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One Sided Celebrity fight stories!

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Offline iamrodgers

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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2012, 02:46:30 AM »
Well i guess i never shared any of my favorite one sided matchups!

1) innocent Naomi Scott being humiliated by dirty Taylor Momsen
2)anyone much bigger destroying Ariana Grande
3)Camilla Belle getting crushed by Katie Cassidy
4)and anything involving Rachael Taylor, Dianna Agron, Maria Menunous, Victoria Justice, Ashley Benson or Lucy Hale

And now:

Britney Spears vs Selena Gomez

Everything you say or do has its repercussions and for Selena Gomez, she had to learn this the hard way.  In a recent magazine article, Gomez let her feelings be very clear on what she thought about Britney Spears, “How old is that fat has been now? I  think it is time for her to go back from whatever hick town she is from and never be seen in public again!”  Such a vile comment spread like wildfire all across the world, and when Britney finally saw them she was shocked and appalled by Selena’s words.  She laid out a challenge to the younger woman for an in ring fight, but to her surprise, Gomez was brass enough to except the challenge claiming that, “it was time for someone to force that old lady to retire!”
   On the day of the match, Britney arrived early to stretch and get ready for the match.  She wore a pair of jean shorts and very low cut white shirt.  As she continued to get ready for the match the door suddenly sprung open and in walked Selena wearing a pair of short black shorts and a white sports bra.  Gomez walked around arrogantly thinking that this was going to be way too easy.  Selena had also hired a camera crew to record the action to show the world what she would do to Britney.
   Selena began to arrogantly stroll into the ring giving her opponent no respect.  But Spears had no intentions of letting Gomez even get ready for the match.  She wrapped her left arm around Selena’s neck as the brunette was bending in between the top and middle rope, and immediately dropped her on her head with a DDT.  Gomez hit the mat holding her sky as she writhed in pain.  Spears did not want to give her foe even a second to recover and pulled a screaming Selena back to her feet by the hair.  Britney whipped Selena forward hard causing Gomez’ back to slam in to the turnbuckle. Only moments later all the air rushed out of Selena’s body as Britney ran at her and slammed all of her body weight in to the smaller woman nearly crushing her. 
   As Britney backed away from her foe, Selena crashed on her ass down to the bottom turnbuckle with a dazed look on her face.  “Such a pretty girl, it is a shame it’s wasted on such a pathetic bitch!”  The devious blonde took a few steps back and smiled at the camera as she sexily removed her shorts revealing her butt cheeks in a tiny black thong.  Approaching her little victim, Britney turned her back to Selena before shoving her bottom all over Gomez’ face as the little brunette whined under Spears’ cheeks.  This only got worse for Selena as Britney began to repeatedly slam her ass into Selena’s face crushing all of her beautiful features underneath it.
By the time Britney stopped, the tears were streaming down Selena’s face as she was very quickly regretting her comments.  Spears picked her foe up and placed Selena in a seated position on the middle turnbuckle before spreading her legs out wide and trapping them in the ropes.  Spears backed away to the far corner and gave Selena an evil smile as the brunette begged her to stop as she was incapable to move.  Spears took off to a full sprint and ,just as she got to Selena, kicked the middle turnbuckle as hard as she could.  The turnbuckle shot upwards into Selena’s crotch and the brunette let out a murderous scream.  Enjoying the pain she was inflicting Britney kicked the turnbuckle over and over again until the force freed Gomez and she fell like a ton of bricks onto the mat getting into the fetal position.
“Get up here girlie, we are not done here yet!”  Britney brought Selena up before bending her over and sticking the brunette’s head between her knees and squeezing her tightly with her thighs.  Gomez was getting weaker and weaker as Spears walked her to the middle of the ring.  Britney grabbed her by around the waist and lifted Selena upside down.  She held her victim there letting all the blood flow downward.  Gomez at this point was sobbing as Britney dropped down spiking Selena’s head into the mat with a piledriver and the youngster bounced off the mat before landing back first on the mat nearly unconscious.  “Time for a little fun!”  Britney shimmied off her panties exposing her freshly shaven pussy before straddling the brunette’s face.  She pulled Selena’s pretty face in tight to it and began to grind.  Gomez’ screams were muffled as Britney began to get aroused.  The blonde let out a little twitch as her juices began to flow out of her and all over Selena’s face.  Poor Selena had remained conscious throughout the whole thing and had to sit through the whole thing.  “This was funny honey let’s do it again sometime!”  Britney put on her discarded clothing before blowing a kiss to the camera as she left the arena totally satisfied leaving Selena humiliated in the center of the ring.

Katy Perry vs Rachel Bilson

Katy Perry had finally landed her first big movie role in a silly chick flick alongside Rachel Bilson.  Early on in shooting the two women were shooting a sleep over scene and Katy was really struggling to get her lines right.  After a few attempts went wrong, the director called for a break and both women left the area.  Perry sat on the side all alone a bit down on herself when she began to hear a phone conversation that Rachel was having with someone.  “I can’t believe they put this talentless slut in MY movie, she must have screwed the director or something because there is no way else she could have gotten this part.”  Not letting anyone know what she heard Katy returned to set and sat on the bed in her white one piece nightie.  Rachel returned moments later and the two exchanged smiles.  The director got into his seat and pointed at the actresses and said, “action.”
   In her pink top and satin white panties, Rachel was caught totally off guard and unable to stop Katy as the angry singer lunged forward and tackled Bilson onto the bed.  Katy pinned Rachel’s shoulders down and sat on top of the actresses belly as Rachel whined, “stop it, what the hell are you doing?”  Perry used her left hand to pin both of Rachel’s arms down above her head and started to pepper her face with slaps.  Most of the crew moved toward the action to try and break it up until the director stopped them since he wanted to see what this led to.  Katy continued to slap the downed woman’s face repeatedly turning her cheeks beat red.  “I heard that little conversation of yours!”  A horrified look came over Rachel’s face as she knew that she had totally put Katy down.  Still holding Rachel’s hands abover her head, Katy leaned over and pressed her large mounds onto Rachel’s face and jiggled them around humiliating the smaller woman.  Then with her free right hand, Katy grabbed Rachel’s shirt and began pulling it upward tearing it off thread by thread until the thin shirt tore in half to reveal Bilson’s breasts.  “Someone please help me, get her off of me!”  But the director to insist that every just stay still and let it play out.
   Again with her right hand, Katy started to pound Rachel’s belly with her fist causing Bilson to cough as she was being deprived of air.  Perry then switched her attention to Rachel’s breasts as she started to rain punches down on the soft skin.  The continuous attacks were brutalizing her victim as Bilson’s body was starting to shake.  When Katy finally stopped Rachel was in tears and tried to crawl away after getting free from under Katy.  But Perry was not going to let her get far and when Bilson tried to crawl away and off the bed Katy caught her by the legs.  She dragged the small brunette back to her and switched her positions sitting on the small of Rachel’s back.
   “How about a look at that cute little booty of yours?”  Katy pulled up on Rachel’s panties and wedged them into Bilson’s crack exposing her ass.  The thin material started to ride up inside the smaller woman as she screamed wildly as it dug in deeper and deeper.  Still holding to her wedgie with one hand, Katy used the other to begin spanking Rachel.  She alternated from one cheek to the other, her handprints visible on each.  The director had a huge smile on his face watching his two stars go at it.
   The panties finally gave out and came flying off of Rachel’s body leaving her buck naked.  Katy stood up off of Rachel and kicked her foe off the bed and on to the floor.  Perry saw the little red light on the camera was on showing that it was still recording.  She dragged Bilson along to a few feet away from the camera and placed Rachel on her knees.  Holding Rachel right in front of the camera, Katy forced a sobbing Bilson to apologize to her.  “Now that’s a good girl!” 
   Katy let Rachel fall to her back then tossed her nightie up and over her head leaving both beauties totally naked before taking a seat on Bilson’s chest.  The vicious Perry grabbed Bilson’s hair with both hands and yanked it upwards and forced Rachel’s face into her crotch.  Katy held Rachel in that precarious position while grinding Bilson’s features all over her pussy.  For a while Rachel’s muffled screams could be heard as she frantically flailed around.  As time progressed Bilson’s movements got slower and slower until they finally stopped as Rachel had gone unconscious.  Katy got up off of her co-star and looked at the rest of the cast and crew and yelled, “I quit” leaving the set knowing this acting thing wasn’t for her.  Everyone was in total shock as they looked down at the carnage in front of them.


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2012, 07:15:21 AM »
id love to see a story of kate upton dominating danneel harris and marisa miller dominating keira knightley!






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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2012, 09:34:28 AM »
Hey Roger,

Great topic. I love one-sided fights as well. I've written a story myself. I've posted the link below if you'd like to give it a read.

As far as celebrities go, I've always dreamed of seeing a fight between Serena Williams and Paris Hilton. Talk about a mismatch. Skinny little Paris wouldn't stand a chance.

Another would be Serena Williams vs Anna Kournikova. Serena owned Anna on the court during Anna's competitive years. I'm sure she'd have no problem owning her off the court as well. Especially now that Anna has become so much thinner and Serena just seems to be getting stronger every year.

Anyway, here's my story. Hope you enjoy.,21910.msg151378.html#msg151378


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2012, 02:03:47 AM »
Sara Jean Underwood vs Candace Bailey

Today was one of the most exciting and anticipated days in the history of G4 and particularly “Attack of the Show” as Sara Jean Underwood and Candace Bailey had agreed for a fun little mud wrestling match.  Backstage there was a little tension between the two but everyone was all smiles as the time approached.  Sara Jean came out first waving to the crowd with a smattering of claps before the tv went live.  As the show came back on, Candace was announced over a loud speaker to a large cheer and a standing ovation.  The look in Sarah’s eyes was that of envy with all the extra applause that Candace was getting.  Both women dipped a toe into the mud to check it out before stepping into it and coming face to face in the center of the pool.  Both women got on their knees as their fun was about to begin.
   As the bell rang, the two beauties locked up in a test of strength jockeying for position.  They struggled back and forth with neither able to gain the advantage as they laughed and flung mud at one another.  Finally, Candace grabbed a handful of mud and threw it into Sara’s face stopping her in her tracks for a moment which was just long enough for her to push Sara over and the referee stepped in declaring Candace the winner.  The live audience stood up once again as Bailey threw her hands up in victory.  Sara stood up pissed off at her loss and how Candace had cheated and kicked some mud into the air before she stormed off into the back.
   After the show, Candace had just taken a shower and was getting dressed in her room as she was in a purple bra and a pair of blue panties listening to her radio.  The music was on extremely loud and she did not hear her door open and shut quietly with someone sneaking into the room and locking the door.  Sara, in a white robe, crept up slowly behind the unsuspecting brunette and pushed her forward until Candace slammed face first into the wall.  “You cheating bitch, you are going to get it now!”  Sara grabbed the back of Candace’s hair with both hands and began to slam her head into the wall.  Rocked, Bailey wondered what she had ever done to deserve this.  Sara just continued to smash Candace’s head until the brunette’s legs could not take it anymore and collapsed onto the ground.
   Sara rubbed her hands together as she plotted her next move as Candace just lay on the ground holding her throbbing head.  Underwood brought back up to her feet and once again slammed her into the wall, this time back first.  Taking both of Candace’s arms with her own, Sara pinned them above her head.  She pressed herself up against Bailey their body’s touching chest to chest as she looked into the eyes of her foe who was sniffling and shaking her head “no” wanting all of this to stop.
   Sara was not going to let Candace go that easy and shot her right knee up as hard as she could square into Bailey’s crotch as a little squeal came out of the brunette’s mouth.  The knee buckled Candace’s knees, but Sara would not let her fall over and gave her another knee to the crotch.  Then a third, fourth and fifth each time Candace’s squeal getting louder and louder.  The tormented brunette’s eyes were watery from the fear and pain.  “Poor girl, did you really think you were better than me?”  Sara gave Candace one last knee as she released her arms letting Bailey fall in a heap.
   Underwood took a step back and removed her robe revealing a sexy two piece lingerie set.  Strolling back towards Candace, Sara took the robe belt off.  She took a seat on top of Bailey’s back and pulled the brunette’s arms behind her back by the wrists.  Candace had very little fight in her as Sara easily tied her wrists together before rolling her on to her back, hands trapped under her own body.   Bailey begged Sara not to do anything to her, but knew in her head that Sara was not done with her.   
   Sara maneuvered both her hands under Candace’s bra and latched onto the brunette’s breasts squeezing down on the soft skin as hard as she could.  Bailey began to scream at the top of her lungs from the pain until Sara put her finger on Sara’s lips, “ah ah ah honey, we can’t having any one hearing us.”  She then covered Bailey’s mouth with her left hand while continue to maul her breasts with the right.  The trapped brunette’s screams were muffled as she tried unsuccessfully to squirm free with tears running down her face.  Underwood refused to let go as she dug her nails into Candace’s right breast causing the brunette’s body to buck up from the excrutiating pain. 
   When Sara finally stopped and took her hand off of Candace’s mouth the brunette began sobbing while she was on the ground.  Looking up at her tormentor, Bailey was begging her tormentor to stop, but her pleas were shot down in a hurry as Sara started to punch Candace in her belly repeatedly causing the brunette to cough and gasp for what little air she could find.  Battered from the beating she had taken, Candace body began to shake from the brutality.  Underwood finally stopped and Candace was breathing heavily.  “Now before I go, I have one last gift for you!”
   Candace was way too weak to put up any kind of resistance as Sara stood up and over the brunette.  She then took one side of Bailey’s bottom in each hand and easily slid them down Candace’s legs revealing her freshly trimmed pussy.  Sara took two fingers and moistened them using her mouth and tongue as she knelt down beside Candace.  Bailey knew that even attempting to fight back or escape would be futile and just sniffled hoping this whole thing would end soon.  A slight moan came from the brunette’s mouth as Sara inserted her fingers, these sounds picked up in volume higher and higher as Sara pumped them in and out of her.  It did not take long as Underwood masterfully played with Bailey that the brunette reached her breaking point and began leaking out all over.  Finished with her super enjoyable domination of Candace, Sara once again mounted the brunette, this time sitting on her stomach.  She grabbed Bailey by the face and stared down at her, “I hope this serves as a reminder to you that I am the much better woman and if the thought ever crosses your mind otherwise then the next time we meet will make tonight seem like a walk in the park.”  Sara gave Candace a little kiss on the cheek and put her robe back on as she left the devastated brunette in tears trapped on the floor for some lucky G4 employee to find.

Teresa Palmer vs Naya Rivera

As the match got underway, the two women circled around one another looking to gain the advantage as the felt each other out.  Teresa made the first move, rushing in and getting her hands inside Naya’s hair and shaking her head around until she shoved the lesser experienced fighter on to the floor and gave her opponent an arrogant smile as Naya looked up in anger at her foe.  Rivera made it back to her feet feeling a bit disrespected.
The two came face to face with one another and Teresa gave Naya a hard shove and sent her back a few steps than turned her back and arrogantly put her heads up playing with the crowd.  A now totally enrage Rivera came charging in and grabbed the back of Palmer’s hair and yanked the blonde down hard on to the ground back first.
Naya took advantage of the situation and started to stomp down with her right foot smashing it into Teresa’s belly taking some air out of the Aussie’s body.  With Teresa struggling to breathe, Naya yanked her back up to her feet by the hair and continued to stay on the offensive giving Palmer a huge slap across the face with her right hand forcing Palmer’s head to shoot to the side.  Following up her attack, Rivera was able to sneak behind her opponent and lock Teresa in a sleeper hold.
Palmer was caught way off guard by Rivera’s surprising hot start, and was caught in her opponent’s sleeper.  As she struggled to escape with no luck, the blonde showed her fight experience as she ran backwards until suddenly a back pedaling Naya was caught by surprise as her back collided violently into the wall with all of Teresa’s weight slamming into her.  Rivera was crushed in between her opponent and the wall as her hold is broken.
Teresa slams her back side into Naya yet again taking even more air out of her before turning around to face Rivera.  Naya lets out a little scream as Teresa gives a hard tug on her hair with her left hand before beginning to send punches into Rivera’s belly.  The shots come nonstop from Teresa until Naya is too weak and collapses to the floor butt first.
After her great start, Naya had found herself where many woman before had found themselves, on the ground looking up at Teresa.  Palmer, showing her vicious side takes her right foot and shoves it into Rivera’s throat using it to choke the energy out of Rivera. 
Once Teresa finally took her foot off her opponent’s neck, Naya slumped all the way down to her back gasping for air.  “What’s wrong honey, don’t have the stamina to keep up?”  With a devilish smile on her face, Palmer grabbed both of Rivera’s ankles and split her legs apart before stomping down with her right foot violently into Naya’s  crotch and grinding it down as hard as she could. Rivera screamed wildly as the torture was nearly unbearable.   But Teresa was not done there and began to drive her foot repeatedly into Rivera’s belly using all of her weight to crush her opponent, absolutely taking all of the air out of Naya’s frame until Rivera couldn’t take any more and rolled into the fetal position.
Grabbing her opponent by both wrists, Teresa yanked Naya back to her feet, then showing her mean streak, Palmer punted her foe in the crotch. Rivera squealed and began to collapse back to the floor, but Palmer held on to her wrists not allowing Naya to fall back to the ground.    Teresa cocked her leg back one more time and delivered yet another punt to the already sore crotch of her opponent.  This time releasing her opponent’s wrists letting her topple onto her back. 
Naya’s hands went down instantly to protect herself while Teresa continued her attack immediately sitting on top of Rivera’s stomach trapping Naya’s arms beneath Palmer’s bottom making the downed brunette virtually defenseless.  Teresa used both her hands and grabbed the middle of Naya’s flannel shirt and pulled on it, tearing the buttons off until the shirt flew open and Rivera’s breasts were now out for full display.  The downed brunette shook her head in fear pleading with Palmer to let her go.  But there was no way this was going to happen.  She reached down and dug her nails down into Naya’s soft flesh mauling her foe as hard as she could.  Naya yelled in immense pain as she was being totally ravaged by her foe as Teresa continued to squeeze down tightly on her Rivera’s breasts until a tear began to trickle down her face.
Soon enough, Naya was in tears as she yelled out her submission pathetically admitting that Teresa was the better woman.  But Teresa was not done just yet as she released her claws from out of Rivera’s breast and used her right hand to clamp down on Rivera’s nose and then took her left to cover up her opponent’s mouth suffocating the now extremely weak Naya.  The brunette tried with the little energy she had left to free herself, but had nowhere to go.  Through her fight, the air left Naya’s body in a hurry and it only took about a minute for her to be totally unconscious.
Palmer stood up feeling satisfied with herself as she placed her right foot on her sleeping foe’s belly and flexed for the crowd showing off.  The out brunette was unable to pick up that much sot after victory as Teresa celebrated getting back on the winning side.  So far so good in keeping her vow to never lose again.

Now i have the tough decision of deciding exactly what i want to write next.


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2012, 04:07:43 AM »
Great stories Rodgers, I think being a pretty girl like Selena Gomez having my face covered by Britney Spears' moist cunny and smelly ass would be a horror. Great job writing it.


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2012, 10:25:28 AM »
thanks for the under wood vs bailey story
I CAN do I
I MUST do it
I WLL do it
Peter Cannon Thunderbolt


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #21 on: August 28, 2012, 12:36:19 PM »
Sorry there has not been any updates recently things have been real crazy lately.  Been having to get all of my things in order as hurricane Isaac bares down on my hometown. Now that i'm finally out of town with nothing to do for days I may get something done that is unless I lose power. Wish me luck.


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2012, 03:36:30 PM »
Good idea to bug out, it looks like it is going to get ugly.

Hope all turns out OK.



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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2012, 09:49:16 AM »
Stil hoping for Keira crushed by some big titted curvier rival.


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #24 on: August 29, 2012, 10:47:46 AM »
Here are my suggestions :

Rachel Hurd-Wood gets her pretty face messed up and her generous tits smashed to oblivion by an insane Monica Bellucci gone blood thirsty

Natalie Portman meets her end when she clashes with dumber but tougher Jessica Simpson

Kate Beckinsale finally mops the floor with Charlize Theron's blonde hair after crushing her to a pulp

Adriana Lima says goodbye to her pretty face under the stomps of Belen Rodriguez

Former Miss Italy Miriam Leone discovers unknown pain when her naked body is destroyed by smaller but vicious Georgia Palmas

Laetitia Casta is totally destroyed by Belen Rodriguez

Scarlett Johansson mops the floor with Liv Tyler's wrecked body

Grand Finale : Megan Fox goes on a rampage and splits in half Kristanna Loken, after crushing her friend Kristen Stewart

Find me on Trillian as : leonjessyfonty


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2012, 05:20:37 PM »
So, I have lost power and cannot post any stories but will write some with pen and paper with candle light (old school style!) But I do have cell service and a car charger so if anyone wants to keep me company my Yahoo id is nolareb504. I am currently bored out of my mind and going stir crazy.


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2012, 10:37:42 AM »
A couple extra suggestions

Manuela Arcuri tears apart smaller blonde Grace Kelly in a cross-time fight
Jessica Biel devastates the body of Salma Hayek
Megan Fox obliterates Scarlett Johansson
Eva Mendes forces Charlize Theron's head in the toilet and flushes it (after destroying the blonde )
Kristen Stewart is broken to pieces and humiliated hardcore by Anne Hathaway
Laetitia Casta is further broken into tiny pieces by Adriana Lima

Find me on Trillian as : leonjessyfonty


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2012, 06:52:49 PM »
Catherine Zeta Jones and Charlize Theron in a catfight.

This was a story I promised barbosa a long time ago and finally finished. I posted it in this topic rather than in the Catfight Stories section because it is a topic both he and Kimval have been reading. I know how big fans both are of Charlize and reading about  Charlize's fights whether she wins or loses.

Here is the story?

Catherine and Charlize as dressed for the fight

     It was November of 1996 and Charlize had just turned 21years old in August. Charlize had journeyed from South Africa to New York to Los Angeles. She had been a model at first but didn’t like it and so tried ballet, making it to the Joffrey Ballet Company in New York. Although tall for ballet she was good enough to join this excellent ballet company. A knee injury ended that career and so she tried acting.  Charlize came to Los Angeles when she was 18. Eight months later she had her first acting job in a movie titled Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest. She played a young woman but was not listed in the credits. The movie was released in the USA on September 12, 1995 Her next movie, and the first in which she was listed in the credits, was 2 Days in the Valley in which she played Helga Svelgen. She was cast opposite Teri Hatcher but was receiving much more attention than Teri since release of the movie. Producers and directors couldn’t forget the stunning figure she presented in that tight white spandex body suit. And her face was absolutely gorgeous. The camera loved both her face and her body.
     Charlize also had that unforgettable fight scene with Teri. Rumors were that Teri was not pleased with being upstaged by Charlize’s beauty even though Teri used all her acting experience to try and upstage the inexperienced ingénue in their joint scenes. At least a kick from Teri that “accidentally” caught and injured Charlize in the ribs was attributed to a little more realism on the part of Teri than was necessary. Teri and Charlize both denied there was anything behind that kick and that it was just an accident. But Charlize’s ribs were bruised and still hurt at times.
      For an unknown Charlize was pretty busy. She had also made That Thing You Do!, playing the role of Tina Powers. The film was the first one written and directed by Tom Hanks. It had been released about a month ago on October 4, 1996. It was rather a forgettable movie and Charlize was not even mentioned in the critics’ reviews. Still it was another film in such a short period of time.
     Charlize made such an impact with 2 Days in the Valle among fans and casting people in Hollywood that she was receiving offers to read scripts and screen test for parts. She already had acceptance for roles in a TV Movie, Hollywood Confidential, and for Trial and Error, both of which were scheduled to be shot soon. But the part she had her sights set on and which she was here for some preliminary tests was that of Mary Ann Lomax in The Devil's Advocate. It was a role in which she thought she could demonstrate her growth as an actress. She had been taking lots of acting classes and was confident that this part would show she was a real actress. The director and producer had asked her to wear her white spandex suit from 2Days in the Valley for a scene when she first comes to New York with her husband. She goes on a shopping spree with their newfound wealth and wants to purchase a sexy outfit for later that night with her husband. In order to fit into the very tight spandex suit and show off her body to maximum effect Charlize had gotten down to her thinnest at 57 Kgs or 126 lbs In those days her weight varied between 57-62 Kgs / 125.66-136.69 lbs. She looked elegant and stately at 57 Kg on her 176.5 cm (5 feet 9.5 inches) slender frame.
     A few personal quotes may give some insight into Charlize.
 “I'm 50-50 on glamour stuff. I'd rather put on a pair of jeans and get on my Harley and act like a guy.”
“I think of myself as a highly sexual creature. I have to use that. I have no choice. I like it. I didn't grow up with a mother telling me what was under my clothes was bad or evil.”
“Looks alone won't get you that far. It may get you in the door, but there's always somebody younger, somebody prettier. You have to rely on something else.”


     Catherine Zeta-Jones had just turned 27 in September. She was from Wales and her professional background was different than Charlize’s in that she had a solid background in acting. She had started acting on stage at an early age and by 15 she had the lead in the British revival of 42nd Street. The television comedy/drama series The Darling Buds of May (1991_) was a smash hit and made her one of the United Kingdom's most popular television actresses. By November of 1996 she had nine acting credits for movies and TV movies, the last of which was The Phantom. The Phantom was about the comic strip character of the same name. Catherine played Sala, a female pirate who kidnaps the Phantom’s ex-girlfriend, Diana. Sala is a real sadistic bitch and has a scene where she seems to easily carry Diana. The part was not a stretch for Catherine when she played a nasty bitch that liked to bully women under her control. The one scene that Catherine did not like occurs when Diana (Kristy Swanson) knocks out Sala with one sucker punch by. She thought that hurt her image as a bad, tough woman. Perhaps that feeling lead to her dislike of other actresses who she thought were moving in on her parts. If they were blondes, as Kristy was, it made it even worse. The movie started filming in October, 1995 and was released in 1996.
     Catherine had been well known in the UK but none of her movies had a worldwide impact, not even The Phantom. Catherine’s career was apparently slowing down. She was looking for the role that would get her worldwide attention. Like Charlize she was being considered for the role of Mary Ann Lomax in The Devil's Advocate. Catherine was also tall although a little shorter than Charlize at 172.72 cm (5 feet 8 inches).   Her frame was slender but her bone structure a little larger than Charlize’s. Her weight fluxuated between 56-61 Kgs / 123.46-134.48 lbs. At present she was at 61 KGs (134.5 lbs) from her role as Sala. She came to the initial interviews and screen test wearing a black vee neck pullover with black pants. They were tight to show off her figure, which was filled out nicely with her extra weight. But she was still slender and the black de-emphasized her weight. The clothes were tight but not skin tight like Charlize’s outfit. Catherine knew that Charlize was also doing a screen test for the same role on the same day. She wanted to show the people doing the casting that her figure was more “womanly” as might be suitable for Mary Ann Lomax. Also her bosom was much more ample than Charlize’s, hence the vee-neck. Catherine’s stats were 34C-25-36 or even a centimeter or two larger at her current weight. Catherine had seen that Charlize’s cup size was listed as “B” but that was probably only in Charlize’s dreams. She was more likely an “A” cup and figured it was why Charlize choose to bury her breasts under the spandex suite. She probably even had a padded bra under there to make her look bigger. There was no doubt that Catherine filled her “C” cup with her own flesh.
     Here are some personal quotes from Catherine Zeta-Jones:
“I used to go around looking as frumpy as possible because it was inconceivable you could be attractive as well as be smart. It wasn't until I started being myself, the way I like to turn out to meet people, that I started to get any work.”
“I like women who look like women. I hated grunge. No one's more feminist than me, but you don't have to look as if you don't give a - you know. You can be smart, bright, and attractive aesthetically to others - and to yourself.”
“I like to feel sexy. But I don't go out half-naked with 'sex' written across my back.”
"I don't go into the triple-X sites. I'm certainly not going to pay money to see myself naked, when I can just go into the bathroom and whip it off for free." -speaking on the Internet and its fascination with celebrities and porno


     Charlize tested first and went back to her dressing room. She was told she would be given a “call back” depending on how her test went compared to some others coming in. The last person to be tested was Catherine Zeta-Jones. Charlize knew that Catherine was her chief competition. Charlize wasn’t all that confident because Catherine was well known, was gorgeous, and had a stunning figure. Also Catherine had oodles of acting experience compared to Charlize. Still, Charlize had hope that she might get the part. Her screen test had gone very well in her eyes.
     Normally actors don’t see their competition on the day of the testing. In fact they often don’t know who the competition is although the grapevine made this hard to keep secret. But the grapevine could only be considered rumors and were sometimes wrong. When Catherine caught a glimpse of Charlize as she was walking away from her screen test she knew the rumors ere true. Her heart fluttered a little. Catherine was nervous because she really wanted this part. She hadn’t considered the inexperienced Charlize real competition. Then she saw that super sexy butt in that skintight spandex jumpsuit. It would be the last image the director and producers would see of Charlize. Catherine was sure that image would stick in their minds for a long time. Catherine was no longer so sure her own body was sexier than Charlize’s body even with Charlize’s small tits. Her own ass started to feel droopy in comparison and she was happy her pants weren’t quite as tight. Of course this was all in Catherine’s mind as her butt was still very firm and shapely. She was just jealous that Charlize’s butt and hips could be so slim and still stick out so provocatively. It wasn’t fair.  Catherine’s screen test also went well. Catherine was told they would be reviewing all the screen tests. They would get back to her after they finished their evaluations. Perhaps another test might be in order among the top candidates.
      Catherine headed back to the dressing room she was assigned. She felt good about her screen test. But there was this lingering feeling that she was second best. Nothing she could put her hands on but the way those who witnessed the tests where chatting among themselves. She had been around long enough to know that slight look away and not meeting her eyes directly.  She had also been around long enough to know that the screen test films would be viewed by the decision makers later. Her spirits lifted by the fact that when they saw her acting talent and experienced compared to that upstart Charlize the part would be hers.
    She walked by Charlize’s door and took several steps past. But the gnawing doubts kept bothering her. She hesitated and stopped. Why leave the decision to chance. Perhaps she could go talk to Charlize and make her realize that she, Catherine, was much better suited for the part. That Charlize was young and would have plenty of opportunities in the future. Besides, Charlize was too young for the part. The more ‘Cat’ thought about it the more she became convinced a confrontation with ‘Charlie’ was the best approach. She started thinking of herself as ‘Cat’ – a tough, somewhat wild women but sexy as hell. She labeled Charlize as ‘Charlie’, picturing her boyish figure. If it wasn’t for that face you could think of her as a slender teenage boy. She had the ass of one as far as Cat was concerned, not too mention her tiny titties.
     Catherine whirled on a dime. She was getting worked up. Her famous temper was rising quickly. The more she thought of this bimbo, blonde ingénue stealing her part the angrier she got. Who the hell did Charlie think she was gong after a part that Cat had worked so hard for? It had taken a lot of scheming and phone calls to work her way to the top of the list. Only to have this skinny blonde come along and take it from her? There was no way she was going to let that happen. Not now, not after she had planned for it and for the boost it would give her sagging career.
     Cat was in a rage by the time she had reached the door. Now she was pleased that she had the extra pounds she had put on for The Phantom. It was all muscle. The part was physically demanding so she had to do quite a bit of resistance training to build up her strength. She even had to lift and carry that bitch, Kristy Swanson. The director maintained that the camera angles he wanted wouldn’t work for stunt doubles. Cat felt like dumping Kristy down hard but had to restrain her urge for the filming.
     Cat had worked herself up into a frenzy. She pictured herself as a feral cat going after its helpless prey. She flung the door open so hard it bounced hard off the stops with a huge bang. The startled Charlize almost jumped out of her skin. She jumped up off the chair she was on touching up her make up so suddenly she didn’t even have time to push it back. The chair flew over backwards and Charlize banged her knees on the edge of the dressing table leaping up.
     Charlize turned and started to say “What do you w…….?” But before she could finish Cat screamed at her. “If you know what is good for you you will get your fucking skinny ass out of here.” Cat continued to stroll purposely towards Charlize with menace in her eyes. It had to be an intimidating sight for the young actress. In fact Charlize’s instinct caused her to step back, put her hands on the edge of the table and lean back.
     Cat bodied up to Charlize, imposing her body on her to trap her leaning backwards. “I said get the fuck out of here, you bimbo!” She hauled off and slapped Charlize who was still in a startled, defensive state. The slap was hard enough to turn Charlize’s head and shoulders. Cat had certainly startled Charlize and caught her off guard. You don’t expect someone to barge in and haul off and slap you out of the blue. The shocked of the initial attack stunned Charlize but she recovered quickly. Instincts of fight or flight battled within her. Flight would have been the best option as it didn’t make sense to get your face all battered when you were up for the best part of your life. But flight was not in Charlize’s nature. She was a fighter. She had come from a tough life on a farm in South Africa and had fought though many tough times. The farm work made her physically tough and working through the difficulties made her mentally tough. Besides  Catherine was blocking her way. She had heard about Catherine and considered her a bully. Once Catherine learned she was no push over and could fight her on equal footing then the bully would quit.
     Charlize closed her fist and as she turned her shoulders back swung in a wide arc intended to smash Catherine on the side of her face. It was a good idea as Catherine was certainly a bully. But she was no ordinary bully. She knew she was tough and she was also fight smart. Charlize, on the other hand, may have been strong and tough but she was not experienced in fighting. Her punch was expected by Cat who caught her fist in her right hand. “You stupid bitches are so predictable” she laughed right in Charlize’s face. She then grabbed Charlize’s right wrist with her left hand and got a good grip on her left wrist with her right hand. She pulled Charlize’s arms up and pushed them back against the mirror. The muscled building that Cat had done was paying off. She discovered that she was stronger than Charlize, at least in the arms.
     It was time to frighten this ‘little girl’, intimidate her and scare her off. She crossed Charlize’s arms so she could pin them against the mirror with one hand. She curled the fingers of her right hand into Charlize’s face, fingernails on one side and thumb nail pressed into the other cheek. She squeezed Charlize’s cheeks forcing her mouth into a pout. “I’ll give you one last chance. Leave now and don’t come back and I won’t scar your face. Stay and suffer the consequences.”



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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2012, 06:53:34 PM »
     Charlize’s mind was working furiously trying to figure a way out. Catherine had over powered her, more easily that Charlize had expected. Catherine’s body was firmly up against hers keeping her from escaping. But if Catherine thought Charlize would just wilt and give up she was dead wrong. Charlize picked up her right foot and stomped her spiked heel done on the arch of Catherine’s foot. Catherine yelped in pain. Her grip on Charlize’s arms faltered which allowed Charlize to get her left hand free. Charlize reached blindly on the dressing room table looking for something. She found the box of powder she was using to tone her cheeks. She flung the powder at Catherine’s eyes.
     Momentarily blinded, Cat hobbled back away from Charlize while her hands wiped the powder from her eyes. Cat expected Charlize to dart for the door and run away. But she underestimated the fight in Charlize, something several other women would do in Charlize’s career. Instead of escaping Charlize charged at Catherine. She lowered her shoulder into Cat’s chest and stomach and drove her backward. Unfortunately for Charlize, the powder was not as debilitating as she though it would be. Cat’s eyes teared and washed the powder out quickly. Cat’s reflexes had also allowed her to partially close her eyes so the amount of powder was not that substantial. Her vision was blurry through the tears but was clearing rapidly.
     Cat was helpless to stop Charlize from driven her hard backwards. Nevertheless her instinctive fighting abilities automatically took over. She grabbed Charlize by the hair. As they neared the wall she spun Charlize around. It was Charlize’s butt and back that hit the wall, not Cat’s. Cat’s momentum caused her body to press hard on Charlize’s shoulder, lifting her and slamming the back of her head into the wall.
     Cat wasted no time in pressing her advantage. She slugged Charlize on the right cheek with her left hand. She drove her right hand into Charlize’s stomach. Charlize had a very firm, hard stomach but the blow was unanticipated and drove the wind out of her. Cat was infuriated that this pipsqueak of a blonde had almost gotten the better of her. Her cruel, sadistic nature boiled to the forefront. She grabbed the dazed Charlize’s hair to pin her against the wall. She kneed the knee that Charlize had injured when she jumped up from the dressing table. Another knee between the legs made Charlize go limp.
     Cat used both hands in Charlize’s hair to fling her across the room. Charlize stumbled uncontrollably. She hit the sofa, landed on it and then summersaulted over it. Cat rushed around the sofa. As Charlize struggled valiantly to her knees, still willing herself to fight back, Cat lifter her by the hair and planted a knee in her chest, knocking Charlise over backward. Once Cat had the advantage she was relentless in attacking her foe, never giving her a chance to get back into the fight.
    Charlize flopped over onto her back. She groaned and tried to roll away. Cat just smiled and watched her until Charlize was on her stomach. She plopped down hard on the small of Charlize’s back. Grabbing her hair and chin Cat pulled Charlize into a camel clutch. She leaned down into Charlize’s ear. “Bitch, I gave you your chance to leave. Now I am going to hurt you like you have never been hurt before.”
    Charlize was befuddled by the vehemence in Catherine’s voice. What had she ever done to Catherine? Why she had never even met her. “Let me go…… Why are you doing this to me…” Charlize groaned. She immediately regretted it. It sounded so weak and submissive. But Charlize was in so much pain all over her body that it just came out. Charlize was angry with herself for her momentarily show of weakness but there was little she could do about her situation.
     Charlize’s pleading was music to Cat’s ears. It only spurred her on more. Indeed she was a sadistic bitch. Cat kneed Charlize in the kidneys a couple of times to keep her in a weakened state. She lifted her ass up high enough that she could roll Charlize over onto her stomach. She sat down hard on Charlize’s stomach between her navel and her crotch. She banged Charlize’s head against the floor a few times to further daze her but not put her unconscious. Then she started slapping the hell out of Charlize’s face. It felt so good to turn that hated face turn it red and then dark with slaps. Charlize moaned, shrieked, and groaned with each slap but that was all she could do.
     Finished with Charlize’s face Cat took the fingers of both hands on either side of the cleavage in Charlize’s white jump suit. She ripped it open, all the way down to Charlize’s belly button. The suit had a built in bra so ripping it open exposed Charlize’s breasts. Cat gave out a big roar of laughter. “Honey, you’ll never get anywhere in Hollywood with those little titties. Hell, they aren’t even a handful. You’ll have to get implants just to turn your AAA cups into a B cup.” Cat reached down to take Charlize’s nipples in her fingers and start to pull and twist them.
     Charlize was infuriated with herself for her momentary loss of resolve and her pleading for mercy. That just wasn’t like her. Yes, Catherine had attacked her with vehemence and an all out attack that kept her on the defensive. And yes, Catherine had overpowered her. The later surprised Charlize who considered herself quite strong. But there was no doubt that Catherine was outmuscling her. Maybe that was what confused and frustrated Charlize into her lapse of resolve. It looked like things were over for Charlize. Catherine was working her over, keeping her dazed and gleefully slapping her face raw. In a great display of will Charlize forced herself to relax and start thinking how she would get out of this seemingly hopeless position. Her fighting spirit was establishing itself, a spirit she would become famous for.
    The humiliation increased for Charlize as Cat ripped her top down and maligned her breasts. They were small but firm and perfectly shaped. And they were very sensitive, a fact that Charlize wasn’t thrilled with at the moment as Catherine’s nipple mauling was causing excruciating pain. The good thing about Cat’s intent on torturing her tits was that it stopped the hard pounding to her body and face. Yeah it hurt but she could take pain. It gave her time to gather some strength back and clear her head as Cat had stopped pounding her head against the floor.
     For her part Cat had moved from the stage of beating up this blonde wimp and rendering her defenseless to stage of sadistically torturing her and having some fun at her expense. She was a little surprised it had been so easy and a little disappointed to tell the truth. She would make up for it by hurting Charlize in everyway she could. Cat let go of the nipples. She spread her fingers and cupped them around the entire tit. She didn’t have to spread them far as Charlize had less than a handful. She curled her fingers and started to dig her nails into the outer edges of her breasts. “Good thing these rooms are sound proofed so no one is going to hear you scream. Go ahead, scream those lungs out, you fucking wimpish whore! Little girls like you are no match for a woman like me!”
     Charlize yelled out but it wasn’t a scream. It was more like an animal roar that didn’t quite fit her elegant face. It was a yell of effort that she had learned from doing resistance training, forcing you to exhale with the effort. She powered her long legs up and around Cat. Crossed them in front of Cat’s breasts and pulled her back. The move was so quick and cat-like (pun intended) that Catherine was caught by surprise. Cat went over backward. Her nails were dug into and around Charlize’s tits. She was caught so unaware that her fingers remained curled and she pulled Charlize up into a sitting position by her tits.
     Charlize wrapped her fingers around Catherine’s hands and pulled her fingers off her tits. Cat’s nails were dug in deep so they pulled Charlize’s small breasts out far before scrapping along them and leaving five claw marks on both. Charlize tightened her grip on Cat’s fingers and squeezed her fingers. She held on tightly to keep Cat from using her hands to free herself from her legs. Charlize loosened her legs to regrip them in a better position at the sides of Cat’s ribcage. She crossed her ankles and began squeezing with her slender but powerful legs. Cat let out a shriek of pain before she could stifle it. Damn, how could this skinny bitch generate so much power against her ribs. She could feel them straining against Charlize’s legs and it wouldn’t be long before at least one of them cracked.
     Cat discovered to her consternation that Charlize also had a powerful grip. Her fingers were being crushed and she couldn’t get her arms free to fight off the scissors. Perhaps years of milking cows and pulling udders had built up her hand muscles. Whatever, her grip wasn’t congruent with such a dainty looking woman. Cat had gone from the dominator to being controlled in the blink of an eye. She took a deep breath to expand her lungs to keep her chest from being crushed. And that bitch, Charlize, was sitting up staring down at her as she held her arms helplessly. She was squeezing Catherine’s ribcage almost to the breaking point. Charlize’s eyes showed a combination of satisfaction and triumph and Cat hated it.
     Now it was Charlize’s turn to demand submission. She gave a powerful squeeze that caused a worrisome sound from Catherine’s ribs. “Give up or I’ll break your fucking ribs, you bully. Get out of my room and don’t even come back or I will crush your ribs!” Charlize sneered with such anger that Cat knew she was serious.
     “FUCK YOU!!!” Cat screamed back at Charlize. Charlize’s ankles were crossed just below Cat’s chin. Cat took her only means of escape. She snapped her head down and took several toes of Charlize’s right foot into her mouth, including the big toe. Cat bit down hard intending to bite the toes of if she could. Charlize let out a blood-curdling scream and jerked her toes out of Cat’s mouth. Blood oozed from the bite marks on her toes. But Cat wasn’t done. The sudden burst of pain caused Charlize to loosen her grip on Cat’s fingers. Cat jerked her hands free. Her left hand grabbed Charlize’s right foot around the arch. The fingers of her left hand grabbed Charlize’s bitten toes. She bent them back forcing Charlize to uncross her ankles and release her scissors. Charlie’s wailing left no doubt the pain she was in.
     To say Cat was infuriated was an understatement. She had Charlize right where she wanted her. She wanted to dominate and hurt Charlize so badly that the blonde whore (how else could such a talentless ‘actress’ get a part?) would know she was dead meat in Cat’s hands. Hurt her and humiliate her so that Charlie would leave the competition for the role. And if she left Hollywood for good so much the better. She was stronger than Charlie and definitely meaner and a better fighter. Still this skinny blonde bitch had fought back in the face of clear defeat. She was being defiant until the end and Cat had to break that defiance.
     Cat was in a rage. She not only squeezed Charlize’s injured toes and bent them back but she began to twist Charlize’s foot in a frenzy. Bones made popping noises as Car twisted Charlize’s foot one way and then the other. She twisted it so far that Charlize’s knees were subjected to great strain being contorted in a way nature hadn’t intended. The pain was horrendous. A lesser woman would have screamed her surrender. Either that or she would have passed out.
      Instead Charlize bit down on her lip so hard she drew blood. She didn’t want to scream or call out for help. She had shown weakness once and Catherine only fed off of that. Fighting though the pain she pulled her other leg back. She kicked out blindly at Catherine. Her heel caught Cat’s chin. Charlize could hear Catherine’s teeth rattle as Cat released Charlize’s foot and fell backward with a loud crash.
     Charlize’s first instinct was to jump up and go after Catherine. But when she tried to stand her injured foot twisted under her. Not only was it too painful to put her full weight on but also Cat’s twisting had sprained it. It was even started to swell although that would be much worse later on. In no condition to fight someone heavier and stronger than her Charlize struggled to get up and hobbled toward the door. All the while her foot was shooting daggers of pain to her brain.
     Cat had been dazed by Charlize’s kick. Fuck, those long, skinny legs could pack a wallop. Cat rolled and moaned on the floor for a few seconds. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs. Charlize hobbled or limped past her, more on one leg than two. Cat noticed that with each step Charlie was putting more weight on her foot and moving a little better. God that bitch was tough with a huge pain threshold.
     Cat leaped up so quickly she got a little dizzy as the blood drained from her already dazed head. She steadied herself as Charlize got several steps past her. Cat cleared her head and chased after Charlize. She ran down her foe and reached her just as Charlize was reaching for the doorknob.  Cat grabbed Charlize’s hair with both hands. She pulled and whipped her backwards with force fueled by anger, nay rage! No way could Charlize stay on her feet, not with only one good leg. Cat threw down Charlize literally bouncing Charlize’s firm ass on the floor. She didn’t let go of Charlize’s hair. She began dragging her along the floor. Charlize’s body suit had been partly ripped before. The scraping on the carpet pulled the back of the suit down until her bare back was getting carpet burns.
     Charlize fought hard to get up but this only made her look like more of a victim. She tried to push with her one good leg to help relieve the pain on her scalp. She struggled to use her other leg but this made her look only more ridiculous and helpless. Cat started to tease Charlie. She would relax and let Charlize start to get up. Then jerk her back, slamming her shoulders and back against the floor. Hair was ripped out and Cat would flex her fingers to rid them of Charlize’s hair. Often the jerking back was followed by a vicious kick to the head.
     The kicks to the head took their toll on the brave and struggling Charlize. A particularly vicious kick to the temple stunned Charlize. From that point on she was in a stupor hardly knowing what was going on. Cat did not let up. She let go of Charlize’s hair and the back of Charlize’s head clomped to the floor. She walked to the side of the sprawling Charlize. She raised her foot high and stomped on Charlize’s hard stomach. “Whoosh” that air rushed out of Charlize’s lungs. Charlize was barely awake. She could only groan and moan, her head lolling from side to side. Cat placed her foot over Charlize’s small tits. She stepped down, pressed and twisted her foot. The pain woke up Charlize just enough that a shriek came out of her lips.
     Cat responded by grabbing Charlize’s hair and ramming the back of her head against the floor. She had had victims in this state before. She was a cruel expert at keeping them too groggy and dazed to resist but not unconscious so they had a sense of what was being done to them. Cat knew that Charlize would remember this as a bad nightmare for many months to come.
     Satisfied that Charlie would be unable to offer any resistance she grabbed her white jump suit where it had been pulled and ripped down off her boobs. She pulled it down, turning it inside out as she did. She was stripping Charlize of the suit. It went easily until she reached Charlize’s hips. Even though Charlize would have rather small hips, they were large in comparison to her waist. And for such a skinny woman her ass cheeks stuck out in a very sexy and seductive manner. If anyone watching the fight between Charlize and Teri Hatcher in Two days in the Valley they would know exactly how they looked. And the suit was skintight. So it took some effort to put the suit over Charlize’s hips and butt. In fact it tore some more.
     Having gotten past the biggest obstacle Cat pulled the suit down Charlize’s legs and completely off. She cruelly grabbed the injured foot, squeezing the toes so blood started flowing again. Then gave it a huge twist before letting it drop to the floor. The pain was sufficient to arouse Charlize enough to let out a shriek like an animal caught in a vicious leg trap. Cat used Charlize’s belly to step up to her head and slam her across the face with her fist. Charlize’s eyes closed and Cat thought that maybe she had knocked Charlize out. The last thing she wanted to do. But Charlize’s eyes fluttered while remaining unfocused.
      Catherine proceeded to pull off Charlize’s silk panties. The elastic waistband and the stretchy fabric made that much easier. Now she had Charlize buck-naked. She waked to Charlize’s side again. She gave Charlize a couple of kicks driving her hard pump toes into Charlize’s sides.  She stomped on the abs just below the navel. Then she pushed her foot hard into Charlize’s belly. Once again she used her foot and all her weight to flatten Charlize’s small but very firm tits.
      Cat stood over Charlize and began to remove her own clothes. She took her time seductively removing her all her clothes. She watched as Charlize would open her eyes briefly. Long enough to give a look of horror before she drifted back into a barely conscious state. When Cat was completely naked she stood over Charlize’s face. She slapped her face to arouse her then stood up with her legs spread. She reached between her legs and spread her pussy in a display of physical and sexual dominance of one woman over another. She was letting Charlize know she was going to have her way with her and there wasn’t a damned thing Charlize could do about. She took a step back. Bent down and shook her larger breasts back and forth over Charlize’s face. The message was clear. “My tits are much larger and sexier than yours and you are my bitch!”
    At last Cat sat down on Charlize’s chest facing her feet. “Slut, you won’t be whoring for awhile” Cat cackled. She reached down and grabbed what short cxnt hairs she could find. They were stubby as Charlize had shaved but not recently. Just barely enough to grab, pull and twist out. Dazed whimpers  emanated from Charlize. Cat slid back to cover Charlize’s face with her ass crack.
    Cat expertly and systematically used her fingers to abuse and torture Charlize’s pussy. No, it was not her intent to arouse Charlize and make her cum. It was to hurt her as mjch as possible. Had she remembered to have brought her dildo she might have used that to forcibly enter Charlize and rape her. It would not have been gentle. But, alas her dildo was back in the hotel room. She used her fingers and long sharp nails to tear in Charlize leaving no part of the vagina walls unmarred. Charlize was awake enough now to be screaming at the top of her lungs. Her screams were muffled having to come though Cat’s ass. Cat wiggled her ass to force Charlize’s nose and mouth deeper into her crack.
     Charlize was in too much pain and weak form the beatings to fight back. She tried to will herself to do so but her muscles just wouldn’t respond. It was even worse because she was awake enough now to want to fight back but fully aware she just couldn’t. She was helpless against this bully, this BITCH!” She had never felt so helpless and vulnerable. Yes, that was the worst part, being so vulnerable. It was the worst day of her life. She resigned herself to take whatever Catherine had in mind for her. To take it but not enjoy it and never let Catherine know how utterly defeated she felt. She had fought hard and almost gotten to Catherine. But in the end she failed and was no match for Catherine on this day. But there would be other days she promised herself.
    Cat attacked and tortured Charlize’s clit until she was satisfied that Charlize would be walking funny and it wouldn’t be because of her injured foot. She spun around on Charlize’s chest and clamped her knees onto Charlize’s biceps in a schoolgirl pin. She pressed her thighs against the side of Charlize’s face forcing her to look up directly into Cat’s cruel eyes. Eyes that confirmed Cat was going to enjoy what she would do next to Charlize.
     One might have thought that Cat would rub her clit all over Charlize’s face but she wanted to continue to impress on Charlize her over all domination. That and the fact that she wanted to use Charlize’s whole body to stimulate herself. She would cum all over Charlize’s face later. The longer she dominated Charlize and held her helpless the more excited Cat would get. There was plenty of time to use Charlie for her ultimate sexual pleasure.
     So instead of moving her pussy over Charlize’s mouth she slid back into a full body press.  She easily pinned the weakened Charlize’s arms to the floor, her wrists about a foot or two about Charlize’s head. Cat knew that proud women hated this, to have their arms pinned above their head and unable to do anything about it. She increased Charlize’s feeling of being utterly dominated by staring directly down into her eyes. Cat wrapped her long, somewhat thicker legs around Charlize’s even longer legs. She hooked her toes around Charlize’s ankles and pulled Charlize out into a grapevine, spread-eagled pin. Charlize could not stop the tears that flowed from her eyes as her pained ankle was subjected to excruciating torture by Catherine’s toes. Her battered clit was possibly in even more pain being stretched out as her legs went out wider and wider. In spite of the horrifying pain Charlize would not beg for mercy. Her tears betrayed the pain she was in but she had the spirit and will power to remain stoic otherwise. She was not going to give Catherine the satisfaction of hearing her plead for mercy again. She would take anything Catherine gave out to her and yet find a way to turn the tables.
    Cat sneered down at Charlize. Her arms and legs had overpowered Charlize’s. She pressed her whole body down on Charlize’s. Another thing women did to one another – proving the dominance of their body over the others. Charlize was totally incapacitated. Even though she was beginning to become more fully awake there was little she could do other then squirm this way and that an inch or so. Cat pressed down and rubbed Charlize’s tits with her own, which had grown firmer, especially her nipples. Dominating the blonde slut like this was such a turn on.
     Charlize tried to turn her head to the side to avoid Catherine’s gaze. Cat crossed Charlize’s forearms so she could pin her arms to the floor with one hand. She grabbed Charlize’s hair with her right hand and pulled her head to face her. Then she bent down and covered Charlize’s mouth with her own. Charlize struggled as best she could and would not kiss Cat back. Cat didn’t care. She forced her tongue inside of Charlize’s mouth and began to French kiss her. She rubbed her body on Charlize’s at the same time to increase her own stimulation. And even though Charlize was trying not to cooperate Cat could feel her Charlize’s nipples grow hard and erect.
    Cat kept Charlize pinned like this in what seemed like an eternity to Charlize. All the while Cat’s breathing was increasing as her sexual arousal rose. Charlize could feel Cat’s heart pounding against her own chest. Maybe you are wondering why Charlize just didn’t bite Cat’s tongue? You just have to understand how beat up and dominated Charlize was by Cat. Biting her tongue would not gain Charlize a physical advantage and she knew it would merely make Catherine all the madder. No, she just wouldn’t kiss back and give Cat the satisfaction of “seducing” her.  Even so Charlize could not prevent her own womanly instincts, which were very strong, from causing her body to react to Cat’s stimulation. Just another thing that made Charlize feel more humiliated and dominated.  She was being used as a sex toy by Catherine to fill Cat’s sexual needs.
     Cat’s loins began to ache for complete satisfaction. She could feel the wetness seeping out onto Charlize’s clit and thighs. Her own thighs feel the moisture even though she was on top of Charlize. She unwound her legs from Charlize’s legs. She lifted her upper body off of Charlize just enough to give her room to really smack Charlize back and forth across the face. Several slaps reduced Charlize to a dazed state again. Then Cat moved to her knees. She grabbed Charlize’s good ankle, straightening her leg. She positioned herself on one knee placing her clit over Charlize’s thigh which was against the floor. She spread her own legs so her other leg was out straight on the other side of Charlize. Now she was able to slide her pussy up and onto Charlize’s cxnt. It was the classic position one woman gets over another in a sexfight where she is in control. Usually he forces the other woman to cum.
     Except this wasn’t a sexfight.  This was Cat using Charlize for her own sexual pleasure. In fact she knew that Charlize’s twat was so sore that there was no way Charlize would enjoy this. That made the cruel and sadistic Cat even hornier and more stimulated. Cat began grinding on Charlize’s pussy with hers as hard and as fast as she could. She did this in spit of the stifled yelps of pain coming from her sexual victim. It wasn’t long before Cat’s body wrenched and quivered as she exploded in an orgasm. She squirted her cum into Charlize’s wide-open clit. She continued to work Charlize until Cat felt spent.
     Cat reached between her legs and wiped her fingers in her own cum. She got them soaked. Then spread the cum all over Charlize’s face. She wet them again. “Though you would like a taste of my sweetness.” She forced her fingers inside Charlize’s mouth and wiped the cum off on her tongue. Charlize stared daggers of hatred back at Catherine. It was a sign of Charlize’s loss of the will to fight that she didn’t glom onto Catherine’s fingers and bite them. She lay there and took her punishment. This strong willed filly had been broken.
     Cat still felt the need for more sexual stimulation. And she wasn’t done humiliating Charlize. Not by a long way. She dropped Charlize’s leg and moved up to mount her face with her pussy. Taking Charlize by the hair with both hands she pulled Charlize’s mouth in tight against her pussy. She began a slow grinding motion on Charlize’s face. She ripped out a small strand of hair causing Charlize’ to yelp. “Get that tongue going or I’ll rip out all your hair” Cat said in as threatening a voice as she could. She jerked out some more hair to let her sex slave know she was serious. To Charlize’s credit and even as a broken filly she did not obey. It was a small act of defiance but it gave her some satisfaction.
     Cat was excited but even more furious at Charlize’s defiance. She slide up and inserted Charlize’s delicate nose inside her vagina. She moved her hips from side to side and up and down to rub Charlize’s nose everywhere inside her. Grinding faster and faster another large orgasm started to well up in Cat. Not only was there the physical stimulation but the mental one as well knowing that she was using this helpless, beautiful blonde’s face and nose as a dildo albeit a small one. She didn’t think a lot of Charlize’s “boyish” body but she had to admit she had a beautifully sculpted face. Cat loved being a dominatrix and even more so when she was dominating a blonde completely at her mercy. The mental, physical, and emotional feelings all combined in the biggest orgasm Cat had had in a long, long time. Her cum squirted out It not only covered Charlize’s face but given her position on Charlize’s nose cum was forced up Charlize’s nose.
     Cat slide down to cover Charlize’s mouth. She tore at Charlize’s hair to force a wide opened mouth scream from Charlize. She spewed cum into Charlize’s mouth. She held Charlize’s nose forcing her to swallow the cum so she could take a breath. Cat wasn’t sure whatever happened to the cum forced up Charlize’s nose. Perhaps the slut had sucked it into her lungs. This was the first time Cat had ever ‘fucked’ someone’s nose and forced her juices inside. She rather enjoyed it with a sadistic pride.
     Having spent her wad, so to speak, Cat was still not through. She spun around on top of Charlize’s face. She wiggled and moved her butt around until she felt Charlize’s nose at her ass button. Reaching down she got a grip on Charlize’s ankles. She pulled them up and back forcing Charlize into a closed matchbook position. She continued to wiggle her ass on Charlize’s face with her nose inside her while holding her bent over. Sitting there and enjoying the position she began spanking Charlize’s butt cheeks. She used one hand until it got sore and then switched to the other. It was the worst spanking Charlize had even endured. And certainly the most humiliating with her nose up Cat’s asshole and her long legs bent over so thoroughly that it made her sore ass stick up in the air.
     Eventually Cat got off of Charlize. She let her legs drop back down. She walked around her delivering kicks as she went. To the head, the ribcage, the sides, the thighs, and one between the legs for good measure. Charlize’s whole body would be sore for weeks to come.
    Cat hair hauled Charlize to her feet. She had to wrap one hand around Charlize’s waist from behind to support her. Charlize’s beaten body was limp in her hands. Half supporting Charlize with one hand, the other in her hair to jerk her head back and oontrol her, Cat used her knees to prod the back of Charlize’s legs to propel her towards the dressing table. She plopped her down in the chair and let her fall forward onto her face. Cat wrapped her long fingers around Charlize’s elegant throat to render her unconscious.
     Cat located Charlize’s jump suit. She tore off strips of cloth. She pulls Charlize’s arms behind the chair back and tied them together at the wrist. She tied each foot to a chair leg. She turned the chair and Charlize around to face her. Finding some bright red lipstick she wrote “I AM A LOSER!” on Charlize’s forehead. She wrote it backwards and then turned Charlize back to face the mirror. That way when Charlize woke up she would be able to read it in the mirror.
     She found Charlize’s panties. She used them to wipe as much of the cum off her own cxnt and thighs as she could. She soaked them even more with cum off the floor. Stuffed them in Charlize’s mouth as a gag and tied one last strip of cloth around her head to hold the gag in place. Finally Cat let go of Charlize’s head and let her forehead hit hard against the table.
    Cat went over to the sink and washed herself off as best as she could. Too bad these dressing rooms didn’t have showers. She got dressed and left but couldn’t resist one last look at her handiwork. She had Charlize tied to the chair but she knew the knots weren’t so tight that Charlie would be able to eventually work herself free once she woke up. What Charlize wore when she left was Charlize’s problem.


     Even though Charlize’s had been broken this day it only increased her resolve and her fighting spirit. You might say it rose from the ashes like the Phoenix. For all the abuse, torture, and humiliation Charlize took she did not sulk away from gong after the part. To the contrary she pursued it with even more vigor. What happened to her may even have led to her giving the screen test of her life in a callback. She won the part easily to get some small revenge over Catherine. As it turned out the filly’s spirit was bent, not broken, and it snapped back with a frenzy.
     Charlize received good reviews for her role Said Jason Overbeck, “Reeves is also married to Charlize Theron, they settle into a grand apartment. While he works cases, she stays home and fixes it up. She is also slowly driven insane, alone.

Pacino and Theron are both perfect in their roles. Pacino has a egotistical way of using his motions to alow you to see that something more devious is brewing. Theron, one of the most talented new actresses, is fun in a role that is somewhat minimalist. Yet she makes it her own.”

    Curtis Edmonds wrote, “The heart of this movie is two great performances, one from Pacino as Satan, and Charlzie [sic] Theron as Reeves's neglected wife…..  If Pacino is just living up to our high expectations, Theron surpasses them. We first see her as a Southern party girl, drinking, dancing and romancing with her lawyer husband. Later we see her as abandoned and alone in an eight-bedroom apartment... and still later, heading down the slippery slope to madness. She goes from being completely superficial and annoying to being heartbreakingly tragic in the course of this movie. It's an impressive performance in a very well-written part.” And this even though Edmonds considered the film a failure.
    Not all reviewers thought highly of Theron’s performance. Randy Turgeon wrote a minority opinion saying, “Charlize Theron defines the term "over-the-top" in her performance as Mary Ann Lomax, a disappointment in contrast to her good performance in ‘2 Days in the Valley’”

     Could it be Charlize called upon her experience from Catherine’s beating and humiliation  to move “from being completely superficial and annoying to being heartbreakingly tragic?” And for suffering such a beating and humiliating experience who cannot forgive her if at least one person sees her performance as “over the top.”

     This was not the last encounter between Charlize Theron and Catherine Zeta-Jones. How would those future encounters turn out? Would CZJ continue to dominate her or would Charlize show that her fighting spirit had really been bent but not broken? Would she find a way to overcome CZJ?


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2012, 09:28:54 PM »
Sophia Bush vs Melissa Debling

Sophia Bush had made a real strong statement in her debut match as she had dismantled Lyndsy Fonseca.  So when it came time for her second match the excitement was palpable.  Sophia made her way into the arena looking extremely confident as she strutted down to the entrance with her hands on her hips in a white halter top and a pair of black short shorts.  She waited patiently for her opponent to make her way down.  Then suddenly Melissa Debling came out from behind the curtain.  The busty blonde looked stunning in her yellow top and white skirt.  As Melissa made her way to the mat the two woman stared each other down trying to get the early mental advantage. 
   The two women came face to face in the middle of the mat as they waited to get their claws into the other.  Then just before the bell rang, Sophia sent Melissa a message slapping her across the face.  The usually light hearted blonde snapped her head back around with rage in her eyes as she stared daggers through her foe.
   Just as the bell rang Melissa reached her hand out and scratched her nails across Sophia’s face, one of her nails catching Sophia in the eye blinding the brunette momentarily.  Melissa did not hesitate to stay on the offensive as she caught her unsuspecting opponent with a knee to the belly.  Bush let out a cough as the force of the knee doubled her over in pain and she was easy pickings for Melissa to latch onto her hair with both hands and drag Sophia around before she tossed her foe into the steel guard rail.  Sophia crashed ribs first before falling to the mat, she grabbed at her sides breathing heavily trying to use the railing to pull herself back up.  The dangerous blonde though had different things in mind.  She got a few step running start before launching her right foot forward and drilling Sophia in the temple.  Bush’s head being crushed in between the bottom of Melissa’s shoe and the railing.  The brunette’s eyes flickered for a second as she fell face first on to the ground devastated by the kick as she held both of her temples and rolled around.
   Melissa brought the weak brunette up to her knees and brushed the hair out of the dazed woman’s face before looking her into the eyes and smiling, “payback is a bitch!”  Melissa cocked her hand back and slapped Sophia so hard that Debling’s handprint was visible on Sophia’s right cheek.  After winning her first match with ease, Sophia had bitten off more than she could chew tonight as she was out of her league against Melissa.  The brunette’s body was arching from both ends as Debling started to ferociously stomp on the small of her back repeatedly.
Things then got much worse for Sophia’s back as Melissa leapt into the air and crashed down bottom first onto her foe’s back .  Bush let out a loud scream contact as her legs went shooting upwards and right in to the waiting arms of Melissa’s.  She got a strong grip on both of Sophia’s ankles and used them to lean backwards trapping Sophia in a Boston crab.
   Sophia’s back was on fire as Melissa arched her so far that the brunette’s feet were nearly on the ground above her head, her body making a perfect “C” shape.  The pain quickly became too much for Bush to take and she began to frantically slap the mat in submission.  “Done so soon? But unfortunate for you I am not!”  Melissa easily drug Sophia back up to her feet, then showed off some awesome strength as she pressed the smaller brunette up over her head.  “Stop please, you already won
.”  Debling held Bush in the air for a while as the brunette kicked her legs and swung her arms trying to escape.  Melissa would not let Sophia down as she walked around with her for a while before dropping the small brunette down on to the top of the railing.  Sophia crash landed ribs first as all of the air rushed out of her body.  She lied across the railing with half her body on either side too weak and exhausted to move as Melissa walked slowly toward her.
“Time for a little punishment for that little slap of yours!”  Melissa was still clearly upset about Sophia’s pre match antics as she grabbed Sophia’s shorts by both sends and slowly wiggled them down her legs until both of Sophia’s butt cheeks were clearly visible in her little black thong, shorts now dangling by her ankles.  Melissa raised her right hand and held it up in the air to the excitement of the crowd before swinging it downward hard across Sophia’s right cheek.  Sophia let out her first sob, but that was not the last as Melissa was relentless in her attack spanking the loser repeatedly as she alternated cheeks  as both turned beet red.  By the time Melissa finally stopped, Sophia’s face was full of tears.
   Melissa tossed Sophia back first onto the mat and straddled her knees around the brunette’s body.  She easily pinned the teary eyed loser’s hands above her head and held them there.  “Well it’s has been fun honey, but it’s time for me to finish this!”  Sophia’s eyes went wide in fear as Melissa slowly lowered her massive chest down towards Bush’s face as she knew she had no way to protect herself.  Debling’s mounds landed on Sophia’s face and quickly engulfed it cutting  off all of Sophia’s oxygen.  Bush only rolled around trying to escape for a few moments until her body went still. 
   Debling stood back up victorious as she left Sophia asleep on the mat, just to add a bit more embarrassment to her foe, Melissa peeled off Sophia’s top leaving her unconscious foe naked on the ground before keeping picking up Sophia’s clothes and taking them home as a keep sake.  Totally humiliated tonight, this won’t be the last time Sophia is seen in the arena, and I can promise you this, the next time she will come back with plenty to prove to her fans and doubters.

Keira Knightley vs Kim Kardashian

Keira Knightley and Kim Kardashian sat alone in the green room of the “Tonight Show” across from one another.  The two women began to get restless as Keira strutted around the room and Kim kicked her feet around in her chair.  Their wait would get a whole lot longer as a page came into the room and informed them that Jay Leno was running a bit late and that the show would not begin for another hour or so.  Both women huffed a bit as both their tempers began to flare.  As time went by add a snail’s pace, Keira could not take it anymore and had to ask Kim, “Why in the hell would you come on television in a bikini?”  Kim turns her head around in a hurry with her hands on her hips, “Excuse me, maybe you would do the same if you had any kind of body.”  Things begin to get really chippy as the snarky Brit fires back, “Oh I thought it was because a fame whore like you is always looking for attention.”  Still not done with her bashing of Kim, “or is it because you are just a slut who wears as little clothing as possible so you can take it off easier?” 
   Kim is now totally peeved as she charges forward and jumps on top of a seated Keira who is unable to get out of the way.  Knightley shrieks as the thicker woman keeps her pinned down as Kim grabs on to Keira’s  hair and shakes her head around like a doll.  Unlucky for Keira her arms are trapped in between her and Kim as her attacker yanks out small amounts of her hair and bangs her head against the top of the couch until Knightley is now lying on her back on the couch with Kim sitting on her stomach.  “You stupid skinny bitch!”  Kardashian starts to paintbrush Keira’s face with her right hand slaps as the horrified Knightley tries to cover up her face in total shock at Kim’s attack. 
   This is not Kim’s first rodeo and she knows what to do next.  With her fist balled up she punches downward striking Keira in her flat belly.  A second strike crushes Knightley’s stomach as she is struggling to breathe.   She tries to cover up her belly with her arms.  “AH AH AH Honey.”  Kim easily pins Keira’s arms up above her head and holds them in position with just her left arm as Knightley is weak.   Kardashian continues to punish Keira with her right hand.  Knightley’s stomach starts to turn a bright red as she struggles to find any air while Kim is unrelenting in her punishment.  “P..P..Please stop” Keira begs in between coughs as her thin frame is taking a beating.
   The teary eyed Brit’s bad night continued as Kim slid down her white halter top over Keira’s sore belly exposing her white bra, but that did not stay on for long as Kim pulled up as hard as she could on the light material with her right hand until it snapped and came flying off.  “Look at those tiny little things, I thought you were jealous of me.”  Kim started to punch Keira’s left breast smushing it in with every shot.  “Let me go, I’m sorry.”  But Kim was not done with her foe just yet.
   Bringing Keira up to her feet, Kim wrapped her arms around the Brit’s thin waist and lifted her up off her feet.  She then took off in a sprint until Knightley collided back first into the wall being smushed in between it and Kim.  Sobbing out of control, Keira was no match for the much stronger Kim.  Using her right knee, Kim split Keira’s legs apart and gave her opponent a great big smile.  Suddenly, Kardashian’s right knee came flying upward striking Knightley in the crotch as the poor woman let out a weak whimper.  Kim continued to rain knee after knee into Keira as the trapped woman was getting weaker and weaker as she began to slide down the wall until her head was level with Kim’s chest.