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Boat Battle

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Offline peccavi

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Boat Battle
« on: October 11, 2008, 10:29:12 PM »

"Damn phone," I thought groping in my handbag as the train clattered over points, almost knocking me off balance. Finally finding it I answered "Hello Jenn Peccavi".

"Hi Jenn how are you? I’ve been trying to find you."

I couldn’t place the voice. "Yeah and who is this?"

"Brendan. Where are you? What’s the noise?"

"CTA. I'm on the El going home and err but who are you?" I struggled to place the name Brendan.

"You’ve forgotten me. Guess I can’t have made that much an impression. Sorry Jenn.”

"Just remind me. No, no, my mind just needs a jolt to recall the details."

"I met you at the Lloyd’s Bank Bar in the Magic Mile about two months ago"

Oh shit the dreamy futures broker. And I almost snapped at him! Have I stuffed up big time! "Sorry Brendan yes I do remember you. It’s been a while that’s all"

"Yes it has but not because I forgot you. I’ve tried texting you and phoning you. Anyway what are you doing this weekend? Ever been sailing? Would you like to come with me? I sail most weekends and want to cruise up to Ocean Beach on Saturday. I d love to show it to you."

I was amazed, I thought after he knew I was an office clerk from the poor burbs he would have dropped me and here he was asking me out. "Don’t know anything bout sailing"

His voice dropped, "err it was just an idea. Sorry if you don’t like it. Hey it was nice meeting you and all that." his voice tailed off. He sounded dejected.

Stuff it Jenn! Why do I always shoot myself in the foot! "No Brendan I’d like to come I really would just that I needed to warn you."

"Great! So you’ll come?"


"Great! Bring your swimsuit a set of old clothes and tennis shoes for the boat and a change cuz I’m going to take you to lunch at the Yacht Club at Ocean Beach. I'll see you at the Yacht club marina at 8.30 on Saturday." He hung up giving me no chance to change my mind.

I was apprehensive about the weekend. Not only would I make an idiot of myself sailing but also I’d be way out of place at where ever he was taking me for lunch. It was sure to be upmarket and snobbish. But I went. He was too nice a guy and had too many hot tips for making money not to go. All my fears about sailing were justified in the first 10 minutes. I had no idea what to do or where to do it. But somehow we got out into the lake proper and it seemed easier there were fewer things to do and more time to do them in. It was still bloody hard but at least I wasn’t feeling such an idiot by the time we were about to go back into shore at Ocean Beach. And then I made a fool of myself again.

We were trying to tack into the harbour. Brendon was piloting and I had a real struggle with the sail. It hadn’t mattered how long I took out in Lake Michigan there was plenty of room and lots of time but here it was all confined and I just blew it. The sail just fluttered for ages and we almost rammed another boat. I was so anxious and trying to get the winch to work that I didn’t see the boom swing back till Brendon yelled, "Watch it Jenn" and almost as the same second the boom cracked the back of my shoulder and I fell overboard spluttering. He must have turned the engine on for I heard it roar and in a moment he was back with me hauling me into the boat.

"Oh I am an idiot. I am so sorry Brendon"

"Don’t worry babe, it’s my fault. I was piloting." He kissed and hugged me tightly. I still felt a complete idiot. It really was my fault. But it was nice of him to take the blame. "Come on lets get into harbour and you can get changed. The club is right on the pier.”

We docked- at least I did that right securing the boat to the pontoon and I made my way into the bathroom for a shower and change feeling very stupid indeed. I was sure all eyes were on me, my face flushed. I came out dressed again and looking my best only to see 2 women talking to Brendon. One was a stunning blonde with huge tits- must have been 34DD bra – that is if she had been wearing a bra and an all round great figure clad only in the skimpiest bikini. She had her hand on his arm as he stood at the bar. The other girl- a brunette- was almost as sexy looking. Both were way out of my league in looks, both could have been models at least in sports magazines, they weren’t anorexic enough to be fashion models. I gritted my teeth as I heard the blonde say "and who is the girl you are with. She doesn’t know anything much bout sailing."

I walked up to her. "No I don’t but at least I mind my own business. Excuse me please. Brendon can we sit down somewhere quiet for a few minutes. My head is ringing"

"Yeah it would be, from where you got caught by the boom. Brendon who is this girl and where did you find her?" The blonde giggled stroking his arm.

"This is Jenn Peccavi, and I met her in the Lloyd’s Bank Bar in the Magic Mile."

I thought that Brendon naming the swank bar would impress the two sluts but I was taken back by the brunette’s reaction. She turned white. She grabbed at the blonde’s arm, pulled her away and muttered something in her ear. ` Then she said "excuse us, we need to visit the bathroom."

The blonde muttered something to the brunette before turning to Brendon simpering "You will wait for us, you promise you won’t run away now.’

Brendon nodded and the brunette almost dragged the blonde away.

I shook my head "I wonder what got into them. Anyway lets grab a drink."
We found a table and sat. But then the two sluts returned. I was anxious and annoyed- anxious because the girls were so much better looking then me. I was annoyed because Brandon and I had sat down for a quiet drink and we were getting on so well. He was intelligent, and I was enjoying his conversation. Some of it, like classical music and art was way beyond me- I saw I would have to take evening classes if I wanted to hold on to this guy! But some of it like politics and this free trade nonsense the Republican are pushing were things I knew about –thanks to my father and the other members of the United Steelworkers local.
Of course I was on my best behaviour, no swearing, no derogatory comments about migrants –legal or illegal- not dominating the conversation, asking lots of open questions and drawing Brendon out. I remembered to be polite to everyone particularly the waiters. And I was in another of the dresses Margie had made for me. Less formal then the one I had worn when first I met Brendon but still flattering me as much as it could. Margie was a great dressmaker. Even I thought I looked almost attractive in this sundress.

And now this blonde in the skimpiest bikini waltzed in sat between Brendon and me and was trilling at him. She was asking him how to sail asking him to teach her and pressing her huge udders against him at every chance she got. And Brendon damn him was lapping it up just like every guy. Here it was again. Every chance I had I messed up, every time I did anything special I got kicked in the ass. They say you make your own luck. Maybe but when you’re fat and poor and not that clever, you got to make much more of it just to get the luck most people are born with.
I knew I was getting flustered, my face burned as I flushed so. I had to do something, anything!
I turned to Brendon ‘how about I buy you lunch in the dining room’. I thought I was being very clever because I had been past the club dining room and seen the dress code. Strictly Jacket and Tie for the men – just like Brendon was wearing - and dresses for "ladies". The slut wouldn’t get in with her bikini! I could have him all to myself again.

But Brandon replied "Err" he looked anxious as if he was worried or embarrassed. Then he spoke again "No Jenn its my treat today, I cant have you buying me a meal here I invited you." Then he said something under his breath and I didn’t quite catch it.

"Brendon I hope you didn’t say ‘anyway you couldn’t afford the prices here’" I burned with shame- muttering "does he think I am some basket case off the street, that I am some charity girl?" I was furious now. Mad as hell with these bitches for ruining my day mad as a wild bull with Brendon for letting them ruin it.

“Err no" he said blushing. That blush told me he had said it. " No Jenn …umm it’s a bit early for lunch yet. How about another drink?" He looked around and made to get up and the blonde pawed him. "Err you too girls". He waved to the blonde and her friend including them in his offer.

"Lets go out on the terrace and watch the race. Its just starting and I have some friends competing. Come on Jenn and …err

"Sharon and Lisa" the blonde simpered.

Well! Yacht racing is so boring. A spectator sport? I would rather look at paint drying. But this blonde bitch and her friend sucked up to Brendon agreeing with him and half dragging him –each with an arm through one of his arms up to the terrace. I followed –if I didn’t I’d lose him and for that matter my only way of getting home. But a surge of people delayed me – I wasn’t going to be rude and barge through them –not when there were a pack of children. So when I got to the terrace Sharon and Lisa were sitting one on either side of Brendon the blonde with her body pressed against his side.

"Pull up a seat Jenn" suggested Brendon pointing to a chair on the other side of the table. "I'll get you all some more drinks"

I sat down across the table from Brendon glaring at the two sluts. Brendon got up and got the drinks. He came back. He picked up the chair he had been sitting on as if to move it. The blonde reached out her hand. "Hey, don’t tell us you’re leaving. Brendon, surely you’re not going to leave us ladies alone."

"Err" Brendon was tongue-tied.

"Don’t go Brendon." The blonde pulled his chair back next to her.

Brendon muttered something and sat down again. The two sluts kept prattling along while I got more and more morose. Every time Brendon said something to me –which was not nearly as often as he should have! - one of the sluts answered before I had a chance to.

All the time I was thinking about this mess. "How dare Brandon! He asks me out and then pays attention to any whore who throws her tits in his face " I looked across. He seemed a bit flustered. For sure. Any guy with those udders in his face would. And then -damn it- I remembered how great on it had been on the water. He paid so much attention to me. And he did say that he had been trying to reach me for two months."
"What’s the matter Jenn? Brendon asked eventually.

"Nothing" I mumbled looking at the table.

"Perhaps she’s grumpy all the time" the blonde giggled. "You’ve hardly had a nice word to say since we got here" She was just about sitting in Brendon's lap now.

I bit my tongue.

"Nah" her friend replied "she just don’t like us do you?"

"Well" I began then cut off, whatever I said would be wrong here.

"Nah" the blonde chimed in again. It’s cuz we broke in her little session with you Brendon. She wanted you all to herself, I can’t blame her for that." She giggled and squirmed in her seat rubbing her tits over his shirt.

I almost stood up in my chair. "Cut that out. I am not a possessive girl, Brendon isn’t"…I broke off for I was about to say he isn’t my boyfriend. But that would really shoot myself in the foot because I hoped he might be.

"I’m not what?""

"Oh I don’t know, Brendon. What I do know is before these two bitches came in and started pawing you we were having a good civilised pleasant time. And now look." I got to my feet and turned to the blonde "why do have to come where you’re not wanted. Why don’t you fuck off?"
She stood up too and glared at me across the table. "So you are possessive and you do want Brendon all to yourself. Well sugar he is big enough to make up his own mind and I don’t think he wants us to leave. And well …looking at you and me you have to ask yourself who would a guy rather be with."

"Shut up slut and get out of here."

"It’s a free country I'll stay here thank you"

Brendon opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. I couldn’t resist any longer my anger boiled over. I stood up and slapped the blonde hard on her face." "Fuck off you slut and leave my guy alone."

Her head spun, her long flaxen hair flared. She stumbled. Stilettos never support anyone. She screamed at me. "You fat bitch how dare you!"

Then she surprised me. I was sure she was just a bit of fluff. But the bitch could fight. She counterattacked launched quickly by grabbing a hand full of my hair with her left hand while pummelling my face with her right fist. Simultaneously she began pumping knees into my belly and lower body. She was a dirty fighter she was, trying to drive her knee into my crotch.
But I fought back protecting my vulnerable lower body with a thick thigh and punching and swinging my knee at her body as well. For the better part of a minute we went at it toe to toe, battering each other's body and face with a series of blows knees and kicks. Someone grabbed her from behind. I saw it was a security guard. He lifted her off her feet.

She kicked and squirmed while clawing at the guy. Some other guard grabbed me. He didn’t try to pull me off my feet. I don’t think he could have. And any way the other guard was doing it more to grope the blonde then because he had to.
. "You ladies will have to leave". The agitated voice of the maitre d intoned.

"Not until I kick her fat ass!" snapped the blonde

"That will be the day you blonde bimbo!" I glared as she stuffed her wayward right breast back into her bikini top.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 07:53:52 AM by peccavi »
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline peccavi

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Re: Boat Battle part 2
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2008, 10:30:13 PM »
At that point someone else intervened. A tall distinguished looking older man with sweptback steel grey hair spoke up. "If you ladies really insist on settling your disagreement this way, you are welcome to do so on my boat, much more private there, no one to interfere." Looking to Lisa and Brendan. " And your friends are more than welcome to come along, there is plenty of room."

The bitch immediately hissed "I’ll fight you any where you fat slug."

I glared back "You are so much meat bimbo.’

As we walked to the man's boat I thought over what had happened. It had felt so good to slap the blonde slut! It felt even better when I saw her stumble and when her counter attack failed. I knew- just knew- that while she was surprised I had attacked her she was amazed that I deflected her blows. I had her. I knew I did. I think she knew that too.

But I was glad when the security staff broke us up. Firstly I really hadn’t wanted to fight at all, that was something the old Jenn did not the one I was going to be with Brendon. Secondly I didn’t want to fight in that new dress, it was too classy t to be ripped. But when the bitch said she wanted to continue the fight there was no way I was going to call quits. If she wanted to be beaten she would be. I just hoped that was the right attitude for Brendon.

I saw Sharon making eyes at the yacht owner who introduced himself as Bob Michel. I knew why when I saw his boat. Brendon’s was a sailing boat, designed for day trips; this was a motor ship that could sail the Atlantic. And it just showed that Sharon was after money- dirt digging bitch.
I had grabbed my bag when we left the club. Now in the cabin of the boat I had to choose what to wear. The clothes I had sailed in were still wet, they smelt dank, of oily water from when I had fallen in the lake and I didn’t want them on.

But apart from that I only had my swimsuit. Now my one piece was ‘modest’ it was what older ladies wore, but it suited me because all I ever wanted to do in the pool was swim my daily 1000 metres and get out. Not like this slut who looked as if her slutty micro bikini needed dry cleaning. But the bitch had it all over me in looks. Wearing the swimsuit would just show I am fat and plain. But I thought that hadn’t stopped Brendon from chatting to me in the bar when we first met and it hadn’t stopped him from asking me out again, But my dark side told me he hadn’t seen me in a swim suit he hadn’t seen this bitch. I would just have to pulp her and show that despite being fat and plain I was more then a match for her.

I walked up to the main deck worried but feeling the buzz I almost always felt when I was about to fight Brendon seemed about to say something as I came in but broke off. There was a seat next to him but I didn’t want to embarrass him so I sat at the table next to one of Michel’s friends.
It pissed me off to have to sit at the same table as Sharon while the staff cleared an area for us. It pissed me off even more that we were the entertainment for Michel and his friends.

I didn’t do fight clubs any more. But the bitch seemed in her element, chatting away, sipping her drink smiling at everyone except me. I caught her shooting loving glances at Michel from time to time – I had seen that sort of look before, the look that said "you can fuck me if the money’s right", the look that every whore had. She was sitting next to him pressing her body against his.
Finally and it seemed a long time but it was probably only a few moments they finished and Bob Michel tapped Sharon on the butt and said ‘come on lets see how you brawl you’ve been telling me how you do it now actions speak louder then words."
We both got up and circled each other trading slaps for a few moments as if each of us was testing the other out. Then Sharon closed in trying to wrestle me to the ground with her arms around my waist. I stood firm, my weight again coming in useful and yanked her hair painfully with one hand and let fly with my other landing a punch on her chin. She gasped at that. Pleased I landed a few more punches some on her face some on her shoulders before she broke off retreating and snarling.

She looked as if she might be stronger then me but I was sure I had more stamina. So I had to stay the course and wear her out. She attacked again this time punching at me and once again as she had done in the club trying to knee me in the groin. I stepped back and sideways copping some of her punches but landing my own and avoiding her kick.

The bitch stepped back. I saw why. Her bikini top was hanging down over her hips. She stepped back again putting her self out of my reach and she then reached down, unfastened and discarded it, much to the delight of the mostly male audience. She looked to Michel to see what the unveiling of her huge tits had. He smirked. She smiled. She threw the top away. Not too far that it was out of reach though.

Then she did some sort of dance with her tits. She raised her fists, went up onto tiptoes, and began bouncing, bobbing, weaving, and causing her heavy tits to jiggle and shake.I couldn’t help but look at the Sharon dancing around with her bare tits. It made me mad to see a slut carrying on like that it made me madder yet to see the men zeroing in on the slut and those huge tits. Even Brendon was staring. I didn’t know what I would say to him later, if there was a later for him and me. I didn’t think there was going to be for he was sitting next to the sluts friend who had her hand round his shoulder, her thigh pressed against him. And it had started out so good this morning! And it had been him who had invited me.

But so far I was beating the slut. I was going to have to do more then just beat her though, humiliation was what I had in mind! I glanced at Brendon who was shaking his head and then he glanced up at me with the oddest most unreadable look. I was still trying to work out what he meant when a blur of movement warned me too late that Sharon had finished her striptease routine and was fighting again. Her kick sent me staggering backward gasping. I am only glad it was to my head, if she had aimed for my belly she would have winded me and knocked me to the ground and the fight would have probably been over then. As it was, my head rang, I had to step back and recover and I needed time. But she didn’t give me time. No I have to give her that she was on to me faster then I thought possible. She laid several punches on my face, punches I couldn’t counter at the moment. I dropped back, trading space for time. At least there was plenty of room here unlike a ring. She moved in clearly trying to corner me between a table and the cabin wall. I had run out of space.
But I wasn’t finished yet. She came in close, I let her, I had to take the risk. She thought she had me in a clinch but I grabbed both of those huge tits- one in each hand and yanked on them twisting each sideways, digging my nails deep into the soft flesh. She screamed. I hoped I had hurt her badly. She slammed a few more punches into me but I kept twisting and mauling those assets of hers. I had wanted to twist and mash those tits of hers but they were too big for me to hold properly. I don’t know if it was the pain or the thought that her boy magnets would be damaged and she couldn’t flaunt them that made her break off But whatever it was she dropped back a few paces allowing me to move forward and now land punches on her.

And I could punch. But that wasn’t all I planned. I wanted those tits again. I groped for them. She tried to respond by punching hard. Each time I got within grabbing distance of those orbs she slammed punches into me and stepped back. Her blows to my face and sides hurt. But now I got her in a clinch my self and slammed her body against the cabin wall. It was one of the first moves I had learned. I had seen boxers and wrestlers always trying to push their opponent into the turnbuckles. I had seen it caused a lot of pain and I thought a wall -something harder with no give in it would cause more. I had been right. And now Sharon was, I hoped, going to find out just how much pain it did cause.

And it did. She started to cry. She was hurt. Her body slumped. It seemed her legs couldn’t support herself any more. She wrapped her arms round me- more I think for support then to continue the fight. Once again I felt that hot passionate blood lust surge through me- the feeling that I had every time I felt I was winning a fight. Sometimes it turned to ashes when I lost but this time was going to be different.

I was so sure I was going to trash the blonde there and then. She was crying! Only a weakling would cry this early in a fight. She was so scared I was going to do something to her precious tits, as if they were her only assets. Well they might have been too. She didn’t seem clever though she was certainly street smart in the way she made me show my rough side to Brendon, the side I had tried so hard to mask. She was street smart too in how she cottoned onto Brendon, almost forcing me to sit opposite to him, in how she played on my other weaknesses, on my fears. But until she bit me hard over my mouth drawing blood I didn’t think she was street smart in fighting.
But now I knew differently. Her bite made me scream in pain. I had to think. Most women bite and let go. She was different. She kept biting. So if I pulled back she would take a chunk of flesh. I’d seen that happen before. Every girl who had had a piece bitten out of her like that had lost the fight. I guess the pain and perhaps loss of blood had done for them. It wasn’t going to happen to me. But what was the answer? Quickly I surveyed my options. Not enough room to knee her, punching might work but it might not too and anyway she can punch as well. If I step back but keep my head in the same place she might knee me in the groin. No; only one thing for it.

Keeping my body pressed hard against hers, I pinched her nose between thumb and forefinger tightly and punched out with my free hand. She punched me back, and with both hands landing punch after punch in my kidney but nothing was going to make me let go of her nose. She couldn’t breathe with my fingers blocking the nasal passages unless she gave up biting.
And after a seemingly endless time but probably less then a minute she did so. I dropped back.
Again I had to trade time for space. But this time my mouth hurt horribly. This time her punches were more aimed. This time she was even more aggressive. And this time she was doing far more damage to me. I could feel her punches telling on me. I knew my breath was becoming laboured that I was panting. Worse still I saw that she knew she was winning. Again I had to think quickly. Deciding to appear more tired and weaker then I was, I gasped and panted, I let more of her punches through. She smirked and closed on me her hands up boxing aiming no doubt to do further damage to my face. But in so doing she had exposed her tummy. I raised my knee and landed a blow. She made a whooshing sound. She looked at me and hissed.

"I'm not done yet you whore." I muttered as I followed my lunge with some punches to her tits deciding to hit what she seemed to value most, to put her on the defensive again.

"No but you will be, you fat trailer trash" The bitch had hit home physically and now she was hitting hard mentally. How she could have hit on the two things I was most sensitive about my weight and my parents’ poverty I don't know but she had. I had to fight to keep myself focused and not lash out wildly in my anger. I closed on her gritting my teeth. Shoving my leg between and behind hers, and pushing hard with my body, using my weight to slam into her I tried to trip her up. She staggered back but remained upright.

Once more I attacked. Once more I slammed punches into her tummy and she responded with punches to my face and upper body. We kept circling each other, weaving to block each other’s punches, angling our bodies to present smaller targets. I felt my punches were doing more damage when they hit her but she hit me more often with hers. Trading blows like this was not getting me anywhere. It was becoming a war of attrition. I repeated my previous successful tactic of grabbing and clawing her tits. Such a big target was hard to miss. She squealed loudly and dropped back again forcing me to let go. . Her punch in reply went wild. Perhaps this was the way! I followed her closing on her and again mauling her tits. She whimpered. I moved in closer keeping my head back this time. I got her in a clinch grabbing her and holding her. I swung my head back then sharply forward hoping to head butt her face!

And it worked. I hit her nose. I felt a spray of blood on my forehead. I glanced up seeing her nose all red and bloody. Yes!

My head butt had worked! I hadn’t expected it to work nearly as well as it had. One minute she was winning her punches hitting home damaging me more often then my punches hit her. And she was winning this punching match even after I had slowed her assault. Then I had her tits. I thought that slowed her up. She didn’t like that; she couldn’t cope with it. But she still had plenty of fight in her. I had seen how she had broken off before and attacked and bit me. She was a dirty fighter.

But then came my head butt. It was more by luck then aim that I got her nose. I felt droplets of her blood spray out as she spluttered. This was payback time for her bite to my face which was still dribbling blood. I hardly believed my luck when I saw her begin to slide to her knees still holding her face.

This was also time to show the slut who was winning! I stepped forward, raised my leg and shoved my foot forward and down, right into the blonde’s tummy. She gasped as my foot forced the wind out of her lungs. I pushed harder. She toppled onto the floor on her back. She pushed her legs up in the air to defend herself. I tried to sidestep them but she swiveled, keeping her kicking legs between her body and me. She wasn’t beaten yet. On the way yes but the fight wasn’t finished. I stepped back waiting for her to get to her knees hoping to then charge in and attack with kicks. But she was too smart for that. She got to her knees her hands out to defend herself. I realised if I rushed in there was every chance she would grab my leg and turn the tables by yanking me off balance.

I took the chance to regroup and rest for a moment. I needed it. She had inflicted a lot of damage, not only was my face bitten, but my ribs and belly were sore from her punches. I had to catch my breath, for I was tired. The minute or so was vital.

I glanced round the cabin. The atmosphere was different somehow. I sensed that most had been cheering for the blonde bitch but now that had changed. Brendon had moved away from Sharon’s friend. He caught my eye and smiled widely. Perhaps there was a future for us after all.
I closed on the slut determined to end this fight quickly and in victory for me. I flung my arms round her and pulled tightly in what I hoped would be a crushing bear hug keeping my face as far from hers as possible- I didn’t want any more bites. I dug my knuckles into her spine. I hoped to squeeze the breath from her or to walk her back till I could slam her into something- a table, the cabin wall, it didn’t really matter what so long as it would hurt her enough to make her stop fighting.

And once again I thought I had it won when the blonde bitch simply slapped weakly at my arms as I squeezed the air out of her lungs. She was no longer putting up any fight. I began to plan what I would do to finalise the fight and the thought of a humiliating face sit smother flashed across my mind. That was sure to please the boys here- but would it please Brendon who I thought of –why I didn’t know- as a little more sensitive then the red in tooth and claw guys who I had dated in the past.

Suddenly my almost pleasant daydream was shattered. The blonde slut proved she still had a lot fight in her by slamming my ears with her palms. It wasn’t only my daydream that was shattered, my eardrums almost were. They rang, I could hardly think straight for a moment. Once again I had to drop back and regroup. But this time she seemed too tired to follow her attack. Just as well too for again I needed time to recover.

I looked across the room at her. She was a mess, her nose bleeding from where I had so unexpectedly succeeded beyond my dreams with that headbutt, her almost perfect huge breasts red and bleeding from the scratches I had inflicted earlier. Her body heaved as she sucked in air. But I would look no better. My cheek still dribbled blood from where she had bitten before and my arms were scratched and marked just as hers. But it had proven one thing. I had been right to wear the ‘modest’ swimsuit. That decision had protected my body from her scratches, her slaps, but her bare body-had been so exposed. So much for flaunting her beauty. I had to admit though that even with the scratches and marks she was still a sexy woman- though one who was so clearly a slut.

But just looking at her got me nowhere. I had to attack, to regain the momentum I was still sure I had been building, a momentum that was pushing the battle my way. I moved in cautiously determined not to give her the chance to repeat her tactics. I closed on her, punching at her, she parried a few and punched back scoring a few blows of her own. It seemed though now unlike before my punches were coming as fast as hers and just as before my punches were doing more damage to her then hers were to me. I was wearing her down. But trading punches, even inflicting damage on her by punches was not my main aim. I. There were too many things that might go wrong between now and when I had worn her down. No I had to crush her. And I had to crush her now! And I hoped a swift victory would look better to the men.

I moved closer yet, feinting as if to grab her tits with my hands as I had done twice before so successfully in this match. Sharon concerned for her much prized assets defended them with her hands up in front of her body. But I reached past them, slapping my hands on her ears just as she had done to me. "Two can play at that game bitch." Before she had a chance to recover I swiftly jerked my knee up aiming to land it in what I hoped was her already weakened tummy.
She dropped to her knees. And not a moment too soon either. I was nearing the end of my endurance. But I had beaten off her challenge. I looked at her, her beautiful breasts torn and red from my scratches, her face would be covered with bruises tomorrow –so would her slim but badly scratched waist. Her nose was a mess, I wondered if I had broken it. I could hear her panting, rasping breath. But best of all she was on her knees.

But again the bitch surprised me by flinging her arms round my legs and tackling me to the ground. She didn’t waste time in following up her move. Rather even before I had enough time to sit up she surged forward still on her knees, her hands stretched out to push my shoulders to the floor and thein I am sure she planned to pin me there while she straddled me. From there I thought she would try to bounce on my belly and wind me. She was already kneeling next to me. All she had to do was swing a leg over. I had to act now!

Her breasts swung temptingly and I grabbed one in each hand twisting and digging my nails into them. I knew she couldn’t take that for long. She gasped and grunted and let go of my shoulders swinging her hands up to pull at mine and pull me away from her breasts. But in doing so she exposed her tummy. And I took advantage smashing my knee into it. She gasped and dropped back on her haunches allowing me to get up on my knees. I slung my arms round her pulling her tight drawing her body closer to mine. Now again I had her in a bear hug but this time I had a different plan. I was sure she expected me to try to crush the wind out of her but now I swung my body to one side, taking her with me, dragging her off her own knees. Then I let her go pushing her as hard as I could. She fell to the floor on her side.

Now it was my turn! I grabbed her shoulders and repeated her move. I pinned her.

I was ready to bounce on the slut’s belly and squash all the air out of her lungs and so put an end to the big titted whores attacks, when she grabbed me. I gasped. She had pulled me forward. Our bodies, hot slick sweaty were coupled together. I felt her hard nipples against my swimsuit. She jerked hard. Using her body weight and it seemed from her gasps her remaining strength she pulled me forward further till we both crashed to the ground. I was on top of her but she pushed and pulled till we rolled onto our sides.
I was so furious. Once again it seemed I had been on the verge of winning and now the fight was on again. We rolled around on the floor still holding onto each other with one hand while we traded blows with the other. I was wearing out. My endurance was almost at an end. I was panting, my body heaved as I sucked in air. She seemed if possible worse yet but she wasn't giving up. I had to do something to put an end to this.

Sharon attacked my hair, jerking it as she had before. My head rang. I pushed with my arms on her shoulders. At last my weight began to bear on her. I felt her drop back a bit. I pulled my knee up and pushed it into her tummy. She grunted, I hoped in pain and her hand released my hair. I pushed again with my hands on her shoulders and felt her drop back to the floor. I smiled as I looked at her and my hands completed the pin.

I looked at her. Her heavy and magnificent breasts were heaving; they were red with the cuts and scratches I had inflicted. Once more I thanked heaven that I had worn a modest swimsuit that had given me some protection.

Without letting go of the pin I got to my knees. Sharon punched at me. I took the punch heavily. It hurt. But I didn’t let go. I moved to her head. I let go of her shoulders and jerked her head up then slammed it to the floor. She seemed dazed for a second. Just long enough to do what I wanted. I straddled her head my knees just pressing against her shoulders lightly, my body over her head. I dropped my ass on her face. I reached forward and tried to grab her hands. I got one and pinned it beneath my knee. I reached for the other one.

She had evaded my grasp and clawed the outside of my thigh with her remaining free hand. But it was impotent. She couldn’t do much. Stupid bitch if she had clawed the inside of my thigh she would have done so much more. My tummy still burned with the pain she had inflicted earlier by her punches and kicks.

I renewed my efforts to grab her one free hand. If I got that she was as good as meat. I would have won. I was going to ask her if she gave, not humiliate her with a facesit till she lost consciousness. Although, again I thought when I looked at some of the guys the facesit did look a good idea. But not with Brendon, I was going to show I was civilised that I was a good kind and loving girl. How he must have felt about me now, I shuddered. But the bitch had started it. She had provoked me. She wouldn’t let me alone. Yeah I had lashed out first fists were my only weapon at time, fighting was the only way I knew to solve things. I looked up at Brendon; sighed and thought will there still be a future for me with him?

But then Sharon showed she was still not defeated. She was such a tough bitch! I had to admire her! She bridged her body, it arched up, she was still trying to throw me off. Her whole shapely body, so much better then mine, arched up as she pushed up with her legs. I felt her head move under my butt, she was probably trying to toss it, to make me unstable. But it wasn’t going to work. That was the beauty of a facesit. If your opponent was weakened- and that was the only time you did it- you had her because even trying the bridge as Sharon was didn’t work very well. She could arch her body, she could twist it, but her head was still on the ground. Still under my butt.

Grimly I held on in my facesit but seized one of her huge tits in my hand and twisted it hard. I hissed at her "Give in bitch give in! I'll let you go if you give in or if you don’t I'll smother you".
She said nothing. I clawed at her tits. She yelped and then she tapped three times on the floor. "You give bitch?" I raised my butt an inch or so.

"Yes’ she whispered.

That was all I needed to hear. But the crowd needed to hear it too. “Say it again slut.”
"Yes I give"
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline peccavi

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Re: Boat Battle Part 3
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2008, 10:30:56 PM »
I stood up. I wanted a shower, I wanted to rest but most of all I wanted Brendon to hold me. I turned to the blonde’s friend. "Lisa, help your friend up. She fought well. She needs some dressings on those cuts." I tried to show I was caring and considerate, even of the bitch who had bitten me. And it was true. She had been one tough bitch.
"Thanks Lisa" Sharon muttered. She got to her feet and, helped by her friend, stumbled away towards the washrooms.

I stood for a moment or two. Brendon sat there looking at me. His face was burning red, he mumbled something.

I glanced at Sharon as she left. I had fought her, I had beaten her and Brendon just sat there. "Yes Brendon? Are you sorry that slut’ I bit my tongue "Sharon I mean- was beaten? Perhaps its true, she really was more to your taste then me." I was almost crying now. But I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. If he wanted the bitch he could have her. If she was still interested in him. I turned on my heel and walked to the cabin where I had left my gear. There was no shower there; I had to make do with trying to wash myself in the washbasin. I was so sore. I ached all over. Already I saw bruises forming. My cuts were red; some were still weeping blood. I dabbed at myself with the towel. This wasn’t getting me anywhere. I needed some antiseptic cream; I needed some band-aids. I wrapped the towel round myself, opened the door, stuck my head out and yelled up the passage. "I need some help, can someone bring me some cream and bandaids."

I closed the door again and sat down on the berth my head in my hands. It was too much. The high of the fight was wearing off-it usually did –especially if I was on my own afterwards. I started to cry. I tried not to. No one ever saw me cry! Not like this anyway! I had won the fight. But I had lost Brendon. I would have to swallow my pride and ask him to take me back home. I guessed I would never see him again.

I don’t know how long I sat like that. A few minutes I guess but it seemed ages. There was a knock at the door. "Thanks.  Yeah put it on the table please" I called out holding the towel around me as I sat.

"Jenn, look at me please."

"Brendon?" I was startled. "I thought it was the house boy."

"Can I sit with you hun? Please" he faltered.

"Damn it! No!"

"Please Jenn"

“No, I already said it! You may not. I am a mess! I feel like shit! And I look worse!"

"Please Jenn, you don’t look like that to me. "

"Go to that blonde. You were all over her before."

"Jenn, she was all over me. What could I do? Did you want me to be rude and tell her to run away? Yes I guess after what I saw today you would. I never saw girls fight like that before. You were amazing. But I thought you were amazing before. When I first met you, you were amazing. So clued up on politics, on things that matter. Most girls don’t know what goes on in the world. You did. You do. You care. You’re worth so much more then that bit of fluff."

He paused. I peeked up he stood there still in his coat and tie looking confused. "Well you didn’t seem to mind the bit of fluff cuddling you, sitting next to you, pressing her tits against you. You’re like all guys." I was not going to cry. I was not going to let this guy see how he had hurt me by playing with that bitch.

"Don’t you remember how I tried to pull my chair away to go and sit next to you?" I looked up again blankly gritting my teeth. He went on "Don’t you remember how I tried to talk to you? But you never said anything." His voice trailed off. "Yeah I guess you were upset and yeah that bitch cut in every time I tried to say something to you. I kept a seat next to me in the main cabin but you didn’t sit there. You didn’t even sit at the same table. Why?"

I bit my tongue and clenched my nails into my palms. I was not going to break down in front of this guy. I reminded myself that I was Jenn Peccavi that I had just beaten yet another slut, that I was still queen bitch and better then the next woman.

He squatted down in front of me and went on "And then the fight started. I wanted to clap and cheer for you all the time you were fighting. You were so strong; nothing seemed to stop you. Lisa told me how tough you were. She knew you from somewhere. I don’t know how. She tried to get Sharon away from us. That’s why she got Sharon to go to the washroom but Sharon wanted to fight you. She said I must be one of the guys who gets hot from watching girls fight. Well she was right. I did though I’d never seen it before. But what got me hot was you, not her. She’s a bit of fluff. You’re a real woman." He took my hand. "Jenn will you come to lunch with me in the club?"

I nodded, if I had tried to speak I would have cried.

"I’ll let you shower and change. I’ll see you in 20 minutes in the main cabin."

I nodded again.

I showered and patched myself up as best I could. I came out to find Brendon in the main cabin with a spray of 24 red roses. As he kissed me and handed me the flowers I cried. I couldn’t help it. He took me in his arms. It was bliss.

Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!