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Photo Essay - Scheduling Conflict

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Photo Essay - Scheduling Conflict
« on: October 09, 2015, 09:11:50 PM »
PS158 - Scheduling Conflict:  Jolene had been exercising at her gym several days ago when she was interrupted by DragonLily during her workout.  After a dispute over the use of the equipment, and after several challenging statements, DragonLily had given Jolene her phone number and address with an offer to have a "private discussion" to settle on a gym schedule where they could avoid each other - the loser would change her schedule to accommodate the winner. DragonLily is surprised that Jolene actually showed up for their "private discussion" - and Jolene decides it's time to set DragonLily straight on who the alpha bitch will be at the gym.  The shoes come off, clothing is shredded and the ladies work out their scheduling issues - two very determined gorgeous women, each with something to prove to the other.  278 pictures 1280x720.

Here is the link to the Photo Essay in our on-;ine store:

Attached are 4 sample pictures from the Photo Essay.