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Noelle Easton vs Siri (requested by Amsaim)

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Offline shakenbacon

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Noelle Easton vs Siri (requested by Amsaim)
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:36:23 AM »
Noelle Easton
Age 20
5 ft 4 - 61kg

Age 26
5 ft 9 - 66kg

Siri has been in a long term relationship with her boyfriend for approximately 8 years. They recently purchased a house together in a quiet neighbourhood in Minnesota. When they first went to check out the house, Siri noticed a young busty girl who lived next door, she admired her bust but otherwise wasn't too phased by her, Siri was no slouch in that department, sporting a massive 30H cup. What she didn't notice was that her boyfriend had been giving plenty of glances in this girls direction, obviously drawn to her plump breasts and cute nature in general.

On the day of moving in Siri thought it would be a good idea to meet the neighbours, she was most eager to head next door and meet the cute brunette she had spotted a few days earlier. Siri rang the bell. "Hey, how can I help?" The young brunette answered, wearing grey mini shorts and a black tank top. Siri looked her up and down and admired her strong yet curvy and lush figure, "Hi my name's Siri, my boyfriend and I have just moved in next door." "Oh, I thought I recognized you! I saw you checking out the house the other day, nice to meet you, I'm Noelle." She shook Siri's right hand lightly and giggled. Siri's boyfriend had wandered over to see who his girlfriend was talking to. "Hi how's it going? My name is Dave." Dave said as he approached Noelle and shook her hand. Noelle looked up in amazement at his strong and athletic body and gasped. "Oh hi Dave, I'm Noelle, pleasure to meet you." Noelle looked up whilst batting her long eyelashes. "The pleasure is mine." Dave replied with a smile. "I see you've been doing some heavy lifting over there." Noelle said as she squeezed Dave's bicep and bit her lip. "Yeah, got to move in everything, so thought I'd get stuck into it." Dace replied with a flustered look on his face. "You're lifting a lot of big things I see....I like big things." Noelle laughed as she leaned against the doorway. Siri crossed her arms and looked straight at Noelle who hadn't stopped gazing at Dave. "Umm just so you know, this is the boyfriend I was telling you about." Siri said with an aggressive tone. "Oh really? Well, I must say you have done very well." Noelle giggled and looked Dave up and down. "Alright, we're going now." Siri stormed off as she grabbed Dave's arm and dragged him away.

"That bimbo really needs to watch what she says." Siri said in a frustrated manner. "What's wrong? I didn't mind her, she was very nice." Dave replied. "Oh real nice for sure. Did you find her nice because she was being friendly or because she wants to suck your cock?" Siri said as she stopped Dave and crossed her arms in front of him, Dave seemed startled by this sudden attack, "don't overeact, she was just being friendly." Dave said clearly trying to defuse the situation and brush it off. Siri scoffed and stormed inside.

The next day the temperature was boiling hot, Siri had to work and Dave took the day off to finish moving all of their belongings in. Noelle was lounging by the pool in her backyard when she heard a lot of work being done next door. Noelle leaned over the fence to see Dave moving outdoor furniture into position on the deck. "Well if it isn't mister strong man Dave. I'd offer you some help but I don't know if I'm good at lifting." Noelle giggled, slurping on a cocktail. Dave laughed and looked up in interest as Noelle was wearing a yellow bikini that fit nicely on her body, hugging every curve. "Well I'm sure you're good at other things." Dave replied. "This is true, I'm good at lounging around in my bikinis as you can tell." Noelle giggled and rubbed her right hand down her breasts. Dave's draw dropped as he watched Noelle's breasts slightly jiggle with each touch, Noelle was quick to notice the interest Dave had in her and was keen to keep this flirting game going. "Well, whenever you want a break just come over and you can have a swim in my pool." Noelle said as she jumped down from the fence and strutted over to her banana lounge.

Dave wandered over 20 minutes later in just board shorts and rung the door bell. A bouncy Noelle answered very excitedly, "You came! I'm glad." Noelle jumped into Dave's arms and gave him a hug. "Make yourself at home by the pool and I'll be out in a second." Dave walked to a nearby banana lounge and laid down on it, relaxing in the sun. Minutes later Noelle came strutting out in an even tinier bikini than before, it was leopard print and left nothing to the imagination, the top was cut into triangles that slightly pushed up her 34G bust and the bottoms were a nice g-string that highlighted Noelle's fabulous ass. "Sorry, I just had to change into my tanning bikini's, hope you don't mind." Noelle said as she hopped over to Dave. "Oh I don't mind at all, I know how much girls love to tan." Dave replied as Noelle sat next to him on the chair. "I definitely love to tan, and this bikini is just perfect for it." Noelle looked down as she cupped her breasts pushed them up and down, making them slightly bounce. Dave went instantly hard and tried quickly to cover his erection. "Oh Dave, don't tell me I'm turning you on! I haven't even tried yet." Noelle laughed as she put a hand on Dave's leg. Dave got even harder and was really fighting the urge to touch Noelle. "If I was trying to turn you on I'd do this." Noelle grabbed a bottle of tanning oil and gave it Dave, she then pushed her chest out, urging him to rub tanning oil into them. Dave hesitated and looked up at Noelle's massive breasts as they pushed in and out with each breath she took, "Oh, sorry, my bad, my top is just so in the way!" Noelle laughed as she ripped off her bikini top. Dave didn't hesitate at all now as he lunged right in and began massaging her breasts with the tanning oil. Noelle reached down and pulled Dave's pants down, beginning to suck his hard cock. They ended up having sex in the pool, on the banana lounge and any other spot they could find, Dave let off loads on Noelle's huge tits every time.

Dave went home half an hour before Siri was due to come home. Siri walked in the door and strolled over to Dave and gave him a kiss. "How'd the moving go?" Siri asked as she glanced outside, "you didn't get much done, what happened?" Dave was startled and struggled to come up with an excuse, "and why do you smell like tanning oil? I've never known you to use that stuff, let alone tan." Dave had no idea what to say and was relieved to hear the sound of the doorbell. Siri answered the door to Noelle who was wearing a grey tank top with black leggings. "Oh hi Siri." Noelle smiled, "Can you give this to Dave? He left it at mine. Alright see you." Noelle skipped away after handing a towel to Siri, who looked back at Dave with fury. "Why were you there? Huh? Why were you there!?" Siri screamed at Dave, who was sitting on the couch frozen. "She just offered me a swim in the pool because it was hot" Dave replied holding his hands up innocently. "Yeah and why do you smell like tanning oil. She seems pretty tanned to me, you didn't happen to be helping her out with applying it to her body?" Dave was even more shocked now as Siri knew she had it all figured out. "If you fucked her..." Siri approached Dave in a menacing manner. He was speechless and hung his head in shame. "Right, that's it, I'm gonna kill that bitch!" Siri said as she stormed out of the house and straight over to Noelle's house.

Siri banged on the door and wouldn't stop until Noelle answered. "Woah, ease up on the door please" Noelle said as she answered. Siri wasn't dealing with any shit and cut right to the chase, "you fucked my man and I'm not having any of it!" Siri said as she pushed Noelle back, entered the house and slammed the door behind her. "Me and you, right now!" Siri exclaimed. Noelle seemed taken aback at this sudden aggression, especially from Siri who was a bit bigger than Noelle. "So what if I fucked him, he wanted me, I wanted him, it's not like you're married." Siri couldn't believe what she was hearing, "oh fuck off you dumb slut, there have been plenty of women who have wanted Dave and I've seen all of them off, you'll be a piece of cake." Siri replied as she crossed her arms, she was still wearing her work uniform which was a white buttoned up top and a black skirt. Noelle laughed and put her hands on her hips, "alright fine, bring it bitch!" Siri needed no invitation as she ran straight at Noelle, who had grabbed a frying pan in the process, Noelle swung it as hard as she could right at Siri's head, connecting perfectly, knocking the dazed blonde to the ground. "You can't blame a man for cheating, I mean, when he wants an upgrade he can't help it." Noelle paced around Siri and then kicked her straight in the ribs. Siri coughed, and was still seeing stars, Noelle then grabbed a handful of Siri's hair and pulled her along on all fours, she tossed her on the ground in the middle of the living room. Siri clutched at her head as she was sprawled out on the floor on her back. Noelle jumped on top of her and delivered some extra hard slaps with her left and right hands, Siri put her hands up to defend herself but was barely stopping anything. "Bad idea picking a fight with me, bitch!" Noelle screamed as she kept throwing left and rights at Siri. Noelle jumped up as Siri collapsed in exhaustion, she walked up to Siri's head and wrapped her legs around her neck, applying a deadly head scissors with her strong legs. Siri spluttered and coughed as she reached at Noelle's legs, trying to push them off but Noelle had it completely locked in.

Noelle continued squeezing as hard as she could, Siri was gasping for air and begun flailing her arms and legs about in an attempt to escape, successfully wriggling away. Noelle jumped up and kicked Siri in the ribs again, who then fell back onto her back. Noelle stood over her and reached down at her top, ripping it completely open to reveal the blondes massive breasts encased in a bra. "Oh not a bad set you have there! Would be a shame for them to get hurt!" Noelle said as she started punching both of Siri's breasts, who was screaming in agony. Siri rolled onto her stomach and began crawling away, only for Noelle to pull her back and then pull down her skirt, revealing a black g-string. "Oh here we go!" Noelle laughed hysterically as she sat on Siri's back. Siri slumped to the ground under Noelle's weight as she began spanking Siri's ass and ripping at her hair at the same time. Noelle then used both hands and started tugging at Siri's bra, successfully ripping it off, Noelle slammed Siri's head one more time into the ground and then jumped up, swinging Siri's bra above her head and then throwing it back at her. Siri caught her bra and continued nursing her sore. Noelle approached her and went to pick up Siri, who then hooked the bra around Noelle's neck and stuck her foot in Noelle's stomach, flipping her over her, Noelle landed with a heavy thud behind Siri. Siri sprung into action and mounted Noelle, she began throwing punches straight at Noelle's face, who was now on the back foot. Siri quickly got up, dragged Noelle up with her by her hair and slung her into the wall. Noelle hit it extremely hard and slumped to the ground, Siri then started kneeing Noelle straight in the face as the brunette tried aimlessly to block the heavy hits. Siri reached down, grabbed a handful of Noelle's tank top and yanked it off, Noelle wasn't wearing a bra, her breasts flopped around as Siri started delivering the heavy knees to Noelle's exposed chest.

"Uh, stop! Stop!" Noelle screamed, but Siri was far from done. She grabbed Noelle by the hair and dragged her to the backyard where she threw her onto the ground. Siri jumped on top of Noelle, pinning her arms down, and then proceeded to deliver a breast smother with her huge tits, Noelle's screams were muffled out by her massive 30H's. "How do these bigger tits feel huh! Bet you wish you had these!" Siri yelled as she pushed down even harder. Noelle flopped to her side gasping for air as Siri jumped up, pushing Noelle around with her feet. She then picked Noelle up by the hair and stormed with her towards the pool, she took one big run up and launched Noelle straight into the pool. Noelle screamed and swum to the nearest exit, Siri ran around and dragged Noelle back under the water, drowning her as Noelle arms were going crazy trying to hit Siri. Siri pulled Noelle out of the water and threw her on a banana lounge, she quickly moved on top of her and delivered another breast smother much to the brunette's dismay. Noelle was lifeless as Siri jumped up, admiring her handy work, "you just don't realise how much I can crush you with these huge tits." Siri laughed with a cheeky smirk on her face. Siri approached the gasping Noelle to deliver more punishment, Noelle reacted quickly and delivered a heavy kick to Siri's pussy, Siri screamed and rolled onto the floor in pain. Noelle wasted no time capitalizing on this as she mounted Siri and gave her a breast smother of her own, "I bet you didn't realise how much I could crush YOU with these huge tits!" Noelle pressed down harder, Siri was basically defenceless as she was still clasping at her pussy with her arms pinned down by Noelle. Noelle lifted her tits up and slapped Siri's face countless times, pressing down every so often. Siri's face rocked back and forth as Noelle's huge tits delivered more punishment.

Noelle lifted Siri up and threw her onto the banana lounge, she then removed her soaked mini shorts and placed her pussy straight in Siri's face, rubbing back and forth. "Eat my pussy like your boyfriend did!" Noelle screamed. Siri gasped for air as Noelle got up, pacing back and forth, enjoying the punishment she was dishing out. She sat back down on top of Siri and started punching her tits and face with no signs of stopping, Siri fought as hard as she could to push her off but Noelle was way too driven. Siri's hands eventually dropped lifelessly as each punch was left to hit its intended target cleanly with nothing intercepting it. Noelle got up and dragged the motionless Siri by the hair. She walked her through the house, out the front door and next door, she burst through the front door where a surprised Dave was waiting anxiously. Noelle threw Siri on the floor, "here's your little slut of a girlfriend, she couldn't keep her mouth shut so I shut it for her!" Noelle yelled as she then mounted Siri's face and rubbed her pussy back and forth, Siri could barely fight back as Noelle began cumming all over her face, Dave was getting very turned on by the site of this and was sitting on the couch masturbating. Noelle jumped up and walked over to Dave, riding him until he came. Noelle looked down at the still unconscious Siri and laughed. "She is pathetic, she's all yours now, I got what I want. I'm done with you and I'm done with her. Tell her I'm more than happy to kick her ass again and again if she feels like trying."

Noelle strutted out of the house and back into her own with a massive smirk across her face. She had made Siri her bitch and let her know who the alpha was in town.



Offline Amsaim

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Re: Noelle Easton vs Siri (requested by Amsaim)
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2015, 01:21:25 AM »
Thank you man. This is essentially exactly what I had in mind, from the lusting-boyfriend to the bigger girl losing. To be honest, I probably would've made Noelle tease Siri a little more there at the end, but still really good. Glad to see that we're sharing a wavelength here.


Offline shakenbacon

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Re: Noelle Easton vs Siri (requested by Amsaim)
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2015, 01:51:55 AM »
Thank you man. This is essentially exactly what I had in mind, from the lusting-boyfriend to the bigger girl losing. To be honest, I probably would've made Noelle tease Siri a little more there at the end, but still really good. Glad to see that we're sharing a wavelength here.
Glad you liked it! Yeah I was thinking of getting Noelle to tease Siri a bit more. Great choice in characters by the way and thanks for the request, can't believe I wrote it similar to how you wanted it haha