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Jenn v Ekaterina round 2 Lake skirmish

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Offline peccavi

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Jenn v Ekaterina round 2 Lake skirmish
« on: December 10, 2009, 04:39:44 AM »
Part 1

"Damn it Will, I didn’t want to come here in the first place. Now there is no way I am going to be part of your little game. It’s not me that can’t stand the Floga club, its you. Why should Deb and I fight those two Greek girls?"

"Because I am telling you to. Jenn you do it. Its my honor at stake here."

I glared at Will and he glared back, I looked up and down the small beach. I asked myself " How had we come here? How had I got myself messed up in this shit? And why did I feel that I had to do what he said?
And my dark self replied "because you’re a weak bitch who has no self respect. If you had some, you’d not be here. You’d have given Will and his gang the finger ages ago. But you won’t do that so long as he fucks you. Will you Jenn Peccavi?.

Will and Joe had decided today would be a nice day for a bike ride so Deb and I had to come along. The first part had been ok, I really did enjoy riding, Will’s lovingly restored BSA was a great machine and the weather was just right, the edge off the summer heat and the first few days of autumn with that delicious crispness in the air. And it was still hot enough for a swim.

Will had the right idea, while we were riding through one of the forests on the back roads between Chicago and Madison he flagged Joe, pointing to a side road. Both bikes- Joe’s equally old Norton and Will’s turned off the main road and onto the road to one of the small lakes between Madison and Chicago.

It was a well known biker haunt. The clubs had teamed up and bought the land a few years ago. The clubs held swap meetings there, we had built a shed there for shelter if it rained. There were change rooms if you wanted a swim. We had bbqs and went swimming – the lake had a gently shelving beach, it was a great place, sometimes some of the clubs even had family meets and then you’d see children playing in the water and mums and dads sitting under the trees. Sometimes the club leaderships thought it would be good to get some pictures of this scene as a sort of publicity thing- to change the view of bikers as next to gangsters. But it got vetoed, no one really wanted other people to know about the lake- it was just a great place.

The problem was that when we got there, we found two other bikes there already. Joe rode up to the parked bikes, "they are Floga club guys. See their bloody European bikes, one’s a Ducatti, one is a Laverda, no one else buys or rides that shit."

That changed the day, there had been some bad blood between Floga and Deer hunters- the gang Will was in. I never knew how it started, I think it was over some scam, both of the gangs ran repossession agencies I’d got a few useful dollars from working for the Deerhunters agency- well more then a few and I had a bit of fun too.

Both gangs were territorial, we operated in certain areas, I think the clash was over some new suburban area which both clubs wanted as their area. It got sorted out in a short time but the gangs didn’t like it, neither were happy with the way it was sorted, and from then on there were always bad words whenever Floga and our guys met.

"You wait here with Deb, we are going to see the Greeks" Will told me. I don’t know what happened between the men – women never did at club meetings, it was another thing that pissed me right off - we had no say in anything that went on- but Will and Joe came back very red in the face.

"Ok’ Joe said, "you two girls get undressed- put your bikini bottoms on and yeah you can wear a t shirt. You are going to fight their girls. You start in the water, it ends when both girls on one team either give or are pinned so they can’t move."

Deb and I looked at each other. "But" she started.

"No buts, we have decided and that’s all there is to it." And that pissed me off too, women were expected to do what we were told.

The argument stopped when I saw who one of the Greek girls was.

I had excused myself to go to the bathroom, I didn’t really need to go, I was just too damn furious to speak without going off at Will and I couldn’t do that with another guy around, I would have broken every rule in their book. When I went round the corner to the clubhouse I heard two women talking, I couldn’t see them, they were on the other side of some trees.

I heard a voice "Well Artemis we got everyone where we wanted, I can’t believe how easy it was to manipulate Nikolas and Andreas, to think that the fight was their idea. After that, everything went as we expecting it.

"Finally I’ll have my revenge on Jenn, that fucking slut, I’ll make her regret for messing with me, and I will love doing it in front her man and his friend. But are you sure you want to be part of this fight?"

"Oh fuck, that’s Ekaterina." I muttered. Sure there was a bit of bad blood between the two clubs, but this bitch and I hated each other. We had fought the first night we ever met when she thought I was after her guy simply cuz he and some other men chatted with me in a bar. I had beaten her in the fight and had some fun with her afterwards. I knew she wase after revenge. And I knew she had already tried to get some revenge she had blackened my name everywhere she could. She had almost cost me my repossession job by getting some people to complain to the police about how I had done it. Hell I already had a criminal history I didn’t need her stirring up trouble again for me.

I fronted her "So bitch what hole did you crawl from, and why did you get those people to lie to the police about me?"
She turned towards me, it was as if she had been hunting for me for ages. She spoke coldly." Hey Jenn long time no see. You knew I was looking for you and finally you are standing in front of me. " The Cocky bitch stepped up till we glared at each other only inches apart "What happened? Scared speechless? Did your friends told you of what is going to happen? If it was in my hands I’d beat you right now right here, but I have to wait for the arrangements, what can I say? You can’t have all as you want them. And after all a little more waiting adds to the excitement. Here, thats my friend Artemis, she will take part in the fight and as you can see she is eager for that.

She lent over till her tits brushed against my body, being a good three inches taller then me she stared down at my face. She spat. "This time slut I’ll make you suffer, I’ll get revenge of what happened last time, I’ll beat you mercilessly and after that I’ll humiliate you, you will be our fuck toy, and not just for us, you will satisfy anyone who wants to fuck a worthless slut like you. You will become our bitch for ever".

She turned back to her friend and kissed her full on the lips I am sure the two girls tongued each other. But all the time they kissed Katrina kept looking at me. She broke the kiss and turned back to me "And you’re a liar or you’re shooting your mouth off when you tell people about the repossession problems. I wasn’t the one who talked to police, I know that you don’t believe me but that is the true." Even as she stood staring down at me I had to smirk- her anger had got the better of her English grammar, she was like so many migrants or children of migrants- plain dumb. She continued " I didn’t want to harm you this way, through others, I wanted you for my self, go search somewhere else to find who ratted to the police about you. We both know what you did was criminal, and some day soon you’ll be behind bars, but it wont be me who put you there."
"If you think you are scaring me bitch, you are mistaken, I have taken you before, and I know who was the fucktoy then. I know I will take you again and I know who will be the fucktoy again. I know, oh yes I know how much you enjoyed it before, remind me how many times did you cum, how many guys fucked you?" I would have slapped her there and then I was so angry about her jail comment- mostly because it was true. I’d been set up, I bit back I was lucky the set up didn’t work. And back then I thought it still might. Stukk the bitch was right, I know we should wait, the guys would be angry if we didn’t. So I walked back to them, picked up my bag and went to get changed.

 When Deb and I came back the Greek bitches were there with their guys too. Will spoke "Ok you girls. We want to see you fight in the water, on piggy back one girl on top of the other. That’s to start with. Where it ends is up to you."

Ekaterina stripped down to her thong, well I guess it was a bikini bottom but it was so skimpy. "Typical what a slut you are!" I yelled at her. For the first time that day I sized the two Greeks up as they stood together. Like I already said Ekaterina was a few inches taller then me, I guess she would be the same height as Will- about 5 ft 9 inches. She was a solid girl, I guess about 170 lbs but she carried her weight well, most of it was in her great rack and broad hips. I suppose she was typical of many Greek girls- she would run to fat in middle life but for now she was like a goddess. And she knew it.

Artemis was smaller, and slighter. She was about Deb’s size- not much shorter then me –perhaps 5ft 3 but a lot lighter, I knew Deb weighed about 110 lbs and I guessed Artemis was the same. So I could see it was going to be Ekaterina and me on the bottom.

That was just fine with me, I was out to make this bitch suffer again. Funny that, cuz if she hadn’t been in Floga and she hadn’t been such a bitch as to get me in trouble with the cops I knew I could go for her. She looked so good and I knew she was bi like me, I knew she was a hot slut -I remembered that and I knew I could make her squeal- I remembered that too. But it wasn’t going to be that way at the lake. I had seen the guys look at her as she moved down to the water, every one of them had that ‘ I want to fuck that slut’  look on their faces and there was no way I was going to let her do that with Will. Will, for all his faults was my guy, ‘yeah she can keep her hands off him’ I told myself "it’d be different after I beat the Greek then she could suck Will off , yeah I’d make her’. I smiled at the thought.

"Come on Deb lets show these sluts something." I waded into the lake, down to where my shoulders were just above the water, and waited for Deb to come in too. She clambered up on my shoulders and I stood there with her on top.

"Oh no we will show you sluts something and when we have we’ll fuck you like the whores you are" Atremis spoke for the first time.

I laughed loudly. "Oh yeah and ask Ekaterina who made her cum, and how many times she came"

Ekaterina turned red. "Bitch" she hissed "I did came many times, fuck you Jenn, I’m not going to be in the same position again. This time I have my chance in better terms, and we will see just what Jenn is made of." She waded into the water, reached out for Artemis and together they waded into shoulder deep water. Ekaterina bobbed down, I guess she knelt letting Artemis on top of her. Ekaterina stood up again. She and l looked at each other. I knew what she was feeling, the same feeling I had when I was about to fight. All your emotions, all your anger, all your bad feelings about yourself, all your problems are concentrated on your enemy. You want to beat her, it’s as if beating her will get rid of all the tensions in your life. I guess we all know that is not true but at the beginning of each fight you feel that way, you feel somehow clean.

We stepped slowly toward each other. It was hard going pushing through the deep water supporting Deb on to, espcially with the muddy bottom- I was not going to slip and knock Deb off. IT seemed a full minute before we came to grips with the Greeks. When we did the guys cheered again.

Deb reached out trying to claw at Artemis’s left tit with one hand while she grabbed the Greek’s hair with the other. I guess she tried to end that part of the battle before it began, I guess she wanted to pull her foe off Ekaterina there and then. I knew it wouldn’t work. I pushed forward, feeling Ekaterina’s hard nipples press against the top of my breasts. I shoved my body hard against her trying to throw her off balance.

Artemis yelled abuse at Deb as Deb yanked her to one side. I think Deb almost succeeded in pulling her off Ekaterina because I saw Ekaterina sway. But then as I pushed into the bigger woman she moved sideways, I almost fell over as I pushed against water instead of a body. I would have fallen if I’d been fighting normally but the water kept me upright. Ekaterina swung her right fist into my left ribs. I grunted.
At the same time I heard Deb squeal, I glanced up to see that Artemis had hold of a handful of Deb’s long blonde hair. And as I looked Artemis punched hard straight at Deb’s tits. I felt Deb shake. "Hold on girl" I cried as Deb trembled. I gripped her legs hard and she recovered. Still holding her enemy’s brunette hair she punched hard at Artemis’s belly.

Recovering my balance I swung my leg up trying to knee Ekaterina in the thigh. I wasn’t about to use my fists, not yet, maybe not at all I wanted to keep Deb upright and on top, to give her a stable platform to fight. So I gripped her thighs hard holding them on top of my shoulders. "Kick Deb" I urged her and felt her kick out at Ekaterina’s tit.

"Aargh." Ekaterina squealed, she staggered back, Deb’s kicks had hurt her! My knee found her thigh and the big Greek slut almost fell back into the water. It was hard for us both to keep a good footing on the slippery muddy lake floor. But she was helped by Artemis’s grip on Deb’s hair just as I had been by Deb holding onto Artemis. Ekaterina growled and slammed her body into me, just as I had done earlier. I dug my feet into the muddy sand to stop from falling backwards under her blow. It wasn’t enough just to stand, I had to make a hole for my feet. Ekaterina spat in my face. "Artemis lock your legs under my shoulders" she told her friend and punched me hard low down in my gut.

Later Deb told me that she had noticed that Artemis hadn’t responded to Deb’s punch to her belly. Deb thought the smaller Greek must have been hurt badly or winded. Deb followed up her punch with another one and tried to kick high into Artemis’s side. We both heard Artemis groan loudly. Deb was winning her private war. I wasn’t so sure about mine. Ekaterina’s punch told and I still didn’t want to use my hands to fight, I wanted to keep Deb stable, she was damaging both the Greeks. I stepped back, bracing myself on the lake floor. I h sand again. I panted, then as Ekaterina still stood very close to me I tried pushing forward shoving my body into hers while sliding my foot round behind hers. I hoped to trip her up.

I slammed my body hard into the bitch, she staggered but then grabbed at my head. She gripped it tightly, pulling towards her body. I found my head almost smothered between her breasts. I heard her yell at me "slut, if I go down, I’ll take you with me." She staggered and swayed but stayed upright. I pushed back, getting upright again. I heard Deb moan, she had copped a hard punch in her gut from Artemis, she rocked back and almost toppled off me.

The guys were yelling support for each of us, I could hardly make out what they were saying for all were shouting at once. I knew, I just knew they were drinking beer and enjoying themselves while we slugged it out.

Suddenly my pussy exploded with pain, the bitch had kneed me. I slumped forward, groaning till I swallowed a mouthful of water and spluttered instead. Deb squealed "Fuck it Jenn you got to keep me up!"

I guessed she had almost fallen off. She told me later that she would have had Artemis not grabbed her round the neck. The Greek bitch nearly choked her but helped her stay on my shoulders. But while Deb swayed and tried to regain her balance Artemis scored punch after punch to Deb’s face and upper body.
We were both badly shaken. Deb recovered first scoring another punch on Artemis and I heard the small Greek squeal in pain. I felt Ekaterina shake a little and looked up to see Artemis swaying from a second blow from Deb. I was still in too much pain to do much. I tried to trip the big Greek but all I managed to do was push Ekaterina hard. Deb shook and groaned, Artemis had hit her hard – and as I later found out low in the belly Deb told me she was grateful she hadn’t eaten, if she had she would have barfed.

Ekaterina came at me again pushing her body hard against mine using her weight to force me back one, two, three steps. Her pressure told, I started to slip in the mud. I so wanted to knee her back but knew if I did she might push me over and then where would Deb and I be? These Greek sluts were winning and I had to do something to stop them. But what?

I felt Deb launch another blow to Artemis I saw the little Greeks head jerk back. Perhaps Deb had the answer. Even as I thought that Ekaterina seized my tits, she twisted them, I squealed in pain as the big bitch hung onto them. Artemis wasn’t out of the fight either, she was wrestling with Deb trying to throw her off and into the water.

I pushed back hard, the only weapon left to me then for I was worried Deb might be knocked off if I didn’t keep a firm hold of her legs. "Deb kick the bitch on the jaw kick her" I hissed as Deb jerked hard on Artemis’s hair with one hand and slammed a fist into her tits with the other.

I knew Ekaterina saw that Artemis was in trouble when she yelled at me and slammed me right on the jaw. She wanted to finish the fight early and save her friend. I had taken punishment but it was paying off, if Deb and I held on she could finish Artemis and then it would be both of us on Ekaterina. But the jaw blow made me gasp, I was already hurting bad from the cxnt blow and this made me stagger back. I slipped in the slimy mud Deb shrieked as she almost fell off me. "Fuck it:" I muttered as I clung to Deb’s legs trying to keep her upright so she could attack her enemy. I needn’t have worried, Artemis’s rasping breath told me Deb was winning her battle.  Deb’s kick –even if it was only from knee downwards –worked.

The guys on the beach are yelling at us, god only knows what they are saying- right then I didn’t care, they got us into this shit and I wanted to smash this Greek bitch,

Ekaterina turned for a second giving the guys the finger. Her move made me even more furious, she thought I was gone, she thought she had me beat, she thought she could take her eyes off the fight and trade insults with the spectators. Nothing that she had done so clearly showed her contempt for me as that single gesture. She stepped for shallower water, yes our tactics were working she was finding the deep water difficult and perhaps just perhaps we could smash her. She turned to me "You will be fucked whore if you are woman enough follow me to the beach."

"Oh no slut I’ll finish this here bitch! come on !" I wanted the break but wasn’t going to admit it and hey! Ekaterina wanted a break- she suggested it. Perhaps, I told myself, the contempt was a show, perhaps she was tiring, perhaps she was nearer breaking point then I was. There was one way to find out, I had to attack the bitch!. I grabbed at Ekaterina’s bikini pants pulling them down. l hoped to trip her up as the pants sunk to the bottom snagging her legs. Pushing my body against Ekaterina’s harder then ever in an attempt to knock her down, I heard Artemis cry out and I knew Deb was attacking her again Glancing up I saw her choking the Greek girl. Deb’s hands were throttling Artemis’s neck.

"You fucking whore" Ekaterina yelled as she realized just how dangerous her position was. She reached up, grabbing my swimsuit around my hips she pulled it hard giving me a hard wedgie. The the thin fabric cut deep in my cxnt slicing the sensitive skin. But I didn’t care that much for Ekaterina was stumbling backwards trying to find her balance- she must have found the lake floor as treachurous as I had.. Artemis yelled at her, she was trying to get a grip on Debs tits again. But Deb and I knew we had the Greeks on the run.

 Even as I squealed in yet more pain from the bitch’s wedgie I lurched forward pushing Ekaterina as Deb shoved at Aremis. Surely I prayed the bitches would fall over this time. In a desperate move I clutched at Ekaterina’s tits and slammed my knee up aiming for her gut. "Hold on! hold on" I whispered willing Deb to keep upright even if I wasn’t holding her stable.

Ekaterina’s scream "Ah fuck" split the air as my knee did its damage. She fell to one knee, she tried to hold onto Artmeis but to no avail. She fell to her side sinking in the water and throwing Artemis off her. The smaller Greek got to her feet, all muddy, her tshirt soaked, and glared at her friend angrily. She slapped her on the face, "Why did you fall slut? We could still win this"

"That fat pig Peccavi kneed me" Ekaterina snapped.

"Yes oh yes" Deb chortled, we exchanged hi fives as she slid off me. We knew we had won when the enemy started arguing among themselves. Together we splashed forward each grabbing one of Artemis’s arms by one hand.

Holding her upright we each slammed a hard punch with our free hands into her unprotected stomach. Artemis squealed. We each slammed another punch. Artemis gasped and slumped, she would have fallen were we not holding her. "One more" Deb said and we delivered a third punch. "Knee the slut" Deb said. I did so, my knee sank into the Greek’s belly, she sagged. We let her go and Artemis toppled forward doubling up. She fell headlong into the water. She was out of the fight for the moment perhaps for good.

 I turned and before I could shout any warning to Deb, Ekaterina was onto her, she grabbed my friend by the hair and pulled her back into the water. Deb was small and light compared to the big Greek and she was unprepared, she had no chance of defending herself. She went down splashing into the water, Ekaterina punched her hard in the belly and again on her head. Deb sank deeper into the water, I guessed she was just floating somehow.

"Now! It’s just you and me whore !" I snapped at Ekaterina as I waded over to her. I was tired and sore but I I knew just knew that this bitch was too and I knew I could take her. I grabbed at her shoulders slamming my body into her, shoving my foot behind her hoping to trip her up. I pushed hard, the bitch dug her heels in the mud and pushed back. I couldn’t make any traction, instead I found myself being pushed back, instead of bending forward and toward the bitch I was upright. IT was simply that the Greek had more weight then I did. She pushed hard, I had to take a step backwards, then another. Ekaterina kept the pressure up. I grunted with pain and exertion. Neither of us had moved more then a couple of feet and no one on the shore could see what was happening but I was losing. And Ekaterina –damn her- knew it. I looked round for Deb- I needed her help but she was just shaking her head, it would be a few moments before she was much use after taking that king hit I swung my head back and then forward –one of the few advantages in being shorter then your opponent in a close fight is that you can headbutt better. And it paid off. I don’t know where my head butt hit- I guessed it was her chin but Ekaterina immediately weakened, she backed off. I was ready and shove, I snaked my foot behind her again and this time it paid off. She stumbled back and fell.

At the last moment she grabbed me by the shoulders and we fell into the water together. For a long moment we threshed around in the water, trading punches and kicks. Then once again Ekaterina’s weight and height advantage told. She seized me by the shoulders, tried to turn me over, I kicked back and escaped her clutches. She tugged hard on my hair pushing my head under water and held it there. I panicked, the slut was trying to drown me. Through the murky water I saw her legs, and I punched with all my might at her cxnt- after all she had kneed me in mine, and now she was trying to kill me. My lungs screamed for air, if my move didn’t work or if Deb didn’t rescue me in a few seconds I was finished. At the best I might be able to surrender. I tried not to think of the worst. But the punch did work. The bitch let go, I surfaced and saw her falling back in the water.

I waded up to her body floating motionless. I seized her hair and pulled it under water just as she had done to me. I saw Deb doing the same to Artemis. Ekaterina must have fallen into shallower water, she pushed back, her hands must have found purchase. But she was weakening as I kept her head despite her struggles under water and as I slammed my elbow of my other hand into her belly repeatedly. She went limp and I stopped "Give bitch?" I hissed as her head bobbed up.

She gulped air in and nodded. I yanked her hair hauling her up, "tell me bitch tell me you are beaten again. Tell them on the beach I have beaten you again."

"Yes Jenn, you have beaten me" she gulped.

I smirked and jerked her hair. She fell back into the water and I pulled her by the hair toward the shore. I met Deb towing Artemis in the same manner. We high fived and kissed each other. "What are we gonna do with these sluts?" she asked.

“Let’s ask the guys" I knew what I wanted but I also knew the guys would expect that we asked them. I hoped they would want the same as me. I raised my voice "Will, Joe, we caught some big fish. What do you think we ought to do when we land them?"
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 09:25:30 AM by peccavi »
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline peccavi

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Re: Lake skirmish
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 04:44:49 AM »
Part 2

Will smirked, "I knew you’d thrash those Floga sluts. Drag them ashore." He turned to one of the Greek guys, "your bitches just aren’t good enough.
"Oh yeah, well today maybe" the Greek snapped back. "But there’ll be another day."

"Oh so you think your girls might win, huh! I’m gonna make sure everyone knows they lost." Will turned back to me. "Get the sluts on the beach I want to see you and Deb with a foot each on one of the losing sluts. Then Joe and me will get some pics of you like that."

That was the right way to deal with the bitches, I knew all my friends would love to see the pics-and I’d love to show them too. And so Deb and I posed, our hands high and clasped together as we stood each with one foot on the slut we had dragged ashore, the other on the sand.

Joe broke in "Jenn, Deb sit on their tits. Squash them, make the sluts whimper, I want to see them beg."
I looked down, there was nothing I wanted more then to see the big bitch beg me to stop. I hopped down and straddled her; I pinched both her tits hard. Ekaterina squealed. "Ha bitch you thought it was all over, oh no it’s just beginning." I sneered. Then doing no more then what Joe said I sat on Ekaterina’s tits. They made a nice cushion.

I saw Deb do the same to Artemis. "Make them squeal bitches, make them squeal like the sluts they are" Joe told her. I had never liked the bikies habits of calling even their own girls bitches, but hey we were bitches so I should keep my mouth shut.
I wriggled back and I pinned Ekaterina’s her arms with my knees before I attacked Ekaterina’s breasts. Deb was doing the same and her victim was the first to squeal, "no no , no more please, I just can’t take it"

Joe grinned at the Greek guys. "So much for your words, your sluts aint worth shit!"

Will finished his beer. "Jenn, Ekaterina is in need of some real pussy for a change.. Just go over to her, open your lips up and plant yourself right over her mouth."

I smirked, "oh fuck I hope he tells her to eat me out" I thought.. I got up from sitting on the bitch shuffled forward on my knees and did as Will said lowering my cxnt to her mouth. This would be such revenge for when the bitch kneed me there

I looked round to see Deb. I wondered what Joe or Will might say to her. And l looked at the two Greek guys, they were red faced, sure they were embarrassed and they hated this but I knew, just knew that they would have done the same to me and Deb if their girls had won .

Joe walked over to Deb. Stretching out his hand to take hers he drew her to her knees while she still straddled Artemis. He bent down and kissed her then slipped his fingers down and tugged at Deb’s bikini bottoms. They slid down a bit, held up only because Deb had her legs apart, astride the Greek bitch. Joe rubbed Deb’s exposed pussy, pushing a finger in and out.

Deb looked up "Hey ! what you doing?" she protested. But she didn’t push his fingers away. Oh no I knew Deb was as horny as I was.

Joe knelt down and licked at Deb’s cxnt. Deb moaned, she shivered slightly. Joe laughed "Just be quiet and enjoy." He slowly parted Deb’s pussy lips and probed with his tongue for a few moments. It was enough to make me pant. There I was still poised over Ekaterina’s mouth. God I wanted her to eat me but Will was keeping me waiting and I knew he would lose his temper big time if I tried to order her around, he was playing with me, I knew it from the smirk on his face. He was such a bastard at times.

Joe sidestepped- or is that sideknelt, any way he shuffled to Deb’s side, and drew her away from Artemis. "Earn your keep slut" he said to the Greek girl shoving her with his knee. "Get up on all fours and eat my girl out." Artemis groaned. I guess she was as horny as the rest of us. She didn’t really need any second orders, for she was lapping at Deb within seconds. Joe stepped round her and knelt behind her. Grabbing her sides with his hands he stuck his cock in her pussy. Artemis flinched, she shook but I knew she had been expecting something like that and kept licking at Deb.

"Look at the slut, she’s loving it" Will guffawed.

"Yeah well at least she’s doing something, not like your bitch" the taller of the Greeks men looked at me and spat on the ground.

I flushed, "Will!" I began

He cut me off. "Jenn drop your bottoms and face sit Ekaterina like I said she needs to taste some real pussy. And while you’re at it give that dude head. Show him how much a real bitch can do."

That was more like it, I was so horny, l always am after a fight and having Ekaterina eat me while I did her man would just show her who the better bitch was. He walked over and I tore at his jeans, opening them quickly. And just as Ekaterina began lapping at my pussy, I licked her man’s shaft coating it with spit, lubing it up. I flicked his tip with my tongue then opened wide and engulfed his member. HE gripped my hair and pulled me towards him. "Will says you’re even better at sucking cock then you are at fighting. Come on you bitch show me."

It was fucking hard to keep rhythm while Ekaterina was working my pussy. In less then a minute I was gagging and shaking from what she was doing, I was so near to cumming. I tried to focus on something else and to keep bobbing on the Greek’s shaft, to keep licking and sucking. I just hoped he was all primed and came soon.

Debbie squealed and yelled "Yes yes." Artemis must have done her well, cuz I don’t think Deb was a noisy fuck- not like me anyway. But her cumming just about made me cum too, the whole excitement of beating the bitches, of dragging them ashore in front of their guys, of stripping them, of posing for the photos that so clearly showed them defeated, of seeing Deb and Joe work Artemis, was just too much. I clenched my fists and tried to think of snow and ice and anything else that might make me cold and not horny. I needed to concerntrate on blowing this guy not on what Ekaterina was doing to me

"Is that the best blow job youu can do slut? Where’s the skill. From the way your guy was boasting, thought you were some big bitch. Ekaterina makes me cum within minutes. You aren’t even getting me off.

I flushed red, this Greek wasn’t pleased, hell he was mocking me I tried again. I could almost hear Ekaterina laughing and knew that Will would be furious. I tried to suck and lick the Greek’s shaft better, trying to be more in rhythm trying... Fuck Ekaterina she had her hand up on my tits squeezing them. I was so close to cumming and I was trying like hell not to, I was trying to give the guy what he wants because I knew if I didn’t Will wouldn’t just be mad with me but this guy would tell the whole bikie world I couldn’t give head. I’d be a laughing stock.

"Bitch if you cant make me cum, I’m gonna kick you away and have my girl suck my cock instead. Maybe Ekaterina can show you how its done."

"Shit" I thought " I’m trying my best." And I was damn hard I tried flicking the head of his cock with my tongue and . likvcng the underneath as I took it inside, I bobbed my head, sliding my mouth back and forth on his shaft quickly. Ekaterina’s tongue was spearing inside me and the whore stroke my tit with her fingers while the thumb of her other hand massaged my nub. I couldn’t control myself any more. I dropped back spilling the Greek’s cock from my mouth as I came squealing "fuck fuck oh god oh shit oh fuck" I convulsed shaking as the Greek slut beneath me made me cum. I looked up at the guy panting.

He was furious "You dirty slut, cumming before you can even get me off." He shoved me aside pushing my over onto the " He shoved me aside, pushing me over onto the sand. It really wasn’t sand, not like some of the beaches on the lake and especially not like ocean beaches. I guess you could call it hard packed mud. Firm enough to walk on but not soft like sand. “That’s where you belong" he looked at KAterina

I looked at Will knowing he  was furious, I knew he thought I had let him down and I knew just knew he wouldn’t let up on me. And I knew too that Ekaterina would boast about this if anyone showed the pics off. I had to do something I turned to the guy "Hell give me another go. She ..err made me cum! What the fuck could I do?"

How about, "Hell, give me another go. She..err, made me come! What the fuck could I do? You wanted me to bite your cock off? Of course, I spit you out."
So" the Greek snapped back "you’re just a slut."

Ekaterina smirked at me "Oh jenn you’re just not good enough. Poor Will I wonder if he would like a real woman to give him head."

I couldn’t stand this; I pushed Ekaterina out of the way and went to work her guy again. This was so humiliating but it would be worse if I couldn’t make him cum and Ekaterina did or worse still got Will and her guy off.

" I don’t want your dirty ass mouth on my dick get off" he taunted me and turned to Ekaterina.

I wasn’t going to take any of that crap, I had beaten the Greek bitch and I pushed her away again, I punched her in her belly. She spluttered I grabbed a handful of her tit in each of my hand and twisted hard. "Get away bitch I beat you just get out!" I latched onto her guy. I had to get him to cum, damn it he had to be primed after watching the fight and if that wasn’t enough for fucks sake watching Artemis double teamed by Deb and Joe had to be.

I started working his cock, as I had never worked anyone’s. Crouching in front of him, holding the base in my left hand and stroking his balls with my thumb I flicked his head with my tongue and slid my mouth back and forth faster and slower varying the pace as I tried to get him to cum. I looked up at him.

"You need more practice bitch,” he said pulling me up a few inches by my hair then letting me go. He was a cxnt, he knew that would hurt so bad and that I couldn’t do anything if I wanted to prove I could give head. As I took him deeper still I muttered ".cum on you bastard cum! No one gives better head then me fuck it!"

He thrust his head deeper yet. As if the bastard was trying to choke me but I knew what he wanted, I slid back on my knees deep throating the Greek. I wanted to throwup but kept him

I don’t know if you can make me cum Jenn, Ekaterina had me off last night five times. She is a lot more of a slut than you. You just can’t get me off can you? He smirked.

I kept sucking hard, and by then I tasted precum, I kept licking, I squeezed his balls and dug my nails into his ass. "Cum guy cum" I muttered. I dropped back flicked his head with my mouth and bobbed up taking his whole shaft in and sucking. I gagged and he pulled back. And then he gave in, he pulled out and sprayed cum all over my face, it ran down my cheek

I looked up at the Greek, my face dripping. "So I got you to cum after all didn’t’ I?" After you said I couldn’t too."

"You came first Jenn you acted like a slut" I turned to look at Will, he was furious.

"Hell l" my voice tailed off, I could see how angry he was, and I started again “the slut Ekaterina did me and it was your idea anyway."

Ekaterina smirked "pathetic whore, you couldn’t help yourself could you Jenn like I said you’ll be a fuck toy. "

"Hell I made your guy cum he tried not to, he tried so hard not to! Look at him he wanted to prove you were better but I got him."

"You’re a pathetic whore, you couldn’t get Nic off before you slutty pussy explodes"

I scrambled to my feet I wasn’t going to take this from Ekaterina.

Then the Greek- Nicolas I now knew his name- said, "Will, I bet Ekaterina could do you better then Jenn did me!"

I swung round and rushed at Will, "Don’t you dare try it she's a whore. Fuck! " I held my face, Will had just hit me hard, my face smarted from his blow. He grabbed my arm bending it behind my back forcing me to bend over. Hell I had forgotten how strong he was. And I wasn’t in any state to fight back. Not then.

"Shut it Jenn I will tell you when I want you to say something." He turned to the Greek "Nic you’re on get your girl over here."

I couldn’t believe it, sure I knew Will wasn’t exactly faithful, hell neither was I but to think he would do this- let this loser slut blow him in front of me and in front of Deb and Joe and the other Greeks. And Deb and Joe had finished with Artemis-well for the moment anyway. Deb told me later Artemis had made her cum twice and she and Joe had worked Artemis making her cum as well.  Right then I didn’t know that and if I had known I wouldn’t have cared for shit. All I cared about was Ekaterina blowing Will I wanted to fight the bitch all over again, I wanted to sink my nails in her tits and tear them open but I knew it wouldn’t do any good at all. Will would just haul me off.

I hated it, seeing Ekaterina on her knees before Will her head bobbing up and down taking him in her mouth. It was like a nightmare, and it could only get worse for she was sure to get him off quicker then I got her guy- hell she didn’t have any distractions.

I looked over and suddenly I had a brain wave, I walked to the other Greek guy and knelt down, I opened his shorts. " I’m sure you wouldn’t mind head." I looked up determined to show Will and the group that I could get this guy off quick- quicker then Ekaterina could get Will off. His cock just bounced out of his shorts. I licked it hurriedly before engulfing it, this guy was going to get the fastest blow job ever, I was determined to get him off before Ekaterina got Will off. I started sucking the Greek- I guess he was Andreas -madly, as if vacuuming his cock. There was no technique; there wasn’t anything I wanted to do to make myself cum or to have fun all I wanted was him cumming and that as quickly as possible. I wanted the world speed record for a blowjob. Even as I thought this I wondered whether how you would get an entry in the Guiness book of records for such an event. I played with his balls and stroked the base of his cock with my hand.

And then Deb proved herself to be the real friend I had always thought she was. I heard Ekaterina swear "get off me you bitch" I turned just enough to see Deb playing with the Greek slut’s tits with one hand while sliding her other hand deep between the Greek’s thighs. I resumed hoovering Andreas and smiled mentally -the Greek bitch was going to have some interference too.

Or so I thought till I heard Will say "stop that Deb, don’t interfere, Joe get your slut away from me"
He should say, "Joe get your slut away from her."

I almost bit Andreas cock, I was even more furious, I knew my face was turning red but that probably had as much to do with the fact that his cock was almost half way down my throat as it had to do with Will’s words. I knew, just knew, I could suck cock better then this Greek bitch but Will didn’t seem to want me to prove it. I just had to do better then she did. I renewed my efforts to bring the Greek to the boil and it didn’t seem he needed too much either, for he gripped my hair and groaned loudly.

I knew I was winning but I was going to make sure, I sucked even harder and was rewarded when I felt the first bit of cum in my mouth. I dropped back letting his cock go and his cum splash all over my face. I had two lots now but then Ekaterina hadn’t brought Will off yet. I looked up at the Greek "Well Andreas?"

"Fuck girl you are as good a cum sucker as you are a fighter. I don’t know what Nicolas was complaining about."

I stood up and kissed him. "Thanks" I turned and pointed "Ekaterina still isn't done.  "Maybe the reason Nicy got off so much last night was that he knew that her snatch was filled with some other guys cum." "Maybe Nicolas likes seeing Ekaterina blow other guy” I paused for effect trying not to smirk at Nicolas’s red face, “for a long time. And having others watch."

"Babe its me who should thank you’ he patted my shoulder. "Hey do me a favour please?"

"Sure," I wanted to keep this guy on side.

"I’d love to see you without your tshirt on"

I bit off a giggle, he was so obvious, but I was gonna play along with him. "Hey, would you like to see both Deb and I stripped."

He nodded eagerly.Typical guy, Greeks and Americans aren't that diiferent, at times like this, all guys think with their cocks and they were so easy to manipulate when they do. Just what I wanted cuz by then I knew I wanted to slut Ekaterina out in front of all the others, I knew, oh yes I just knew, I could show that she was the whore, she was the fucktoy and I just knew I could have so much fun doing so. And Andreas was going to help me and he was going to help me slut his own bitch out too-even if he didnt know just then.

 "Would you like us to strip each other?" He just about licked his lips at the thought. Like I said before he was so obvious. "but I think Artemis should lose her top first, fairs fair after all we did beat her didn't we?" I smiled. "Perhaps you would like us to get her top off as well."

"Artemis get your ass over here" he wasn't at all polite to his girl. She walked over, and for the first time I had a really good look at the slight brunette, her shoulder length hair hanging in wet strands, her face still glistening from when she had eaten Deb out. For first time I had a really good look at the slight brunette, her shoulder length hair hanging in wet strands, her face still glistening from when she had eaten Deb out, the black curls of her pussy matted with her juices and Joe’s cum, her thighs shining with her own cum. She was the picture of what she was – a well fucked slut.

"Ok loser babe, time to lose that top as well, lets show your body off. Well I guess Andreas and Nicolas have seen it; and probably done more then just looked at it too" Deb chortled

"Stuff it bitch, if Ekaterina hadn’t fallen over, I’d have beaten you" Artemis snapped.

"She did and you didn’t " Deb replied slapping Artemis's tail. "Don’t be a sore loser. Come on let me make it better for you" She kissed the Greek girl hotly, I just knew they tongued each other, Artemis might have been angry because she lost the fight but the fight- win or lose- had made her as horny as the rest of us. As they kissed Deb slipped her hands down, grabbing the bottom of Artemis's t and rolled it up exposing her breasts.

That was enough for me; I was going to show the guys exactly what this Greek was- a slut. I stepped up and from behind stroked her nipples. Artemis shivered. Deb broke the kiss and as I squeezed and stroked those small pert breasts Deb lifted the Greek's T right off her.. She kissed her again and her hand slid down to Artemis's thighs and then up to the Greek's pussy. I guess she would have fingered her till Artemis came if it werent that Will swore and came, Ekaterina had finally finished him off.

Will snorted "So my bitch got Andreas off faster then this slut did me. So much for your bet, I should have got you to put your money where your mouth is."

"Ekaterina made your bitch cum before your bitch finished me" Nicolas retorted.

The competition was mounting, the guys were about to raise the stakes, I knew what I had to do to prove I was better then the Greek slut. Grabbing Deb's hand I pointed over to Ekaterina who knelt back on her haunches breathing heavily. Deb followed my lead and we crossed over to Ekaterina. Each grabbing at one of her arms we pulled the big Greek bitch over onto her back. "Its time you got that tongue to work on Deb, you got me off now do the same to my friend." I commanded- damn it I was sick of waiting for the guys to tell us what to do, it was time for Deb and I to take control, hell after all we had won the fight all Will and Joe had done was drink beer and watch us, they hadn't even cheered much.

Ekaterina didn't have much choice anyway for Deb sat on her face. I knelt down and began fingering my enemy. This was no make up sex to repair a relationship after the fight, this was an about showing Deb and I were better, that the Greeks were just sluts, that we could make them moan, make them beg- yeah it was about humiliation and control. And we were going to humiliate them in front of their guys and we would control them for a long time. That was why - I hoped - Will would capture this on his phone cam. And it was just what Ekaterina had promised she would do to me if she won. And of course it wasn’t as if we didn’t like sex anyway.

"$100 that Jenn gets Ekaterina off before Ekaterina gets Deb off" Joe knew what we were about.

"Done" Nicolas and Andreas spoke almost together.

I redoubled my efforts probing the soft tissues and in a moment more sliding a finger inside Ekaterina’s pussy as my thumb stroked her mound. The big Greek moaned shook, making Deb shake as well. Artemis knelt next to Deb, kissed her and began stroking her breasts. She was trying to get Deb nearer the boil, damn bitch it was as unfair as Will stopping Deb from working Ekaterina before. I mean Ekaterina had been working me when I tried to make her Nicolas cum. I lent forward and sucked one of Katrerina’s nipples and inserted a second figure in the bitch’s snatch. Again she shook. Deb tried to cuff Artemis away but she didn’t try too hard, I just knew she was enjoying the attention. The bitch just didn’t realise how important this was, she should have it was her own guy’s money riding on the bet or maybe she was just that confident that I could get Ekaterina off quickly. I hoped she was right if that was how she thought and redoubled my efforts using my other hand to play with the Greek’s free nipple.

It looked like Deb was right when Ekaterina started shaking and twisting her body, she was so hot, she was almost boiling. I knew it, I just knew I could get the slut off quickly. But then Deb began to pant and her body rippled, it was going to be a near thing. I redoubled my efforts stroking faster and licking the bitch’s left tit. She moaned and shook. "Hold on Deb hold on" I muttered hoping she would somehow get my message.

Artemis kissed Deb I know she used her tongue, Deb pulled back gasping, she was so near, I knew she’d boil over any second and then to my relief Ekaterina turned her head and moaned and gasped, she came with a shake and a scream. Now Deb could do what she wanted we had proved our point. And in a few seconds –almost as if Ekaterina had set her off Deb orgasmed, She slumped to the sand and lay panting.
Joe walked over and helped her stand; he kissed his girl and raised her arm in a victory pose. "That’s $100 you each owe me" he smirked to the Greeks.

I was pissed off, thinking that it was all right to praise Deb, she deserved it but who the fuck had made Ekaterina come. I looked at the big Greek lying, still shivering in the sand and thought it was time she was completely slutted. I slid three fingers in her pussy and began stroking back and forth while I bent over and kissed her lips. She responded, she even licked at my lips, she would have tongued me if I let her-there was no doubt that she was a slut. I kept working her, using my thumb on her mound till she shuddered and orgasmed again.

I decided to be really bitchy and to show just how nasty and wanton these Greek sluts were. I got up and walked over to Artemis, kissed her and whispered "You’re right you would have won like you said if Ekaterina hadn’t fallen, I bet you’re mad as hell with her." Artemis nodded; I ran my hands over her back and cupped her ass pulling her yet closer to me as I kissed her again. "And you’re a hot babe too, hotter then Ekaterina. She got you into this didn’t she, she set up the fight didn’t she, and she made you lose didn’t she? Guess you’d like some revenge." I kissed her again then darted over s to Will’s bike and picked a cucumber from the pannier box and stepped back to Artemis. I stroked her pussy with the end of the cucumber. "Wouldn’t you just love to fuck Ekaterina with that, wouldn’t you just love to cum and make Ekaterina cum too, just like a double headed dildo." Without waiting for her answer I slid the tip into the smaller Greek’s slit, she moaned, I pushed it up and down, gently easing the vegetable in further. "Now hold onto it and take Ekaterina, she deserves it and she wants it – you can see that she is so horny."

"Fuck you can’t do this to me" Ekaterina wasn’t amused.

"Oh yes she can and she will" I retorted "Deb grab Ekaterina’s arm, kick her leg apart, I’ll take her other" my actions fitted my words and Deb helped too, in a moment we had the big Greek’s legs spread her arms pinned behind her back just ready for Artemis.

"You’ll be sorry after" Ekaterina tried to bluster,

"Take it" sneered Deb, "your problem is you’re too used to being top bitch." Deb lent forward and caressed Ekaterina’s nipple. Ekaterina moaned. Artemis kissed her friend as Deb and I held her and as Artemis slowly, almost gently worked the cucumber inside Ekaterina’s slit. Within a few moments the two Greeks were moaning, it was hard to tell who was fucking whom.

I smiled at Deb, we had certainly won this contest.

Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


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Re: Lake skirmish
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 06:14:00 AM »
Hmm, always enjoy a nice Greek salad - Tee hee!  ::) ;D
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)



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Re: Lake skirmish
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2009, 12:59:18 AM »
Another great story Jenn, always like reading your stuff. However i know what i like to do to Deb or Debby if i ever had the chance.  :D