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[STORY (unfinished)] Bounty Hunted - Katy Perry vs Alexandra Daddario

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This is an almost finished fight from the once again dead FFFF.

For other archived fights from the FFFF, here is a yahoo group that has a few of them:

Bounty Hunted

Hey Kitty Kat, couldn't get a copy of the email but basically Swift has promised cash/pub to any woman who gets pics of you smothered out - boobs only, no butts, guess she figures she can do that herself! Sent to a ton of women - Hendricks, Upton, Daddario, all those skanky British chicks with massive racks, Emily Ratajwhatever, Alice Eve, Britney, Jess Simpson (Ha!), Brie, Gillies, Lohan. Plenty more I can't remember. Anyway, keep your eyes open and if anyone tries anything send 'em back to the cxnt with their tits in a trash bag.

Katy put her phone down on the bench. She was alone in the sauna, sweating out a hangover while she waited for a car to take her to the awards show happening later. There'd been a rumor going round for a week or so that Taylor had put a bounty on her head, or more pertinently on her rack, but this was the first time she'd had it confirmed. She felt ready for a good scrap, and if it couldn't be with Swift at least it might be with one of her fat-titted proxies. She sat back on the bench and absent-mindedly watched a couple of drops of sweat roll down her cleavage - like they were racing, she thought - when the door to the sauna started to open.

Katy Perry image reference

Slyly sliding into the sauna with minimal noise and fanfare, Alexandra Daddario takes a seat on the bench opposite Katy wearing a tight white tank that had her epic cleavage on full display, her loose brown hair falling around the edges and tickling the center. "So I heard that I can actually use this rack of mine to turn a profit. And honestly I've been itching to feel another woman struggle and suffocate while choking on my titsweat since I felt Margot Robbie go limp beneath me; buying myself a new S-class for the privilege seems like a win-win, right?" Alex says with a cocky smile while winking at the fuming woman seated past the steaming coals on the other side of the sauna.


Katy grinned at the other woman's brazeness.

"Daddario, right?"


"You know what you're doing, choosing that rat-faced cxnt? This isn't gonna be a friendly couple rounds of bash the boob - if you lose I'll mail your tits back for Taylor to write a song about. You'll lick the sweat out of my ass crack. "

She tried to make it intimidating, but Alex's grin never left her face. "Sounds gross. Guess I'd better not lose."

Katy walked over to check the door was locked while Alex shucked off her tank top, balling it up and throwing it down in the corner. It wouldn't be accurate to say that Katy looked the other brunette up and down, because her eyes hardly left Daddario's rack. Still, that was where this fight would be won and lost.

They kept up a confident smile as they wrapped their arms round each other's backs and started to squeeze.

"You misunderstood." Alex grunted as her tits met Katy's for the first time and both pair mushroomed outward as each woman tried to push the other back. "I don't like that 'rat-faced cxnt' any more than you. NGGH. I'll gladly take her cash though." Feeling the singer's nipples probing and stabbing into her flesh, Daddario locked her wrists together and squeezed with all of her strength, enjoying the pained groan that escaped Katy's lips in response immensely.

"So you're UGH only doing this for money?" Perry asks, feeling the perspiration gathering on her and Alex's skin. "You're gonna regret HRRGG that when you wake up with no money and no GUH dignity, b###h." With a grunt of effort, Katy leans back and manages to lift Daddario off of her feet and really put the squeeze onto the actress. While this maneuvre gave Katy the leverage, and a huge amount of self satisfaction, it gave Daddario the added effect of gravity and combined with her weight it was doing more damage to Perry's tits than Alex's, forcing her to relent and continue the battle on a more level playing field.

They shuffled slowly across the tiled floor, wrapped up in each other's arms like a couple of eager teenagers waiting for the lights to be lowered so they could make out. Their feet made a slapping noise, muffled by air thick with moisture. Lifting Alex had been a dumb move, Katy realized - in the stifling heat of the sauna anything that required an excess of effort was a dumb move, and that one motion had sent sweat running from her pits down her flanks and out of her hairline into her eyes, the sting of it a distraction. She stopped squeezing and lifted her arms so they were looped round Alex's neck, their hot, flushed cheeks pressed together, trapped hair tangling. Her nipples had been pushed out of her top by the constant crushing contact with Alex's boobs and they were hurting.

She heard Alex's breathing quicken with excitement at the chance to work the hug solo. "You know there's a bonus if you cry? Think you can cry for me, kitty?"

"Unngghhh." Katy groaned as the air was wrung out of her, her tits distorting round Alex's rack, flattening and spreading out across her chest. She dropped her right hand and buried it in Daddario's ribs, slow and deliberate, smiling as she felt that brutal grip round her waist slacken. After another couple had almost buckled Daddario's knees Alex moved to match her; they pounded each other amidships, left arms hooked round necks to keep from backing out, foreheads pushing together and tits still grinding in search of a winner.

Grunting with exertion and then gasping when the other woman's fist plowed into her ribs, Alex responded in kind, slamming her fist into Perry's meaty flank. The two women traded blow after blow until their arms were weak and their breathing ragged. They leaned into one another, neither sure she was holding the other woman up or vice versa. Alex felt a sharp pain in her chest when Katy once again wrapped both arms around her torso and squeezed, Daddario closed her eyes tight and winced at the sensation of her tits being pancaked on her chest. She tried to thrust her breasts outward and match the singer, but Perry had already forced Alex to bend backward, getting her off balance and making it easy for the pop star to slowly drive her backwards until the back of Daddario's knee met the wooden bench, causing her collapse onto it with Katy straddling her lap.

Now face to tit with Katy, Alex panicked for the first time and Perry was quick to let the actress know that she was aware of her distress. "What? No witty remarks? My tits do have a habit of striking the fear of God into women like you." Daddario squirmed in Katy's grasp, but couldn't budge the singer's grip. "Tell Taylor she'll need to do better than an upstart like you." Perry says before shoving her rack forward into Alex's face, the sweaty mounds easily engulfing the actress' features until only her black mane was visible at the top of Katy's shiny cleavage. For the first time in her short career, Daddario now knew what it felt to be on the receiving end of a world class breast smother. She struggled for air but all she got was a giant whiff of Katy Perry. Cringing at the thought of what she was about to do, and taste, Daddario had no other choice but to open her mouth and sink her teeth into the sweaty flesh that's enveloped her face.

"Aahhh, b###h." Katy hissed at the feel of teeth on her nipple. Suddenly smothering Alex out didn't matter so much. She tugged at the sweat-dampened hair that was slicked down close to Alex's ears, the sight of her breast stretching away from her chest making her heart flutter. She pounded a fist at Alex's upturned face, wincing at the sharp pain in her hand. Daddario's eyes were shut tight, her cheeks flushed red and every part of her shiny. Katy spotted the other woman's discarded tank top and snatched it up, wrapped it round her hand at the knuckles to better beat on Alex's face. "Huh." "Huh." "Huh." Even the simple act of throwing a punch left her gasping. The air was so hot and full of humidity that inhaling it was almost like choking. Finally her stiff, bitten nipple slipped free of Alex's teeth and she sighed with relief. Daddario's head lolled on her neck as if she were a puppet whose strings had been cut.

"You taste like shit." Alex murmured. All throughout the beating her hands had been cupping Katy's butt. Now she brought them up to her face, wiping her mouth with her forearm.

"You suck at anatomy, b###h. You'll figure out the difference when you lick my ass." Katy reached for the back of Alex's head, ready to pull her in close for another round of punches, when she felt Alex's hands push against her belly, and the knees she was seated on lift up off the bench. She was shoved backward off Alex's lap onto the floor.

Katy hit the ground with a heavy thud that seemed to immediately get swallowed up by the air in the sauna, leaving her with only a pain in her butt to go with the ache in her side where Alex had whaled on her and the receding sting in her nipple. She drew her legs up, already exhausted, her arms limp at her sides, the soaking rag that had been Daddario's tank coming loose from her right hand. Alex was sat back on the bench, her head tilted back, the red bloom on her flank the size of a dinner plate. Katy raised her arms to block out the overhead light and grimaced when she got a whiff of her pit stink. She rolled onto her side and started to push herself back to her feet.

Lying dazed on her back, desperately sucking the heavy, dank air into her oxygen-starved lungs was a chore in itself, the moisture-laden air felt more like taking a gulp than breathing and Alex coughed and sputtered, spitting out the taste and texture of Perry's titsweat, which was the only positive feeling she gleaned from her position. Still lying flat on her back with her hands wrapped her slick hair, Alex knew she had to do something while Perry was still recovering and with a groan shifted herself up to a seated position, bent over with her palms on her knees as she continued her labored breathing.

Finally opening her eyes, Daddario looks down and sees Katy rolling herself onto her side as she's in the process of pushing up to her feet. "Dumb b###h." Alex mutters to herself before leaning forward and letting her weight fall on top of the singer's back with a wet 'THWAP' when the two sweaty bodies made contact. "The only part of me that's getting anywhere near your ass is my foot." Daddario whispers into Katy's ear while wrapping her left arm round Perry's throat and cinching it up with her right. Katy's eyes immediately go wide in shock as her air is cut off and the sensation of the actress' tits pressing into her back makes her furious, but there's little she can do besides squirm and thrash beneath her foe in a desperate attempt at freedom.

Katy's cheeks puffed up with air. Her big blue eyes bulged even wider, her feet groping to find purchase on the tiles. Alex had rolled onto her back, trapping Katy belly up, a marble-hard bicep pressed to her throat and two strong thighs at her waist and feeling as helpless as an overturned turtle. She switched from clawing at Daddario's forearm to elbowing the other woman's already punished ribs, trying to be methodical, sensing how much Alex was hurting by the timbre of her exhalation, but the fear of being choked out, left at the mercy of Daddario's spectacular rack, made staying calm tough.

Drool spilled from Katy's mouth and over her chin as her vision started to spot. The palm of Alex's right hand was pressed up against the back of her head, compressing her throat even further. She blinked, her sweaty, fight-punished breasts blurring in and out of focus.

Suddenly the arm round her neck unwound itself and she coughed, gasped in a deep gulp of soggy air, tears streaming from her eyes. Only before she could properly focus on what had happened Alex's reapplied her grip, lower this time, crushing Katy's tits. She shuffled on her butt, dragging Katy along with her until she was sat back against the bench, her hands locked inside her elbows to better put the squeeze to Katy.

"You know mine are better." Her voice was gloating, her breath hot on Katy's already overheated face. Katy couldn't muster a response. Her body sprawled between the other woman's legs, her head lolling on Alex's shoulder, she only hoped she could ride it out.

The perky tits on top of Daddario's breasts digging into her back was the cherry on top of the awful sundae that Katy was tasting. Adding to the terrible taste, Alex placed her feet on the inside of Perry's thighs before methodically forcing the singer's legs wider and wider apart until she can feel Katy's discomfort as she squirms and struggles against Daddario. Her tits crushed and her thighs stretched to their limit, Katy couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks and Alex, wanting to humble the singer as much as possible, couldn't pass up the opportunity to literally lick the salty liquid on her captive's face. "Mmmm, that tastes like an extra 250k... Was it worth it?" Alex asks while Perry squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head against the reality she's experiencing.

With Katy's arms trapped at her sides and her legs spread wide, Alex can't help but throw the singer's threat of making her lick Parry's ass back at her. Shifting her grip so her left hand is grasping her right bicep, Alex cups her right hand over Perry's tightly stretched crotch, smiling as the singer gasps in sudden realization. A moment later and Alex has two fingers shoved into Katy's ass, forcing an agonized scream from the singer's lips. "Still think I'm EVER going to be licking this disgusting hole?" Daddario laughs as Katy grunts and squirms against the sudden and awful intrusion.

The cartoonish nature of Katy's on-stage persona meant she was used to making exaggerated expressions of shock, her huge eyes open wide, her red-lipsticked mouth forming a round 'o' that she called her cocksucking pose because of the amount of times she'd seen a dick photoshopped into the pictures posted online. But all of that paled in comparison to the mind-boggling feeling of Alex shoving two fingers up her asshole. Suddenly Katy didn't care about conserving energy. She wriggled and thrashed and squirmed to be free, fresh sweat popping on her forehead. After Daddario's fight on the beach with Margot Robbie there'd been rumors going round about how butal it had been, especially when Robbie refused to talk, but even so Katy would never have guessed that Alexandra would come at her like this.

Thank ####, she no longer had the b###h's fingers up her butt. She'd managed to get herself turned round in the space between Alex's legs, belly down and with her head up tight to the other woman's sweating belly, arms draped limply across Alex's thighs. Only now the threat was Daddario's warm, heavy breasts.

Feeling Katy's sweat-slicked torso slide against her thighs and turn around was disappointing for Daddario as she lost her devastating grip on the singer's ass. On the upside Perry was once again in prime position for another titty smother, and with her thighs still wrapped around Katy's waist she figured she could quickly subdue the other woman. "Mistake after mistake ... is no way ... to win a fight." Alex mocks, struggling to breathe in the stifling air. She twists her fists into Katy's multi-colored hair and once again guides the songstress' face into her sweltering cleavage, taking care to make sure that Perry's mouth was wedged deep into the canyon of her chest where she couldn't use her teeth to escape.

Feeling Katy's sweaty body struggling for air against her own, brought out Alex's thousand-watt smile as she felt that she was on the verge of victory. Not securing Perry's arms proved to be a costly oversight when Alex's eyes went wide in shock as she felt Katy's hand slip into her panties and claw at her sensitive lower lips. Daddario tried to bite her lip to keep herself from screaming out in pain, but when Katy dragged her fingernails along the inside of Alex's pussy she finally cracked and howled in agony, releasing her scissor hold to shove Katy away from her with her feet.

Katy heard the trickle of water and then a long, sizzling hiss before the room once again filled with steam. She was so revved up with fury that she could've hissed herself - the parameters of the fight had changed in her mind the moment Alexandra's fingers wormed their way up her asshole. She blew a hanging lock of hair off her face and climbed to her feet, forcing herself to be first. As Alexandra got to all fours Katy was ready for her; the axehandle shot had all of Katy's weight behind it, landing with a spanking slap between Daddario's shoulders. Alex's arms wobbled but didn't give so Katy clubbed the b###h again, grunting with the effort, her sopping hair falling over her face, into her mouth.

When she'd finally pounded Alex flat her head was spinning. Sweat stung her eyes, but there was no part of her body dry enough to wipe it away with. In front of her, Daddario sobbed into the tiles, laid out on her belly like a hunting trophy. Katy knelt over her, fingers splayed, relishing the brief moment of supremacy.

"Take my weight, b###h." Katy climbed aboard and made herself heavy as their torsos met with a damp slap, her tits bulging out across Alex's shiny back. Simply to lie there like that would be effective in wearing the other woman down, but Katy was too angry for something so passive. She sat up and unwound Daddario's discarded tank from her hand, pulled it taut then slipped it over Alex's head and into her mouth like a horse's bit. "How about I make that Joker smile even wider, ####."

The damp fabric stretched across her lips was so thick and drenched that forcing it tight against her mouth cause it to drip it's offending liquid into Alex's mouth. And try as she might to spit the foul taste from her mouth, it was all but impossible with with her damp tank top digging into her lips and pulling her head back. She tried tugging the fabric away from her cheeks as she gagged on hers and Katy's sweat as it dripped down her throat. Alex screamed out a muffled shout of frustration as she uselessly pulled and tugged at the fabric cutting into her lips.

Tears started to stream down Daddario's reddened cheeks as she pathetically slapped her feet into the damp wood of the sauna's floor. Unable to tear the soaked material away from her lips, Alex reached up for Katy's chest, or her face, or hair, but the singer easily leaned back and out of Daddario's reach, leaving her grasping hands to flail about in unoccupied air. "Not good enough Daddario." Katy chides, pulling back on the garrote and forcing Alex to bend even further backward. "Do I get anything for making YOU cry?" She asks, noticing the tears falling down Daddario's cheeks.

Leaning forward, she stuck out her tongue and dragged it on a long, slow lick of Alex's cheek, grimacing as she swallowed down the salty mix of sweat and tears. It felt good to return her earlier humiliation; she took a quick nip of Daddario's ear while her head was lowered, encouraged by the brunette's relative passivity.

"You taste like you're scared, ####. Did Taylor not tell you what an utter #### I can be if someone pisses me off? Huh? No?" She jerked the rag in Alex's mouth, shaking her head side to side, dark hair swishing against Katy's thighs. But thinking of Taylor only set her thinking of the reason Alex had come after her. "You really thought those b###h tits were better than mine? Thought you could take me? Well let's find out. Skin on skin, b###h."

When Katy let go the tank it stayed in Alex's mouth for a second or so before she had the awareness to spit it out on the floor.

"####ing ####." Alex muttered it from under her tumble of hair, gasping when Katy slapped the back of her head.

"B###h, you're dumber than a dog. Even they know when to drop something." Katy unfastened her top, her boobs bouncing on her chest as they were let loose of their confinement, before popping the clasp on Alex's bikini and clambering off. She walked on her knees round to Alex's head and hauled her up by the hair. As she was lifted up Alex's top fell away from her tits and they faced each other in their bikini bottoms, before Katy leaned in and wrapped Alex up in a hug and started grinding, setting her teeth as their huge racks were compressed, crushed together by the constriciton of her arms. "Gonna squeeze all the nasty right out of you, skank," she said into Alex's ear.

Without enough time to fully comprehend what was happening, Alex groaned when she felt the twinge of pain in her chest when Katy roughly forced their sweat-slicked chests together, causing their copious amount of flesh to mushroom outward when they clashed. Even though Perry's arms were underneath her own, and thus able to squeeze with greater power and efficiency, Alex refused to be deterred and gritted her own teeth in response as she wrapped her arms around the pop diva's upper torso and biceps. It may have seemed a disadvantageous position at first, but when Daddario flexed and forced Katy's own arms into her rack, it quickly put things on a more even keel.

"It's hilarious how you -UGH- think you're in any way a match for me." Daddario moans into the other woman's ear, trying to match Katy's pressure. Perry gnashes her forehead hard into Alex's and flexes her own biceps in response to the actress' taunt, forcing Daddario to unwillingly gasp out a breath of oxygen from her lungs. Feeling defensive despite forcing Katy's arms to squeeze her own tits, Alex sets her toes into the floor of the sauna and after a few sweat-caused slips, she eventually manages to push Perry backwards, the result of which is her rack taking control of Katy's, stabbing into them and with the help of leverage and gravity, making the songstress feel her tits being crushed by Daddario's superior rack.

"Swift be damned, I always knew I was better than your overrated rack." Alex whispers into Katy's ear as her tits continue to work Perry's over."

Dumb as it seemed, a big part of Katy's self worth was wrapped up in the belief that her boobs were the best in the business. Neither the earlier inconclusive grind with Daddario or the sight of Alex's spectacular titties swinging loose of their holder had caused her to doubt herself. But now here they were, tit to tit, nipple versus nipple, and Katy was losing.

Not that she had to admit to it.

"Nnngghh. Overrated my ass, ####. Hhhnnhh." She tried to power her way back to an even keel but Daddario had too much leverage and she stayed bent precariously over her heels. When she eventually overbalanced and fell she landed with her feet folded under her ass. She cried out with a mixture of hurt and embarrassment as the impact mashed her boobs beneath Alex's. While she was getting her legs out from under her Alex scrambled into a seat on her chest, pinning her arms at the wrist.

"How's this Katy? Huh? Is it better when I ruin your saggy sacks with my ass? Or would you rather quit to my tits like a big girl?" Alex finished each question with a butt bounce and a wiggle of her booty that drove the air out of Katy as well as the pride. For a few seconds they stared into each others eyes - Katy hating the heat of the tears tracking across her cheeks.

"I'm not done, ####."

"No? Because quit's got a stink, Katy, and you reek of it." Alex lifted her hand to wipe her face, looked at the wetness on her palm and scowled. "I ####ing hate being sweaty. Here, b###h." She slid forward a bit, then gathered her hair in her hands and squeezed, wringing it out like a mop over Katy's face.

her mouth open wide in horror and disgust, Katy cringed and then gagged as copious amounts of Daddario's sweat dripped into her gaping mouth, splashing salty against her tongue before cascading down her throat. Alex giggled watching the pop star cough and wretch, trying to rid her taste buds of Daddario's flavor. "Oh Katy, if you think that's bad..." She trailed off while slicking her hair back over her ears. "Didn't you mention something about licking ass? Well, you were half right; and I'm sure the sweat that's been collecting back there is much worse than what came from my hair, but I'll take your word for it."

Sliding further up Perry's prostrate frame, Alex settles her ass over the singers face, spreading her cheeks to ensure that Katy's senses are overwhelmed. "Lick, you overrated loser!" Alex shouts. "Robbie put up more fight than this; I mean come on, I thought the big-bad Katy Perry would be a bigger fish." Alex then shut her eyes as her back and forth motions over Perry's face was starting to feel pleasurable, and she gave into the sensation, pressing herself even harder onto the protesting diva's face. "So Katy, do you want to tell Taylor how my ass tastes? And is that crying I hear? If I make you cum, that's a triple word score, and I make even more."

It was only the slipperiness of their bodies that kept Katy in the fight. Trapped beneath Alex's sweltering weight, Daddario's sweat-soaked bottoms sucked taut against her mouth each time she took a breath. Katy finally worked her hands free, and with a grunt of desperate effort shoved the brunette off her face, sliding on her back across the floor. She shut her eyes and lay there, her body shuddering, the air hardly any easier to breathe, her own sweat running out of her hair and across her cheek and mingling with Alex's.

She heard the slap of footsteps, then the noise of a zipper and a few seconds of rustling .

"Hey, it's me, Alexandra...Yeah, it's happening now, I'm just about to tuck baby in for her nap... I thought you might want to watch it live." She sounded exhausted. The realization gave Katy hope - she rolled over onto her belly and slowly pushed herself up to all fours and when she felt Alex's hands in her hair she lunged forward and butted Daddario in the crotch. "Hunhhgghh. Shit." The cellphone skittered across the floor as Alex landed hard on her back. Katy could hear the tinny squawk of Taylor's voice though the speaker. She thought about dropping the cell down the back of her bottoms and giving the two-faced #### an up-close preview of her ass, but right then her need for water was more urgent.

Alex started to sit up but winced and lay back down, her arms across her face - Katy felt dizzy also, the room spinning as she stumbled across the floor to the little fridge built into the wall, so that she had to grab the door handle to keep from falling. She popped the top on a bottle of water and poured it over her head, rinsing away the smell of Alex's smother, then gargling on the dregs to get the taste of Daddario's sweat from her mouth.

"You are one nasty mother####er." She gasped, her hands on her knees. Straightening up she grabbed another water and tipped it over her chest, the cold stiffening her nipples, soothing the burn in her bruised tits. She tossed her head and her hair slapped against her back. Alex had got herself into a seated position on the floor with her back against the bench - she gave Katy the finger and clambered awkwardly back to her feet.


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Re: [STORY (unfinished)] Bounty Hunted - Katy Perry vs Alexandra Daddario
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2015, 10:51:11 AM »
Excellant story! Love both these girls but never thought to pair them off. Can't wait to read more :)


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Re: [STORY (unfinished)] Bounty Hunted - Katy Perry vs Alexandra Daddario
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2015, 12:55:33 AM »
Just on the side - Katy Perry doesn't have blue eyes. A common error because they very often come out blue in photographs.
Every excess is fine as long as you don't overdo it.


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Re: [STORY (unfinished)] Bounty Hunted - Katy Perry vs Alexandra Daddario
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2015, 09:36:16 AM »
First of all, thanks for taking the time to archive this from the dearly departed FFFF!    I appreciate all of the time and effort.   

Second of all, this was a VERY well-written story and it's a shame that it's unfinished so far!!    This is a definitely underrated battle between two of the best busty ladies in pop culture today.   

Last but not least, if either of the participants in this fight or somebody else who had a similar interest and writing talent wanted to finish this battle so that people can see how it would turn out, please message me.  Not that I need to do it and certainly, if not me, I'm more than willing to let somebody else take it on but I hate seeing a good fight story unfinished!   I'd be happy to work on that at some point to help out if somebody is so inclined though!     I'll look forward to it and hope we can see this one completed at some point! 

No matter what, thanks a lot!!


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[STORY] *Now Finished* Bounty Hunted - Katy Perry vs Alexandra Daddario
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2015, 07:04:32 AM »
[The conclusion]

Katy was on her right away, pulling her roughly into a headlock and walking her over to the nearside wall. Alex draped her arm round Katy's waist but otherwise allowed herself to be led, which was another encouraging sign. Once there, Katy kept Alex bent over with a forearm pressed against her spine.

"cxnting...Huh...Cow-titted...Huh...Nasty-ass...Huh...Whore." Katy punctuated each insult with a knee driven into Alex's hanging boobs, then switched to clubbing Daddario's shiny back like she had done before, until the brunette's legs buckled and she went to her elbows and knees on the floor. Right as she was drawing her leg back to bury a kick in Alex's ribs, Katy remembered the phone. When she stooped to pick it up the blood rushing to her head almost caused her to faint, but she righted herself and with a quick glance at Taylor's face she rubbed the phone across her sweaty tits before wiping the smears off the screen on a comparatively dry clump of hair. "Here, you skinny slut. Watch what I do to your champion." She propped the cell on a shelf then turned back to Daddario and hauled the gasping brunette up to a seated position against the wall. She rolled her sopping bottoms down around her thighs and crouched into a squat, ready to back it up in Alex's face.

Before Alex could fully comprehend what was transpiring she felt the heat of Katy's ass and then felt the hot and slimy flesh as it enveloped her features and rammed the back of her head into the dampened wood wall. The stench was atrocious, but the taste of the tiny amount of thick air Daddario breathed in was infinitely worse. She didn't know which she wanted to more; puke or cry. Taylor looked furious as she watched Katy grind her ass into the face of the woman she paid to make her rival cry.

"You like that Tay-Tay?" Katy asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she swiveled her hips, burying Daddario's face ever deeper into the black hole of her ass. "There's plenty left over for you if you ever get the ovaries to face me."

Struggling to stay conscious with Perry's ass enveloping her mouth and nose, Alex racks her oxygen deprived brain for an escape, and she finally settles on a last ditch bid for freedom. Katy's bare ass on her face means that the pop star's pussy is equally exposed. Clasping her hands with the first two fingers on each hand raised, Alex aimed just in front of her nose and rammed upward, hoping to drive her fingers up into Katy's pussy and claw the other woman's insides to shreds.

For a few, forever-seeming seconds Katy thought that maybe she could ride out the ruinous pain in her pussy until her butt had done the work of smothering Alex senseless. So she took her punishment, tears streaming down her cheeks, shoving backwards with her ass and hoping desperately for those long fingers to go limp, for Alex's inhalations of air to stop tickling her crack. She tried to wrestle Alex's hands away with her own, but it was difficult to reach back there from her crouching position. Pretty soon it got too much.

"Fuck." She sobbed, giving up the smother and reeling away from Daddario and out into the center of the floor. She leaned over, supporting herself wth her hands on her knees as she sucked in air. Turning round to face Alex, she rolled her bottoms back up her legs, wincing when the sweat-soaked material brushed up against the raw skin round her pussy. More water was poured across the heated stones and the room once again filled up with steam. Alex turned her head to one side and spat on the floor. She started crawling for the fridge, her sodden hair dragging across the wood. Katy took a deep breath and stumbled after her.

Alex needed water, Needed to wash the stank off of her face, which sunk deep into her pores in the dank atmosphere of the sauna. She crawled along the wall, her sopping hair hanging loose in front her face, the tips dragging along the floor and collecting any nastiness that lay there. All thoughts of Taylor and Katy were forgotten in her desire for water, until the singer's heavy body came crashing down on top of her back, driving her down to the floor with a pitiful groan and meaty 'thwap'.

Losing all hope when she felt the brunt of Katy's weight, Alex found a glimmer of hope when she looked up and saw her hand grasping the handle to the mini fridge. With a hard yank, she flung the door open and slammed it into the side of Perry's head, knocking the other woman off of her with a shout of pain. Relieved at being free of Katy's heft, Daddario immediately pulled out several bottles of water and other liquids, all of which tumbled out onto the floor. She grabbed one and poured it over face, the refreshing sensation was better than any she had ever experienced before. But soon the bottle was empty and somehow Katy's stink still clung to her skin. She emptied a second bottle. Then a third with little result. Now she was pissed.

"You disgusting cxnt!" Daddario shouted as she got back to her feet. Not realizing or not caring how difficult it was breathe, Alex quickly moved in behind and over Katy, who was on her hands and knees. With Katy's ass in her sights, Daddario wound up and punted her foot directly between the singer's thighs.

Katy's hands stayed buried between her legs even as Alex stomped her flat to the floor. Her head was spinning too, a combination of the impact with the door and the heat. She shut her eyes as Alex started hitting her across the back with an empty water bottle, which made a hollow spanking sound but didn't really hurt. She could feel the other woman's fury and hate, but all she felt able to do was try and ride it out.

"Get out of there, slut. Gimme that ass." She whined when Alex pulled her hands away from her pussy and rolled her bottoms back down her thighs. The beating with the bottle shifted to her bared backside, though it still didn't hurt all that much. When it stopped she could hear Alex's breathing, then she felt the rim of the bottle press against her butthole. "Maybe if I shove this up there you'll think twice about shoving the gross thing in my face, bitch."

The fight had been so brutal and Alex's voice was so thick with rage that Katy couldn't be sure the brunette didn't mean it. She lifted her head, trying to blink the rivulets of stinging sweat out of her eyes while dragging herself across the floor on her belly.

As her rage started to subside Alex finally started to feel the effects of her exertion; her vision blurred, she felt weightless and she labored to breathe. Still, she wasn't about to let Katy escape and give the singer the chance to scrub her ass on her face again. Suddenly realizing that Perry was shuffling underneath her, Alex turned around to face Katy's head just in time to see her using the bench to haul her upper body up off the floor. Katy then got her right knee under her and which forced Daddario to slide off and land in a heap on her back.

Alex winced and blinked back tears as she stared at the ceiling, completely exhausted but her mind demanded her body to get back up. Slowly but surely Daddario rolled her hips and pushed herself up to her knees while she watched Katy, sitting on the bench, hands braced on her knees, head bowed over her the space between her legs, sweat dripping off of the hair hanging in front of her face. Seeing Perry's current drained state gave Alex some renewed energy and she used this to get her feet under her and push up to her feet. She didn't have the energy to stay upright for long and she quickly found herself wobbling on shaky legs. Picking out the softest landing in the room, Daddario stumbled forward hoping to take the last reserves out of Katy Perry when she made impact.


Katy had got her head up just in time, but still, Alex's weight piling into her briefly flattened her against the wall and almost forced the remaining breath from her lungs. Alex tried to wrestle Katy down to the bench while Katy tried to keep herself upright, and as they fought their breasts mashed together once again, sweaty and aching and mottled with blotches from the earlier rounds. Katy willed herself to grind boobs with Alex as they locked hands in a test of strength, slippery palms jammed together. They reared up like dueling cobras, one foot on the floor and the other folded underneath their butts.

"I'm up two-nothing. Sure you wanna do this again? Because you were better off trying to beat me with your big fat ass." Alex's taunting drove Katy forward. They butted foreheads, their sweat mingling. They spat out soaked clumps of hair.

"Bitch." Their arms were fully extended to either side when their hands slipped, breaking the mutual grip they'd established. Katy shoved Alex in the shoulders, enough to create a space between their bodies, and she brought her hands to Daddario's tits, crushing and kneading with what little strength she had left. "Tear 'em off."

The shove to her shoulders surprises Alex enough to knock her off balance for a moment, but she quickly steadies herself until Perry sinks her claws into her pale flesh. With a howl of agony Daddario is pushed back into the corner with Katy straddling her thighs and her hands still latched onto her tits. "UnnnngggGGHH! You bitch!" Alex huffs almost breathlessly as she grasps Perry's wrists and tries desperately to separate the singer's hands from her chest. Her back pressed firmly into the sodden wooden wall and Katy basically sitting on her thighs, Alex didn't have many options when it came to defense, let alone offense, but she attempted it none the less, reaching up and latching her own claws onto Perry's perspiring tits.

"Too little, too late, ms Daddario." Katy says as she takes full advantage of her position and thrusts her chest forward, enveloping Alex's face with her immense cleavage. Even with her fingers digging into the singer's flesh Alex couldn't shield her airways from Perry's all encompassing tits. Still mauling Daddario's breasts with her own hands, Katy releases one hand to once again pick up the phone and muster up the strength to smile broadly into the lens before pointing it down to her rack which was currently burying Alexandra Daddario's face.

"Hope you didn't pay upfront, cxnt." Katy twisted hard on Alex's jutting nipple, the brunette's suffering cry made close to inaudible by the combination of Katy's smothering boobs and the cloying humidity of the sauna. "Your tits-for-hire sounds like she's done."

But to Katy's surprise Taylor didn't look pissed off. In fact she was smiling.

"Oh Katy, if only you had a brain half as big as those floppy moneymakers. Before you start rubbing the screen across your boobs again, tell me this. Where do you actually think I am, you big dumb whore?"

Katy's mouth came open at the same time the door did. Taylor walked in wearing a robe that she unfastened and threw in a corner along with her cell, leaving her in a black one-piece swimsuit cut high on the hip to show off her legs. Dropping her own phone, Katy shoved Alex off the bench onto the floor and slowly got to her feet. It felt like a last stand, but she promised herself she wouldn't go down easy. Not to her.

"You're getting braver Tay-Tay. I'm not even tied up." She tugged her bottoms back into place and started walking forward when she noticed Taylor's eyes shift and suddenly Alex was lunging across the floor. "Unngghh." She couldn't hold in the sob as Daddario's forearm curled up into her crotch. Her knees buckled and she fell, her face inches away from Taylor's bare foot, her sodden hair leaking sweat across her cheek.

"Unngh, thanks for the distraction." Alex groans as she props herself up to her haunches.

"Just know that you'll be taking a pay cut since I had to intervene." Taylor replies coldly as she places her foot on Katy's shoulder and shoves the other singer down flat to the floor. "I trust you can handle things from here?" Swift says in an annoyed tone as she takes a seat on the bench and watches inently as Daddario rolls Katy onto her back and pins her wrists to the sodden floor.

Too exhausted to assure Taylor that Katy would be easy pickings in this position, Daddario decided to let her actions speak the words she couldn't muster since she now had a live audience consisting of her 'employer'. She kept Perry's wrists pinned to the floor while sensually crawling up Katy's body, slowly letting her tits traverse Perry's before slamming them down, making sure Katy knows that hers will always be superior as the prone woman's soft breasts pancake outward under the firm weight of Daddario's world class tits.

Her statement made, Alex continues her journey forward until her boobs are dangling, swaying, and dripping titsweat down onto Katy's defiant face. "So how does my (breath) titsweat taste (breath) Katy?" Alex asks in a cocky but winded tone. Staring directly at Taylor, Alex drops her tits down onto Katy's face letting her ample flesh envelope an seal off Perry's mouth and nose, preventing the trapped woman from taking in a breath.

Seeing Katy Perry's face buried underneath two mountains of perspiring flesh was so satisfying it was bordering on being outright euphoric, adding Katy's lazily flailing arms and legs as she struggled to breathe was starting to get Swift worked up. She brought her leg up to the bench, her heel pressing into her thigh/crotch region as she she wrapped her arms round it and watched as Perry's struggles grew weaker and weaker until her legs went limp and her hands slid off of Alex's slick back and spread out flat on the floor. "Wait." Taylor interrupts Daddario. "Don't let her pass out yet."

Confused, Alex lifts her tits off of Perry's tear and sweat stained mug, and lets her Katy sputter and cough back from near unconsciousness. Taylor stands up and arrogantly shoos Daddario off of Katy before taking a seated position on Perry's upper chest. "I just couldn't resist seeing this first hand..." Swift says as she grabs a sweaty handful of dark hair and pulls Katy's head up off of the floor so she could wrap her perfect legs round the brunette's head, pulling her face hard into Taylor's crotch.

She wanted it over now, even if that meant sucking for breath that wouldn't come with her mouth and nose pressed to Taylor's crotch. Swift was already sweating through her one-piece, the smell of her in Katy's nostrils. Katy's eyes flickered shut, her vision spotting. Taylor's bony ass wriggled on her beaten tits and she hated the feel of it, but she couldn't move.

"You know, even if my girl Alex hadn't totally crushed your rack, my legs would still have beaten your boobs. In fact..." Katy blinked a couple times as Taylor let go of her hair and her head fell back to the floor with a soft thud. The blonde took a second to shove her palm in Katy's face before stretching that long frame out on the boards and pulling Katy's limp torso into a bodyscissors. Propped up on her elbow, Taylor smirked as she slid her legs into position, then suddenly she bit her lip and her muscles tensed as she put everything she had into crushing Katy's tits. Katy only had energy for some quiet sobbing, but it must have been enough to piss Taylor off, because she waved her hand at Alex to come over. "Shut her up. Pussy can't even lose with dignity."

Daddario paced round Katy's head like she was deciding on something, and for a second or two Katy thought she was in for a faceful of ass, but then the brunette went down into a push-up position and her breasts covered Katy in darkness while she rested her cheek on Taylor's thigh. Each tit-mashing pulse of Swift's leg muscles dragged a cry from Katy, only for it to be swallowed up in Daddario's sweaty rack, and she went out like that, her last moments of consciousness a torture of pain and fear that left her begging for mercy that never came.

Feeling the final shudders and twitches of consciousness pass through Katy's body and Alex sighed in relief, lifelessly slumping half on top of Perry and half on top Taylor's thigh. It was finally over. It was the most grueling and exhausting experience of her life, but it was oh so satisfying, even if Swift intervened in the final moments, she didn't never really laid a hand on Katy, just distracted her long enough for Daddario to seize her opponent's mistake. Once she regained a small amount of energy Alex pushed up and off of Katy's slumbering, sweat-caked face and rolled to the side, her glistening, triumphant rack rising and falling in quick succession as she struggled to breathe in the thick air.

Meanwhile, Taylor nonchalantly released her scissors and took a seat on top of Perry's vanquished tits while she used her phone to take several pics of Katy's conquered mug before refocusing her gaze on the gasping Daddario. "I suppose I do you owe you, Alex, you held up your end of the deal and tit-smothered this cow into oblivion. But I'm taking 10% because I had to intervene. You understand."

Returning her eyes to Katy's shiny, oblivious face, Taylor wanted to leave one final, decisive message to the beaten woman. Seeing her arch rival be reduced to her current state had aroused the blonde more than she had thought it would, but she figured it would be ultimate humiliation for Katy to wake up tasting and smelling nothing but Taylor Swift. Smiling wickedly the blonde pulled the bottom of her one piece to the side and slid up Perry's body until her crotch was over the beaten woman's face. "Long live the queen" Taylor said softly before settling her womanhood down over Katy's features, wiggling her hips to let her arousal drip down onto Pery's nose and cheeks and into her gaping mouth. Hearing and feeling the unconscious woman hack and choke on her juices brought the famous 1,000 watt smile to Swift's face and she dismounted, leaving Katy and Alex alone in the sauna once again before making her exit.


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Re: [STORY (unfinished)] Bounty Hunted - Katy Perry vs Alexandra Daddario
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2015, 04:09:28 AM »
YAY go Taylor! :D I bet Taylor could kick Katy's ass on her own too!
Various polls showed different, looking at it for real like, I'd say not much chance  :D
Every excess is fine as long as you don't overdo it.