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My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival

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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2013, 06:25:44 AM »
i hope u feel good and healthy



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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2013, 08:48:36 AM »
Get well soon


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2013, 10:55:26 AM »
My girlfriend Marissa is one of those girls who is very sweet, very nice and very slow to anger, but who when they get angry become aggressive and vicious. She is also the type of girl who a lot of other girls seem to just hate for no real reason, probably just out of jealousy, she has a few very good friends but other than them pretty much every other girl seems to take a disliking to her for whatever reason. Marissa is 18 years old, she is 5’3”, 98 lbs, 32b-20-33, fairly fit and lightly toned with long black hair and pale milky white skin, her face is very pretty and small with small delicate features. During high school Marissa had gotten into two fights with two different girls (both of whom were very similar to Marissa in age and size), both fights were fairly close but Marissa won both of them by knock out. However, since high school Marissa had not been in a fight...until...

One day Marissa and I were at a mall catching up with some of her best friends from high school, Marissa was wearing a tight black singlet and a short black skirt with shiny black pumps and her long black hair was out. While we were all walking around the mall together we ran into Marissa’s old rival from high school, her name is Jess. Back in high school Marissa and Jess used to compete in everything and over everything, they used to argue all the time and they came close to fighting a few times but for some reason they just never did, much to everyone’s surprise. Jess is Marissa’s height and pretty much exactly her size, she has straight blonde hair to her shoulders, she has blue eyes and full lips and she’s really tanned, well toned and fit. She was wearing a denim mini skirt with a really tight low cut white singlet, her hair was out and she was wearing white high heels. She was with her boyfriend and a group of her friends.

We all talked for a while and sort of tried to be nice but it was so obvious that we all really hated each other, especially Jess and Marissa. Then Jess said something to Marissa like
“So, who did you steal this boyfriend off Marissa?” Then Marissa replied
“What? I didn’t steal him off anyone.” Then Jess said
“Wow, that’s a change Marissa.” Because back in high school Jess always used to want to bash Marissa because she always thought Marissa was trying to steal her boyfriends, which she actually wasn’t, Jess’s boyfriends all just seemed to want to talk to Marissa all the time. So Marissa told Jess
“I never stole anyone’s boyfriend.” then Jess replied
“Well of course not, cause you only ever tried to steal them from me and who would seriously leave me for you?” Then Marissa just got so pissed off she had to have a go at Jess so she told her
“You’re such a bitch Jess, why don’t you just piss off before I kick your ass in front of all your friends.” Then Jess was asked Marissa
“Do you seriously want to fight me bitch?” Then Marissa replied
“Let’s step outside right now bitch.” Then Jess told her
“Oh you only want to do it now cause you know that security is all around here and they will come and save you when I start kicking your ass too bad.” So Marissa told Jess that she would fight her any time she wanted and then Jess told Marissa to meet her in the parking lot at 6:30 after all the shops are closed so as they wouldn’t be interrupted and to bring all her friends so they could watch them fight.   

So then we all just walked around the mall all day waiting for all the shops to shut, but while we were waiting all of Marissa’s friends called heaps of their friends and told them to come to Chermside at 6:30 to see the fight and all of Jess’s friends did the same, so when we got to the parking lot that night about 60 people were there to watch the fight.

So anyway, we all met in the parking lot, Marissa’s friends and I went and stood with the rest of the crowd while Jess and Marissa stood in the middle of the crowd and got ready to fight. The crowd was really noisy and all of Marissa’s friends were cheering her on too. Jess and Marissa didn’t bother saying anything to each other, they just put their fists up and started to fight. 
They came towards each other and just started throwing punches, they just punched each other like crazy for nearly a minute, then Jess grabbed Marissa by the hair with one hand and kept punching her with the other, but Marissa just kept punching her with both hands. Then Jess pulled Marissa’s head down and started punching her in the side of the head, Marissa kept throwing punches at her face but she couldn’t see where she was so she kept missing her or just hitting her lightly.  Marissa’s punches weren’t working so she threw a kick up between Jess’s legs and got her right in the crotch, after that Jess let go of Marissa’s hair and dropped both her hands. Marissa’s kick had totally stunned Jess and both of her hands were down so Marissa punched her right in the face, Jess stumbled backwards but stayed on her feet so Marissa followed her and punched her in the face a couple more times, then she kicked her in the belly and Jess doubled over.

Marissa threw a punch at Jess’s head but Jess saw it coming and blocked it, then Jess punched Marissa in the belly and Marissa backed off a little but Jess followed her and punched her in the face and Marissa stumbled back a bit but she kept her fists up ready for Jess’s attack. Jess came at Marissa again and Marissa tried to defend herself but Jess was really fast and Marissa couldn’t tell where Jess’s hits were coming from and Jess kept hitting Marissa where she wasn’t blocking. Jess punched Marissa in the ribs, then in the face a couple of times, then in the belly and then in the face again, Marissa kept trying to block but Jess just kept hitting her and she beat Marissa across the parking lot.

Jess threw a punch at Marissa’s face but she ducked it and then punched Jess in the face. Jess threw another punch at Marissa but Marissa blocked it and punched Jess in the face again and then again and knocked her backwards. Marissa sprang forward and kicked Jess in the belly and Jess doubled over, then Marissa grabbed Jess by the hair and started punching her in the head and face as hard as she could. After a while Jess started punching Marissa too but she couldn’t reach her head very well so they didn’t do much damage.

Marissa kept punching her and she was hitting her really hard, but Jess wasn’t hurting Marissa much at all, but then Jess surprised Marissa, she grabbed her by the hair and sprang forward and drove her knee right into Marissa’s belly. It hurt Marissa really bad, all the wind was knocked out of her and she looked like she couldn’t breathe. Jess kept a hold of Marissa’s hair and she dragged her around by it, then she pulled Marissa’s head down and started slamming her knees into Marissa’s chest and face, Marissa tried to cover up but Jess’s knees came up so hard that it didn’t do any good. Marissa took about seven hard knees in a row and she was starting to get dizzy but she charged forward as hard as she could and put Jess a little off balance, and of course that stopped Jess kneeing her just long enough for Marissa to attack back. Marissa grabbed Jess by the skirt with one hand and punched her as hard as I could right between the legs, Jess screamed in pain and her legs started to shake a little but she still held onto Marissa’s hair, so Marissa punched her again and again and again until she finally let her go and backed away a little.

While Jess wasn’t ready for her Marissa came at her and punched her in the face and Jess spun around. When Jess spun back around to face her Marissa threw another punch at her face but Jess blocked it and punched Marissa in the belly and then in the face. Marissa stumbled backwards and Jess came at her and threw a punch at her head but Marissa blocked it and punched Jess in the face and knocked her backwards. Marissa came at Jess again but as she got close Jess threw a kick at her and got Marissa in the belly, Marissa doubled over and Jess sprang forward and punched her right in the face and knocked her backwards. Jess sprang forward again and punched Marissa in the ribs then in the face and then in the belly, then Jess threw a punch at Marissa’s head but Marissa blocked it and punched Jess in the face and Jess stumbled backwards. Jess sprang forward again and started to throw a punch at Marissa but Marissa was too quick and she punched Jess in the face first and sent her stumbling backwards again. Before Jess got her balance back Marissa stepped forward and kicked her in the belly and then she followed through with a punch in the face and Jess spun around again. As Jess came back around she threw a punch at Marissa’s head but Marissa saw it coming and she blocked it and then she punched Jess in the ribs and then in the face and Jess backed off again. 
They came at each other and just started throwing wild punches again. After about a minute Jess grabbed Marissa by the hair with both hands and pulled her towards her but as Marissa got close enough she wrapped her arms around Jess in a bearhug and squeezed her as hard as she could, as Marissa squeezed her Jess arched her back and groaned really loud, Marissa was hurting her really bad. Jess wasn’t fighting back but just as it looked like Marissa had her done for, Jess wrapped her arms around Marissa and started to squeeze her too. They squeezed each other for nearly a minute, they were both hurting a lot but they knew they must have been hurting each other just as much so they just held on and kept squeezing as hard as they could, but after a minute and a half Marissa gasped really loudly and let go of Jess. Marissa arched her back while Jess held me really tight in her arms trying to snap her spine, Marissa tried really hard not to make any noise cause she didn’t want Jess to know how bad she was hurting her but it just got so painful that Marissa couldn’t help herself anymore and she screamed in pain.

Jess yelled at Marissa telling her to give it up and asking her if I’d had enough, but Marissa grabbed Jess by the face and dug her thumb nails right into her eyes. Jess screamed and let go of Marissa right away, as Jess backed off Marissa tried to take a step but her back hurt so much that her legs had gone numb and she just collapsed to her knees. Jess came at Marissa and grabbed her by the hair and tried to pull her to her feet but Marissa pulled away from her and didn’t let her pull her up. As Marissa was pulling away though Jess let go of her and Marissa fell backwards onto her back.
Jess tried to get on top of Marissa but as she bent over Marissa kicked out at her and knocked her backwards and as Jess was stumbling around Marissa got up. When Jess turned around Marissa ran at her and tackled her to the ground. Marissa landed on top of Jess and she started punching her as hard as she could in the chest and face while Jess scratched and slapped at her. After a while though Jess started to roll Marissa over, Marissa tried to hold her down but Jess was too strong and she rolled Marissa onto her back and got on top of her. Jess started punching Marissa in the head and Marissa started trying to roll her back over while she slapped and scratched at her. Jess held Marissa down for nearly half a minute but she finally got her over onto her back and Marissa started punching her again. They rolled over and over punching and scratching and slapping each other for over a minute, then Marissa got on top of Jess and pinned her arms down and lied right on her as hard as she could, but Jess bucked her hips and started to roll Marissa back over, Marissa pushed down really hard but she just couldn’t hold her and Jess got her over onto her back again.

This time Jess sat on Marissa’s hips, Marissa tried really hard to roll Jess over but she couldn’t, then Jess started punching Marissa in the belly and the chest and she couldn’t stop her or get her off, Jess had Marissa totally pinned. But as Jess was hitting her Marissa reached up and dug her nails into Jess’s breasts as hard as she could. Jess squealed in pain and stopped punching Marissa and tried to pull away, but by doing that she stopped pinning her so tightly and Marissa was finally able to buck her off and get out from under her.

They both got back to their feet at about the same time, they came at each other and just started throwing wild punches again, they just brawled like that for about half a minute, Marissa would punch Jess in the face but then Jess would punch Marissa in the face right back, Jess would punch Marissa in the body and then Marissa would punch Jess in the body right back, they were hitting each other one for one over and over again, they hit each other about 15 times each and they were both starting to get really weak. Then finally Marissa grabbed Jess by the hair and dragged her towards her but Jess smacked Marissa’s hands away and then grabbed Marissa by the hair and dragged her back towards her but Marissa reached out and raked her nails down Jess’s face and Jess let go of Marissa’s hair and backed away. Marissa came at Jess and punched her in the belly and Jess doubled over, then Marissa grabbed Jess by the shoulders and shoved her backwards as hard as she could to get her off balance. Jess stumbled away and dropped her hands, so Marissa had a clear shot at her face, Jess was right where Marissa wanted her but just as Marissa sprang forward to attack, Jess threw a kick at her, by the time Marissa saw it coming it was too late and Jess got her, really hard, right between the legs, right in the crotch. Marissa screamed in pain, it looked so painful that the whole crowd groaned when it connected. Marissa was in so much pain she just stopped dead and couldn’t move, all she could do was stand there with her mouth wide open in shock. Marissa’s knees start to buckle but before she could drop, Jess punched her right in the jaw and Marissa just totally collapsed and passed out. Jess had knocked Marissa totally out cold.   
When Marissa woke up most of the crowd was still there and Jess was standing over her with her foot on her chest. Marissa tried to get up but she was just too weak to move, she couldn’t even get Jess’s foot off her, all she could do was lie there. After a while Jess noticed that Marissa was awake, she looked down at her and said “I was just too good for you wasn’t I bitch?” but Marissa didn’t answer her.

Then  Jess got on top of Marissa and straddled her hips, then Jess asked Marissa who the better woman was, but Marissa didn’t answer her, she just didn’t say anything. Then Jess called her a bitch and told her to tell her who the better woman was, Marissa looked like she was about to cry but she still didn’t answer her. Then Jess slid her knee in between Marissa legs and told her that if she didn’t answer her this time she was going to punish her, then Jess asked Marissa again who the better woman was and Marissa told her that she was. Then Jess asked her “what am I bitch?” so Marissa said “the better woman” and then Jess asked “and what’s my name bitch?” and Marissa said “Jess” then Jess told her to answer her properly and she asked Marissa again who the better woman was and Marissa said “you are, you’re the better woman Jess” and then she started to cry. Then Jess told Marissa to say it louder, so Marissa said it again even louder but then Jess told her that it wasn’t loud enough and that she had to yell it so as everyone could hear her, so Marissa yelled it as loud as she could. Then Jess said “that’s right bitch, you should never have messed with me, if you ever mess with me I will kick your ass again” and she just kind of went on and on like that for a while until finally she got off her and stood up, then she looked down at her and said “you lose bitch” then she went over to all her friends and they all just walked off together.

After a while, after Marissa had calmed down and recovered a little of her strength I took her back home.
Bad Fight!! Too much long, is like a fight between two super sayan...not possible!!!!!


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2013, 02:00:51 AM »
Oh really dood? I wonder what you must think of the stories that are almost a page long then. The ones that take forever to get through. Out of all of them this is the long one. Why I outa!


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2013, 09:53:10 AM »
Especially over a good story like this.


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2013, 08:21:10 AM »
I find this fight fantastic! It made me wet to see the sweet black haired girlfriend beaten by the slutty blonde and I wanted to ask the author if I could use his characters in one of my stories. But my stories are different because they are more brutal and there is psychological humiliation involved. Like ripping the loser's favourite dress. But I would like to see Marissa lose again and suffer more :) I think fights should involve girls that truly hate each other like this one,  and not just sex preliminaries like most fights seem to be. I am not into sexfights at all! :(

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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2013, 04:51:58 PM »
Ya we are the rare ones. Everyone else likes the sex stuff over and over and over. And theirs a writer on here asking for othr peoples input on his story and I just don't have the heart to tell him how sick of stories I am now adays. They just all seem the same and go on forever and its like, been there, done that.
But anyways the author of this story isn't around, so I'm not sure what the rules are on something like that. Good luck


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2013, 04:26:32 PM »
I think the humiliation of the loser is very important, but it  has to be like, 'the loser is stripped naked and forced to walk home like that', 'the loser's hair is ripped off her head and used by the winner to wipe her shoes', 'the loser is forced to watch while all her best clothes are ripped apart', 'the loser has to lick the winner's feet'...

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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2013, 03:21:41 AM »
Ah of course. Its a 95% chance someone will write a story like that anyways so no surprise. At least those are the favorite kiinds of stories for the majority of people.


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2013, 05:58:41 PM »
This was a great story! I really enjoyed it.


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2013, 06:28:42 PM »
Having to shut up everytime you see a girl for the rest of your life is plenty humiliating.


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2015, 10:17:37 AM »
great story,and nice ending,I think it will be epic if Marissa demands a rematch and this time looses via submission.


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2015, 08:04:53 PM »
I hope your girlfreind fights her again i think she can beat her it sounds like this start of a war between two top girls


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2015, 08:23:36 PM »
Would LOVE to read that habib. Maybe they could fight in short shorts and singlets this time, or tight jeans. That would be super hot.

Do you think it could be possible that Marissa could actually win a rematch though? Or do you think Jess was just clearly way too good for her?

I think jess should own marissa by submission in the next match ,and it should also include some humiliation for the loser ,I like your idea of fighting in shirts though.


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Re: My Girlfriend Fights Her Old High School Rival
« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2015, 04:12:51 AM »
Where would you think this fight could take place?
this time should be in a ring ,IMO,what about you.