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Demi Lovato vs Selina Gomez in front of their fathers (pt 1, reposting in Celebs

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Offline luffy316

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  • a couple with an interest in all manner of fights
David Lovato had his hand on his daughter’s shoulder, coolly hiding his smile behind his face. He guided her down the stairs to their basement, a lightly furnished and carpeted area of the house. It had a wide area of empty carpet in the middle, an area Demi remembered being essentially reserved for her playing when she was younger.

“This is a surprise?” Demi smirked back at him sarcastically, seeing nothing out of place. She wore a violet halter top and a skirt that was shorter than most fathers would appreciate, but David made no objection. He knew that his girl was growing up and would want to wear things like that, and her father had mind enough to be able to appreciate his daughter’s beauty. Especially in a scene like this…

“Not yet,” David chuckled. “They’ll be here any second.”
His daughter grinned up at him, walking over and flopping into a seat facing the basement stairs. “They? Several surprises?” she goaded, but her father just continued his small steady smile. Demi tried relaxing in the chair as best she could, but she was anxious for what her present may be.

But present was perhaps the wrong word, depending on her exact perspective on the case. Even she wasn’t certain on her outlook when they came down the stairs. She heard the door open, followed by footsteps and another father-daughter pair climbing down into view. A tall, clean shaven man she recognized as Steven Gomez, wearing an outfit matching Demi’s, but this was only noticeable in association. She immediately recognized Selina Gomez beside him, and she all but leapt out of her seat at the sight.

“YOU!” Demi snarled at her, Selina recognizing her as well (as indicated by the matching or stronger fury in her eyes). Steven readily grabbed his daughter’s arm, halting her vicious charge as she clawed and grabbed at the air trying to reach her hated rival. David similar put a heavy arm in front of his daughter’s chest, barricading her from trying to attack Demi. It was clear that she wished to, but did not try to evade her father’s arm.

“Just a minute,” Steven urged quietly but firmly. “We arranged it to be like this.”
“What!?” both girls blurted, and David motioned for them to calm.
“We know what you two have been up to with each other. The pranks, the rumors, the non-stop arguing… we’re going to put a stop to it.”

“But she put garbage in my locker!” Demi objected, throwing up her hands.
“That’s because you wrote ‘slut’ all over mine!” Selina responded.
“Sure, once you stole my clean underwear while I was changing.”
“After you tried to put gum in my hair!”
“But you spread those nasty rumors about me!”
“I told you that wasn’t me!”

“My point,” David cut in. “Is this needs to end. There has to be a climax to all this or you’ll just keep getting more and more built up until one of you just kills the other.” The girls hadn’t seen it going that far, and even Steven thought that was a bit much. Frankly, the men were looking for an excuse to match up their girls. They both found the girls attractive and had a major fetish for catfights. This feud was just the reason they needed.

“You two aren’t leaving here until you settle this,”  Steve said calmly. “So either you both apologize and leave it at that…” The girls glared daggers at each other and started objecting loudly and immediately. Just as the fathers had hoped. “Or you two are going to stay down here and fight it out. We’ll have to watch to make sure you too don’t take it too far, and as witnesses to prove who wins and remind you two whenever it may come up. Sound fair?”

The girls glared at each other. “I’m not scared,” huffed Demi proudly.
Selena shrugged callously. “I’d be glad to put that bitch in her place.”
“I’ll crush you, skank!” Demi called back. The girls were choking at the bit, clearly about ready to tear their way from their fathers’ grasps.

“I take that as an agreement to a match,” David chuckled, raising an eyebrow to Selena’s father.
“Same here,” Steven grinned.
“YES, already!” Selena yelled angrily. “I’m going to get this twat for everything she’s done to me!”
“Bring it, skank!”
Dave and Steve exchanged a curt nod and released their girl into a charge at each other. The girls shoves out their hands at each other, shoving and swinging with them without so much as slowing their advance. It was quickly made clear as the girls clashed that hteir fighting wouldn’t be much in terms of skill. The girls were still young, and not experienced fighters, let alone having any real training. Even if it were available to them, these skills would just as likely be cast aside by their demanding tempers being left at a maximum boil by their fathers encouraging the hatred they showed for each other.

Demi and Selena’s bodies pressed into each other, both girls grunting on impact and their young chests grinding as they started to shove and slap wildly at one another, a frenzy of limbs just wishing to strike the other girl for their own gratification more than intent on long-term damage or genuine victory. It was just their mad desire to just HIT the other that made them swing and shove wildly, the girls quickly losing their footing and hitting the carpet in a tangle. Demi wound up on top by coincidence of Selena losing her balance first, so she grabbed one of Selena’s wrists, holding it to the carpet and bringing up an elbow to stop Selena’s slap short. She filled the gap in her attacks with a barrage of back and forth slaps with her free hand, pelting Selena’s face to and fro.

Selena grabbed up at her attacking rival, groping dizzily a few times (with her head flying back and forth, hair whipping around her head). She finally snagged a handful of Demi’s hair, tugging to one side. Demi shrieked quickly, staggering and losing her grip on Selena’s wrist as she stumbled off while staying in contact with Selena.

“My hair!” Demi cried out angrily, clawing at Selena’s wrist to try and untangle her digits from her dark locks. Selena shoved her other hand into her hair, just securing her grip and pulling Demi to one side. She was dragged over her knees on the carpet, taking a light rug burn as Selena swung her by her hair, banging her head into the arm of the couch. It was pretty heavily padded, but still rattled Demi’s brains, her eyes out of focus as she bounced off the couch and flat onto her back.

Selena went after her, crawling over on her hands and knees as their fathers took their places on either side of the room in comfortable armchairs. Selena took a short hop towards Demi, her skirt flipping up in the air a moment before her pantied butt slammed down on top of Demi’s belly. The lower girl huffed and tried to grab the region of her belly button in pain, but Selena’s legs and buttocks obviously kept them at bay.

Realizing this, and that Selena was laughing confidently and bouncing her butt on her sore belly, Demi winced and reached upward with her hands. She grabbed at Selena’s legs, raking her nails down them in a quick claw that got a shriek of surprised pain, kicking at Demi’s arms but only really enabling her to get some more scratches in. Selena finally scooted back on her butt, yanking herself upright and catching her breath noisily. Demi did much of the same, holding her flat tummy and breathing deep to try and recover from the initial damage of the fight so far.

“Look what you did!” Selena demanded, lifting her skirt just a bit. It was short enough to not require this to show off the scratched Demi had left on her thighs and calf regions, shallow but bold red lines over her slim sexy legs.

“You sat on my stomach with that fat ass!” Demi snapped back. “It didn’t hurt as much as it grossed me out! I could feel your gross fatty sweat, and all your butt blubber jiggle when it touched me,” she grimaced.

Selena heard the parents chuckle at this, which made her face go red with embarrassment and anger. “I’ll kill you!” she snapped angrily, charging with her with her hands outstretched. She clawed for Demi, who plowed between her hands and slammed grabbed Selena by the hair. Selena whipped her hands up and did the same, both girls yanking viciously at the other’s dark hair. They spit curses and wordless hate at each other as they tore at their lovely locks, shoving each other stumbling paces one way or another. Selena brought her hand up to start smacking at the top of Demi’s head and shoulders.

She ignored the blows, only really frustrating her to pull harder. She managed to get Selena off balance and swing her to bang her into the ball, back connecting first and rattling her opponent. Demi held her up straight by her hair as if trying to lift her off the carpet, forcing Selena to reach up and grab at her wrists to minimize the pain. With her hands up, Demi grinned at the appetizing opening and unleashed a quick punch into Selena’s belly. It hit with a slap on the flat flesh, making Selena shake and moan. It was rewarding enough for Demi to repeat it two more, Selena finally catching on and recovering enough to swing both fists down onto Demi’s shoulders. She cried out and backed away, but Selena balanced herself on the wall with her hands, growled angrily, and kicked out hard with one foot to her chest. Demi huffed loudly and fell backward, stumbling and landing back on her butt.

Selena rubbed her belly a second before rushing at her again, tackling into the downed girl. Rather than knocking her flat, she wrapped an arm around Demi’s head, grabbing her in a headlock and squeezing down on her. Demi thrashed in her grip, slapping at Selena’s arms and sides to try and wriggle free. The simple hold held strong, and Demi’s face grew redder between the pressure and the embarrassment of both of their fathers watching her struggle with the stranglehold.

She managed to shove back her elbow into Selena’s side, making her grunt and jolt. Her grip loosened enough for Demi to wriggle loose and lash out at Selena, grabbing hold of her top and shoving her down to the floor. Selena grunted as her back smacked into the carpet, stunned as Demi twisted to straddle her stomach.

“Gotcha, bitch!” she crowed, holding her steady by the shoulder strap of her halter top, steadying her while Demi unleashes a sharp slap across Selena’s face, then another and then a barrage of punishing slaps. She beat Selena’s cheeks read, her downed opponent shrieking in rage and pain as she kicked up her legs at her. Demi shifted to wrap her legs around Selena’s, trapping them down. It more notably, to the fathers, made her skirt ride up and reveal her sky blue panties hugging her tensed buttocks.

Selena took all she could stand (and then some) of the slaps. “Fucking skank! Off!” she demanded in an outrage, reaching up and clawing at Demi’s face with a vengeance. Her fingers raked at her eyes, making Demi scream in surprise and hold her eyes as they started to water.

She was wide open for Selena reaching up and grabbing her hair, pulling and shaking at her head. Demi screamed a bit before Selena pulled down on her sharply, bringing her crashing down into her as Selena rose up. There was a quick thump and an “oooh” from the fathers as Selena smacked her foe with a sharp head butt, both girls looking a bit dazed but Demi clearly taking the brunt of the attack, totally unprepared as she stumbled back and fell off of Selena.

This had mixed results, as she was still holding onto Selena’s shoulder strap. She yanked back as she fell, trying to steady herself but merely ripping the top of the garment. It bared her shoulder. Selena gasping a moment as she became more exposed, her shoulder and the top of her off-center bra visible to their fathers.

Selena still rallied herself, forgetting her exposed skin for now and went after Demi
again. She was still rattled from the shock to the head, and Selena stood over her and kicked her in the belly while she was down. Demi’s body twitched and she involuntarily coughed out a lungful of air, holding her stomach and curling up a bit more on the rug.

Selena stood over her, catching her breath a moment as Demi held her belly. “That’s for slapping me silly, tramp!” she snapped bitterly, sending another quick stomp of her slender leg onto Demi’s side. She groaned and curled up, but Selena yanked her hands and legs away from her stomach, Demi too weak at the moment to resist.

“Oh your tummy hurts? Let me rub it out for you!” Selena grabbed Demi’s shirt, yanking it up and exposing her entire midsection. She pulled it up until it tangled up on Demi’s arms, showing her pink bra and her sore stomach. Demi was left blinded and wriggling in the entrapping clothes while Selena made good on her threat, swinging her hands in a rapid rain of slaps onto Demi’s stomach. She screamed out in agony as Selena gave her a painful pinkbelly, her stomach rapidly growing a bright, sore red shade. Each slap just hurt more as her belly grew more tender. The slaps just made it all the worse when Selena swung a fist down on her beaten gut.

Demi screamed out as the hard blow hit her soft stomach, spasming around like a docked fish. It was only with this flailing that she managed to get out of the trap of her top, shedding the garment but just stuck in her bra and skirt. She panicked and tried to cover up her cleavage, She shoved and clawed at Selena, trying to get away from her long enough to buy some time and turn the fight around.

Selena just grabbed her ankle as she kicked at her, dragging her back towards the middle of the rug. She kicked at the inside of Demi’s thigh, stinging her leg muscles as Demi grunted at the blows. Her raised leg exposed her panties once more, both to Selena and the eagerly watching fathers.

“Now you’ve got her,” Steven encouraged her as Demi wailed out miserably, trapped in her opponent’s grasp. Selena grinned over her shoulder, seeming to register that the upper hand was not only hers, but she had an audience. She grabbed for Demi’s other leg, which kicked at her a few times but landed minor blunt hits to her chest before she grabbed it. Selena raised both of Demi’s legs, her panties hugging her butt cheeks as Selena started to spread her legs, almost spread eagle as she cried out from the strain of her thigh muscles. She grabbed at her inner thigh, trying to push herself free and minimize the pain but she couldn’t stop Selena’s field day of pain inflicted on her legs.

But she wasn’t stopping there. She raised her foot and stamped her sole down onto Demi’s crotch. It wasn’t a hard blow, with Selena off balance with the attack, but it still gave a shock that forced a heavy grunt out of Demi, still not having fully regained her breath from the body blows. Demi’s hands went to her pantied groin, clutching it tenderly with both hands.

“You started all this, I know it!” Selena hissed through a toothy grin. “And I’m gonna make you regret ever thinking of messing with me like that.” She grinded her heel into Demi’s crotch, an odd mix of pressure, pain, and vague arousal as her hated rival’s foot shook against her pussy. She moaned and shivered before Selena took a short hop up, then dropped her elbow onto her groin. Even with Demi’s legs released, they flew up in the air at the impact, Demi letting out a long shout of pain and misery as she clawed the carpet, unable to mount any further defense after all the grappling, slapping, and now the groin punishment.

It still wouldn’t stop her. Selena was set on punishing and shaming her further. She stepped back and watched Demi squirm on the ground, making sure she was out of the fight. Even her father saw from the other end of the room that she was no threat in her current condition.

It left her easy pickings for Selena, as she stepped over her opponent. She kicked Demi’s feet, knocking her legs apart and spreading her wide, leaving a camel toe showing to her father Steven. He had to grin in satisfaction at the way the fight was going, David couldn’t help but move around the outside of the carpet, giving the girls their space but kneeling down by Steve to share his view of the fight.

With her legs spread wide on view, Demi was even then barely conscious of it in all her soreness. Selena proudly flipped her skirt up a bit, flashing her own violet panties before planting her buttocks down on top of Selena’s face. She settled herself there comfortably, Demi’s face forced to be her throne as Demi had to breathe in her feminine musk from her groin and thighs.

Selena smiled smugly to the parents. “Dad, Mr. Lovato? You may wanna watch this one,” she teased. She hooked her thumbs under the hips of Demi’s panties, teasingly wiggling her underwear down her legs. It only hooked on her ankles a moment before Selena snapped them off her entirely, wadding them up and stuffing them into the cleavage of her bra (made easily accessible from her torn shirt).

Demi feels the soft movement of fresh air on her vag, blushing horribly as she realizes her predicament. She shoves fruitlessly at Selena’s back, her hairless pussy now on display for her own father and her rival’s. Selena held her legs open, grinning and slapping her labia lightly in a teasing way. “Thought you could air out that smelly thing. And I’m sure our papas loves the show.”

Selena patted her cleavage with the stolen panties inside. “And hope you don’t mind if I keep these as a souvenir of my win.” Demi managed to free her face from Selena’s ass, whimpering miserably. “It IS my win, isn’t it, Daddy?” Selena asked, batting her eyes at him. Even with her reddened and tired face, sweaty body, and torn clothes, he thought his girl looked as cute and sexy as ever, and his groin certainly agreed.

“Oh, definitely,” David insisted, grinning widely even as his daughter was crushed under her opponent’s butt and bottomless, skirt raised and pussy exposed to him. Demi’s eyes were watering with tears, humiliated and miserable with pain and defeat.

Selena ran her fingernails gently over Demi’s pussy. “I won. Say it!” she commanded.

She felt Demi’s face tap against her buttocks. “You win! You win! Just let me up! Give me back my panties!”
“Alright, but I’m keep these. Just be lucky I let you keep the skirt and don‘t make you take your walk of shame home in the nude!”

Selena got off Demi at last, running over and hugging her father proudly. “That’s my girl,” he encouraged, patting her back and kissing her. David got up and went to his daughter as she wiped her tears off and tended to her scratches and aching muscles.

“I’ll get you for this!” Demi grumbled, blushing and miserable looking.
“Not today,” David insisted, taking her shoulder and moving her towards the stairs leading up to the door. “Or at school, or at a photo shoot, or anything. It’s officially settled. If you want another shot, you’ll go through me and Steve and we’ll work out an official meeting for a rematch.”

Selena put her hands proudly on her hips and smiled. “As if I won’t just beat your fat ass again, loser,” she said, sticking out her tongue.
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