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Just a suggestion

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Offline lumberjack66

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Just a suggestion
« on: March 30, 2009, 06:14:52 PM »
Forgive me for posting here... I am a guy and do not have a fighter or my own to set up here (much to my eternal sadness).  However, when I am looking through this forum, I see a lot of time spent exposing posers and complaining about who is real and who is not, who has sent pics, who has not, who has responded to a challenge, who has not, etc..  I have also noticed a few ladies who have the perfect solution: If you are for real and want to post here, simply include a picture of yourself or your lady holding a hand written sign that says anything about "" in your post or in your profile and everybody will know you are for real.  Or at least that you have a lady friend who likes you enough to hold the sign.  It doesn't have to be a sexy picture, you don't have to show your face, just enough to tell you are a female.  It won't elliminate all the posers, but it will take care of 90% of them right away.  Surely with the number of digital cameras, cell phone cameras, scanners, etc. this is not too high a threshold for anybody that is for real and serious to meet?  What do you think?
I love catfights and chatting.  Look me up on trillian at ljack66   (I think... just figuring Trillian out)