nata sometimes watched the fights thinking how she would fair in a match and as she watching one fight and not watching what she was doing she knocked demi mores drink
down her dress . " you stupid little tramp "shouted demi angerly at the startled nata "do you know how much this dress costs you little whore ? "
"im sorry " said nata trying to clean up the mess " i should kick your skanky ass " replied an angry demi when kim catrall stopped her " she`s not worth it dems besides
youve got a big match tommorow why ask sarah to give her a leson in manners she`s always looking for a good worout " " not a bad idea . whats your name slut "
" n-n-nata " nata managed to say who coulnt believe what was happening . "well nata its like this you fight sarh harding tonight if you win you keep your job and i`ll
throw in $10,000 dollers . if not me and the girls will get you fired take you out back and kick your sorry little ass what do you say bitch ? "
nata wasnt sure what she should do


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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2009, 12:57:27 AM »
Sounds good so far.



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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2009, 01:06:54 AM »
tell us what nata  is wearing is it my favourite   dress



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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2009, 08:47:12 AM »
thanks a lot, jamster, it's seems a very good start...dont hesitate to be merciless, nata is in black leather dress, with dog collar (with nails) around neck and her ankles...kisses suneha, youre too pretty


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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2009, 07:21:18 PM »
here is the second part of natas beat down enjoy . there maybe a part three if you want it just let me know

                                      natas beatdown
                                 part two
                                 by jamster

nata decided to accept the challenge at least she might get a few blows in . sarah just smirked and called over two other waitresses . get this slut changed into something
to fight in she`s on in 15 minutes .
in her dressing room nata was getting changed she took off her pencil skirt and blouse and was handed a tight leather dress and some tan pantyhose . " put theses on will get you
when your ready . " nata did as she was told and quickly got dressesd .
back at ringside the atmosphere was electric as the anouncer took the mike " ladies and gentlemen we have a suprise challenge . one of your gorgeous waitresses has challenged sarah
harding to a match " she paused as the crowd went nuts at athe prospect of seing a squash match . " so without further ado coming down the ailse please give it for nata
nata nervously walked down the ramp to a mixture of cheers wolf whistles and some boos . she stepped in the ring and went to her corner " and her opponent she is the cuurent
hardcore champion and member of girls aloud lets hear for sarah ' the sadist ' harding " the crowd went nuts as sarah strutted to the ring she was dressed to kill in an electric pink leotard
black fishnet tights and stileto ankle boots . as always she had her bag of dirty tricks with her . she gave nata daggers as she went to her corner . the anouncer continued
" this is a pin to submit match with a suprise penalty at the end . you must first pin your opponent for a 5 count befor you can get a submission if you get konocked out you will be
revived and made to carry on . the loser of this match will face a unique punishment suited to them is that clear ladies " sarah just snarled while nata was in total terror
both girls went to the middle of the ring as sarah held out her hand . stupidly nata reached out as she did sarah rammed a knee into nata`s stomach . she then grabbed natas brown hair and
dragged her over to a corner post and proceded to bang her head on the turnbuckle . after about 8 good blows nata was stunned as the crowd were yelling for more . the rest of girls allowed
were at thier usual table they wre torturing poor hiedi of girls allowed when they heard that sarah was handing some poor waitress a beating . they tied the now unconciuos heidi
to a chair and went to ringside to see the slaughter . in the ring nata was in world of trouble sarah had her in headlock and was using her fist to punch her in the head
she saw her friends and let poor nata drop to the floor clutching her head in pain . looks like nata`s problems have now been multiplied by five as she was slowly getting to her feet
when sarah grabbed her and threw her across the ring and out onto the floor right in front of girls aloud nata was moaning as she could see 4 pairs of feet in high heels .
oh shit she thought as they stood on her crushing her . tell you what slut lick our feet and you go back in the ring . nata had no choice as sh licked each of the girls fet then was thrown back
in to a laughing sarah . " i see you met the gang " sarah chuckled as as grabbed natas legs one in each hand then spread them . " nata was begging as she knew what was coming
but that was just gravy to srarh as kicked and stomped poor natas pussy . nata was screaming as her poor pussy was getting a real workover and was pleading with sarah to end the match
sarah just laughed and jumped up in the air and landed both knees in natas stomach , nata gasped as all her air was kocked out of her and rolled onto her side cluthching her stomasch
sarah went over to her bag of tricks and pulled out some handcuffs . nata saw this and tried to crawl out the ring only to pulled back by sarah who then handcuffed natas hands behind her back .
nata was in serious trouble and began to cry begging  , pleading for sarah to stop hurting her but it was no good sarah didnt get the name the sadist for nothing she stripped poor nata down  to just her
tights and pink thong she used her bra to gag poor nata so she couldnt beg anymore and went to work on natas breast she pulled her by her nipples as far as they would go then let spring back
nata now had tears in eyes as sarah raked her nails down her chest leaving nasty welts behind . sarah again went back to her bag and emptied the rest of the contents which were a box of
thumtacks , a nightstick , a cheese grater and eletiric tazer . she pulled nata up and retied her the ring post then got the thumtacks natas eyes widend with fear as she saw the thumbtacks
she squirmed and wiggled but she was trapped as sarah began to put the thumbtacks in her boobs . the pain was too much and nata passed out only for the referee to use smelling salts on her
she shook her head as she was woken up and again felt the pain in her once proud boobs they now looked like a pin cushion as sarah had put over fifty tacks in her . sarah wasnt
finished yet and picked up the tazer . poor nata could feel herself urinating down her legs and was now a sobbing mess sarah looked at her and said " what a dirty little slut youve
pissed yourself  . the rest of girls aloud joined in with sarah and began laughing at poor nata . sarah slid natas drenched panties then put them over natas head giving her a panty mask
nata could no longer scream or cry as again she passed out as the referee was about to use the salts again sarah stopped her . " ive got this one she smirked as she got her shock stick
and zapped poor nata . nata woke up instantly screaming in pain even though she was gagged she could still be heard . sarah looked over to demi moore who gave her the thumb across the thoat signal
to end the match . sarah releades nata who just slid down to the floor in her own urine . sarah grabbed her hair and dragged her to the centre of the ring placing one foot on natas head for the 5 count .
again nata passed out only for sarah to wake her up with a brutal pussy twist . now for the submission she placed nata in the mexican ceilling hold nata sreamed her submission
but the referee was pretending she couldnt hear after a couple of minutes she acknowledged the submission as sarahb released her hold as nata slumped to floor barely moving . the anouncer rang the
the bell " hear is your winner sarah



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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2009, 01:38:00 PM »
mmm poor nata, it's very fun to imagine her at beautie's mercy, what about neve campbell, kristin davis and a lot of others...thanks for that golden stuff



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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2009, 09:12:24 AM »
thanks for the nice story, pls write a story about me,which happened to me in my real life, i got badly beaten up from a girl at a club. my dress was highwaisted black satin pencil skirt, white longsleeves tight shirts and black high heels. pls pls write a story as i'm not good in writing.


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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2009, 02:21:32 PM »
ok i`ll give it a go . what do you want to happen to you or should i make something up . do you mind a bit of humiliation or just a beat down story



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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2009, 08:48:27 PM »
thank you jamster actually it was hell of a beat down, i got badly beaten up, hair pulling slapping, fist fight, punching all included pls write like it happened to me in real life,i'm looking forward to read the story.



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Re: my wife vs actresses
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2009, 10:16:53 PM »
hi jamster i 'm waiting for my story