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Ceasefire between Enemy counties…..Bipasha vs Tabby

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Offline Anygal4-f2f-f2m-fite

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Ceasefire between Enemy counties…..Bipasha vs Tabby
« on: May 19, 2012, 09:20:08 PM »
Ceasefire between Enemy counties…..Bipasha vs Tabby

Tabbu vs Bipasha

This is the match which was made to break the mark of 10000 readings in less than a year in 9 the link ..,15782.105.html

This is one of my few most favorite matches till sometimes back.
(sorry if there are some serious spelling mistakes if occurred while doing some find/replace bear with that. Thanks)

Tabbu vs Bipasha.

Both are well tall 5’8” & both are exactly in between 63-65 kgs. (138.89-143.30 lbs)…only Bipasha is said to be 0.5 taller at 5’ 8.5” …& if you don’t believe u can see this….

Other than Height weight prove snaps -

Bipasha -

Tabbu –

Also Bipasha is said to be about 9 years younger but that doesn’t matter as Tabbu is a seasoned campaigner with an un-beaten record in her category….& who can guess Bipasha less in her age category…but here actually in this championship Tabbu is in a different pool….But she wanted to challenge Bipasha’s lil Younger pool also… so that she could be the queen among All the groups….. She knew she can be the overall queen so she wanted to challenge Bipasha at the beginning itself…whom she thinks would be the toughest in that group…so the line & her intensions are very clear since the very beginning….she knew no other group from lesser weight & more age can challenge her.

Bipasha was also happy that she also got the chance to be over-all champion of All the groups by beating hard Tabbnu from other tough group….It may be a chance for gaining for her….

It is not a current story, it was about 5-6 years back when both the gals were more younger & both were at their full prime peaks, having very healthy bodies.

It happened as if it was a ceasefire between the cold war between govt’s of the two rival countries. To fight another war will be costly…also its not having any sense of doing another war…for the economic development between the two countries…so after a long enmity & rivalry…a ceasefire by both the govt’s was thought to be the best & intelligent option.
Accordingly many program’s being conducted jointly after the ceasefire between the participants from both the countries.…one among them was this…to send the well combat trained gals jointly to the Jungles, for surveys, research’s & collecting data…for gathering more knowledge & as well as for well being of the forest… the gals should be necessarily be the well trained combat gals by the respective army’s…who can defend themselves in any worst situations they might face in jungles.

In this category, four pair of gals were selected …to go in different directions….one of these pairs was Tabu & Bipasha…Tabu from Pakistan & Bipasha from India….Who were to go to deep suburban’s of Sundarban in West Bengal in india all alone..& expedite there….

It is a very Big Jungle of about 9000 sq kms & about 2500 sq km under the forest protected area.

Tabbu to reach at a specific place near Bengal in India from Pakistan & Bipasha also to reach the same place from her native state in India & from there they have to take a joint tour to the Suburban’s.

Both the gals of same height & weight meets each other at the decided place….& at the right time at about 3-4 pm in the afternoon ….takes on the open jeep hired for them kept for the purpose & starts off to the jungle…. both sitting on the front seats in their army like dresses with hard army like smart caps on…Tabu to drive first & Bipasha to sit besides…& next it would be Bipasha’s turn to drive the rest 100 kms.

Both the gals reach in time….both knew where they have to put their tent already shown in given map to them…. Just few meters away from where the green forest starts.

Everything got fixed properly in the first evening.

At Night it was a good dinner together.

First day they had to go in the dense for the Survey.
Quiet tiresome time…& lot of outputs also.
Another two days past…preparing viva’s in the nights.

& it was the seventh day…when they returned tired in the evening about 3-4 pm from Jungle.

Both were deeply tired.

“Huh” I open & hang my tight Cap on the bamboo head which was just in front of the tent. Tabu.

“I also did the same thing.” Bipasha.

“I open the buttons’ of my shirt & stare up at u.” Bips.

“I also open my buttons of my Shirt with crawling fingers of my both hands… & stare back at u” Tabu.

“Hey we both look with quiet a physique” Tabu.

“Hey Cmon we r Combat like gals, aren’t we?” Bipasha.
Both are now in Army pants & tight white inner’s dipped tightly inside their pants.

“good that ceasefire is made between the two countries…What do u think?” Tabu.

“Ya I also think it was good move from both govt’ we both countries should live like friendly neighbors.” Bipasha.

“Good that u also think the same way…Quiet a tiresome day..huh!” Tabbu.

“Yeah…Good that our thinking’s are alike…Ohh Yes its Quiet a tiresome day”… & as if… Bipasha wanted to say something more, but pressed her lips tightly right on time.

Tabbu also guessing Bipasha wanted to tell something more…but quipped….so She asked smartly….. “What u think we should do to get out of this hard tiredness & boringness?”… She asked quiet intelligently.

“What u think we should do…lots of days there’s no combat training & All? Hhhhhh” …Bipasha stretches her both arms long on her both sides…as if to show she became so bored w/o that…. & she also puts the ball back lil more intelligently back on Tabbu’s court, also taking her hands back & rubbing her long hairs with her both hands, staring back at Tabu’s eyes expecting from her to speak something more….with some lots of desires in both heart & mind.

“So Combat trainings used to give you entertainments?”…. Tabbu laughs a little & also puts it still more intelligently on Bipasha’s court.

Bipasha breaks the Jinx “Eaah Why not we try a Wrestling Game?”…. Bipasha directly coming out first. w/o showing any more hesitation.

“Yeah…its just as if You took words out my Lips.”… How Tabu could have remained behind.

“Lets do it then!” Bipasha.

“Sure… let’s do it!” Tabu.
& so Now this way it got All fixed.

Blood rushing fast in veins insides in both the gals in excitement. They decided to wrestle each other soon.
Soon they came out on the plain surface of the ground about 10 meters away from the tent, under a tall semi green & dry tree.
Beneath,  the ground was quiet hard but still there was a little bit of numness  on the ground due to some small rains just about 15 days ago.
The large giant tree was green but due to the strong winds along.. some very light showers… many a big leafs had fallen on the ground & now got dried up completely in the process in the heat of 10-12 days temperatures.

Both the tall & strong gals came against each other over this… otherwise plain ground… in army type of pants & inners finally with their both hands resting on their waist while standing against each other’s….showing their heavy biceps to each others.
 “So you are going to wrestling with me?”.. Tabu Challenging Bipasha… Coming near to Bipasha …& putting her right palm directly but very lightly on top of Bipasha’s Big left shoulder, staring straight at her eyes from very close...

“Have u any doubts”…… Bipasha, shoves her hands down off her shouler…& then grabbed her both solid large shoulders from top & pushing her a bit back…The cracking of dried leafs under the feet’s could be clearly heard…as the feet’s romped over them while going back & forth as the wrestling is about to begin soooooooooooooon..…or can it be said it actually began with both the heavy girls pushing & going back & forth with each other….The giant girls & the giant leaps….
Both trying to overpower each other…but both din’t succeed… Tabu’s waist tried to push Bipasha’s waist a bit towards her left…both tussled & finally pushed each others away from them…& got themselves free out of each other’s clutches after the first tussle.

Tabu moved carefully left….so as Bipasha…watching very carefully at each other’s…Soon Both clashed & clashed heavily…the wrestling got the required Big momentum.…Bipasha pushed & pinned Tabu’s back on the small waist high small hill under the tree…but Tabu pushed Bipasha  back…& both the gals wrapped & rolled along with each others from the top small waist high hill…& rolled few meters away from it.…before they stopped on the Big plain surface in front of it.…both tightly wrapped with each other’s….Bipasha tries to control on top…But Tabu fixed her right feet very tightly on her navels & threw her away off her head…but rolling back Bipasha quickly got on her heels…so as Tabbu not far behind…

Honors equally shared in the second round….Claws Out….the third move…Both grabbed one wrist of each other’s tightly in between them….Tabbu again went down on her back & tossed Bipasha over her head fixing her right feet again on her tummy.

She did it twice by now…from a seasoned campaigner which she was.

Both again got on their feet’s…again hands are caught at the same position…both the gals grabbing each other’s wrists as they last did.…this time Bipasha tried the same trick as Tabu…but could not pick Tabbu’s whole weight on her right feet…Tabu…stands up…& putts her right heel on Bipasha’s  back…with grabbing her right wrist painfully back in her both arms…She presses Bipasha’s back painfully more harder by her right feet…much of a pains for Bipasha.
“Ehhh?’” Tabu…Bipasha in pains.
But Bipasha turns swiftly on her back…& catches Tabbu’s feet in her two palms very tightly & tries to overthrow her away by her feet’s with her powerful palms catching & throwing it up very powerfully & of-course with her much muscular biceps…but could not throw her heavy weight much away from her as she would have liked…but made Tabu fall on the ground on her butts besides left of her waist.…She leaps over her without wasting any time….but Tabu was also alert & turns & rolls Bipasha down.
Both the gals locked tightly with each others for the first time as they would have liked.
Obviously a test of strength follows after that.…Bipasha rolls Tabu down…She Pins Tabu’s both wrists very strongly on the ground over her head…& also She tries to get her butts on her chest.
Was it a mistake from Bipasha as pressure being removed from it…Tabu’s large ass try to roll over her again…Bipasha quickly moves her chest down…puts her breast & muscles pressure on Tabu’s chest so that Tabu shouldn’t roll over.…Tabu’s both hands are still tied over her head….though with lots of difficulties for Bipasha too. Tabu in a bit of problem…Her puzzled face also speaks that a bit.…Bipasha entangles Tabu’s fingers tightly one by one in their fingers over their heads…still pinning her palms down…to make it a more difficult for Tabu…who still puzzled a bit…Bipasha gets her butts on her Chest again…pins Tabu well on the ground…Tabu’s heavy body stuck under Bipasha’s muscles…& the ground beneath….but she is a very Big campaigner.
Tabbu shakes her heavy hips under Bipasha… perturbed…their chests rubs with each other’s…as Bipasha tries best to keep her down…Her breast pressing against Tabu’s…Their feet’s rubbed with each other’s…Tabu got more excited by that….jerks her heavy body on both sides under Bipasha in much fit of heat …difficult for Bipasha to control the so much heated body of Tabu getting excited under her…but she still tries best….
“Ehhh” tabu.
“Ehhh” Bipasha.
Difficult time for Bipasha but she is trying to prove supremacy.
Tabu wanted to buy some time…& after some time with her large ass she started to roll over Bipasha….It was difficult for Bipasha to stop Tabu… as She turns on top.
Now it was time for Tabu to rest on top.
Bipasha is also intending to buy some time.
After 4-5 minutes “Should we complete it after dinner” Tabu.
“Why?” Bipasha.
Tabu still griping her fingers in hers over the head.
“do u want to continue?” “but soon it is going to dark very soon” tabu.
“for some more time” Bipasha.
“Ok. Do u think u can win?” Tabu.
“Do u think u can win?” Bipasha.
“Do u think m not winning?” Tabu.
“I think I m winning & I will win” saying so Bipasha started penetrating. & Again a heavy wrestling erupted between the two…but Tabu controlled Bipasha well.
“Why what happened?” Tabu.
“The same question I cud have asked u few moments before when I was on top.” Bipasha.
Both were gripped very tightly.
“So I was telling we should take a break & start fresh sometimes later.” Tabbu.
“I was enjoying it” Bipasha.
“Me too..but it would be dark soon” Tabu.
Both scuffled again…Again Tabbu controlled Bipasha well again.
“I told u Bipasha” Tabu.
Then erupted a terrific wrestling again. Bipasha managed to take herself out.
“Now it’s alright….we can take a break” Bipasha…breathing very high…as both the strong tall girls came on their heels.
“Why? do u think I can’t put u down again?” Tabu went close lips to lips chest to chest against Bipasha.
“Do u think I can’t put u down again?” Bipasha too went close lips to lips.
“See I don’t want an Enmity.” Tabu.
“Better for we Both” Bipasha.
“You r Intelligent” Tabbu.
“You r Intelligent too” Bipasha….& the two gals got separated.
Their tight pants were completely wet. They began to pull it out with lots of difficulties as it got tightly glued their thighs due to the wetness…both looking at each other’s tight big thighs while pulling it their assets out.
“What u r looking at?” Tabbu.
“What u r looking at ?” Bipasha.
“You r like a copying monkey” Tabu.
“You r like a dumb to ask this type of questions” Bipasha.
“U shut up.” Tabu angered.
“U shut up Bitch” Bipasha too lashed her tounge. Both wrestled hard in a standing position but it ended here…now the big next thing was to cook food for dinner…which they jointly started doing…but obliviously minds over- ridden with various things to follow not very late from now.
They lit their camp fire outside.
Now they wore quiet humid free very light almost transparent type of mini full sleeve inners up to their large knees….hanging in two thin ribbons from their bare shoulders…from knees onward there smooth legs were bare till toes….their knees were looking terrific…while cooking,  both whenever getting a chance dint miss to gaze at those bare knees..& smooth shackles, calf till toe…whenever they got the chance they gazed at it…but were trying their best  to hide their gazing bids…but both were completely un-able to hide it.…& also knew well the other one is trying to avoid being getting noticed while gazing at the other….there was a typical spark & breathlessness inside around their lungs…& both could understand this condition of the other…but both trying to avoid that they are noticing the same condition of each other…they were behaving as such they could notice no such things…but there was a great sparks insides…But one thing, both the girls not touching each other by passions…as may be they wanted to touch each other very well only at the encounter…& dint want their tests to diminish when they enter into the final encounter tonight after dinner, not far away from now.
Tabbu glanced at the eyes of Bipasha while offering dinner plate to her hands.
Bipasha too glanced at her lightly…taking the plate from Tabbu’s hands…but as a little senior Tabu lowered her eyes…showing more maturity & concentrated on the dinner first.
While dinning Tabbu again glanced at Bipasha’s eyes…seeing Bipasha was already gazing at hers…Tabbu puts the plate besides & went to wash her hands after the complete dinner….followed by Bipasha.
So it’s a full dinner is over now …& now it’s time to do something for a good digestion.
The mat was already laid down before the bon fire.
By now both the gals realizing well about each other’s strengths & powers, they came on their knees in front of each other’s…came lil more ahead…arranging their pony well behind their heads…one last time before the encounter…& moving forward first their hands clashed & then held each other’s by back of their necks in their right hands…first they tried to dip each each others head down…but as both were equal… a terrific wrestling erupted between the two….there should have been somebody to watch  this….as it was so unique…The mat went here & there…& finally scrambled on one side by their Big rumbling feet’s & heels.…Bipasha’s muscular body manages pinning Tabbu heavily under her at the end…..
“You should admit your defeat” Bipasha holding Tabbu very heavily under her muscles body….
But though Tabbu down but she pushed Bipasha’s both hands back & roped them well behind on Bipasha’s  back….it was her power…though she’s down but she could tie Bipasha’s both wrists behind her back in her hands…
But Bipsha freed them after some time & again a terrific wrestling erupted between the two…but Bipasha being on top maintained her superiority at last…
But not very late…beforeTabu turned on top…Now she was romping Bipasha.
“Ehhh” Bipasha.
“Ehhh”  Tabu.
Both the tall, heavy well toned gals started grunting heavily.
“Ehhh” Grunted Bipasha.
“Ehhh”  Grunted Tabu.
The two tigresses were grunting in the forest…the small animals also must be puzzled….are the real tigresses are around & what’s really happening?
“Today we will decide Bitch” Tabu wrestling hard.
“Sure u bitch” Bipasha replying.
& the test of strengths were tested hard between the four hands…Bipasha pushed Tabu’s hands back…& came on top.
“Yeah” Tabu grunted.
“Yeah” Bipasha too grunted.
Now it was time for Tubu to show strength… she began to turn her body on Bipasha.
“Yeah”&  She managed to turn, Both the girls tired…but not giving up.
Bipasha snatching & holding Tabu’s long hairs in both hands.
Tabu also now held Bipasha’s long hairs with both hands.
After thorough wresting & though Tabbu was on top….but she could not go further….& surrendered.
“Ehhh” Bipasha…. & got on top on Tabbu’s loosened body now.
“Ehhh” Tabbu was satisfied….so as BiG Bipasha…it can be seen clearly from their eyes.
Tabu was fondling with junior… but more muscular & tall Bipasha.
Will to wrestle more still not gone.
Both threw their clothes away.
“Nice” Tabu. “Eeah”                
“Nice” Bipasha. “Eeah” Light wrestling followed.
“You r a good wrestler” Tabu.
“You are also a good wrestler” Bipasha. Tabu tried one last ditch attempt to test strengths with Bipasha…& she defeated in Bipasha in strength..but Bipasga won the wrestling.
So the lonely boring first seven days suddenly eneded up with a spark & great satisfaction.
The viva was ready for submission….
Next two days they were together …but dint dare to make it again in such a short interval of time….except once while halting in a mid way again on a plain ground surface while returning back…but could not get the result in one hour before they mutually agreed to pack up….
The final was in the hotel room on the same night they returned….it went till morning between the tired gals….before they finally departed with a good kiss.

(m also a writer)

« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 04:31:40 PM by Anygal4-f2f-f2m-fite »
“Nothing is more humiliating than overpowering & pinning the opponent for at-least 10 minutes under you”