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"The Pleasure's Mine" (Cougar Catfight Story)

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"The Pleasure's Mine" (Cougar Catfight Story)
« on: August 23, 2009, 09:52:26 AM »
    Whaam. Whump. Thunk.
    Flawless young skin feels the pain. Times three. Tight hard bony knuckles crunch into lovely cheekbones. One incredibly lovely, though not to smart busty brunette staggers backwards. Her long lovely pantyhose clad legs buckle. She staggers, losing her balance as yet another punch sends her beautiful body down.
    "How fun. Been waiting for a long time for this....The pleasures all mine!" Rather smug, quite raspy voice. The older redhead watched her young rival slowly get to her feet.
     "What? You want some more? You really are stupid...quite beautiful but really, really STUPID!" The angry redhead moved fast-quite fast for such an older woman. She skidded to a screeching halt, shot her leg out and upwards. Her heel caught the younger woman square in the crotch.
     "Yieeeeeee." the brunette's beautiful face blanched pale white; her hands fell to her groin.
      Rippppppppppp. Not even a twinge of defense. Lovely pricey silk fabric ripped easily. The young dark haired hottie dropped to her knees like a rock.
      "Sooooo pretty. Soooo very hot. And such big, big knockers!" The fiftyish redhead gasped in a brief bit of envy and jealousy as her eyes took in the erotic beauty of her younger rival's huge beautiful firm breasts. And those nipples-so big, erect and sexily stiff. They doubled in size the second they were stripped bare.
      "Arggggggh." The younger brunette gasped in agony as the older woman snapped a painful punch, driving her bony knuckles square into large tender sensitive aerolae. The furious redhead dropped down low and fired a shot directly into the brunettes pubic bone. Beautiful brown eyes glazed, rolled as the completely dazed brunettes head snapped back.
      "My you stupid broad-you're easier than I'd ever thought," the older woman hissed as she buried her fingers deep into the silky dark hair. She jerked the younger woman forward, pulling her face down as she raised her leg up hard and fast.
       Crunccch. One angry knee to one lovely vulnerable forehead. Quick as a flash and with amazing speed and agility the older woman wrapped her arm around the younger woman's throat. She yanked her upwards causing gasps and heavy breathing.
      "Oughta choke you out-but that would be way too easy," Red rasped. After all a crafty cougar enjoys "toying" or playing with it's least a really smart "cat" would.
       "My, you are stacked-uhhhhh...I mean you got quite big ones," the foxy cougar snickered making sure the younger woman understood the somewhat backwards complement about her impressive assets.
       Long strong, older fingers latched onto the younger firmer, bigger breast; squeezing, scratching, clawing the huge orb painfully.
      "Awwwccck. Yeowcccch," the young brunette bawled as she tried desperately to pry the vice like talons from her wounded tit.
       "This is a fantastic idea. You know I'm paying big money for this, don't ya, bitch?" The spiteful, rather delighted cougar glanced in the mirror, enjoying every detail of her vicious attack. She smiled, knowing that the two way mirror was but a reflection of her good fortune.
      "She's enjoying this alot---I think she's hooked." The lovely blonde cougar said to her friend and sister cougar. A bit of hand clapping, cheering. The bevy of beautiful cougars raised their expensive glasses filled with the finest, priciest champagne. They now had another member of their "Catfight Cougar" club. And she seemed to be so happy, so satisfied.
      "No, please, what are you doing? Stop...." the younger woman was now under the older woman's total control. She was being tied up; tied to the bedposts. Her own torn pantyhose held her feet. Her bra (ripped in two) was being used to tie her wrists. The older woman was now feeling, slapping, squeezing her huge sore breasts. Her angry fingers pinched and twisted her rock hard super sensitive nipples.
       "Now you hot young stupid whore...I'll teach you to mess with my man....the Pleasure's gonna be all mine....."



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Re: "The Pleasure's Mine" (Cougar Catfight Story)
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 11:22:50 AM »
Hank ,  I hope you have more to this story coming soon.




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Re: "The Pleasure's Mine" (Cougar Catfight Story) Sizzlin' Part 2
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2009, 05:59:08 PM »
     "You silly steamy young hussy-you're going to regret this, dearie," the older redhead whispered as she ran her fingers over her captives' huge left breast. She poked the big rockhard nipple; licking her lips hungrily she relished the look of terror in the young brunette's eyes.
     "Such nice firm big, I mean really BIG Boobs," the cougar said her voice full of both lust, revenge, taunting...
      "Just can't resist any longer."
       "Nuhh-Uhhhh. Nooooo-Umppfffh Ummmmm." The busty brunette strained against the bindings of her own bra and pantyhose, her luscious body wriggling, squirming as the older woman lowered down. Beautiful red lipstick covering those amazingly moist sexy perfectly formed lips slowly captured the erect sensitive brown nipple.
       Lovely vulnerable prey released a somewhat embarrassed, totally involuntary gasp. Pleasure, intense, yet unwelcomed, strained to stifle, lost the battle. A warm hand, hungry exploring fingers slid down the younger woman's belly, a sudden painful stomach claw; intense pressure, intense pain.
       "Arggggggh." That lovely young body, bucked, strained. Pleasure, pure nasty wicked pleasure pulsed through the lovely cougar's body. She glanced once again at the erotic reflection in the huge mirror. One sizzling hot cougar, dominating the sleazy attractive slutty very stupid yet very sexy young tart.
       "Enjoying this as much as me, sweetie?" Red snickered. It was more than a question. An invitation of sorts. The redhead knew others were watching. Her new "cougar club" friends who had been so nice to invite her to join their "FUN"; they set everything up....did their research well; the older women, all beautiful, loaded with money, lots of time and deliciously conniving mischievious ideas-they lived for catfight lust-revenge, the old-fashioned way. Woman on woman.
      "Yes, oh YES, you know I'm enjoying this-just loving it...not in my wildest dreams...yeah hon, make her squirm,,,well not too much."   Herman watched his wife of many years continue working over his latest mistress. A bit too many emotions, feelings churned within him; all shoved down by the deliciousness of this hot catfight dream...or rather reality, really? His "pride and joy" was throbbing, 'bout ready to explode, yes siree; Would she invite him in on the fun. As he watched each move with thrilling excitement from behind another two-way mirror, he toyed with his thoughts. How would this end? What would his lovely "Red" do to that luscious young tart? He wished for more "fight"; no more "love" no, more????
      "Ummmmm. Please..Oooohhhmmmmm..Stop this, please," the brunette whimpered, pleaded, her luscious captive body breaking into a sweat. The crafty cougar worked her throbbing nipples expertly with her skilllful tongue...and those fingers.....melting steaminess....
     "All right...I'll stop...but guess what's gonna happen next Miss Big Boobs? I'm gonna untie you,,,yes, I'm gonna let you loose....Let's see what happens then?"


Offline MMMickey

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Re: "The Pleasure's Mine" (Cougar Catfight Story)
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2020, 03:53:44 AM »
another great unfinished story by Hank  ???


Offline JT Edson

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Re: "The Pleasure's Mine" (Cougar Catfight Story)
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2020, 05:43:50 PM »
Bummer. Looked to be a great story so far.


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Re: "The Pleasure's Mine" (Cougar Catfight Story)
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2024, 03:09:48 AM »
I miss ole Hank and his stories. . .  :'(