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WBACCF #7 Main Event: Rachel Bilson vs. Elisha Cuthbert

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WBACCF #7 Main Event: Rachel Bilson vs. Elisha Cuthbert
« on: July 28, 2013, 09:17:34 PM »
the final fight of the night was upon us and it was a rematch neither woman should have wanted but a rematch they needed to have.  Years ago they tore at each others skin, fought to a standstill and had to be broken apart.  Elisha got free and ended the fight with a chokehold.

Their agents refused to allow them at any similar parties and if they somehow did end up at the same event one was always told to leave as the party was ‘boring’.  The fear of what these two had done to each other being repeated was a fear to ay manager and/or agent basically anyone in the Bilson Cuthbert business. 

Rachel always wanted that rematch because she may or may not have won the first fight if they just let them go.  She screamed at anyone who said ‘Elisha beat you’ she responded to that ‘It was a draw’.  She had to destroy Emile De Ravin to finally get Elisha to say yes and cheap shotted Elisha to return the favor after that fight.  Finally she was getting her wish, a second fight with Elisha Cuthbert.

Elisha hated the thought of rematches; she won a fight and wanted a new challenge.  Only thing she hated more than rematches was one Rachel Bilson.  Every time they seen each other in their lives it was tension, it was hate filled and sometimes violent.  Shirts would be taken off just to try and intimidate the other.  Now she was going to be in a solitary confinement type room with padded walls and go one on one with a woman she wished to do unspeakable violent actions upon.

Rachel got to the entrance of the execution chamber.  All left in it was an old electric chair they would have had an inmate be strapped in.  Rachel looked inside and her skin started to crawl but this was just a studio made prison.  They tried to keep it as real as possible as evidenced in previous fights but still.  She had to make the choice right now of how much she wanted the fight and she put her arms behind her back and allowed a guard to handcuff her and bring her in.

Elisha got to the same spot as Rachel and wanted to turn back.  The room gave her the creeps but then saw Rachel.  Her body started to feel pain already, the reminder of what they did to each other last time.  The sight of Rachel made her run to the door and try to open it but it was locked.

“She’s handcuffed right now and you aren’t allowed in til we cuff you”


Elisha begrudgingly put her hands behind her back and they opened the door.  Six large men entered before her and then Elisha walked in.  Thinking of where she was in a room designed to look like a execution chamber was not what she was thinking.



“I fucking hate you”

“I’m going to make you feel sorry for wanting to fight me again.”

The large security was having a hard time holding back the small barely over a hundred pound women.  One cracked a joke thanking god they were cuffed. 

“CALM DOWN”  Sigourney Weaver had to come in and both relaxed but never took their eyes off each other.  No matter the age, Sigourney would always be a woman feared and that’s why she was the commissioner of the WBACCF.  “I’m going to ask you ladies how do you want this to go, til one of you quit or just til there’s a winner?”



“Uhmn yeah and uh ok you two want to keep fighting until you can make the other actually verbally quit.  Are you sure because no offence I don’t think either of you have the ability to say I quit to the other.”

“I’ll make her quit”  Elisha said staring daggers at Bilson

“She’ll quit when I let  her quit”  Rachel said and wasn’t sounding like the innocent girl next door type.

“OK then, here’s what’s going to  happen we’ll uncuff you and “

“I’ll rip every hair off her body”  Rachel screamed

“I’ll braid my hair black with hers”

“AND you will wait for  us to leave and lock the door behind us.  It won’t be reopened until someone quits.”

“Fine by me”  Elisha said smiling

The women were uncuffed and one by one people left the room, they didn’t notice.  All they noticed was each other.  The doors shut and CLICK and SLAP.  The moment the door locked they went after each other hitting slaps to the face, to the sides the ass and legs.  Whereever it would hit they hit

Rachel missed a slap but got her arm behind Elisha’s head and ended up throwing Elisha to the ground where she kicked her twice before being tripped up.  She hadn’t noticed until the landing on her ass but the floor wasn’t concrete instead they had a padding there.  Obviously the organizers knew these two would fight a lot on the ground and placed some padding there.

Elisha hit Rachel with two slaps then pushed her down on her back she went to grab Bilson’s face.  Rachel grabbed Elisha by the wrist and twisted and threw Elisha down.  Blonde and Brunette got up to their knees and exchanged slaps and then Rachel dove forward putting Elisha down on her back. 

She tried to pull her arms free from under Elisha to do some damage but had trouble getting them out.  When she finally did she was a touch off balance and Elisha’s hands got on her tits and squeezed.  Elisha hauled Rachel off her and tried to turn the brunette to her back but Rachel kicked her leg between Elisha’s. 

She didn’t connect with the sweet area she wanted to as Cuthberts legs weren’t opened up wide enough but it was enough to get Elisha to roll away and let her tits go.

They got up and Elisha was first to go after Rachel taking the three quick steps and getting her arms around Rachels shoulders she pushed the brunette into the faux electric chair. “NO” 

Bilson flipped and got her hands on Elisha’s chest and pushed her away and got up.  Elisha was quick to bounce back up to her feet and Rachel ran at her but Elisha caught her and slammed her face first into the viewing glass.

“Quit now and save the pain”

“Go to…” Before she could say Hell she tried to  hit a back elbow to Elishas head but Elisha ducked it and allowed Rachel to spin around and punch Rachel in the stomach.  Elisha got her hand on Rachel’s throat and slammed her back into the glass “Wimp, there’s class of Cuthbert and Bilsons don’t meet the…”

Rachel scratched Elisha’s face which caused Elisha to step back.  Rachel Stepped forward lifted her arm back for a big punch,  her elbow went up over her head and she came down in a vicious arch her fist colliding with Elisha’s Cuthbert’s stomach. 

Elisha gasped and fell to her knees barely having the ability to breath.  Bilson yanked the back of the blonde hair.  She wanted to say something hateful, something tough but all she could do was look down at the tear filled eyes of Elisha Cuthbert.  She was breathing hard like a cavewoman, and just kept staring down at Elisha “Beat…”  “You”

Elisha got her arm between Rachel’s legs and lifted her up and did a firewoman’s carry.  As they were getting up to their feet Rachel realized she shouldn’t have waited so long after the stomach punch.  Elisha was getting  up and the last fight was starting to dawn on her… Neither woman could maintain a long advantage over the other.


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Re: WBACCF #7 Main Event: Rachel Bilson vs. Elisha Cuthbert
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 09:18:23 PM »

Both were up and went after the other arms extended and ended up wrestling with Rachel’s right hand getting on Elisha’s left forearm and Elisha’s right getting on Rachel’s arm.  They pushed and pulled forward and backward and left and right then Rachel pushed and Elisha pulled in the same direction and they both hit the plexiglass.

They bounced off and Rachel rubbed her shoulder and though she was hurting Elisha hit  a punch putting Bilson down.  Elisha jumped down on Rachel’s back as Rachel got on her hands and knees’s.  Elisha grabbed the middle of Rachel’s prison top and started to push it off Rachel’s body.  As it got closer to being removed completely Rachel had been shifting down between Elisha’s legs.

When Cuthbert got the top over Rachel’s head she ended up on her own back as Bilson snuck out between her legs and flipped her.  Rachel stood  up and took her shirt completely off and as Elisha got up, Rachel got her shirt around Elisha’s neck and turned her body and slammed Elisha face first into the plexiglass then twisted again and threw Elisha to the ground.

Finally she threw her shirt away, Rachel had an equisite body she was of a slight frame but had wide hips for a woman her size.  Amazing average sized breasts inside her black lace bra and a six pack stomach.  “bitch”  Rachel kicked Elisha in the ribs and then grabbed Elisha by the back of the  hair and yanked.

Elisha turned her body into Rachel’s legs and took her down, she then turned so her back was on Rachel’s stomach while simultaneously bringing her backhand down on Rachel’s face.

She twisted her body again and now had her tits on Rachel’s stomach and blindly slapped the brunette twice more.  Rachel grabbed at Elisha’s prison top and yanked it over the blonde’s head and started moving her ass up so she could seat up straight.  Elisha got on her knees and went the opposite direction and out of her shirt. 

They both got up deranged looks in their eyes “Look at my tits, they’re real tits.”  Elisha shouted at Rachel, she did indeed have the fuller rounder tits of the two.

“All I see is something that demands to be milked”

“FUCK YOU”  Elisha threw a punch with no technique just raw power.  It Connected backing Bilson up but she got her back foot planted and pushed off leaping and throwing a punch that made had every muscle in her right side flexed and that connected just above Elisha’s ear

“No Fuck you.”

They were six feet apart from each other breathing heavy, sweat coming down their bodies.  Unlike previous fights on the card like the O’Keefe/Elizabeth or Tal/Kreuk these two didn’t have proper punching technique.  There was no proper footwork or technique when throwing a punch, a jab to them was the hate filled comment they would make.  When they threw a punch it was with the hope it would land and if it did it was meant to knock out one punch hopefully.

Cuthbert backed up stunned but shook her head and Rachel was shaking her fist and eyes met and fire burned inside them.  Hotter and hotter as they stared for what felt to them hours, the sight of the other.  Looking into the blue eyes of Elisha Cuthbert made Bilson hear the music from Kill Bill

Elisha saw red looking at Rachel; she hated every cell in Rachel’s body.  They went after each other hands in hair.  Push and pulling at the other’s hair and ripping out large clumps.  Rachel let her right hand leave and slapped Elisha’s leg and ribs and Elisha started slapping Rachel’s neck and shoulder

Now neither hand had blonde or brunette hair wrapped in its fingers but was feeling stings of hitting skin.  Both women had their eyes closed and swung open handed rights and lefts.  West to East slaps, East to west and they switched to North and South slaps which started to turn more into claw strikes as they bent the top of fingers so nails would meet flesh.

Rachel’s hand got caught between the fabric of Elisha’s bra and the bare breast.  Elisha opened her eyes and seen the claw marks on Rachel’s face and brought both hands on Rachel’s face and just dug her nails in. 

Bilson screamed but kept her trapped hand in Elisha’s bra and brought her free hand underneath the same breast and twisted it as hard as she could while also digging her nails in.  She ended up flipping Elisha Cuthbert onto her shoulders, Rachel immediately sat on Elisha’s face.

She sat up and bounced her ass three times on Elisha’s face then ripped off cuthbert’s bra.  Looking down at the bare pale large round breasts of Elisha Cuthbert, Rachel took a moment to stretch her hands and she looked at each as if she was watching her hands turn into sharp claws.  She was going to enjoy this and for sure it would make Elisha quit

Instead she took too long and got kicked in the  face and then had her ass bitten as Elisha got a bit of room for escape.  Rather than escape right away she took a moment to bit the inner part going toward the crack of Rachel’s right ass cheek.

Bilson leaned forward screaming; she never had her ass bitten aggressively like this.  Elisha felt Rachel leaning forward and got her short legs up and around the Brunettes ears and flipped Rachel off her seated position.

Both women got up to their feet but Rachel had her back to Elisha who jumped wth all her weight.  Elisha  slammed Rachel facefirst into the plexiglass, she grabbed the back of the bra and snapped it three times into Rachel’s back.  There was no resistance though from Rachel she unclasped the bra and stepped back and Rachel just dropped.

“That’s what I thought…” she kicked her in the back and removed Rachel’s bra “Whore, I’m going to keep this”

Elisha walked towards the door and opened it but nothing it wouldn’t open.  She started to shake the door handle “let me out.”

Rachel talked “Why I didn’t and won’t ever quit to you.”

Elisha looked at Rachel who was starting to get up.  Bilson’s chest was scratched up, lots of scratch marks and red welts on her face and blood coming down both nostrils.

“You were knocked out by me Rachel, you lost the fight” 

“You couldn’t beat me before and you didn’t beat me here.”  Rachel liked what she was seeing fro Elisha.  Her pale body was filled with red welts from the slaps and the damage to the right breast was beautiful.  Face scratched and bruised but not bleeding, she was bleeding but Elisha wasn’t.  Need to fix that.

“I’m getting tired of you saying I didn’t… BITCH I’ll kill you if I have to.” Elisha wanted to say something to make her position on the last fight clear but talking to Rachel brought out her more  primal instincts.  She lost the ability to speak coherently, it always played a part in her winning fights.  She held her own and talked to the woman, made that woman fear her and that woman would lose but in her first fight with Rachel she was a cavewoman.  I feel pain and deliver pain until pain is too much for her.


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Re: WBACCF #7 Main Event: Rachel Bilson vs. Elisha Cuthbert
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2013, 09:18:53 PM »
They were struggling around in circles claws dug into the others face a hatred that made no sense at this point in their lives.  It was so intense, it was so all inducing that when asked to  make sense of it all Rachel was ever able to say “You don’t understand and you never will.”  “She needs to know that I’m tougher then her so I can take whatever she has to give and she might be able to take the equal amount but I’m stronger then her so she can’t take what I can do.”  She also always saw Elisha with Red hair, it was still blonde but blood always took over the scalp turning the blonde locks red.

Elisha untied Rachel’s pants and as the pants fell Bilson tripped and quickly started kicking them off but Elisha dove on top of her slapping her.  She slapped Rachel again and tried to seat atop Rachel Bilson but was powered off.  Rachel slapped Elisha in the throat and stood up and removed Elisha’s pants.

Elisha had recovered from the throat slap and got up to her knees and grabbed Bilson’s ankle and tried to take her down.  Rachel bounced back and away, Elisha got up and ran pushing Rachel towards the electric chair but Bilson at the last moment ducked low and let Elisha go into the chair.

Elisha realized where she was and jumped out of the chair only to get hit with a 115 pound right hand of Rachel Bilson who planted both feet jumped using all her muscles and weight behind one punch.  They were both face first down but Bilson got up and smiled, her fist hurt but Elisha was barely moving.

She turned Elisha onto her back and sat on top of her lifting her head up, nose busted up and bleeding “I beat you, one punch knock out bitch.  When you wake up remember I did that and this”  She kissed Elisha on the forehead and let her drop.  Elisha’s head bounced off the floor and Rachel got up and sat on Elisha’s face for a moment and wiggled around and had a laugh then went to the door.  Never in her life had she felt such euphoria but then the door wouldn’t open

“She didn’t quit”

“I broke her face, what more do you want me to do to her.”

“She had you out cold and we wouldn’t let her out.”

“I was just playing then.”  She kept shaking the door “Let me out”

“You said don’t open this door til one of you quits”


Rachel turned around and tried to pick Elisha up but she wasn’t strong enough to lift the dead weight.  She ended up ripping out a large clump of Elisha’s blonde hair instead of lifting Cuthbert up.  Elisha bounced off the padded flooring and started to stir.

Rachel walked away from the woman she hated with all her blood and energy.  She was in front of the plexiglass and slammed her hand with Elisha’s hair onto the glass.  “Look at what  YOU made me do to her….” She smiled, looked at the blonde hair and and back at whoever was watching the fight “Thank you.”

She turned around to rip more  hair out to inflict more damage on the defeated Elisha Cuthbert.  Elisha was back on her feet though, nose bleeding and damage similar to what Rachel had except for the damage to her right breast.

“Nose is bleeding, it’s not broken but I’ll rip your tit off for what you did to mine.”

Elisha was on Rachel before Rachel could fully get back into her fighting readiness.  She was in coast mode, now though it didn’t take long for her to know Elisha’s strength.  Pressed against the plexiglass, Elisha had her hands firmly on Rachel’s modest perfectly formed breasts.  She doubled the breasts digging in as tight as she could and lifting a screaming Rachel Bilson up in the air.

“Quit damn you or end up dead.”

“fu…ck….you.”  It was like the word fuck had never escaped Rachel’s lips before but she got them out and started slapping both hands to each of Elisha’s ears.  Elisha couldn’t close her hands any tighter on Rachel’s sweet breasts but Rachel was swinging harder and harder until after a sixth ear clap she was finally back on her feet.

Elisha backed up her head spinning from having her equilibrium disturbed.  Rachel was only on her feet for a second, she fell to her knees.  Her breasts were damaged but her blood had reached that boiling point once again.  Rather then get up and start fighting as they did in the beginning Bilson pushed her self into Elisha

Elisha was taken down but got her hands on the back of Rachel Bilsons panties and kicked her legs up flipping Rachel.  It added extra leverage into a wedgie and Bilson’s pain was intense again as fabric entered a area only one thing should ever enter.  Rachel didn’t know how she did it but she reached and grabbed at the blonde’s panties and with both hands she hauled up on the panties for a front wedgie

Elisha started to try and escape to the side and was looking at Bilson’’s bare ass and could see where her teeth had been.  She then realized Bilson’s wdgie and her wedgie were getting them nowhere.  They both let go of the wedgies and Bilson spun around.  Now tits were near the other mouth.

Hands pushed panties down and mouths bit down on the other’s right boob.  Elisha got onto her side her teeth closed as tight as possible on Rachel’s breast.

Rachel remembered they exchanged bites last time but now it was mutual locked tit bites.  Rachel knew she needed more but Elisha had the same disgusting idea.  Both sweet girls were ripping pubic hair out while chewing on the other’s boob.

Right hands went into the other labia digging in, left hand ripping out pubic hair and teeth dug in.  It didn’t last long as pain was to intense and Elisha let go and fell to her back.  Her pain threshold was met ages ago but her Bilson threshold was now met.  She was out cold.

Rachel fell facefirst to the floor, she could take no more pain.  She fought as long as she could delivered as much pain as she could but could take no more.  She’d wake up later on glad she didn’t quit but embarrassed.

Neither won, neither lost, neither would ever be the same.