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The updated One Man's Dream.

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The updated One Man's Dream.
« on: December 29, 2012, 01:04:46 AM »
Now in his mid-20s a man sits at a picnic table looking out over the gulf.  Like the rolling tide, his life has been a roller coaster of events.   A smile forming his face, he acknowledges he wouldn’t change a thing.  His wife of 19 years, and the way his family moved from state to state early in his teen years.  He is proud of who he is and how life has turned out.
There is another side to this man, a shadowy side.    Chuck has a fascination with women in conflict.  It all begins when he noticed his first sports review wrestling magazine.  On the cover is a gorgeous blonde and  an equally stunning brunette, not kissing and fondling, but they are  tangled in erotic hand to hand warfare.  A powerful awareness of his body stimulates him and he purchases the magazine.
He loves the beauty and eroticism of women’s bodies, the curves and the subtle breasts.  Chuck adores the way their locks of silky hair caress soft tender feminine faces.  The art of Angel faces and eyes filled with destructive lust.  The photography captures everything with true sensuality.  He was hooked from that moment on.
Now still looking over the waves as they crash ashore, He begins to compare women he has known.  His wife is a gorgeous brunette with hazel eyes and firm large breasts.  She is five six and 120lbs. He body is filled with curves.  She is very competitive and is not afraid to stand her ground.  Chuck has never seen his wife competing in a wrestling match or a catfight but does fantasize about the possibility.  Once he was privileged to a fleeting moment of likelihood. She and a little blonde about her size almost had it out in their apartment.  But better heads prevailed.  Still; the thought of her pinning the blonde, their breasts pressed against the other, the intermingling of light blonde and dark brown private desirables as they tussle almost brings him to an ecstatic explosion.
  Now he finds himself back in his hometown.  Sitting on the very beach he once ran up and down as a boy.  He remembers those late afternoons laying in the sand and swimming in the waves. Yes he is happy to be back.
   Chuck‘s wife suggest they go to a local beach pub.  They are seated and an attractive raven haired waitress smiles, and offers to take their order. There is something in her eyes he senses he’s seen those eyes before. He ponders as he orders a jack and coke and his wife orders a sex on the beach with pineapple juice.  Her deep eyes are watery and very mysterious, that’s it, he remembers, its Misty a woman from his past. She is of Mexican descent. She still looks lovely.
  She is very pretty; Chuck’s wife states as she looks him in the eye and asks:  “Who is she?” Chuck  grabs her hand and assures her not to be concerned. 
   “Just someone I knew a few years ago when I traveled the country.”  And yes she is pretty but no we never.”  Chuck comforts her.
As the lights brighten over in the corner of the room is an area of blue mats.  Seems the entertainment is ladies wrestling.
Chuck looks at his wife and smiles. Years ago he told her of his fetish.  For years she seemed a bit offended but appreciated his honesty.  Lately however she has begun expressing her sexual fixations as well.  She is bi-curious.  She adamantly proclaims it’s just a fantasy and would never actually partake in such things.
   Chuck’s wife also knows about his fascination with blondes.  Obviously Misty is no blonde. Still she does for a fleeting moment wonder what a threesome might be like with the attractive Mexican beauty.   The moment is interrupted as an announcer comes across the PA system. “Ladies and gentleman welcome.”
Looking towards an open door the presenter of this evening’s entertainment announces: “Introducing the lovely Mexican vixen marauder; Misty.”  The dark brown eyed Misty promenades around the small pub. Making sure she gives Chuck a special little dance.  Chuck’s wife smiles and locates her left hand on his right thigh under the table.
“And now Misty’s opponent for this evening:  Our very beach bunny:  Kicking Kay.”  Just then another lady from Chuck’s past saunters through the door.  She has long blonde hair and sky blue eyes.
Now Chuck is both excited and cautious. This young lady has a little more history with him.  This is his teenage sweetheart.  Other than his wonderful wife, she is the only girl who he would have moved mountains for.  He looks at his wife, she smiles and says: “Happy Birthday baby.”
As she draws closer to Chuck and his wife, He becomes very nervous, but a well-placed hand on Chuck’s groin area and He understands that his wife is taking this all in. Kay begins dancing for Chuck and she also flirts with his wife.  Everyone is enjoying the moment.
Eventually Misty and Kay make their way to the makeshift arena. Misty is clad in a purple string bikini, and Kay in a light blue. Both have subtle pert C cup breasts. As the music continues they begin a stare down while rubbing their breasts together.
Chuck is developing a deep tremor through his body, as his wife continues to rub his stiff muscle of pleasure. The thought of two of his acquaintances about to wrestle, and his wife’s obvious approval and sexual play is becoming incredible.  Even his wife’s arousal is strengthened as she begins to moan a little.
Soon Kay and Misty begin their conflict. Their arms interlocked as they try to toss the other to the mats. Their strong thighs tighten and they begin to squeal.  Lips for into snarls and teeth clench.   Struggling to maintain their stance for several moments, eventually they fall to the mats in a mutual mass.   Lying side by side, arms reach out and fingers coil around strands of hair.  The feminine squeals become distinct grunts of two humans locked in combat.  Rolling about their lower torsos strain and breasts collide in an erotic but torturous embrace.
The erotica Chuck is enjoying with his wife is causing him to lose control of that deep tremor which is now an adrenaline-charged earthquake.  Chuck’s wife, becoming stimulated as well, smiles and keeps rubbing his manhood. She too can feel a tremor building.
Meanwhile Misty and Kay have now begun a series of restricting and restraining strategies.  They pull hair, squeeze breasts, and lock legs.
This rages on for about ten minutes.  During their fight their subtle breasts have escaped their confinement.  Their nipples are pert but different. Kay’s are light pink and Misty’s dark brown.   Suddenly Kay Tumbles atop the brunette, the light haired lioness smiles as she begins a new offensive pinning Misty with a full body press. The Blonde summons all her inner strength and refuses the brunette a chance to escape. The ref counts: One, Two, and Three. Kay gets the first fall.
“Looks like Blondie won that one.”  Chuck’s wife whispers into his ear. “   “I admit she is hot.” His wife continues while she once again begins her sensual massage of his revived man muscle. She then gives him a deep kiss.  “I’d love to caress those soft breasts as she fondles mine.” his wife moans.  “Imagine the three of us lying there tempting one another. “ She softly retorts as she too begins to moan. Chuck can feel the tremor once again returning.
Misty and Kay begin the second round.  Parading around on hands and knees they circle. Flirtatious smiles form on their pretty faces, almost hiding the ever cautious and cruel intentions to punish the other.  They draw close.  They rise up. Their agile but solid breasts touch and pert nipples incite the soft flesh. Misty’s dark brown eyes stare deep into Kay’s light blue eyes looking for any sign of panic. All she finds is defiance. The signal is given and they enmesh in a mutual bear hug falling to the mats. Their legs and arms twist and thrash. Any and all vulnerable areas are tormented.  This round is clearly now an all-out fight. Locks of Jet black and light colored hair are pulled with painful intensity. One might wince in disbelief except for the overwhelming eroticism of the moment. Neither combatant is willing to show any mercy.
 The fight rages and they grapple back and forth. This is a very personal combat.  It is clear they want nothing less than a clear-cut victory over the other.  Their bodies struggle to maintain an advantage. Their bodies glisten with sweat as they continue to pull hair and tweak nipples and attack any vulnerable areas.  To everyone in attendance this fight can only end with one a conqueror and the other a devastated victim.
The two soon begin to slow their pace. The furious hair pulling and cruel breast attacks eventually become full body pins and attempts to force a submission.    They revolve on top of each other trying to force the other to quit. Their bodies pushed to extremes. Finally Kay traps Misty in a full body press. She demands the brunette give.  The beautiful Mexican can’t continue and submits. Kay stands and places a foot on her fallen rival and claims her victory.
Chuck and his wife applaud both ladies.  They have fought well. The two combatants leave the room to clean up and rest. Moments later Kay returns and sits at the table with Chuck and his wife. 
“Hello Kay nice to finally meet you.”  The young man’s wife exclaims. As she once again places her hand on Chuck’s groin area.
“Why yes. I can see why he chose such a beautiful wife.”  The smiling and confident blonde replies, while moving closer to Chuck.
 “Chuck I have another surprise for you.”  His wife tells him as she gives him a passionate kiss, then get up from the table.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: The updated One Man's Dream.
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2012, 08:36:49 AM »
GREAT start up story. It sounds like it is building up to something even better. Keep up the great work.


Offline Freddy (B.A.W.)

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Re: The updated One Man's Dream.
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2012, 12:08:49 PM »
Very nice! I'm waiting for continuation!
Blondes do it better!


Offline Rik3D

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Re: The updated One Man's Dream.
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2012, 03:50:47 PM »
Good stuff. I think It's more than 1 man's dream.  8)


Offline adventerer2003

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Re: The updated One Man's Dream.
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2015, 05:12:55 PM »
This is one of the most exciting stories that I've read. It's in my top 10 favorite catfight stories that I didn't write myself. It's number 2 right now, but if it has a continuation where Misty, Chucks's wife, wrestles and catfights, then it could possibly be number one. Thank you for this incredible, sexy story.
Life is boring without adventure.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: The updated One Man's Dream.
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2015, 06:52:20 PM »
Any progress on part 2?


Offline adventerer2003

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Re: The updated One Man's Dream.
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2015, 10:06:57 PM »
I actually meant his wife vs a blond in the bar, then a catfight in their room vs the blonde ex, Kay. I'm waiting (impatiently) for the continuation. Sorry. Take it as a compliment.
Life is boring without adventure.


Offline colt 45

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Re: The updated One Man's Dream.
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2015, 07:50:18 PM »
Neat story.  Can't wait for more.  Thanks for sharing.