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Mature women fighting in dresses or biz suits

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Offline cfight

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Mature women fighting in dresses or biz suits
« on: May 04, 2013, 02:35:22 PM »
It seems that just about every catfight video involves 2 women in their 20's fighting in bikinis or bras and panties, maybe with stockings.

I think mature women, in their 40's or 50's, fighting would be very exciting. And especially if the fight was realistic. Having them fighting wearing dresses and pantyhose or biz suits and pantyhose, since most of these women would be in pantyhose and not stockings.

The women could be at a semi formal party, in dresses and pantyhose, get into an argument and go somewhere and fight.

They could also be coworkers, working in an office where they have to dress up everyday. Wearing nice tops or blouses, biz skirts and pantyhose, they don't get along, have a confrontation in the office and decide to settle it after work. They could meet in an empty office or decide to settle it outside in a secluded area. Or maybe even have another woman with them and she suggests they go to her house and fight there.

In any of these fights they would be rolling on the ground, skirts or dresses ride up and their pantyhose rubbing and getting runs as they fight.

If anyone knows of any such videos or maybe some producer can make a fight like this, I would love to know. Nothing better than a realistic fight, but neither one getting hurt.



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Re: Mature women fighting in dresses or biz suits
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2013, 03:00:03 PM »
If anyone knows of any such videos or maybe some producer can make a fight like this, I would love to know. Nothing better than a realistic fight, but neither one getting hurt.

Hello cfight,

I am sure we can produce what you are asking for at

Marie-Claire is a regular and already in her 50s.
Other regulars like Cinzia, Virginie, Isaora, Irene, Bambina and others are closer to 50 than 20...

Contact us for détails: