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A Gift for My Friends - Down in the Boondocks

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Offline Catwacher

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A Gift for My Friends - Down in the Boondocks
« on: March 07, 2013, 12:03:40 AM »
This is for those of you who have stuck by me over the past few years. Thank you just seems so inadequate. This may yet become the first of a new series. Enjoy!


Out in the Boondocks
by Catwacher

The sounds of the night along the country dirt road were interrupted by the sounds of two cars driving towards each other. The cars, one a state police cruiser, the other a county deputy police car, slowed and then stopped about fifty feet apart. Almost at the same time, the engines were shut off and the sounds of the night resumed. With the lights of both cars still blazing, the drivers slowly opened their doors and got out.

Blonde Lauren emerged from the state vehicle. Her dark haired rival Wendy got out of the county car. The two law enforcement officers walked towards each other until they came face to face bathed in the lights of their automobiles.

Wendy reached down and unbuckled her equipment belt, then tossed it aside, leaving her in just her uniform. Decked out in a brown shirt and matching pants, there was no doubt the uniform covered the figure of a woman. Her 38D breasts strained at the buttons of the shirt, and her hips and ass filled out the pants nicely. Wearing standard black shoes, she kept her finger-less black leather driving gloves on.

Lauren watched her rival taking off her belt, and followed suit. Once she stripped off her equipment, she mirrored her rival except that her uniform was a dark blue in color. Due to one lower button being undone, the tops of her round 38D breasts were visible in the shine of the headlights.

Wendy noticed the bold display and sneered, “You’re as much of a whore in uniform as you are at parties, bitch!”

Lauren smiled and replied, “Tom certainly didn’t seem to mind when I dressed in front of him this afternoon.” She paused for effect and then added, “After I fucked his brains out.”

Wendy smiled at the brazen blonde and whipped a backhand slap across her face. “He’s due for an upgrade in the woman department blondie!”

Lauren’s head returned to look at her rival after slinging to the side. She returned the favor in spades with a wicked backhand slap of her own to the brunette’s cheek. “You’ll never touch him you little tramp!”

Wendy hissed, “We’ll see about that bitch!” and charged the state trooper.

Her hands went immediately to Lauren’s hair, sinking in to the blonde’s locks. Lauren responded in kind, gripping her rival’s hair in a death grip and slinging Wendy’s head from side to side. Both women grunted as they strained against each other trying to bald her enemy. The brunette slid her leg behind Lauren’s and the two fighting females crashed to the road with their hands still entwined in each other’s hair.

Once on the ground, the two hellcats rolled over and back several times. Each tried to raise her knee in to her opponent’s crotch, and each missed every time they tried. Wendy let go of the blonde’s hair with one hand and grabbed one of Lauren’s breasts through her shirt. The blonde hissed in pain as Wendy squeezed the orb through the shirt and the lacy bra underneath. Lauren finally managed to connect with a knee in to the dark haired woman’s groin, eliciting a grunt from Wendy.

The brunette’s knee promptly found Lauren’s mound, and with the blonde momentarily stunned she easily yanked her shirt apart sending buttons flying. Lauren was hurting but far from finished, slamming her hated enemy’s head in to the dirt road twice before pushing her away. Wendy was able to rake her nails across the blonde’s tits before they fell apart.

Both got to their feet, and the blonde was quickly behind Wendy getting her in a bear hug. She squeezed the brunette in hard bursts for several seconds, then unlocked her hands and gripped Wendy’s shirt in them. The sound of ripping fabric filled the air as the brunette’s boobs, encased in a sheer push-up bra, popped in to sight. Wendy ripped her elbow back into the blonde’s stomach, and after hearing a delightful grunt from Lauren, turned to face her rival.

The tenor of the battle now changed. At the party, the two women fought like primal cats, just as they had on the road to this point. Both, however, were trained in hand-to-hand combat. Wendy remembered that first.

Her right fist buried itself in to Lauren’s stomach, and when the blonde bent over, she deftly spun to the side and clipped Lauren’s chin with her rising knee. The blonde staggered, and Wendy, smiling now, belted her opponent’s face side to side with her gloved fists. The blonde was finally punched back against the front of her car.

Where she took command of this fight!

Lauren ducked a hay-maker from the brunette and drove her knee up into Wendy’s pubic area with all her strength. The kneecap smashed the brunette’s clit perfectly, and the blonde smiled seeing Wendy’s shocked face and her mouth open in a big “O”.

Wendy was a stationary target for the blonde’s expert fists. Lauren hit her rival with a two-punch combo to her guts, then two fists buried in to each of the brunette’s now open breasts. Wendy staggered backwards, trying to block but always one punch behind. Lauren’s fists smashed across the county cop’s chin, mouth and nose, right and left, finally pushing her back against the front of her own car.

After grabbing Wendy by the shoulders, she leaned in close and hissed in the brunette’s ear, “You won’t be needing this tonight honey!” The blonde’s knee again rocketed up between Wendy’s legs. The brunette gagged as her world exploded again in pain between her legs. She sank to her knees holding her wounded crotch.

Lauren ended it quickly, raising the brunette’s head by the hair so that she faced her. “You fuck with me again bitch, and I’ll kill you!” The last thing Wendy saw was the blonde’s fist speeding towards her face. Lauren smiled as she slowly stood up, rubbing her aching right knuckles. Wendy lay face down, punched out, on the road, blood seeping from her nose and her lips bleeding.

The blonde laughed and began to button up her shirt. “Have fun explaining your face to your boss honey!” She turned and slowly walked back towards her car. After buttoning up her shirt, the blonde reached down and picked up her equipment belt. As she was buckling it, her head exploded in sheer agony!

Seeing stars, the blonde lay face down on the hood of her car. Trying to shake the cobwebs out, she felt her self being pulled off the hood by her hair. Still half out of it from the surprise attack, Lauren could barely focus on Wendy standing in front of her.

The brunette was holding her night stick in her hand. She’d landed on her equipment belt and was able to retrieve the weapon as she came to.

Wendy hissed at the woozy blonde, “Fuck you bitch! Tom…”

The brunette savagely slammed the end of the night stick into Lauren’s guts.


Wendy spun the night stick horizontal and used it two handed to uppercut the blonde erect.


With the hard plastic night stick in her right fist, Wendy punched Lauren across the jaw with all the hatred she felt for the blonde woman.


Lauren was slammed to the ground and rolled over twice before coming to rest spread eagled on her back in the middle of the road. Wendy, exhausted from the punishment the blonde heaped on her and the exertion of punching her rival out cold, limped over to stand above the downed blonde. Lauren’s nose now bled freely, matching her own. A large bruise was forming on the blonde’s chin from the devastating knockout blow. With a sneer on her face, she bent down and ripped open the state trooper’s shirt, then her lacey bra, exposing her naked tits to the night. Wendy couldn't resist driving the end of her night stick in to each of the blonde’s tits, smashing straight in to the nipples. All Lauren did was grunt.

Standing again, Wendy smiled down at her unconscious adversary. After retrieving her own equipment belt and donning it again, she looked back at Lauren and sneered, “Don’t come near Tom again, bitch. Or I swear I’ll kill you!”

After Wendy drove away, the sounds of the night along the country dirt road returned.

They were accompanied by the breathing sounds of a defeated blonde trooper.


Offline Kayla

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Re: A Gift for My Friends - Down in the Boondocks
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 07:17:46 AM »
Intense! Loved the night stick coming out and making it it 'lights out' for blondie - Tee hee!  ;D :D

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Myfordi

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Re: A Gift for My Friends - Down in the Boondocks
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 01:45:05 AM »
Great to see a new story from you!



Offline JT Edson

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Re: A Gift for My Friends - Down in the Boondocks
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2013, 11:09:29 AM »
Great story!


Offline Marie B.

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Re: A Gift for My Friends - Down in the Boondocks
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 01:01:12 PM »
Yeah! The local cops win the day. :o

Great job, Catwacher.



Offline Mindcastle

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Re: A Gift for My Friends - Down in the Boondocks
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2013, 05:10:38 AM »
Welcome Back. That was one heck of a good story. You made it so easy to visualize the fight as it unfolded. The action was very fast paced and realistic.

I would have  thought that the ladies would fight with their shirts off so as not to have to explain their torn shirts. Bare-breasted would have been even more appropriate since they were the same size and probably had a bit of curiosity or jealousy in that regard.  The nightstick at the end was a bit of a surprise (perhaps dishonorable). When they put their utility belts on the ground, they were agreeing not to use weapons.  However, Wendy had little choice because is was obvious that Lauren had gotten the best of her. Lauren is going to be really pissed when she comes around and I image that this situation will rear it's ugly head very soon. Can wait for the sequel.