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REPOST: FFF St Valentine's Final Elimination by JC

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Offline Kayla

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REPOST: FFF St Valentine's Final Elimination by JC
« on: September 04, 2009, 08:02:32 AM »
Here's the follow up to the FFF St Valentine's Massacre - with a little impromptu response by myself at the end.

Hope people like it!




Once more, as the avid spectators file into their seats, the four dauntless damsels psyche themselves for this inevitably boorish confrontation in the FFF's back alleyway.   Noting the barbarous conditions of the previous round, ample lighting and substantial overhead ventalation has been provided, to ease the horde's repugnance to the amphitheater's enviroment.

Comfortably nestled into our overhead booth, an abundance of fight patrons have assembled for this final of the St Valentine's Day massacre.  There seems to be a standing room only crowd as we see this evening's announcer step out and aid in securing the large steel FFF doors.

Numerous battle fans have come prepared for the aromatic arena, with masks in hand.   Most seem well pleased to discover that the odious redolence is trivial by comparison to the former round of competition!

Standing in her dressing room, clad only in her dark blue anklets and thong, she is about to slip her sleek, robust legs into a shape-fitting, swarthy set of blue satin shorts, Sharon catches a glimpse of a small envelope fluttering to the floor.   Smirking, she hears the rudimentary applause of the FFF patrons as the announcer, Mike Hunt, steps out to the arena, to initiate introductions.    She anticipates the snide remarks of the 'love-note' left by whomever.  Tossing her pale lilac bikini top over her shoulder, she amusingly removes the note from within.

Reading aloud to herself: 

"Don't bother with the facial!  I'll take care of that for you, before I toss your sorry arse in the dumpster.... with the rest of the garbage! 
Your 'Pal' ....    Kayla
PS:    Don't forget your schizo meds....  You bottle-blonde Bitch!"

With anger mounting inside, growing like a cancer, she malignly wads the note....   "This Tramp won't walk away from THIS match!!"   She is just about to toss it in the dustbin, when she freezes, smiles, holds up the note....  "Hmmmm....  this could come in handy....  in more ways than ONE!"

Reflectively, she wedges it into her shorts as she slips her top on, then turns and makes ready to enter the battle zone....

"Good evening and welcome to the Final Elimination Round of the St Valentine's Day MASSACRE!!  Ladies and Gentlemen, tonights victor will move on to face the FFF's Catfight Champion!  Sooooo, let's get things started with the Number One Catfight Contender, currently holding 3 wins against only 1 loss.  Standing 5 foot, 2 inches, weighing in at a captivating 119 pounds.   The 44 year Beauty, from Spain, let's give her a warm welcome....  the Sensational Siren.... MARTA!!!!"

Waves of exuberant laudation resounds through the alleyway as a brilliantly illuminated Marta makes her presence known!   Stepping into the designated arena, proudly displaying her stalwart frame, garbed in a loose fitting, versicolored belly shirt with matching mid-thigh shorts and black trainers.  Up on her toes, looking VERY confident this evening!  Waving to the garrulous gallery, nearly dancing just inside the 3 foot high wall of red and white padding, which designate the east and west ring boundaries, as she takes her designated place to await her competition!

"The second of tonight's Gorgeous Grapplers.... from the US of A!  Currently holding one win and only one loss here at FFF, weighing a captivating 117 pounds, standing 5 foot, 4 inches in height, exhibiting her sultry 36C-25-35 figure, please give this 29 year Paragon a hearty ovation!  Here she is.... The Lovely....  SHARON!!!!"

Walking sanguinely into the iridescent spotlights!    Waving to the gatherers at either end of the fight zone, she treks around the entirity of the collisium and steps to the opposite end of the alley in line, parallel to Marta.

Marta watches quizzically at the golden gladiator as she doesn't so much as give her a grunt of intimidation.

Casually seated on the front row of east side bleechers is the current FFF catfight champion, Tina Diane.  Obviously here to check out the competition for her upcoming Championship Fight.  She looks calm and collected as she fiddles with her nearly see-through red top and high-cut red leather skirt.  Cheezy, but what can one expect!

"Our third Olympian, at 23 years of age, with an amazing 5 wins against only 3 losses, standing 5 foot 9 inches, displaying her tantalizing 140 pound figure of 36A-25-33.  Give it up for the South African Seductress.... KAYLA!!!!"

Once more the ambitious audience roars to life as Kayla saunters into the arena, deliciously attired in a form-fitting, dark blue belly shirt, matching lycra shorts and black trainers!   Traversing the amphitheater, she swats her arse and winks as she drifts past Marta, then taunts Sharon as she pauses prior to stepping into place, to face off against her....

"Nice top, Bitch!   It'll come in handy as I whip your arse and plunge your carcas into THAT bin over there...."    Pointing threateningly to the nearest steel container    "....just like poor Ruth!"   With a beaming smile, she spins from the blonde, without awaiting a reply from her rival.... stepping into place, facing off against the American blonde, as the last of the fighters is announced.

Sharon glares at the raven South Afrikan without speaking a word.   Eyes ablaze with a relucent fury!   A pernicious smirk on her face!   This could spell trouble for the South Afrikan tonight!

"The final Warrior to join this elimination round, Ladies and Gentlemen,  yet certainly NOT the least,  is the Lovely 40-D breasted British Beauty, standing 5 foot 4 inches, weighing in at an impressive 165 pounds of European Spark and Enthusiasm, with a record of 2 wins and only 3 losses!  Give it up for the 33 year, Sensational Siren....  JENNIE!!!!"

Joining the congregation, attired in a light grey, sleeveless tank top, matching gym shorts and Puma trainers, Jennie parades the arena, arms extended overhead, waving to the attendees as she steps in to face off against Marta.

Throughout the introductions, Sharon and Kayla lock their gaze, in a death-match stare down as Jennie completes the quartet of Viragoes!

A majority of the patrons immediately notice the indeliblly tenebrous glare passing betwixt these two sadistic antagonists!  Murmers are heard throughout the seating....  "This promises to be one HELL of a FIGHT!"

Marta glances to her side, observing Sharon and Kayla staring down!   With a deep sigh of obvious relief, the raven warrior focuses her attention on her European opponent.  The Spaniard evidently relieved to know that she will not receive another smack in the mouth as soon as the festivities begin.

With all four Fiery Females now in place, Mike vacates the amphitheater.   The ladies exchanging intimidating stares as they prepare for an all-or-nothing round of Brutality!

The "starting gun" of the FFF steel doors slam shut and are secured as each pair of gorgeous gladiators move into action! 

Jennie, obviously hoping to end this fray quickly, launches into attack mode!  Diving forward, she attempts to tackle the Spanish Maiden.   With cat-like reactions, Marta sidesteps, throwing a lightning right hook, nailing the Brit on the left side of her head, as she soars past, barely able to claw the raven Spaniard's belly, in the process!

Kayla crouches and begins to advance threateningly!  Sharon, seems to be reaching under her shorts for something!   Just as each vixen steps within lethal reach, Kayla, smiling wryly, asks:  "Checking to see if your womanhood is still there?  Most of us keep ours with us!  Guess you always have to be different, eh?"

Without missing a beat of hesitation, the blonde retorts:  "Nawww!  Just looking for THIS!"   Sharon whips a backhanded right fist outward, narrowly missing Kayla's jaw as the american's fist swings wild!   Tightly clenched into her fist is the recondite note.

Kayla lunges forward to deliver a right punch of her own!    Before Sharon can recoil her arm, the South African sinks her knuckles deep into the blonde's left 36-C!

Sharon emits shrill groan as she staggers back a couple steps, swiftly scrunching the note back into her shorts for use later!

Jennie overshoots her target and lands only inches from the largest of the two dumpsters!  Skidding against the greasy asphault, she cracks her head hard into the bin, instantly rolling onto her back and away from an advancing Marta.   Holding her hands to her head, Jennie'e eyes shoot open wide, just as she sees the erect figure of her adversaries foot blazing a path to her midriff!

Jennie's hands shoot outward, in a futile attempt to halt the blow!  Her legs flail upward from this savage stomp!  Marta steps up onto Jennies' prone frame, twisting her well planted foot, as if crushing out a smouldering cigarette!

Sharon, having received a brutal right hook, jerks her right arm forward, catching the raven warrior on the left side of her face with a brutal blow of her own!  Kayla backpedals, yet manages to remain upright on her feet!

Each antagonist circles for a fleeting moment, then lunges back in for another round of battle.... exchanging feral explatives!

Marta bends down, lifting the Brit viciously upward by her blonde locks!  Once on her feet, Jennie initiates some manner of retaliation as both ladies begin trading a flurry of belly and chest punches!  During this exchange, Marta heaves her right knee upward, into the blondes' already tenderized belly, doubling her over!

Jennie staggers backward against the steel bin, her hands flat on her tummy.  Marta quickly smacks her hands onto the back of the Brit's head, as she lifts her left knee venomously upward!

Sharon and Kayla tap thighs, bellies and chests, as they claw, slap and punch their way across the east end of the alley!  Spiralling and exchanging positions, each virago seems absorbed in a brutally savage dance.... until Kayla's back crashes into a steel door.  Sharon immediately presses her chest firmly to Kayla's!

Pinning Kayla as best she can, Sharon reaches down, sliding her fingers between Kayla's and her tightly compressed lower bellies and manages to retreive the crumpled note she had secured earlier.

Sharon snarls:   "Here's your damned note, Bitch!  Now you can shove it up your ass!!!"   Then rams it to Kayla's lips, grinding it against her face until the Afrikan's mouth is forced open!   The blonde manages to insert the note, only to grant Kayla the opportunity to bite savagely down onto the american's fingers!

Jerking her fingers out of Kayla's mouth,  Sharon's eyes shoot wide open:  "OUCH!!!  You fuckin' Bitch!!"

Kayla SPITS the note into Sharon's face:   "That's whatcha get for stickin' yer fingers where they DON'T belong, you stupid cxnt!!"

Enraged, each antagonist rakes her nails into her foe's hair, jerking and jolting one another's head to and fro!  Vicious enmity passes between these two as they mercilessly and relentlessly rip out handfuls of hair, exerting their fury against each other!

During this heinous exchange, tops are shredded and scraps of cloth float ethereally to the ground, instantly becoming lost amongst the rest of the refuse and sediment of grease, oil and sludge.

A ravenous rampage of applause echoes resoundingly through the alleyway arena!  Tina seems entranced by this whole melee and even seems to be rooting on both Marta and Sharon!   Two garrulous ladies nearby, giggle about the raven champ's indecisiveness, as one replies:    "Damn woman!  Make up your MIND!!"

Tina phlegmatically turns, giving both spectators her most macabre glare.  In a voice, barely audible above the raucous roar of the patrons, Tina taunts:  "You keep messin' with me and you'll wake up in the back of the waste disposal truck tomorrow morning...."  The redhead flips her off as both girls make their way to other seating.

Marta towers briefly over an obviously dazed Jennie!   The Spanish Maiden once more latches onto golden locks of hair, jerking the European onto her feet!

Once her adversary is erect, Marta lowers her right hand, slipping it betwixt her rivals' thighs, as she wraps her left arm around her delirious adversaries neck!  Pulling the blonde in close to her chest, Marta arches her back slightly, lifting the European from the ground.  Making a slight adjustment with both her hands, Marta hefts her victim over her head!

Jennie seems listless while supported by the robust arms of the Mighty Marta!

The crowd is eating this up!  Whoops, hollars and whistles shrill through the alley!

Marta backs away slowly from the bin instead of dropping her rival into the moldy sludge inside.   She turns toward ring center, steps forward into a kneeling position as the Blonde Brit plummets!  The faltering frame of Jennie SLAMS hard onto the bent knee of the dark maiden with an audible THUD!

An adrenaline filled surge of ovation rattles the alley as an evidently helpless Jennie plummets to the ground, rolling flat onto her back!   Marta lifts and backs away, placing her palms on her glimmering, heavily perspired thighs, to catch her breath!. 

With Kayla's back to the heavy door, a vindictive Sharon forces the brunette's back against the door repeatedly!   With each impact, the South African's energy seems to wane dramatically!

Kayla mounts a despirate defense as she drops her arms around the blonde, attempting to wrestle her way out from the American's restraint!   Sharon, however stands indelibly firm!   With heavily beaded, diamond-like, balls of sweat streaming over and down each set of tightly enmeshed, bare breasts, the blonde american pelts the raven warriors skull repeatedly against the steel door! 

Perceiving that her feisty foe has been hammered into a stupor, a sleek, shimmering Sharon steps back, towing Kayla by her long dark locks, nearly hurling her across the length of the alleyway arena.   Rolling to a stop, face down, The Southern Seductress lays motionless as Sharon shoots her fatigued arms into the air, smiling brightly as she ambles over to her fallen opponent!

Towering over Jennie, Marta cautiously kneels beside her fallen victim, reaches down, curls her fingers around the neck of the grey tank top, and commences to rip, shred and ultimately remove the top!   

Smiling widely, Marta notices that there was little response from the incoherent European.  Setting the remnants of the top aside, she endeavors to add yet another trophy for the ambitious audience!  She jerks the stubborn shorts a couple times!  It adamantly retains it's place!  Marta mutters:  ".... fine!  we'll do this another way!"

Stepping to the nearest dumpster, she removes a beer bottle.  Holding it by the neck, crashes it against the side of the bin, severing the lower half of the glass and heads back in the direction of the languid grappler!

Enroute to finsih the task at hand, Sharon hears an ecstatic Tina screech:   "YESSSSSSS!!"   A fleeting lull in the crowd freom this exuberant shriek! Sharon stops in her tracks, looking at the dork who attracted so much attention from everyone!

Sharon glances down at Kayla.... still motionless!  Sharon moves to the edge of the designated arena, plants her right foot onto the top of the makeshift wall, settles her right forearm on her knee.  Then with an intimidating squint of her eyes:    "Don't be TOO quick to add your two cents!  That could be YOU next, Slut!!"

Not intimidated in the least, Tina moves nose to nose with Sharon, who lowers her leg, standing erect....

Each of these ladies stare down for only a few seconds, although, the audience is elated over this new opportunity for battle!

Just as Marta is about to slit Jennie's shorts, she notices Sharon facing down with Tina.  Unbeknownst to either of these clowns, Kayla has sat upright and is holding her head in her hands.

Turning to ascertain the whereabouts of her american rival, Kayla notices on the ground next to her, a length of rusty chain.  Snatching this up, the Afrikan shakily lifts from the ground, pauses for a brief moment to clear her vision, then closes in to apparently deal with one, or BOTH of these fighters!

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: REPOST: FFF St Valentine's Final Elimination by JC
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2009, 08:03:07 AM »
Marta, not wanting to miss ANY of this action, tosses the bottle aside!  Moves to Jennies' feet, hurriedly yanks off the shorts and panties, drops them beside the discarded top, as she hoists her rival from the ground, while at the same time, trying to keep an eye on the action across the ring.   

Marta glides her left arm around the sweat slicked neck of the unconcious Brit as she is jerked upright onto her feet, pulling her tight to her own chest!  Immediately, bends to one side, feeling the smooth gliding of her own skin against that of her lethargic adversary.   The Spaniard whips her right arm between the blonde's thighs, slapping her palm to the ample arse, then hefts the nude European up and across her chest.   

Carrying her baggage awkwardly, Marta staggers over to the nearest dumpster and rolls her luggage into the rancid sludge!   Covering her quickly, from the neck down, with a copious amount of goo.  Marta scrapes her palms against the edge of the container, discarding as much of the grunge as she can.

Glancing over at the inevitable 'chain-gang' thrashing, Marta quickly returns to the wardrobe obtained from the Brit, she snatches up the pale blue panties, wiping the remainder of the scum from her hands, she hastily steps to the bin once more, works open Jennie's mouth and forces the cloth into her mouth.

Satisfied that her opponent has been dispatched, the raven Spaniard is just about to turn her attention to the trio of trouble-makers on the other side of the arena, when she notices a broken saloon chair setting between the dumpsters! 

Marta quickly snatches up the remnants of the chair, twists and eventually breaks off one of the dowels from the back of the seat.  Tossing the last of the chair aside, she meanders over to Jennie's clothing remnants, picks them up and tosses them into the thankful crowd, who instantly begin a scramble for the coveted trophies. 

Watching briefly as the wolves tangle for the raiment, Marta saunters in the direction of the imminent confrontation at the far side of the ring!

Only seconds before Kayla strikes, Tina's eyes shoot wide open, while backing away quickly, only to refocus behind the blonde, all without saying a word.... obviously expecting Sharon to bear the wrath of the weapon!

Sharon breaks off indelible eye contact, swivels her head to catch a remote glimpse of a wicked looking chain!   

"Oh Shit!"  The American shrieks as she flinches and ducks just in the nick of time!    The full weight of the whistling chain catches Tina across her left shoulder and upper chest, slashing her sheer red blouse, leaving a vicious seeping welt in it's wake!  Thus sending her tottering back against the bleechers and into several standing onlookers, knocking everyone to the greasy, gravelly ground!

Several by-standers relish this opportunity to ogle the dark red, chiffon thong present beneath the leather skirt.... applauding fervently and enthusiastically as one of the fallen, crocked patrons rolls atop of the raven haired champion, panting his Ripple wine tainted breath into her face!    A standing, half-drunken gent remarks boisterously,  "What a L-l-lucky g-guy!!"

The swing of the lengthy chain causes a slightly delirious Kayla to drop to the ground as well, onto her hands and knees. Cringing and squeeling from dragging her knuckles against the roughage and sorely dissappointed that she had missed her intended target, the raven South African snarls and endeavors to lift back onto her feet!

A euphoric laudation fills the amphitheater, blended in with raucous laughter at this tidy little groups misfortune!  Tina, now red-faced with fury, shoves the lush off her as she gracelessly struggles back to her feet! 

Sharon stumbles backward, falling to the grimy ground, bumping against the legs of an enthralled Marta.   Sitting on the ground, Sharon quickly looks up at the raven Spaniard and asks:    "WELL??  Where the HELL have YOU been??  That Bitch almost took my friggin'  HEAD off with that thing!"

Marta just smiles, bends down, then cracks the blonde's cheek with the handy rod, sending her rolling to one side!  Sharon seems out of it!  Satisfied that the blonde is out of the way, Marta turns her attention to the only fighter left!  Having disposed of the blonde, it was time to deal with the only other fighter now standing between her and the title fight against Tina..... Kayla!

Tina uses a downed spectator to push up onto the front bleecher seat, then presses herself up into a standing position.  Once standing, Tina looks down at her ruined blouse!  Screaming:  "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!  THAT BITCH!!!"  With an enraged, wide-eyed, macabre glare into the fight zone, she straightens her skirt, then makes a move to head into the ring!   No sooner does the champ head for the ring, than she is quickly restrained by the goth and the redhead who had moved from behind her previously.

The redhead quickly halts Tina's advance, "Now, I  KNOW you're pissed!  BUT.... if you go in there and interfere in this, do you think this MOB will appreciate it?  I mean, like, fer sure!  THINK about it!"   Jerking out of the grasp of both girls, Tina fixes her top as best she can, moves back to the bleechers and plops back into her seat without a word!

Kayla is barely off her feet, when she sees Sharon roll away from Marta's feet.  Swinging the 4 foot length of rusted chain in her hand, Kayla closes the gap as Marta rolls her shoulders and rushes forward to tangle with the South African!

Marta appears fresh and rejuvinated, compared to the anguished, badly beaten and scarred South African!   Kayla seems to tower over the diminutive Marta while swinging the chain threateningly.   The raven warriors gyrate as each seeks an opportunity to finish off the other!

Dark eyes lock as the sultry sirens begin to gradually converge!   Kayla whips the chain, missing by a healthy distance as a vibrante Marta dodges the path of the whistling weapon!  Retaliating before the chain can recoil for another strike, Marta whips the rod upward, catching Kayla squarely on the chin, in true uppercut fashion!

The South African flies backward, rebounding off the corner of a steel dumpster and floundering to the ground.... out cold!

Marta hurls the rod, clearing the nearby bleechers and fight fans, as she flings her hands up in the air!  Making a presumed victory prance about the ring,  Looking straight out to the boisterous battle fans, she howls:   "Wooooooo Hoo.....   Unnnggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

Then Marta quickly waltzes over to the unconscious Kayla, and taunts: "Not so great & invincible as you thought you were, bitch! Let me give you some of your own treatment!" With camera flashes going off like an anti-aircraft battery, she gleefully starts stripping off Kayla's belly shirt, tossing them to the wild crowd as souvenirs

With the med team moving in, and having thought that this match was over, she glances over to the med team, as they recover an unconscious Jennie from the dumpster and then comes over to set the partially nude Kayla onto a stretcher, lifting her ungraciously, her firm, round breasts on full display to the raucous crowd.   

Obviously the Spaniard had totally forgotten about the venomous blonde vixen, coming up behind her at full gallop!  Sharon leaped into the air plunging both heels ruthlessly onto the brunette's back!

A shaken Marta lurches forward!    An intense pain coursing through her, from being savagely kicked in the back!!   Slamming her head and upper body to the stone wall opposite the FFF arena!  Marta scrapes her face against the wall, dropping to the ground!   Looking back, she quickly tries to clear her head as she assesses the situation and perceives the evident results!

Rubbing her back with her left hand while stroking her forehead with her right, Marta lifts onto her feet just as Sharon reaches her! 

The American grabs two handfuls of raven hair:   "Thanks for taking care of that BITCH for me!"  Clenching her teeth tightly to the point they scrape,  "But NOW.... it's YOUR turn to go out with the garbage!!"   Then jerks the Spaniard around by her hair!

Scrambling, oafishly, on her feet, Marta initiates a flurry of intense punches to the blonde's belly and uppercuts to a set of bare breasts!   The American instantly releases the raven hair, throws her arms up, in defense, while backpedaling, as she contemplates her best option for defense!

Moving just out of range of Marta's fists, the raven warrior swings a wild roundhouse, missing it's respective target by mere inches.  Sharon takes up a classic karate stance and opts to kick hard and fast!  Her right leg swings high, apparently lacking fortitude, yet has sufficient impact to the brunette's left cheek, to knock her to the ground!

Sharon's depleted condition becomes apparent as she totters and drops onto all fours!  Marta, not greatly phased by the kick, rakes her matted hair out of her field of vision, jerks upright onto her knees and attempts to stand to continue the showdown against this blonde!

Stepping toward Sharon, the brunette launches a volatile kick to her ribs!  With a clearly audible SLAP of skin on skin, Sharon reels from this and is nearly lifted off the ground as she topples into a complete revolution, ultimately laying face up on the grungy surface!

Marta shouts harshly,   "So you like kicks!  How you feel 'bout THAT, BITCH!?!"   

Converging on the downed gladiator, Marta espies the lengthy chain on the far side of Sharon.... and lunges into action!

"Ohhhhh what a friggin' day!"   Sharon moans as she rolls up onto her right elbow.  Just as she realizes that Marta is moving around her, instead of toward her.  She quickly surveys the immediate area directly in front of her, observing the rusty chain lying only inches from her!

Just as Sharon splats her left hand down on one end of the chain, Marta has clasped the opposite end!  A Tug-of-War begins as Blonde Vs Brunette greedily wraps the chain around their left hands!   Speedily engulfing the length of chain, each warrior grows steadily nearer until there is less than a foot of chain between them.   

Jerking one another's arms back and forth, each swings determined, wild punches with her unrestricted fist!

As this chain-lined donnybrook unfolds, each woman matches the other, with no defense what-so-ever!   Heinous and volatile punches, slaps, ruthless claws and tight, inside kicks and knee thrusts, gradually tear away at the moxie of each of these Viragoes!

Marta's resiliance all but gone, now barely manages to maintain her once seemingly broad advantage over the American!  Her multi-colored top clinging to her frame by mere threads as the elderly maiden battles for dominance in this ordeal!

As each head is CRACKED side to side, sweat, saliva and tears sprinkle the immediate battle zone!  Vicious snarls, growls and screams of anger and anguish fill the arena as each comparably sized gladiator utterly refuses to relinquish her grip!

Shimmering pearls of perspiration drift sexily down each warrior as they adamantly slug it out with a fury few have ever seen!  Alas, the dark warriors' top flutters to the filthy ground!

Palpable marring on these warrior's faces, and upper bodies clearly displayed as this contest seems to be winding to a finish!  Two glossy, heavily bruised and battered beauties, tremble as they struggle to overpower their respective antagonist!

Earpiercing wolf whistles and an energetic round of applause resound through the alley as numerous onlookers begin chanting for their desired victor!

Fatigue now clearly evident as punches are losing their effectiveness!  Wild roundhouses slap ineffectively!  Kicks passing betwixt legs, striking nothing but air!  Each combatant jerks her entwined arm simultaneously, smacking bare breasts as they come to grips, clenching as they despirately strive to recoup some much needed energy to conquer her respective rival!

Nearly jaded, each woman hugs close, sandwiching their left arms, still tightly engulfed by the chain!  Their right arms around the other, hair matted to each other's battered faces!  Heads resting on her adversaries shoulder, streams of oily perspiration drift down these delectable bodies as each direly hangs on, hoping to eliminate the other for a shot at the upcoming Championship Title!

A groggy, chest to chest shoving match, shuttles the warriors about the arena.  Their incredibly sleek, tapered thigh muscles shimmering under the colosium lighting.   Sharon slowly lifts her head from Marta's shoulder, encouraging her to do the same with a shrug of her sholder.

Hot blooded patrons ogle this feminine test of strength as they hoot, hollar and yen for more as the sensual contest perpetuates.

Just as Marta glances into the blonde's eyes, Sharon shoots her head forward, cracking the brunette in the face solidly!  The Spaniard's knees wobble like jelly and then give way completely!

Marta drops onto her knees, yet retains her grip on the chain!   Sharon yanks the weapon without making an iota of progress!

An energetic surge of ovation rips through the alley as numerous garrolous groupies begin screaming out their enquiries as to whether the action is over.

The two frazzled chain-linked warriors look wearily into one another's eyes.  Both badly beaten and exhausted, Sharon launches one last punch.... which connects soundly to the European's left cheekbone, driving her onto her back.... and jerking her forward!

A boisterous flood of applause ripples through the battle zone, encouraging Sharon as a mob begins chanting her name....

Sharon shakily steps forward, loosening the chain from around her hand and forearm, as she straddles, then flops down onto Marta's upper back!   Grabbing the Spaniards' dark hair, lifts her head from the greasy asphault.

The American slips the chain around her antagonists neck, grabbing both ends of her section of chain, pulls back, choking Marta!  Choking and gagging, she endeavors to elude Sharon's grip.... to no avail!

Gradually, the dark warrior passes into unconsciousness!

Watching the brunette's head droop, Sharon holds the chain in place for a few seconds more, then lets her foe drop to the ground once more.

Seeing the raven Spaniard collapse, spawns a standing ovation from the FFF patrons! 

Barely having strength enough to lift from her cozy, sexy pillow, Sharon stands on weak, shaky legs, wiping her brow with her left arm, as she bends forward, placing her right arm onto her mid thigh to rest.   

Looking back down at Marta, Sharon opts to torment and humiliate the brunette before she departs for her locker room.

Lethargically, she rolls Marta onto her back.   She lifts the chain and FINALLY manages to rid the Spaniard of the weapon!  Tossing it aside, Sharon maneuvers to Marta's legs and systematically removes her versiclored shorts and her white thong beneath.   Turning to the crowd, Sharon is about to toss the attire when she eye-balls the champ staring at her. 

Sharon tosses the shorts into a tight group of mouthwatering males and flings the thong directly at Tina.  The nearby luch reaches out attempting to catch it, but inadvertantly punches the FFF champ in the face.... but DOES manage to acquire the coveted garb!

Giggling, Sharon returns her attention to the prone siren.   

Walks to her victim, straddles her midsection, facing Marta's feet and plunders her shapely buns onto a set of stout mounds!   Positioning the raven Europeans arms beneath her knees, Sharon reaches down to the plush patch of feminine fur between the brunette's thighs and proceeds to yank as hard as she can, ripping out handfuls of deep, dark pubic hair!

Marta writhes from this torture, even while incoherent!  Thus egging Sharon to further her brutality!   She digs her fingers into the supple labial folds, Sharon pinches, twists and lifts ruthlessly as the dark warrior jerks and jolts sporatically!  Mournful groans exude from the spaniard as the blonde american becomes enraptured with her new play thing! 

Mike Hunt exits the FFF facility and moves back into ring center to make his announcement, while a lull befalls the crowd once more....

"Do these Ladies know how to give you a show.... or what??   Tonights well earned victor has truly earned the right to take on the FFF Current Catfight Champion!  Let's hear it for the Sensational Siren from the USA.... SHARON!!!!"

Standing erect, Sharon notices Tina shaking her head and shrugging, then begins to strut her stuff before the amorous attendees.

Panting heavily as she passes the FFF champ, Sharon hollars to be heard over the ovation of the horde,   "Remember this battle Slut!  'Cuz you're NEXT!!"  Then strolls on to the open FFF steel door as Marta is checked over by the med team.   

The blonde makes her way back to her dressingroom for a much needed shower and massage!


This story was written based on a poll conducted in the Female Fight Fiction Yahoo Group.  Each Female Fighter attracted the following votes: 


Marta    - 31 

Kayla     - 9 

Jennie  - 5

Thus Sharon advances to challenge Tina for the FFF Catfight Championship.
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: REPOST: Stunned & dazed: FFF St Valentine's Final Elimination by JC
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2009, 08:06:03 AM »

Dazed, with a throbbing, splitting head-ache, I briefly gain consciousness as the medical team opened the ambulance doors - just in time to hear the announcement that the blonde bitch, Sharon, had won and gained the right to challenge Tina for the catfight title! OH NO! Sobs of despair and bitter disappointment tore through me, and tears well up in my eyes, my breasts rising and falling rapidly.

I was totally devastated!!! I'd lost another chance! I'd so hoped to get another shot at regaining the coveted title and belt I'd held only so briefly. I swallowed hard - with the realization that this was my worst loss and most pathetic performance up to date! As an athlete I accepted losing was always part of any competition, but this was such a demoralizing loss! And to have a cream-puff like Sharon win was rubbing course salt into my wounds! Previously I'd beaten her relatively easily!

Another bout of tearful sobs welled up, and I couldn't help, but wonder if I hadn't reached the end of the road with catfighting. I can't remember when last I felt so vulnerable and fragile. I'd thought I'd stand a chance in getting through, and didn't even get close! I was so determined to give it my best shot, especially after the hurtful comments by one of the fans, Doug Williams, who even called me "trash" and labeled me "evil" as opposed to the supposed "good" of Sharon - what makes her so "good", the bitch! She is no better than me! My lip quivered uncontrollably - maybe I was just being over-sensitive, but it was like a dagger had been thrust into my heart and twisted cruelly. Perhaps normally I wouldn't have minded - after all, I enjoyed being naughty and deliberately provocative, so these sort of comments from the rabble were common. But there was something different this time: a certain measure of callousness that hit me like a blow in my solar plexus. Perhaps it was just my hormones, but I really, really wanted to at least do better than Sharon, even if I didn't win - just to show that bastard Doug! But instead I was thoroughly thrashed! Shucks! He must be so pleased! SOB!

My hands touched my forehead, and I felt sticky blood ... and for a moment panic and concern seizes me ... How serious are the cuts? Will they need stitches? Will they leave scars? My stomach felt like lurching - I kniew I wasn't a fashion model, but wouldn't like to be disfigured for life.

"Shuuu ... calm down, my dear", the soothing voice of the paramedic cuts through my agonizing thoughts, "you'll be all right, my girl! We'll have you fixed up and fighting fit soon". She straps me to the stretcher and as she goes off to help the team fetch and load the still unconscious Jennie into the ambulance, I find myself losing consciousness again.

Within moments, however, I'm rudely awakened by a slap to the face. "Will you listen to me when I'm talking to you - BITCH!", I hear the smirking Sharon say as she crouches over me in the back of the ambulance, her face thrust into mine. "I told you I was going to bust you up, slut!" she crowed victoriously, and slid her hand slowly into the elastic of my blue lycra shorts, "Giggle ... I promised Doug a souvenir ... and I like to keep my promises!" Desperately I wriggled, but was tied fast, completely unable to move. Sharon slid my shorts down to my knees, and whistled softly when my provocative thong emblazoned with "YOUR BOYFRIEND THINKS I'M HOT" came into view. "Hmm! Now that would make such a lovely present!", she teases. "Fuck off, BITCH! - you wouldn't dare!", I respond angrily, knowing I'm completely helpless. Then smilingly she starts sliding it off exposing my trimmed dark bush, and I close my eyes in resignation ...

Then suddenly, I hear the loud voice of the medic: "HEY! What the heck do you think you're doing!" But Sharon replies cockily "What does it look like? And YOU're not going to stop me, BITCH!"

The next moment, I just heard a loud shriek as Sharon was yanked off me, and heard two quick blows, and then complete silence. Moments later, the medic got in and politely pulled up my thong and shorts to cover my nakedness, and whispered softly in my ear as the ambulance drove off with me and Jennie: "Don't worry about her ... in my line of work I often have to deal with troublesome trash like her ... which is when my 5th Dan in Tae Kwon Do really comes in handy!"

Despite the hurt, I felt an irrepressible giggle rise up and a broad smile crosses my face as I drift off into unconsciousness again. Perhaps there was some higher justice after all? ...  ;D :D ;) ::) 8)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)