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FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)

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Offline ThePurpleVixen

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FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« on: March 11, 2015, 04:57:17 AM »
Backstage, at the US Cellular Center in Asheville, NC

The hard part was taken care of before I left the hospital room where Gemma was gonna be staying a while longer.  My lawyers back in Portland (Mason and Whippleman, Attorneys at Law) had run through my contract and confirmed a clean break in my merch profits and licensing agreements from anything under the Countdown trademark.  Callista Quinn might eventually try to hit me for daring to cut my puppet strings, but first she'd try to take away my money if she could.  Fortunately, the courier had brought the new contracts bright and early to the Red Roof Inn here in beautiful Asheville.   We'd had to leave Gemma behind at Spring Memorial Hospital outside Greensboro, and I was up and doing pull-ups on Gemma’s doorway bar in the room when the courier knocked.  FTW's legal reps had signed everything, and it had been stamped, filed, indexed, affirmed, folded, spindled and mutilated.  I was gonna keep getting a little dough off the Countdown trademark merch for the next few months

I didn't need the money, as such, but just that little bit of effort towards cheesing off Calli was more than enough motivation to pony up the legal fees.  Now I just had to clear out the stuff the FTW road crew had set up in the Countdown's locker room at the Asheville US Cellular Center.  I had my old Soviet duffel, and was foisting in my spare ring gear, my rolls of fist tape, my Tiger Balm, my yoga mat, my kettlebells - just making a clanky mess of all the junk we take for granted when we make enough money for someone else to haul our shit around. I contemplated taking a bunch of the booze - set up on a long table like this was the Who's dressing room - but then I'd not only have Calli coming after me with bloodshot eyes, but I'd be liable for any action she missed once the DTs set in.  Fuck that. I'd get my own booze.  Bitch always ordered too much fucking gin anyway.  I sigh, cramming in a copy of The Tao of Jeet Kun Do on top of my Capper series Doc Martens.

I make my way towards the Countdown locker room in the auditorium. Gemma was still on my mind. She seemed well, but I could tell being cooped up in a hospital bed was driving her crazy. I stop and slam the meat of my hand against the wall.  I should've fucking been there for her. Beyond any deal I made. Gemma didn't deserve being in the path of Aika's buzzsaw. I resume walking, ignoring some of the crew staring at me in fear.

I turn and enter the locker room without a sound and there's Punky.  I think she's unpacking at first, but then I realize she's not pulling things out, but packing them away. She is so focused she doesn't notice me. I move softly, quietly behind her in disbelief of what I'm seeing.

"Got someplace better to be, darlin’?”

I stop at the sound of that familiar drawl, and look over my shoulder.  It's a running joke on the internet that my ring gear is basically just my clothes, as if I walk from the street through the locker room and straight to the ring like Raven used to, but people who know me know the difference.  I never wear skirts except when I'm in the ring, and then it's only my little joshi skirts over my tights.  In my civvies, I mostly wear cargo shorts or home-made cut-offs, or jeans that date back to the last milennium, like the tattered True Religions I'm wearing now.  Outside the ring, I wear ENTIRE T-shirts - with sleeves and shit - like the Cthul-Aid shirt I've got on. I bite my lip a little, and it's not glossy black -I only wear my Japanese goth-Loli cosmetics in the ring.

"Fuck," I say with quiet irritation and genuine sorrow - that's a lot of weight for that one word to carry, but I've always been able to make fucks do a lot of work for me.

“Kinda hoped I'd be outta here by th' time anyone showed up."  I sigh and pad to the dressing room mirror, grabbing my cosmetic stuff - it's easy to spot since most of it's black - and tossing it all into a Ziploc to drop into my duffel. As I work, I shake my head, purple hair dancing loose around my shoulders. "Anyplace is gonna be better than here, Red, an' it ain't a problem with anyone in this room," I growl.

I watch you continuing to gather your things and it is hard for me to react. The fierce Enforcer looks rather ordinary and it's not all due to my civillian gear.  My sunglasses hide the shock in my eyes.  My shoulders slump a bit, making the TARDIS line drawing on my shirt distend a bit. My hands rub against the sides of my jeans to try and stop them from clenching into fists.  Punky is leaving. That sinks in like a punch to the gut.

I know exactly what you mean when you say it. We've all been played by the so-called savior of wrestling. The only one standing tall after that pay per view was Callista herself. First Gemma and now Punky. Leaving me alone with Callista. No...tell me that isn't happening. I move up behind you again, this time my right hand resting on your shoulder. "Come on. Don't do anything you're gonna regret, darlin’.”

I’m bent back over my duffel bag, now nearly up to my chest as it stands on the floor, bulging with the things I need enough to have them hauled around from city to city.  Your hand catches my shoulder - and you immediately feel the livewire tension thrumming there, my muscles like steel cables and I hiss through my teeth as I stop myself from whipping around on you.  Because you're Reddy, and none of this bullshit is your fault. 

"The only thing I'm gonna regret is staying here another fucking second, Reddy," I growl, my dark eyes burning furiously. I yank the duffel bag's cinch tighter and tighter, like I'm strangling someone's skinny neck with a belt so I can watch their eyes bug out and their cheeks go purple.

"If I have to see that smug, poisonous limey bitch come swaggering in here with her fuckin' mealy mouth bullshit dripping off her thin lips an' pawing that fuckin' belt like Gollum rubbing one off on the Ring, I'm gonna fuckin' spread her skull all over the floor."  The Red Queen, you note, is not packed away, but is resting in arm's reach against the lockers.  The old hardwood roque mallet looks more brutal than ever.  I caress the end of the red heartwood handle as I speak, and the thought of pasting Calli's head with a central wicket shot and watching all those evil thoughts splatter the wall behind her dances behind my eyes like sugar plum fancies.

I sigh, and let my fingers fall from the hammer, reaching up to instead rest my hand on yours, and squeeze it tight.  "So I gotta fuckin' go.  She's not gonna help me stop Aika, and she doesn't give a flying fuck for you, or me, or Gemma, or fuckin' anything that's not getting a gold fucking belt to wear.”

I can feel how tense you are the moment I touch you. I ignore all my reflexes that are telling me you are about to strike. You wouldn't do that to me. I don't notice letting the breath out that I was holding when you start talking.  I hear the pain in your voice.  I also hear the anger. We were just chess pieces for Callista, all designed to get her her precious title. And what did it cost us? Gemma is in the hospital. Punky is chasing ghosts. I'm sticking it out to keep her safe. All of us instead of standing proud are shells of ourselves.

I do tense up a bit as I see you move your hand over to the Red Queen. I'm not sure at first if you are trying to draw strength from it or preparing to use it. I relax again when you let it go.  Your hand covers mine and you squeeze and I flash back.  Where was it, Gibsonville? Florence? Alpharetta? I can't remember exactly.  You showed up on your "green as grass" tour looking to take any booking you could. And this piece of shit promoter said he didn't have a spot for you after you spent your last dime getting to the show. But you didn't let the disappointment show. You wouldn't. Even then your passion for wrestling. Your desire to be a wrestler was just so strong. I couldn't just let your dream die. I'd seen too much of that, felt too much of that heartache. So I took the promoter aside and let him know I would take you on along with George South in a special main event or I would walk out there to the fans and let them know I was leaving and have them ask for a refund. Oh - and then I'd come back and rip his arms off.

That night you were raw, you missed spots, you landed bumps badly. But my gawd you sang in the ring. You had a joy about you, a wildness that made me smile again. From that time on, anytime you were in the South, you rode with me. You didn't go often, but we had some fun. And you liked my stories. But hearing you now, seeing you like this, I realize Callista has damn near crushed that wild spirit of yours with her games. I feel a cold rage building, but I keep it down.

"Punk...Megan. please. Let's just talk about this after the matches. We...we can fix this.”

Years later, and I can still remember how good those fucking grits were.  I'd always hated the damn things - they were all I could afford some days at Denny's and Waffle Houses all across the damn South and Midwest, and they were god-damn awful to someone who was raised on organic local berries and fresh Columbia salmon.  A thick tasteless buttery mush that was just enough calories to get back on the bus and got to the next town and get my tits stomped on by another local worker with a bullfrog neck and bulldog jowls.  But your grits, and those shrimp you came up with outta nowhere in that little German hostel ... fuck. So fucking good.  I curl my fingers on your big hand, and tilt my head, and for a moment I think that I can just stay, just to fucking keep an eye on you, to get your back the way you had mine so many damn times.

And I kiss your thick scarred knuckles, just a soft fleeting brush of butterfly lips, and I shake my head No,as much as I wish I didn't have to. 

"One of two things is gonna happen if I'm here when that cxnt gets here, Reddy - either I'm gonna fuckin' kill her, and be arrested and I'll have no one to wrestle but fuckin' Nailz and Ahmed Johnson, or she's gonna fuckin' talk me into staying, and I'm gonna go fucking nuts.” The fury bubbles up in my voice for a moment, a seething toxic heat at what I've had to put up with - with my lover being hurt and my friends being used and my exes putting on demon masks and going insane and no one but me seeming willing to stop them.  I turn with a wry grin, and my hands come up, resting on your cheeks.

"And I know some bitch is gonna say that'd be a short fucking trip, but ... " I shake my head softly.  "She wouldn't LET us stop Aika.  And that bitch broke Gemma's shoulder like she was twisting a chicken wing off," I hiss, and my dark eyes flare as they look up into your shades and my shoulders tense - but my hands stay gentle on your cheeks. "I gotta stop her.  An' I'm not giving one more fucking drop of blood to the cause of Calli Quinn having a new gold belt to fuckin' grind on in whatever heap of headless corpses she calls a bed."  I half-grin, thumbs smoothing your cheekbones.  "I assume she fucks like a praying mantis.”

I stand there and hope. Your tiny fingers curling around my hand like so many times in the past. Your head tilts. You're thinking about it. Please Megan. Please. Don't leave me alone like this. When your lips brush against my fingers, I don't feel happy. It feels like goodbye.  When your head shakes, my heart sinks. I know you are gone. And gone because of fucking Countdown.

I can hear that passion that's missing, but it shows up as pure unadulterated rage in your voice. I am so glad my shades are hiding how moist my eyes are.  And you turn and take my face in your hands. Yes, this is goodbye. Because no matter how much I care for you, I have to stay for her. To keep her safe.  I nod along as you speak truths about Quinn. So much rage and yet, so gentle to me. My voice breaks as I start to speak. "Don't disrespect the mantis like that.  I know you have your reasons to go. I..I have to stay. I could try to talk you out of it. But...I know it won't make a damn bit of difference. Megan. Do what you have to do. Break that damn ghost. Then come back. Come and save me.”

I let out a long slow sigh and tug your head down so I can press my forehead against yours.  Big fucking lug.  You had to be the one to walk in.  If it was Calli I could have had some nice meaningless violence to start my day off instead of all these god-damn emotions.  "I'll come back, Reddy Kilowatt," I say softly.  "And I'll kick that lanky mantis' cxnt up around her ears for the shit she's put us through."  I tug you closer still, and my cheek is soft against yours as I murmur in your ear as if there was anyone else in this empty locker room for megalomaniacs to hear us. "And tell your little blonde that I'm ALWAYS watching - and if she hurts you I'm gonna pull her heart outta her mouth an' show it to her.  But give her my love, yeah?" I kiss your cheek, long and soft.

I let out another ragged sigh that people like you who've known me my whole career know is the sound of me holding back tears because they piss me off.  I snatch up my duffel and swing it over my shoulder, and take the Red Queen in my right fist, walking the lead-loaded hardwood mallet at my side like a hiking stick.  I glance around the locker room and snort, my voice thick and a bit heated, almost gruff.  "At least now there's enough room in here for most of your porn."  I look at you, my head tilted and big dark eyes bright, and grin.  "See if ya got time to water down her gin before she shows up ."  I lift the mallet in a half-assed salute, and go padding out the door, shouldering it aside like it pissed me off by being in my fucking way.

I let you move my head down and press forehead to forehead. One more ritual of ours from traveling the roads together. But never as sad as right now. Your voice softens and we get closer. Callista is in so much trouble when you are done with Aika.  And then you mention her and I chuckle. There's no way she would hurt me. And no way you two would cross paths in the ring.  I feel your kiss and my eye closest to your lips suddenly springs a leak. I barely get out "I'll tell her."

You let me go and grab your things, more quickly than I can move.  Stopping me from giving you one last hug. Like you know that would make you lose it. I hear your silly joke.

“No, just more room for alcohol."  I see you smile one last time and give me a salute with the Red Queen. And then, just like that, you are out the door. All the strength holding me up just evaporates and I collapse down onto the bench. I sit there as memories of you and me take over.  But for you, and to spite Callista, no tears come. I just need a moment to gather myself.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2015, 05:05:13 AM »
It's the night of FTW Fury, and I am all smiles. Which is to say there's an upward curl to the corners of my lips which is noticeable if you're close enough. Why shouldn't I smile? It was a beautiful day in...whatever dreary little American rust-bucket we were inhabiting today. And of course, I was coming to work as champion. Everything is better when you're champion!

My duffel bag, (and the FTW championship belt inside of it) is in my right hand, while my left thumbs my phone, scrolling through the note that Countdown's attorney (meaning mine) had sent me. My smile dimmed at what I read. Trust Megan to find some way to annoy me even when she was doing what I wanted.

The attorney advised me that while the clause in Countdown's contract about “forfeiting all future merchandising rights in the event of a departure from Countdown” was actionable, she felt that it was “unlikely to get a favourable response” from FTW management, and that it would cost more to litigate then I was likely to recover.

'Fine,' I think, tucking my phone into my pocket. 'Small price to be rid of her.'

I come tromping out of the Countdown's room, stopping only to accost a PA wearing his big cans around his temples like an air traffic controller to find out where the fuck the proletariat locker rooms are in this joint.  My directions confirmed, I go stomping that way, remembering the old rules for establishing yourself in an open locker room.  As either Dick Murdoch or G. Gordon Liddy said, just beat the first person to make eye contact with you into a coma with a mop handle.

Well, okay, maybe not a FULL coma.  These people had performance contracts, after all.

I stomp on, overstuffed duffel swaying behind me, and try to visualize how I'd be able to beat Monstro into a coma if he was taking up the locker I wanted - maybe get him in some sort of throat lock to get him on his knees first - when I round a corner and almost bump into you as you're shoving something into your pocket.  Presumably a vial of powdered Irish children, or fresh kitten blood.  My eyes narrow and I tighten my fist on my roque mallet, thinking of how much I enjoyed the passage about Jack Torrance breaking Wendy's back with one just like it in The Shining.

For a moment, I just shift my weight back and forth - and then I try to just walk past.  Because, you know? Fuck it.  As fun as the image of your skull being rocketed down the hall is to contemplate, I don't wanna deal with this.  Maybe you'll give me the silent treatment, I think with a fluttering spark of hope.  That'd teach me a lesson in something or other, probably.

'Oh lovely,' I think, as I see you stalking through the halls, rage palpably emanating from you, which is always a sign that it's a day ending in 'Y'. You seem intent on passing without comment. I'm sorely tempted to let you, but there's always another seed to plant, always another hook to bait. I set my duffel down on the ground, not out of any fatigue, but just because it's best to have my hands free when conversing with you while you're in this sort of mood. “I take it this is good-bye?” I say.

Fuck.  FUCK.  The one time I actually WANT you to be a stuck-up icy bitch, you decide to get fucking chatty.  I loudly grit my teeth, probably audibly adding another zero to my dentist's savings account, and shift the bag on my shoulder.  The temptation to drop it and drive the lead-loaded mallet through your skinny ribs is almost too delicious to resist. I bite back a number of serrated responses, since getting into an argument with you is just a poison-drinking contest, and roll my head side to side to crick my neck. 

"Nothin' good about it.  It's just 'bye'." I bite the words off at the bitter ends, and growl in my throat, wishing to whatever depraved gods spare a moment to listen to wrestlers that I had a cigarette.  Fuck my alveoli.  Bitter rage tastes better with an unfiltered cigarette - it's the one thing vapes can't do right.  You can't ANGRILY suck water vapor out of an electric doodad.

I take a long snaking step past your duffel, my eyes locked forward down the hall like Wyatt Earp at his brother's funeral looking past Curly Bill.

All a matter of perspective. I see quite nearly everything about your departure as good. “Very well,” I say, not bothering to feign reluctance, as I don't trust myself to pull it off, (or you to believe it even if I did.) “I don't claim to understand your...thing...with Rowan,” (I refuse to call her madness-infused persona by the name she has chosen for it, just as I would refuse to call the voice telling the lunatic that he has to murder a prostitute “God”,)  but I can certainly understand that it's your priority right now. Kick her arse, Megan. Then come back.”

I pick the duffel back up off of the floor, “Or don't. Your call. Just like joining me was in the first place.”

I grunt just a little, and pad just a few steps down the hall before that last bit jabs at me too much to keep walking.  "I knew you weren't gonna save wrestling, Calli.  I knew this wasn't about anything but power, just like every fucking thing you've ever done." I draw a short, growling breath and flick my dark eyes up at yours, managing to hold my rage down to a sharp whitening of my knuckles around the handle of the Red Queen.  "My fucking mistake was thinking for one god-damn second that you might have given one single fuck about the people stupid enough to help you."

I haul my heavy bag further up my shoulder, shifting my weight to turn away.  "Big high-five on the win, champ," I toss back behind me like a crumpled can, knowing you'll just leave it there like one as I thump down the hall to a locker room where it smells like Right Guard and old sweat and the only booze is in bottles of Four Roses in brown paper bags behind the rolls of athletic tape and ice bags.

I have to bite my tongue to keep my retort to myself. Sometimes it's best to concede the last word, if for no other reason than the fact that the end of the conversation is rarely “the last word” in the proverbial sense. Even if I find your logic lacking, ('You thought I was lying to you about my purpose, intending instead to use you to further my own ends, but that I would care about you while I was fucking you over?') arguing it is pointless. If you behaved logically....there's really no need to complete that sentence. It's like 'If the sun were wet.'

In any event, correcting you aloud isn't the point. Being 'right' isn't the point. Winning is. I am going to save wrestling, doing so will take power, (because everything does, one way or another,) and whatever fucks I do or don't give about the people who help me are irrelevant. Speaking of which, I pull my phone back out of my pocket. You leaving simplifies some maths. Best take advantage of that now.

I press a few buttons, hearing a few rings before the call is answered. "*blurry* Hello?" "Hey Gems." "Oh, you again." "Yeah, me again. Listen, I know they've got you on the good drugs, but would you like me to arrange for someone to sneak you some booze?" "Oh fuck yes." "Thought that'd get your approval. Anything in particular?" "Nah. Can't be arsed to care." "Alright, you take care." "Later Calli."
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2015, 05:43:20 AM »
Meanwhile, Sadie Davis skips into the Countdown locker room to find Red hunched over on a bench. ‘Poor guy! Sadie thinks. 'He looks down. Well, he’ll pep up soon enough when he hears my news!' “Hi-de-ho, Red!” Sadie says cheerfully.
Red is still slumped, head spinning thinking about Megan and how hurt and broken she must feel to walk out like she just did. On him. Then he hears an all-too-familiar voice. Looking up, he starts to say, “Sadie? What the f-- What are you doing here?
I’ve decided to apply for a spot in Countdown,” she chirps. “I’ve been working on my resume all night!” Sadie holds up a sheet of coffee-stained paper, “Granted it’s a little thin. Those six months on the Motel 6 apartment wrestling circuit were not my proudest moments, but, hey, the $10 winner purses were nothing to sneeze at!
After a pause, Sadie decides she might need to accentuate a bit more of the positive from her past. “And let’s see...there are those couple of wins against Emily Layne early in my career but big whoop, right? Who hasn’t beat that poor girl up? But, lookee here! ‘Trained at Red’s Gym.’ That ought to count for something!
While Sadie goes on, Red can't believe what he's hearing. She wants to be in Countdown? 'That fucking Callista Quinn has done nothing but use me and pretty much strip almost everything away from me. And now.  Now she's...Sadie...Sadie wants...I can't...process...' Red's heart pounds in his ears as his Irish rage rises up within him. And he bites it down because standing before him is his heart, looking up at him with a questioning expression. Red is determined to remain calm, so he answers “Join Countdown?!? I'm trying to get the hell away from Countdown!!!” It's possible that wasn't quite as calm as he'd hoped.
What?" Sadie says in disbelief, "Why would you want to leave the promised land? Come on, Red! Callista is the World Champion! I’ve heard she might even be in the new Expendables movie; which means if we play our cards right, cameo!  PLUS! When I go to the ring, I’ll have two or three people watching my back at all times. Last but not least, I might FINALLY be able to sell some 'Sadie is the Club Sandwich of Wrestling' t-shirt – which, granted, in retrospect, doesn’t make any sense - is flopping.
Behind his mask, Red frowns. This explanation doesn't sound right to him. He knows Sadie isn't a joiner.  Not for those frivolous reasons. 'She...she's holding something back. From me. How the fuck can this day get any worse?' “Sadie, we both know it took months of me hounding you here and there with those back and forth texts just to get you to meet with me and discuss having you join my gym. You are the farthest thing away from being a volunteer in this crazy army of Callista's. Now you wanna tell me what really has you here instead of trying to blow smoke up my ass?
Sadie's still smiling, but that smile takes on an edge. She steps close to Red and jabs a finger into his chest. “I don’t know, Red! Maybe it’s because I’m tired of you slobbering like a pathetic dog when NOBODIES like Virginia Dare show up on TV. Maybe I’m sick of you waltzing into the Countdown locker room every week singing Kumbayah with these psycho-witches while I'm out in the ring fighting for my life. Maybe if it takes me jumping on this crazy train to get you to pay attention to me, then choo fucking choo!

First, forget about Jenny. That was a lifetime ago and before I met you. Second, I never ever sing Kumbayah. Third, crazy train, you don't know the half of it. I only fought Gemma to see if I could get her on my side against the coming threat of Callista. When I lost I thought no problem, same result. Punky and Gemma are gonna recruit Rowan and all four of us are gonna stop Callista. Then Punky decides her gripe with Rowan is more a threat than Callista fucking Quinn.

Sadie's eyes darted to the side, but Red was determine to get this all off of his chest. “And that led to that psycho Aika. Aika took out Gemma, hurt me and now is the reason Punky is leaving Countdown. Shit darlin’, I'm trying to get away from this madhouse and you wanna waltz in?

Red,” Sadie attempts to interject, but he continues undeterred.

Callista fucking Quinn is the coldest woman I've ever seen. She moves us around the gameboard to suit her whims. Everyone else is playing checkers and she's playing chess. If you come into this, she will take every thing you know and twist it. She will take your desires and screw them up so you want what's best for her.

Recognizing she wasn't going to get a word in edgewise, Sadie has taken to pointing behind him.

She will use you like toilet paper and...and she's right behind me isn't she?” Red says, finally noticing the pointing.

Yes she is,” Callista says, stepping around him and heading to her locker, setting the duffel bag down on the bench. “I was entertained right up until your last simile. A tad vile, that.” Her nose wrinkles as she expresses her distaste. She starts pulling her gear out of the duffel. Quite casually, she takes out the FTW championship belt, setting it where Red and Sadie (especially the latter) can both get a good look. “But while I'd encourage you to use better analogies, please don't cease your conversation on my account, she says, seeming otherwise completely unperturbed by the content of Red's rant.

Sadie's eyes are fixated on the title belt. In her head, the room fades around her as a choir of angels bursts into Beethoven's Ode to Joy, the cheap fluorescent lights reflecting off of the gold buckle like a divine halo. 'This is it. The ultimate trophy. Everything.' The girl cannot take her eyes off of it. 'I wonder if Callista would let me lick it?' she thinks, when the corner of her eye catches Red, his knuckles going white.

'Red, you sweet, well-meaning Boy Scout. You are not ruining this for me,' Sadie thinks. She steps around the Red Enforcer and holds out her coffee-stained resume to Callista. “Hello, Ms. Quinn. I’m Sadie Davis. We met briefly in the ring a couple of weeks ago. I was the girl in the tank top trying to kill you. I was wondering if there might be a place for me in your Countdown organization. I’m a hard worker and have a 'can-do' attitude that can’t be beat!

Red finds his voice, knowing he needs to do something to stop this. “Fine, I will keep going. Calli will put out whatever carrot she thinks will work on you and use you so that she gets what she wants while keeping the prize just outside your reach. You don't want this, Sadie. Once you are in, you can't get out. You deserve better. You can be so much more.

Callista smirks at Red's comment, “So basically I'm every promoter any of us have ever worked for, before? Interesting.” She accepts the resume from Sadie, giving it a quick once-over to see if she can find anything in there that wasn't in the research she'd conducted earlier today. “He's correct though,” Callista says as she reads, still calm as a pond in summer, “I will use you to get what I want. As you are here to use us to get what you want. That's how mutually beneficial arrangements occur, after all.” She turns to face the masked Countdowner, “And you realize you are saying this literally minutes after Megan did, in fact, get out? Honestly Red, I'm not sure how it's possible to be both overly cynical and stunningly naive in the same paragraph, but I do believe you've managed it,” she says, shaking her head.

Red grits his teeth, not caring for the reminder of Megan's departure. He spits out, “You only let Megan go because you know she would kick your ass if you tried to stop her.” And the instant that leaves his mouth, he winces. Callista's jaw sets just a bit in annoyance, but it's not Callista that Red is worried about just now. While Callista is irked by the implication that she fears Megan, she also recognizes that he just implied she wouldn't have any cause to fear Sadie.

Sadie, however, has other things in mind. “Whoa, what? Megan's gone?” She's thinking that if Countdown is down one, that being accepted doesn't seem like such a long shot after all. “I’m willing to dye my hair a funny color if you're looking for a new clown to replace her!

Callista has to bite her lip to keep from smiling at that. “Do I take this to mean you are voting no on allowing her to join? she asks Red. When the four of them formed Countdown, Callista herself suggested a set of rules that would ensure that her role as leader would have checks upon it, such as one that new members would need approval from a majority of existing members. Not that Callista has any intention of allowing such rules to hinder her, but in any event, she's quite curious to see just how far Red will go with this.

Damn right I'm voting no," he says. "And there's no way in hell Gemma would vote yes. So this will be moot.” He declines to mention that Gemma does not care for him 'hanging out' with Sadie. But he knows this will be over once Gemma chimes in. Although Sadie sends Red a look that would peel the paint off of the wall behind him, it's less than he was expecting. For his part, Red didn't intend to imply that Sadie wasn't as tough as Megan, just that she isn't experienced enough yet to jump in the deep end. Red thinks he dodged a bullet there.

Red is wrong. Callista was going to cushion the blow on this one in the name of team unity, but she feels Red's earned himself a little payback, tonight. Returning to an air of unruffled calm, Callista glances towards Sadie and says, “He may be right. Not sure, myself. Gemma makes Megan look predictable, sometimes.

Callista reaches into the pocket of her black Countdown hoodie, saying, “Only one way to find out,” before swiping at the screen and tapping at it.

Sadie squirms and fidgets nervously, while Red stands there with his arms crossed, confident in the outcome of this call. After three double-beeps, Gemma's voice can be heard offering a bleary, “Hello?

Hey Gems,” Calli says into the phone."

Oh, you again.

Yeah, me again. Listen, I know you're tired, but Sadie Davis is asking to join Countdown. Wanted to get your vote on that.

Oh fuck yes.

A smile erupted on Sadie's face, while Red did a literal double-take. Callista tilted her head and noted, “Red's opposed. That a problem for you?

Nah, can't be arsed to care.” Red's jaw drops.

Very well. Take care, Gemma.

Later Calli.

Callista pressed a single button on the side of her phone and tucked it back into her pocket. “One vote for. One against. It seems the decision is mine.” Red is still standing there, arms crossed, jaw wide open. 'The nice part about a democracy is the illusion of control it provides', Callista thinks, 'In an autocracy, it's blatantly obvious who's fucking you over.' “Before I make my decision, there's one question I want to ask. Why did you lay down for me in the semi-final match?

Sadie's mouth goes dry. This is it. Everything she wants stripped down to one question. For a split second, she thinks about playing dumb and telling Callista that she's got no idea what she's talking about, that the Countdown leader pinned her fair and square. But something tells Sadie that trick doesn't work with her. She wants to tell Callista that she wants to join Countdown to keep Red close. And that's a HUGE part of it. But not all of it. She steps up to Callista, tilting her head back to look the taller woman in the eyes, her heart pounding. “Because you're everything I want to be. Teach me how to be you and I will do anything you fucking want.

Red turns to Sadie and looks at her. Looks at her like he's seeing her for the first time. She wants to be Callista? The crazy, spunky girl that caught his eye and stole his heart is now saying she wants to be...Callista? That soulless monster? That unfeeling ice queen who loves nothing but herself? 'What...what does that mean' Red slumps down to the bench. Stunned. He can feel the strings tied to him. From Sadie. From Callista. In between them, all wrapping around his chest, tugging tighter until he can't breathe. The masked man stares blankly out into space.

None of which goes unnoticed by Callista. As soon as Sadie answered, Callista looked to Red. Because, mask or no, Callista had quickly determined that he was much much easier to read than Sadie. ‘Teach me how to be you,’ she had asked. It could be true. She was champion, merch money was pouring in, and she had a cadre of allies (or minions) around her to do her bidding. 'Why wouldn't an ambitious young woman want to be me?'

Of course, it could also be an exceedingly bold ploy. An audacious, bald-faced play on Callista's considerable ego. For what motive? Undetermined. All Callista knew was that she would find no answer in the girl's big brown eyes. So she looked to Red. Who seemed to be halfway to an aneurysm over there 'Shock,' Callista thought. 'The notion that I'm what she aspires to is one he finds absolutely shocking. Which means it's a lie.'

While Callista looks at Red, Sadie watches Callista. She wasn't entirely truthful. She doesn't want to be anything like Callista. What she wants is what Callista has. The belt, the money, the power. And she will do whatever it takes to get it.

Callista looks back to Sadie and smiles. It took some processing, but the FTW champion got what she needed from that question. “Very well, I will,” she says, holding a hand out towards Sadie, smiling warmly and saying, “Welcome to Countdown.” Callista was always going to say yes, for her own purposes, of course. She just wanted to take the measure of her new comrade first.

Sadie looks into Callista's eyes, reaching out and accepting the offered hand. Sadie notices that the smile on Callista's lips is completely absent from the woman's icy blue eyes. Sadie's smile is exactly the same.

However much truth was in Sadie's answer, Callista recognizes that she is a human being, one with her own hopes and dreams...and that means she can't be trusted. Only watched. That done, there's just one more piece of business to attend to. 'I could almost pity him, if his troubles weren't entirely of his own making.' “Speaking of which, Red. You and I had an arrangement regarding Miss Davis here. Given her status now as a member of Countdown, that's no longer necessary, so, while I don't quite know what your thing with Gemma is, as far as our agreement goes, you're entirely free to leave if that's what you want.

Sadie blinks at that, looking confusedly at Red. Red looks up, feeling that dagger stabbing deeply into his heart. The offer of freedom is no real offer at all. It's a reminder that with Sadie in Countdown, he can never leave. Callista just wounded him for daring to challenge her. With no words to answer, he laughs.

He laughs, and laughs, and laughs. Not a joyful laugh. Not a melodic laugh. A laugh that people who sounds as if his mind has retreated and a more callous, hardened side has emerged. One that looks in the face of a domme and slaps her. One that sees a ghost and dresses like an oni. One that sees a mastermind and replies... “No, my dear Callista. I believe I will stay and play. Yes. I will play. Fun times.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2015, 07:00:43 AM »
The screen displays the logos of the associated wrestling companies: All Phoenix Pro, Coastal Championship Wrestling, Slamabama Pro, Las Vegas Wrestling on the Strip, the Albion Wrestling Alliance, Lega Italia Wrestling, Steel Chicago, the Greater Ohio League and Rose City Wrestling.  The logos all come together in a flare and become the logo for tonight's show:


The snarling roar of The Animal in Me’s growling cover of "Tubthumping" from their Instincts album drives out through laptop speakers and TV sound systems around the world wherever wrestling fans are found, and the FTW Fury logo explodes out into high color footage of Punky landing a superkick on a flying Emily Layne, blazing straight into Gemma Rox hitting the Roxslide on someone unseen and obliterating the cameraman as she does so and Lisa Starr moonsaulting out of camera range, seemingly flying off-screen.


The Red Enforcer hits a straitjacket powerbomb on the Staten Island Stomper, Emily locks the Pearly Gates dragon sleeper on a Mulkey, and Calli Quinn hits Time's Up on an official foolish enough to get in the Countdown's way, jolting his bowtie clean off his zebra stripes.


Lindsay Campbell locks the Dragon Claw on the unfortunately screaming Shizuko Fukumitsu.  Tiffany hits a towering superplex on Iron Michelle Blount.  Jenny Dare hits the Go Home Lariat on the Mysterious Lady X. Sadie hooks the Smiley Face onto a screeching on a Mulkey.  Tina Lee drops the Breathtaker across Judy Greene’s chest for the pin.


Gemma and Punky hit the Stroke of Midnight on Haley Borowitz.  Aika locks the Widow's Web on the Red Enforcer in mid-powerbomb, pulling him down to the mat.  Tiffany takes out the Staten Island Stomper with the Flatliner.


Lisa Starr locks the Restring on Calli Quinn.  Lindsay Campbell grabs Gemma by the throat.  Emily Layne puts Shizuko out with the Made in Heaven. Tina Lee poses with her iron chain in both fists above her head.  Sadie poses on stage in a flurry of falling leaves.  Lord Tantalus lays a hand on Rowan Chance's masked head in a dark room.  Calli throws back her hood in front of a roaring crowd.


The shot cuts to a view of the ringside announce table, hung with a white cloth and the FTW Fury logo.  Seated behind are Larry van Keel in his customary tweed suit with an orange bowtie, his brown hair neatly parted down the middle and his wire rimmed spectacles perched on the end of his nose.  Next to him is Rick "Precious" Perle, tanned and grinning with white capped teeth, wearing his old pink and white satin jacket with "Precious Perle" on the back in white piping, over a slim black suit, his thinning dark hair pulled back into a ponytail and looking Hong Kong in a pair of round black Chow Yun Fat sunglasses.

LVK: Welcome, fans around the world, to the third momentous episode of FTW Fury!  For those of you joining us for the first time on Hulu or by our new Roku channel, an especially WARM thanks, and a reminder that you’ll get ten percent off all merchandise at!

RP: I haven’t seen that many shills packed into that small of a space since that time I was at a midget salesman convention in a Japanese hotel.

LVK: I … what?

RP: It was just a little joke, Van Keel.

LVK: … my doctor told me this migraine might become permanent if you keep doing these things, Rick.

RP: Always glad to help, Van Keel!  And while you’re downing more questionably legal Canadian painkillers, let me tell you marks out there about the turn you’re getting tonight!

LVK: Rick!  FTW fans do not enjoy being called marks!

RP: Sure they do! Buncha marks wanna mark out all the time, don’t ya?  MARKS?

LVK: …. this is coming off a little hostile even for you, Rick.

RP: Yeah, yeah. Fine. I’m just a little pissed. Some chick wearing a vintage MCW shirt out front caught me coming in and asked me for a few “private photos”, so I skipped the production meeting -

LVK: We noticed.

RP: - and went back to my hotel room with her, and then it turned out she just wanted a bunch of pictures with me in my friggin’ jacket. SHE DIDN’T GET NAKED EVEN A LITTLE.  And when I got salty about it she started making snarky comments comparing me to Mark Madden.

LVK: Wow.  That is hurtful.

RP: It was.  Friggin’ marks.

LVK: I really want to be there for you while you get through these difficult times, Rick. But do you think maybe we could investigate this trauma sometime when we’re not LIVE WORLDWIDE, WITH A FANTASTIC CARD FOR ALL YOU FTW FANS TONIGHT!


The shot cuts to the FTW violet background with a crackling lightning bolt splitting the screen in half.  On the left is the Platinum Queen herself, Tiffany, sharing the space with the dark form of the masked and mad-eyed Aika.  On the other side of the lightning is the glaring intensity of Punky smacking a taped fist into her palm and Sadie grinning like a yearbook photo.

LVK: We’re in for what should be an intense AND highly unusual tag team match given what we’ve learned tonight about the fate of the Countdown, as Commissioner La Santa has just advised us that “Punky” Meg Dow, who just DEPARTED the Countdown in bitter circumstances, will be teaming with the NEWEST member of the Countdown, Sadie Davis!

RP: I’m just glad our desk is on the heel side of the ring so we can see their asses.  Not that Tiffany is hard on the eyes, but …

LVK: But you don’t want Aika to notice you looking at her rear and then hooking your eyes out of your head and eating them like cocktail olives?

RP: Nailed it.

LVK: With the increasing madness of Aika, the Commissioner has increased security in the arena tonight, and there have already been questions about the wisdom of putting such a volatile performer in the ring with the seeming target of her madness.

RP: Do you mean Punky or Aika is the volatile, madness-havin’ one?

LVK: Yes.

RP: True story. And Tiffany and Sadie have been after each other since day one, so this oughtta be a heck of a fun ride.

LVK: Local authorities have been alerted.

The match-up background pops once more, this time with the lightning forming a circle around a still taken from FTW Second Coming, with Callista Quinn holding the inaugural FTW Championship above her head.

LVK: We’ve also been asked to advise you that our … do I have to read this?

RP: Read every word.  That’s an official championship pronouncement!


RP: OH, SURE.  Okay, Van Keel.  Stand here on your moral high ground and I’ll tell Callista to come out so you can tell her to her face that you don’t wanna read her pronouncement.

LVK: *sighs* “Our illustrious and worthy FTW Champion, Callista ‘The Savior of Wrestling’ Quinn, will be gracing us with a performance in the main event against whatever contender the company dares to set forth.”  This is ridiculous. Will you STOP?

RP: *is delivering a standing ovation*

LVK: For the love of … ALSO tonight, we’re going to see the long-awaited debut of “The Spectacular” Tina Lee!

RP: Ooh, friggin’ SWEET.

LVK: I … really, Rick? I thought Tina Lee was a bit too kind-hearted and fair-minded for your tastes.

RP: Yeah, but they’re REAL, Van Keel.

LVK: … I need to get this prescription refilled.

RP: And I hear they’re SPECTACULAR.  Let’s see who she’s facing!
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2015, 08:32:48 PM »
The arena goes dark instantly.  Spotlights begin to shine and move about the crowd.  The crowd buzzes in anticipation. 

The camera cuts backstage as I strut through the hallway.  The cameraman is positioned right in the entrance so when I stand just in front of it you get your first shot of me in my wrestling gear.

I bounce in front of the camera for a few moments.  I’m dressed in a black sleeveless faux leather robe that is open.  (It’s more of a body length vest than a traditional ring robe.)  My brown hair is down to my shoulders. Under it, I’m wearing my traditional colors with my chain motiff.,  a black and silver long sleeve half shirt over matching short shorts.  The shirt has a fairly deep open V neck with two silver chain links latching together in the middle of my chest to keep it from flying open and letting Perle realize his dream of testing his misuse of my slogan.  The shirt stops above my tummy, showing my little outty navel sitting on my trim, toned  abs.  Of course this is all topped off by my trademark iron chain draped and folded around my neck extending to my wait in both side.  I imagine the image I'm projecting. Stylish, powerful, athletic, determined and dare I say provocative.  I can hear Van Keel’s words now.
LVK: There she is! The Spectacular one herself...
 And at that moment I turn to the gorilla position.  Hit my music! I then turn to my left and leave… The cameraman steps forward and shows me jogging down the hallway. 

The gorilla position shouts Tina! You enter here...  TINAAAAAAA!!!
Just hit my music... I'll be ready. I yell as I keep moving...
RP: And there goes the Spectacular one...
LVK: Obviously the Spectacular Tina Lee has something up her sleeve...  I promise folks… She WILL fight tonight.  Let's get back to the arena.


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2015, 08:41:56 PM »
All of the spotlights settle onto the entrance except for the one on the announcer in the ring.  

And Now.... Please welcome to FTW, the Spectacular Teennnaaaa LEEEEEEEEEEE....
My music plays Survivor by Destinys Child...

The crowd sits waiting for the big moment.  About 10 seconds pass.  The music still blares.  The spotlights float across each side of the stands… The crowd simmers to a buzz… .
RP: Are you sure we didn't sign the Invisible Tina Lee?  
Finally some cheers happen in one section to the left of the ring. The cheers spread to the next section then the next as the crowd becomes infected with excitement.
LVK:  The crowd is reacting… Something's happening... Where is she?

RP:  Are you sure? Did Aika get her?  She's scary.  I keep the lights on now at home… Always…

The spotlight then moves across the crowd and finds me standing at the top of section 101. My arms are above my head but spread out and my legs shoulder width apart… My lean body shaped like an X while my trusty chain is pulled taut between my hands in my grip.
Finally the whole arena reacts. Well, fans from all areas of the whole arena react. Some are still a bit skeptical of the newcomer.  My true fans are electric while others are politely cheering.  I know it’s my job that by the end of the night I want each and every fan to be passionately behind me.  I’m going to make them laugh and entertain them with the mic and then thrill and inspire them in the ring.
I hold my pose for a few seconds and then relax. I wrap my chain twice loosely around my neck and then extend my hands and slap as many hands as I can while still moving forward.  I go a few rows and find a young 8 year old wide eyed looking at me. I can’t help but pick her up and give her a big hug.  I give her my sunglasses and then make my way through the rest of the crowd and over the security railing.
LVK:  And the fans really seem to be warming up to the Spectacular Tina Lee…

RP: Do you HAVE to call her that Van Keel?  

LVK:  Well that’s her name isn’t it? The SPECTACULAR Tina Lee…

RP:  If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this Mizz Special Tina Lee or whatever she calls herself was paying you under the table every time you say that.

LVK:  And now back to the ring for the Spectacular Tina Lee…

I slide under the bottom rope… I get up and quickly run across the ring and lean my chest into the ropes as I fire up my fist… YEAAHHHHHHH… The crowd reacts… I do the same thing to each side of the ring to try and fire up the crowd…
Finally as the song reaches its ending, I climb up onto the corner buckles.  I extend my chain above my head in a similar pose as before. But this time, I close my eyes and arch back.
Fireworks shoot out with 3 distinct bangs from each ring post… First red then white then red again.  Silver and black confetti falls at ringside.  I drop down and walk to the center of the ring next to the interviewer but strike one last X pose with my chain overhead while the confetti still rains down onto me while the song comes to an end.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 10:18:53 PM by TinaWins123 »


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2015, 08:52:05 PM »
LVK: And now live with the debuting Spectacular Tina Lee is our own Lisa Logan.  Take it away Lisa!

LL : Soooooo… That was really great Tina…

Me:  No.  That wasn’t great… That was SPECTACULAARRRR!!!  Crowd cheers….
LL:  My mistake… Hehe... Yes… That was truly spectacular.  So all of the fans want to know you Tina. Who are you and what are your plans here in FTW.
Me:  Who am I?  If you’ve seen me wrestle before…  If you’ve seen me entertain before or even if you just saw my AWESOME promo that I put together with the help of the lovely people in FTW then you already know…

RP: If she calls herself  the Mother of Dragons, I am outta here.

LVK: Stop it!  Besides, that’s a pretty big pop…
RP:  Cheap heat VK.  These ham and eggers will eat up anything including whatever grits are.

LL:  Yes Yes Tina.  You’ve got the crowd excited for sure. So tell us why did you come to FTW?
Me:  That’s a great question.  I’ve wrestled a lot of different places around the world.  I’ve been all over the US, Canada, Mexico.  I’ve been to Brazil.  I’ve been to Russia and I’ve even spent some time in Japan.  Some of those places have been great.  Others have been… well…. Less than spectacular shall we say…
But when I heard about the formation of FTW I became intrigued.  I watched and I saw that it is something different.  FTW wants something different.  It’s pretty revolutionary but very simple… They want women… (dramatic pause…) to wrestle…. Let me repeat that.  They want women to actually WRESTLE other women wrestlers…  What a novel idea!
You see most places I’ve been I might get to wrestler here and there but then right when I’m about to show what I can do in this ring, it’s jump in the mudpit and roll around or it’s oil up for the escort that new big talentless hack of the month and look pretty to get HIM over… I’m not here to be a DIVA… I'm not a valet.  I’m not here to show off my PUPPIES!  What I’m here to do step in between these ropes and give each and one of you fans every OUNCE of my being night in and night out to show what I can do in this ring and give you the most exciting wrestling matches you’ve ever seen!
LL:  Thank you Tina… We certainly have tried to put out an intriguing show that is both dramatic and athletic… and…
Me:  And THAT'S exactly why I’m here!  I wanted desperately to be part of this!  I’m not here for bikini contests… You saw in my video what happens when I’m in a bikini contests… There are a whole bunch of scantily clad bodies left laying in this ring!

RP: Did she say scantily….

LVK: Don’t go there.  We already are on the FCC’s radar. 

LL:  Yes yes… We all saw the video Tina for sure.  Many of the fans are familiar with your work in the other feds but for those who haven’t what can they expect to see from you?
Me:  That’s another good question.  You may think I talk a lot…
RP:  Nooooooo….  Not at all...
Me:  And yes, I have a lot to say.  But I know one thing.  All of these words that come out of my mouth don’t mean ANYthing if I can’t back it up in this ring.  So what I’m looking to do is come out, step between these ropes and give the fans a fast-paced exciting match.  I may only be 120 lbs soaking wet… But I’m willing to pay the Iron Price to win my match and any lady who wants to be beat me is going to have to be willing to do the same.
LL:  Pay the iron price… you said that in your video… What exactly does that mean.
RP: It means she watches too much Game of Thrones!

LVK:  Will you quit it?

Me:  Well I must admit it’s a bit of a play on words… Figuratively, it means I'm willing to compete at all costs.  I’m willing to battle and throw my entire heart and soul into win a match to win it.  I’m willing to sweat, bleed and even cry.  I’m willing to throw my body around as a missile.  I’m willing to absorb blow after blow and keep fighting on to get my hand raised in the end and take home the victory.  If you are going to fight me in a match then you are going to have to be ready to endure yourself if you think you are going to come out on top. No matter who you are, big, small, short or tall, I'm going to test your will and see just how badly you want that victory.
LL:  And what is the other meaning?
Me:  Hehe… Well, the second half is simple.  I’m not going to name names but I’m sure you and the fans have noticed that some of the ladies here in FTW don’t always play fair.  Now I’ll take anyone in this fed on one on one and stick to the rules no matter how big they are, how strong they are or even what gender they are.
But if you think you are going to pull a fast one on me.  If you are going to try and lie, cheat and steal your way to a victory.  If you THINK you can outnumber me… Well, anyone who wants to play that game… I’ve got an answer for you.
I unwrap my chain and whip it onto the mat.  I pull it up and circle it around my fist.  You see… if people here think they will gang up on me.  They are going to meet Lucy.
LL:  Lucy? What do you mean?
I bring my chain to my cheek and smile and give it a kiss. 
Lucy is my best friend.  I LOVE LUCY!  Lucy has my back… ALWAYS…  And when Lucy gives you her kiss on the lips.  You will go down and you will go down hard!
LL:  OK… We are running a little long here.  As we all know you’ve got your debut match coming up against Randi Mulkey.  She’s 4 inches taller and almost 25 pounds heavier than you.  She seems like a bad match up.  Are you ready Tina?

Me:  The question isn’t am I ready.  I am absolutely, positively 1000 percent ready!  The question is ASHVILLE NORTH CAROLINA…  Are you ready?!

Crowd cheers. Yay!

I grab the microphone and walk around the ring. 



Me:  Well who here in ASHVILLE is going to be the first of my Lee-gionnaires? 

Crowd Pops! YEAAAHHHHHH… and then sparks into their first of hopefully many TEE-NAH… TEE-NAH chants. 

I hand the microphone back to LL with a big smile on my face.  After a few minutes, I have the crowd fully behind me and I’m dying to lock up and compete cleanly and farily with the tall and game Randi Mulkey.  I set up in the middle of the ring with my hands on my knees staring down the runway anxious to start.  I lift my fist and pump it rythmically with the chant of my name… TEE-NAH!  TEE-NAH!

LVK:  Don’t you DARE touch that remote.  The Spectacular Tina Lee wrestles NEXT!


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2015, 11:32:53 AM »

CG: And her opponent, hailing from Anderson, SC standing at 5'10" for 146 lbs, accompanied by her cousin Bobbi, here we have Randiiiii Mulkeyyyyyy

Randi pops in the scene wearing her classic red onepiece with red laced wrestling boots while Bobbi is in her streets clothes with black tight jeans and a white tank top with a blue electric "Bobbi" written across her chest.

The two walk down the ramp waving to their fans and giving high fives to almost all the guys in the first rows.
Bobbi climbs to the apron first and she sits on the mid rope to open the ropes for her cousin.

Randi quickly smiles, her face is concentrated and focused on her opponent. It seems all ready to start in the ring.


*Moments before, in a backstage dressing room*

I'm watching the screen of my TV carefully, hearing Tina’s words and seeing her in the ring gear.

I put a smile in my face and slide my right hand across my upper chest to touch my new pendant, hanging over my totally black shirt with no logos or writing on it.

I get up and wince a bit, my left hand goes down to caress my side. A white bandage is partially seen, it's almost totally covered by the shirt except the last inch.

"Yes, it's her.." I say as I move out of my room in my light blue jeans and black shirt, dark hair loose on my shoulders and plain black sneakers on my feet.

I step into the sound engineer’s booth and tell him; “In thirty seconds, I want my music.” batting my eyes at him “Please?"

Ehi ciao tu sei Emily Layne giusto? Che me lo fai un autografo?

I'm highly surprised by this guy’s Sicilian accent.

Ma sei italiano? Non ti avevo mai visto qui in giro?”  I ask him.

Eccerto! Ho lavorato per anni nel ristorante di Joe Bastianich … poi arrivò la crisi.” he says blushing and with a 'I didn't do anything wrong I swear' face on.

Beh vabbè, comunque, ora non posso stare qui a parlare, metti la mia musica tra...10 secondi, okay?”

Ma non era programmata, non ce l'ho qui, mi spiace,” he shrugs.

"Okay - allora metti una qualsiasi musica, sto entrando nella scena.” I tell him.

"Okay okay, ci penso io allora!” He winks.

I wink back at him and hear him from far away as I'm already behind the curtain.

Ehi aspetta l'autografo!” … but it's too late.

As I step through the curtain a classic Italian "Tarantella" hits the arena and I shake my head, realizing why that guy was fired by his previous job.

LVK: wait a minute, what's going on here? Emily Layne?

RP: It seems so Van Keel! And plus with her new theme song! She wanted for sure make a surprise!

LVK: I thought that she was still recovering in the hospital after her not very friendly encounter with the creepy Aika!

RP: What? Aika and Emily Layne? Did I miss something?

LVK: Perle, are you serious? Did you really miss the Aftershock show?

RP: I had important things to do. I was at the movies for "Fifty Shades of Grey”.

LVK: Are you really saying that you actually watched that movie?

RP: Not really … I was just in the parking lot, hooking some girls there. I never seen that many desperate ladies together in the same place!

LVK: You're a perv!

RP: It looks like that the bad news isn’t over. Emily Layne has a microphone in her hand and I just bet she has some words for us.  Hopefully in English.

LVK: Let's hear her out. I'm curious now!

The reaction of the crowd and the announcers is kinda cold, the two competitors in the ring are surprised and it looks like everyone in the arena is not very comfortable with what is happening. I pass next to the announcers table and grin at Rick and he smiles back. Van Keel looks to me, then looks at Perle and then back to me and once last time to his colleague.

LVK: What does it mean?

RP: What?

LVK: That smile!

RP: What smile?

LVK: I hate you.

I point the microphone to my mouth and start to talk.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry to interrupt the show like this, I surely didn't want to be rude. But...

I think that it's fair to make clear a couple of things.

First of all I'm totally recovered from what happened in Second Coming. This bandage is only a precaution. This means that I'm here and ready to kick some ass like I’ve been doing in this federation since the day one!”

I stop, just to hear the reaction of the crowd which now looks a bit more comfortable.

"Secondly, and most important; I guess that everyone of you saw what happened in the main event in the last PPV."

RP: We saw Callista beating your ass and getting the gold!

LVK: Shhhhhhh.

I ignore Perle's comment and I just go on.

"Everyone saw that I was completely robbed. Quinn tapped out in my Pearly Gates and only with Sadie’s interference did she manage to escape with the win.”
I stop again. My right fist close in a tight ball as I think of that match.


Someone between the crowd starts to chant my name but I interrupt the chant.

"But that's the past! Today is a new day and I'm here because I realized that I can't be a lone wolf in this crazy place. I'm looking for allies and I'm sure that in this ring I can find one.”

I turn to Tina Lee and smile at her

LVK: Wait a minute, Emily Layne wants to ally with The Spectacular Tina Lee?

"I must say that I admired what I saw about your history, I enjoyed watching your promos but most of all I do like your best friend Lucy..she may be very helpful in this crazy world, especially these last weeks.
I think we have many things in common and we don't like the same persons around here.
I'd like to see all that firsthand, so if you will allow it, I'd like to be your tag team partner for this match and make this a tag team match against the Mulkeys!”

I smile again and look around me. It looks like the crowd likes the idea - wrestling fans seem to like more tag team matches than one on one matches.

RP: Who does she think she is? Another commissioner? We already have one!

"But yeah, we must first hear what someone thinks about this thing."

I turn and look outside the ring at Bobbi Mulkey who is looking around, knowing that she has now the attention of the whole arena.

She climbs the ropes and gets in the ring where I move to her with a smile.

The crowd starts to chant "Bobbi! Bobbi! Bobbi!” clearly pushing for the tag team match.

Randi looks not very happy about it as she was ready for the one on one match but Bobbi finally nods firstly to me and then to the referee, accepting the new deal.

The crowd erupts in a roar!

LVK: And we start with a surprise ladies and gentlemen! The opener of the show which was supposed to be the debut of the Spectacular Tina Lee against Randi Mulkey has become a tag team match between Tina Lee and Emily Layne versus the Mulkeys cousins!

I move to Tina’s corner and wink at her before extending my hand to her for a handshake before get closer to the ropes as Tina will go first.

In the other corner the cousins argue a bit, Bobbi calms down her cousin saying that all will be fine and that Emily Layne isn't like Punky or Red.

The ref meanwhile reaches for me and points out to my pendant, offering to hold it for me as I can't have it out on display during the match, as it can be dangerous.

I look at him and carefully slide the pendant under my black shirt and smile brightly at him.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not going to use it now anyway.”

The ring bells and the match is finally on.


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2015, 02:09:23 PM »
I get ready for my my match as I remove the chain from neck and slide it under the bottom rope.  I take the center of the ring, hands on my knees as I look intently at Randi making her way to the ring.  She has an intense look. She's been in the business awhile but has been the butt of some jokes in FTW and it's clear she wants to change that.  My eyes welcome that challenge in her as I let her know I have every intention of defeating her tonight.

I begin to tie my hair back into a ponytail and then… WHAT? I stand up as Emily makes her way down to the ring. I watch my chain and make sure Emily doesn't go for it but she walks around the ring the other way.  I stand arms crossed in the center of the ring until she enters and then I step away and let her take center stage.

So now I've been officially part of FTW for maybe 7 minutes and already I'm getting entangled in something. I'm not especially happy to have my debut interrupted but I try not to show it.  While I'm sure she is ticked off about what happened during and after Second Coming, she could have picked a better time.  This was supposed to be my moment.  I take a deep breath and nod and continue to force a smile as Emily talks.  One thing I've learned about wrestlers in my long time in this business is that wrestlers have big personalities and even bigger egos, yours truly included. 

Despite the terrible timing, everything she says is spot on correct.  After seeing FTW for just a few weeks, it's clear that I will need an ally to succeed at the highest level. I can't fight Countdown on my own and God knows what would happen if I crossed that mysterious Aika creature and more mysterious handler of hers on my own.  There is strength in numbers and Emily is perhaps the strongest wrestler in FTW. She can both deliver and absorb a lot of punishment.  That makes her a potentially great ally or a terrible enemy.  My decision will probably cause one or the other. Even though she is choosing me,  Emily is as good of an ally as there is. So I choose to entangle myself with her.

I shake her hand and smile broadly and earnestly at her and then pull her in for a hug.  I turn around with her as she exits the ring.  She pulls me in and whispers me to in not so many words kick Randi’s arse.  I turn around with a smile which is abruptly interrupted by Randi’s demeanor.  She's in a mood and clearly ready to fight which is fine by me.


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2015, 02:13:59 PM »

LVK: Here we go!  Mulkey quickly takes the center of the ring as Lee circles around the outside.  The crowd is buzzing for this encounter.  

RP:  Look at how Randi towers over Lee.  Spectacular or not, Lee is going to have to show some skill in this match up.  

LVK: Agreed. The Mulkeys generally try to force a fast tempo but to be successful tonight against the spectacular one, they would be wise to have to apply their size advantage whenever they can.  

I wipe my hands at my side and face Randi as I close on her slowly.  She holds her ground crouching and ready to spring at my first strong movement.  I step forward hard and stomp the mat as I lunge directly into her. We tussle arms locked and it doesn't take long for Randi to step forward and me backwards.  I push back into her a little but don't spend too much effort as she backs me up into the ropes.The ref moves in calling for a clean break… I try to stay crouched and guard myself but it's not important as Randi backs away and smiles confidently.

I smirk as Randi backs away, leaning back on the ropes.  

RP: Not very spectacular Van Keel.  

LVK: It pains me agreeing with you again but not a smart approach there for Tina.

I look at Emily cheering me on. I clap my hands together and circle a bit along the ropes.  I approach again directly and slowly inching towards Randi and she is still eager to lock up.  When we are close, I lunge and spin this time to show her my right side as I reach and lock her into a side headlock..

I pull Randi’s head down against the side of my ribs, flex my tight little bicep and squeeze my forearms against her temple. She protests and grabs at my elbow trying to pull free but I bend my knees and spread my legs wide for a solid base.  

Randi looks to power her way out grabbing my wrist with both hands and pushing up under my arms.  She slowly frees her head continues to raise our arms as she spins to face me with Our hands locked on each other’s wrists.  She leans against my right  half and bears down with her taller heavier frame.  I spread my legs for a stronger base but uhhhh she is so tall… My knees begin to buckle and I realize this is not going to work out.  I need to work out of this and now.

LVK: Mulkey leaning down on Lee here.  Lee is trying do fight it but Mulkey looks to be just moments away from really securing a tight overhead wrist lock here.

RP: I never thought I'd say this but it looks like Randy is doing exactly what she needs to control this bout.  Not spectacular… not at all.

LVK:  Not so fast!  Lee rolls back and is on her feet.  She whips Mulkey to the ropes behind her.  Mulkey barrels down but OHHH… She eats a single leg drop kick…  

LVK: Both women scrambling but Mz Fantabulous is up first.  She pushes forward into Mulkey and tries to whip her. Mulkey reverses!  Tina bounds across the ring and hits the ropes.  Mulkey looking for a big boot but Lee rolls under her.  Mulkey turns and charges.  Drop toe hold by Lee and Mulkey eats canvas.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 05:59:56 PM by TinaWins123 »


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2015, 02:20:01 PM »
The crowd oohs and ahhs with each close call in the exchange and let's out a big cheer as I land the drop toe hold. After the drop drop toe hold, I quickly regroup and plant my knee into Randi’s toosh and grab at her chin.  I pull up hard and arch the long blonde who cries out in pain as I compress her lower back.  I don't want to showboat too much but I'm so excited I can't help myself.

WHATS UP LEE-GIONAIRES!  OHHHHHH!  The crowd cheers again and starts a TEE-NAH chant as I work the hold.

LVK: How did you like that exchange Perle?

RP: OKOK… This Lee chick isn't half bad.  Solid… Competent maybe… Not spectacular.

I take in a few nice deep breaths as Randi reaches in vain for her sister across the ring.  She eventually gets her knees under her and begins to prop up under me.  When she reaches her knees, I stand up straight so step on her calf to keep her shorter than me and arched.  Emily cheers for me and I nod and flash her a smile maybe a moment too early.  Randi fires an elbow back into my flat tummy.  I let out a small grunt but it will take more than that to take my wind.  I lash a kick towards her back sending her sprawling towards the ropes.

I crouch and watch Randi unwind those long limbs and get up slowly.  I call on the crowd again, waving my arm behind me for them to get louder while I stalk Randi.  I charge at her but she is still game and not out of it yet. As I charge she back body drop me over the top rope.  I see it coming at the last moment and grab the top rope so I land on my feet on the ring apron.

She turns around not expecting to see me and I greet her with a quick knee toward her tummy bending her over.  I then grab the top rope and leap and somersault over Randi grabbing her hips as I tumble and pulling her down in a sunset flip… The ref moves in fast… 1…. 2… but Randi kicks her long legs and twists to the side. 

I scramble up to my feet quickly.  Randi's tag team instincts kick in and she rolls to her hands and knees and crawls towards her corner.  I quickly cut her off grabbing under her arm with one arm and under her chin to force her to her feet and press her back to the ropes again.  I hear her moan and mutter “slow down” under her breath which just makes me want to go faster. The crowd is boiling and I get the rush of adrenaline that makes you feel you can do ANYthing and right now that means me trying to rally right over Mulkey and get the win.

LVK: Lee is PUSHING the pace here and Mulkey is in trouble. 

RP: OK… I'll grant you adequate… Maybe even satisfactory… But NOT spectacular. 

LVK: Will you….. Uh oh Mulkey sent across… Mulkey bounces back… SPINEBUSTER!!!

As the lanky blonde stumbles back towards me I bend forward and grab under her legs using  her momentum to lift her up as I spin and fall down slamming her behind me.  We crash to the mat which gives some and bounces underneath us.  I ride that wave and pop up right back to my feet and stand over her.  She's almost breathless but that's about to be become worse.

I stand straddling her as her chest heaves for air.  I lift my arms to the crowd and take my patented X pose over Randi, arms and legs spread wide and I arch and close my eyes trying to convey a combination of strength and beauty that make the words synonymous. 

LVK:  Could this be it… Yes it is… BREATHTAKER!!!

I leap up in the air.  My legs spread wide and my butt lands on Randi's quivering stomach as I do a split on top of her.  Again I go for my trademark pose, arms out wide, head back, chest out…

LVK: Mulkey is down. Ref moves in… ONE TWWOOOO… NOOOOOOO

Randi lifts her shoulder and twists out from under me showing some heart despite the rally I've rolled out on her.  I stand up and the crowd is hot.  I breathe a bit heavily after that rally myself.  I look around and see Emily… Oh yeah…maybe she wants in this match.  I don't just tag her though. I lean in and dramatically point to Emily.  I strut towards her and then wind my hand to SLAP her palm maybe a bit over excited but trying to make the first hot tag by a winning team that I can remember.

LVK: Now what do you think Perle?

RP:  OK OK… Perhaps good. Maybe even quality but spectacular? Come on.


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2015, 04:24:37 AM »

I'm standing in our corner and my eyes are follow the action, carefully checking any moves from Tina and Randi.
My right hand tightly gripping the tag rope while my left casually caress my upperchest and side.

The crowd is really behind my partner and I enjoy that, as she is taunting the audience I can help but help her and clap my hands over my head screaming together with the arena

"TE-NAH TE-NAH" over and over.

I'm excited when Tina cuts a perfect spinebuster followed by her Breathtaking!
I raise a fist in the air, I open up my index finger and counting together with the referee.
Then the medium finger but Randi kicks out and the count stops.

I smile as I see Tina strutting after me and I lift up my left hand and slapping my teammate with it.
I make my way inside the ropes and move to Randi and noticing her crawling toward the corner to tag with her cousin as Bobbi has her left arm extended toward the ring.

Let's say the truth, I could stop her and easily drag the cousin by the ankles but I don't. Letting the two sexy blondes do the tag.

LVK: it looks like Emily wants to fight Bobbi as they both are still fresh.

RP: I was thinking that those crutches shots from Sadie Davis in the PPV could get her smarter.. *sighs* but I was wrong..nothing changed!

LVK: come on Perle, this is still a sport!

RP: and in sports the important thing is winning!

LVK: I guess you never heard about De Coubertin...

RP: I told you like thousand times, I don't like French food, I do prefer the Mexican one!

LVK: ..................

Me and Bobbi meet in the middle of the ring, both NOT in our wrestling gears.
Both in jeans and shirt.
We circle each other and it's clear from the first moment that one of the wrestlers in the ring is more comfortable than the other.
And it's not the tall blonde Mulkeys...

We clasp each other in a classic elbow and collar lock up in the middle of the ring and after some seconds, despite the size disadvantage, I push her backward toward the ropes behind her.
I can clearly hear Tina claps and encouragement from the opposite corner.

The ref moves closer and asks to separate and we both agree. I step back lifting my arms while Bobbi shakes her hands and wipe her forehead from some hair.

The blonde tall girl decides to change tactic and rushes toward me with her arm wide opened aiming for a clothesline but her movements are slow, or at least slow enough for me to duck under her arm and let her stumble forward without hitting anything but air.
I quickly turn and step to her side and grab her wrist with both hands

RP: okay Van Keel, I went to a party yesterday night and I see that now it's the perfect time to get a nap. Wake me up when someone interesting will climb in the ring!

LVk: Layne twists on Bobbi s wrist and..oh look at this! Emily planted her elbow on her rival arm and spinning her body she brings Bobbi Mulkey down in a armbar takedown!

The blonde cousin emits a groan and curses as I apply a nasty leverage on her arm.
The ref quickly steps in front of us asking if she wants to give up.
Bobbi refuses.

"Come on blondie, I know you can do more than this"

My words work on Bobbi nerves and I finally feel her strength as she starts to put her feet under her knees and she forces us up on our feet.
I don't release her arm though and I change the position of my hands on her arm and twist it behind her back in a hammerlock that cause another groan from her mouth.

This time though I'm not planning to hold her in the place and , holding her arm behind her back, I slip in front of her and apply a front face lock, positioning her free arm over my head.
My other hand goes on her jeans and I lift her up in a hammerlock suplex that make her roughly falls on her back!

LVK: impressive hammerlock suplex from Emily Layne!

RP: impressive what? This is only a bad copy of what The Queen of Suplexes can do!

LVK: Queen of Suplexes?

RP: of course! Punky!

LVK: I remind you that Emily Layne beat Punky on Fury 2!

RP: that was only a fluke. And plus it was caused by the interference of that crazy beast of Aika, that win doesn't count in the scores.

LVK: So, based on this argument, also Quinn win shouldn't count in the scores since Sadie interfered on that match

RP: you should show more respect for the first ever FTW world champion Van Keel!

I quickly roll over Bobbi chest and lift up her right leg up but only getting a ONE count.
We get up almost in the same moment and I can read the frustration in her eyes. She moves forward and goes for a forearm smash, this time I block her shot with my arm and send my knee to her tummy, once, twice and force her to bend forward.
Randi slaps the top rope like saying 'I knew that it could end like this' as I move behind her cousin and wrap my right hand on her body, my left hand goes down on her leg as I bend low on my knees and lift Bobbis body up like I'm about to belly to back suplex her but before dropping her backwards I stop and grab a hold of her legs and drop her face first in a wheelbarrow face buster!

LVK: Oh my God! Look at this!

I end in a sitting position and glare to Perle in a clear message for him to his previous comment about the suplexes.
I get up again and look backwards at Tina who is screaming and clapping loud in excitement, with all the crowd behind her it seems.
Bobbi shakes her head for a moment, trying to wipe away the cowebs from her head but she is crawling to the wrong corner, the neutral one and there she gets in a sitting position , the perfect position for my Heaven Sent.

I raise one closed fist high toward the ceiling before running toward the corner and drive my hip against Bobbi face and make her see the stars for some seconds behind the loud roar from the arena.

LVK: Heaven Sent! And the crowd is going wild!

RP: I'm still of the idea that this must be banned!'

Bobbi stays there for some seconds as I look around and shower in the cheers.
Then my eyes aim at Tina and instead of going for the pin I move to her and lift my right hand to slap hers for another hot tag, though this time I decide to stay in the ring and taunt my tag team partner.

"Let's show the FTW how to do a double elbow drop!"

Without any hesitations, we move toward Bobbi who is trying to crawl to her corner. Me on her right side and Tina on her left.
We grab each other hands and drop down in a double elbow drop right into Bobbi small of the back.

LVK: oh wow! There is alchemy between these two already!

RP: come on ref! This is illegal!

Randi pushes herself up on the bottom rope and lean in, loudly protesting with the referee.
He steps to us and says "okay girls enough for now, Emily, to your corner please"

"Just one second please?"
I battle my eyes to him and nod at Tina before lifting Bobbi body up on her feet and whipping her toward the far corner.
Then I do the same with Tina and whipping her towards the same corner!


Offline wrestlefunj

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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2015, 05:39:35 AM »
can I get the audio version on FTW fury wow great writing and detail congrats to all. and Paula you ae m not just welcomed back we WANT you back..

I will get bak into being active soon. Been sick and will need surgery on my left wrist for sever Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Glad the group is going strong and still the best clique around


Offline Matriarch_Tina

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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2015, 02:11:59 PM »
I see Emily allow Bobbi to be tagged in. Against a more formidable team that would be a mistake but I’m confident she can control the action which she does.  Emily is never in any danger and her hammerlock suplex is the icing on the cake.  Bobbi is in trouble and I begin to plan the end game in my head in how to finish her off.

So when I'm tagged in I see Emily set us for the double elbow and comply.  We each drive our weight behind the point of our elbows into the blonde’s chest.  I roll away and get up.  I see Emily do the heavy lifting to get Bobbi to her feet. I take a step back to watch what she is going to do.

Emily winds up and throws herself to mat to whip Bobbi as hard as she can. Bobbi is shot to the corner like a cannon. Her back slams hard into the corner buckles and the force drives her stumbling forward. She shows her tag instincts holding the ropes and making a straight line for her partner.  I roll my head over my neck and step forward to cut her off but….

Emily has another idea.  Emily stands up and without even looking, she grabs my hand. Im not expecting it and the bigger Italian bombshell rag-dolls me a bit.  She spins herself in a 360, dragging me along for the ride.  She then whips me with the extra force towards the corner. My limber legs help me pick up speed but now that's a bad thing. My back hits the vacated corner hard…. UHHHHHHHHHHH!  I groan and arch in pain, grabbing each of the top ropes to hold myself up. 

LVK: Miscommunciation here between the new tag team as Emily sends Tina into an empty corner.

RP: I've always thought Layne was boring but apparently she is blind too.  Bobbi wasn't in that corner very long.

LVK: Well Layne had her back to the whole scene when she reached for Tina. Looks like she committed to the whip too early.

RP: And you come to this conclusion from all of your VAST ring experience?

LVK: Uhhhhh…

I scan the ring feeling shooting pains in my back.  I see the ref escorting Emily back to corner.  She has a distraught look on her face with guilt from making a mistake that I'm paying for.  I see Bobbi still suffering from Emily's attack and I know if I get to her I can wrestle her down and take a moments breath while still working her.  Just a few short breaths and the pain will numb and I can get back to work.  I push myself forward but unfortunately Bobbi had the same idea.

THWACK… The sound of Bobbi’s bare foot slamming into the side of my face echoes in the small arena.  The blow turns my head and I drop to my knees and fall into the ropes behind me.  The crowd is stunned quiet as Bobbi appears to have full control.  Proud, I Immediately fight to get to my feet and slide along the ropes to reach for a tag. My legs are a tad wobbly though and I'm not moving fast.  Bobbi grabs my arm and chin and pulls me from the ropes.  She whispers into my ear.  “My sister would never make that mistake with me.." I look at her for half a second before she whips me across the ring into her corner.  My back slams into the buckles again, not as hard as before but it's enough to jar me…. UGHHHHHH…. I arch in pain again and then sit on the middle buckle right in front of an eager Randi Mulkey.  She reaches her long left arm out for a tag while her right hand grabs the back of my top secretly to make sure I stay in the enemy corner.

Bobbi reaches over me and tags her sister.  Randi gives her a look and Bobbi nods as they know exactly what they will do without communicating it to me.  Each of them grabs my arms from either side and hook underneath…  “Oh… Noooooooooooo!!!”  They take two large steps and then lift and flip me over.  With the extra effort, I tumble and with my back at their height and fall an extra half foot or more to the mat.

LVK: The Mulkeys send Tina HIGGGGHHHH into the air and she crashes down hard onto the mat.

RP: WHOOOAAA Look at the Mulkeys here.  That was impressive. Think I could get on that ride Van Keel?

LVK: Can you focus for one minute on the action?

RP: Yup… That's the point.  I'd love some action like that with both Mulkeys.

LVK: UHHHHH!  In any case, the Mulkeys aren't the strongest or the fastest but they are a technically sound tag team that has been around the block more than once.

RP: Are you saying what I think you are saying.

LVK: No!  I am definitely NOT saying what you think I'm saying.


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 3 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2015, 02:19:53 PM »
As the two announcers bicker, Randi grabs both arms and drags me closer to their corner.  Bobbi is escorted from the ring without any fuss.  Randi sits me up and plants her knee into my back while grabbing on my chin, arching my spine over her knee.  I groan out as I just try to collect my breath and strength thru the pain that is collecting in my lower back. 

I look at Emily who seems soooo far away right now.  She leans over and pumps her fist urging me on.  She's not going to come to me.  I'm going to have to go to her.  That means I need up off my buns now!

I roll over to my left knee and then plant my right foot… I flex my thigh and uhhhhhhhhh regain my footing underneath Randi.  Seeing her leverage gone, she simple let's go of my chin, winds her arm up high and slams her forearm down across my lower back….

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I arch but don't fall as pain floods my nerves up and down my spine.  I walk forward towards the ropes (away from Emily) stopping before I get there.  Randi stalks me from behind. She coils her forearm back to drive it into my back again but I just feel it coming and spin quickly and thrust my palm into her stomach stopping her for he moment  although I didn't have everything behind it.

I look up and see her eyes a bit enraged. She lashes a kick towards my head which I duck under.  As she spins around I circle around to get away from the ropes.  Another kick comes towards my ribs and I slide back out of the way.  I then lunge forward with a forearm hot across Randi's chest driving her back.

LVK: Randi may be playing right into Tina's hands here.

RP: Whatever Van Keel. Look how small Tina is.  No way she out slugs Randi here.

LVK: Tina trained for two years in MMA with Matt Serra.  She is well versed with her hands and feet.

RP: My kind of girl!

Randi hits the ropes but is determined not to let a smaller woman beat her up here.  She steps forward in a fighting stance and catches me with a jab smiling.  My head pops back and now my eyes light up angry.  I wind up and kick her left thigh hard, smacking thru the arena.  She growls but comes forward.  She misses with a right hook that I duck under. I then kick her outer thigh and then inner thigh with quick right left kicks.  Her knee buckles for a moment. I hop back a step. I watch as she bravely stands understanding she is overmatched now but still game. As she comes forward, I spin counter clockwise and step forward slamming my forearm across her jaw.


RP:  OK OK…. She's pretty good. Stop sucking up Van Keel.  She's not a savior or anything.

After the furious action, the crowd is back on its feet again and another round of TEEE-NAHH chants start up.  I turn around and point to Emily who is clapping for me and reaching for a tag.  I walk towards her and see her face change to concern.  I feel the mat bouncing under my feet.  Bobbi Mulkey has come in angry with how I treated Randi and she charges me from behind looking to take my head off with her right arm extended for a clothes line.  Emily starts to come in thru the ropes.   I turn my head slightly and get a good peak.  I then extend my left arm and spin counter clockwise again with my left fist slamming it into the charging Mulkey.