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SOAP 265 - Madison Young vs Ariel X - the Re-Match!

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Offline academybruce

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SOAP 265 - Madison Young vs Ariel X - the Re-Match!
« on: April 10, 2009, 06:04:54 AM »
Added to AcademyWrestling Thursday, April 9, 2009

PRODUCER’S PICK! Madison Young, that smoking hot red haired bondage diva introduced Ariel X to the Academy by pinning the raven haired temptress flat on her back and riding Ariel to exhaustion. That was over 18 months ago.

Since then, Madison has vastly expanded her modeling career, travelled the world, written a memoir, opened the most-often reviewed art gallery in San Francisco, and occasionally found time to wrestle. Ariel X, in the meantime, has wrestled for three other producers and begun a martial arts training regimen of between 12 and 18 hours PER WEEK. Madison is still tough and wiry and strong and quick and skilled and loves to wrestle hot girls. Ariel is, basically, a BEAST, and LIVES to wrestle hot girls into abject submission.

Can Madison, confident that history will repeat itself, ride a psychological advantage of having beaten and fucked Ariel last time to another victory? Or will Ariel X mark another notch in her harness of women she has previously lost to but now come back and schooled?

Nothing staged, scripted, or fixed. Every second of this rough, aggressive fight is real and every frame of the intense, passionate and rough sex that follows is exactly the way the women wanted it – LOSER GETS FUCKED THE WAY THE WINNER DEMANDS and NOBODY LEAVES WITHOUT CUMMING!
No fakes. No scripted "fights". No posers. No bullshit. No fantasy match ups of 1950's movie stars. All Naked Women Wrestling and ONLY Naked Women Wrestlin